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Found 513 results

  1. Hello everyone, In my MP zeus mission I am trying to establish a 2-way teleport system using flagpoles at point A and Point B. As an addaction I can easily enough get players to scroll wheel and teleport themselves from Point A to Point B and back again using the flagpoles However, I was wondering if it is possible to introduce a delay/sleep timer of about a minute to the teleport script (maybe with a hint that says "teleport in cooldown") that is for each player. For example, player 1 teleports from flagpole A to flagpole B and is then unable to teleport back for 1 min while simultaneously player 2 is still able to interact with flagpole B to get themselves to A (and similar delay to teleport back). Apologies if this is kind of question is not allowed, i'm somewhat new to Arma and im learning as much as I can on YT tutorials but this seems a bit beyond me. If anyone can help that would be amazing.
  2. For a MP server I'm trying to setup an area trigger where if entered by a vehicle, the trigger will empty the fuel tank. Now I know an easy way to do this is to name the vehicles and then add in to the trigger" vehiclename setfuel 0;" etc but I was wondering if there was an alternative way to remove fuel without having to name all the vehicles on the server? I've been trying various iterations of 'setfuel' like so, but none of them seem to work or do what I want. [_vehicle] remoteexec [setfuel 0, _vehicle]; If anyone can point me in the correct direction, that would be marvellous, thanks!
  3. Hello, I have seen numerous post about this issue, but can't seem to find a solution that actually works. So here is my problem. I have a classic sector game which I play alone or with a friend, against or with each other. Each side (Bluefor and Opfor) have a squad a player can take over and control. Rest of the forces come from an AI spawn module. It all works perfectly except all the ai's spawned from the modules doesn't bleed any tickets on both sides when they are killed in action. It is only players and ai squad members that I know how to use bleed tickets with. But the Ai's from the module does not work, so it is sort of unbalanced. Please do anyone knows how to bleed tickets form ai spawn module? Script I use for the ai squad mebmers in unit init: this addEventHandler ["killed",{[_this select 0,-1,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;}];
  4. Any Ideas on how to make the use of key down fire only once. I am trying to get a DrawIcon3D to run only when tilt key is being held down. So that you can quickly toggle it off and on by holding and releasing a key. The problem with KeyDown is that it will run DrawIcon3D over and over until you let go of the key and clearly that is not ideal cause fps goes to shit and i cant close it. The code below is just the basic framework of any display event handler: waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { switch (_this select 1) do { case 41: {hintSilent "Key Down"}; // Tilt Key }; false }]; waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", { switch (_this select 1) do { case 41: {hintSilent "Key Up"}; // Tilt Key }; false }];
  5. WastedMike_

