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  1. Summary This clientside mod shows a compass in the bottom middle of you screen and a list of people in your current squad. It is made with SQF commands which recently have been added to Arma3 and where not available back in the days of Arma2 or early Arma3. Meaning no weird workarounds with map elements are needed anymore which just eat more frames. A strong point of this UI is its customizability and its many features are all settable with CBA settings. This mod is made as an alternative to STHUD (not the full STUI suite). Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/oNYnMAg Features Scaling Rescale the UI elements in CBA settings, text can be rescaled on its own as well! Font Choose which font is used in the UI Icon Styles Choose which icon style should be used Color Schemes Choose the colors that are used throughout the UI Compass Styles Choose how your compass should look like Choose which UI elements should be shown Enable or disable the Compass or Namelist on the fly, both or individually. Keybind to hide the UI is included Show the Bearing On Top Of The Compass Or don’t, you choose. Also possible to show milradians! Adjustable Compass Range Change the range of the compass on the fly either via CBA settings or keybindings Compass Refresh Rate Do not want to update the compass every frame? Choose the refresh rate of it! Compass Unit Occlusion Time to get lost in the jungle again! Namelist Text Size Change the size of the text of the squad name list. Smaller means more units will fit into one column! Buddy System Designate someone in your squad as your buddy, they will get their own icon so you will always find each other Show Unit Ranks SQL just died? No problem, Keybind included to see who is the next in rank Make your own styles Color, icon and compass styles on mission level are supported! Translations Currently English, French, Czech, German, Korean, Japanese, Polish and Portuguese are supported. You can help expand this list or fix things up! ACE3 Support Playing with ACE3? Support in terms of unit classes and ACE interactions have been added! ACRE and TFAR (1.0 beta) Support Additional support for popular radio mods, such as indicators when someone is speaking And more in the future! Special Variables DUI has a special variable mission makers can use. diwako_dui_special_track Array of objects in missionNamepace. Every unit or vehicle in this array will be tracked on compass. Be aware that this might be a performance issue if too many objects are added. Be also aware that you do not add a unit that is already in your squad, or else you have 2 icons for that unit. FAQ Q: What does DUI mean? A: I leave that up to you 😉 Q: Possible more icon, color or compass styles in the future? A: Sure, I am very open for suggestions and people helping to make some Q: I found a bug, where do I report it? A: Best post that to the GitHub page, makes things easier to organize Q: Can you add this feature? A: Head over to the GitHub page and request it in the issue tracker Q: Hey, I am from server XYZ can we use this mod? A: Sure! Keep the license in mind tho Q: How do I use the buddy system? A: Be in the same squad with your person of choice, look at them and be close to them. It will appear in your scroll wheel menu. If you use ACE3 however, you have to ACE interact with that person! Q: The namelist cuts off early, cannot see the last name in a column, is this a bug? A: I consider it not really being a bug as you can change the scaling for the namelist in CBA settings. Scale the text up or down under category "Namelist". Q: Does the namelist support more than 12 people A: Yup, not sure why you have that many people in one squad, but yeah. As long as your screen has width. Q: Can I move the UI elements around? A: Yes! You can edit it in the layout editor! Best refer to the bottom of this post Downloads GitHub Steam Workshop
  2. Arma 3 Characters 4K This is a simple mod that upscales the textures of Arma 3 faces and bodies to a new level of detail x16. Recommended for people who are very obsessed with graphics quality and photographers. @A3 Characters 4K https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2965541384 (Available via WorkShop). Currently Adds 109 textures with a size of 4096x4096 pixels. 1024 vs 4096 To Do list Here I'll show you what I'm working on so you can get an idea of what's to come. ✅ In principle the _CO textures, which are the Colour part, are scaled and finished with very good quality. ❌ Now I started to work on the _NOHQ which is the Normal Map part. I'm still in the process of research, so this is still alpha. ❌ I've also modified the _SMDI which is the glow and reflections part, these are being improved to make the eyes more believable and correct some old bugs in the methodology of the first ArmA 3 characters. Now, these characters are going to be quite heavy in some Gigabytes, I understand that can be a problem, but that's the thing about modern game graphics. Here are some pictures of progress, thank you & feet. Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)
