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Found 513 results

  1. I'm gonna be crazy with sqf. 🤯 What's my goal? How did I tried to get that? I've tried it in different ways and my best try was like that: Initialization: Up to here it works fine. Now I want to include the exercise to the addAction of the laptop and put it in another .sqf. The Exercise (and the problem): Any idea? If I now post all my tries I think it take to long. I think I got it as compact as possible to understand what I've done. That's just to one range. There are much more in the initializing but I deleted it here because not necessary at this point. I've no errors until I try to implement a number of maximum targets. 😞
  2. Anyone managed to call the "RestAPI" class GET/POST methods successfully? I've been messing around trying to get a hello world type example working, but everytime I call the GET method the workbench crashes. If someone has managed to get this working I'd love to see an example. Maybe I'm just missing the obvious, so I'll include my test code below. class PY_TestGameModeClass: SCR_BaseGameModeClass { }; class PY_RestCallback : RestCallback { override void OnSuccess( string data, int dataSize ) { Print(data); // JsonApiStruct json = new JsonApiStruct; // json.ExpandFromRAW(data); SCR_HintManagerComponent.GetInstance().ShowCustomHint(data, "Cat Factz!", 20.0); }; override void OnError( int errorCode ) { Print(" !!! OnError() "); }; }; class PY_TestGameMode: SCR_BaseGameMode { override protected void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { super.EOnInit(owner); if(!System.IsConsoleApp()) //No GUI, so no events for it { Event_OnControllableSpawned.Insert(OnPlayerSpawnedClient); } } static PY_TestGameMode GetInstance() { return PY_TestGameMode.Cast(GetGame().GetGameMode()); } void OnPlayerSpawnedClient(IEntity entity) { GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(ShowCatFact, 5000); } void ShowCatFact() { PY_RestCallback cbx1 = new PY_RestCallback; RestContext ctx = GetGame().GetRestApi().GetContext("https://catfact.ninja/"); ctx.GET(cbx1,"fact"); } }
  3. The UI updates fine at the start with default values all set apart from when i "Add" to the float it does not add it to the ui when on a Peer Client. The Issue Been trying to get my ui to update its values on a peer client but getting nowhere. Script runs perfectly fine on workbench client. but foodbar widget wont update itself on a peer client even tho the float is changed properly. class SCR_playerHungerNotifications: SCR_InfoDisplay Script is component of the Character. When i put a Print in the UpdateValues Function. it does not even print it when on a peer client. but it does print it on workbench client. Then when i want to add to the hunger value i call AddHunger(float value) in class SCR_HungerSystemComponentClass : ScriptComponentClass that is on the character It seems to update the value from seeing it change in console. but then the class SCR_playerHungerNotifications: SCR_InfoDisplay never updates it on the peer client. (works fine on workbench client) Any ideas or help would be great. Cheers Reax.
  4. Hey! I'm looking for feedback on a mission that I built recently in the eden editor. Took a lot of work, but want to make it better with anything I can. My knowledge base for scripting or coding is fairly limited (other than the youtube stuff I've learned from) so if you have efficiency recommendations that use scripts, I'd love to hear them. Required mods will be in the steam description. I'll post the links to an ACE version and Non-ACE version that are on the Steam Workshop. You can render the feedback here or on the steam site, but any input is much appreciated! Thanks! (ACE Version) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2809026965 (Non-ACE Version) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2809866742 Thanks again to anybody who provides feedback!