    Dialog Menu

    How do I get my dialog menu to pop up for every new person that joins the mission?
  6. https://gyazo.com/27e4f556f11939bc7afbabde05b9e5e1 I'm fairly new to modding and I'm trying to create a replacement pack for the current NATO which changes their equipment to gear already existing in the game. I'm trying to make them look more like they were in the Alpha/Beta and first release of the game. But some of my mod config isn't working and I'm not sure why? My rifleman class works fine but when trying to create the grenadier class, I'm having some issues, the uniform, vest and helmet I want (which is identical to the rifleman just for testing purposes) isn't appearing and instead is just left with the vanilla gear, but I know some of the config is working somewhat because it has the addon image next to it in the editor and the backpack I placed on him works. Any help towards tidying my config up (as most of it is a copy and paste of sample configs which I've edited) and making it work would be massively appreciated.
  7. In a multiplayer survival mission I have going, I am trying to prevent my re-spawning players from simply walking up to their own bodies and looting their weapons and ammo -but- I don't want to disable looting altogether because I need them to be able to loot the enemy (OPFOR/Indep) during the course of the mission. So I tried this in an antiloot.sqf: and called it via the init.sqf....but it didn't seem to work. I'm not the best with using scripts so if someone knows what I am doing wrong or has an alternative code for preventing friendly looting i'd be delighted with any help I can get. Cheers
  8. I was using the command countSide which does not seem to work correctly as once it reaches 2 it just jumped to 0: same applies to playableUnits _playersWest = west countSide allUnits; hint str(_playersWest); Am I missing something, if there is a way to count all living units on a specific team returning a number please let me know
  9. I am trying to return 'true' to the function if the "Attacking Button" is pressed and 'false' if the "Defending Button" is pressed. if (dialog) then {closeDialog 0}; _attackOrDefend = createDialog "AttackOrDefend"; // (findDisplay 997) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then { true }}]; // Disable ESC Key _attackingButton = ((findDisplay 997) displayCtrl 1600); // Attacking Button _defendingButton = ((findDisplay 997) displayCtrl 1601); // Defending Button _return = nil; /* Find return code ... */ waitUntil {!(isNil "_return")}; _return; Using functions such as ButtonSetAction do not allow me return true or false as they are not in the scope of the function: _attackingButton buttonSetAction "_return = true"; _defendingButton buttonSetAction "_return = false"; Using the work around that Kronzky provides only allows you to use variables already defined in the script to the action but not from the action to the script: _foo = "foo"; buttonSetAction [100, format["hint '%1 bar'", _foo]]; Please Help! I have destroyed the wiki looking for ways.
  10. Hopefully someone can help me, and I think this is probably quite simple, I just can't seem to figure it out tonight! I was hoping that there was a way to tie the number of a team's respawn tickets to the number of items in a crate. e.g. there are 4 medkits in a crate so they have 4 respawn tickets. If they add 2, they have 6 respawn tickets and if they remove 3 they only have 3 respawn tickets remaining. Any help with this would be much appreciated! Cheers!
  11. I have modified a previously made script to be called run a progress bar across the screen and as long as the script was not aborted before "time" reached the "total time" then the script would return true and otherwise return false. My problem comes when someone wants to exit the script, they cant and are forced to sit through the entire progress bar. I am trying to fail the script by pressing the ESC Key. I have simply made "hint 'ESC Key'" for debugging. /* Author: HallyG Edited by: Acoward Edited by: NumbNutsJunior Description: Draws a progress bar to visualise an action taking place. Parameter(s): 0: [STRING] - Text to display 1: [SCALAR] - Total Time 2: [STRING] - Animation name - (Default: "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1") Returns: [BOOLEAN] Example: _a = ["Eating...", 10, "Animation ..."] call HGF_fnc_progressBar; if (_a) then { ... result ... }; */ params [["_text","Test",[""]],["_actionTime",10,[0]],["_animation","AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1",[""]]]; private ["_startTime","_totalTime","_progressBar","_progressText","_return"]; if (player getVariable ["isBusy",false]) exitWith {}; // IF PLAYER IS BUSY ALREADY, EXIT player setVariable ["isBusy",true,true]; // SETS THE PLAYER'S STATUS TO BUSY disableSerialization; ("HGF_progressBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["HGF_ProgressBar", "PLAIN", 0.001, false]; // display PROGRESS BAR _progressBar = ((uiNamespace getVariable "HGF_ProgressBar") displayCtrl 22202); _progressBar progressSetPosition 0; _progressText = ((uiNamespace getVariable "HGF_ProgressBar") displayCtrl 22201); _progressText ctrlSetText _text; _startTime = time; // Start Time _totalTime = time + _actionTime; // Expected finish time _return = true; _eventHandler = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then {hint "ESC Pressed"}; true }]; waitUntil { _progressBar = ((uiNamespace getVariable "HGF_ProgressBar") displayCtrl 22202); _progressBar progressSetPosition ((time - _startTime)/_actionTime); // Sets the progress position of the progress bar. if (animationState player != _animation) then { player switchMove _animation; // PLAYS ANIMATION IF PLAYER IS NOT PLAYING THE ANIMATION player playMoveNow _animation; }; (!alive player) || (time >= _totalTime) || ((vehicle player) != player)// if player is dead or passed end time, exit }; player setVariable ["isBusy",false,true]; // SETS THE PLAYER'S STATUS TO NOT BUSY if ((!alive player) || (time <= _totalTime) || ((vehicle player) != player)) then { _return = false; _progressText ctrlSetText ""; // ACTION NOT COMPLETED _progressBar progressSetPosition 0; }; (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", _eventHandler]; player switchMove ""; // Resets to default animation ("HGF_progressBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; // HIDES PROGRESS BAR _return;
  12. Komesar_Ristanovic

