DnA 5155 Posted June 12, 2014 12-06-2014 EXE rev. 125058 Size: ~93 MB DATA Changed reloading sound of Zafir and Mk200 Added: H_Booniehat_tan's ground holder Added: New textures for some of the caps Changed: Scope parameter of some of the headgear Potential campaign spoilers: Uniforms added via forceAddUniform when needed Fixed: Locking of patrol vehicle when player returns from patrol Added: Some micro compositions for patrol Fixed: Colliding position by two soldiers at Rogain Added: Support for multiple vehicles returning from patrol. Only the player's vehicle will appear on the hub, but the cargo of all vehicles get stored to the pool. ENGINE Fixed: Dead body icon Disabled some fog effects when going underwater Fixed: "InventoryOpened" Event Handler fired twice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 13, 2014 13-06-2014 Multiple uploads to the Steam servers failed and so we could not update today. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 16, 2014 16-06-2014 EXE rev. 125258 Size: ~219 MB DATA Fixed: Geometries of UAV entities Changed: Sound for animations of lying wounded Fixed: Decelerons on the Wipeout so that they both extend to the same extent when banking Updated: Duty values for some animations states Minor volume changes for closure and fire mode change sounds Updated: Thermal signature of Mk200, Khaybar, Zubr and MX Fixed: Map icon size of portable mortars, offroad variants and assault boats Particle effect modules localized Potential campaign spoilers: Persistent identities between B_hub02, B_m02_1 and B_m02_2 now work correctly Used names are permanently removed from the pool of names for the auto-generated identities Icons added to user actions on hub, namely: open strategic map, start briefing, start patrol and get recommended gear Added specific identities to story characters ENGINE Fixed: Catching missing callback from Steam Improved: Formula of how inventory load affects stamina regeneration UAV: Locked camera - wavy camera rotation (first hotfix) Smoother animation when enabling / disabling mimics Fixed: Warning about assigning a bool to an int Fixed: CTD when opening inventory in combination with createAgent Classes in cfgGlasses are now able to use hidden selections (camo) Recoil offset no longer reset after every 3rd shot in full auto Changed: openYoutubeVideo disabled in scenarios (for security) Separated sharpen Post-Process prototype (no GUI integration yet) Fixed: Possible CTD in airplanes UAV: Locked camera - camera rotation set to zero when switching to manual view Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 17, 2014 (edited) 17-06-2014 EXE rev. 125279 Size: ~178 MB DATA Postponed the moment when the Wipeout cockpit starts to close to match the get in animation Added: Missing units and weapons to cfgPatches Removed: Obsolete classes from cfgPatches Minor volume changes for dry sounds, closure sounds and fire mode change sounds Fixed: Small blue artifact in Rook texture Tweaked: Thermal signature of Khaybar Fixed: No log in the Map for a hint with negative DLC parameter (there is no record in the FM for these hints, so it ended up with error message) Unintended fatigue effects have been removed until the whole fatigue technology kicks in ENGINE Added: Possibility to filter out some campaign packages and therefore create campaign menu with only part of all campaigns Fixed: Not working resume button in campaign menu Fixed: Exploitable command forceRespawn Lipsync now still works when mimics are disabled Landscape clipping optimized Fixed: Switching fire mode switches optics mode Fixed: Error popup when weaponAccessories called with non-existing weapon Sound: Added parameter sound to custom animation sources Sound: Fixed: Gear up sound after loading Added: Warning message about locked profileNamespace variables save file Edited June 18, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 18, 2014 18-06-2014 EXE rev. 125293 Size: ~178 MB DATA Same as the 1.22 main branch ENGINE Fixed: Calling underwater damage on non-local submarine Added: Checks if objects are static in map (script commands) Fixed: IRLaserOn action Hup Holland Hup Fixed: Game could crash after changing soldier's face type Muting sounds when YT player is shown Fixed: Car tracks are no longer drawn in the future Fixed: Maximum inventory load threshold could be trespassed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 19, 2014 19-06-2014 EXE rev. 125317 Size: ~113 MB DATA Added: Controls action for locking