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I'm sure this has been requested already...but I would like to see an MH-60L DAP. With Konyo's MH-47E coming out, the only 160th aircraft we're really missing is the DAP.

Also an OH-58F would be cool.


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namely 7.62.x39 and 7.62x54 -chambered assault rifles, automatic sniper rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers.


simpler, than AK, potentially lighter than AEK and latest AK's, extrmely reliable as AK and beyond, Sniper rifle with full-auto, had better accuracy than SVU-A in that mode, AR, chambered to 7.62x54 claimed to be usable as AR.

basically its compensated recoil in AEK-alike style, but because design, didn't had weight penalty in result and cause made on different principle[no gas tube used], less ammunition/maintenance-defendant.

practically basically its more accurate and had less RoF[comparable to AK], compared to AEK.

its EXTREMELY simple-designed, even compared to AK.






as you can see, 7.62x54 chambered AR full-auto spreee had less recoild than 5.45x39 single-shot fron AN94.


hard to use sub-standard rounds with different impulse. which is strictly non-government service/customer-related issue/problem.

need to be redesigned with MODERN alloys/materials to fit in-space/weight.

also would b nice to see ingame A91M, AK-12

SR-3 PDF/AR http://youtu.be/N_VftmVlSp8

in pistol and main slot with 10rd and 20rd clips/mags, respectively.

aswell as some other things

like Ash-12 CQB 0.50cal/12.7mm-chambered/feed AR. Edited by BasileyOne

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Valid point, interesting they would move the camera below the nose.

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I'm sure this has been requested already...but I would like to see an MH-60L DAP. With Konyo's MH-47E coming out, the only 160th aircraft we're really missing is the DAP.

Also an OH-58F would be cool.

I know someone is making a mh-60l dont know if it's a dap version :)

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Valid point, interesting they would move the camera below the nose.

different scope for the kiowa nowadays than when it was first design. nose camera allows much better awareness from high above rather than block d camera above the main rotor.

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can anyone extend range of fire-support thingines ingame ? :)

2S5, 2S7[can b even re-used in CWR2 too ;] SPG's https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/2%D0%A15 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/2%D0%A17

2S31 SPG/SPM https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/2%D0%A131_%C2%AB%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0%C2%BB

2S25 amphibious, airdrop-able thank. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/2%D0%A125 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2S25

and Scarab/SS-21 tactical missile TEL https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0_%28%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%29

BRM-3K army intel-gathering [Radar and ELINT/Comint-based]vehicle https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%A0%D0%9C-3%D0%9A

also updated BMD-4 and BTR-90M, which shared same turret/weapons as BMP-3M/BMP-4 have :)

object 292 tank[t-80B with 152mm rifled canon] http://z4.invisionfree.com/NSDraftroom/index.php?showtopic=7166 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%B1%D1%8A%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82_292

Edited by BasileyOne

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RHS made a good SS-21/9K79

Just noticed that the US anti-air defense systems in the game (vanilla and addon alike) aren't really as broad as the OPFOR. Theres SA-6s, SA-8s, SA-9s, SA-13s, and 2S6's out there for OPFOR as far as SAM systems. Hand of Moscow is even working on an SA-10/S-300 (dunno if he's still actively doing it) But as far as US, really the only US ones are the Avenger, and The M163 Machbet....how about a MIM-104 Patriot?

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The summer Chernarus trees look much better than the August deciduous trees. Although I like the colored foliage, the summer models are simply much higher quality.

It would be awesome if someone could port the the summer deciduous trees into the full Chernarus map, using the full and lite DLC models.

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RHS made a good SS-21/9K79

Just noticed that the US anti-air defense systems in the game (vanilla and addon alike) aren't really as broad as the OPFOR. Theres SA-6s, SA-8s, SA-9s, SA-13s, and 2S6's out there for OPFOR as far as SAM systems. Hand of Moscow is even working on an SA-10/S-300 (dunno if he's still actively doing it) But as far as US, really the only US ones are the Avenger, and The M163 Machbet....how about a MIM-104 Patriot?

about MIM-104 or SA-23 - present Arma2 average islands smaller than such systems reach ;)

so introducing them may have purely cosmetic/immersion effect/purpose, ie as "part of mission/story/target", rather than something really gameplay-affecting.

