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Arma 3 Headless Client

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Re: UPSMON, although not A3, I have UPSMON working in A2

Process is:

init.sqf call precompile UPSMON for all clients (probably redundant)

spawn AI via if(isHC) = execVM spawnscript

Within spawnscript init UPSMON.sqf post unit spawn

Note within the UPSMON scripts there are a few if(!isserver) instances that need to be set just to run on the HC.

The above could probably be done more efficiently, however, it appears to work for me (although is not fully tested). When I say 'work' that's with UPSMON debug on, script only allowed to run on the HC, UPSMON enabled units clearly operating on the map and confirmed visually etc.

Hope that helps

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HI all,

I have installed a A3 dedicated server on a Windows 2008 Root Server. Now i try to get HeadlessClient running. On my Home Computer it works fine but on the Server not.

If i start HC on my server it connects to the game server but a few Secounds later i get the Message "Client not responding" from my Gameserver console. I think there is left any Software installed on the server to run HC correctly.

Can anybody tell my what i need to get it working ?

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The dedicated server that you run - is it the game arma3server exe or the Arma3 server available from Steam tools that you are running?

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HI all,

I have installed a A3 dedicated server on a Windows 2008 Root Server. Now i try to get HeadlessClient running. On my Home Computer it works fine but on the Server not.

If i start HC on my server it connects to the game server but a few Secounds later i get the Message "Client not responding" from my Gameserver console. I think there is left any Software installed on the server to run HC correctly.

Can anybody tell my what i need to get it working ?

If you got this:

'Player kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding'

then you need to insert a line like this:


in a file called 'HC'.Arma3Profile (where you have to replace 'HC' with the name used with -name=HC param in your hc startline)

This file should be in the 'users' subfolder of the folder defined by the -profile= param in your hc startline or in the default profile folder.

Hope it helps.

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If you got this:

'Player kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding'

then you need to insert a line like this:


in a file called 'HC'.Arma3Profile (where you have to replace 'HC' with the name used with -name=HC param in your hc startline)

This file should be in the 'users' subfolder of the folder defined by the -profile= param in your hc startline or in the default profile folder.

Hope it helps.

Thanks. this works. :yay:

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Re: UPSMON, although not A3, I have UPSMON working in A2

Process is:

init.sqf call precompile UPSMON for all clients (probably redundant)

spawn AI via if(isHC) = execVM spawnscript

Within spawnscript init UPSMON.sqf post unit spawn

Note within the UPSMON scripts there are a few if(!isserver) instances that need to be set just to run on the HC.

The above could probably be done more efficiently, however, it appears to work for me (although is not fully tested). When I say 'work' that's with UPSMON debug on, script only allowed to run on the HC, UPSMON enabled units clearly operating on the map and confirmed visually etc.

Hope that helps

I got ya for the most part. Could you post a mission so I could open it and see exactly how you've done it. This is also for A3.

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19:07:53 Server error: Player without identity Headlessclient (id 1914964398)

Since today's patch. Wassup?

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19:07:53 Server error: Player without identity Headlessclient (id 1914964398)

Since today's patch. Wassup?

I've not noticed an issue with the HC, at least on our server that runs it.

The only thing I've changed today is to comment out the Steam Ports that were set in the server configuration file (as it's no longer required).

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I was using both TADST and regular shortcuts to connect the HC quite happily prior to the patch. TADST now throws up that errror posted above. If I setup a normal shortcut such as the one below, HC tried to connect but gets repeatedly kicked. I'm not running BE on this server and nothing else has changed.

arma3.exe -client -nosound -connect=myhostname -port=2302 -profiles=C:\Games\ArmA3\Svr_HC -name=Headlessclient -password=mypwd -mod=...etc

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I was using both TADST and regular shortcuts to connect the HC quite happily prior to the patch. TADST now throws up that errror posted above. If I setup a normal shortcut such as the one below, HC tried to connect but gets repeatedly kicked. I'm not running BE on this server and nothing else has changed.

arma3.exe -client -nosound -connect=myhostname -port=2302 -profiles=C:\Games\ArmA3\Svr_HC -name=Headlessclient -password=mypwd -mod=...etc

I'm posting my entire HC shortcut that I use on our server...


@echo off

echo -----------------------------------

echo ! 16AA-1 Headless Client BAT LAUNCHER !

echo -----------------------------------

REM *********Add your Parameters and server details here.*********

SET PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\"

SET SERVER=-client -port=2302 -enableHT -connect=localhost -noSound -password=<REMOVED>

SET PARAMETERS=-profiles=C:\Games\Arma3\Logs\server -name=[HC]Client_1

REM *********Add your mods to any of these lines! Make sure to add an ";" at the end.*********

SET MP=C:\Games\Arma3\Mods\


SET SP=C:\Games\Arma3\Mods\


REM *********Start the Arma3 Headless Client*********

start /B /D%PATH% arma3.exe %SERVER% %PARAMETERS% -mod=%l6AA% %USERCONFIG%

echo Server started successfully

The only thing that springs to mind and I have to ask is...Have you updated your mods in any way and not updated the corresponding mod keys?

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I've tried with verifysigs off and it's still not working, so it's not the keys. No doubt it's some random mod with a problem that was manifested by the patch and is now causing the HC to crap out. It's usually something unfathomable like that.

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hey guys, we are pretty keen to get HC set up on our dedi server/clients.

There seems like a lot of info in this thread, is anyone able to simplify it for a first time setup? have seen the first post but it may be outdated due to patches..

Also does anyone run ASR_AI3 with HC active? do all clients need to run it or can it be left on server like normal?