  5. First, some info for context: 1) I'm a scripting Noob and this is being made because of the noob perspective I hope to out grow but wish to utilize. 2) This forum is filled with incredibly talented and knowledgable people. Keep in mind many people reading these have no education at all in the subject and dont understand your explanations due to a lack of vocabulary. Now that that's out of the way! I've been browsing topics here for awhile and there are many introduction and tutorial threads available. However, as many of you may remember with your first time learning, a lot of vital information falls through the cracks that later become insurmountable obstacles filled with frustration. So I thought I'd provide the mind melting eureka information I got that solved many of my problems and hope you guys will to. Comment information, hints, and links to things most noobs miss or need to know before attempting a script of any kind. Heres mine: - Theres a huge difference between how mission editing and scripting needs to be organized and utilized between SinglePlayer amd MultiPlayer. Read this if you want to know more about multiplayer scripting (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Scripting) read this entire page start to finish and navigate hyperlinks to anything that's sus this will explain why you'll see 3 different explanations for the same problem and none of them are working for you because you dont know what a description.ext file is. - Arma3 has undergone updates to its scripting ( or it appears so) some functions you'll see being recommended to you from a youtube video from 2014 may not apply to the version you are using. This applies to the Eden editor and previous editors as well. Usually theres a link to new versions in and explanations to what changed in that functions wiki page. - You have to make your own sqf files. When you launch a mission the game will search for specific files. By naming you file that same title it will load that file in place of. Basically, its asking for butter and a song as you've labeled it butter, its gunna use it like butter. Learn all you sqf file names in the wiki. - If your using Notepad ++ there are plugins. for sqf file type that highlights relevant. variables the way you see everyone else's in videos. - half the battle is speaking the language. So click on every hyperlink presented to you and read it whether it makes sense or not. Sometimes it takes a single page to tie everything together. More experienced people please comment your own below, feel free to criticize anything I've said above, I'm also a noob. I know there is another thread for noobs (I've read it a million times believe me, I just want more posts just like it for the monkey brain level questions I have)
  6. Hello, I am trying to add custom music to a spawned helicopter. I was successful in making a mission where the helicopter is already there in the mission and I was able to add the scripts to the Init. How can I spawn vehicles with custom sounds in the action menu? Thank you for any help.
  7. Hello, fellas. I am looking for a way to implement an alternative text that appears in the side chat, which depends on wether the player walked through a trigger, or not. I was thinking of something like this. //TLDR: DON'T USE THIS SCRIPT. IT'S NOT WORKING. act_unitDialog = player addAction ["<t color='#ecc47e'>Interact with Unit</t>",{ player removeAction act_unitDialog; deleteVehicle intSurvivor; pvc_officer_injured1 sideChat "Text 1"; sleep 2.63; pvc_officer_injured1 sideChat "Text 2"; sleep 3; pvc_officer_injured1 sideChat "Text 3"; sleep 1; if (passedTrigger == 1) then { player sideChat "This text appears, because you walked through a trigger."; }; if (passedTrigger == 0) then { }; }]; So this is how I think it could work. Here's a short list of what the variables mean: intSurvivor = The Trigger Name. act_unitDialog = The Variable for the action. pvc_officer_injured1 = The unit I am talking to. pvc = Shortcut of my name that I use in basically everything. passedTrigger = The trigger you need to pass in order to trigger the text. I'm relatively unexperienced in scripting, and I could use some help with that. Thanks in advance. 🙂 - Collo
  8. Good Afternoon All, I've run into an issue where a script that I've created where the script itself doesn't execute even though it's scripted to in the "initServer.sqf". The script itself works fine and I've tested it extensively in Singleplayer and in my own LAN server, but when I load it up onto my dedicated server it doesn't run unless I specifically call it after the start of the mission. This script should be executed on the server only and works by calculating the change in damage to the main rotor, evaluates if that change is lower than a specific threshold (here 0.02 to be exact), and if it is lower it will then subtract that damage. This effectively cancels out the "background damage" that's caused by over-torquing the main rotor on the H-60 while still allowing outside damage, like small arms fire, to be applied. So far, I have tried placing the whole script in the "initServer.sqf" file, creating a separate .SQF file for the script and execVM-ing it through both an "init" box and "initServer.sqf", creating a function in the "initServer.sqf" and calling it, and a myriad of other things including delaying the script's execution until after mission start and so forth. None of my attempts have worked. I would appreciate any and all input on this matter. Thanks guys. Here is the script itself: params ["_helicopter", "_Debug_Messages"]; //////////////////////////////////ADDING OVERTORQUE REMOVER if (_Debug_Messages == true) then { hint parseText format ["<t font = 'PuristaBold'>MythScript</t> is now active.