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Found 78 results

  1. I have created a script an assigned arma 3 weapon classnames to different variables, like this: _sg_mk1 = "srifle_DMR_03_F"; _sg_mk1Mags = "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"; I have then made an addAction and put it on an ammo crate so that when you click mk-I you will get the weapon in the variable above. Like this: _crate = sg_classes; _crate addAction ["MK-I", _sg_mk1, _sg_mk1Mags]; I have made it like this for flexibility, instead of changing everything I can change one classname in a variable to edit the outcome of your option. There is an issue though when I go in-game and scroll down on the crate I see MK-I, but when I click it I get the following error: '|#|srifle_DMR_03_F' Error Undefined Variable in expression: srifle_dmr_03_f So my question is how would I properly go about assigning classnames to variables and then have the variables be put in an addAction to give players the items.
  2. I have set up a dialog with some buttons. With one of the button I have made an Action like this: action = [] execVM "sg_places\sg_og.sqf"; I have checked so many times and that is definitely the correct directory to reach that sqf. Directory: teleport.hpp (the dialog with buttons) >> sg_places (folder) >> sg_og.sqf Is there anything else that can cause this error, because it should find the file it is definitely pointing in the right direction.
  3. Hello, I'm trying to remove vegetation in an area for a composition loaded with the debug console. I can only execute the script from my client since I don't have access to the server files. { _x hideObject true } foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [_newObject,["BUSH"],50]); This code works for my client but the rest of the server can still see the vegetation. Also if I reconnect the vegetation would reappear. { waitUntil {!isNull _newObject}; { _x hideObject true } foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [_newObject,["BUSH"],50]); } remoteExec ["spawn", 0, True]; DarleneWhale on /r/armadev wrote me this which should've executed the code on all clients with JIP set to true. Unfortunately, I've hit a bump since the vegetation still doesn't disappear for the players nor me with this code. Does anybody know how I can execute the HideObject command locally so the vegetation disappears for all players on the server including the players that join/reconnect? Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. Does anyone have the ArmA 2: OA colour corrections? I want to have the same lighting in CUP terrains as you did in Operation Arrowhead with the module. Someone saw the post and sent me a substitue: "colorCorrections"ppEffectEnable true; "colorCorrections"ppEffectAdjust[0.9,1,0,[0.1,0.1,0.1,-0.1],[1,1,0.85,0.4],[1,0.1,0,0]]; "colorCorrections"ppEffectCommit 0;
  5. I'm trying to write a script that involves setting the colour of the praetorian CIWS turret to the "sand" paint-job available in the garage menu. I understand how setObjectTexture works but can't figure out how to use getObjectTextures. I have a sand coloured CIWS placed down in zeus; what command would I use to see what the name of the texture is so I can incorporate it into my script? the example on the wiki runs fins but doesn't return a hint or anything. EDIT: Problem solved. In the eden editor, when changing a vehicles appearance, there is an "export" button which provides a script which spawns a vehicle of the selected colour.
  6. hello guys, its with immense happiness, that after YEARS of problems, i can finally mark as solved a problem that was plaguing me (and my unit, my friends, and many other people), the infamous "SESSION LOST" error, and relative disconnection! in years (and i mean YEARS) of research, of asking BIS support (thay tried to help, but without luck) and even Battleye support (they never answered, shame on them), i finally found (for pure luck) what seems to be one of the causes (because there are many causes for the same error, yes), probably the most unknown one. on my server i was using LAN cable, so attached to onboard nework adapter integrated on motherboard, but had also a wifi usb antenna to access server also from wireless... seems that having 2 network systems caused the problems, was not relevant if i used cable or wifi , the simple fact of having 2 was the problem! disabling one of the two (i tried both way) solved the problem!! for future reference , other causes , way more common, are : -mods not matched on server-client -an error in the arma3 cache. so all the working solutions i found (each for its own cause of the problem) are: 1) disabling one of the (more than one) real network adapter cards in the network settings probably problem with win10 is that as of update 1603 the network-order has been removed and you cannot priorize a card anymore you will have to manually disable all of the adapters that are not in use. 2) Reboot your PC, when it boots up, don't open anything copy this into a text file, save, then rename WipeArma3cache.bat rmdir "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Arma 3\" /s /q ...and run it. 3) match EXACTLY the server mods, so that client and server run ALL the same mod, same versions. hope this saves people years of problems, losing community around servers, and many ARMA3 friends (gone to other games for this problem). this is the maniphest ticket of this problem: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128085
  7. I am currently in the process of making a GUI that allows you to customize the pylons of a plane. Everything works up until this one part. (This is not the only thing in the GUI, just one function). params["_indexWeapon"]; _weaponToEquip = currentWeapons select (_indexWeapon + 2); _planeToEquip = currentObject; _pylonToEquipIndex = currentPylonNum + 1; systemChat str _pylonToEquipIndex; systemChat str _planeToEquip; systemChat _weaponToEquip; (_planeToEquip) setPylonLoadOut [_pylonToEquipIndex, _weaponToEquip, true, []]; For some reason, in the setPylonLoadOut, the _weaponToEquip does not work. So say it equals "PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles". I get the error in game, "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines."PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles"'. But if I change the code to, (_planeToEquip) setPylonLoadOut [_pylonToEquipIndex, "PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles", true, []]; It works if I use that code. I can't seem to figure out why this is and what a fix for it might be. If anyone has any ideas why this is and what a fix might be, I will be extremely grateful for your input. Thanks in advance!
