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  1. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/linkItem this page says " If there is an item in the targeted slot, it gets replaced." I want to find a similar command, so that when an item(called A1) was created, If targeted slot is empyt, A1 will be put in the slot; If there is already an item (call A2) in the targeted slot, A2 will still be there, and A1 be stored in player's inventory. Anyone can help?
  2. This is a complete script tool suite Bohemia Interactive's game engine used in ARMA II and ARMA 3. Poseidon Tools supports all text files (Scripts & configs) used by the Real Virtuality. Initially, this project was named "BI PTE" (BI Plain Text Editor) and was renamed Poseidon Tools when it was publicly released, in august 2013. So, the name, Poseidon Tools, is a tribute to the very first version of the Real Virtuality engine, "Poseidon", which is the base of all the Arma series. Latest announcement: Version 0.994.211 Features Project management Instant Project Switch Distraction Free Mode and full screen Split Editing (Can display up to four file on the same screen) Auto Completion (based on commands and existing text in the file) Current and parent brackets highlight Persistent sessions Snippets (eg: file header, control structures, game functions etc…) Syntax highlighter (for SQF (from ofp to arma 3), SQM, HPP, CPP, EXT…) Full support of SQF & SQS, XML, Cpp, CFG, RPT Can open RPT from the menu (Arma 3, Arma 3 diagnostic, Arma 2…) Can open SQM, BIEDI with Arma 3 Magic key F8 File diff Support of Mikero Tools Support of Arma 3 Tools Refresh the opened files everytime you get back to it Macro creation Documentation link and so on… Notes Some features require Arma 3 Tools installed; Every new release require a full clean install; Some other features require Mikero Tools installed; This is not an official tool, use at your own risks; Documentation is here: http://tom4897.info/projects/poseidon-tools/ I urge you to read the documentation and especially the shortcuts list Download Poseidon Tools @ tom4897.info - 0.994.211 Poseidon Tools @ armaholic.com - 0.994.209 Thanks Sublime Text devs, JonBons, Yourry, RawLine, Arma3.fr, Bohemia Interactive, The community, Arma2-wiki.fr, Armaholic, Arto, Tigerforce, Colin T.A. Gray, Will Bond, Lord, Noubernou, Mikero, Private Nelson, Sho
  3. Hi guys, Long time player here. On an other thread, someone gave me a really nice script to fit my needs. It changes every units CamouflageCoeff, so AI will spot and engage at 200m instead of 450m on a flat terrain. It's perfect for me as i dont use the 'right clik zoom' anymore. I find it completely breaks my immersion to have to constantly zoom to be able to fight ai on even grounds. Problem is : after searching on lots of threads, i can't figure out a way to make the pbo i made to work in any single player missions. If i write the scripts in debug windows, it works perfectly though. What i did: I downloaded arma tools and addonBuilder, In a folder named -MyAddon : i put -CfgFunctions.hpp -config.cpp -MyScript.sqf In the .sqf file is the script made by @Harzach. In config.cpp is written : #include "CfgFunctions.hpp" In CfgFunctions.hpp is written : I used addonbuilder to get a pbo, which i then put in @MyMod/addons/Myaddon.pbo and load it from ArmaManager. The name @MyMod appears at bottom of the screen in Arma 3 menu. But the pbo don't work as AI engage me from 450/500 m..... Can someone tell me what i did wrong ? And correct me ? I'm so close....... plz help.
  4. Hello, I have been trying to get this script working for the past day. I got a vehicle to only move to the next way point when a trigger has been activated. In this case when BLUFOR is inside a trigger zone for at least two minutes. However, I want them to land wait for all players to get into the vehicle until moving to the next way point. However, doing it the same way I did the original movement it only lands then take right back off regardless of the passengers being inside. In this case the helicopter is called "heli1" and the player(s) are called "player1" "player2" etc. I have also tried using the get out and get in command however, they get out but not back in. Here is the code player1 in heli1 && player2 in heli1; Is there a way for the game to get a list of all active players instead of limiting how many I can have. And how can I fix the problem of the helicopter either leaving us or not moving at all. Thanks in advance. Trey G
  5. I am aware that BIS_fnc_endMission exists and that there's a good level of parameters to customize the ending; however I am wondering if there is a way to change the font itself and remove the glitch overlay. Since it's vietnam era. I'm trying to keep the tone as much as possible, so the possibility of inputting a typewriter type font is the favored outcome.. I assume that it might require a call BIS_fnc_dynamicText function, but my understanding there is only a limited amount of in engine texts that I would be able to use. I'm also suspecting that I might need to create a transparent image layer, but I haven't figured out how to work that in. I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas that could solve this issue.
