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  1. Hey I'm attempting to limit the speed of 4 vehicles driven by players to 65km/h. Quite new to scripting, so atm am using a piece of code from reddit /u/kevo916 that doesn't quite achieve the intended effect. Instead of not allowing the car to go above 65, once it hits 65 the speed locks to around 260 regardless of input. onEachFrame { _vel = velocity car1; if (vectorMagnitude _vel > 4 and {isTouchingGround car1}) then { _vel = _vel apply {_x * -1}; _vel = _vel vectorMultiply 50; car1 addForce [_vel,[0,0,0]]; }; }; Could someone show me the error in this script, or point me in the right direction to achieve my desired outcome?
  2. Currently attempting to make a multiplayer friendly Zeus zone restrictions script. Basically, around my map, I need a kill zone that kills all units, players, or units editable by the curator, that leave the playable map area (enter the kill zone) after a ten second delay. I also need it so that if a player unit leaves the zone, they get a warning message too. I am using the "ModuleCoverMap" to show the playable area. Around the edges of the playable map area I have four triggers that start the kill script for the player/Curator editable AI. Above is a very basic (semi) working zone restriction script. Currently, if a single unit enters the trigger, the script starts running, the problem is, if another unit enters two seconds later, they only have eight seconds to leave the restriction zone, rather than the ten seconds they are supposed to have (they should be killed later than the first unit, but the two units die at the same time). Also, I am unsure how the titleText function works for clients. It says on Biki that the titleText is a local effect, however, I am wondering if there is a better function for showing a warning message.
  3. Hello We are currently developing an Sandbox Arma 3 Server. i want to make a Sniping spot where you can Snipe some AI´s the AI´s are set to: this disableai "ALL"; i got a simple Respawn script from a another forum post. which looks like this: the Problem is that when the ai Respawns the init isn´t there anymore so they run around and shoot at the players how can i fix that? thanks for you´re help Marvin Admin at German-Gamers.net
  4. I dug these commands out of the functions viewer. You can call these for player or an AI. Each action (heal, healed, ,etc.) will randomly play one of many recordings for that type of action. And the voice will have a Vietnamese accent if that unit has a Asian face (pretty cool). You can try these one at a time via the debug console to see what is said. This could be used for custom AI heal scripts, cutscenes, etc. For example, you could call the "help" one via onHit eventHandler, and "heal" and "healed" via a HandleHeal eventHandler [player, "help"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "heal"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "drag_player"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "undrag_player"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "pickup_player"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "movement"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "dragged"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "carried"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "healed"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; [player, "general"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; In Single Player, if you want units in player group to use this chatter during healing or when hit, do the following in your init.sqf (or execute this via debug console): JBOY_ambientHealTalk = { params["_units"]; { _x addEventHandler ["Hit", { _this spawn { params ["_unit", "_source", "_damage", "_instigator"]; if (damage _unit > .5 and _unit getVariable ["JBOY_firstHit",true]) then { _unit setVariable ["JBOY_firstHit",false,true]; [_unit, "help"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; }; }; }]; _x addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", { _this spawn { params ["_injured", "_healer"]; private _damage = damage _injured; if (_injured == _healer) then { waitUntil {damage _injured != _damage or !alive _injured}; if (damage _injured < _damage) then { [_injured, "healed"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; }; } else { [_healer, "heal"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; sleep 3; [_injured, "healed"] call VN_fnc_revive_conversation; }; }; }]; } forEach _units; }; [units group player] spawn JBOY_ambientHealTalk;
  5. This script adds every unit placed, by one of the four BLUFOR Curators, to every BLUFOR Curator on the map. I was wondering how I would make it so that this script would add Curator-placed units to all allied Curators on the map. For example, if I had three teams, who are all enemies, (BLUFOR, OPFOR and Independent) and each team has three players (ZeusBLUFOR001_Curator for BLUFOR, ZeusOPFOR001_Curator for OPFOR and so on). How would I add these players to a "group" which can then be used in the above script to add each placed unit by one of the players to all their allies? Do I need to create three arrays and add the Curators (so if I plan to create or remove Curators, I can adjust appropriately), and if so, how? Something like: Array 1 - Curator_west Array 2 - Curator_east Array 3 - Curator_independent Then I was hoping I could write: Then addCuratorEditableObjects to the Curators which are in their associated array (group).
