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  1. Here's a fun script/composition. I'm making a mission with an interactive market/carnival with lots of stuff for player and AI to do, and this is one part of it. Also, it would be simple to convert this to a Ravage Dunk Tank by filling the tank with boiling oil! Muuuhaahaaahaa. Download mission folder Happy New Year everybody! Credit: @Larrow for the splash effect. Cheers mate! Planned: Convert to use smaller dueling target, since right now its too easy to hit the plate (thanks to @Maff for providing how to use that target). Add Ravage Dunk Tank variation where tank is bubbling oil, and dunkee burns and thrashes for awhile (as Hinky would say: "That's not very Christmasy.".
  2. Its BBQ time kids! Download Demo Mission Features 3 styles of BBQ compositions: Spit roast large animal (goat, sheep, boars, etc.) Grill fish or small food items directly over fire. Cannibal roticery (as seen in my Property of Mabunga mission) Credit: I want to thank @F2kSel for the roll function that rotates the roticery. init.sqf: JBOY_BBQ scripts
  3. This script keeps an animal stationary, but still plays its ambient idle animations. Good for keeping chickens and rabbits in cages, and goats and sheep in fenced off areas. Dropbox Link for demo mission. @haleks gave me the idea when he shared his fast rabbit trick: He attached a rabbit to an invisible man, and the man actually runs, not the rabbit, but it works great (fast running rabbits!). Thanks Haleks! An invisible man would have worked for this also, but for stationary animals, it seemed leaner to use a game logic. Here's the code to paste into an animals init field in the editor:
  4. Hi guys: In a script for a vehicle to appear in a certain position, I have included a list of items that should appear in the vehicle inventory: morphine, bandages, ammunition ... I have also included tools and a backpack. The soldier must use the backpack to store the tools inside and be able to move with them to repair the vehicle. However, it is more interesting that the tools are already included inside the backpack. In this way, when taking the backpack, they already have the tools in the inventory. Can anyone help me in this regard? That is, the backpack appears in the inventory of the vehicle with the tools inside. Thanks. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // VEHICLES // _markerstr = createMarker ["VEHICLE",[8849.8,23460.5]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0.000335693; _vehicle = createVehicle ["CUP_B_RG31E_M2_OD_USMC", (getMarkerPos "VEHICLE"),[],0,"NONE"]; _dir = 210; _vehicle setDir _dir; _vehicle setFuel 0.5; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle; /// WEAPONS /// _vehicle addweaponcargoGlobal ["launch_MRAWS_green_F",1]; _vehicle addweaponcargoGlobal ["launch_I_Titan_F",1]; _vehicle addweaponcargoGlobal ["rhs_weap_M320",2]; /// AMMUNITION /// _vehicle addmagazinecargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",4]; _vehicle addmagazinecargoGlobal ["200Rnd_556x45_Box_F",12]; _vehicle addmagazinecargoGlobal ["DGR_264_S_30Rnd",64]; _vehicle addmagazinecargoGlobal ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",32]; _vehicle addmagazinecargoGlobal ["HandGrenade",24]; _vehicle addmagazinecargoGlobal ["MiniGrenade",24]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["Titan_AA",4]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["MRAWS_HEAT_F",4]; /// EQUIPMENT /// _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_Clacker",1]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["B_UavTerminal",1]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["ALIVE_Tablet",1]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["tf_anprc152_1",2]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["tf_rt1523g_big_bwmod",2]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["SAS_Predator_W",8]; _vehicle additemcargoGlobal ["ToolKit",1]; _vehicle addbackpackcargoGlobal ["B_Carryall_khk",1]; _vehicle addbackpackcargoGlobal ["B_UAV_01_backpack_F",1]; /// MEDICINES /// _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_personalAidKit",8]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_500",32]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine",16]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_tourniquet",32]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine",40]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_packingBandage",100]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_elasticBandage",100]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_surgicalKit",2];