  8. Hey all, I need some help with creating a trigger which produces an image on the players screen for a few seconds and plays some sound affects. Trying to produce a hallucination or flashback affect. What I think needs to happen is have in the trigger (on activation) null = [] execVM "images\flashback.sqf"; playmusic "example1"; or playsound "example1"; But I am not sure what to put in the flashback.sqf to make the image display. I am new to scripting so any help would be awesome. Peace TPM
  9. I'm trying to count everyplayer that's playing as OPFOR. My counting script does not throw any errors, however the hint script doesn't recognizes _AllPrisoner. Obviously i'm doing something wrong and i hope someone can help me. _allplayers = allPlayers; _allPrisoner = {if (side _x == east) then {_allPrisoner = _allPrisoner + _x};} forEach _allplayers; hint format ["Test%1",_allPrisoner ];
  10. Hello, I am looking for a SIMPLE score system that I could use in my Deathmatch maps. I wan't no "kill streak", no "best player" of what so ever, just a simple score system that could collect the amount of kills that a player is getting and that will stop the game when limit it reached. I guess you can do this with "eventhandlers" but I'm clearly not an expert in Deathmatchs so ... Please help me :)
  11. Hello everyone i'm trying to create a unit that spawns in a vehicle and goes to a random location. But when i spawn the unit with createvehicle it won't move... *I tried waypoints and domove* I've done a lot of trial and error and can't figure it out. It's probably something very stupid since i'm not that familiar with scripTing in general. this is my code that is being called with an addaction: _Location = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _Road = [_Location, 1000, []] call BIS_fnc_nearestRoad; _Destination = getPos _Road; _group = createGroup civilian; _AI = nil; _AI2 = nil; _AI3 = nil; _Pass = selectrandom [1,2,3]; _AIChoose = selectRandom ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_Nikos_aged","C_Nikos_aged","C_man_sport_1_F_afro"]; _VEHChoose = selectRandom ["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Offroad_01_repair_F","C_Truck_02_covered_F","C_Truck_02_transport_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F","C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F"]; _veh = createVehicle [_VEHChoose, position Pris1, [], 0,""]; //Add passengers _AI = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _AI setBehaviour "Aware"; _AI doMove (_Destination); _AI enableSimulation true; if (_Pass > 1) then { _AIChoose = selectRandom ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_Nikos_aged","C_Nikos_aged","C_man_sport_1_F_afro"]; _AI2 = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _AI2 setBehaviour "Aware"; _AI2 enableSimulation true; }; if (_Pass > 2) then { _AIChoose = selectRandom ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_Nikos_aged","C_Nikos_aged","C_man_sport_1_F_afro"]; _AI3 = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _AI3 setBehaviour "Aware"; _AI3 enableSimulation true; }; //Add Movein _AI moveInAny _veh; if (_Pass > 1) then { _AI2 moveInAny _veh; }; if (_Pass > 2) then { _AI3 moveInAny _veh; }; I hope someone can help me with this rookie problem. Draoth
  12. Hi all. I am currently trying to make use of the parameters to dynamically add tickets to the Respawn Tickets Module so that players can adjust the number of tickets for their own session to control their overall time-frame. Currently, how the game works is based on sector Bleeding rather than actual respawn. Basically when sectors are taken to a certain percentage, the tickets will start bleeding. So player respawn isn't taken into account for the reduction in tickets. Module is set to 250 each per side, WEST, EAST. I used: // get the number from parameters // somehow get the difference, e.g. 500 - 250 = 250 if (isServer) then { [WEST, _difference] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [EAST, _difference] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; }; But it seems that under a dedicated Server, the above command doesn't seem to reflect on all players, and most likely only on the server..... though I thought the command is supposed to work on a global level. And testing it out of the isServer if else statements, it resulted in additional of more tickets every time a player joins..... So I was wondering if anyone is able to explain how that function works or if I have used the wrong combinations... or I should have used either just the module or the function command. Thanks.