  6. Many people have complained that the AI cannot navigate the rice paddies in Prairie Fire DLC. This is a simple script you can paste into a trigger that will solve that problem. In the editor, place a trigger near the rice paddies you want AI to navigate. Set the trigger so it is activated by Anybody Present. Paste this code into the On Activation box of the trigger: I don't make mods, but I think someone else could easily make a mod based on my script to replace all dykes on the map (or all rice paddy dikes that are near players), thus enabling AI to move onto and through rice paddies. Also, if I could figure this out, it seems like the Prairie Fire DLC guys could easily fix the map itself. Let's hope they do! It's a great map, but its getting negative press due to AI navigation issues. This is part of a simple fix I hope.
  7. In its simplest form, is to add/remove the ability for different curators to interact with man/unmanned vehicles. Let us say that the FIA player (BLUFOR) has placed a turret in the trees for an ambush on the AAF player (Independent). While the turret is controlled by the FIA player, the AAF player is unable to interact with it in curator mode. As soon as the FIA unit manning the turret dies (or is told to leave it), the turret can now be accessed by all curators on the map while they are in curator mode (e.g. moved, deleted…). If the AAF player decides that he wants to man the turret, while controlled by the AAF player, no other curator can interact with it while they are in curator mode. In simplest terms, an unmanned vehicle is shown to all curators with the yellow circle in-game. Once the vehicle’s ownership has changed, it no longer shows up to all curators until it is empty again. I have put together the start of the script, but my knowledge of scripting is limited (still learning really). Was wondering if anyone could give me a hand/advice?
  8. Hi. I wanted to add by script through a trigger with area the parade uniform of dlc art of war whose id is U_O_ParadeUniform_01_CSAT_F I wrote the following in the trigger activation field: (unitname) addUniform "U_O_ParadeUniform_01_CSAT_F"; But when I go to the trigger area, nothing happens. I managed to add the cap by writing in the trigger's add field: (unitname) addheadgear "H_ParadeDressCap_01_CSAT_F"; I don't have the dlc art of war. If that's the problem, then why am I able to add the cap but not the uniform? tks in advance!
  9. SSAAPS - Sarogahtyps Simple Arena Active Protection System Full Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible. Arma 3 script which simulates the russian Arena system which is an Active Protection System (APS) for tanks. Basically the russian Arena system lifts an explosive charge upto some meters above the tank. There it explodes and directs a few hundred shrapnels in a cone to the ground. If the countermeasure is successfull then the incoming threat is hit by some shrapnels of the cone. The script spawns some bullets above the tank which create the shrapnel cone. Then the incoming threat gets (hopefully) directed to ground. GitHub - Branch GitHub - wiki GitHub - Issue Tracker GitHub - Download GitHub - Direct File Download Dropbox - Download (temporary disabled) Installation (short story) - copy "functions" folder in your missions root folder - integrate cfgFunctions from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you secured your missions remote execution then integrate CfgRemoteExec from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you don't have a description.ext then you can just copy the given one into your missions root folder - apply the script with this line to any vehicle: [tank_1] spawn saro_fnc_arena_start; to stop the script on that vehicle just do this on any part of your mission: tank_1 setVariable ["saro_arena_active", false, true]; to adjust the behavior of the sysem you should take a look into fn_arena_start.sqf I do not recommend to adjust more parameters than skill and reload time. Full installation documentation will follow within the next days/weeks/months 😉 The Download contains an Example mission as .pbo and as unpacked Folder. brand-new shiny trailer video: version 1.0 video: Please tell me all thoughts you have in this thread. Issues and wishes can also reported on GitHub - Issue Tracker Changelog v1.10 - added simulation of the charge container which lifts up, explodes and sends shrapnels to threat - added ability to get threats exploding mid-air instead of smashing to ground only - added parameter to adjust protection skill of the system v1.01 - hot fix - new vanilla example mission created. the old one was mod depended. v 1.0 - initial release