<br></br><br></br>Attached to: %1", typeOf _helicopter]; }; sleep 5; _lastDamage = 0.02; _change = 0; while {alive _helicopter} do { if (_Debug_Messages == true) then { hintSilent parseText format ["Change: %3<br></br><br></br>Current Rotor Damage (raw): %1<br></br><br></br>Current Rotor Damage (corrected): %2", _lastDamage, (round (_lastDamage * 100)), _change]; }; _change = (_helicopter getHitPointDamage "hithrotor") - _lastDamage; if (_change < 0.02 && _change > 0) then { _helicopter setHitPointDamage ["hithrotor", ((_helicopter getHitPointDamage "hithrotor") - _change)]; }; _lastDamage = (_helicopter getHitPointDamage "hithrotor"); if (_lastDamage == 0.04) then { _helicopter setHitPointDamage ["hithrotor",0]; }; sleep 0.5; }; //////////////////////////////////
  9. Hello BI community, I am as green as it gets with these forums, with that said I did search for relevant topics, without success so apologies in advance if I overseen a similar topic in advance, but honestly I don't even know how to query best what I am searching for. I will describe what I am hoping to achieve: I have an object, it can be anything, but in this case its a Crate. I also have a Trigger and a helicopter. The concept is as follows: The Helicopter is parked on and in the trigger. Any player can go to the box and use an addAction menu to select a Pylon Loadout for said helicopter. The addAction menu then activates the trigger to execute a code to first wipe any existing pylons and then give them the new pylons. The problem: I managed to get pretty much everything to work, expect that I don't know how to apply the code without giving the Helicopter a Variable Name or using "vehicle player". I would like to trigger to simply apply the commands to the helicopter without me specifying a Variable name, as I wish to make this trigger universal to every helicopter that lands on it, and dynamically, so if new helicopters happens to be created/purchased, that they can also use and take advantage of the feature. The code (Without a Trigger and Wipe in this case) ChangeTime = 5; this addAction ["Plyon (X)", { Delayer =[] spawn { hint format ["Changing Plyons... ETA: %1" , ChangeTime]; sleep ChangeTime; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [1, "rhs_mag_b8v20a_s8kom"]; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [2, "rhs_mag_b8v20a_s8kom"]; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [3, "rhs_mag_b8v20a_s8df"]; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [4, "rhs_mag_b8v20a_s8df"]; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [5, "rhs_mag_9M120M_Mi24_2x"]; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [6, "rhs_mag_9M120M_Mi24_2x"]; vehicle player setPylonLoadout [7, "rhs_ASO2_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine_x4"]; hint "Plyon reconfiguration completed."; }, }]; This code will work but only if its activated and then the player goes into the helicopter, and while I am not certain, I believe it would probably also change the pylons for other helicopters that happen to be piloted by a human. Stuff that I tried: I tried using this, thislist and various other means inside the trigger but of course those target the trigger itself or create an array and setPylonLoadout needs a Object not an array. Question and TL/DR: Is there a way to apply the pylons within the trigger without given the helicopters any Variable Names? Thanks in advance and apologies if this was already answered somewhere before.
  10. Hey! I am having an issue with the createMarker func. I have all the markers placed down, i search through many forums, but couldn't figue what could cause the problem. Any help would be appreciated! _ma1 = getPosATL marker1; _ma2 = getPosATL marker2; _ma3 = getPosATL marker3; _ma0 = getPosATL marker0; _newpos = +_ma1; _newpos set [1, (_newpos select 1) + random [500, 800, 1000]]; _newpos set [2, (_newpos select 2) + 1]; _newpos set [0, (_newpos select 0) + 1]; player setpos (_ma1); "respawn_west_1" setMarkerPos (_ma1); _respawneast = createMarker ["Runner Spawn", _newpos]; //the issue is with this one: error 0 elements provided, expected 3// _respawneast setMarkerType "b_med"; _respawneast setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; Edit: The goal of this script would be that the _respawneast marker would be at a random location of the _respawn_west_1 marker.
