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  1. Survival Pack ---------------------------------------------------------------- this mod allows you to create scenarios with hunger & thirst through a module, and adds some functionality to food items and canister fuel, and that's pretty much it ^_^ Features: - makes basic in game existing items such as foods and a fuel canister usable with animations and sounds, though all items are mostly in game existing there is a new MRE (military ration) throwed in after an update - after an update, item functionality is there without the needing of any modules, you can refill water bottles or refuel canisters, you can have items working without activating Hunger & Thirst - mod items has compatibility or support with other mods or scripts that has a different hunger and water system, but this works if the custom mod/mission uses getVariable to store player's hunger and water, which I'm pretty sure it will be 90% mostly getVariable Modules (Survival): - "Hunger & Thirst" module activates player hunger & thirst (very obvious, why am I typing this? xD) - "Item Properties" module sets item properties food nutrition value, water value and consuming duration - "Settings" module defines the variable names for 'hunger' and 'thirst' to store in player, and sets max hunger & thirst value - "Strings" module for changing texts, action texts, messages and icons of this mod Functions: - eg: retrieves a player's hunger & thirst value: _firstPlayer = allPlayers select 0; [_firstPlayer] call survivalpack_fnc_getHungerWater; waitUntil {!isNil "sp_recievedpacketvar_player"}; waitUntil {_firstPlayer == sp_recievedpacketvar_player}; systemChat format ["player '%1' actual food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, sp_recievedpacketvar_food, sp_recievedpacketvar_water, "%"]; systemChat format ["player '%1' displayed food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, round(sp_recievedpacketvar_food * 100), round(sp_recievedpacketvar_water * 100), "%"] - eg: set hunger & water for player, sets the first player's hunger to 50% and thirst to %20, -1 to ignore [allPlayers select 0, 0.5, 0.2] call survivalpack_fnc_setHungerWater ClassList: - adding items to player inventory: player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuel"; player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_TacticalBacon"; player addItem "SPItem_CanSpirit"; player addItem "SPItem_CanFranta"; player addItem "SPItem_CanRedGull"; player addItem "SPItem_Waterbottle"; player addItem "SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Canteen"; player addItem "SPItem_CanteenEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Cerealbox"; player addItem "SPItem_PowderedMilk"; player addItem "SPItem_RiceBox"; player addItem "SPItem_Pumpkin"; player addItem "SPItem_Orange"; player addItem "SPItem_BakedBeans"; player addItem "SPItem_MRE"; - adding items to container: this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuel", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_TacticalBacon", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanSpirit", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanFranta", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanRedGull", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Waterbottle", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Canteen", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanteenEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Cerealbox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_PowderedMilk", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_RiceBox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Pumpkin", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Orange", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_BakedBeans", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_MRE", 10]; - animation classes: sp_anim_start_eating sp_anim_eating sp_anim_end_eating sp_anim_start_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_end_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_start_canister_fuel sp_anim_canister_fuel sp_anim_end_canister_fuel
  2. PrimitiveSurvival

    Primitive survival/suggestion

    Apologies for any grammer mistakes.. this is going to take awhile and I'm going to ramble incoherently for a bit about diffeent topics randomly. Sewing kit + hat = pocketed hat. Larger hats could hold more items only restrict the items to plastic survival cards you see these days in outdoor stores, pocketknifes (small blade), ect.. things you can fit in a hat that are basically flat and light. Cards could have recipe/guides for starting fire, food, water, clay, cordage from grass, basic shelter guide or tent. Meat smoker tripod with 1 upper body clothing or 2 pants, 5 short sticks, rope, 3 long sticks. Sharp rocks spawning by jagged rocks that roll down rocks Cliffsides, rocky drop offs from erosion at river bends could spawn sharp rocks, obsidian sharp rock which could be more durable then a sharp stone. 1 sharp stone + obsidian = knife/arrowhead/fats scraper/eat Just under the water on coasts in shallow spots could be a stone texture; it could be interacted with to get stones, infinite, grass can be harvested with shovel to make dirt, after 1 plant cycle diffrent plant has to go into that plot with 1 more dirt and go through its cycle to be able to make effective edible crop. Fertilizer isn't necessarily needed when farming if soil is good for it.. crop rotation. Side note, most of the ideas I'd have would be implementing primitive survival/survival/prepper knowledge and mix of other topics into working game mechanic to improve survival odds. There's quite a bit a person could do outdoors to get a leg up in the world, cordage from grass. Railroad pebble texture, players could search any spot of the texture with a chance to get a sharp stone but it wears smooth quickly compared to obsidian, obsidian being stronger then cheap pocket knifes in some cases. Smooth stone could be shaped again with any flat rock in range of water, because stone can be ground down with water, flat rock, and pebbles. It's very energy consuming. Axes and spear heads can be made also but are primitive. Some trees can have a hole drilled into on the bottom with a knife; small stick with a groove cut into it and a water bottle to catch any water running from the tree, sap for torches and glue, what ever its good for. More realistic timescale Hope someday buildings look more traditional to what we see these days in modern cities, even a transition to large cities with skyscrapers or 6 story buildings, atmosphere like "I am legend/Ring of fire/28days later. The suspense, dark gritty environment, overgrown cities in a world with bit more detail of random items throughout homes.. dream for that. At server restart seeing homes with more random items like silverware, dishes, furniture(that would be burned for fire wood)option to craft also with woodworking tool)). Initial launch of a server could populate the map with items you'd find at the beginning of collapse and npc living in those structures you can take to who are barricaded in.. these npc could have routines like finding water and food, be hostile, offer speech challeng etc players and act like city states from civilization 6. Npc could join players with most trust and setup a base where players decides, have any building be able to be a base for npc. Players could be mayor of a npc town that is producing food and water.. end game content for solo guys who want to start a faction. Cities have jobs, roles, guards, scouts. This is sounding impossible. Geography, rocks are plentiful on the riverbed and shoreline, at the bends of rivers where erosion changed the shape, other rock and soil. Mountain springs, above treeline there's better water and there can be contaminated water upriver flowing downstream from dead animal.. or hazard zone. Hazard zone could make animals rabid, zombie rabid bear... +40 damage + 250Hp, better hearing, faster, circles behind bushes far away from players. Bears fight this contaminated Bear or animals. Ocean seaweed, clams, large crab. Reverse osmosis from clay pot over campfire plus lid, attach clay tube or pipe from home to make spout, fresh water. Source: youtube Plants, lush foliage that stretches for miles, slows movement, scratches, grows in forest sometimes, otherwise forest floor can be packed with large plants that are not ededible. Argonne forest amazing trees.. empty tall forest with a bed of leaves can make for a tense moment when there's fog and it's fairly flat. Forest path carved through small hills; around mountain sides, through stinging nettles and 6ft tall grass.. game trail crossings.. small game, deer. Paths have junk off the road like glass bottles, rags, clothing, broken tools and knifes. Caves.. cave system to a spring of clean underground water, bats.. boots to go through poop or build a bridge. Quicksand. Bogs and peat soil iirc. Like quicksand, earth that appears to be solid only you keep sinking.. Plant a tree that is larger and close to a rock wall, build menu option for planting trees seeds or cuttings from tree that have grown in a 5 gallon bucket for a month. That's the technique for saplings, some plants you can't do that. Mechanics.. cars could be in decent shape based off of settings for servers, separate option. Cars could be stripped of wire, engine parts like an alternator, starter, water cooling pump, power steering, brake pads or drums, hoses, carb. (Not a mechanic) thermostat and then the heater doesn't work and on low temp nights with high winds. Wind chill makes temperature drop to negative quickly. Being wet, in high winds on cold night would be gameover quick. Broken window or thermostat. cold wind in vehicle could be death. If each home could be themed in editor to have items related to hobbies, residential, commercial and industrial produce vehicle parts, farming parts like old school tractors. Find one of those next to a barn under vines.. go a few acres over get tools from a residential farm. Residential building like homes have mechanics, farming, gun cabinets, alcohol or fermenting station, gardener. Shelfs could have more items amd food pantry could be the main source for food, duck tape and random small tools in drawers. Small pots or cast iron in the cupboards. Cast iron pans could produce more AOE heat and make food taste better. Provide iron even to the body, from what I hear. More berries, large pat he's of mushrooms that new player would think is food.. it's poisonous. Beneath tree bark is a fresh layer of bark that can be chewed on but keep in mind trees are poisonous in the real world. Wild oats, wild wheat, wild peanut.. wild variety. Real life variety of look alike plants if there is. Knock grains off of the wheat tops when ready for more seeds, mash in mortal and pestle for oil? Bread? Buildable structures that are made from studs, rough cut lumber. It leave the mill to the yard on trucks that drop off at stores and lumber yards. Instead of planks it's 7 studs.. wall, top and bottom, double up top. Sheeting is what covers the studs and is pre cut to be the height of walls, usually. This is on modern homes these days.. log cabin, offices and hospitals. All that is concrete rebarb, steel.. welded. Harvest large stones to make really bad cover for fighting, add wood roof and net and plants fibers for cover. Trench running around base with plank upgrade to keep try or roofs, plants, soil for hill/tunnel base. Light amd table and squad is planing a raid. Ambiance as a storm is going. Dark, deer off in the forest. Rope tension trap. step on and caught hanging in the air by the foot, faints after 2 minutes and can cut free with knife. Small tree kept under tension, animal as large as deer step here and it catches by rope or steel link. Trappingamnd fishing.. or hooks baited and tied off to a log, illegal irl. fish basket for trapping. Cage for small game,, birds, rabbits, fowl, squirls. Cats and dogs, birds, ostrage, chickens that act more like chickens! Dakota fireplace, hole in the ground with air tube leading 2 feet away. Reduces light and smoke is visible, greener the fuel source the darker the smoke. Dry trees and stuff makes lighter smoke. Low smoke means low pressure system like rain. Wind in game could affect hunting, you could be upwind and startle a deer laying in tall grass. Raccoons.. and wolverines.. Bears going to fish by the shore, they catch a fish and drop it on shore, player can pick up fish.. maybe gunshot could scare the bear away.. or player yells into microphone. Some animals have higher chance to fight player. Deer kicks with front legs. Power station players could fire up if they find the text books from libraries, text books about complex stuff like vehicles and books show recipes to fix em or build water table pump, welding, mechanics, medicine. Edit: Let players of dayz and vigor recruit npc that try to survive in homes around the map.. npc has some knowledge of map already an could guide players around if thier new like the terraria guide or be hostile based on players previous speech questions. Recruit npc have them set up base around player shelter an guard while away but npc has to be decent enough to fight players and not die needlessly, know when to not grab certain items in chest so players don't login to see food gone. Teach a.i. npc to farm with books and where the water is with map. Crates marked food a.i. could place that there and not eat an amount under a certain number. Npc could have roles and be sent out on missions to control points on the map setting up regions of control. Rework of fresh player spawns to occur after short times reset (4hours) at an event taking place. Npc supply trucks drive onto the map fresh spawns are fully geared but being chased by a horde of zombies. Anybody choosing not to join spawn event at the event arrival spot can join up. Faster timed events; boat crashes, helicopter crashes of diffrent types, attack and support. Storms with hail stones that do damage, zombie animals, more animals and zombies that can be more frequent. The way it is now loot drops would have to be reworked... or npc occupying buildings randomly have loot spawn in thier stash every so often players could buy or take. Have environment be so hostile players have to join together or have npc recruits to even survive. Imagine being in a pitch black forest with an npc follower you met a few hours ago.. fishing, looking for forest food knowing each other position because of glow stick lights.. npc stays withing range to see your light and will return if you whistle. A zombie horde that moves really fast and in packs through the Forest or silently walking under trees and all you can here is leaves rustling. Edit: Semi trailers and trailers. Semi can be fixed up but trailers can be dismantled into flatbed and buildings could snap in place. Figure flatbed could be 3 rooms.. machine-gun on the back or up top, motorcycles, quad bike or bicycles for scouting. If I can think of more I'll certainly leave it here and if you know any survival knowledge, see issues let me know I'll think around it.
