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Reach Elite Forces

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About Us

At Reach Elite Forces we believe that with a combination of a structured environment, organised play, communication and dynamic, ever evolving mission design the result is an immersive and thoroughly exciting experience for fans of ARMA 3 and the military simulation genre.

You will begin your tour of duty by taking the role of a private*, the lowest but by far most crucial cog in the machine. From there you are free to rank up, lead fireteams, join specialised squads like Airforce, Armour, Recon or Special Forces and eventually you could be leading the platoon yourself! At Reach Elite Forces there is always room to excel in whatever area you enjoy and the support is there to improve the areas in which you may not be so strong with courses and certifications for various roles.

*on joining you will be placed in a pool of Applicants wherepon you must complete two campaign or training sessions and pass our Basic Rifleman Certification. You will then obtain a private rank in our army and be free to rank up from there.

Reach Elite Forces Dynamic Campaign

Every Tuesday night beginning at 1900 GMT we run a training/campaign session . As explained in the Campaigns section of our website, these nights are when we take the game at it's most serious. They are usually composed of large combined arms operations that tie into a larger campaign complete with a dynamic story arc. Expect multiple objectives, epic firefights, exciting twists and complete immersion in the battlefield.

The dynamic campaign is created by an in-house team who take into consideration the events of the previous week and other side missions that may be run. This method allows our campaign to be truly fluid and change on the fly depending on our members actions.

Why Join Us?

•We offer a mature environment where tactics and teamplay are encouraged.

•Enjoy a dynamic campaign across the Aegean Sea.

•A team of instructors provide courses to help build confidence and knowledge of skills.

•3 Dedicated servers - including a custom training map for our members, a development server for those wishing to test their created missions and a public server for recruiting and open play.

•Whilst our campaign is PVE focused we also run a host of other fun nights that include PVP and other user generated content.


Edited by cptliam

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It is with great pleasure I can finally announce the project we have been working on for the last few weeks, built from the ground up and catering exactly for our needs as an ARMA 3 community, Reach Elite Forces has a new site.


This of course means we are leaving behind Forgotten Honor. Reach Elite Forces, since it's inception this summer, has grown rapidly and has arrived at the point where we have a solid player base (that's you guys!) who turn up consistently and show passion for not only the game but the growth of the community as a whole.

We now have a fantastic team of members who are working day in, day out to push things forward and really make this the best ARMA 3 community out there. This is partially why we are going independent; by moving our own way we can immediately show ourselves as a dedicated and passionate ARMA 3 community, one who takes the game seriously and have the desire and drive to see it really become a part of the games legacy.

Going independent also allows us full creative control of the platforms we use, this is divided into multiple areas including the game itself, the website, social media and any public content (Youtube, Vimeo etc). Our new website clearly defines our focus as an ARMA 3 centric community and ultimately we are able build the features we, the community, need and integrate them as and when we see fit without disrupting Forgotten Honor as a whole. It was incredibly kind of Forgotten Honor to be our host for the past few months while we found our feet and for that they have our utmost thanks.

Our goal is to make this the best ARMA 3 community out there with exciting campaigns that evolve dynamically depending on the decisions and actions of the members while in the field. This is backed by our military structure, planning, communication and combined arms operations that give a truly unforgettable level of immersion to an already fantastic simulation.

So how does this affect you?

Essentially things will continue as they have been, the training/operations night will stay on the Tuesday slot, as will the fun nights and other things we get up to. You will notice a new calendar system on the website, cast your eye over that to see upcoming events and other important dates on the horizon.

There are many more changes which you can read about in the news section of our website at http://www.reacheliteforces.com/news/reach-elite-forces-goes-independent-new-website-and-the-current-status-of-the-community/

The only thing you will be required to do is head to http://www.reacheliteforces.com/ and re-sign up even if you are already a member, this is a new website afterall.

There will be a community feedback section on the forums for suggestions and any issues that may arise following the move, please feel free to make use of this.

In addition to the new website, many of you are already familiar with the new teamspeak server at ts.reacheliteforces.com This will be our permanent new home and from this date forward will be the one used for all fun nights, operations and generally hanging out. Make sure you’ve added it to your bookmarks and have sorted your tags.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please find one of the officers on Teamspeak or create a thread on the forums.

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Reach Elite Forces Dynamic Campaign

Every Tuesday night beginning at 1900 GMT we run a training/campaign session . As explained in the Campaigns section of our website, these nights are when we take the game at it's most serious. They are usually composed of large combined arms operations that tie into a larger campaign complete with a dynamic story arc. Expect multiple objectives, epic firefights, exciting twists and complete immersion in the battlefield.

The dynamic campaign is created by an in-house team who take into consideration the events of the previous week and other side missions that may be run. This method allows our campaign to be truly fluid and change on the fly depending on our members actions.

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More News incomeing soon

Edited by cptliam

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