turret on an object Added: Turret locking ability for the UGV RCWS Unused GameSpy IDCs removed UAV terminals now have the correct author defined Adjusted flare size, intensity and coloring of flashlight accessory Fixed: Zone restriction module not working after respawn ENGINE Fixed: Traveling back to past Footsteps alpha and the ability for config to enable footsteps / tracks / blood in world definitions Fixed: CTD occurred when ejecting a dead unit from a car (Zeus) Added: New script commands related to UAVs - connectability (isUAVConnectable, enableUAVConnectability, disableUAVConnectability) Magazines slots should be highlighted the same way as other item types Hotfixed: Duplicating items on direct / LAN through backpacks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 20, 2014 20-06-2014 EXE rev. 125330 Size: ~70 MB DATA Added: New English protocol of Dan Brown Cleaned up and restructured HUD config for PO-30 Orca CH-49 Mohawk's inventory contains proper weapons, not OPFOR ones ENGINE Added: New scripting commands for working with mines (allMines, detectedMines, mineDetectedBy) Fixed: Duplicating items on direct / LAN through backpacks Fixed: Setting connection string when creating MP session from the game Fixed: Client getting stuck in Zeus dialog after server ends enableFatigue true; doesn't reset fatigue anymore Complete removal of the disabled GameSpy technology Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 23, 2014 23-06-2014 EXE rev. 125350 Size: ~164 MB DATA Adjusted: Environmental map on various vehicles Changed volume of reloading for most weapons Revamp of muzzle suppressors (see http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179308-Weapon-sounds-affected-by-suppressors-change-in-1-23) Overhauled inertia values for weapons and attachments. Main source of imprecision will be sights alignment, not sway distortion that will be elevated only with higher fatigue or arms damage in effect. Assault Pack (Hex) should have the right texture Fixed: Adding items to ammo box in Zeus didn't work correctly ENGINE Fixed: Prevent created agent from opening his gear Added: New scripting command for getting a list of all diag modes (diag_list) Fixed: Trigger pulling for normal man simulation tree Fixed: Not showing cutscenes in the main menu Changed warning message when profile variable space is locked to be more helpful Fixed: Suppressors override weapon specific parameters, making initSpeed, hit and cost parameters work everywhere as expected Fixed: Ragdoll false recovery Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 24, 2014 24-06-2014 EXE rev. 125365 Size: ~96 MB DATA Added: arma3diag.exe (includes diagnostic tools, excludes MP) Changed volume of closure sounds Minor volume changes of reloading sounds Adjusted materials of the small backpack Host server: Added port warning Host server: Fixed conversion of labels to upper-case Fixed: Showcase Vehicles: Player could not get in the ship Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 25, 2014 (edited) 25-06-2014 EXE rev. 125390 Size: ~98 MB NOTES We’re still fixing up Bootcamp assets, so its staging on this branch was delayed until Friday the earliest. DATA Optimized turning animation aimPrecision to comparable levels amongst weapons (x2 when standing, x3 when crouched, x4 in prone) Fixed: Aim precision values for pistol crouch and launcher standing stances to match values for other weapon types Optimized aiming precision states for adjusted stances. Since they do not have appropriate turning animation stances configured their base precision must be higher than default stance, for else they will posses unreasonable advantage over default stances. Decreased duty of running with lowered rifle in crouch position Adjusted moving speeds and duty values of certain stances to prevent unintuitive discrepancies Optimized prone stance adjustment poses aim precision New post-process filtering for Radio Protocols Fixed: Broken size of the hint area when a hint and its sub-hint were used without any other hint between them Minor changes in suppressors weights ENGINE steamQuery port is fixed to be +1 to gamePort Fixed: Possible CTD Added: Adding joined sessions to the Steam history Edited June 26, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 26, 2014 (edited) 26-06-2014 EXE rev.125433 Size: ~375 MB DATA Fixed: DLC Bundle duplicity in Expansions menu Fix did not work :( Inertia effect over new weapon sway temporarily turned off until the inertia will be