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Helicopter insertion on request

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How can I set up a helicopter that will take me wherever I want? For example, after I'm killed in a multiplayer mission and respawn, I need a ride back to the combat zone. Is there a way to set up helicopter in way that you just click anywhere on a map and he'll take you there and then RTB and await for the next request?

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Doesn't the medvac mod work like this? Or can be used like this...as long as you sync it to your unit...

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There's a script called Mando Heliroute. Have a look at this, if you mess about with it I think this should produce what you want.

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After playing around with the editor for some time I managed to find my own solution. Basically, I made a trigger which moves the H (invisible) to desired location and after helicopter unloads you there, it goes back to base and waits until you or any other player needs another lift.

Thanks for the help anyway.

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would you mind posting your solution so others may benefit please

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It really isn't anything special, in fact it's dumb and you need to play in a group but it works without any scripts. I simply made a trigger and set the activation to Radio Alpha and chose repeteadly instead of once, and then I put this in the On act: insertion_point setPos getPos player1;

Note: "insertion_point" is the H (invisible) and "player1" is playable Squad leader

So what this does for me is, when we're on a mission we chose a safe place for landing and then we use the Radio Alpha function and it will change the landing place for AI helicopter. And if, ahem, when somebody gets killed and respawns, there is a helicopter waiting for him in the base that will take him to the last chosen landing point. This gets us to the next part of my helicopter insertion for dummies like me, the helicopter.

Basically, I placed a helicopter at our base and gave him few waypoints. First one is near his initial spawn on the ground and before he goes anywhere one of these conditions must be met: (player1 in mil) OR (player2 in mil) OR (player3 in mil) OR (player4 in mil);

Note: mil is the name of choppah

The next waypoint is the Transport unload. On act: mil land "insertion_point";

After he unloads our revived comrades he follows the waypoint back to base, lands and waits until somebody from our squad enters ( I used the same commands as before), then he takes off, goes to waypoint cycle and flies back to the insertion_point which can be changed at any time.

I think that I explained everything and I hope it makes sense to you.

Edited by Svarun

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Does the helicopter only land in one location though?? Or how do you have the multiple helicopter pads? (H-Invisible pads) at differeing locations.

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Does the helicopter only land in one location though?? Or how do you have the multiple helicopter pads? (H-Invisible pads) at differeing locations.

The landing zone will change everytime you call Radio Alpha. So you can change it whenever you need it to be changed.

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