also about relevance with real-world balance/picture - presently, just like as before[but on different scale]US obsessed with pulling way more offensive caps, over defensive ones. so, they stripped ASW planes/choppers from CBGs[and convert to mineclearing few remaining], retire Phoenix-carrying interceptors, booasted payoad and range of Hornets, reduce onboard AA nad CIWS and just slightly adjust EWS and re-work/update AEGIS.

basically how many avenger vehicles you can see on average assault ship, compared to MBT, AAV, APC ? how many MANPADS soldiers you can see, compared to armed with AT, LMG, AR, SR and rest stuff.

its simple and its clear, US didn't care about defense much, and thats why.

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Would it be possible to make a purely Config addon that would force the ACR DLC units to be Opfor? I would really like to have a Warfare map were its US army V. Czech Army so that both sides would have Modern equipment and could use backpacks. I already know about the add a 0% probability Opfor unit to lead a squad that you want to be aligned with the Other side, but this still leaves their tags as appearing red when you play on their side.

Also wondering if this could be done to swap the side of the CDF from ArmA 2.

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I wonder if there is any M4/M16 addon pack that have variants with NV and IR sights?

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I wonder if there is any M4/M16 addon pack that have variants with NV and IR sights?

Only ones I know of are in ACE

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I request a Jason Voorhees (killer from friday the 13th movie series)addon for Arma2 ,he must be a bit big in size ,with a machette -i know this takes time but i`ve been waiting for a Jason Voorhees addon since Armed Assault :) so hopefully before dying i shall see it done :)

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I find the current anim triggered when picking up a weapon to be very clunky, slow and annoying. IRL I think you'd just lean forward and pick it up but even if you did quickly crouch down and pick it up you wouldn't stay crouched. At the moment, it goes into a position somewhere between crouched and prone. Even worse is when picking up a weapon that's raised above the ground, like on a table, it still does this so the player is squatting under the table that the weapon's on, when IRL it's at waist height and you'd just grab it.

I uploaded a couple of videos showing opening Gear then picking up a weapon. He looks like he's kneeling and bowing his head to a king when he does the latter!

I don't know how to place a weapon on a table in the editor but as I said, it does the same thing.



If anyone could mod this away that'd be great. I think it would better reflect reality (and how long it would take IRL) if the player either just crouched and then returned to the previous stance automatically (or, as when opening Gear, if already crouched doesn't change and Gear opens immediately) or even better, didn't change stance at all to avoid the wierdness when picking up weapons from tables, etc.

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Question, is there an addon somewhere that doesn´t add Unit markers, but NATO/OPFOR type TASK and situational markers? ie, Markers for frontlines, recced and suspected defensive positions, fortified areas, objectives, blocking positions, IPs, OPs, Casevac locations, things like that?

There was an addon like that for Arma and for OFP, however, all marker addons I could find for Arma 2 are only adding Unit markers.

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Enhanced Zombies

It seems as though every engine in existence is being used to crank out one kind of zombie title or another out there, and, why not? Graphic novels such as The Walking Dead do a terrific job of using the zombie-genre to tell compelling stories, and the best of the very best use them as a dark mirror on the current state of humanity.

While ArmA II certainly already has its share of zombie units (DayZ, The Undead Mod, the Conspiracies series, etc.), what I would like to do is make a proposal for the creation of enhanced-zombies (i.e. "e-z") that possess powers that will present a unique set of tactical challenges to the player.

I was going to put a ton of time in coming up with my own highly detailed conceptual designs for this proposal, but Real Life is kicking me in the teeth right now, and I want to get these concepts out there sooner rather than later.

Here are a couple of drawings that I did towards the already mentioned ends:

http://enhancedwalkingdefault.th.png The basic "template" of the torn and tattered look of the average zombie. They've fallen down, been shot, mauled by creatures, standing in water, muck and the elements for long periods of time, and randomly sport a bloody hand-print from a poor victim who was resisting them. The e-z zombies would use the same template as this, but have visual effects added to indicate what they are, and what their powers are as well.



http://enhancedblastingdefault.th.png This image shows a potential added effect from a very powerful e-z: a small dust cloud that travels outward from its body for 2.5-3 meters once it unleashes one of its most devastating attacks.