fully implemented Changed launcher hit mask Decrease vertical movement of secondary weapon sway class Attempt to fix several rag-doll issues by decreasing the magnitude of hit forces applied and simultaneous increase of mass for bones to prevent them from flinching wildly Increased negative effect of damage over secondary weapon sway class. It should be hard to aim with crippled hands. Increased base speed and max speed threshold of secondary imprecision class to decrease the time needed for actual imprecision to align with cursor space A little elf hiding some caps has been found and dealt with, thus the caps shall be available again Facewear (former glasses) has mass correctly set Enabled fatigue parameter that was disabled for 1.22 ENGINE Fixed: Possible CTD in the Zeus map Hiding lights for hidden vehicles New command playerControlled (like the player command, but it will return the remote-controlled unit) Adding corpses from disconnected players to disposeManager (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17532) Edited June 27, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 27, 2014 27-06-2014 We were very close to staging the Bootcamp Update sandbox today, but are having transfer issues with the servers. It will be delayed until Monday. Have a nice weekend! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted June 30, 2014 (edited) 27-06-2014 EXE rev. 125519 Size: ~552 MB This part does not yet contain Bootcamp's playable content, so the relevant LEARN menu entries will be empty / non-functional until that gets added soon. DATA Added: Virtual Reality world Added: Virtual Reality soldiers and character entities Added: Objects specific for Virtual Reality (large blocks, covers and markers) FIA faction has been revamped: Added: New uniform for FIA AT Rifleman Added: FIA Offroad, Quadbike and Truck camo versions FIA soldiers have randomized headgear and facewear according to their classes and possible headgear-facewear combinations Added: 3 new FIA stashes Added: Repair variants of Offroads Added: Various facewear available in profile (balaclavas and bandannas with various glasses) Added: 3 new music tracks Virtual Reality digital Arma 3 theme Splendid Split theme BI 15th Anniversary theme Added: Various VR-related sounds for triggers Added: Camo variants of M320 and GM-6 Added: Misc. objects Winners podium Trophy White tent Tyre barriers Kart tires Kart steering wheels Car batteries Kart trolley Kart stand Pieces of exercise equipment Water coolers Large food container Small sandbag sentry post New damage and destruction materials for all vehicles Fixed: Empty reflector in Helicopter_Base_H Adjusted: Capacity of inventory of copters Fixed: Scripting error while browsing respawn menu Fixed: Respawn menu was sometimes too slow Fixed: Live-feed and Skirmish module category Fixed: Duplicated inventory item in action menu Fixed: Intentionally negative rating used in DM missions is no longer displayed in the debriefing Fixed: "End Scenario" module used wrong ending type Fixed: Showcase Zeus was not marked as completed when player left after a task told them they could Fixed: Ordnance module was using effects incompatible with the Zeus Ordnance module. Explosions will now be stronger, but existing missions won't be affected unless you edit the module in editor and save it again. Potential campaign spoilers: New head- and face-wear added to units in Patrol missions and in the “Adapt†armory Tweaks in randomization, placement and compositions of enemy patrols in the “Adapt†Patrols ENGINE Fixed: Crash when segments don’t have a shape Overhauled weapon sway available in dev-branch (no inertia yet) Fixed: Issue with disabling moving of units outside Zeus editable area affected by the camera angle Hiding markers for invisible objects and simulation is enabled Added: New scripting command for reading configs into arrays with a filter (configClasses) Fixed: Setting of hair AtoC shader constants Fixed: Action menu - heal is offered, while the new action is opening doors Fixed: Exploit that allowed Zeus to move soldier groups using rotation even outside of the editable zone Fixed: CTD when MP role had not soldier created Added: Showing used network ports when creating a listen server Fixed: Possible CTDs in Buldozer Fixed: AT launcher - optics were misaligned with cursor Fixed: Possible CTD Fixed: Environment - Player is able to put items into gas pumps Radio Protocol: Added parameter absolute angle into RadioMessageWatchDir