  3. BettIR - IR Improvement for ARMA (Alpha Release) Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260572637 Also, if you liked my work and would like to see more - feel free to support me on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vestarr Arma is a great game, but there's one thing it could never do - IR illumination. There's a lot of great things that only work in IR Spectrum, but ESPECIALLY in ACE mod, if it's dark - you're doomed. In real life, you would normally use IR illuminators for that purpose. They emit a bit of IR light to help you see stuff around you. A lot of known Night Vision Goggles have them built in; you can also find these lights in AN/PEQ-15 boxes and other weapon-mounted light combos. Unfortunately, Arma doesn't natively support such thing. However, with a bit of scripting (and magic) we can make anything work right? The mod currently only involves: - NVG-mounted IR lights (compatible with particular NVGs only) - Weapon-mounted IR lights (e.g. vanilla IR laser pointer is enough to use this functionality) - Compatible with Vanilla NVG's and IR pointers - Compatible with most RHS NVG's and IR pointers - Compatible with most CUP NVG's and IR pointers - Compatible with most USP NVG's - Allows you to use your laser along with the IR illuminator - Multiplayer Compatible! - Configurable keybinds to toggle the both lights (Ctrl + Alt + L and Ctrl + Alt + N by default) - Adjustable viewdistance - Tested with 66 AI actors with their illuminators on with minor FPS impact - Easily Extendible - see "For Developers" section below To be added soon: - Weapon-specific offsets for better approximation of the position of the light source - IR Patches - IR-only textures - Weapon-mounted illuminators - AI using it and reacting to it - Reorganizing the code architecture Known bugs: - Laggy in vehicles, potential fix in the pipeline - Position of the lights is approximated and might not be perfectly lined up to the actual position of the light source; will not fix (unless there's a method to fix it) Credits Ulfgaar - for giving me the idea to do the IR patches, which then spiraled out of control and became much more than that; for exchanging a lot of information about the real life technology and helping me understand it much more Dslyecxi - for feedback and Nightvision-related consultation OneLittleSociopath - for helping me figure out some of the optimalization concerns TheVache & Somedudechen - for helping me test this mod Disclaimer This mod doesn't change the color of the NVG's as the screenshots suggest! I used a wonderful NVG mod by Apricot to take nicer preview screenshots. You can find it here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1908374667 Licensing information can be found in the steam workshop link, to be updated soon. Contributions/suggestions welcome!
  4. Hello everyone To begin, I want to apologize in advance for my English, I am French with a small level of vocabulary, helped by Google Translate. I request your help for the French server that I am finalizing. I got the Invade & Annex mission from Ahoy World and I am facing a small texture problem. Indeed, I created my own textures in a mod but as the server will be public and therefore accessible without mod I apply the standard textures of the game and the rgb colors. So I entered the textures to apply with and without mods in the Functions \ Vehicle \ fn_vsetup02.sqf file and when I connect with the mods, the standard textures are applied. When I launch the server side mod, the moded texture appears as it should but when I reconnect without the mod, the standard textures are not loaded and therefore the vehicles no longer have bodywork. Extract of the code: private _vehicle = _this select 0; if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {}; private _vehicleType = typeOf _vehicle; [_vehicle] spawn AW_fnc_vehicleInventory; _vehicle lock 0; //=============vehicle specific FBCTexture = isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "RETEXTURE_CE"); if (FBCTexture) then { switch (_vehicleType) do { case "B_Truck_01_flatbed_F": { //HMTT Plateau _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "\RETEXTURE_CE\Data\HEMTT\truck_01_ext_01_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "\RETEXTURE_CE\Data\HEMTT\truck_01_ext_02_co.paa"]; }; }; } else { switch (_vehicleType) do { case "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F": { //Gorgon _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext2_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\rcws30_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [3, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext_alpha_co.paa"]; }; }; }; What I would therefore like is that when I connect with my mod, the moded textures appear but when someone connects without the mods, it is the standard textures that apply. In addition, when the vehicle is destroyed and must reappear, the texture must be correctly reapplied to the vehicle depending on whether the player has the mods or not. I know it works locally but I can't seem to find the solution. I have attached the Invade & Annex file to you as an attachment Thank you in advance for your help !
  5. ryanwolfe556

    Clientside Unit Insignia Issues?

    I have been able to successfully make squads both through XML hosting and ArmaSquads, then moved over to Arma Units. Across all of these, I am unable to see others or my own insignia, though, others could see it on me or themselves. This has followed me from one computer to the next, so I'm pretty sure it's not hardware, and fresh game don't seem to work either. I had a buddy of mine join my Arma Unit, he could see my insignia, on his own screen though I could still not see it on him or his vehicle. Please excuse the low quality image. He sent me a picture from his phone(i.imgur.com) I have no clue what to do anymore, suggestions?