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Spawn a unit on trigger

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Hi, I never thought it would be so hard to find a script for a simple spawn. Can anyone tell me how to spawn either a single unit, or group in a particular place after a trigger is tripped?

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Create a scriptfile in yourn mission folder, maybe spawn.sqf. Open it with a texteditor (I prefer notepad++) and write something like this inside:

_grp = createGroup [i]west[/i];
_pos = getpos player;
_unit = _grp createUnit ["[i]USMC_Soldier[/i]", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"] ;   

And run this script from the "On Activation"-Line in your trigger:

dumvar = [] execVM "spawn.sqf"

This will spawn a USMC Soldier on the players position if the trigger is activated.

A list of available units could be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73241

You can also alter _pos and the side of the group (resistance, east, civilian). You can also use an existing group. For example your own group to create a new squadmember:

_grp = group player;

To spawn a whole group, you could copy the createunit line. This could also be more dynamic, if you use for- and while-loops and other sqf-structures, but this is a little bit more advanced topic.

A simple groupspawn could be like this:

_grp = createGroup west;

_pos = getpos player;

_unit1 = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_SL", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"];

_unit2 = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"];

_unit3 = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_MG", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"];

_unit4 = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"];

And I also forget to mention: the side of you group must be already present. So if your group is for example the first westgroup, you must either call "createcenter west:" in your script or place a westunit somewhere on the map.

Edited by NeoArmageddon

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and BIS_fnc_spawnGroup is the best way to spawn groups.

And as NeoArmageddon said, always have a unit of that side present before spawning or create a center.

Easiest and should be default beheaviour for a mission maker with spawns is to have 1 unit of any side present in your mission in a corner of map with probability slider of 0.

That way they are never there and will not mess up your mission, but a center will be created for that side so all spawns during the mission will work fine.

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Hi there, im trying scripting since yesterday. i so far only spawned units from a trigger init in the editor, now i try with the sqf files.... I tried in different ways but i still am not able to spawn units through a script.

i have a .sqf file named "spawnwest.sqf". I just want to make it spwan a group of friendly units around the location of the trigger, when the player enters the area.

Trigger set to detect bluefor and fire repeatedly... Trigger fires, thats not the problem^^

The triggers onAct says:

"nul = [] execVM "spawnwest.sqf"; hint " spawn triggered countereast";" and i do get the hint

in the spawnwest.sqf i have these lines:


_grp = createGroup west;

_grp = [getPos _this, WEST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BUS_ReconSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

sleep 1;


where is my mistake?

i do this in arma 3 btw, not sure if im right here, but i thought its somewhat the same?

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_this refers to whatever was passed into the script from the execVM array. It likely fails because execVM passes an empty array [], so nothing is passed into the script for "getPos _this" to use.


Use launch options -showScriptErrors and do not use -noLogs.

You will see errors on screen when they occur, and have the error generated in the .rpt file for review.

Quite often the -showScriptErrors box will display a "[#]" in front of the command or variable that generated the error.

Also, the line:

_grp = createGroup west;

is not needed, the BIS_fnc_spawnGroup does that inside the function using the side designated in the call array.

Edited by OpusFmSPol

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