  5. JBOY Throw Knife Script (updated 12/16/19) With this script players and AI can throw knife objects. Vanilla ARMA does not have a knife object, so I am using screw drivers and files. Think of these as "guerilla knives" that have been ground to a sharp point and balanced for throwing. You should also be able to use Mod objects with this script (like knives in Max Melee or Unsung mods). Demo Mission Link (updated to V2): https://www.dropbox.com/s/tga95kckxtrrf23/JBOY_ThrowKnifeV2.Stratis.zip?dl=0 Features: Player can throw knife objects. Knife target destination is determined by position of center of screen (screenToWorld position), i.e., where the player is looking. AI can throw knifes via scripts. Knife target destination is provided by position. AI throw accuracy is determined by their skill level for skill "AimingAccuracy". AI can throw exactly on target also, via an additional parameter. Good for cutscenes where you need the knife to arrive in an exact destination (like left eye of some bad hombre for example). Knives stick on objects they hit. Knives stick on AI when hit. Attached position is relative to closest AI mempoint (head, hand, foot, spine, etc.). So when wounded AI moves, the knives still show as stuck in relative position. Limitations: When AI killed by knives, I have to detach knives so they fall to the ground. We would all rather see a nice "pin cushion" effect where knives are sticking out of dead AI in correct directions. But this is impossible because once a dead AI ragdolls, those positions are screwed up, and you see knives disconnected and suspended in air. That is bad for immersion, so I opted to just detach them instead. JBOY_Throw script:
  6. So I want to hide the sidechat on trigger. Example when I have a unit talking in sidechat and the player just walks away (leaves the trigger) I dont want the unit to keep talking in sidechannel. I tried showChat false; but it just hides all channels. Maybe something that can kill the script and stol the talking or something like that idk. I tried looking for a solution but I didnt find anything. termniatescript isnt working too. Once the script actived it wont stop till it finished
  7. So what I want to do is when a player walks into a trigger the window of the building breaks
  8. I just don't find anything that can do that. All I want is that when a ambulance drives into the trigger that it turns on the sirens and lights.
  9. Hey there guys, so I'm pretty new to scripting and I've ran into something I could do with a little help with. I'm trying to use this script To make loot spawn in a crate, but I don't need it to be done on the missions init, I need it to be based on a repeatable trigger so it only activates when a player gets close to it. Is there a way to do this?
  10. Just to place this into context - i made a mission where the players will be supported by some cruise missile fire, fired by the AI. There are 3 different targets, and 3 different MK41 VLS launch pads firing at each their target. I found this script/code and its been working very "on/off". It works every time in singleplayer, but only "occational" in multiplayer on a dedicated server - so im approachig you guys, the mighty Arma 3 oracle, to see if you guys can help me improve this code so that it'll work more predictably and reliably on dedicated servers too. This is the code im using: ------------------------------------------------ // This is the script I'm using in an .sqf ------------------------------------------------ west reportRemoteTarget [HAA1_0, 3000]; HAA1_0 confirmSensorTarget [west, true]; west reportRemoteTarget [T2, 3000]; T2 confirmSensorTarget [west, true]; west reportRemoteTarget [T1, 3000]; T1 confirmSensorTarget [west, true]; Cruise1 fireAtTarget [HAA1_0, "weapon_vls_01"]; Cruise2 fireAtTarget [T2, "weapon_vls_01"]; Cruise3 fireAtTarget [T1, "weapon_vls_01"]; ------------------------------------------------ // This is basically the information provided for each launcher ------------------------------------------------ west reportRemoteTarget [HAA1_0, 3000]; HAA1_0 confirmSensorTarget [west, true]; Cruise1 fireAtTarget [HAA1_0, "weapon_vls_01"]; While developing the mission, i do my fair share of testing on a dedicated server - first time i tried it, all 3 missiles fires and hits their targets. Next time i did some changes to the mission, although nothing to the settings of the targets/missiles or script - suddenly all 3 missiles fires, but 1 goes straight up - while 2 hit their target. And ofc, during the offical playthrough of the mission with my Arma 3 group, all 3 missiles fires but all 3 goes straight up and none of them seemingly targeting their targets. This was mildly put rather annoying. So in short, if any of you script-wizzes know how to help me out with this to have it work more predictably and reliably on a dedicated server it would be absolutely epic, and much appreciated.
