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ARMA 2 beta build 78721

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the file is defunct / corrupt atm. so please don't download

[76906] Updated: Merged various fixes from Operation Arrowhead:

Fixed: Stop firing at vehicle crew once it is dead. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/5183)

Fixed: Rpt file no longer created in local settings when -profile is used (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13308)

Fixed: Some texture or model files not loaded from mod paths starting with @. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14039)

New: -skipintro command line option to disable loading menu cutscenes.

New: Free camera can be locked to plain objects like trees.

Fixed: AI no longer opening fire on empty vehicles.

Optimized: Improved performance when wheeled or tracked vehicles are moving (related to ground trace maintenance).

Fixed: Tanks were jumping a lot when driving over stones far from a camera (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/1707).

Fixed: Character collisions with stones often resulted in flying or being stuck. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12043)

Improved: AI cover selection improved a bit.

Improved: -cpuCount defaults improved for 6 or more then 8 CPUs.

Improved: -exThreads=3 now default for dual cores.

Fixed: SetCaptive doesn't stop AI shooting at a unit/player

Fixed: LOD switching with -exThreads=0

Fixed: Cursor on the windows borders no longer flashing when attempting to drag/resize the window.

Fixed: Fake server monitor line after client connects.

Improved: Enemy targets are now unassigned once their crew is killed.

Fixed: Win7/Vista Aero preview should no longer be activated by mouse movement while playing.

[73955] Fix: Flooding of RPT file by "Cannot find Object" and similar messages after client disconnection.

[73954] FIX: Engine crash with diag_log versus %

[73624] New: event handler "fired" returns magazine name and object of projectile.

[73622] Fixed: Slow animation step on some buildings (doors on LHD,..)

[73167] Fixed: execVM with a zero sized file has freezed the game.

Fixed: Commanding units with aiming deadzone

Improved: changed tank AI driver behaviour

[73092] Fixed: Shadows sometimes disappered, esp. when sun was behind a player.

"oldie" ARMA 2 gets some beta love too :cool:

Edited by Dwarden

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So do I still need this if I installed ARMA 2: OA release candidate 1.59 build 78955 ?

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So do I still need this if I installed ARMA 2: OA release candidate 1.59 build 78955 ?

this is ARMA 2 beta build

Your ARMA 2: OA engine is different and newer 'technology' in overall

so answer is no, You don't unless You want to play using older A2 engine

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anyway the file is defunct / corrupt atm. so please don't download

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