  6. Hello, @super-truite and I have made a little piece of script to allows missions maker to make a better use of AIs and vehicles on missions. We are guessing that a similar system already exists but we wanted to have a custom system for some of our projects and thought it would be nice to share it. This compilation of script allows a mission make to cache units suchs as vehicles and soldiers with their respective properties (waypoints, stance, direction, position, health, ...). This allows for greater performance and (if chosen) persistence. Features: Grid caching GCS allows the mission maker to automatically cache into the memory AIs andvehicles. Waypoints assigned to a group or a unit are also cached and are reapplied when the unit or group is set up. The mission creator, if necessary, can also exclude a unit or a vehicle from the cache so that the system does not take it into account. Persistence system (optionnal) In addition to all the caching made, the mission maker can also integrate a data persistence system via MySQL so that, even with a restart of the mission or the machine, the units and vehicles will still be saved. How it works: GCS will create a virtual grid on the map based on three parameters available in GCS_configServer.sqf : GCS_VAR_SIZE_SQUARE_GRID - Represents the total size of each cell on the grid GCS_VAR_SIZE_ACTIVATION_SQUARE_GRID - Represents the trigger distance where AIs and vehicles will be created in the cell GCS_VAR_SIZE_UNSPAWN_SQUARES - Represents the trigger distance where AIs and vehicles will be cached and removed in the cell Each cell is defined by these three variables, as described, GCS_VAR_SIZE_UNSPAWN_SQUARES will trigger the caching and removal of units for the given cell, GCS_VAR_SIZE_ACTIVATION_SQUARE_GRID will activate a cell, retrieve it's cached content for the memory or database and will spawn the units. GCS_VAR_SIZE_SQUARE_GRID Defines the cell size. You can disable the caching system on a unit or vehicle by adding the variable "UseGrid" to false on the unit/vehicle init: this setVariable ["UseGrid", False] In this way, even if no player is near the unit or vehicle, it will never be cached and removed. The following gif shows a simple example with a single grid cell being cached, unloaded (player leaving the cell) and reloaded with cached data once the player re-enter the cell: https://i.imgur.com/ai7PeLh.mp4 and the picture below demonstrates a more complete case: Video example: https://streamable.com/jrh43r (4601 units on Stratis) By default, the persistence system is disabled, you will need to install a MySQL database, have the InterceptDB mod installed aswell with CBA. A full tutorial is available on the readme on Github (https://github.com/Super-truite/arma3_GCS.vr/blob/master/README.md) Download: Get the latest release here: https://github.com/Super-truite/arma3_GCS.vr
  7. Hello everyone! Can you please tell me if there is a script for calling artillery by clicking on the map for multiplayer? I need that the map interface in the window be called up and that you can click on the target and that the action of calling an artillery strike can be tied to an object (for example, to a radio station lying on the table) and, if possible, a limited number of times. Thanks everyone and sorry for my english.
  8. [] spawn { 101 cutText ["Image: ", image "image\SWLogo.paa"]; 101 cutFadeOut 7.0; sleep 8; 101 cutText ["<t size='3.0' color='#008AB8' font='EtelkaMonospacePro'>Believe in yourself or no one else will.</t>", "BLACK", 3.0,true,true]; 101 cutFadeOut 7.0; sleep 8; }; trying to add an Image to my cuttext per This Link
  9. Sooo.... I'm currently working on a mission, using the Mi-24G by RHS. The only problem me and other players of my clan encountered were that the helicopter has no missile warning system. Or at least it has one which doesn't work. Over the HUD is like a picture of the helicopter with lamps surrounding it. A lamp would light up at the clock direction a missile would be coming from. Unfortunately not even the vanilla Spike launchers manage do get this thing working. So I was wondering if there might me some sort of script which allows me to have a working missile warning system. Even if its on one of the side MFDs. Thanks in advance!