To speed things up, I took a number of screenshots of undead from other mods, and I adjusted their appearance to reflect the sort of enhanced visuals that I have in mind. The mesh of the undead here are "quite smooth," meaning that they're lacking the kinds of details that I would like my zombies to have, which are, mainly, the detailing of torn and rotting clothing. In any case, here are my concepts using the "smooth" models...





These e-z's are capable of generating a flammable missile attack of plasma from their hands out to a range of 100 m. The missile trail is quite long, and while it's not smoky, it does produce a significant heat distortion wave around it. If terrain/structures are struck, then there's a high probability that said areas are set afire, and will burn 3-5 min. The explosive radius of where the flammable projectile lands is approximately 2 m. Unarmored vehicles have a 35% chance of exploding if hit, moderately armored=15%, and heavily armored=0%. A Blister's super strong (and heated) melee attack is instant death to its target.

Blisters walk 15% faster than ordinary zombies.

This type of e-z is usually killed by 30-40 5.56 rounds, or 15-25 7.62 rounds, and they're immune to all flame-type damage. Upon death, Blisters explode, delivering harm to anyone within 2 m. of where the body drops. Said region will burn for 3-5 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

Blisters are likely to be accompanied by a modestly sized group of zombie followers, who have figured out that being around a Blister is a good way to get more food into one's belly. They're also smart enough to know to avoid whatever surfaces have been set afire by their master (note: zombies that are not followers will not know the dangers of burning areas). The devoted horde will also try to assist in the battle by assaulting whatever target has drawn their master's deadly attention.






A more mature and rarer form of a Blister, Roasters are more powerful in several ways. First, the power level of their plasma attacks are greater, having a larger damage radius of 3 m.. Second, the plasma attacks can travel out to a range of 125 m. Third, they're also able to project a plasma attack from their mouths, so that their rate of fire is quicker, and Fourth, any terrain/structure that is set alight by a plasma hit will burn 5-7 min. Unarmored vehicles have a 50% chance of exploding if struck, moderately armored=30%, and heavily armored=15%. A Roaster's super strong (and heated) melee attack is instant death to its target.

Roasters walk 10% faster than Blisters.

This type of e-z is usually toppled by 40-50 5.56 rounds, or 25-35 7.62 rounds, and they're immune to all flame-type damage. Upon death, Roasters explode, delivering harm to anyone within 3 m. of where the body drops. Said region will burn for 5-7 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

Like Blisters, Roasters are extremely likely to have a substantially sized horde of zombie followers.






These long-lived e-z's are exceptionally rare, and it's a good thing that it's so, as their power level and rate of fire is significantly higher than any of its younger brethren. The power level of their plasma attacks are 4 m. in radius, and are also explosive, delivering damage that's similar to that generated by an anti-personnel RPG. The flames produced by such an attack will last 8-10 min. before dissipating. They're able to project their plasma missiles at a rate that's 30% faster than a Roaster's attacks, and at a range of 175 m. An Inferno's super strong (heated and explosive) melee attack is instant death to its target - it may also do damage to anyone within a radius of 2 m. of the attack due to its explosive delivery.

Infernos walk 10% faster than Roasters.

Due to the additional explosive nature of an Inferno's attack, unarmored vehicles have a 80% chance of exploding if struck, moderately armored=60%, and heavily armored=45%.

This type of e-z is usually dispatched by 50-60 5.56 rounds, or 35-45 7.62 rounds, and they're immune to all flame-type damage, as well as explosive damage from smaller devices, such as grenades of any sort, as well as RPG's. Upon death, Infernos explode, delivering harm to anyone within 4 m. of where the body drops. Said region will burn for 8-10 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

Infernos are elderly enough to have "lost their minds," and they'll thus attack ANY creature that it perceives; this includes members of its own kind!