  10. So we are creating a Sanbox Server we want to have some AA Turrets for fun but they keep on shooting down allies (everything exept some planes is bluefor) . This happens when i kill like 3 standing Hummingbirds so that they can respawn at there origin postion and after that the AA turrets shoot me down autonomous. i tried thinks like putting {this disableAI _x} foreach ["TARGET","AUTOTARGET"]; in the init but it didn´t help at all. thanks for you´re help Marv Admin German-Gamers.net
  11. Adds battery to night vision googles, it uses "desiganator battery" from ACE3 and it can be changed via ACE action menu. Requires ACE3 Feactures: - Adds battery to NVGs - Thermals consume double - Time acceleration how to use: - Download Script from here: https://github.com/Flyingtarta/clv_nvg_battery - Paste folder on mission root - add to description.ext: class CfgFunctions { #include "clv_nvg_battery\functions.hpp" }; class RscTitles { #include "clv_nvg_battery\gui\interfaz.hpp" }; Battery last 5 hours. Script is under developement and ill be a mod in a future if there is some problem when using it you can disableit midgame with: missionnamespace setvariable ["TARTA_NVB_BATTERY_EXIT",true,true];
  12. Hello again, I'm working on a 1 versus 1 deathmatch mission (There's a closer description in another Forum-Topic). The respawn is working as well as the rest of it. The last thing I want to add is a scoreboard with the remaining tickets but not like the one when you press 'P' (at least in my case). At first I wanted an always shown indicator like in Tom Clancy's - Rainbow Six Siege at the top middle of the screen. After a while I found this script (Steam-Source). It's not a permanent indicator (which I would prefer) but it shows at least after every respawn a count. This is for the client and this is for the server It could be my mistake but I didn't manage to get this to work and I find the following problem: A dead player is always seen as an civilian. Because of that the script just always runs the "else" path. So the scoreboard shows not the real remaining tickets. As a "fix" of this I found this on steam (Steam-Source) but I didn't manage to do this. Can someone help me fixing the bug for the scoreboard I found? Or is someone able to script a scoreboard like the one in Rainbow Six? Thank you very much for your help!
  13. Hey there! Looking to get an easy UI made for gear selection for my players. I want them to interact with an object, which will bring up a screen; based on their selection(s), certain things will be available, and when they click "Go!" it will give them their loadout. Please reach out to me if you feel you can complete this in a timely manner! Also please include any cost(s) associated!
  14. Hello everyone. I'm creating a mission on eden editor and when I put the support requester and the provider to be able to boom boom boom the enemies, when I test an error message appears... https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipNj5RLe8PA5816sVP5DhiNch5T8zEC-9shFZTAS despite this, the support works normally. But my will to be perfectionist do not allows me to move on. So I created a new scenario from zero and did the same settings and nothing showed up. I tried find the file mentioned but i couldn't... 😕
  15. Hi everyone, Little overview, I am making a survival mission and I want to add items that are required for crafting (things like sandbags, woodplanks and cinderblock etc.) In my mission description.ext I am creating classes under the CfgWeapons for these items. However, I would like to inherit the itemCore class from configFile >> CfgWeapons >> itemCore to make my life much much easier. Simply calling the class like you would for an addon (class itemCore;) doesn't work as I am in the missionConfigFile namespace. So my question is, Is it possible to inherit a class from configFile while working inside missionConfigFile, and if not what would be the best way to go about this? Thanks in advance!