  10. This feels like an obvious question but my Googling has failed... I want to pass the name of a global variable to a script, e.g. [myVariableGlobal] execVM "myscript.sqf" (this script will deal with other global variables, hence why the name of the variable needs to be part of the argument to execute it) And in the script "myscript.sqf", e.g. _myVariableLocal = _this select 0; Say "myVariableGlobal" was previously defined globally as "false". I now want "myscript.sqf" to define it as true. Simply writing the following in "myscript.sqf" should not work, since the variable is now only local: _myVariableLocal = true; How, then, do I make it global again?
  11. Dude_1

    How to get into modding

    Hello, I wanna make some mods for arma but I have no clue where I should start and which programs I need to download in order to make mods. In the internet I'm only finding outdated tutorials from like 5-6 years ago. And if I want to make scripts, which programming language does it need to be?
  12. Sysroot's Utility Scripts [SUS] This "mod" is less so a mod and moreso a collection of utility scripts created in hopes of assisting you in creating other, more complex mods/missions. The mod currently consists of 4 SQF scripts with varying utility functions: EzAnimate : Various functions for easily and efficiently animating objects in different ways. EzEvents : Various functions for easily creating and managing custom events. EzQuaternions : An easy to use library for working with quaternions and vector rotations utilizing them. MiscUtils : Miscellaneous utilities that don't really fit into a file of their own, but are useful for various things. Interested? See more info on the steam workshop page here. Any questions, concerns, or suggestions are very welcome and much appreciated. This is my first time posting on this forum, so I apologize for any mistakes. Note that the steam workshop page does have a dedicated discussion thread that I will also be monitoring. Thank you for your time!
  13. Sysroot's Utility Scripts [SUS] This "mod" is less so a mod and moreso a collection of utility scripts created in hopes of assisting you in creating other, more complex mods/missions. The mod currently consists of 4 SQF scripts with varying utility functions: EzAnimate : Various functions for easily and efficiently animating objects in different ways. EzEvents : Various functions for easily creating and managing custom events. EzQuaternions : An easy to use library for working with quaternions and vector rotations utilizing them. MiscUtils : Miscellaneous utilities that don't really fit into a file of their own, but are useful for various things. Interested? See more info on the steam workshop page here. Any questions, concerns, or suggestions are very welcome and much appreciated. This is my first time posting on this forum, so I apologize for any mistakes. Note that the steam workshop page does have a dedicated discussion thread that I will also be monitoring. Thank you for your time!
  14. Hello all, I recently have started utilizing Heros Survive and am looking into Saving some important variables via playernamespace, as I'm going to be running it via a dedicated server. Any and all help is seriously appreciated as I think my error is possibly due to the fact that HS uses client side vars? @Sgt Bombadil was helping out, but we haven't figured it out yet. initplayerlocal.sqf: [] execVM "persistency db\savedb.sqf"; private ["_player"]; _player =_this select 0; waitUntil {!isNull _player}; if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "HALs_money_funds"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["HALs_money_funds", 0]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "HALs_money_funds"); _player setVariable ["HALs_money_funds", _profile]; //Heroes Survive persistentcy system: //Hunger if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Hunger"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Hunger", 100]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Hunger"); Her_L_Hunger = 100; //thirst if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Thirst"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Thirst", 100]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Thirst"); Her_L_Thirst = 100; //Temperature if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_BodyTemp"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_BodyTemp", 37]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_BodyTemp"); Her_L_BodyTemp = 37; savedb.sqf: [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if(_this select 1 == 1) //esc key then { [] execVM "Persistency db\autosave.sqf"; }; }]; }; Autosave.sqf: _moneys = (player getVariable "HALs_money_funds"); profileNamespace setVariable ["HALs_money_funds", _moneys]; _Hunger = (player getVariable "Her_L_Hunger"); profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Hunger", _Hunger]; _Thirst = (player getVariable "Her_L_Thirst"); profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Thirst", _Thirst]; _TemperatureH = (player getVariable "Her_L_BodyTemp"); profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_BodyTemp", _TemperatureH]; HALs money is saving perfectly, it's only the "Her_L" vars that are not working properly. Thanks again
  15. Is there any no damage script (like allowDamage false but when something near explode i will survive)? Because I want to test my mission in editor.