A Shock is an enhanced-zombie that can project from its hands a plasma bolt of an electrical nature out to a range of 115 m. The electrical bolts are 35% faster than fiery-types of projectiles. The missile trail is quite long, and while it's not smoky, it does produce a significant distortion from the pressure wave that surrounds it. If terrain/structures are struck, then there's a low probability that said areas are set afire, and will burn for 0.5-1 min. A structure's (that is, buildings and vehicles) electrical integrity will be challenged if struck: there's a 45% that it will be permanently and wholly disrupted if it's a light structure, 25% if it's a moderate structure, and 5% chance if it's a heavy structure. Electrical equipment on personnel is substantially threatened with a 55% chance of being wholly disrupted. Losing one's NVD's, IR laser pointers, and comm systems is no laughing matter. Unarmored vehicles have a 10% chance of exploding if hit, moderately armored=5%, and heavily armored=0%. The area of effect of where the electrified projectile lands is approximately 2 m, with the affected area emitting a powerful electrical current for 3-5 min. A Shock's super strong (and electrified) melee attack is instant death to its target.

In short, a projectile attack from this e-z can ruin the target's electrical systems, while also causing it to burn (although the chances for catching fire are more remote than losing power). Targets that are carrying flammables are also subject to a possibility of exploding.

Shocks walk 10% faster than Blisters, that is, 25% faster than a normal zombie.

This type of e-z is usually killed by 30-40 5.56 rounds, or 15-25 7.62 rounds. Unlike e-z's of a fiery nature, Shocks and their kin have no immunities. Upon death, Shocks explode, delivering harm to anyone within 2 m. of where the body drops. Said region will emit an electrical charge for 3-5 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

Shocks are likely to be accompanied by a modestly sized group of zombie followers, who have figured out that being around a Shock is a good way to get more food into one's belly. They're also smart enough to know to avoid whatever surfaces have been electrified by their master (note: zombies that are not followers will not know the dangers of the electrified areas). The devoted horde will also try to assist in the battle by assaulting whatever target has drawn their master's deadly attention.






A Surge is an enhanced-zombie that can project from its hands a plasma bolt of an electrical nature out to a range of 140 m. The electrical bolts are 35% faster than fiery-types of projectiles. Surges also produce a plasma bolt from their mouths, thus increasing the rate of attack. If terrain/structures are struck, then there's a probability that said areas are set afire, and will burn for 1-3 min. A structure's (that is, buildings and vehicles) electrical integrity will be challenged if struck: there's a 65% that it will be permanently and wholly disrupted if it's a light structure, 45% if it's a moderate structure, and 25% chance if it's a heavy structure. Electrical equipment on personnel is substantially threatened with a 75% chance of being wholly disrupted. Unarmored vehicles have a 20% chance of exploding if hit, moderately armored=10%, and heavily armored=5%. The area of effect of where the electrified projectile lands is approximately 3 m, with the affected area emitting a powerful electrical current for 5-7 min. A Shock's super strong (and electrified) melee attack is instant death to its target.

Surges walk 10% faster than Shocks.

This type of e-z is usually killed by 40-50 5.56 rounds, or 25-35 7.62 rounds. Upon death, Shocks explode, delivering harm to anyone within 3 m. of where the body drops. Said region will emit an electrical charge for 5-7 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

Surges are likely to be accompanied by a modestly sized group of zombie followers, who have figured out that being around a Shock is a good way to get more food into one's belly. They're also smart enough to know to avoid whatever surfaces have been electrified by their master (note: zombies that are not followers will not know the dangers of the electrified areas). The devoted horde will also try to assist in the battle by assaulting whatever target has drawn their master's deadly attention.






A Strike can project from its hands and mouth a plasma bolt of an electrical nature out to a range of 190 m. They are also capable of generating their attacks at a 25% faster rate than Surges. If terrain/structures are struck, then there's a probability that said areas are set afire, and will burn for 3-5 min. A structure's (that is, buildings and vehicles) electrical integrity will be challenged if struck: there's a 95% that it will be permanently and wholly disrupted if it's a light structure, 75% if it's a moderate structure, and 55% chance if it's a heavy structure. Electrical equipment on personnel is substantially threatened with a 100% chance of being wholly disrupted. Unarmored vehicles have a 50% chance of exploding if hit, moderately armored=40%, and heavily armored=20%. The area of effect of where the electrified projectile lands is approximately 4 m, with the affected area emitting a powerful electrical current for 7-10 min. A Shock's super strong (and electrified) melee attack is instant death to its target.






Strikes walk 10% faster than Surges.