  16. Took a bit of code from LAMBS fnc_tacticsHide and did this. It runs on player's group AIs only and it's a separate script from LAMBS. It's just an example, a proof of concept (although fully functional). Note: unfortunately forgetTarget makes the whole group forget it's targets (even if used on unit), it would be nice if individual units could forget targets and let others retain the memory, this way we could order individual AT/AA to engage, now you have to make all your AT/AA's open fire (within this script), guys without launchers can remain hold fire though 👍. (no need if we use _unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET"). /* Force AT/AA specialists disableAI "AUTOTARGET" when ordered hold fire Description: Allows AI in player's group to remain prone and regroup faster on the presence of enemy vehicles. Execute from initPlayerLocal.sqf */ TAG_fnc_forgetATAAtargets = { params ["_displayOrControl", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"]; if (commandingMenu isNotEqualTo "RscMenuEngage") exitWith{}; switch (_key) do{ //Open fire case 2:{ [] spawn { // find launchers private _launchers = (units group player) select {(secondaryWeapon _x) isNotEqualTo "" && {!(isPlayer _x)}}; if (_launchers isNotEqualTo []) then{ sleep 2; { if !(unitCombatMode _x in ["BLUE","GREEN"]) then{ _x enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; }; }forEach _launchers; }; }; }; //Hold fire case 3:{ [] spawn { // find launchers private _launchers = (units group player) select {(secondaryWeapon _x) isNotEqualTo "" && {!(isPlayer _x)}}; if (_launchers isNotEqualTo []) then{ sleep 2; { if (unitCombatMode _x in ["BLUE","GREEN"]) then{ _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; }; }forEach _launchers; }; }; }; default {}; }; }; waituntil {sleep 0.1; !isNull (findDisplay 46)}; null = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "call TAG_fnc_forgetATAAtargets"];
  17. Here is my Simple Auto-Gate or SAG 😉 The script is meant as a self contained system for creating automatic gate opening of bar-gates. The script works with pre-placed bar-gates, like on some of the CUP based maps, but will work just as well with bar-gates placed in the Eden editor. It has been tested with both the ArmA 3 standard bar-gates and the CUP ones. Just place a trigger using the editor so that the centre of the trigger is close to the bar-gate you want to control. Set the 'Name' of the trigger and set its size and orientation as required, the rest of the trigger parameters will be set by the script. Create a folder called 'Scripts' in your mission directory and copy the 'sPK_autoGateInit.sqf' file to the directory. You will need an 'init.sqf' file in the root directory of your mission with the following in it: This example sets the system for GATE_NORTH and GATE_SOUTH triggers to control the vanilla bar-gate. if ( isServer ) then { [ [ GATE_NORTH, "Land_BarGate_F" ], [ GATE_SOUTH, "Land_RoadBarrier_01_F" ] // No comma on the last entry. ] call compileScript["Scripts\sPK_autoGateInit.sqf", true]; // true - compileFinal. }; The if ( isServer ) block is to stop warnigns about running it on a player client when connecting to a dedicated server. The compileScript is a replacement for compile preprocessorFile[LineNumbers] command. Job done. The system has an additional feature where you can call the script without the bar-gate class name. In this case it will display the class of the object nearest the trigger in a 'hint' and in the report file. Search for "GateClass:" in the report file: [ [ GATE_NORTH ], [ GATE_SOUTH ] ] call compileScript["Scripts\sPK_autoGateInit.sqf", true]; The output will look like: 10:35:14 "GateClass:GATE_NORTH:Land_BarGate_F" 10:35:14 "GateClass:GATE_SOUTH:Land_RoadBarrier_01_F" Enjoy, S For the record, gate classes: Land_BarGate_F – Vanilla bar-gate class. Land_RoadBarrier_01_F – Metal frame bar-gate from Contact DLC. Land_Zavora – CUP bar-gate class. Land_zavora_2 – CUP bar-gate class, fractionally bigger and taller. This is a link to a simple VR mission demonstration: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnX2_vGoXf5F911_Kg9MmzpPJQb8?e=ChpdqP sPK_autoGateInit.sqf:
  18. Hi there. Im looking for help about unique gas script, that probably can't be found in any script library. In lore of my operation, there is a gas. UK founded it in Arctic and in previous mission, Sweden SOF got inside, and got all intel. After few days, there is a war between UK and Sweden. UK used that gas. Gas is called "Ares" and its doing something like turning off in human any recognize of friendly, and in afterward they see hostiles in anyone. After few minutes of aggresion, human is going to die, because his heart gonna explode from extraordinary pulse. Of course I want to get this gas into civilians, because in my next operation, IDAP with Sweden Homeguard is about to make them safe, but they will not sure, who is not affected by gas, and who is not. In addition, I want to use masks from Gren_evo, and by that I want to make those who is wearing them immune to gas, becuase its only working by doing damage to respiratory system, and next to neurobiological. IDAP gonna have some kind of antibodies in syringes, that gonna for some time stop gas from spreading in body, so they could for example get him in handcuffs. And my question is, how can I make it possible ? And for sure, If im not really understandable, then ask me please. Im not god of english tho, but im trying to :)
  19. Hello! I'm trying to make a script that will create a helicopter that will fly to the player, land and transport the player back to base when the player throws orange smoke. Most of the script is working fine, but if the player wants to extract a second time after getting back to base, two helicopters will spawn. If done one more time a third will spawn etc. Here is the code that I'm currently using: player addAction ["Request transport", {[] execVM "Scripts\extract.sqf"}, nil, 0.1, false]; // This is in another file to the rest of the script systemChat "Mark your position with orange smoke!"; player addItem "SmokeShellOrange"; player addEventHandler ["Fired", { if ((_this select 4) == "SmokeShellOrange") then { (_this select 6) spawn //spawn will create 1 extra helo every time smoke is thrown { waitUntil {sleep 1, (speed _this <= 0) || (!alive _this)}; _smoke = getPos _this; _pickup = createSimpleObject ["Headgear_H_WirelessEarpiece_F", _smoke]; hideObject _pickup; _marker = 1; waitUntil { sleep 1, _marker == 1}; _radius = getPos player; _helo = createVehicle ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", _radius, [], 2500, "FLY"]; createVehicleCrew _helo; systemChat "A helicopter is en-route to extract you!"; _zone = getPos _pickup; _helo move _zone; waitUntil {sleep 1, ((_helo distance _zone) < 150)}; doStop _helo; _helo land "GET IN"; {_helo animateDoor [_x, 1]} forEach ["door_back_L","door_back_R","door_L","door_R"]; waitUntil {sleep 1, player in _helo}; {_helo animateDoor [_x, 0]} forEach ["door_back_L","door_back_R","door_L","door_R"]; _helo move (getMarkerPos "start"); sleep 11; [0, "BLACK", 3] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; sleep 3; player setPos (getMarkerPos "service"); player setDamage 0; deleteVehicle _helo; skipTime 2; [1, "BLACK", 2] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; sleep 2; curobj allowDamage true; curobj enableSimulation true; deleteVehicle curobj; deleteVehicle veh; [] execVM "startupgui_fnc.sqf"; // Allows the player to set new mission parameters and usually only runs on mission start }; }; }]; Not only does this spawn two helicopters, it also broadcasts the chat message one time for every helicopter that spawns. This leads me to believe that the script is somehow running twice (?). Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?