    Problem with tanks

    Hello i found long ago one great addon for arma 2 so i decide to import it to arma 3 and it work. But problem is when i drive a tank and when try to use break or just stop holding move key vehicle raises the rear and can overturn on other side. How to fix this problem ? By the way other staff like trucks and light mechanized armor dont have this problem. If somebody know how to fix this pleas help
  13. Hello, everyone. I'm making Ravage mission, few players asked for persistent world discovery state and I'm struggling with making that. Basic idea was to store activated trigger names in server's profileNamespace and load this list upon restart and simply activate triggers again. Problem is OR doesn't seems to work in Condition field... or maybe I'm just completely wrong and it can't be done like this. Any advice appreciated.
  14. I'm trying to make a Lobby Parameter for a mission where the player can select to enable a script or not. It is set as disabled by default. The script is VCOMAI, I want the player/group to have the option of playing the mission on an easier vanilla setup and also be able to play the mission with a more challenging AI. I've tried a few things, but have not found anything definitive. I need to set up the parameter (class params?) and then set up the call for it (in the init.sqf?). I came up with this, that I put in the description.ext: class Params { class VcomAI { //paramsArray[0] title="VcomAI"; values[]={0,1}; texts[]={"Disabled - meh","Enabled - Bring it on"}; default=0; }; }; but couldn't figure out how to call it from the init.sqf. I'm sure the paramsArray[0] is wrong, but I was trying to follow an old older script - meh... I also looked at a copy of Liberation, as they have several Lobby Parameters, however they are using some scripting that I don't quite follow with .hpp setups etc that are beyond me at this point. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. Hi I'm new to mission editing, but I wish to learn. I want to set a sniper to stay hidden and quiet, until comes in his view the designated VIP to kill together in a group of enemies, *kill him only*, then runs away unharmed. Other enemies must survive. I did try a lot of failed attempts using enable/disableAI, etc. but I have to give up: the sniper always attack other enemies before and after the VIP kill. Thank you.
  16. Hi, looking for a scripter to solve this Flowchart Theoretical Framework', via use of scripts. I am a videographer, not a scripter or anything technical. Basically, using what apex has given us, have put down a load of modules and triggers in a planned manner, all related around tasks and briefings, along with scripts within triggers filling in the gaps which will make the changes when certain conditions are met. The hypothesis is that these modules should be able to add up/correlate so an objective can either be completed or failed, with the (missing) script in triggers making the missing links. Why do i not do it? Because 1) Not a scripter 2) It would take me a decade to crack it If you take it on and crack it; - include a 'noob' definition of how it works - Add me on steam - Will give you credit in my video for theory, with possibly more rewards Check the link for a image of the theory, along with mission.sqm https://www.dropbox.com/s/e4kc066vn329dsz/Theory.png?dl=0
  17. I need to force bout not to move because i am generating many boats and some of them just swim away. I have tried : doStop _veh; _veh forceSpeed 0; but both unsucesfull I found only one thing witch is preventing boat from moving: _veh enableSimulation false; but this makes player screen black and player is not able to leave the vehicle my fix with eventHandler was not working as well _veh addEventHandler ["GetIn",{ _veh enableSimulation true;}]; Looks like because Event GetIn is not working while : _enableSimulation false; Thx for any help
  18. hey guys, i have created a gamemode for dedicated servers, but right now its not possible to continue it after the server shut down. Before we tested on a dedicated server, the mission was meant to be hosted directly from arma, so we could hit "save & exit" but that obviously didnt work. Here comes my question: what stuff needs to be stored in my database and what gets saved by arma? There are quite some scripts with many variables that need to be saved, as well as the position of vehicles on the map and their condition. Hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance
  19. I am looking to see if there is a way using a script that allows a player that has a Tool-Kit in their inventory to deploy a bike. I'm not very experienced with scripting or anything so i don't know if this is even possible.
  20. Hello, I am looking to make a combat Alts life RPG. I would like to do most of the placing of objects myself and a bit of coding but ill need quite a bit of help if anyone knows scripting and functions inside and out contact me through bohemia interactive messages. What I am looking for is someone who can code all the essentials for a very militarised Altis Life RPG. Some of the jobs include; Jobs; truck missions, drug runs, bounties, police/rebel/army/civs and many items such as spike strips etc.
  21. Hey guys, i am trying apply selected post processing effects only to the player that called the script. So far I found this function BIS_fnc_setPPeffectTemplate which allows me to execute a post processing effect from the CfgPostprocessTemplates. The problem with that is that it only lets me execute the arma3 vanilla ppeffects. My question is if there's a way to define a custom template or any other way i am missing to execute the effect locally. Thanks in advance!