  3. Battle Royale Mod - https://battleroyalemod.com View the trailer What is it? Back in 2014, something incredible started, Battle Royale in Arma 3; a fast paced heart pounding game mode that took off in ways we could never have imagined. By March 2017 the world exploded with Battle Royale following the launch of PUBG and the world was taken over by the Battle Royale genre. We however maintain, that the Arma 3 BR experience is one yet to be rivalled - a blend of milsim and survival that is uncompromisingly hard and a real challenge to those who play it. Where we are now Despite seeing a decline in numbers with the launch of PUBG, we’ve kept going as have a number of players in the community. Our core team is still here developing the mod, as well as adding new features to the game mod to keep it current. BR Mod is still alive and kicking - We’ve recently launched a new leaderboards at https://battleroyalemod.com A few features with the new leaderboards Explore past seasons, and relive your position and statistics all the way back to 2016 Participate in event games, organised on our Leaderboard and put on by community members weekly View match replays in amazing detail Gain badges for participation in events and pulling off the impossible We will also be supporting the S.O.G creator DLC, with new Battle Royale modes for the maps and content! So stay tuned. How do I play? Installation & Setup Follow our simple guide at - https://battleroyalemod.com/getting-started/installation Organised Games Community members currently run games every Saturday and Sunday, wait times are significantly reduced during these days and are great fun. Discord Join us at - https://discord.gg/battleroyale Thanks A big shout out to the BR community, it’s been a rollercoaster ride with the mod and some players have stuck with us throughout! We hope that we can continue to provide the BR experience the way it was meant to be, no building, no gimmicks; just raw survival and the occasional desk slamming when you fall through some stairs (it’s a feature not a bug)
  4. Do you have what it takes to escape the depths of the bandit territory? Contract in Chains is a singleplayer or cooperative experience, either with stealthy survival or action packed combat for up to 4 players. OUT NOW | STEAM WORKSHOP Plot: "Malden, 2033. NATO peacekeeping operations are struggling to maintain their support while a growing insurgency arise. A contract marksman designated to eliminate their leader, ended up in the worst situation possible; captured, tortured and deep in bandit territory... " Features: ◈ Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-4 Players ◈ Stealthy Survival / Action Packed ◈ 25 to 45 minutes Gameplay ◈ Completely Vanilla ◈ Engaging Story ◈ Voice Acting ◈ Optional Side Tasks ◈ Optional Revive & Respawn ◈ Story Rich Custom Textures Link to credits here BEWARE: this is designed for locally hosted sessions. If it works on dedicated is unknown. Please feel free to give feedback, and of course report any bugs you find. Last but not least, enjoy the experience by yourself or with your friends! 🤗
  5. Click Here to read the same information in google docs: CLICK HERE Development Status: Early Development We are currently recruiting more developers and staff if you think you have what it takes to join The Fallen team join our discord and sign up. What is fallen? Brief Game mode description Arma 3 The Fallen is a PvE / PvP game mode inspired by Tom Clancy's The Division being developed by the Arma 3 The Fallen team. It is set in a fictional city using Midtown Manhattan's city road layout, in the aftermath of a virus escaping a lab; the player, also known as an agent employed by the United States armed forces, is tasked with helping to try to fight to take back the city from enemy ai factions and combat criminal activity in its wake. The Fallen is structured with elements of role-playing games, as well as cooperative and player versus player online multiplayer, there are no cars or transport; the only way of getting around is by foot. Gameplay Arma 3 The Fallen is an action role-playing game (RPG) mode set in an open world mid-crisis city with destructible environments that can be freely explored by the players. The player's mission is to restore order by gearing up and fighting the factions trying to take over the city. The player can carry three weapons, and explosives like sticky bombs and mines and handheld throwables to fight against enemies, The game mode is played from a third-person perspective. As players progress, they earn Fallen Credits. They can use this in-game currency to buy weapons and gear, and use the Credits to learn perks. You can progress through tier levels to get better perks. The player's gear is categorized into seven levels of rarity and commonality: worn, standard, specialized, superior, high-end, gear set items or the rarer exotic items. Gear can be either bought with credits at the vendors, or found as in-game loot, or crafted from gathered blueprints. There are 3 perk tier categories these are Medical, Security, and Tech. By battling AI and players, completing tasks and objectives this grants the player credits which the player can spend to gain access to new perks and more XP meaning they can fight harder and better AI and higher perk tiered and level players easier, the higher your player level the more chance you have of getting better gear, guns and rarities.The game mode features a dynamic weather system which may bring benefits or disadvantages to players. For instance, storms and mist can hinder a player's visibility and make aiming difficult. The game will also feature a day-night cycle which can change the aggressiveness of the ai in the game. PVE The core gameplay of The fallen is Player vs Environment. The Agents will go against AI Factions. These Factions are split into Tier systems of how dangerous they are (1 is the easiest). Each faction has identifiable gear and items on them and different factions will give you various loot and monetary rewards for killing them. All factions will immediately be hostile towards the player upon seeing them. Some of the AI factions will require help from friends due to number or difficulty. There are 2 player hubs and 7 safe houses throughout the world, these are where you will get missions. Missions are the best way to get rewards and content and give you the highest chances of rewards as you are helping the populace The main hub is where you will respawn when you die and is considered to be the central hub of the world, often most missions will send you through or back here, the hub is a good location to talk to players and try and set up a group. Groups We have no player factions, every player is a part of the Agency, instead, players can form groups, these groups are run by their group leader and it is up to them what tasks and areas they operate in. PVP/Dark Agents In the Fallen zone agents can decide to go rogue otherwise known as going dark. This is the PvP element of the game mode. These agents are marked on the map and can be killed for a reward but also kill other players for their gear and gain the reward. Dark agents are the most extreme and dangerous ways of getting rewards and gear and are one of the hardest methods on the server for gaining gear. Fallen Zone The Fallen zone is where the virus first spread and is the most hit area, thus this area is extremely dangerous. At Fallen Zone 9 Also known as FZ-9 of the Fallen zone is the lab where the virus was created and is one of the most dangerous locations in the game. A Lot of equipment and people were left in this zone as the military tried to gain a foothold and stop the spread of the virus. This area is where a lot of high-end weapons were left behind when the military fell back beyond the quarantine wall because of the increased violence and infection rates in this area. Specialist equipment must be worn to even enter the Fallen zone... Better quality items can be found within the Fallen Zone, but are considered "contaminated"; contaminated loot can be stolen by other players and must be flown out via helicopter in order for them to be available to the player after they leave the Fallen Zone. Players can be accompanied by other friendly agents, however, anyone can turn against each other at any moment, this is called going dark. Players credits may drop if they die too often in the zone. Backstory The year is 2020 a supervirus escaped a lab when there was a massive gas leak leading to an explosion; most of the specimens were contained or were killed by the scorching heat of the flames...but this supervirus escaped the flames through survivors using their bodies as a trojan horse and incubator to ravage through the host’s body, through the flames and into the city population, this supervirus was phage and antibiotic-resistant and ravaged through the population of the city within 14 hrs of infecting patient zero of this viral epidemic, this supervirus was highly infectious and caused symptoms of coughing, sneezing, sweating, viral rash and major respiratory problems leading to lung collapsation. The supervirus was known as the Neo-Virus named after the lab called Neo Virology Laboratories that was based in the part of the city we now call the fallen zone, this virus caused widespread chaos, and the city was placed under quarantine. The U.S. Government activated sleeper agents in the population, they are tasked with restoring order in the city. They combat criminal groups, such as the Rioters, common street thugs who generally want to take advantage of the quarantine, and the Cleaners these are insane City Sanitation workers who wield flamethrowers and believe everyone