VON: Direct communication: Changed targets selection Fixed: Recoil coef does not influence weapon behaviour Fixed: Missing recoil after turning (and some other animations) Edited June 30, 2014 by RoyaltyinExile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 1, 2014 (edited) 01-07-2014 EXE rev. 125563 Size: ~278 MB NOTES Known: Virtual Arsenal is marked as Unnamed Mission during its startup Bootcamp campaign is still deliberately missing VR Training is still deliberately missing DATA Added: Virtual Arsenal Fixed: RscTextCheckBox spam in RPT when opening GUI editor Added: Entity Transit textures Adjusted: Alignment of cursor and optics for launchers TRG correctly hides magazine when there is none in the weapon Fixed: Last bullet still visible in Rahim's magazine despite it being empty Fixed: Error in modules while reading cfgAddons ENGINE Radio protocol: Changed parameters going to RadioMessageWatchDir Fixed: Undeletable profile in configuration Fixed: Broken GunCloud, GunFire loading Radio protocol: SentCmdDeactivateMine Fixed: Copyright string in file properties Tweaked: Spatialization of loud sounds Added: isAutotest script command Added: Support for spaces in mods in -mod= parameter as long as all the mods are quoted (e.g. -mod="Mod1; Some Other Mod;WeaponA") Edited July 1, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 2, 2014 02-07-2014 EXE rev. 125595 Size: ~124 MB KNOWN ISSUE Zeus modules are broken until we stage the rest of the playable content for Bootcamp. DATA Renamed class Map_VR to VR (unfortunately this snuck into the first dev-branch release. It means you’ll need to rename your own scenarios made using this terrain.) Fixed: Weapon attachments were not available in Virtual Arsenal Renamed: UserTexture_ground_2x1_F to UserTexture_1x2_F and flipped it so that it is taller rather than wider Increased: VR Protagonist uniform's capacity Fixed: Binoculars and NVGs were not added correctly to ammo boxes Disabled: Parallax for the ceiling of Virtual Reality world ENGINE Fixed: Thermal Imaging from Laser Designator transferred to every scope Fixed: Player observers now always send their target to the gunner Added: New weapon parameter maxZeroing (fixes a scopes zeroing glitch) Added: New mapName parameter for SteamTags Added: Stealing of UAVs (not yet configured in data) Removing UavPilot when a transport is destroyed Maximum memory increased to 3072MB (-maxmem=3072 to use it) Fixed: An exploit in Zeus which allowed forcing players out of vehicle Re-fixed: Remote control using map Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 3, 2014 03-07-2014 EXE rev. 125816 Size: ~98 MB DATA Fixed: "Watch Direction" sentence in Radio Protocols Fixed: Virtual Arsenal ammo box didn't work Fixed: Weapon attachments of some community weapons were not visible in the list in Arsenal Fixed: Missing icons in Field Manual in Russian localization Fixed: It wasn't clear when Arsenal ammo box functionality was available when Zeus was configuring the box Tweaked: VR uniform visuals maxZeroing parameter has been properly configured for all weapons Added: BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia now loads description.ext CfgUnitInsignia classes Fixed: Arsenal sometimes got stuck on load-out opening ENGINE Fixed: Possible CTD while finding a path in a house without a model Fixed: healSoldier CTD Fixed: Recoil direction when using iron sights Unarmed UGV - broken follow command in terminal Fixed: Artillery target deleted to soon Fixed: Player is unable to change weapons in fixed-wings Fixed: Action "BackFromUAV" was broken for UGV drivers When AI ordered to engage, it will engage even a vehicle without weapons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) 04-07-2014 EXE rev. 125852 (game) EXE rev. 125870 (launcher) Size: ~210 MB NOTES As per usual, if you care about the best experience - we recommend waiting until main branch release. We're staging this playable content with known issues and remaining polish. But help with testing is appreciated. The launcher is currently found only in the game’s root via arma3launcher.exe since we cannot configure Steam launch options for just Dev-Branch. User Account Control (esp. on Windows 8.1) may cause a crash of the launcher when accessing the Arma 3 process. When you encounter this or other issues, please provide your OS and similar specifications in the feedback issue. As this is a new application, we expect there may be compatibility issues in the global player base (virus scanners / firewalls). Known issue: the launcher can get stuck after fully downloading a subscribed add-on. LAUNCHER Added: Game launcher DATA Added: Bootcamp Prologue mini-campaign Added: ZGM 4+1 Bootcamp multiplayer training Added: 8 Virtual Reality Training lessons Material Penetration Placeables Launchers Target Designation Commanding - Movement Commanding - Behavior Commanding - Actions Commanding - Vehicles Added: VR Zeus multiplayer scenarios ZGM 16+2 Master Virtual Reality (AAF) ZGM 16+2 Master Virtual Reality (CSAT) ZGM 16+2 Master Virtual Reality (NATO) ZGM 48+2 Master Virtual Reality Added: 14 Bootcamp-related Steam Achievements Added: BIS_fnc_animateTaskWaypoint Fixed: Hint in AV terminal no longer overlaps the terminal menu Added: Switching to driver / gunner after PIP click (AV Terminal) Fixed: Shadow LOD of bandanas producing no more shadow offset VR Soldier stripes may be set a different color / texture (camo_stripes is the first selection => use this setObjectTexture [0,"pathToTexture.paa"]) Added: Sound for Scalpel missile explosion Hints and user actions have been unified for Disarm / Disable / Deactivation of explosives Fixed: Another icon pop-up error in the Russian version of Field Manual ENGINE Fixed: Transmitting empty enemy vehicle to gunners as target Script commands vectorNormalized and vectorFromTo AI will attack an enemy vehicle with weapons but without ammo (he no longer has info about the number of magazines) Fixed: Placing of UAV in editor breaks ability to create groups Fixed: AI no longer speaks over radio, when he has none 3GB memory limit disabled because it caused memory-related crashes (this does not mean we’re stopping work in this field) Edited July 4, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 7, 2014 07-07-2014 EXE rev. 125884 (game) EXE rev. 125885 (launcher) Size: ~57 MB DATA Various fixes in Field Manual and hints Added: Armored targets in Virtual Arsenal Added: Colorful stripes for VR Protagonists Potential campaign spoilers: Added: Laptop screen animation Function for animating waypoints has been used Removed: Pistol for the whole Bootcamp campaign ENGINE Fixed: Sound: Reloading can be heard far away Added: Ability to force difficulty for selected scenarios Fixed: Update of remotely-controlled unit after reconnection Fixed: moveInCargo on non-local vehicle LAUNCHER Fixed: Crash when pressing Play during download Fixed: Addons are not correctly downloaded Fixed: Load order combo sort binding Potential fix for access denied exception during HasExited call Fixed: Crash while shutting down while Arma 3 was already running Fixed: Potential crash in LoadAll, UnloadAll Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 8, 2014 08-07-2014 EXE rev. 125903 (game) EXE rev. 125921 (launcher) Size: ~76 MB DATA Bootcamp cutscene animations have proper sounds of steps Fixed: Customized magazines were not loaded properly in the Arsenal Fixed: Scripting error when attempting to open non-existing inventory Fixed: Possible issue with Virtual Reality map while using -skipIntro parameter Fixed: VR Courses - Abort instead of Back to hub Tweaked: Volume preview samples and configuration in audio settings Ground icon for topic selection is properly white VR Area markers are properly emissive during night Camouflaged versions of sniper rifles have proper icons in the inventory Potential campaign spoilers: Locked driver and cargo positions for AI in the third mission of Bootcamp Fixed: Rising Tensions: "Secure Convoy" task text Diplomatic Relations: mission flow will no longer halt when driving off-course at a certain point Added: New sounds for one of the cutscenes Damage Control: Improved opening sequence Damage Control: Helicopter will no longer try to take off after landing at Kavala Damage Control: Improved ending cutscenes Damage Control: Added sounds of prisoner falling ENGINE Fixed: Bullets ahead of muzzle direction when turning Fixed: Possible CTD Sound: Update to audio option previews, added stereo sample support Fixed: Video playing when a video finished before its audio Offline cache will always use the Arma 3 path in documents to save and load metafiles LAUNCHER Fixed: Launcher first-time start requires restart Fixed: Launcher log folder Fixed: Profile is duplicated when it contains space Fixed: Addons don't fit in the window when a scrollbar is shown Fixed: Weird behavior when expanding addons Addon detail image and control buttons moved under the name of an addon to allow for