  20. Good day/night. At the moment i'm trying to make a co-op S.T.A.L.K.E.R survival mission with ACE3 for my group, and there are only RPservers mods that only allows you to play in their servers and don't let you play with ACE3. So I chose to use a mod from the workshop posted by sir.ghostington (He took the mutants from a dead RPserver mod that don't let the ace work), but I have a problem, the mutants don't understand the ACE3's damage. So, what should I do to make the mutants work with ACE3 ? How can I create a patch for this mod? (I don't know so much about scripting but I have some tools)
  21. I was wondering two things regarding this script/fnc I made: Question 1: any way to open the mini map display via script commands? Question 1: The minimap radius is based on the speed of the player, any way to manually control that?... since I check a range of 50 I would like the mini GPS to reflect that regarding of the player speed. Also, Any suggestions? The script in fnc form, spawned by a custom UI: (Special thanks to @Leopard20 who's insights made this posible) vMotionScanner = { params [ ["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_motionScannerDistance", 60, [60]], ["_detectAllEnemies", false, [false]], ["_detectEnemyUnits", false, [false]], ["_detectEnemyVehicles", false, [false]], ["_detectEnemyAgents", true, [true]] ]; if (isDedicated OR !hasInterface) exitWith {}; if ( !("ItemGPS" in (assignedItems player)) || !(alive player) || (vehicle player isNotEqualTo player) ) exitWith {vMotionScannerRunning = false; systemChat "MOTION SCANNER not available";}; vMotionScannerRunning = true; systemChat format ["MOTION SCANNER enabled by: %1, use the keys Control + M to toggle the screen.", name player]; showGPS true; private _nearObjects = []; private _motionMarkersArray = []; private _maxMotionMarkers = 10; while { vMotionScannerRunning } do { if (visibleGPS) then { switch (true) do { case (_detectAllEnemies) : { _nearObjects = (player nearEntities [["Man", "Air", "LandVehicle", "Ship"], _motionScannerDistance]) select {side group _x isNotEqualTo side group player && abs speed _x >= 3}; }; case (_detectEnemyUnits) : { _nearObjects = (player nearEntities [["Man"], _motionScannerDistance]) select {side group _x isNotEqualTo side group player && abs speed _x >= 3}; }; case (_detectEnemyVehicles) : { _nearObjects = (player nearEntities [["Air", "LandVehicle", "Ship"], _motionScannerDistance]) select {side group _x isNotEqualTo side group player && abs speed _x >= 3}; }; case (_detectEnemyAgents) : { _nearObjects = agents select {agent _x distance player < _motionScannerDistance}; }; }; if (_nearObjects isNotEqualTo []) then { private _sortedContacts = []; if (_detectEnemyAgents) then { _sortedContacts = [_nearObjects, [], {(player distance2d agent _x)}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; } else { _sortedContacts = [_nearObjects, [], {(player distance2d _x)}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; }; private _closestContact = objNull; _closestContact = _sortedContacts select 0; private _closestContactDis = 999; if (_detectEnemyAgents) then {_closestContactDis = agent _closestContact distance2d player;} else {_closestContactDis = _closestContact distance2d player;}; systemChat format ["MOTION SCANNER contact: %1 meters", _closestContactDis]; // call { // if (_closestContactDis < 10) exitWith { playSound3D [getMissionPath "vScripts\vSounds\motion10b.ogg", player] }; // if (_closestContactDis < 20) exitWith { playSound3D [getMissionPath "vScripts\vSounds\motion10.ogg", player] }; // if (_closestContactDis < 30) exitWith { playSound3D [getMissionPath "vScripts\vSounds\motion10.ogg", player] }; // if (_closestContactDis < 40) exitWith { playSound3D [getMissionPath "vScripts\vSounds\motion20.ogg", player] }; // if (_closestContactDis < 50) exitWith { playSound3D [getMissionPath "vScripts\vSounds\motion20.ogg", player] }; // if (_closestContactDis < 60) exitWith { playSound3D [getMissionPath "vScripts\vSounds\motion30.ogg", player] }; // }; call { if (_closestContactDis < 10) exitWith { playSound "motion10b" }; if (_closestContactDis < 20) exitWith { playSound "motion10" }; if (_closestContactDis < 30) exitWith { playSound "motion10" }; if (_closestContactDis < 40) exitWith { playSound "motion20" }; if (_closestContactDis < 50) exitWith { playSound "motion20" }; if (_closestContactDis < 60) exitWith { playSound "motion30" }; }; private _displayedMotionMarkers = 0; { if (_displayedMotionMarkers < _maxMotionMarkers) then { private _contactName = random 9999; private _marker = ""; if (_detectEnemyAgents) then { _contactName = str agent _x; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_contactName, getPosWorld agent _x]; } else { playerSide reveal _x; _contactName = str _x; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_contactName, getPosWorld _x]; }; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGrey"; _marker setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.85; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5]; [vAnimatedMarker_1_Fnc, _marker, 0.3] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; [vAnimatedMarker_2_Fnc, _marker, 0.6] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; [vdeleteMarkerLocalFnc, _marker, 0.9] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; _displayedMotionMarkers = _displayedMotionMarkers + 1; }; } forEach _sortedContacts; }; }; sleep 1; if ( !