  11. Here is a super simple script for animating lip movement for an AI unit for specified # of seconds. Script: Here is some sample usage code, where two different units talk with each other. In this example the valdez character says a sound file that is about 5 seconds long, and the paramedic1 character says a sound file that is 2.6 seconds long. // ************************************************************** [valdez, 5] call JBOY_Lip; valdez customRadio [JBOY_Channel,"hvTempHospital"]; //valdez globalchat "Hey Zeke. When are they going to build the new hospital? This temporary one is a dump."; sleep 5; // ************************************************************** [paramedic1, 2.6] call JBOY_Lip; paramedic1 customRadio [JBOY_Channel,"hParaCutOffFunding"]; //paramedic1 globalchat "Maybe never. Madagascar has cut off the funding."; sleep 3;
  12. Hello Dear Community! So I am using agents for my Civilian needs on a coop mission but the mission also requires that some of those civilian agents rebel and attack players. Since agents are very basic and cannot attack I must find a way to smoothly replace said agent for a REGULAR UNIT when the WITNESS´s rebel state triggers. Here is how I do stuff so far: PS: As you can probably tell by the script I am going for a "as optimized" as posible script since there will be lots of Witnesses and Enemy Units on the map as well as objects so I am tight on frames.
  13. Description: This is a GUI that allows the person who executed the script to add/assign or remove/unassign Zeus to any specified player(s). Downloads & More Information: GitHub: Pastebin: Video: Steam Guide: Curator Creator Version 1.0: * New version is coming out soon. The script was broken so I am going to re-make it myself. *
  14. Hi, I am just getting started in scripting. I have a basic script that makes a unit walk a certain distance. Then i wanted him to salute while another player is alive "t1". But it seems even when i kill "t1". He keeps saluting. Should the while loop not automatically finish when the condition "while {alive t1}" isn't met? I got around this by adding an exit condition, but this doesn't seem right as it defeats the purpose of a while loop. Thank you for any help. //S1 Move and salute for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { s1 playmove "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDf_ver2"; }; while {alive t1} do { hint "He's Alive"; s1 playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn"; sleep 0.769; if (!alive t1) exitwith {}; }; if (!alive t1) then {hint "He's Dead"};
  15. This script allows scripters to re-use all the voice command phrases in Arma. This is especially useful for AI type mods where scripts are making AI perform tasks, and you want to hear the audible commande like "Move Up", "Set Charge", "Detonate Charge", "Frag out", etc. Features: Unit's ingame language is used (i.e., English, French, Russian, Persian, etc). Sound file may be played loud or soft depending on unit's current behavior (Normal, Combat, Stealth) Lip animation Download sample Mission: Here. Credit: @Larrow for his badass utility for finding sound file paths. Use this tool to find additional sound paths to add to this script. If you add more paths to this script, please post them in this topic, so I can add them to my script. Boring Video of Demo Sample init.sqf script from mission showing how to call the script: The JBOY_Speak script (so you don't have to download demo mission to see it)
  16. Vanilla like AMMO REPACK SCRIPT Hello guys I just finished my new Ammo repacking script. Which have few benefits than other repack scripts. Let me just show you the simple gif Demos. ^^ (Sorry for unfamiliar language but you see the familiar calibers under the inventory. Right?) As you see, this new script has few benefits than other repack scripts. 1)NO MOD! -Adding this script is very easy. You just drop the file, add one line in the init.sqf. Thats all! No mod, No bulky instruction for installing! 2)SIMPLE FILE STRUCTURE! -The script has GUI but has no header file nor class definition file. Only single script sqf file. You can even adapt the script in game with debug menu. 3)VANILA-LIKE DESIGN & UX! -The UI just look like it's a part of the ARMA3 game itself. Newbies will even think this is a part of game and ask why they don't have the repack ui on other servers. -Users doesn't have to be informed about the repack short-cut since they will see the ui as they open the inventory. And you know what to do! 4)REPACK EASY! -You can repack every magazines if they uses same ammo. Different magazines even can be repacked if they use same ammo. (but no tracer-normal ammo mixing!) -You can select multiple magazines and preview the result of repacking. And Choosing order affects which magazines should be filled first. Multi select source, automatically multi repacked! Download and Informations[armaholic] : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=35582 🙂
