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Real Damage for Arma 2

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This is the first version of Real Damage system but depending on you interest guys I can make it even better. You are right about that bullet damage increases with the unit damage and in addition there is an affected area value that increases with damage too. I learn it from the mission I created to study the Arma 2 damage. I personally think that this event handler "HandleDamage" is like a "test version" so I'm pretty sure that Bohemia Interactive is working on it (We should take a look to VB2 to know what is coming) Did anyone saw a Bohemia Interactive mission using the event handler "HandleDamage" on infantry? I do not think so because is a little bit... not properly done or under development. It is tricky to use but like I think I manage to used it decently. I wish it will be more... useful or even better so people like me will be doing other things.

The current "HandleDamage" is triggered every time a unit is hit and for every part of the body in different stances. That means you can not link the information between what parts where hit by a the projectile straightaway. You can link them creating variables... but that will create performance issues and lag. (Real Damage is tiny and it does not use even variables to pass info to other scripts.) This parallel process makes hard to locate the area hit as, for example, you can not ask at the same time if the unit was hit at the legs and body. The event handler will show in different stances the damage for head, body, hands and legs but you can not link easily data. The more you do... the more issues you add because it will have an impact on performance. Think how many times the event handler will be triggered when a group of 3 units are killed by a grenade? I let you know that even if the event handler has a tiny script link to it will create performance issues. I manage to fix this issue by blocking the code if the unit is dead, that reduced the number of running scripts from something like 30 to 6. That may be explain the poor performance of some multiplayer missions using this event handler.

May be there is something weak on the Real Damage but like always I check it several times and trying to capture every single situation before I share it with you guys.

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Thanks for this inisght information. I already expected an answer like that, because if it would be easy to do the community would have done it already ages ago, on the other hand in the past much things was said its engine limitation and cant be worked around, JSRS and TPWCAS prove that wrong and i hoped maybe ur script is also on that track :) But anyways ur script IS an improvement nevertheless.

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- The code is base on weapon/ammunition damage so if you create/modify an ammunition values the Real Damage will work.

- About the medic issue I did not saw that problem when I created my Silent Rescue mission. This mission has some medics and they help anyone at the map. I did not saw that problem with the groups. I tested the medics on Silent Rescue and they did it right all the time. May be is because someone forgot to setup the medics right? AI medics will work fine if you add to them a support waypoint. I will add Real Damage to my best coop mission (Silent Rescue) soon and I'm pretty sure that I will see no issues.

- I not friendly mod... mods or small mods in particularly adds problems to Arma... The most important one is players fragmentation so instead to have less servers with more people together we have many small servers with fewer people inside. That is not good for a product live. Do not get me wrong, I love the modification aspect of the game but I think we need some quality control on non official missions... and more official missions. I let you know that many current missions have errors and/or heavy performance issues... If Arma 2 will be my product I will do something clear to show what missions are originals and what missions are created by players like me. I think we really need a quality vote parameter on the mission search engine... Finally I took it from my chest! When I create my codes I make sure my code does what I was expecting because many times the -showscripterrors does not show the errors! If you do not se the error messages that does not means your code is right.

- About implementing improved body parts I think this is what BIS is doing implementing the "HandleDamage" event handler. I'm not sure but I think they included it on the last patch (1.62) To me it seems to be under development. I know that attaching objects to units to determinate specific body parts does not work, because you will be attaching objects to the bounding box not to the character itself and when the character changes the stance the bounding box barely changes. It will possible to fix this with extra code but sure there is a price... drop in performance. If BIS is not doing right now sure there is a reason way and sure they will find the way to fix it. Mate we do not need more performance issues. The game now is bloody smooth problem is the code that people like me includes is creating multiplayer performance issues.

- About the bullet proof vest it is possible. I do not know how to attach an object to someone head... I guess is not easy to implement it on a multiplayer mission. In addition how that thing will work when the unit is inside a vehicle? If I will want to create a bullet proof vest I will tweak a little bit Real Damage system an that's it. The VBS2 has a bullet proof vest feature if you people want it I think I can created it in one night. May be I will include it on the next Real Damage version. Do you know what was the initial name of the real damage project... Bullet Proof Vest.

Have fun and thanks for the comments!

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- I not friendly mod... mods or small mods in particularly adds problems to Arma... The most important one is players fragmentation so instead to have less servers with more people together we have many small servers with fewer people inside. That is not good for a product live.

Hmm that depends and is a matter of taste. Many players on one server doesnt automatically mean good teamplay or good gameplay. If u have many players in one server it means u need very structured way of playing, and a command structure. Not all players like that. Plus in a small group u get to know each other better and is more family/friend like atmosphere, at least the chance that it is like that is higher in a smaller group. With 10/15 players + u need to devide the team in smaller groups anyway, most convenient way to achieve that would be ACRE, and with many players ACRE almost is a MUST. But ACRE still has its flaws and get it running in a bigger group can be troublesome (im just guessing here, i can just make conclusions from our experience with ACRE - but as troublesome it is we use it now everytime we play).

Do not get me wrong, I love the modification aspect of the game but I think we need some quality control on non official missions... and more official missions. I let you know that many current missions have errors and/or heavy performance issues... If Arma 2 will be my product I will do something clear to show what missions are originals and what missions are created by players like me. I think we really need a quality vote parameter on the mission search engine...

So very true, quality of downloadable coop missions is horrible in most cases, i guess the good missions are always on closed servers/communities and are not published to the public (applies to me/my group i play with), in my case its because they are always WorkInProgress and i have the feeling they are not good enough for public release, mabye that feeling is wrong but jea... thats how i see it.

For german guys there is www.armamdb.de but they focus reviews and ratings on SP missions and campaigns. Something like that would be really needed for MP missions.

But i guess for most players/modders/missionbuilders ArmA already eats enough time and every group prefers focusing on the developement/bugfixing/improvement of own missions.

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- About the bullet proof vest it is possible(...)The VBS2 has a bullet proof vest feature if you people want it I think I can created it in one night. May be I will include it on the next Real Damage version.

Have fun and thanks for the comments!

Murcielago, My Spanish friend, people want it. With vests working this mod will be a must-have. I created account here just to tell you this. Many people are counting on you.

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Roger! I going to start working in a new Real Damage version including bullet proof vest.

Al comments, information, suggestions... are welcome!

I'm going to start gathering information about bullet proof vests.

Murcielago (mgllgm@hotmail.com)

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This looks awesome. For a long time now I'm waiting for something like this. Especially the silenced pistol damage fix is a critical issue.

But please release an addon version. This would be very helpful.

By the way, does it produce any conflicts with ACE wounding?

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This code should not create any conflict with any code/mode. Is a tiny and straight code and it only controls the unit's damage. Does not need to public variables or need different versions of the script for server and client... The same code works on players, AI, multiplayer and single player missions. I spent long time to achieve a dead easy to use code like Real Damage.

About the mod version I think is a good idea but I still thinking that there is nothing better solution that include this tiny code inside the mission. It is possible to include the Real Damage code for all units with two code lines (+Folder) That's is really simple.

By the way I have been learning about body armor an soon I will pick your brains about some ideas I have and what you want. For example what you will like to see when a .50 caliber bullet hit a bullet proof vest? The science says that you will die due to the kinetic energy -> Your chest will be crushed by the bullet force if you are wearing the best body armor. During the Real Damage creation I notice that there are different values of body armor for different units. With a .50 caliber bullet the armor only makes the different on your place to die: at the street or at the hospital. To add this situation to Arma 2 I will do something like after being hit by a .50 caliber bullet on the chest you will have some fades to black and after 15 seconds you will die. What you think guys?

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More likely you would be dead at once. You will definitly be forced to the ground and black out. Science is right about this the pressure would crush your whole interior, your lungs would collapse and the schock would make you unconcious. And soon bleed out from inside.

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Hey, its nice that you like to fix some damage problems but Dar is right!

I have to say that AS50 as well as m107 shots a .50 im assuming that you newer saw what actually is a result of shooting someone with .50. Well even from a distance of 1000 meters the damage to leg would be so big that soldier would lost consciousness, or at least would fall to the ground (not by energy of bullet of course but as a result of his organism defense mechanism) and fell the aftershock thats still gives him small chance of survive without fast medevac, and definitely his leg would be amputated, if shot would hit knee, shoulder or neck, that will be decapitated, in a thigh shot there is a 75% chance of damaging artery, result of that is losing a 3L of blood in less than 3min.

For me the biggest problem in ArmA is when im using 1911 its not truth that its so inaccurate on 50yard range, but the biggest problem is that i must shot more than 2 shots to kill a guy in body armor from 2 meters, guys thats .45 and its not so weak, ok if first shot would not kill guy but, kinetic energy will harm him and hi would definitely lose his aim.

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Hey mate,

Really enjoying using this. I normally use DAPs First Aid, and posted in his thread about trying to combine the two. He said that there would need to be a little tweaking of your scripts so that DAPs first aid could kick in with wounded troops. What do you think ?

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I'm currently working in a new version including a bullet proof vest feature and more accurate reactions to bullets impacts. But I let you know that there are many limitations in order to create features from the Arma 2 code. I will try to do some magic things but at least I'm sure soon we will have a better version.

About the sniper bullet impact reaction I need to say that I'm happy with my first achievement. Once you are hit on a leg with a high calibre bullet you will have 3 or 2 minutes before you will die but in addition you will have some problems: huge recoil and large fades to black to simulate pain linked to a huge wound. Remember that if you try to move with this type of wound you time will be reduced to about 30s.