is infected, You even fight blacked agents who have gone insane after witnessing the chaos and destruction caused during the breakdown of order following the initial outbreak. You also can fight an ai faction called "Darked Suppressors" (DS) that were originally the front line against the darkness that swallowed this fallen city, a blacked private military company that was abandoned by the government during the evacuation, and are now hostile to it. A Fallen Zone is a place that has been left behind and fallen into chaos. This is where the lab was and there is evidence of the damage and how badly the supervirus hit this area of the city, the government walled this part of the city off as a last-ditch effort to keep the infection contained, It’s your job to survive and help the city get back on its feet, will you be the hero or turn your back on your people.. let’s find out! Factions During the short period of this disaster, groups have formed into factions. Most factions within the zone are enemy factions but some factions are friendly or neutral to our cause and will help us during firefights or even give us supply, shelter and gear. Civilians You will have AI civilians walking around the map, some may have missions so make sure to go up to them and check as they have good rewards. Enemy Factions The following are the most prevalent enemy factions, these are the ones that are the most dangerous to us or we know where they are. Cleaners The cleaners are an enemy faction that wants to kill the virus by burning everything...but they believe everyone is infected and won't stop at anything to burn everyone and everyone to death! Darkness Suppressors ( DS ) "Darked Suppressors" (DS) that were originally the front line against the darkness that swallowed this fallen city, a blacked private military company that was abandoned by the government during the evacuation, and are now hostile to it. Looters Looters are AI that attacks people for their loot, they only care about their own survival in this world and will do anything they can to benefit themselves for a higher chance of survival. Dark Agents Dark agents are an ai faction of Agents that have gone dark and are now trying to gain power in the city. More factions to be added! Connection Information Discord
  6. Hello, I'm happy to announce you the futur release of my last project concerning Arma game. Initially, i fixed to myself a mod development challenge to release it in one month. It Was in 2018. I missed the target cause i had to suspend it for others projects. But .. as some of players asked for it, and i'm not sastisfied to not finish my work, i release it now. My main idea was respected, and i mainly focused on the essential. Don't expect the game to be tweaked as a final release, but be aware that it offers more advanced features than what must of missions did. Goal : eXtinction is a Survival Mission that takes place on Liviona at the begining of a sanitary crisis. Players can play together or individual. The main scenario wich is not mandatory is you act as a special commando and have to discover what's happen in the Liviona country. Communications with HQ are broken since few days, ammos and moral are low. The population suffers from a mysterious disease (..) Like all survival Game, eXtinction manages the thirst, the hunger, the illness, etc. You will find everything you need to stay alive on your way. With the inventory system that replaces totaly the Arma vanilla one, you interact with all the objects of the game. You could search and find stuff everywhere. But more, to stay alive, you will need to be strong enough against zombies but also enemy army forces and manage your healh all along your mission. What ???? Only one life ??? Yes soldier, this mission is for the heros the real! Don't forget it's a milsim oriented game 🙂 The first version is in French langage. You are free to translate it, or modify it if you wish. The mission can be used in scenario mode or in sandbox mode if you want to bring your own content, or play like a lone wolf. About eXtinction: exTinction uses some of my advanced stuffs that make this game fully dynamic 🙂 BME2 : manage network exchange VITEMS : manage virtual inventory and arma stuff, interract with 3d objects INTDB : manage differents DB and backup for relisient game KEYHANDLER : manage keyboard All internal modules etc. And i also used some external mods: Ryan Zombies & Demons RHS Thanks to the autors Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228052658 Github: https://github.com/code34/projectx.enoch How to play: Start an Multiplayer game with a local or internet server, choose the liviona map, and projectx mission. If you like it, and want to help this project, you can evaluate it positively on steam. Do not hesitate to confirm your interest, if you want more informations.
  7. "When civilization ends, it ends fast" - Tobias Greetings everyone! Today I'm here to share with you my biggest project yet. Operation Cobalt. If by the time you finish reading this page and checking out all the screenshots/videos and believe this is something you would enjoy, feel free to join my official Discord HERE for access to the server which is running the BETA build right now. What is Operation Cobalt? I'm sure we can all agree there is a lack of "good" FPS/TPS games based in The Walking Dead universe, with very few that even give a glimpse of the Army/Gov in action. Operation Cobalt is an apocalyptic life and milsim based in The Walking Dead universe, using RAVAGE as a base, and attempts to portray the efforts of the Military in a roleplay and milsim environment. Operation Cobalt is the name given to the plan devised by the U.S. Military in order to contain the spread of the infection. The initial stage of Operation Cobalt was initiated three days after the initial outbreak began in the U.S.A., with the deployment of military units into major urban areas (such as Los Angeles, California or Atlanta, Georgia) after the outbreak overwhelmed local law enforcement. Once deployed, the units would set up easily defensible 'Safe Zones' in urban areas such as Safe Zone India in Los Angeles or around the CDC in Atlanta. Medical facilities and refugee centers, such as those in the Los Angeles Arena and Raynard Community College, would also be set up to secure those believed to be infected, provide screenings for the injured and sick, and to act as bases of operations. Once these areas were set up, the safe zones would be used as a spring board to try to take back major metropolitan areas. The plan for the initial stage of Operation Cobalt can be described as follows: Selected, easily defensible areas to be chosen for safe zones. Medical facilities to be established for treating the ill and possibly infected. Those brought to the medical facilities would be held in custody until either seen by a doctor or symptoms of the infection manifested. Those who have either turned or showed signs of infection are to be humanely terminated, with their bodies being cremated. National Guard/Army units to use safe zones to retake city. You RP one of two roles (You can swap between them): Military and civilian. Military personnel have to enforce laws, ensure safety in safezones, conduct missions, and attempt to take the region back from the dead and rebuild civilization. Civilians are basic survivors who must choose between a safe life within the safezones, resort to baditry, or start their own community away from the safezones. In an effort to combine Milsim, Roleplay, and Zombie Survival, Operation Cobalt is the first ever gamemode meant to immerse the players into a heavy Roleplay environment based in the VERY EARLY stages of the zombie apocalypse, offering players an experience never before seen in Arma 3 while witnessing the fall of society. Rather than throwing the players into an open world with the basic survival mechanics with no real idea of who you are or what you're supposed to do, Operation Cobalt puts the players into one of two sides, where the civilians are free to start their own factions and communities while fighting the undead, pesky bandits, and struggling for survival in the beloved universe of The Walking Dead, and the soldiers need to enact Operation Cobalt. This mode allows you to play as someone we barely ever see in zombie games: The government. They will have to coordinate and execute side missions and large military objectives to eliminate the undead threat. While also having to worry about Civil-control, settlement management (Think State of Decay-Style), base and community building, and even combating the local resistance, both AI and real bandit players. Features Two playable factions, each with their own dynamics, shops, playstyles, events, bases, and equipment. Authentic roleplay environment. 120 max players. Extensive base building with different options based on which faction a player is in. Highly modified Ravage zombies with custom sounds and DayZ animations. (Configured as a replacement mod for Ravage) New weapons and items such as an AR-15, Thermometer gun, fishing pole, pickaxe, hammer, and dozens of food and drink items. Hunger and thirst. Arma 2 animations and terrain walking sounds. Mining, picking apples trees and mushrooms, fishing, hunting, and cooking. Customized ACE system, including easier and better medical. ACE can be fully customized to suit your liking under Options --> Addon Options --> Server --> ACE Stuff. Extensive lore based in The Walking Dead universe, with nods to the show and eastereggs. Weapon, item, gear, and vehicle shops with trading. Money, XP, ranking, and kill tracker systems. Full persistence if the server owner has INIDBI2 enabled. Bandit and friendly AI. And over a dozen more features currently planned and in development! How can I play? For those who want to play on the official server, here is the official server: IP: Port: 2302 Join our Discord for help, tips, announcements, and so on: https://discord.gg/bQeb76J Screenshots: Videos:
  8. Hello, I create this topic to inform you that a new persistent mission for dedicated server using the ravage mode is now available!!! The scenario is a team versus team on the map Ruha. I will describe step by step the goal of the mission. Mission File : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EkEUWnESTgwZdBKbatfm1xI8vYtjCxhk After 68h of testing on dedicated server here the performance result : So its highly optimised, all the main features are spawned, simulation of AI, static object, weaponholder.... are perfectly managed. Solid 50 server fps/Low bandwith usage with 220 AI Primary objective and relating information Quick description : -Each team got a protected main base (off map) and a contested outpost (center of the map). The main goal is to evolve its 2 bases by bringing the cargo box that can be found on random crash sites. The player must find a truck to be able to load the crate then bring them in a predefined area (at base). Every 6 crate there is an upgrade (fortification, AI guard...). Note, this cargo box can be also used to stock loot. So the main objective is to survive, secure and upgrade the base, then raid the enemy base to steal the cargo box and equipement. Every player will be informed if any hostiles forces (player or AI) are approaching the base. Additional information about the main base : The main base (out of map) is protected except that it is not 100% protected, the enemy side got 5 minute to go trough a 800m radius then come back out of this radius, if not they are killed instantly. So if the main base is upgraded its impossible to raid it. The main base is also the respawn area, there is a map where the player can choose an insertion point, the insertion point are refresh at every server restart. Additional information about the contested outpost : The outpost didn't benefit from any special protection, so the player must hurry up to upgrade and defend this place. Take note that the outpost are closer from everything (loot, crashsite, point of interest...). The 2 ennemy outpost are close to each other to facilitate encounters between players and thus create hot zones. Secondary Stuff Secondary Camp : There is more than 10 static secondary camp on the map, they are hidden and the player must find them, this camp are identifiable cause they got the same set up, an abandoned house, 2 trailer and a white CUP flag. This little place are usefull to hide and secure loot, if any player is able to occupy a secondary camp for more than 1 hour (that also work with a friendly AI), a small team of friendly AI survivor will come to guard the area, there is no side restriction so if a blufor come then occupy the area for 1 h a small team of blufor survivor will guard, if an opfor player kill the guard then occupy the area for 1 h an opfor team will guard the area and vice-versa. Take note this zone can be triggered only 1 time for each side and the player didn't recive any information if the area is under attack. Base Building : There is a simple base building system, there is only few crate that can be found (mainly in warhouse), where the player can select from a panel of asset to build is own safe place, there is no restriction a player can build any asset anywhere or provide more fortification for the main base or secondary camp. AI recruitement : Every friendly AI are recruitable, make sure they got a first aid kit in their inventory to be able to revive you. Other playable unit : Playable Zombie : There is 2 playable Z slot if the player want have fun by doing Zombies stuff, they can jump and got a higher HP than the normal infected. Asian Bandit : There is 4 playable slot, Asian Bandit are the main AI roaming faction, they didn't get any base, protected area or secondary camp, so the player bandit respawn randomly on the map but they got a huge advantage, they can recruit any Asian roaming AI and can approach the crashsite without being attacked by the guard. Renegade : There is 4 playable slot, Renegade are hostile to everyone, this playable slot was added for the lonewolf player or for a more hardcore gameplay. Take note this Playable slot got a forced identity, so the playable Asian Bandit have an Asian face and speack Chinese, the Renegade have a ravage renegade face and speack french. Danger and weird encounter The player will be confronted to an hostile environement, horde of infected, bandit, dynamic radioactive area, radioactive rain, highly dangerous and unidentified threat (no spoil). Information on the loot system There 3 loot system in this scenario : -Ravage loot (ability to search in box, trashpile...) -Loot on the floor, they are part of easy loot but limited loot, this loot are generated only on server restart, so it will more difficult to get easy stuff over the time. -Custom loot where the player can search in closed woodshack structure, train (wagon), boat wreck, plane wreck, big cargo... Credit and community script used in the mission GF AutoLoot Crashsite : GEORGE FLOROS Environement effect and weird stuff : Alias Persistence : GRAD Team Mag Repack : Outlaw AIS : Psychobastard R3F_LOG : R3F Team LARS_Searchloot : LARS Lootspawner : Bangabob Advanced Towing : Duda AI Recruitement : Grumpy Old Man Boss Script : LSValmont Special thanks : Mods used for make this mission Haleck for the Ravage mode CUP team Temppa for Ruha CBA Team Bnae for project infinite CZ 584 by ЛИБЕРАХУ ПОРВАЛО Robert Hammer for the pistols pack Ryan for Zombies and demon. And a very special thank to the arma community who are very helpful.
  9. Immersive-sim Arma 3 gamemod set in the decades following the downfall of modern society to a deadly viral outbreak. Your goal is carve out your own space in this hostile world and decide whether or not to take part in a war that is raging between the rival factions that have taken over the land. Surviving means making alliances and taking what you need from opposing factions, whether that be skills, resources, or their lives. Features - Persistent multiplayer sandbox environment. - Factions: The order: Rangers, Nomads, Survivalists. Anarchists: Outlaws, Scavengers. Outsiders: Hunters. Undead (WIP). - Strongholds: Fight and capture various persistent points of interest. Get rewards that depend on the captured point. (WIP) - Custom animations/Interaction system: Parkour. New melee weapon system. Various interaction animations(WIP). - Custom Damage system: Broken bones, Bloodloss, Wound effects, Fixed various arma damage behaviour bugs(clipping, floating). - Hybrid 1st/3rd person system: Custom 3rd person view camera. Vehicle 1st person view. - Tools: Inflame players with crossbow Fire Bolts or using Fuel + matches. Set traps using Bear traps and Tripwire mines. Tranquilize players using tranquilizing needles or ammo. - Arsenal: Custom guns, including hunting rifles and shotguns. Custom realistic soundshaders, including realistic attachments(suppressor) sounds. - Immersion/Horror: Custom lighting, including natural nighttime lighting and full use of TrueSky system. Ambient music. Mystic creatures (WIP). - Hunting/animals: Track and hunt animals. Chop woods, make campfire and cook meat. - Dogs/Taming: Tame dogs, give them commands. Watch their state, heal and feed them. Kill and defend yourself versus hostile player's pets. - Survival: Desease, Radiation (WIP), Scarce fuel resources, Hunger, Thirst. - Construction: World: Build crates, camonet stashes, secret stone stashes. Havens: Lock your own haven. Reinforce and modify it. Build various furniture. Raid(destroy) and rob other havens. Reinforce your haven to protect it. Gameplay: - Explore hostile post-apocalyptic environment. - Progress your character. - Cooperate with friendly classes. - Fight for objectives. - Try to survive. - Raid, steal and rob / Build, hide and reinforce. Or just give up on this hopeless and unforgiving world. This is a multiplayer-only addon that is required by BreakingPoint Second Wind servers. Links: Steam Workshop Discord How To play?: Servers: Sunken Altis: Server name: [EU#1] Second Wind Address: Port: 2402 Screenshots: Livonia server has been shut down and will be replaced by Katya terrain by Blud when it comes out. Server name: BreakingPoint[#1]: SecondWind Address: Port: 2302 Videos: Screenshots: Custom Lighting: Gameplay: ##Credits: - Breaking Point team for their open-source gamemod platform. - LordJarhead for permission to use and build custom soundshaders utilizing legacy version of JSRS framework. - lordFrith for permission and kind sharing of his Frith's Ruin mod work. - dame2010 for providing source models and assets of his Horror mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1556296528 - IN005 for permission to use his headgear assets which you can find in his MadArma mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815962700 - Lythium team for permission to work with their custom skybox. ###License: Content is released under Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND): https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-nd with the exception of open-source parts which are specified in README-LICENSE.md file (can be found in gamemod folder).
  10. Welcome to Vandeanson’s Apocalypse All info is kept up to date below: Workshop Vandeanson's Apocalypse DISCORD
  11. Ravage Guide This is a Small guide concerning how to Survive in Ravage. Made by Myself, Haleks, Gunter, EO, And Gill. Hope you all enjoy it!