This type of e-z is usually killed by 50-60 5.56 rounds, or 35-45 7.62 rounds. Upon death, Strikes explode, delivering harm to anyone within 4 m. of where the body drops. Said region will emit an electrical charge for 7-10 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

Strikes are elderly enough to have "lost their minds," and they'll thus attack ANY creature that it perceives; this includes members of its own kind!








A Breakdown is an enhanced-zombie whose powers are almost entirely psychic. They are exceptionally powerful, capable of blurring their own form so that they're more difficult to target. creating multiple illusions of other Breakdowns operating in close proximity to where the actual Breakdown is at, briefly become invisible, take possession of other creatures/humans, and project terror into a target that's so severe, that they become disoriented, and unable to even raise their weapons.

The illusions of itself are capable of exercising all of the capabilities of their creator, but at only half of the power level and duration. While they each seem to be acting independently, in reality, every single action is being dictated by the illusions' powerful creator. The illusions can cause harm mainly due to the strength of the victim's belief that what is being seen is actually harmful. Destroy the victim's mind, and the body soon follows. Illusions can be destroyed, and are not restorable - this is primarily due to the belief that the illusion is dead, and the Breakdown cannot surmount that belief to restore its "dead" illusion.

The closer the Breakdown gets to a living entity, the more terrified that entity becomes, and the target begins to suffer the full effects of being suppressed. When in very close proximity, the target will no longer be able to raise a weapon, due to the violence of the fearful shaking of the target's body. The target must flee to a further location before the firearm can be used once more.

They are also able to use their telekinesis for various ends, such as stirring up large clouds of dirt to obscure their movements, to propel stones with the force and effect of a very powerful shotgun, and to pull up large rocks that are hurled at such a high velocity as to completely take out tanks with a single hit.

They possess a walking speed that's 20% faster than a normal zombie.

This type of e-z is usually killed by 50-60 5.56 rounds, or 35-45 7.62 rounds. Upon death, Breakdowns unleash a flood of telekinetic energy, delivering harm to anyone within 4 m. of where the body drops. Said region will emit a psychic charge for 7-10 min., leaving behind a charred ruin of a corpse, whose organs may be harvested for scientific research.

It's worth noting that a Breakdown's psychic capabilities are so powerful as to even get "insane" elder e-z's to cooperate together on behalf of the Breakdown's desires.

Breakdowns are very likely to be accompanied by a large sized group of zombie followers, who have figured out that being around a Breakdown is a good way to get more food into one's belly. The devoted horde will try to assist in battle by assaulting whatever target has drawn their master's deadly attention. One of the Breakdown's favorite tactics is to concentrate a devastating quantity of psychic energy within a zombie, so that when it reaches the optimum distance from the Breakdown's target, it detonates, causing great harm to anyone and anything within a radius of 4 m.





All content generated by this author is free to use as long as it's applied to an ArmA II mod that is noncommercial in nature, which in turn is also free for other noncommercial ArmA II modding endeavors, and gives credit where it's due. Otherwise, said contents are © 2012 Kyle Kieliszewski, and may then only be used with express written permission from its creator.

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2 requests:

-tactical door breaching charges like America's Army 2. Even if it only works on mbg it will still make a big difference for cqb training.

-a better grenade system with rolling and cooking. Again, see America's Army as an example. There must be a better way than ace clippi and pressing 'shift 3' several times in order to roll a flash into a room.

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I would really Appreciate it if someone made an 'Anti dayz' Search feature.

I enjoy playing on proper military servers that involve teamwork and coop, but I have to go on a full treasure hunt to find one amongst all the days servers. My Request is that someone makes a plugin or modification of some sort where I can search for servers and all that run Dayz can be vanished!

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I would really Appreciate it if someone made an 'Anti dayz' Search feature.

I enjoy playing on proper military servers that involve teamwork and coop, but I have to go on a full treasure hunt to find one amongst all the days servers. My Request is that someone makes a plugin or modification of some sort where I can search for servers and all that run Dayz can be vanished!

There was this update , so you might want to update your beta (http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/):

[95309] Changed: MP: Dayz servers are now visible if and only if the Dayz mod is active.

Obviously only affects the in-game server browser so if you use Six Updater you'll have to ask for that feature to be added.

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