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Radar display for soldier unit

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Just wondering if it is possible to do this with a custom config, or if it is possible with a script.

Any help would be appreciated.



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well, I doubt it is possible, since you need a "commandercansee", "drivercansee" or "gunnercansee" for that in the vehicleconfig of the soldier. I never tested it, but I think you cannont make a player commander of itself and make it still move like a soldier.

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So is a radar or health display possible for a soldier, anybody ever figure this out?

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While health bar is possible to some extent, radar is not.

For a health bar you can either change resource.bin class RscUnitInfoSoldier if you want the change to be for all units, and you can even customize what is displayed.

Second option for a health bar is adding a unitInfoType with a value UnitInfoShip, UnitInfoAirplane or UnitInfoTank into the corresponding vehicle class.

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