  12. S I R E N S is a single player survival mission influenced by Silent Hill, and powered by the Ravage mod. This short mission serves as a prelude to future episodes. Altis has been laid to waste....a strange malevolant force has taken over it's towns and villages. The distant wail of the Siren brings out the dead, shrouding everything in a creeping fog.... Only evil remains. Your main objective is to locate and destroy the source of the Siren. Your secondary objective is to live long enough to perform the main objective! This scenario is probably not without it's flaws, poor mission design and maladroit implementation, but like everything I create for Arma it's made with big love. But if you like sneaking around a village trying to avoid some badass Boss Zeds then this could be for you. Speaking of Boss Zeds, meet the guys... Credits: Haleks for the cool wandering Boss Zed code and generally being awesome. Kodabar and Tourist for kindly play testing. Download: Steam
  13. Welcome to Vandeanson's Basebuilding! In this thread I will cover everything about my WIP basebuilding mod. V0. 2: feature showcase and introduction V0. 3 - I have re-written the blueprint creation function. It is now easy for users to add new custom blueprints or delete default blueprints when creating a mission. - added an option to rotate the object (the object that is being built) - added an option to get object closer or further away (max distance can be limited, currently at 5m) - GRAD persistency enabled for placed stuff (tested in client hosted and dedicated) - placed objects can be destroyed, you get back scrap materials (which can be refined into other materials again later) - moving an object will save its new position via GRAD - added a few new materials - added place-able light source with on / off switch. I plan to add a feature that requires a generator connected. See light showcase: next steps: - release updated showcase video - add more blueprints - add GRAD setting to save collected material per player - "Move" and "deconstruct" addactions to be saved via GRAD - adding possibilities to destroy other players placed objects - adding blueprint spawners, so players can collect and learn new blueprints - material traders - loot system for all materials that may be found (currently wood, stone and sand can be farmed) Looking forward to receive any input, suggestion or ideas from the community. A playable mission demo will follow shortly. Cheers VD 
  14. I've been using this script for some time by JohnO that I stumbled across in some forums and I made it a point to make his script even better! This is a good script to use to make any survival scenario better! As In my case I use this script with my Ravage releases. The Script: Changelog/ edit notes: v1.5 JohnO- Removed legacy fatigue settings and put new stamina settings in v2.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - added colorization of effects to make them more "appealing" v2.5 MuRaZorWitchKING - made script compatible with Ravage fireplaces that the player can place on ground v3.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - tweaked distances required to be from fireplaces/buildings for warmth v4.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - added in land vehicles being another form of covering for players to use for warmth so buildings and fires aren't relied upon Readme: In Order to use the script you need to have an init.sqf file that needs this script loaded into it in order for it to be used. In order for the script to work properly you ARE going to need the classnames of the list of clothing you are wanting to use for the player to get cold in. READ THIS: The classnames that you add into the script ARE THE COLD CLOTHING, everything listed will be a cold outfit, everything NOT listed will NOT be a cold outfit. THESE CLASSNAMES NEED TO BE FILLED OUT BY YOU: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //Civilian "", //Soldier "", //Guarilla "", ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Once you figure out the classname of the outfit for example "U_C_Journalist" then you will place the name inside the "" and you will separate each item with a comma as seen in the example. If you want a FULL release of the script (filled out with all the classnames) I will be happy to help, this is more of a very simple layout, and should be taken as such, this script is for YOU to customize to your scenario/map wants and needs. ///////VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Please take note this is NOT my script, this is just someone else's work that I have revamped for a re-release. If the original author of the script no longer wants this up, this post WILL be removed. I hope you all enjoy this, JohnO did an amazing job on the script and is the original Author of it, I just thought it deserved a little more tweaking and a re-release. :) PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE CREDITS TO ORIGINAL AUTHOR: JohnO Link to Author's Original release: https://www.exilemod.com/topic/7717-detrimental-weather-effects-script/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Update for Frigid water Settings The Script: Simply add this script into your init.sqf in order to use it :) //PLEASE READ: YOU ARE FREE TO EDIT THIS SCRIPT, CHANGE IT WHICH WAY YOU WANT, BUT I WOULD LIKE CREDITS PLEASE. @GEORGE FLOROS GR Also helped me correct my errors after typing this script, couldn't of done it without this guy! ////NOTES: Both of these scripts are compatible with one another and work greatly paired together. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hypothermia Script / Severe Weather based off of JohnO's weather effects script: Simply put the script in your init.sqf for it to be initialized. Please Read: This script is based off the Detrimental weather effects script by JohnO, so similarities will exist, as I used Detrimental Weather effects as a template for this script. this script uses wetness as a buildable value that can build up to a deadly level and can leave you with Hypothermia... You will need shelter, fire, and of course you will need to stay out of rough weather... This script is only active is severe weather storms, if the weather isn't above a factor of 0.6 then this script will not be called... This script is for a severe weather system only, unless edited. All three scripts seem to work together, I cannot say this is for sure or certain, but in the playtime I have been using them I have seen them work... In order to get all three to work together you must edit out all the "_rainLevel" lines in the weather effects script... So both scripts aren't searching for "rain". ALL FOUR SCRIPTS COMBINED MAKE FOR AN EXTREMELY REACTIVE WORLD THAT IS TOUGH TO SURVIVE IN. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple "Cold Altitude" script:
  15. MISSION FILE : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rfREN-Q6eimKlN_LvLi8HVJr12a9mO7W STEAMWORKSHOP LINK : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1593390487 What is it ? Its a persistent cooperative scenario for dedicated server, the player start on a little island near the main island of Napf. The players must gear up and recruit an army to be able to defeat a mysterious faction called LFDA. To be able to recruit an army the player must build a colony in predefined area, if there enough structure the recruitable friendly survivor will join your colony. The basic item and the structure (house) are buidable at the workbench in your colony, the main ressource are the junk pile, they can be find every where but you can build only junk house. The other component must be find and refined, for exemple to be able to build better house or better defense wall the player must find a stack of cinder block and transform it into concrete wall at the concrete factory. The crafting component are heavy, so they cannot be transported in a bacpack, the lighter item can be carryed and loaded in vehicle, a truck is required to transport the biggest item. The house can be loaded in the vehicle and unloaded, once placed they cannot be carry, the player must repeat the process if he want to move an house (load/unload in vehicle). For more information read the description below. Its a persistent scenario, cargo content (mag, food...) and static object (building) are saved between each server restart, more explanation at the bottom of the description. Situation The main threat are the LFDA they must be pushed out of the island, the raiders are just interesting by stealing the LFDA vehicle and gear. The scavenger have decided to kill the LFDA officer, he is hiding in the LFDA main base, but to do that they must build an army. FACTION -Raiders They are really bad guys, there main activity its to raid the scavenger camp. Over the time they managed to gather good equipement and today they are able to oppose resistance to the LFDA. -Scavenger (players faction) They are peacefull people, the good guys, unlike the Raiders many of them got enough knowledge to build a lot of thing with scrap or raw material. -LFDA Its a mysterious military force who have invaded the island of Napf and they kill every infected or survivor on their path. The rumors say they are here to eradicate the infection by killing every infected and survior who are living in the infected area. Main Objective Kill the LFDA officer in the LFDA base. Dynamic event There is 40 dynamic event that pop up randomly over the time for exemple rescue, raid a camp, dynamic LFDA checkpoint.... How to recruit an army You must gather ressource, and build houses in the settlement area. More house builded = more settler. All the friendly unit are recruitable. The raider own few armored vehicle and aircraft that can be helpfull to attack the LFDA. Crafting Description There different place to craft different item, in each place there a visible area to place your item, for exemple if you want to build a bathmobile (Wreck vehicle Builder) just place 5 pile of junk + 1 pressure washer + 1 car battery on the concrete block and that will take few second to build the vehicle, the component will be deleted and the vehicle will spawn few meter away. Material Wreck and pile of junk can be found everywhere, near road or urban area. Concrete, brick, battery, motor (pressure washer) can be found in industrial area or harbor. Military wreck can be found in military area or airfield. Wood log can be found in the forest, (find icon tree on your map) ///// Recipe for the Settlement - Workbench ///// ///worbench/// *pile of junk = tine fence, tine pole, plank, pallet *1 tine fence + 1 plank = 2 medium tin fence *5 tin pole = ladder *1 tin fence + 1 tin pole = storage crate //Junk House// (at workbench) Low attraction, less survivor will join your colony. *5 stack of pallet + 3 tin fence = slum house small *1 red cargo contenair + 1 tin fence = slum house contenair *10 tin fence = metal shed *10 wood plank = wood watchtower ///// Recipe for the Settlement - Yellow Scaffolding ///// This building will attract more survivor to your colony *5 stack of brick + 1 stack of pallet = small house abandonned *10 stack of brick + 5 cinder block + 5 planck + 20 concrete pillar = large unfinished building *2 cinder block + 6 medium tin fence = grey metal shed 3 stack of plank + 10 medium tin fence + 1 wood pile = Grey shack medium ///// Recipe for the Concrete Factory ///// *2 cinder block + 1 plank = concrete wall *1 cinder block + 1 tine pole = concrete shelter. *1 cinder block + 1 stack of pallet = concrete stairs *1 concrete wall + 1 plank = 5 concrete pillar. *4 concrete wall + 10 tine pole = small canal wall *3 small canal wall = 1 big canal wall *1 big canal wall + 1 concrete stairs + 6 tin pole = canal wall with stairs ///// Recipe for the Lumber Mill ///// *2 wood pile = 1 stack of plank *1 stack of plank = 5 shoot house wall long *1 shoot house wall long = 2 shoot house tunnel (pour le toit) ///// Recipe for the Wreck Vehicle Builder ///// *5 pile of junk + 1 pressure washer + 1 car battery = bathmobile *3 pile of junk + 1 pressure washer + 1 car battery + 1 UAZ wreck + 1 offroadwreck = Scavenger Offroad *3 pile of junk + 1 pressure washer + 1 car battery + 1 UAZ wreck + 1 Hatchback wreck = Scavenger Hatchback *3 pile of junk + 1 pressure washer + 1 car battery + 1 URAL wreck + 1 Truck wreck = Scavenger Bus ///// Recipe for the Military Vehicle Builder ///// *1 slammer wreck + 1 slammer wreckturret + 1 tank tracks + 1 tank engine + 1 ammobox = slammer *1 hunter wreck 1+ 1 hunter wreck 2 + 1 car battery = 1 hunter (that need 2 different type of hunter wreck) *1 hunter + static (gmg or hmg) = hunter armed ///// Recipe for the Vehicle Upgrade ///// *1 offroad + 1 static hmg = offroad hmg *1 offroad + 1 static gmg = offroad at *1 slammer + 1 slammer wreck + 1 static hmg = slammer up ///// How to craft Ammo ///// You need to put a tin pole and create a fire camp near the green camping table at the settlement and an ammo crate will pop up on the table, just choose the ammo you want craft with the action menu. You can craft only basic ammo for hunting rifle, old rifle and barrel handgun. Persistence To save your progression the server admin need to be logged and copy this line in the chat box : #gradpersistenceSave. Or use radio menu (0-0-Save) So every vehicle, vehicle cargo, tent content, crate content and static object will be saved, at the settlement (blue circle). The crafting component (car battery or stack of brick) are considered as static object and will be saved, but they must be unloaded from the vehicle before saving, if they are not unloaded they will be lost. More Info and script used Vehicle towing Sling Loading Mag repack AIS first aid R3F Logistic Strigoi and Farty (Alias anomaly) Bangapop loot script Zbe cache system AI spawn script pack GF Crash site Its an inbuild crafting system so if you have question or you are not able to craft something just ask. Its a hard sandbox mission, that will take many hour to be able to kill the LFDA officer but the player is free to choose his own strategy. Special thanks to @pierre MGI anf @killzone_kid for their help.