longer names Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 9, 2014 09-07-2014 No update today: we are unable to upload any files to the Steam servers, which bodes well for our plans to release Bootcamp tomorrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 10, 2014 10-07-2014 We are still not able to update the game on Steam, so no update today either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 11, 2014 11-07-2014 The troubles persist and Dev-Branch is on hold until they are resolved. We were able to stage a new version of the 1.24 RC on the passworded Steam branch (Update124Arma3Bootcamp). And the Arma 3 Tools Dev-Branch was also updated with a tweaked Publisher. Even without a fix to our upload problems, we should be able to release this update on main branch on Monday via some clunky back-up processes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 14, 2014 (edited) 14-07-2014 EXE rev. 125993 (game) EXE rev. 125982 (launcher) Size: ~238 MB DATA Fixed: Opening a loadout with specific weapon types (i.e., weapons classes with attachments already on them) caused container magazines not to be loaded correctly Fixed: In some VR procedures the player can destroy the ammo crate, leaving them unable to complete the procedure Fixed: Backward compatibility of saved Arsenal load-outs Following elements disabled: (while cinema border is active): compass, GPS, radio, watch, pad Fixed: VR soldier uniform: Several skinning issues (back armor lower part, stomach strips, glove) More robust shadow of gloves Color strips gradually thicker from LOD 3 to 5 Fixed: MP Bootcamp - Achievements not working well Fixed: Achievement unlocking in VR Training Potential campaign spoilers: Custom helicopter animation: tweaked IK and fixed wapped files Tweaked: Rising Tensions - Volumes in opening cutscene to allow for easier hearing Fixed: Reality Check - Slammer had no particle effects Tweaked: Rising Tensions - Timing of savegame before engaging FIA Rising Tensions: Decreased chance of helicopter injuring you as it takes off Bootcamp campaign map and briefing consistency Updated: Bootcamp laptop textures Finalized briefing marker links Tweaked: Volume of dubbing samples for Bootcamp campaign Common Denominator: Added more scopes to the weapon crate Diplomatic Relations: Added missing composition pieces from Common Demoninator Rising Tensions: Changed face of wounded AAF to prevent healing visual glitch Rising Tensions: Improved the flight path of the helicopter to the AO Rising Tensions: Fixed Adams' helicopter animations Damage Control: Adjusted the time of day Damage Control: Added smoke and chemlight to the LZ Damage Control: Added tracers in Kavala Damage Control: Added missing convoy composition Damage Control: Fixed missing MoD composition setups Damage Control: Removed random light from APC ENGINE Editor - Autonomous vehicle can be spawned in a group with soldiers Tooltip for disabled difficulty options if difficulty is forced Support for joining passworded sessions via friends / invites / Steam browser Fixed: Possibility to change side of non-player unit by grouping it to another side’s unit Fixed: Stuck in UAV direct control when someone disassembles UAV Possible fix of crash during video playback Autonomous vehicles spawned in group can be grouped Fixed: noBlood effects when blood is disabled Fixed: Possible CTD in Zeus map Fixed: Last item in listbox was cut off Sound: Locate position of sound Fixed: Deactivate mine action distance for AI Added: Possibility to speed up game time (details http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152866-General-Discussion-(dev-branch)&p=2730473&viewfull=1#post2730473 ) Fixed: Weapon selection for pilot (seen mainly in Wy-55) Optimized: AI selection of interesting targets Fixed: Player grouping to opposite faction Fixed: Simulation step calculation in the map Fixed: Player is unable to switch off lights of UAVs Fixed: Disabled indirect damage if shot can't explode Script command push_back renamed to pushBack LAUNCHER GUI language is changed only if the localization is available Fixed: Multi-open of addon details Fixed: Drag when actually no item is selected Fixed: Expander style - the whole area is clickable now Addons are now downloaded to a directory beginning with '@' Fixed: Addons are not deleted from the Arma 3 folder after unsubscribing via Launcher Checking of subscription content interval changed to 10s Fixed: Typos in debug logs Added: Pop-up menu to WORKSHOP button