Crni-Vuk 10 Posted August 17, 2009 I ve played the game now for qutie some time even with the frustration of the many errors. While the game can be very fun I see a few things that should be chanced as fast as possible for the longlevity of the game or I see (at least for me but I am sure it counts for many others as well) no reason how it could be eventualy still enjoyable in the far future when the frustation might become to high and some parts of the game start to wear down. I am not sure if the developers will read this but I sure hope they do so particularly if they care about their game and what the players think. This is just a rather small list of things I have in mind (with quite a lot of explanations behind the points) which though should be changed AS FAST AS POSSIBLE since its really a issue regarding the fun and flow of the game. I hope no one sees in this a "rant" as its more just a oppinion of what should be done to achieve a much better and as well more realistic experience regarding gameplay and teamplay for everyone. So to start with it now - Teamkilling This is a rather simple thing everyone knows. Teamkilling always happens. But what can be seen on some servers sadly in a increasinly maner are people that do nothing else then crashing planes, helicopters and other gear in the spawn killing other players and valuable equipment and thus empty the whole server in a short time destroying the fun for everyone since when some admin isnt around the game offers not some of those options (how it seems) quite a lot of other multiplayer games have as default for years. What I am talking about is a "comfortable" kick voting menue either accesable by the main menue or in the game with a easily accessable "players list" which gives you the name, ID and stats of killing/teamkilling of each player to choose and start a "kick" vote. At the moment you have to go trough a lot of menues and what ever else to only see the statistics of the player which seem not to tell you how many team kills he has for example. Its already hard to get people to vote for a restart of the map/game leaving alone to get them in some way to kick a player eventualy or vote a admint. The game should as well offer as option for admins to set up server rules which force a kick and/or ban on players that delibaretly team kill a lot. I know other games that have tools for the server which exactly do that. If you would kill some player the victim would get the option to either forgive or not forgive the team killer with the result that if there are to many unforgiven teamkills the player gets removed from the session (eventualy even with a ban for the current game or even a permanent ban). I have yet not seen such a feature for Arma II even when it would be extremly needed! - Teamplay and Commands (inside a vehicle) Now this is something I either got wrong or just seems to be umcomfortable (which it should not be!). One thing I dont understand is why you cant see the names of people you have in your vehicle particularly when you look around. Some server have as option that you can tourn on "GPS" and see the names of your crew. It should be a default for all servers that you can see the name of those niside of "your" vehicle. For realism and teamplay. Why would a pilot not know those inside of his helicopter or simply ask for their names? Or even more important a tank crew not know his guner/driver/commander? Someome explained that people of the same squad get access to commands (left, right, stop etc.) which I think should be available to EVERYONE that are together in a vehicle either trough a seperate vehicle command menue or by using hot keys regardles which squad they are in. Its just very cumbersome regarding teamplay when you can not give simple orders to your crewman like HALT or ENEMY AT FRTONT/LEFT/RIGHT FLANK only cause hes not in "your squad" which is highly unrealistic and unlogic alike since you could simply talk to everyone in a vehicle without the need to use a "vehicle chat". Thats what hotkeys are there for. Something that is easy in real life should be easy in a game as well. To many times you have on a public server people of completely different squads jump in to your vehicle and suddenly you have no option anymore to tell them any commands since youre in a vehicle extremly limited with it. This should be changed in a way that vehicles are "sepereate" worlds from infantry so that you get access to own commands and orders that should be available to everyone inside a vehicle to report for example with the presh of a button the enemy position or just give a simple "STOP" "REVERSE" etc. order. It would increase the survivability from vehicles a lot. I play quite a lot of games dedicated to realism and for example has here a much more comfortable and realistic approach regarding vehicle commands. It offers you even differences in commands between "TOURN A BIT TO LEFT" and "TOURN LEFT COMPLETELY" and also a easy notification of enemy movements with "ENEMY TO OUR LEFT/RIGHT/BEHIND US" or seperate commands regarding either if enemy infantry or light/heavy tanks are spotet you even have commands that tell your crew if the own tank is damaged. All in all it offers a much more diversified range of commands inside a vehicle then Arma2 which makes team play in a vehicle in Red Orchestra much more rewarding compared to Arma 2.- Reporting enemy positions (in general) You most of the time report positions of enemies by cordinates which is nice, but almost no one hears on it its its bareley helpfull for your self. Not on public play. It would be a lot more easier to recognise the position of enemies in a realistic way by telling the position of the enemy by the "clock" (if its in your visible range) since only those people next to you would be affected by it and would have to care about it. Anything that is more advanced like reporting a position from a tank in a town 1000m in front of you for the air units should be done by "commands" and not automaticaly as its extremly distracting and confusing since you sometimes dont know if your "avatar" is talking about a target right next to you or some vehicle far away. It seems that here a lot of things have to be still changed and worked on. The way how positions get reported in general is more distracting then helpfull. Particularly for your self. - The share of "points/achievements" with vehicles This is pretty important and should be changed AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! Members of a vehicle should share ALL TOGETHER positive points of kills or achievements. At the moment the driver gets the kills AND TEAMKILLS! of his guner/commader which should be changed! To play as crew together should be a rewarding experience for everyone inside a vehicle and not punish the driver for a "bad" guner. You just need sometimes a person jump in the midle of a firefight insinde of your vehicle tourn the gun around and kill a friendly APC and you suddenly get 3-4 team kills on your stats which you now have to explain to the rest of your team members. Team kills should only stress those that have committed them. Nothing less! There is really no way to explain how important that is and it cant be stressed enough that it has to be changed. Many times enough you feel always punished for teamply in a vehicle cause of a lot of both unrealistic and confusing features of the game which should be not present. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites