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Large file being written in a single state in fsm editor cannot be read

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Seems no solution after searching and even the latest version of the BI fsm editor (v1.2.1) still didn't work.

The problem is when the content that was written in a state become enough large will cause the script can't be visualized by fsm editor.

Here's the example, the script demonstrated below cannot be visualized: (FSM title D:\WCRTools\FSM Editor Personal Edition\scriptedFSM.cfg need to be changed to the destination where your scriptedFSM located)

/*%FSM<COMPILE "D:\WCRTools\FSM Editor Personal Edition\scriptedFSM.cfg, FFUR_init">*/
item0[] = {"Start",0,250,-39.366196,-150.352112,50.633804,-100.352112,0.000000,"Start"};
item1[] = {"Single_Player_On",4,218,-42.183098,-80.633804,47.816902,-30.633804,0.000000,"Single Player Only"};
item2[] = {"Null",2,250,-40.070423,-22.887329,49.929592,27.112671,0.000000,"Null"};
item3[] = {"Player_Available",4,218,-35.845078,43.309853,54.154922,93.309853,0.000000,"Player Available"};
item4[] = {"Fired_Event_Hand",2,4346,-33.732395,108.098587,56.267620,158.098587,0.000000,"Fired Event Handler"};
item5[] = {"Null",8,218,-31.244549,175.698044,58.755451,225.698044,0.000000,"Null"};
item6[] = {"Updating_AllUnit",2,250,-31.899563,256.659393,58.100452,306.659546,0.000000,"Updating AllUnitsArray"};
item7[] = {"New_Units_Added",4,218,110.895172,254.694244,200.895187,304.694244,0.000000,"New Units Added?"};
item8[] = {"New_Units_Fire_E",2,250,257.620087,257.969421,347.620117,307.969421,0.000000,"New Units Fire EventHandler"};
item9[] = {"Null",8,218,256.310059,172.816574,346.310059,222.816574,0.000000,"Null"};
item10[] = {"New_AllUnitsArra",2,250,111.550217,175.436661,201.550232,225.436661,0.000000,"New AllUnitsArray"};
link0[] = {0,1};
link1[] = {1,2};
link2[] = {2,3};
link3[] = {3,4};
link4[] = {4,5};
link5[] = {5,6};
link6[] = {6,5};
link7[] = {6,7};
link8[] = {7,8};
link9[] = {8,9};
link10[] = {9,10};
link11[] = {10,5};
globals[] = {0.000000,0,0,0,0,640,480,1,12,6316128,1,-67.211830,342.320007,456.102783,-34.664097,610,731,1};
window[] = {2,-1,-1,-32000,-32000,800,175,1375,175,3,628};
class FSM
 fsmName = "FFUR_init";
 class States
   /*%FSM<STATE "Start">*/
   class Start
     name = "Start";
     init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
     precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
     class Links
       /*%FSM<LINK "Single_Player_On">*/
       class Single_Player_On
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
   /*%FSM<STATE "Null">*/
   class Null
     name = "Null";
     init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
     precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
     class Links
       /*%FSM<LINK "Player_Available">*/
       class Player_Available
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
         condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"!isNull Player"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
   /*%FSM<STATE "Fired_Event_Hand">*/
   class Fired_Event_Hand
     name = "Fired_Event_Hand";
     init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"Private [""_AllUnitsArray"",""_list"",""_WhichVoice"",""_SayWhat"",""_Can_Be_Heard""];" \n
      "_AllUnitsArray = AllUnits;" \n
      "{_x addEventHandler [""Fired"",{" \n
      "         if (isPlayer (_this select 0)) then {" \n
      "                                               switch (side (_this select 0)) do {" \n
      "                                                             case west: {" \n
      "                                                              _list = (position  (_this select 0)) nearEntities [[""Man""],FFUR_Infantry_Talking_Distance];" \n
      "                                                              if (({alive _x} count (_list - [_this select 0])) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                              _list = (_list - [_this select 0]);" \n
      "                                                              if (({(side _x) == (side (_this select 0))} count _list) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                              _WhichVoice = (floor (random (count FFUR_Voice_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                              _SayWhat =  (floor (random (count FFUR_Sentence_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                             if (FFUR_Talking_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) then {" \n
      "                                                                             cutText [name (_this select 0) + "":"" + "" "" + (FFUR_Sentence_Collection select _SayWhat),""PLAIN DOWN""];" \n
      "                                                                             (_this select 0) say (FFUR_Voice_Collection select _WhichVoice);" \n
      "                                                                                        if ((FFUR_Response_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) && (alive (_list select 0))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                   null = [(_List select 0)] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_engine\FFUR_Response.fsm"";" \n
      "                                                                                        };" \n
      "                                                                             };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                             case east: {" \n
      "                                                              _list = (position  (_this select 0)) nearEntities [[""Man""],FFUR_Infantry_Talking_Distance];" \n
      "                                                              if (({alive _x} count (_list - [_this select 0])) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                              _list = (_list - [_this select 0]);" \n
      "                                                              if (({(side _x) == (side (_this select 0))} count _list) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                              _WhichVoice = (floor (random (count FFUR_R_Voice)));" \n
      "                                                              _SayWhat =  (floor (random (count FFUR_Sentence_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                             if (FFUR_Talking_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) then {" \n
      "                                                                             cutText [name (_this select 0) + "":"" + "" "" + (FFUR_Sentence_Collection select _SayWhat),""PLAIN DOWN""];" \n
      "                                                                             (_this select 0) say (FFUR_R_Voice select _WhichVoice);" \n
      "                                                                                        if ((FFUR_Response_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) && (alive (_list select 0))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                   null = [(_List select 0)] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_engine\FFUR_Response2.fsm"";" \n
      "                                                                                        };" \n