with options to open Workshop webpage and Workshop webpage with addons only Window placement stored in settings Fixed: Case when steam client is not running when starting launcher Fixed: "Unload all" does no action when not all addons are selected Fixed: Load order items style Icon changed Updated color reference for Workshop button pop-up border Main version changed to 1.0 Edited July 15, 2014 by Dwarden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 15, 2014 15-07-2014 EXE rev. 126007 (game) EXE rev. 126013 (launcher) Size: ~197 MB DATA Fixed: Damage and destruct materials for Hunter, Greyhawk and Offroad variants Left leg is no longer used to brake in standard cars Fixed: Altian civilians should speak their language correctly Fixed: Demolition charge has correct model when dropped from inventory Holder for LRPS should be available in Zeus Miniguns don't use submunition anymore Added: Proper sound to VR surface when hit by fire Ability to steal UAVs by UAV Operators added (parameter uavHacker set) Tweaked: Destruction effects for quad bikes and karts Dust effects for characters improved (there was no dust on some surfaces which are pretty dusty in real life) Potential campaign spoilers: Common Denominator: Targets and RCO crate are now indestructible Damage Control: The Hummingbird can no longer be destroyed Diplomatic Relations: The Hellcat can no longer be destroyed Diplomatic Relations: Friendly fire is now detecting whether kills were made by BIS_lacey Diplomatic Relations: Added check to ensure player has a weapon before cutscenes start ENGINE Fixed: hideObjectGlobal for Dedicated Servers Fixed: enableSimulationGlobal for Dedicated Servers Fixed: fuseDistance is properly calculated for EPE shots LAUNCHER Fixed: Crash when unable to read preview picture file Proper handling of invalid path characters in addon names Slash in item name replaced by '-' to make it a valid directory name Changed log filename to RPT Fixed: Missing parameter setting property Fixed: Addon management not updating addon number properly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5155 Posted July 16, 2014 16-07-2014 EXE rev. 126027 (game) EXE rev. 126030 (launcher) Size: ~229 MB DATA Added: Area-restriction for missile-specific HUD feature for PO-30 Improved handling of multiple engine damage for helicopters Fixed: Mi-48 optics Removed execVM on fired EH of AH-99 Blackfoot HULL damage indicator tied with total aircraft damage Added: Seagull sound Fixed: It was possible to access Arsenal on a destroyed ammo box Added: New "Arsenal" module (when placed on top of a unit, Zeus can configure its loadout) Resistance commander placeholder fix Camo variants of sniper rifles added to their respective snipers Tweaked: Shadow LOD of beanies Minor animation sound changes Changed sound of launcher reloading Added: Sound of church bells Tweaked: Armor and mass of party tent and winner's podium Added: RscTestControlTypes - display with all available control types Sniper rifles camo variants added to their respective ammo boxes Parameter of max hearable distance of change fire mode changed to 5 meters Fixed: Sound of Wipeout rocket explosions Fixed: Alternative sights don't have optic effects from main sights anymore (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13057) 230mm rockets have a proper rate of fire Fixed: Pitch shift of grenades Fixed: CfgPatches for camo versions of sniper rifles Fixed: Zone protection worked only when there was an antire AO defined Descending certain optimal slopes no longer restore fatigue, it "only" prevents fatigue gain now Decreased general sway and breathing distortion speeds by 20% Decreased lateral sway movement by 20% Increased time window of holding breath to 8 seconds (previously 6) but also slightly decreased the time needed for holding breath to take full effect. Breathing speed values restored to previous values, speed decrease has meaning only for lateral sway. ENGINE Fixed: Problem with color overflow in VR map Added: Scripting command for camera locking (lockCameraTo) LAUNCHER Fixed: Launcher freezes after multiple clicks on re-download addon button Preview images are saved in a separate directory according to a unique filehandle (fixed the case where two different items had an image with the same name) Added configuration section for launcher-specific values Removed close on Esc key press Fixed: ‘Update available’ message is partially in the tick box Share this post Link to post Share on other sites