  11. Hello, i am struggling with animations in multiplayer, I am aware of methods using switchMove alternatively but as far as I know they do not have the animations i want. I am trying to make a unit sit in a chair, the issue i have is in SP everything works, in MP everything works but when I play MP with another person connected to the server the unit will spawn in the ground, or spawn in a completely different location, I tried to delay the animation, making it so the animation is called in the init.sqf at a later point, which worked initially but after testing again today was no longer working, and the units were back in the ground. I tried many different methods of calling the animation such as: if (isServer) then { [[UNIT_NAME, "SIT1", "ASIS"], BIS_fnc_ambientAnim] remoteExec ["call"]; }; if (local this) then {[UNIT_NAME, "SIT1", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim}; [UNIT_NAME,"SIT2"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; The most annoying thing is debugging, it's super inconsistent, sometimes it just magically works sometimes it doesn't, and i can't test unless i have another person join the server, as it all works normally if i play the mission in MP alone. I would really appreciate any help, I'm quite lost and don't know what to try, I just want a consistent way to get animations to work, not change the units position and preferably keeping it vanilla not using any mods.
  12. Visual Studio Code SQF Language v1.0.6 Lastest update: 22.10.2018 Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a new, but already very known Code Editor. Works on Linux, OS X and Windows. Now in the Visual Studio Marketplace -> Report bugs, ask questions or make suggestions <- Supported Products: Operation Flashpoint [OFP], Operation Flashpoint: Resistance ArmA, ArmA 2, ArmA 3 (DLCs & Extensions included) Take On Helicopters [ToH] Community Based Addons [CBA], ACE Easy Installation (Recommended) Download Visual Studio Code. Open the Editor and click on the extension icon to your left ( ) Enter "SQF" and hit enter Select "SQF Language" and click on "Install" Enjoy Manual Installation Only use this guide if the installation over the extension manager and/or marketplace isn't working! Download VS Code Download the latest release from GitHub ( https://github.com/Armitxes/VSCode_SQF/releases ) Install Visual Studio Code Navigate to your VS Code extension Folder. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions Mac/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions In the plugins folder, you create a folder called Armitxes.SQF, if you have it already delete all files inside! Inside the Armitxes.SQF folder you then unzip the sources you obtained from GitHub That's it, now simply (re-)start Visual Studio Code (or just "Code") and it's done :) With VS Code, every folder is a project! To open your SQF Project simply go on File->Open Folder and choose your mission/mod folder. Feel free to ask any questions, aswell the Code of the GitHub Project was now simplified several times by me and is open for everyone for contribution! Cheers, Armitxes
  13. So, I'm currently working on a mission with a fixed object to access the arsenal (ACE). This arsenal however should only be accessible to the pilots role to deliever logistics. Unfortunately there are some players in the group that won't listen to strict rules, saying that no one shall go there and access the arsenal. So I was wondering if there is a way or a script to either: a) Kill any player (except of the pilots and the zeus), force them to respawn, when they step into a trigger area or b) show only the zeus via a hint that Player1 has entered the trigger area to which the zeus can react himself. I'd prefer the killing method however. If someone has an idea I'd be happy to know and hear about it. THX
  14. https://gyazo.com/641c0226cab80eac03d04a2c5fed444b Above is an SS of my notepad. Trying to activate a trigger through my SQF with triggerActivated TurboBomb; Below are the settings of that trigger. https://gyazo.com/ce586674451bc34a810bb59350bb9817 I tried triggering the E2 setDamage [1, true]; from the sqf itself but that didnt seem to work.