  13. I have been trying to remove the group information from the caller part of '_this ' e.g. "B Alpha 1-1:1". I am trying to use splitString to split the string when it gets to a bracket as the whole string returned is "B Alpha 1-1:1 (Username)" The code I have so far is _caller = (_this select 1); _caller splitString "("; Hint format["%1 is an absolute idiot!",_caller select 1]; The error I get is about splitString expecting a string but receiving an object. I tried looking up a way to change an object to a string but had no luck. I'm extremely new to SQF (I started learning today) and any help with this would be appreciated.
  14. Im a guy comming from mission-scripting and have been there for a while. I have now made a simple client-side gui controls script. The actual purpose of this script was coded with the "mission-file" context in mind. Now people asked me if i couldnt upload it to the steam workshop for easier installation and convenient use. I did some research on this but i cant fint anything relevant anywhere. Is is possible to pack a single script in an workshop-addon and expect it to load on every mission that it is executed with? When yes, how do i perform this?
  15. If I post what I currently have for my description.ext and init.sqf, can someone rewrite them to actually work? I can't get the loadouts to show up when I go to spawn in on my mission. I am losing my mind trying to figure this out.
  16. Hey all, I'm trying to create a mission where the independent faction is treated as captive until they pick up a weapon, and then treated as an enemy until they drop the weapon again. I'm pretty new to the scripting side of the mission editor entirely, but this is the basic line I'm working with (which currently makes the AI not shoot you on sight). But I'm putting the following into the player's init. if (player hasweapon null) then (player setcaptive true); That line actually works when I have the default in-editor setcaptive option off, the problems start when I try to tack anything else onto it. if (player hasweapon null) then (player setcaptive true) else (player setcaptive false); Main example: this line doesn't work, and the AI always shoots on sight, regardless of what the player spawns with. { sleep 5; while {alive player} do { if (player hasweapon null) then (player setcaptive true) else (player setcaptive false); }; }; Ideally, I'd want something like this to continuously check if the player is armed or not, but it has the same effect as the above.
  17. Hello As the title might suggest, i am trying to find a elevated position near the objectiv. I am creating a function that will place waypoint the highest point close to the objectiv, so that i can have AI sniper group/ recon group overwatch on higher ground. The way i intended to do it was to get some locations around the position, but i dont know how i would sort the array by height. The script: _reconSort = []; for "_i" from 1 to 360 do { _testpos = [_pos, random [100,200,500], _i] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _reconSort pushBack _testpos; }; _reconSort apply {[_x distance _grp, _x] }; Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Hello, For some reason, my Healing system is not working when the player's legs are hit .......... Can someone help ? While {True} Do { WaitUntil {Alive Player;}; Sleep 1; While {(damage player) < 0.1} Do { Sleep 1; }; Heal_Act = Player AddAction ["<img size='1.0' color='#FFFFFF' image='Images\heal_ca.paa'/>","Heal_System\Action.sqf",[],-100,False,True,"",""]; Player SetDamage 0.26; While {(Damage Player != 0.25) And Alive Player} Do { Sleep 0.1; }; Player SetDamage 0; Player RemoveAction Heal_Act; };
  19. Essentially, I've got an area activated trigger searching for BLUFOR forces present. I also have a trigger to tell when I've killed an officer within that area. I want to allow the player to either kill the officer and end the task, or stay in the zone and defend for five minutes and end the task. These both work independently, but I can't seem to make it into an or statement. I've tried simply syncing them both to the set task state, to no avail. I've tried to put the code "CompletedTaskOne = true" in both of the triggers, and then made a third trigger with "CompletedTaskOne = true" as the condition, then synced that to the set task state. I've tried adding the code "(this) OR (!alive Officer1)" and "(this) or (!alive Officer1)" in a single trigger. Basically, I'm just this close to scalping myself over this, and could really use some assistance. And yes, I did create an account here just for this.