      "                                                                             };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              default {" \n
      "                                                              _list = (position  (_this select 0)) nearEntities [[""Man""],FFUR_Infantry_Talking_Distance];" \n
      "                                                              if (({alive _x} count (_list - [_this select 0])) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                              _list = (_list - [_this select 0]);" \n
      "                                                              if (({(side _x) == (side (_this select 0))} count _list) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                              _WhichVoice = (floor (random (count FFUR_Voice_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                              _SayWhat =  (floor (random (count FFUR_Sentence_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                             if (FFUR_Talking_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) then {" \n
      "                                                                             cutText [name (_this select 0) + "":"" + "" "" + (FFUR_Sentence_Collection select _SayWhat),""PLAIN DOWN""];" \n
      "                                                                             (_this select 0) say (FFUR_Voice_Collection select _WhichVoice);" \n
      "                                                                                        if ((FFUR_Response_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) && (alive (_list select 0))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                   null = [(_List select 0)] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_engine\FFUR_Response.fsm"";" \n
      "                                                                                        };" \n
      "                                                                             };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                              };" \n
      "                                                 };" \n
      "                       switch (true) do {" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M16Base):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M16A4.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M16A2Base):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M16A2.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_FN_FAL):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_FNFAL.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_Pistol):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_Pistol.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M4A1):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M4A1.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M4A3):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M4A3.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    default " \n
      "                                     {" \n
      "                                     null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M16A4.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                       };" \n
      "         } else {" \n
      "                       if ((_this select 0) distance player <= FFUR_Infantry_FX_Distance) then {" \n
      "                                             if (FFUR_Infantry_FX_Distance > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                _Can_Be_Heard = FFUR_Infantry_FX_Distance*0.4;" \n
      "                                                                if ((_this select 0) distance player <= _Can_Be_Heard) then {" \n
      "                                                                             switch (side (_this select 0)) do {" \n
      "                                                                             case west: {" \n
      "                                                                            _list = (position  (_this select 0)) nearEntities [[""Man""],FFUR_Infantry_Talking_Distance];" \n
      "                                                                            if (({alive _x} count (_list - [_this select 0])) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                           _list = (_list - [_this select 0]);" \n
      "                                                                            if (({(side _x) == (side (_this select 0))} count _list) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                           _WhichVoice = (floor (random (count FFUR_Voice_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                           _SayWhat =  (floor (random (count FFUR_Sentence_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                                       if (FFUR_Talking_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                       cutText [name (_this select 0) + "":"" + "" "" + (FFUR_Sentence_Collection select _SayWhat),""PLAIN DOWN""];" \n
      "                                                                                      (_this select 0) say (FFUR_Voice_Collection select _WhichVoice);" \n
      "                                                                                                   if ((FFUR_Response_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) && (alive (_list select 0))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                              null = [(_List select 0)] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_engine\FFUR_Response.fsm"";" \n
      "                                                                                                   };" \n
      "                                                                                        };" \n
      "                                                                             };" \n
      "                                                                             };" \n
      "                                                                              };" \n
      "                                                                             case east: {" \n
      "                                                                                        _list = (position  (_this select 0)) nearEntities [[""Man""],FFUR_Infantry_Talking_Distance];" \n
      "                                                                                         if (({alive _x} count (_list - [_this select 0])) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                                              _list = (_list - [_this select 0]);" \n
      "                                                                                                if (({(side _x) == (side (_this select 0))} count _list) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                                               _WhichVoice = (floor (random (count FFUR_R_Voice)));" \n
      "                                                                                                _SayWhat =  (floor (random (count FFUR_Sentence_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                                                if (FFUR_Talking_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                 cutText [name (_this select 0) + "":"" + "" "" + (FFUR_Sentence_Collection select _SayWhat),""PLAIN DOWN""];" \n