  16. This is an open world zombie survival modification, which was specifically created to work with 'The Artifact' scenario. The scenario is available under the 'scenarios' tab in the main menu. PAY ATTENTION TO THE REQUIRED MODS LISTED BELOW. MY MODIFICATION WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY WITHOUT THOSE. Required mods: CBA_A3; CUP Terrains - Core; CUP Terrains - Maps; CUP Units; CUP Vehicles; CUP Weapons; DS Houses Feautures: Hardcore survival in the zombie-infested Chernarus; Zombies with realistic human-like sight; Stealth; Basic needs (hunger, thirst, temperature, vitamins) and injures (bleeding, pain, wounded legs, open wounds); Diseases (flu, food poisoning, blood infection); Dynamic weather; Dark ambient music; Different ambient sounds; Various hand-made animations; Survival HUD --The Artifact-- The scenario combines survival with completing various tasks. Story Year 2014, Chernarus. The zombie apocalypse began about a year ago. Chernarus Defence Forces were rescuing inhabitants for about a month before they were displaced by the infected. Many eyewitnesses alleged that something strange was going on before the apocalypse: people were going missing, animals and crops were dying. Some insisted that Chernarus was cursed. You are an explorer named Dean Hendricks. You work for the clandestine company which provides different legal and illegal services. Recently, you were sent to Chernarus to find an unidentified object, which was named 'The Artifact', examine it and bring it back with you. You were flying over Chernarus with your partner Michael and a pilot when suddenly, something went wrong... You wake up near your crashed helicopter and see the dead pilot, but no sign of Michael... --Other-- Credits Mod, scenario: SerBiX (a.k.a SerbiX8); Music, sounds: Nicolas Gasparini (Myuu) - The Dark Piano; Freesound License This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) license. Donate PayPal Patreon --STEAM WORKSHOP PAGE--
  17. DOWNLOAD ON STEAM WORKSHOP: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1546710863 Z-DWAR video: there are 2 servers running 24/7 , one with DWAR and one with ZOMBIE DWAR you can easily find them filtering DWAR word in main server browser, or at this IP: IP : dolfrang.ddns.net port: 2302 ZOMBIE DWAR mods required: CBA_A3, RAVAGE, CHERNARUS REDUX, CUP terrains CORE port: 3302 DWAR mods required: CBA_A3 CUP weapons CUP units ACE3 RHS AFRF RHS USAF CUP vehicles CUP ace3 compatibility addon weapons CUP ace3 compatibility addon vehicles advanced urnban rappeling advanced rappeling ace compat RHS USAF ace compat RHS AFRF task force radio enhanced movement (optional) hello there! Here's the survival / COOP / TvT mission using the great RAVAGE mod, As civilian, you have to try to survive and call for rescue using a satellite antenna during a zombie apocalypse! As crew of a NATO destroyer during a zombie apocalypse, your task is to investigate radio signals and save survivors while searching for the cure! As DUMBrella corp mercenary, your task is to shut off this mess by killing every witness and recover the lost anti-virus! The mission is persistant, the position of the signals and the cure its randomly selected every round, so never match is the same to the previous one. the land is full of infected that will hunt players, only safe heaven is the NATO destroyer in the sea! can be played in SP, COOP, TvT . REQUIRED MODS: CBA_A3 RAVAGE
  18. GF Ravage Heros Money Reward Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Ravage Heros Money Reward and notification script . You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Ravage Heros Money Reward Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf and in the Description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: The money reward , is based on kill distance. Select the money reward , for Ravage or Heros Survive. Select where the money will be stored to uniform, vest or backpack. Credits & Thanks: Special thanks to: Haleks for Ravage mod and Heros for Heros Survive mod. Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.1 The AI kills where showing also in the notification but, this issue is fixed. A kill counter notification is also available. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40235 Armaholic download GF Ravage Heros Money Reward Script
  19. Hello ARMA community, today I release my next RAVAGE mission. Have fun! Short overview: Title: RAVAGE MORGENTHAU PLAN SCHWEMLITZ Version: 1.0 Author: tourist Type: SP/COOP 1-5 Roleplaying Game Respawn: Base/Markers Game Version: created and playtested in SP and MP Dedicated Server on 1.84 Stable Language: English or German Sceenshots: YouTube Channel featuring clips and Episodes of this mission and my other RAVAGE missions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsOXKlspvVe5HGSNlSbveFg Features: Survival Roleplaying Mission featuring the awesome RAVAGE Mod in an "Escape the Island" Scenario inspired by cosmic's mission Play in the rural area of Schwemlitz County. Combined RAVAGE with HEROS Survive for added level of immersion and gameplay value: HEROS offers a temperature system, sawing wood, trading goods, quest items... Generally speaking the HEROS items work with double-clicking them in your inventory like the RAVAGE items do. Some of them can be merged via action menu; most important for this mission: water purification pills+water container of any size=purified water Mission puts you in an alternative timeline where after WW2 the Morgenthau Plan has been enforced upon Germany. Google it, and google the novel "Morbus Kitahara" by author Ransmayer as well. THIS is a setting where a Sandbox Survival game can shine! The map is Schwemlitz cuz it's quite rural - and looks like really German coutryside, not polish or ukrainian like the IFA3 maps. There will be a few „modern“ items in loot and purchase – but the gunplay is deliberately limited to the WW2 tech. Play alone or as a small band of brothers in arms, all of you German soldiers returning from the time in a Soviet POW camp with nothing but the rags on your body. You have to fight for your life against Bandits and US Soldiers who roam Germany. The former to fulfill their needs by whatever means necessary, the latter in search of these Bandits and with the task to eliminate all "Rebel/Werewolf" units as well (represented by the armed BLUFOR RAVAGE Survivors who fight the Bandits) because NO German man is allowed to have guns! EVER! AGAIN!!! Choose to play it as sandbox until you die. Or you could try to do the quests: find enough Dollars to bribe an Allied Forces Official to give you a Passport for, say, France or USA. Or steal blank forms out of his safe and then forge yourself a passport. Or maybe search for one of those - nowadays privileged - former victims of Nazi crimes who might have such passport - and kill him for it! Really? Who would play a person like this? I don't know, but ARMA is about freedom. So ofc it's also a possibility to play as an absolutely ruthless "Inglorious German Bastard"... Civilians, farm animals and wild boars present and some loot to be found in settlements, but VERY FEW vehicles - after all, the Morgenthau Plan was about to crush Germany's economy and society for good. Weapons? Ammo? Hmm, try to pull off a Silent Takedown Attack on a Bandit or sneak into an US ARMY post and steal some hardware. You might try to scrape the money together to buy a combat knife from the stationary trader/questgiver, but he will NOT have guns in stock!!! Also there is rumors about a couple of US supply airplanes that have crashed in the Schwemlitz region - maybe the Russians have found a few Nazi super weapons to bring down airplanes with soundwaves or magnetism? But dontcha think these crashsites were freebies: the US Rangers are heading out to each of the crashsites FAST; and if they see you there, they consider it trespassing and shoot you. Wait, what? why don't they shoot you anyways? Because of INCON INCOGNITO!!! I've tailored this script to my mission with great detail so you can wear Frith's Ruin clothes or CIV clothes from IFA3 & RDS & BIS to pass for a civilian as long as you keep any weapons concealed and don't come too close to the soldiers. Also the bandits will leave you and the "real" CIVS alone, making it possible to sneak up on them and do the silent takedown if they see through your disguise too late. The script options I've tried to make OPFOR shoot ALL CIVS don't work fully yet. They do just aim at the CIVS - kinde like extortion or "Your Money or your Life“ style. Stationary trader and questgiver in a shop opposite of the Weste Train Station where you start. Go there at least once to receive the main quest and it's subquests! (Keep the book he gives to you in your inventory) Further enhanced by usage of George Floros immersive script suite tailored for RAVAGE: GF Crashsites creates random airplane crashsites with Recovery Recon Teams hurrying towards them make every playthrough different even in SP GF Drop Loot lets all killed people drop money or other items you might sell to the trader. Only two start and respawn locations (Weste Station as start and additionally a hidden camp in the woods for respawn) in MP for all players – go find yourself some old comrades, Feldwebel! And if your online friends let you down because of this lame excuse called „RL“, you can recruit any blufor AI with the RAVAGE recruiting system or at two places in the mission via Spyder Addons Recruiting mechanics... AIS/A3Wounding System for the Revive – this is the HOT stuff cuz it works in SP also! See ingame Briefing hints for instructions on using that awesome piece of code and for the settings active in this mission! If you have any AI subordinates or play SP, your teammates will all be able to heal each other and you. In „mixed MP“ with some humans and some AI, the AI will also help the humans, even if those AI buddies are NOT the „Combat Medic“ class. Play as a small group through an adventure challenging you to show if you're ready to stand by your friend's side or rather choose to abandon one or even all of them in the face of mortal danger... Different win endings depending on your success and playstyle/ways & means to achieve your goals (still WIP) I'm happy to announce that this mission offers a persistent task with several sub-tasks. I achieved this by utilizing the convenient fact that ALiVE saves a player's or a container's inventory. Subtasks are either repeating tasks for the stationary trader to help you earn some money or different ways to achieve your overall goal of obtaining a passport that allows you to leave the mission area and thus „win“ the mission. Loot in props and furniture is very scarce and weapons and ammo even more so. Go hunt a few boars or other animals, or trade non-edible loot for food. Added ALiVE saving (local save, NO WarRoom Account necessary!) and player modules to the mission – this means you can use BIS save or ALiVE save in SP and only ALiVE save in MP. I have chosen to do so because the ALiVE save gives