  15. So I’m new to coding in general and thought I’d try out scripting in arma 3, I have written code but it does not do as intended. And I don’t even know if I’m using the right commands, I’m done trying to rack my brain scouring BI script command list and random YouTube videos if anyone know how to achieve this please post it here or reference me to where I can get help. so here’s what I want to do: 1. Give variable name in Eden editor. 2. Get variable name given in Eden editor for reference in script as a “class”. 3. Use variable name “class” to run a specific script. plot example: Object (unit) variable name given in editor = Assault //in script code to get the variable name of “This” unit. code to check if the variable name is equal to a specific class name. code that executes another code if the check returns true. if you have any insight on how to achieve this or even close to it please reply
  16. Sooo.... I'm currently working on a mission, using the Mi-24G by RHS. The only problem me and other players of my clan encountered were that the helicopter has no missile warning system. Or at least it has one which doesn't work. Over the HUD is like a picture of the helicopter with lamps surrounding it. A lamp would light up at the clock direction a missile would be coming from. Unfortunately not even the vanilla Spike launchers manage do get this thing working. So I was wondering if there might me some sort of script which allows me to have a working missile warning system. Even if its on one of the side MFDs. Thanks in advance!
  17. I get a error everytime I start a game. It's because a mod requires ace but the mod works perfectly fine without ace and since I play only singleplayer ace isn't good for me and it's too complicated imo. Does anyone know how I can disable this error notification?
  18. I have made a base with multiple flags that I use as arsenals. I have made it where the flags are able to be raised and lowered, however, when the player raises or lowers the flag, only the player sees the flag move. Example: Player 1 goes up to flag and uses the "raise flag" action. Player one sees the flag go from the lower position to the upper position. Player 2 does not see the flag move. How can I get one person to raise/lower the flag and it appear raised or lowered for all players? Here is what I have in the flags init: call{this setFlagAnimationPhase 0.1;}; this addAction["Raise Flag",{RangeFlag3 setFlagAnimationPhase 1.0;}]; this addAction["Lower Flag", {RangeFlag3 setFlagAnimationPhase 0.1;}];
  19. Intercept is a C/C++ binding interface to the Arma 3 engine (internally referred to as the Real Virtuality or RV engine). It's goal is to provide easy to use library for addon makers to develop addons in a native language, or to develop language extensions for the Arma 3 engine. In a nutshell, Intercept provides a full C/C++ binding system for calling the base C++ functions which are declared in RVEngine for SQF functions. All SQF functions within the RVEngine are actually native code, which is called by SQF via the function names. Intercept bypasses SQF entirely, allowing native C++ plugins to seamlessly interact with the game engine. In essence, Intercept allows for expansions of the game engine, calling internal functionality of the engine which has been exposed via SQF functions. This was the idea behind the intended Java implementation by Bohemia Interactive in Take On Helicopters and was planned for, but never implemented in Arma 3. Intercept not only completes the intended functionality of what Java was meant to provide but has gone much further, including returning data to SQF and multithreaded addons. Intercept works on a host/client based system, in which the host, Intercept itself, hosts client DLLs that implement the Intercept library. The Intercept host handles access to the RV engine by clients through a layer that provides thread concurrency, memory handling, and event dispatching. Client DLLs are then able to be written in a way that can safely ignore most internal nuances of handling data in the RV engine and work with standard C++ STD/STL data types, and only a few specialized objects specific to the game engine. The Intercept library also provides raw C bindings to the C++ versions of SQF functions, so it is entirely possible to use Intercept as the basis for writing in additional scripting languages to the RV engine, such as Python or Lua. You can find more information on our GitHub project page. Technical Details Intercept works by making direct calls to the SQF functions in the RV engine. These functions are themselves C++ functions which are then exposed to SQF for allowing interaction with the underlying game engine; Intercept completely bypasses SQF and allows C++ plugins to interact with the engine directly. User created threads can even be created and by properly using the provided thread concurrency functionality it is possible to execute game functionality safely and concurrently. Intercept clients