      "                                                                                               (_this select 0) say (FFUR_R_Voice select _WhichVoice);" \n
      "                                                                                                if ((FFUR_Response_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) && (alive (_list select 0))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                       null = [(_List select 0)] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_engine\FFUR_Response2.fsm"";" \n
      "                                                                                                 };" \n
      "                                                                                                 };" \n
      "                                                                                                 };" \n
      "                                                                                         };" \n
      "                                                                             };" \n
      "                                                                             default {" \n
      "                                                                                                _list = (position  (_this select 0)) nearEntities [[""Man""],FFUR_Infantry_Talking_Distance];" \n
      "                                                                                                 if (({alive _x} count (_list - [_this select 0])) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                 _list = (_list - [_this select 0]);" \n
      "                                                                                                  if (({(side _x) == (side (_this select 0))} count _list) > 0) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                 _WhichVoice = (floor (random (count FFUR_Voice_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                                                  _SayWhat =  (floor (random (count FFUR_Sentence_Collection)));" \n
      "                                                                                                 if (FFUR_Talking_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                 cutText [name (_this select 0) + "":"" + "" "" + (FFUR_Sentence_Collection select _SayWhat),""PLAIN DOWN""];" \n
      "                                                                                                 (_this select 0) say (FFUR_Voice_Collection select _WhichVoice);" \n
      "                                                                                                  if ((FFUR_Response_Possibility > (ceil (random 100))) && (alive (_list select 0))) then {" \n
      "                                                                                                            null = [(_List select 0)] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_engine\FFUR_Response.fsm"";" \n
      "                                                                                                  };" \n
      "                                                                                                  };" \n
      "                                                                                                  };" \n
      "                                                                                                  };" \n
      "                                                                              };" \n
      "                                                                              };" \n
      "                                                                };" \n
      "                                             };" \n
      "                       };" \n
      "                       switch (true) do {" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M16Base):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M16A4.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M16A2Base):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M16A2.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_FN_FAL):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_FNFAL.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_Pistol):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_Pistol.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M4A1):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M4A1.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    case ((_this select 1) in FFUR_M4A3):" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                                 null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M4A3.fsm"";" \n
      "                                     };" \n
      "                                    default" \n
      "                                    {" \n
      "                                     null = [_this select 6] execfsm ""FFUR\FFUR_FX\FFUR_FX_M16A4.fsm"";" \n
      "                                    };" \n
      "                       };" \n
      "         };" \n
      "}];} ForEach _AllUnitsArray;" \n
      "{(vehicle _x) addEventHandler [""Fired"",{}];} ForEach _AllUnitsArray;" \n
     precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
     class Links
       /*%FSM<LINK "Null">*/
       class Null
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
   /*%FSM<STATE "Updating_AllUnit">*/
   class Updating_AllUnit
     name = "Updating_AllUnit";
     init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_AllUnitsArray = _AllUnitsArray - AllDead;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
     precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
     class Links
       /*%FSM<LINK "New_Units_Added">*/
       class New_Units_Added
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
         condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"(count (AllUnits - _AllUnitsArray)) > 0"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
       /*%FSM<LINK "Null">*/
       class Null
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
   /*%FSM<STATE "New_Units_Fire_E">*/
   class New_Units_Fire_E
     name = "New_Units_Fire_E";
     init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"{_x addEventHandler [""Fired"",{}];} ForEach (AllUnits - _AllUnitsArray);" \n
      "{(vehicle _x) addEventHandler [""Fired"",{}];} ForEach (AllUnits - _AllUnitsArray);"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
     precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
     class Links
       /*%FSM<LINK "Null">*/
       class Null
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
   /*%FSM<STATE "New_AllUnitsArra">*/
   class New_AllUnitsArra
     name = "New_AllUnitsArra";
     init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_AllUnitsArray = AllUnits;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
     precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
     class Links
       /*%FSM<LINK "Null">*/
       class Null
         priority = 0.000000;
         precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
 finalStates[] =

On the contrary, I find everything will be okay if the content inside a single state being deleted somehow.

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