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Custom VR courses

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Here's a basic guide on how to configure your own VR training courses:

On biki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma3:_Virtual_Reality_Custom_Courses

If there are some community Courses configured, a new selector will appear with a list of the Courses. This selector will have different colour than the official ones.


class CfgVRCourses
class Default;
class MyCourse1: Default
	title = "Course Name";
	icon = "\A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\Data\VR_Symbol_default_CA.paa";
	class Stages
		class Stage1
			title = "Stage 1 Name";
			function = "BIS_fnc_VRFunctionName1";
		class Stage2
			title = "Stage 2 Name";
			function = "BIS_fnc_VRFunctionName2";
		class Stage3
			title = "Stage 3 Name";
			function = "BIS_fnc_VRFunctionName3";

icon: Path to icon that will be shown on a billboard throughout the Course.

title: Text that will be shown ingame during Course selection or when loading a Stage.

function: Function to run for each Stage. Must be defined in cfgFunctions (see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_%28Arma_3%29#Adding_a_Function, VR functions are usually defined in category "VR").


Stage functions are typically FSMs (you can get the FM editor here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2.5). There are certain guidelines to follow:

- player's starting coordinates are always markerPos "BIS_center"

--- you should use coordinates relative to this one for spawning your assets

- there is a brief timeout before player gains control in a Stage - you can spawn all your assets during this period

--- you can determinate the moment player gains control by checking variable BIS_interruptable for TRUE

--- any mission tasks or hints should be created after this period, once player is actually ingame

- there is a logic unit used for icon helper (group icon) - BIS_icon and its group, BIS_iconGrp

--- do not delete these!

--- example of use:

BIS_icon attachTo [bIS_UAV, [0,0,-3.5]]; BIS_iconGrp setGroupIconParams [bIS_TT_colorWarning, "", 1, TRUE];

- if player wanders too far away from his starting position, he is automatically moved back - default allowed radius is 100m

--- this can be changed via variable BIS_stageArea in a Stage function

--- example of use:

BIS_stageArea = 150;

- any assets you spawn will be deleted automatically when the Stage ends

- a Stage is completed by using this code:

call BIS_fnc_VR_stageDone;

- always make sure you've properly terminated your function upon Stage end; keep in mind player can fail a Stage too

--- for Stage failure, use code before you terminate the function:

[] spawn BIS_fnc_VR_stageFailed;

--- condition to check player's "death" or him leaving the Stage:

damage player > 0.015 || !BIS_interruptable

--- you don't need to call any code in this case, just make sure to properly terminate the function

Stage function example

To help you understand how a typical Stage FSM may look like, here's a link to a basic Stage function (it's a slightly tweaked Stage 2 of the Launchers Course): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5429wbhsl4f0sky/fn_VRCourseExample.fsm

The End

I hope I covered everything here. Have fun creating your own VR Courses!

Edited by Jezuro

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