Thanks for any help

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Put this into your startup parameters of HC. Make sure the server config has HC info as well. See that link and under dedicated server HC stuff. Personally HC is NOT utilized enough YET. It can be a different way to run missions as long as they are set up correctly. Good luck. I have it set up. But I feel its a HUGE waste of time. Patrolops doesn't work, Alive with CQB only for HC, I haven't tried DAC YET, but I hear it works, ASR_AI3 should work fine on server only IF its a server only mod. Have not used it yet so cant tell ya that.

To this point I feel HC is a waste. Not to mention you need another Arma profile to use for HC.

-localhost= -connect=localhost -port=PORTNUMBER -password=PASSWORD -client -nosound



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I gave up with HC in 1.24. It was just too crashy. Given that this game is prone to stuffing itself into the ground pretty regularly, I reason that having a HC and a server just doubles the chances of a crash taking your mission down.

I'll try it again with 1.26 soon.

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I gave up with HC in 1.24. It was just too crashy. Given that this game is prone to stuffing itself into the ground pretty regularly, I reason that having a HC and a server just doubles the chances of a crash taking your mission down.

I'll try it again with 1.26 soon.

Could you post your results. I would love to have mine going, I am waiting for actual scripts and user missions that support HC. I could not get UPSMON to work with A2MC and HC, I could not use MCC with HC so I gave up. Its too much work, I hate default AI behavior so I prefer scripting to improve that and I have not found one that works yet. Adding mods for some is a pain so I haven't done that. Any suggestions are always welcome here. I would love to have all my missions played with my HC. BUT NO LUCK YET!

If anyone has success with this stuff PLEASE PLEASE post what you've done or do.


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*disclaimer* I have not tried HC in Arma 3 yet :p

ALiVE mod supports HC for certain modules (CQB) there is a drop-down setting in the module to change locality. I've noticed xLib Insurgency module has the same feature.

For AI behaviour mods we use to run ASR_AI on the HC in Arma2 with great success (but it is a mod not a script).

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Our HC is working for month now. We don't use any mod.

I adapted the "eos" to our mission and for using the HC.

I made a "system" with battleye and a bad script to quick the HC when it is not in the civilian slot (Each time the server or HC restart).

First : More desync because of the priority of the HC.

Second : bots are less reactive than without HC (i modified the TPW_CAS, and the scripts are executed by the HC).

And third : each Update of the game i have to pray.

So it's urgent to wait the new version of the garanteedupdate version.

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Hello folks,

first of all: I did not read the whole thread, so if any of my questions are already answered, i would appreciate a small link to the page/post, thank you.

So BI implemented some sort of workers to offload AI calculations onto another process to utilize another machines resources. Of course, this can be executed on the machine which runs the server process and therefor utilize more cores of the CPU. This might be useful, because the original server will only create a single AI thread. You even can have multiple headless clients and make use of multiple machines at once. The point is:

1. You implemented a socket based protocol to do inter-process communication so you can offload AI calculations

2. You have a client (which is basically the normal game, as far as i know) which just acts as a worker

3. It seems to work for most users

And yet you decided not to use that exact same protocol (which would be a bit silly to do, but nevertheless be better than not being able to use multiple threads at all) to just start n threads, communicate like you already can do and run the calculations needed in each thread? This is actually the easy step compared to offloading to other machines, so why did you decide not to do it?

You would instantly be able to utilize all cores if needed, while simplifying the administration of servers. Are there reasons i don't see right now not to do it this way?

Kind regards,


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Is there any way to make the new headless client implementation auto start the mission? My headlessclient connects but then nothing happens.

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I've noticed in this release, using a dedicated client ignores the name and profiles parameters. Is this correct?

I have a need to continue using my existing name and profile parameters, however starting a dedicated client results in a new profile and an invalid ID (not assigned proper GUID);

start "" arma3.exe -client -connect=localhost -port=3302 -profile=BlackMarketGaming -name=BlackMarketGaming


 4:48:51 Server error: Player without identity headlessclient (id 18795679)
4:48:51 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #18795679, users.card=0
4:48:51 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 18795679
4:48:51 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 18795679 (headlessclient)


 4:48:45 BattlEye Server: Player #0 headlessclient ( connected
4:48:46 Player headlessclient connecting.
4:48:46 Mission Epoch Mod read from bank.
4:48:47 Player headlessclient connected [color="#FF0000"][b](id=HC3764)[/b][/color].
4:48:47 Player headlessclient disconnected.
4:48:47 BattlEye Server: Player #0 headlessclient disconnected

Note that the ID supplied is a HC ID, not a GUID. This is not the desired behaviour (I should be able to specify -headless for a real headless client, instead of a dedicated client).

What I expect to see when using -client and NOT a headless client


16:07:54 BlackMarketGaming uses modified data file
16:07:54 BattlEye Server: Player #0 BlackMarketGaming ( connected
16:07:54 Player BlackMarketGaming connecting.
16:07:56 BattlEye Server: Player #0 BlackMarketGaming - [b][color="#008000"]GUID: d5beec3109e05b72a32873ef3107b20f[/color][/b] (unverified)
16:07:57 Player BlackMarketGaming connected (id=76561198120590648).
16:07:57 BattlEye Server: [b]Verified [color="#008000"]GUID (d5beec3109e05b72a32873ef3107b20f)[/color][/b] of player #0 BlackMarketGaming

I really do not wish to use the "headless" client, but simply the "dedicated" client that was available before the latest patch. We have relied on this functionality for quite a while.

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