    Scripts Discussion

    Scripts Discussion Information : Feel free to share and discuss , about Scripts used alongside Ravage Mod. For anyone who has interest on scripting : I also suggest to follow , the BIS Forum Members below , who really help and share their work and knowledge : # the list is off course on random. https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/900806-pierremgi/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/770615-larrow/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/832107-grumpy-old-man/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/773718-hazj/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/842941-davidoss/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/906542-schatten/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/759255-mrcurry/ https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/792430-dedmen/ I thank personally and public , this members , for everything so far. An updated List will be available here : List : 1.GF Unit Spawner Script
  17. steam-76561198013707443

    The problem is in scripting

    I want to make a script in which there will be a task to mine the road. I need the task to be completed when more than 3 bombs are placed on the road. I try to accomplish this using a script, but it does not work for me. Anyone have any ideas? this exec "S1.sqs" itemsDelivered = 0; player1 addeventhandler ["Put",{ _player1 = _this select 0; _object = _this select 1; _type = _this select 2; if (isServer) then if (_type == "_SatchelCharge_F") then {itemsDelivered = itemsDelivered + 1;}; } [] spawn { waituntil {sleep 1; itemsDelivered == 3}; sleep 1; };
  18. Hi all: Recently I found lots of amazing maps with a problem of airfields without the runway grid so it cause AI plane cannot take off or land. I consider to force AI take off by increasing its speed and I tried : this forceSpeed -1; However, nothing happened.I think it’s might be not relative to speed but the engine running degree,if AI plane keep engine running in maximum it will able to take off. so how could I force AI turn on engine staying in maximum? Thank you
  19. Hey people and thanks in advance! Just wanted to add a lock/unlock (in this case unlock) function to my mission. When the mission initializes the specific door should be locked. Only the player that has the new key inventory item should be able to open the specific door. Tried several things but nothing worked, game logic, nearestobject and so on. Also the building i want to have the action on doesn't seem to be a normal object, more like a basic terrain object i guess? Because even the 'edit map objects' module only shows it when i click on 'others'. This script seems to lock a door whenever your cursor is on it. Not really a solution in my case. If possible i'd like to combine the whole action with BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd. To check if the player has a key or not i've used this here: I'm kinda new when it comes to scripting - only looking for a solution to get the whole thing done. Sry for deleting the post, re-added the whole text and explained my case. Thanks, Printedfinger
  20. Hello! I am making a mission with addons. My main idea for the scripting is to have 2-3 airplanes in formation fly over the AO and having a ZSU fire around the airplanes, maybe ocassionaly taking one down. I want these airplanes and ZSU fire to go every 10-15 minutes or so to create ambiance for the soldiers on the ground. If anyone has any solutions/scripts for this I'd be happy to know! Kind regards// Ender from Zeus Community
  21. Hi All: I am facing trouble that RHS infantry paradrop waypoint causing much stress to my CPU In unknown reasons and finally the game quit with the error of 0x0000005. So I decided to let AI paradropped by script: Currently , this what I using(the plane named as T1) 0 = [ ] spawn {{unassignVehicle _x; _x action [“Eject”, T1];} forEach (assignedCargo T1);} AIs able to jump out and no errors happened again, however the space between each AI seems so large and it made the paradrop line so long.... I notice that if the plane suffers damage in some degree, ALL crew and passengers will jump out the plane in same time so I wonder that script might working on improving my paradrop, but I am not sure how to write that script, could anyone provide some ideas? Thanks.