  20. Hello Everyone! I'm making a mission, and i want the player use the face/skin texture i selected in the editor. But it uses the custom player face instead. Is there any way to fix this? Draoth
  21. Hello ! Here is the problem : for the needs of a mission I'm currently designing, I have to display various things on various screens here and there. I'm using setObjectTexture, not the global variant but the local one, you are gonna see why. Among various devices I have to retexture, there is some PC screens. All is working as expected with theses screens. But there is also some TV flat screens that have to be retextured. First, I need to put a simple PAA image, exactly as I do on PC screens, and later in the mission, I have to display a camera feed on it, so I'm using procedural textures (RenderToTexture : local, that's why I'm using the non-global command ; of course the script is running on all clients). All this is working perfectly when I try locally, but on the dedicated server only PC screens are retextured. For the TVs, even the "static" simple texture don't appears. Of course, no error message, no other unintended behavior... If it was only the RenderToTexture not being shown, I would search in that direction, but as the static image is also not displayed, I suppose that there is something wrong with the TV screen. Here is my code, very simple, I don't think it's very relevant, but... //firstly ecran_1 setObjectTexture [0, "img\connection.paa"]; //then later in the mission ecran_1 setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(camfeed1,1)"]; spycam1 = "camera" camCreate getPos cam1; spycam1 camSetTarget target1; spycam1 camSetFov 0.6; spycam1 camCommit 0; spycam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "camfeed1"]; Did anyone already faced this problem ? Do I miss something ?
  22. Hello all, So I built a rather nice structure, using plenty of the Plywood "Shoot House Walls". Now, prior to this last update, it was fine. No scripts, literally just the template in a VR mission. However, when I load it now, there is a problem. In the Editor, it still looks fine. But in game, every shoot house wall has gone from its half / quarter height, all to full height panels. Even corners have gone from half height to full height corners. This only happens when the mission loads, as it stil looks fine in the editor and shows the correct object! Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I do NOT want to re-make this object. In Editor: http://i.imgur.com/94d4lNg.jpg In Game: http://i.imgur.com/DAsZpA4.jpg
  23. I am noticing a really odd visual problem in my ground textures for my terrain. Everything seems to work fine, except in some areas I get weird 'outlines' or 'borders' around a certain texture type on my terrain. It is as if it is trying to fade into a different texture when it shouldn't be. For example: http://imgur.com/3xmh33A http://imgur.com/Kv1XMyA http://imgur.com/eFEWAMY
  24. Greeting everyone, I've just finished doing the Atlas guide and turns out creating a terrain isn't that complicated after all... that is except the very first step, getting the terrain heightmap. In Atlas guide he provides one .asc as example however like most creators have done and as BIS suggest, I also wanted to use a custom terrain from a real life region in the world. This is where the problem starts, it's not like I haven't got the resources, but rather they don't seem to work as I'd expect. Because I didn't get how to get a .arc file I tried using a standard .png Black and White image since TerrainBuilder appears to accept and is much easier to generate one, however when I imported into Terrain Builder's bulldozer, it showed up as all spiky and not as smooth as it appeared. So I went to do some research in the forums and read about this software called "L3DT", I've somehow managed to import the heightmap into the program and it told me the scale of the height were completely out of proportion, which explained the giant spikes in bulldozer. So I thought considering so many people talk about this SRTM format n' stuff I guessed my only chance was to do the hard way, so I went looking on my national archives for some kind of geographic files and managed to find one WMS layer that I was able to import into QGIS which BIS uses as example, it's not as sensitive as the B&W one but if there's no alternative I could live with that, the problem once again is that I have no idea how to export the region I want into .arc . I've searched both the forums and the internet for GIS related information and I've quite lost my senses as to what I should actually do after all. So I was hoping someone with more experience than me, could lead me in the right way. Thanks for your attention :)
  25. Yes this is going to sound weird but I'm trying to create an inheritance from a class yet it's giving me the undefined base class error despite I have literally made the entire parent-child tree which isn't usually necessary. I'm not actually using a "base" class but one of BIS inherited classes but it should still work right? Any idea why this is giving me this error? I also have the necessary required addons defined so I'm clueless. //config.cpp (...) requiredAddons[] = {"A3_characters_f_beta","A3_characters_f","A3_Weapons_F","A3_Data_F"}; (...) class CfgVehicles { class Land; //These shouldn't be necessary class Man; //These shouldn't be necessary class CAManBase; //These shouldn't be necessary class SoldierWB; //These shouldn't be necessary class B_Soldier_base_F; //I wanted to inherit one of the sniper ones preferably B_sniper_f class B_Soldier_sniper_base_F; //Inheriting this one doesn't work either class B_sniper_F; #include "CfgUnits.hpp" }; (...) ///CfgUnits.hpp (...) class BOT_SNIP_Desert: B_sniper_F { //Undefined base class error here //overriden values //no subclasses used }; (...)