full object and inventory persistence for any and all boxes or vehicles or even loot objects left on the ground which players access during a SP or MP session. The usage in this mission is just for the persistence; so you don't need a Master Degree in ALiVE Gameplay. In fact, you won't even need a B.A. In SP, just press the ESC button and then you can choose between the usual „Save&Exit“ button or the „ALiVE SP Save“ button. Loading happens automatically when you start the mission. Even if you don't see the usual „continue“ button in A3 Scenario list, don't worry. ALiVE essentially emulates it's MP save resuming system when you use it in SP. So once you are ingame again, it will load the previous session's state automatically. You can also use ALiVE for managing your survivor team or for some debug/cheat options. If you want this, just press the „application“ button or whatever you have chosen to associate with ALiVE Menu. If you die in SP while using ALiVE save, you won't get a „reload“ button. Instead, quit to main menu and „restart“ the mission. You will load your last manual ALiVE Menu „Player Save“ or your last „ALiVE SP Save“ made on exiting the mission last time. In MP, you should try to get access to the GUI that lets you make an individual player save with ALiVE. You'll need that save if you want to leave the server before the other players or before the player who is Admin shuts it down. Speaking of which: easy as well! As Admin, press ESC, then choose „Server Save & Exit“. That's it! Once you do that, you save any players still on the server. Also in MP, the resuming of the mission is automatically. Oh, and you can move stuff around in the gameworld if it's not too heavy to lift. Crates, barbed wire, dropped weapons... Also you can load boxes (and their inventory) into your vehicles and later unload these again with mousewheel actions if the boxes are in a distance of 2 meters or less from the vehicles. ZOD unarmed/silent takedown Script used to give all players the ability to defend themselves with their bare hands at game start and/or support a covert gameplay later on. After all, you are former WW2 soldiers who have fought on the Eastern Front and were then imprisoned in a Stalinist GULAG. You have learned all there is to learn about unarmed and melee fighting! This script allows me to actually let you play through the grim experience of coming to a shootout wielding not even a knife (if you load KA MELEE, you can buy a combat knife from the trader, though...), but just a pair of empty hands! Now go and create some vids of your ragged game characters charging towards a bandit armed with a gun and beat him to death! Please do so with whatever battle cry your nation habitually yells out! HINT: Germans would most likely yell „YAAAAH!“ or „HURRRAAA!“ if it goes into real primal/trench fighting. More sophisticated battle cries depend on the unit: „Horrido – Joho!“ for most infantrymen, „Panzergrenadiere – Dran! Drauf! Drüber!“ for mechanized infantry, „Panzer – Hurra!“ for tank troops. CREDITS: First I'll credit the creators of the used tutorials and templates because without their work I couldn't even have started A3 mission making, modded game or vanilla, and of course special thanks goes to all RAVAGE specific tutorials! Haleks for his kind help in the RAVAGE release thread and the MP testing PM thread cosmic10R for his RAVAGE templates MacScottie/Jester814 for providing his very motivating and beginner friendly YouTube Tutorials Psychobastard for his PDF A3 Editing Guide in German and for his AWESOME Revive Script AIS/A3 Wounding System rsoftokz for his ROADS mission sproyd for his A3 Editing Guide in English Next to be credited are the friendly forum members or YouTubers (listed alphabetical, not by amount of help) that helped me either with code, with direct communication to solve various specific problems during the creation of this mission or by testing the mission together with me bad benson for his general coding tips, hints to useful scripts and general ideas on mission balance and our broad exchange on the different approaches to achieve a high realism level in the ARMAVERSE cosmic10R for his RAVAGE templates, for his great Escape! Mission that inspired me to try my own approach to this kind of RAVAGE mission and for the great exchange of mission ideas. Engima for his COS Script used to populate the map with CIVS and animals Evil Organ for lots of mission ideas we exchanged during RAVAGE testing FHQ for his Briefing Editor George Floros for his script collection which greatly enhances this mission and for exchange of thoughts during the mission's creation Haleks for creating his awesome RAVAGE Mod and for letting me take part in the MP testing, also of course special thanks for all his coding tips Heros not only for his Survival System but also for his friendly help with making the RAVAGE food & drink items consumable by that system INCON for his Undercover script and also for his Squad Persistence script (latter is included, hence the credits, but it's not working on this map and with current ALiVE version for me ATTOW) ZOD for his Silent Takedown Script Required addons list: ALiVE: http://alivemod.com/#Download CBA A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 CUP Terrains Complete: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30045 CUP Terrains Maps: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30046&highlight=CUP%2BMAPS FRITHS RUIN: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31654&highlight=FRITHS HEROS Survive: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31161&highlight=HEROS%2BSURVIVE IFA_AIO_LITE: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34169 MBG Buildings 3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14828 RDS Civilian Pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26188&highlight=RDS%2BCIVILIANS RAVAGE: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29638&highlight=RAVAGE RAVAGE APEX: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34078&highlight=RAVAGE RAVAGE CUP: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34079&highlight=RAVAGE Schwemlitz, Germany: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18147&highlight=SCHWEMLITZ Spyder Addons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30013&highlight=SPYDER Warfare Thai:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26051 Optional Addons: ASR AI: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24080&highlight=ASR OR VCOMAI: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25381&highlight=VCOM Why ASR AI or VCOM AI? These two (use only one of them at a time ofc!) are my personal preference and IMHO the best plug-and-play solutions for SP and MP alike! They make bandits real crappy shooters and trained Army soldiers dangerously effective! ENHANCED MOVEMENT: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27224&highlight=ENHANCED%2BMOVEMENT Get! That! Mod! Now! You WILL find it incredibly immersive and helpful to survive being hunted by zombies while still unarmed at mission start and you WILL still love it even later in the mission to save ammo by doing a little E&E or find a vantage point in firefights with bandits! KA MELEE: only available in SWS ATM Advanced Urban Rappelling: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31357&highlight=RAPPELLING Advanced Towing: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30575&highlight=TOWING Dual Arms/Two Primary Weapons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33837&highlight=DUAL%2BARMS 9Liners & Notepad: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28180&highlight=NOTEPAD Shoulder Mounted Light: RUG DSAI IFA3 Voices: only available in SWS ATM Shoulder Mounted Light: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32143&highlight=SHOULDER And finally the mission itself: Now go get it at Steam Workshop or via this BIS Forums release thread! English Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5wf2ebl3873cno/RAVAGE_PLUS_HEROS_MORGENTHAU_PLAN_DEV_SCHWEMLITZ_ENG.WL_Route191.pbo.7z?dl=0 German Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8hia9jycq5l6st/RAVAGE_PLUS_HEROS_MORGENTHAU_PLAN_DEV_SCHWEMLITZ_GER.WL_Route191.pbo.7z?dl=0
  20. Addons/Server features: *Server Restarts every 4 hours *Roaming and Mission AI (details below) *Zombies (details below) *Mods: 4 RHS, TRYK, CUP (CORE), EXILE, Extended base mod, Ryans Zombies,----- Exile *XM8 Apps (view distance, customizable statsbar, crafting) *Full day/night cycle-- At night the time is sped up to 24x and day is 4x *Day/Night voting system (type /vote day or /vote night) *PVP (Play how you want | You can be friendly) *Optional Mods: JSRS and blastcore --- More to come *****NEW BASE RESPAWNS****** Mod Downloads: Required: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494503178 Optional: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1510537696 Server IP : Additional server info: The server is pretty new and has a pretty decent player base. The server is well set up with active admins and changes/fixes constantly rolling in! Don't let that deter you from joining! Within our discord, I will be posting changelogs for each day that I change/add/balance things. We are always open ears to suggestions that's why we set up a suggestions chat within the discord. The server is set up on the map Chernarus 2035 with 3 trader cities (safezones), 2 aircraft traders and 2 boat traders. The mods we use on the server are all 4 RHS mods, TRYK (multiplay uniforms), Chernarus 2035 (duh), CUP terrains Core, Exile (super duh), Ryans zombies, and Exile extended base mod! We also allow blast core and JSRS (with and without RHS compatibility)! Although those are completely optional! We aim to have a harder more realistic feel for the game. New players to the server will start with 5k in their bank. To keep this challenging for the players we have added zombies which are very balanced and will spawn in zones marked in red on the map... Hordes have a chance of spawning around players in order to keep them on their toes. Roaming AI are implemented to keep players aware of their surroundings and to simulate a more alive environment (good and bad AI). Of course we have AI missions on the server and will soon be adding more. We are always adding new things and as said before open to new ideas and suggestions. !!SERVER RULES ARE POSTED IN GAME ON THE XM8 APP IN THE UNDER THE MORE TAB "Server Rules" (should have a picture of a book) not the one on the first page!! *Please note that we are constantly adding things so whats posted here is likely to differ a little bit from ingame (meaning there will be more custom addons than whats listed)*