Thanks for your time.

Please guys carry on giving me comments and information to try to create a better version.

---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:07 ----------


Thanks for your interest. About modifying Real Damage feel free if you need help to merge the code I will be happy helping.

By the way! Tomorrow I will post my a new Real Damage version that fix a vehicle issue. May be it will be available on Monday at Armaholic.com but if you need it right now this is my e-mail: mgllgm@hotmail.com

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Hi all!

I'm glad to say that I fix the vehicle issue reported by Too Tall (YouTube). In addition I removed the variables used on the event handler code. It uses "_This Select i" instead internal variables. I guess this will make the code slightly light than before.


I read some comments and it says that for this work (Human target at 2800m) you can use an L115 sniper rifle instead of a anti-materiel rifle. In Arma 2 it will hard to kill a human target at 2800m with a AS50/m107 but I do not think so you can do it with a L115 sniper rifle. On one hand because the Arma 2 bullet will have low energy, on the other hand, the Arma 2 optics on the L115 sniper rifle are not good enough for that range. Arma 2 is the best game simulator out there but still being a game so sure developers they take decisions to balance the gamming factor with the simulator feature because Arma 2 still being a product, Bohemia would like to sell as many copies as they can.

About Arma 3... I'm happy to see they delay it to release the product when is properly done. I guess they, and many more companies, have learned the The WarZ lesson... Check what it happened to this game... Do not confuse it with DayZ (Some people confused the names even on the Youtube videos) or World War Z (The film) I'm looking forward to get lost inside the Arma 3 editor! This is what I do first with Arma games. Then I will spend some time to set up the keys... Mmmmmmmm... I can fill it! The sad thing with Arma 3 is that I was ready for it! I upgrade my Pc to a SLI configuration to enjoy the PhysX feature... but may be when Arma 3 will be released I will need to go shopping again... What a pity!

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Is there anyway to create a version that auto-initialises? using CBA?

So that it could be used in any mission?

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This is great concept and a big boost to vanilla game. Im also interested, as few others are, how will this work with ACE Wounds system, since it has some features regarding these issues too.

Ill try to create a mission with your system, and have it playtested in full MP environment along with ACE + Wounds in it, and Ill provide feedback here.

If it works right it will be epic. I must then suggest to ACE devs to implement this system into ACE, cause all epic stuff is already there ;)


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domokun and _MaSSive,

I do not know if that it will be possible But I will love to see it! (I did not study the CBA or ACE addon code but I'm pretty sure that they can add Real Damage to their addon in seconds. Real Damage code is easy to use/understand.)

I have many opened projects, many ideas... (In addition I try to answer to all comments and e-mails that I received about all my projects) I have a small experience with addons but because I can not delivery the same quality that I achieve with my code/missions and I'm really passionate about my unreleased projects I will be happy if people want to create a Real Damage addon or add it to their addons. I think I should concentrate on what I do best.

I'm going to be honest, I'm happy if anyone takes the Real Damage code and creates an addon or integrates it to their addon (For example guys CBA, ACE...) Interested people/teams please send me and e-mail (mgllgm@hotmail.com) or post a comment here. That is all. I have receive many comments from people interested on the addon version of Real Damage in addition the YouTube video have been watched 5000 times in 10 days! Not bad for a 10min videos without: Music, DayZ, cats, hot chics... ;)

Thanks for your interest guys!

(I'm carry on working on the bullet proof vest feature for Real Damage)

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I think that your best bet is to contact the author of the First Aid mod, Dapman.

IIRC he found a way to auto-initialise his mod.

Maybe he could help you or even integrate it into his mod?

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Cant wait for vests. Guys you should buddy with- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136795-Combat-Medical-System/page13

The real deal to patching guys up.

There is a little thing Im curious about.Penetration abilities. AK round gives less damage to body but is better at penetrating everything, including vests. On the other hand 5.56 does bigger damage to body, becouse it spins around in wound and makes it bigger. Now AK just have bigger damage than 5.56 and this is not true. Can you incrase the penetration ability without incrasing damage to non protected body?

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For the people how want to apply Real Damage to a large number of units or to apply Real Damage to units created via script take a look to this:

"...Yes there are another alternative methods to add the Real Damage code to units. I only showed the easy one to make things more "affordable" for people who is not an "Arma expert".

The steps 1 and 2 will still the same.