  22. Hello, I want to make a PVP mission with guerrillas and AAF. I want to make guerrillas have a choice, to access certain crates with civilian clothing inside them any time they wish to. Then, as long as they remain dressed as a civ (they could go back to their base and get guerrilla gear) they should change faction to become a civ. If at any point they equip any weapons or gear other than civilian clothing they should switch back to guerrillas. (Could they possibly have their Task force radio's on to talk with other members even if they are civs without changing faction?) Using this AAF who shoot at civilian clothed players will lose the game. But as I mentioned, the civs shouldnt have any military gear on them, because then in theory player guerrillas would just be dressed as civs with guns, punishing the AAF for killing them using the game's mechanics while they can do whatever they want. I am a noob when it comes to scripting... Any advice?
  23. As the title says I am trying to do a check if a trigger area is completely empty before spawning an object via an addAction. Here is the addAction on an object: this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation disable; this addAction ["Get Wheel","scripts\boxWheel.sqf"]; and here is the script: wheelBox = [getPos boxSpawn,0,"ACE_Wheel",WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; the name of my trigger is: boxTrigger_01 How do I set it to check if the trigger area is completely empty before executing the addAction/script?
  24. I am using LARS compositions spawn-er and it has stopped working. The creator is not currently responding and hasn't be active since July. here is the error message _wp |#|setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWayp... Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "" File LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf [LaRs_fnc_createComp], line 1201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the code from LaRs\Functions\fn_createComp.sqf. Line 1201 is highlighted. Let me know if the whole file is required. //***** //WAYPOINTS //***** private _fnc_spawnWaypoint = { private [ "_position", "_ATLOffset", "_placement", "_compRadius", "_mode", "_formation", "_speed", "_behaviour", "_description", "_condition" ]; params[ "_cfg", "_group" ]; _position = getArray( _cfg >> "position" ); _ATLOffset = getNumber( _cfg >> "atlOffset" ); //_position = [ _position, _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_getPosition; _position = [ objNull, _position, [0,0,0], _ATLOffset ] call _fnc_setPositionandRotation; _placement = getNumber( _cfg >> "placement" ); _compRadius = getNumber( _cfg >> "completitionRadius" ); _mode = getText( _cfg >> "combatMode" ); _formation = getText( _cfg >> "formation" ); _speed = getText( _cfg >> "speed" ); _behaviour = getText( _cfg >> "combat" ); _description = getText( _cfg >> "description" ); _condition = [ ( _cfg >> "expCond" ), "TXT", "true" ] call _fnc_getCfgValue; //TODO: does this need defering private [ "_onAct", "_name", "_script", "_timeout", "_show", "_type" ]; _onAct = getText( _cfg >> "expActiv" ); _name = getText( _cfg >> "name" ); _script = getText( _cfg >> "script" ); _timeout = [ getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMin" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMid" ), getNumber( _cfg >> "timeoutMax" ) ]; _show = getText( _cfg >> "showWP" ); _type = getText( _cfg >> "type" ); private [ "_effectCondition", "_effectSound", "_effectVoice", "_effectSoundEnvironment", "_effectMusic", "_effectTitle", "_wp" ]; _effectCondition = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "condition" ); //TODO: does this need defering _effectSound = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "sound" ); _effectVoice = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "voice" ); _effectSoundEnvironment = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "soundEnv" ); _effectMusic = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "track" ); _effectTitle = getText( _cfg >> "Effects" >> "title" ); _wp = _group addWaypoint[ ASLToATL _position, _placement, count waypoints _group, _name]; _wp setWaypointType _type; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius _compRadius; _wp setWaypointCombatMode _mode; _wp setWaypointFormation _formation; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; _wp setWaypointBehaviour _behaviour; _wp setWaypointDescription _description; _wp setWaypointStatements[ _condition, _onAct ]; _wp setWaypointTimeout _timeout; _wp showWaypoint _show; _wp setWaypointScript _script; //TODO: Effects need testing _wp setEffectCondition _effectCondition; _wp setSoundEffect [ _effectSound, _effectVoice, _effectSoundEnvironment, "" ]; _wp setMusicEffect _effectMusic; switch ( true ) do { case ( isClass( missionConfigFile >> "RscTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "RES", "", _effectTitle ]; }; case ( isClass( configFile >> "CfgTitles" >> _effectTitle ) ) : { _wp setTitleEffect [ "OBJECT", "", _effectTitle ]; }; default { if ( _effectTitle != "" ) then { _wp setTitleEffect [ "TEXT", "PLAIN", _effectTitle ]; }; }; }; _wp }; //**********
  25. Pvt. Sparkleshoes

    Missing Semicolon?

    I'm trying to run the command "END1" BIS_fnc_endnission; And it gives me the error "Missing ;". Anyone know what I can do? I'm not a very experienced scripter.