  21. (WIP) Weapon Attachment Trader Script for Ravage Fellow Ravagers, in case you want to be able to buy weapon attachments such as scopes, silencers, flashlight or laser pointers in your Ravage mission, in addition to the original Ravage traders, look no further;) Functions of the script - Spawns a trader at a marker position (multiple markers are possible if you want the trader to move around) - Matching attachments for weapons as defined per array - the first item the trader sells matches the players current weapon (if carrying any) - uses rvg_money as currency - checks if you have enough money and enough space in your inventory before you are able to buy an item - the base price per item is set at 90 with some randomization (per item sold) each time the script is triggered - currently the items sold refresh after you select "Back" in the scroll menu. Each time you press back you get to call for new items to be offered. - after successfully buying an item, the position will be removed from the scroll menue How to create, use and Install the script: Step 1 - init.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code -------> [] execVM "TraderspawnAtt.sqf"; 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name -----> init.sqf 5. Move the init.sqf to your mission folder. =================================== Note - if you already have an init.sqf then just add the code from 2 to it. init.sqf: Step 2 - Back.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> Back.sqf 5. Move the Back.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= Back.sqf : Step 3 - TraderspawnAtt.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> TraderspawnAtt.sqf 5. Move the TraderspawnAtt.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= TraderspawnAtt.sqf OR: add custom items: If you want to define the attachments that may be sold by yourself, copy the below code into TraderspawnAtt.sqf instead of the above and add your attachment classnames in the array AttachementArray =["classname1","classname2"]; Script Dependencies: - Ravage mod is required to run this script - CBA (required by Ravage) Using the script without Ravage mod: If you want to use this without the Ravage and CBA mod, you would replace the currency ("rvg_money") with whatever classname of an item that you use as currency. Setting up the Script in the editor: 1. Start your mission via editor and place markers named: mrkrTR_1 2. To name a marker, add the above name into the Variable Names field like this: mrkrTR_1 Place your player and start your mission. Personalize the script - (additional markers) The trader will keep respawning at one location, if only one marker is placed. 1. To place more markers and achieve that the trader is "moving around", just add additional marker names under _traderspawn = [.....]. in the script. 2. The last marker needs to end without comma "mrkrTR_5"];. Leaving a comma at the end of the array "mrkrTR_5,"]; would not work. 3. Place the new markers on the map. Adding items The script selects Weapon Attachments based on randomly selected weapons from WeaponArray =[...]; Add remove weapons there to ensure attachments that match your weapons will spawn. To Dos: - find a way to sell back Weapon Attachments (to a lower price) - general code/script optimization and simplification - i might add some delay before the item list can be refreshed with "Back". - gather your input and change stuffs to make it better;) - MP not tested, happy to receive input on how to make this MP friendly Other stuff that is in the pipeline @ Vandeansons script factory: - Different Tier of traders connected to a reputation system (would be a separate script) - Vehicle trader (Planes, Helis, Cars,...) - currency exchange to allow for two different money systems (e.g. trader ravage currency versus the currency from HG Simple Shops) - Adaptation of the EDN_Fortification Base building mod to include it into your Ravage mission (spawn in collectible Blueprints, spawn in building materials, customize and add own blueprints) - Dynamic and infinite ongoing task generator connected to reward system (e.g. Money, equipment...) - tasks are either automatically assigned one after the other upon completion or document folders are spawned into in buildings around the player that, after collecting it, will assign a new task =================================== Changelog v.0.1 2018.08.22 - release of working version
  22. Hi all, I am looking for a solution or some guidance to understand how I can pull arrays of loot (e.g. weapons, gear,...) from a separate file into a .sqf file. What I want to do: - create a master file with arrays of items, weapons, or structures - create scripts (e.g. LINK)that spawn loot that can access those master files - have one single file where I can alter those arrays without having to update the arrays in each single script an example for an array that is currently in each of my scripts and that I would like to export into a master file and then acces from such master file: _itemsArray =[ "rvg_canOpener", "rvg_plasticBottlePurified", "rvg_spirit", "rvg_franta", "rvg_milk", "rvg_rice", "rvg_hose", "rvg_guttingKnife", "rvg_tire", "rvg_purificationTablets", "rvg_flare", "rvg_matches", "rvg_Geiger", "rvg_toolkit", "rvg_antiRad", "muzzle_snds_B", "muzzle_snds_L", "acc_flashlight_pistol", "optic_DMS" ]; Any input is very welcome;) thank you and cheers vandeanson
  23. Dynamic Animal/Game Spawn Script This script will continuously spawn animals that can be hunted (and butchered with the ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module active) in proximity of the player. Showcase Video: (This is just showing the basic functions with speed up despawn times and reduced spawn/despawn distances FYI) Functions of the script: - spawn loop for animals - random number and type of animals - can be butchered (using the ravage mod and a knife) - despawn once player moves away - customizable code How to create, use and Install the script: Step 1 - init.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code -------> [] execVM "animalspawner.sqf"; 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name -----> init.sqf 5. Move the init.sqf to your mission folder. =================================== Note - if you already have an init.sqf then just add the code from 2 to it. Step 2 - "animalspawner.sqf" 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code below into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> animalspawner.sqf 5. Move the animalspawner.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= animalspawner.sqf code: Script Dependencies: No dependencies. However, the Ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module is required to butcher the animals and process their meat. You can find all about the Ravage mod here: LINK Setting up the Script in the editor: 1. Find the Ravage section in your Editors "Systems" tab. 2. Place the module "Survival systems" Note: you need a "Gutting Knife" (from the Ravage mod) to butcher the animals 5. Place your player and start your mission. Using the script without Ravage mod: - the script runs without the Ravage mod active, no changes needed Credit: the basic template for the spawner came from a fellow ravager, however I can not trace back the specific post anymore. so shout out to all the friendly scripters from the ravage comunity for all their input;)!
  24. vlad_ptu

    [SP] Armed Fallout

    Hi everybody! I've just finished this mission and would appreciate if somebody try and test it. Provide your feedback if you will play. Armed Fallout is open world survival type mission based on Ravage mod by Haleks. Creation of this mission was inspired by good old games Fallout 1-2 and great Ravage mod. It's story is crossover of Ravage and Fallout plots, so it combines elements from both Fallout 1-2 games and Ravage. The gameplay is mostly a standart Ravage survival with infected and raiders, but there are many interesting locations present. Such as friendly towns, raiders camps, some Fallout style encounters, easter eggs and more. Detailed description and objectives in briefing. Addons needed: Arma3 Apex + DLS's; Ravage by Haleks Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JVMmnVGE0xtUcjmdlGJrxI5LgoukhcXs No filter version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eSdFgOKAeMC8yOEwmw_N035JNsfF8ZYL
  25. Fall of men is role playing game where you can talk and commerce with NPCs and do quests. You must also try to survive in the hostile post apocalyptic world, where even other players maybe hostile This mission is continuous work in progress but can already be played. Note the mission on server below is not always up to date but is running last stable release Features currently in game: Quests: NPCs with quests Doing quests will reward you XP and money Talk to NPC via dialogues over 30 quests! (more to come) Quests to clear bandit towns (one so far) Survive: Hostile world outside of towns (AI controlled bandits) Bandits drive cars Bandits call for backup if given enough time! CSAT controls north west of the map The bandits and CSAT will send hit squad after you (via air) if you mess with them too much The enemy has placed road blocks and small camps around the map Beaware that players with high lockpick skill may break into your house Hireable companions Abandoned vehicles spawn across the island Skills: XP / level system Different skills (total 8) Gain money and XP by killing the bandits You can try to lockpick and steal cars Skills include: Accuracy (amount of weapon sway) Stamina Armor Speed Barter Speech (Unlocks special options in conversations) Lockpick Pickpocket (Try to take items from NPC, who will get mad if you get caught!) Law: Law and guards in towns (don't shoot or steal!) You can surrender and get rid of the villain status if you break the law in town (but you lose couple skill points) Player can rob the bank. Making him hostile to the current town Commerce: Trading with NPC shopkeeper Buy houses where you can store your gear/loot Caravans travel between towns (You can trade with the caravan trader) Loot from previous plays go to your house's container when you buy a house Player can deposit money in bank. Each town has independent bank Some houses outside towns may contain valuable loot. The doors are also locked if any Money you left in banks will be saved to your character Also money you used to buy houses is returned to you when you quit Car dealers in towns! Property: Claim any house in the wilderness as your home! You can build walls around your houses in the wilderness (using zeus, press Y) Lock your car Setting: PvP 8 populated towns so far Tweakable gameplay via parameters Weather parameters Cool atmosphere parameters Ambient helo flying around (CSAT area) Instructions: Look for NPC with icon on top of them. They will give you quests and trade. Use mouse scroll wheel to select actions and middle click to use Player data is saved so you can continue where you left Fast travel between towns via helicopter! Talk to the pilot in town Notes: Multiplayer support No addons required Should disable weapon sway mods Game is saved when you press esc and also periodically Map is Altis version 0.8.13b To play: Multiplayer -> Server browser -> Host server Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1401710021 Screenshots in the steam download page Official site: https://armagc.blogspot.com/