are able to invoke through the host these commands by provided wrapper functions that replicate and emulate the SQF command namespace (minus some unneeded functionality, like arrays or control structures). These wrapper functions take standard inputs, such as simple primitives like float or bool, and standard std::string arguments and convert them into the proper SQF command variables, providing a seamless layer to the clients. An example of a very simple client that invokes nular, unary, and binary SQF functions (aka functions that take no arguments, a right side argument only, and both a left and right side argument respectively) is demonstrated below and a more examples can be found here. #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdint> #include <sstream> // the Intercept library, only one include required. #include "intercept.hpp" // required exported function to return API version int __cdecl intercept::api_version() { return 1; } // This function is exported and is called by the host each frame. void __cdecl intercept::on_frame() { // get the player object and store it intercept::types::object player = intercept::sqf::player(); // get the post of the player intercept::types::vector3 pos = intercept::sqf::get_pos(player); // build a string... std::stringstream side_chat_msg; side_chat_msg << "Hello Arma World, here is the player pos: " << pos.x << "," << pos.y << "," << pos.z; // send it to the binary SQF sideChat command intercept::sqf::side_chat(player, side_chat_msg.str()); } // Normal Windows DLL junk... BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } Completion Status As of now (3/13/16) Intercept is over 82% language feature complete. You can view the progress of wrapper completion here. Almost all normally used SQF functions are available to the end user, and with the added ability of writing inline SQF code, you can call any function that has not had a wrapper written for it yet (though with a small performance penalty). We will post a release thread when we start releasing builds of the host. Contributions Feel free to contribute as much as you want to this project in terms of time and code. The goal of this project is to be a tool for the community to provide better performing and more complex addons for the Arma 3 platform. If you would like to contribute or want more information please join our Slack channels and get involved! License Intercept is licensed under the MIT license. You can find the full license in the LICENSE file. Prior to commit f9fe4d5 the project was licensed under the GNU/GPL v2 license and continues to be for any commit prior to that.
  20. I had a Function wrote by a friend that I need to call in a MP mission file. The Function is saved in the file already in a sub folder called functions and is called fn_MoveObject.sqf How would I go about calling this function in an SQF? Also is there a better way to call an sqf on a MP mission than "call{Ham addaction [ "Check in with the Sergeant", { "HamTalk.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2];}];};"
  21. I know you read the title, but I do have an idea of how to actually do it. So firstly there would just be something that spawns an invisible object below a player when they press a button, maybe some variation of BIS_fnc_spawnObjects or some such If THAT works, Find some way to detect When the player is facing horizontally to a building and above ground height (def hardest part), then spawn it beneath them so they can stand on the wall Then maybe have it spawn multiple along a wall at the same height so the player can just run/walk along a wall at a height. Add in some anims and de-spawning params and it's "wallrunning" I'm asking here since I'm fairly new to scripting and realize I probably won't be able to find EVERYTHING on my own, so I'm asking people with infinitely more experience. Hopefully something cool can come out of this.
  22. Hi all. I'm trying to set up my first MP scenario, and I need a little help. I've got the arsenal working on a supply crate, but the Ace3 interaction menu contains additional interactions that I don't want. See here. What I want to do is remove the "Open" and "Rename" actions. I found this thread, which seems to give an answer, but trying to implement that solution doesn't work. I also tried disabling simulation and making the cargo container a simple object, but that didn't work either. I also found this discussion on github, but that isn't working, either. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. I'm currently editing my trainings mission with some spawning and admin management stuff and i noticed a new error that pops up when the mission is started. params["_player"]; if (!(isNull (findDisplay 999))) exitWith { closeDisplay 2; }; createDialog "adminMenu"; The code is from my openMenu function and the above mentioned error is thrown at line 3. Can't really tell where the issue lies, i already tried to remove the semicolon at "closeDisplay 2" but the result is the same!
