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Unable to activate signatures

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I'm having some troubles with verifySignatures. When I join on the server (dedicated) with verifySignatures=2, it kicks me one second after I conected, without any error. Looking on the server monitor, it says "Player X wrong signature for file X".

The weird thing: I removed the addon X, but when I try to rejoin on the server, it kicks me again, same error. BUT this time it's a different mod.

I think the problem is here: some of the mods were using, didn't had a ".bikey", so I created one for them (with ArmA 3 Tools BTW). The addons with our recently created keys fails (not all). Maybe I'm doing something wrong creating keys...

This is what I've done to enable the signatures and to create some of them:

To enable signatures (on the server):

  1. I modified the server.cfg (verifySignatures=2)
  2. I moved all the ".bikey" files to the "keys" folder.
  3. I moved all of the ".bisign" files to the "@mod/addons" folder (every file on his @mod folder)

Of course, on the client I have all of the ".bisign" files.

To create signatures:

  1. I created a folder: C:\ArmASign
  2. I put the "DSCreateKey.exe" and "DCSignFile.exe" files in the folder.
  3. I copied the ".pbo" to sign in the folder.
  4. Typed on CMD:

    1. cd C:\ArmASign
    2. DSCreateKey nameoftheaddon
    3. DSSignFile nameoftheaddon.biprivatekey nameoftheaddon.pbo

[*]I get three files: .bikey, .biprivatekey and .bisign

[*]I moved the .bikey to the server's keys folder and the .bisign to the addon folder

So, what's wrong with?

Edited by drredfox

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Checked, but nothing appears on the cmd.

Now, I'm joining the server, and says "Wrong signature for file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Armeria\addons\asdg_jointrails.pbo". I have the ".bisign" on the client, and the server's signatures are from the author... I don't kown what's happening.

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1) The addon makers bikey or bisigns are corrupt, which is not that rare

2) Your bikey or bisigns are corrupt

3) You are not using the bisign for the addon on your client that the bikey on the server is expecting

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I think I made it. Some keys were corrupt, so I created again.

TY all.

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I thougt it was solved, but now I'm having a new issue.

The server is checking for signatures, and if I join with an addon not allowed, I can't.

BUT, if I load the game with LESS addons (i.e without addons) I'm able to join on the server.

Maybe is the normal procedure of the verifySignatures.

What i want is that all of the clients join only with mods loaded by the server, and maybe some optional mods (like JSRS).

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It's the mission (Addons and Addons_Auto in the mission.sqm) loaded on the server that defines what addons a player requires.

The server only whitelists what can be connected with using the bikeys in the server's key folder.

So if a player joins with addons that are not used by the mission, but supported by the bikeys on the server, he will be able to join.

If a mission is then loaded, or has already been loaded and the player does not have the addons that mission requires, then he will be kicked from the server.

If you want to stop everyone joining, other than selected folks, then the best way to do is it to create your own addon, that for example defines a new Gamelogic class which requires addons X,Y,Z and then place that game logic in every mission you host.

Then add that game logic addon to your community addon pack and make it available for download.

it's just easier to password the server though.

That is the only way

Edited by Terox

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I have been experiencing similar issue reported in the OP. You have been kicked from the server. Turning VerifySignatures off allows me to connect and use the addon. This leads me to believe the issue may be with the keys.

  • Only two addons running, CBA plus the addon in question.
  • Addon PBO was created using PBO Manager
  • Client RPT shows no issues. Server RPT shows "Player X wrong signature for file X" as in the OP
  • bikey and bisign are both in place on the server, which is running Linux
  • Config.cpp in the addon has been binarized
  • Eliteness LintCheck reports "config.bin: ok"
  • DSCheckSignatures does not report an error

1) The addon makers bikey or bisigns are corrupt, which is not that rare

2) Your bikey or bisigns are corrupt

I am wondering if the bikey might be the culprit but I am unsure how to check validity of that file. Is there some test I can run on it to verify it?

I am also wondering if there is a way to regenerate the bikey without generating a new private key at the same time.

Having said all that, we tried resigning the pbo with the server admin's key and had the same problem.

Could my addon code affect this in any way?

Could the server OS affect this in any way, assuming all filenames are lower case?

Thanks for the help.

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