  22. so, the main problem contains in this code : TABLET_FNC_GETPLAYERSARRAY = { { if (isPlayer _x && alive _x) then { _index = lbAdd [14881, name _x]; _data = lbSetData [14881, _index, name _x]; //_index = lbAdd [14881, name _x]; //_data = lbSetData [14881, _index, name _x]; lbSetTooltip [14881, _index, name _x]; }; }forEach allUnits; while (true) do { _index = lbCurSel 14881; _target1 = lbdata [14881, _index]; sleep 0.1; }; }; MAIL_FNC_SENDLOCAL = { _message = ctrlText 14883; _text_admin_Err = format ["<t color='#F68617' >Ошибка блять сука не видит чела ебанного</t><br />"]; if (_target1 == "") exitWith {hint parseText (_text_admin_Err);}; //_target1 = missionNamespace getVariable ( _target1 ); _sender = player; _messagedisplay = parsetext format ["<t size='2' align ='center' color='#ffcc00'>Новое сообщение</t><br></br><br></br> <t size='1' align ='left' color='#00cc00'>Кому:</t><t align ='left'> Вам</t><br></br> <t size='1' align ='left' color='#00cc00'>От:</t> <t align ='left'> %1</t><br></br><br></br> <t size='1' align ='left' color='#00cc00'>Сообщение:</t><br></br> <t size='1' align ='left'>%2</t>", name player, _message]; lbAdd [14882, _message] call BIS_fnc_MP; ctrlSetText [14883, "Отправлено!"]; [_messagedisplay] remoteExec ["hint", _target1]; }; when I try to send msg to other players it's randomly sends to a random guy from GETPLAYERSARRAY_FUNC (or don't send it at all, idk why :< ) I want to make this code doing right - to send right message to the person, that I really select.
  23. Hi, I would like to make the tank mentioned above more durable against rounds fired from the other tanks, for example the T100. Is there any way to do it? Are there any scripts reducing the damage of shells fired from T100 or other tanks? Does anybody know some scripts increasing MBT 52 health/armour?
  24. Hi all: I am getting trouble in find out how to lower the front ramp of the Type 072 LST from CUP Vehicles DEV. Same to all CUP Static ship , there has nothing in the AnimateSource and UserAction. However, during check the config viewers, I ‘ve find that the ship has into few parts like : CUP_Type072_Main (come first) CUP_Type072_Front, CUP_Type073_Rear, ..etc Then , I find both animateSources and UserActions in CUP_Type072_Front. Which called : ramp_4_source ramp_front_source then I tried scripts: this animateSource [“ramp_4_source”,1]; this animateSource [“ramp_front_source”,1]; However , they are not work 😞 And the same thing to scripts from userActions . The problem might be the ship placed is a whole object but the scripts are from parts and it cause the scripts cannot work.... Anyone could help me figure it out...I really need it in my mission (I know I can directly down the ramp from options in attributes, but I need the lowing process ...) All ideas are welcome, thanks in advance.
  25. COMBAT REALISM SCRIPTS DESCRIPTION: Combat Realism Scripts is a totally addon-free set of light weight scripts for Arma 3 which enhance the gameplay in your mission. Features are SP, MP, and Dedicated compatible. Script will deactivate itself if it detects ACE running. VIDEO: SCREENSHOTS: N/A FEATURES: Features listed in italic font are not yet developed Backblast - Knocks down & severely injures those in your backblast radius Cookoff Deafness Disposable Launchers - Single-use disposable launchers Flashbang - RGN Grenade acts as a flashbang; also blinds AI Flashlight - Simply plays a sound when you toggle your flashlight/laser Fragmentation Grenade - RGO Grenades spew shrapnel upon detonation Hand Flares Holster Weapon - You can holster your sidearm/sling rifle on your back Interact Medical System STFU CARL - Mutes your character's voice Shoulder Tap Surrender - You can surrender. You are released when a friendly is <3m away Tactical Hand Gestures - Perform tactical hand gestures Tactical Point - Player points at what he's Tactical Pinging Tear Gas Weapons Animations - Appropriate animations when mounting/dismounting attachments Weapon Jamming - Rare chance for weapon to jam while firing Weapon Safety - Switch weapon to safe, to help prevent negligent discharges Wire Cutters More features may get added to the list. All features can be easily configured / disabled by the mission designer. TO DO LIST: Improve/rewrite current features (They're mostly proof of concept and need to be expanded upon) Add the features listed in italic font KNOWN BUGS: Post-process effects do not reset after being backblasted Weapon attachment animations play when moving attachment into/out of container CREDITS: Phronk: Script Creator Bohemia Interactive: Sounds, models, textures, animations TESTERS: Chaser (ATCAG) KingCarter (ATCAG) Phoenix (ATCAG) PRYMSUSPEC (22.NOV.2017) Version: 0.1 Size: 22 KB DOWNLOAD LINK - (Google Drive) DOWNLOAD LINK - (Steam Workshop - Unavailable) DOWNLOAD LINK - (Armaholic) CHANGE-LOG: (22.NOV.2017) - v0.1 Initial release