("ItemGPS" in (assignedItems player)) || !(alive player) || (vehicle player isNotEqualTo player) ) exitWith { vMotionScannerRunning = false; systemChat "MOTION SCANNER disabled"; }; }; };
  22. I edited FAR revive script in GREUH Liberation so AI can revive players and be reivived by players. but a problem happed with players reviving another player this is what is executed on the unit revivng another: FAR_HandleStabilize = { params ["_target", "_healer"]; if (alive _target) then { _healer playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; //if (!("Medikit" in (items _healer)) ) then { //player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //}; _target setVariable ["FAR_isStabilized", 1, true]; sleep 6; }; }; this is what is excuted on the unit injured: while { !isNull _unit && alive _unit && _unit getVariable "FAR_isUnconscious" == 1 && _unit getVariable "FAR_isStabilized" == 0 && (FAR_BleedOut <= 0 || time < _bleedOut) } do { hintSilent format[localize "STR_BLEEDOUT_MESSAGE" + "\n\n%2", round (_bleedOut - time), call FAR_CheckFriendlies]; public_bleedout_message = format [localize "STR_BLEEDOUT_MESSAGE", round (_bleedOut - time)]; public_bleedout_timer = round (_bleedOut - time); sleep 0.5; }; when a unit stabilize another unit, "FAR_isStabilized" variable of the injured unit is set to 1 so the while loop has to terminate these script run without any problem when AI revive players and AI are revived by players but don't work when a player is reviving another player. when a player tries to stabilize another player, it does the action "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic" but that while loop doesn't finish so I think there is something wrong with _target setVariable ["FAR_isStabilized", 1, true];in the FAR_HandleStabilize function and _unit getVariable "FAR_isStabilized" == 0 in condition of the while loop full codes: https://github.com/lululala22/JLD_Liberation_Dev/tree/master/far_revive
  23. Hello for everyone! I have a trouble: my script takes screenshot of object and i need to create log file with full dimensions of this object (basically, i need a four points of object: upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right). How can i save it? I read about saveProfileNamespace, but i cant find where i can find file with logs in arma 3 directory. Or maybe there are any way of creating .txt file with each screensot? Thanks for help before!
  24. Recently the same scripts I use for all of my normal user-made missions cfg sound script have suddenly stopped working to a bug. Every time I use playSound or say3D I get this error: Type Object, expected nothing. Yet I can play the same sound with no problems when using the effects section in a trigger. This makes absolutely no sense as this exact script works on other missions I have made but for some reason not any of my recent ones. I seriously want to get a gun and shoot my computer 35 times this shit is so frustrating. Here is my desc.ext: class CfgMusic { sounds[] = {cutscenemusic}; class music { name = "cutscenemusic"; sound[] = {"sound\cutscenemusic.ogg", db+1, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; }; class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class banter1 { name = "banter1"; sound[] = {"\sound\banter1.ogg", 100,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class scline1 { name = "scline1"; sound[] = {"\sound\scline1.ogg", 100,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class line3 { name = "line3"; sound[] = {"\sound\line3.ogg", 100,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class banter4 { name = "banter4"; sound[] = {"\sound\banter4.ogg", 700,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class banter5 { name = "banter5"; sound[] = {"\sound\banter5.ogg", 1,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; author="Maxim"; OnLoadName = "The Last War"; OnLoadMission = "This will be the end..."; loadScreen = "images\splash1.jpg" And beleive me, all of my aspects are correct like my sound folder is not spelt wrong and so on.