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Implementing FFV (firing from vehicles)

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So I think I understand how to set it up, I need to go about defining each cargo position like a turret and have the following code in the config. If I tried this in-game would that then allow me to select the individual seat for example (Enter Seat 4) or another list of seats and have the FFV functionality, as I'm hoping this will allow me to have (Enter Hull seat 3) where the passenger is sitting on the armoured vehicle like the AAV_Cutscene in ArmA 2. I'm wanting to get something where the FFV seats are separate from the interior seats so that if the interior seating is full soldiers can mount the hull. Also would this effect their animation - as in if they were sitting would it change to another cargoAction so that FFV can work, or does FFV not effect the cargoAction with custom sitting Actions.

Class Turret

isPersonTurret 				= 1;

Edited by deltagamer

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