1. The Real Damage code folder place it on your mission's folder.

2. To create a game logic (Side = Game Logic / Class = Objects) and add into its initialization box: Logic_Team = CreateGroup Civilian;

3.1 To add to every unit's initialization box: This addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {If (Alive(_This Select 0)) Then {Null = _This ExecVM "Real_Damage\Damage_Detector.sqf";};}];


3.2 How to Apply Real Damage to every unit inside a circular area?

You will need two extra objects:

. INVISIBLE HELIPAD to determinate the area centre. I normally use a "H (Invisible)" (You can find it inside the "empty" category) Name it as RD_Centre (Name box)

. TRIGGER to run the script. First add to the "Condition" box: IsServer and on the "On Act." box add: Null = [RD_Centre,100] ExecVM "RealDamage_Script.sqf";

This is the "RealDamage_Script.sqf" code (Save is as SQF file and add it to your mission folder. I always use Notepad...)

// Create a "invisible helipad" and name it RD_Centre

// Create a trigger and set "Condition" box to "IsServer" and "On Act." box add this code: Null = [RD_Centre,100] ExecVM "RealDamage_Script.sqf";

// 100 is the radius of the circular area in meters and the RD_Centre invisible helipad is the centre of that area. Every unit inside this area will receive the Real Damage script.

_Object = _This Select 0;

_Rad = _This Select 1;

_Soldier_Type = "SoldierEB";


// BLUFOR -> "SoldierWB"

// OPFOR -> "SoldierEB"

// Guerrila -> "SoldierGB"

// Civilian -> "Civilian"

_RD_Units = (Position _Object) NearEntities [_Soldier_Type,_Rad];

{_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {If (Alive(_This Select 0)) Then {Null = _This ExecVM "Real_Damage\Damage_Detector.sqf";};}];} ForEach _RD_Units;

Change the "_Soldier_Type" variable depending the type of the units you want to apply the code to. By default is set to east units ("SoldierEB")

3.3 How to apply the Real Damage code to a unit created via script?

We are going to use the "CreateUnit" command http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit. This command needs:

. UNIT TYPE. The best way to find your unit type is to create the unit you want on the editor and name it for example as XXX. Save the mission and go to the mission folder and open the "mission.sqm" file using the notepad. Then search for XXX inside the file. Once you find your target you will see a vehicle variable (vehicle="NameTypeObject") That is the unit type.

. UNIT POSITION. This will be the place where the unit will be created.

. UNIT GROUP. The unit needs a group to be created.

"Unit_Type" CreateUnit [unit_Position, Unit_Group, "This addEventHandler ['HandleDamage', {If (Alive(_This Select 0)) Then {Null = _This ExecVM 'Real_Damage\Damage_Detector.sqf';};}];", 1.0, "MAJOR"];

If you need to allow to respawn a unit created via script unpack the " RealDamage_TestMission.Chernarus.pbo" file (Inside the Real Damage Zip file) and check the " Target_Respawn_New.sqs".

I hope this will help.

Again, thanks for your interest."

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Ive tried this with ACE & CBA but without ACE Wounds module, but strange things happen.

Soldiers seems to die even more faster than without Real Damage eventhandler. Tested it in MP editor with variety of weapons and seems like they all do the same - kill a soldeir faster than when not using it. I dont know if thats a problem when used with CBA or ACE but its not working right for me atm.

Maybe you should try using CBA XEH system and new addMPeventhandler for full compatibility.

Another problem is that you dont get negative points, when shooting and killing your unist. It will happen only if you shoot them in the head. Then you will get -1 in al other cases there will be no penalty. This might cause problem in a MP games.

Lastly this might be issue only when used with ACE mod since ACE has whole different system for weapons and ammo, and you used games standard system.

If that is the case and root of the problem then this system is not compatible with ACE mod and should not be used with it.

Edited by _MaSSive

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Hi guys!

First, I want to thank you for your comments, interest and feedback!

Looks like that Real Damage has compatibility issues with ACE. I did not study anyone's code to create Real Damage but after reading _MaSSive post I'm guessing that they use the "HandleDamage" event handler that I used to create Real Damage. Logically Real Damage will be compatible with any code that does not use "HandleDamage" command (Real Damage is a tiny system created only with 4 elements, a "HandleDamage" event handler, 2 tiny scripts and 1 game logic object.) That does not mean that you can not use Real Damage with a mod that uses "HandleDamage" event handler. You can use if you blend the codes. The easy way will be to add the tiny Real Damage code to the big mod code.

About creating a simple mod for Real Damage I did not receive any e-mail or comment of people interested on it. But do not worry, after the interest that people show about it, with e-mails and comments, I will try to create it. No problemo.

Thanks for your interest, again!


Dear Tes,

I read all the thread... but looks like there are not interested.

By the way! I'm happy and proud to say that Rubber expressed his interest on Real Damage code. Rubber said that he will try to incorporate to the new Warfare mission update.

Thanks Rubber!

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Thanks alot for a great mod. Arma's damage system is one thing that I feel is really lacking. This mod/script really helps fix that. Best of luck making it into a full on mod.

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