  24. Hi all, this is going to be fairly long-winded with no tldr and is an extremely large project, at least for me. There's a lot of "I would like" in this post, I'm not a supercilious person I'm just unsure how else to word things. I'm making a scenario to run with my mates whenever we feel like it, usually 8 hours or so every second night, I have a dedicated machine I run the server from but I don't like leaving it on 24/7. I have maybe 200 hours basic scenario creation experience and the scenario itself is a big passion project for me, the basic issues I run into are a nice thing to sort out, the scripting issues or more so lack of scripts are stopping my ideas. I have a few problems which naturally snowballed into more what-ifs and issues. I haven't delved into scripts at all, just basic commands in triggers and game logic, improving along the way. I have very minor coding experience, 2 University courses worth and a lot of this is way above my head so I'm reaching out for help, I'm hoping people will help out of the kindness of their heart but I know time is money and there are a lot of issues, so if it is allowed I'm willing to pay privately with details also discussed privately. I'd hire a private programmer but much of the arma3 context would be lost which is important. Persistent saving/loading: The scenario is essentially a campaign completing tasks as we see fit to retake land and reach an ultimate goal, which I'm undecided on. I'd like essentially all vehicles, player loadouts, player positions, gear in 'crates' and a virtual arsenal we can load with gear from missions, to save upon server shutdown and load upon server start-up. I've looked at a few mods that promise some of these things but they all require player intervention or won't work with custom scenarios, I want an automated system from the moment we first join the server to the moment the campaign finishes. The virtual arsenal is a problem on it's own as I have no clue how to create something that saves gear, much like the antistasi community have made. The other things I know exist because there are multiplayer servers with these features but I'd have no clue how to go about setting it up properly. Problems with the start of the mission: The mission starts with no respawn and 6 playable characters in a boat, spectator enabled, with respawnOnStart -1 and respawn as BASE. Once the first objective is complete the respawn enables (lore critical). Disabling spectator mode isn't an option as people just respawn on their dead bodies, plus I'd rather people have something to do after they die in the first section of the scenario. The mission plays out how I want it to with AI disabled and all players connected when I launch the mission (not using autoinit) however there are other issues. With AI Disabled, players that hotjoin once the mission has started spawn where the playable characters are placed, rather than as a spectator until the respawn is enabled, which I want to fix. Furthermore if players die and rejoin they spawn in the initial playable character spot, out in the ocean, 2km from land, even if they have already died as that character. In my experience not using respawnOnStart -1 results in everyone being a spectator when the mission starts, so I assume 'running the respawn script' once the mission has started would fix this since players that join would be spectators due to being forced to respawn on joining, but I'm not sure how to do that. I also suspect this would cause more issues with further questions about persistent saving and loading. With AI Enabled, players that hotjoin once the mission has started replace the AI, which is fine for something temporary, but the issue is I don't want to run the mission with AI Enabled on the playable characters. Again much like with AI Disabled with an added bonus, upon leaving the server an AI spawns on the playable characters initial position and then once the player joins they take control of it, even if they have already died. I haven't tested with autoinit but I presume they would spawn in the boat if taking control of an AI with AI enabled, otherwise in the water underneath the boat with AI disabled. The same issues with leaving and rejoining would likely occur in either case. I realise this is a complex issue once taking into account persistent saving and loading and will involve a custom respawn script, but I'm not even sure where i'd begin myself. What I would like to work up to: I would like to have the initial 5 minutes of server start to be the editor placed player positions from the roles selected, even if the boat has moved (which i'm not sure is possible and open to alternatives) as people may take longer to load. Further respawns and hotjoins should be spectator up until the point the respawn is enabled, spectator should then disable, then a custom loadout be the default respawn loadout and the respawn point be a selectable spawn after death, it must be selectable since we'll have more respawns enabled as the campaign continues. After the initial respawn is enabled any players positions and gear are saved and loaded on player disconnect and reconnect respectively, along with their gear. When the server is shutdown I would like the mission file to save and overwrite (completing missions triggers deletion of clutter not needed anymore), vehicles to save where they are, in their current health/fuel state with current 'gear', containers with 'gear' to do the same. I would also like to have a virtual arsenal as mentioned before that takes in gear and saves it much like antistasi does only with no 'unlock' feature, just what is put in. On server startup I would like all of this to load in and continue from where it was saved. If you're interested in helping me out please send me a message, any comments that can help are welcome.
  25. So, in my current mission file, I have a limited zeus. However, this limited Zeus has no access to the modules section, the yellow one, in his spawn menu. Is there a way to add this back to a Zeus? If so, is there a way to specifically add only certain modules back to that spawn section. Thanks!