  17. I have with the help of others created a script that spawns and despawns furniture in houses. Download: https://github.com/Tinter/Tinter-Furniture/releases At the moment it currently is more of a tool-suite as I'm not an impressive interior decorator. I would very much like to gather up a library of compositions with the help of the community, although I'm not entirely sure on how to organize this yet. Github: https://github.com/Tinter/Tinter-Furniture Steam workshop (Does only have a test mission): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1895377640 Showcase of the script: Quick showcase of how to add make and add compositions: It spawns furniture locally as simple objects in nearby houses, despawning it when you're far away. The furniture is defined by compositions that you make in eden and using the scripts provided, organize them into files. The compositions are defined on classnames, but a lot of work has gone into trying to make similar buildings compatible, for example the buildings on Altis and Malden are different, but the script will recognize them as the same. Info on how exactly to do this is in the readme file. Furniture is also spawned on the server so that AI will also (hopefully) consider it. I have no indepth test of performance with this script active, but I have played missions with it active and it didn't slow the mission to a crawl at least. At the moment it currently is more of a tool-suite as I'm not an impressive interior decorator. I would very much like to gather up a library of compositions with the help of the community, although I'm not entirely sure on how to organize this yet. Thanks to Diwako, G4rrus, Tennessee, jonoPorter, Meanwhile
  18. Script Version 1 Released October 28, 2019. This script addresses problem where 2 enemy AI are too close together and they either do not shoot (and jerk around), or shoot through each other without hitting each other. I encountered this a few times in my Scripted AI CQB Movement script, and decided it would be fun to solve it with a melee attack. Videos: I'm adding this to my Scripted AI CQB Movement script. But someone else might want to use this for other purposes (AI scripts, cutscenes, etc.). So here it is if someone wants the whole thing or pieces of it. Download V1 zip file and put unzip folder to your missions directory: Features: Loop senses when AI within 2 meters of enemies, and chooses one AI to do melee attack. AI uses Forehand/Backhand/Overhead strike animations with rifle attached to hand. Strike pushes near enemies back to give fighter some breathing room (very helpful when being ratpacked by zombies!) Randomized Loser reactions: Drop weapon Ragdoll to ground after strike Try and pull pistol after losing primary weapon Striker executes victim after striking him. Pain grunts and shouts using in-game voice files (all vanilla voice languages supported) Thanks to @LSValmont, @GEORGE FLOROS GR, EO and others for suggestions and support.
  19. Hi, Im trying to made a simple scenario when players will be facing some units with AT launchers, my problem is that vehicles i'm currently usinng isn't that "tanky" i want to be. I was searching trough various of places to find a remedy to my problem. So i will more than glad if someone helps me out with a script that makes certain vehicles invulnerable to hull damage to prevent being destroyed
  20. Hi Community ! I'm happy (and a bit proud) to present my work : Macaco's mod… A mod everyday ""work in progress"... for now 9 modules... - AI Reaction (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) With this module you can activate the "hearing" of the AI, which will hear you when you speak with TASK FORCE RADIO - Timer (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module you can activate a timer, based on the DAYTIME variable (totally rewritten) - FollowMe (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to enable an ACE interaction menu that allows the player to have some AI commands run: *follow me *stop *lying *stand up * go up to the nearest vehicle * wears protective clothing (helmet + harness) * handcuffing (use a band) *to free - "Logistic Vehicle" module. (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module (can be synchronized with just one faction vehicle) it is possible to create a logistic vehicle for refueling / resetting and vehicle repair ... Also you can use an AI that "simulates" the repair of the vehicle but that if killed will make subsequent repairs impossible ... - "Earthquake" (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows to create earthquakes with destructive areas; the intensity of the earthquake is adjustable ... - Module "HQ" (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) The module allows you to create an HQ vehicle with different features: * Equip the vehicle with aeronautical radio with 40km range (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle (in the inventory) with UAV backpack (Darter), batteries and terminal (depending on faction) * Equip the vehicle with an omnidirectional radio disturbance antenna (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle with a directive antenna (movable) to increase the range / power of the radio (Task Force Radio) -"Sounds Of War" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to create areas with war sound effects and possibly (real) explosions and light flares, useful for example to delimit areas game recreating a more realistic situation ... -"Supplies" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to request a supply case, with a virtual arsenal set by the editor. The module is equipped with various options for operating dynamics. -"Watch" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to activate a clock (with graphic interface) that creates two alarms, publishes useful variables for triggers and executes sqf files at the end of alarms .... - "Advanced Stamina" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) (feat. Hollywood) This module manages advanced stamina, adding the possibility of drinking, eating, etc ... Note for those who used the previous mod "Advanced Stamina Mod": Edit the missions with the old mod and then re-insert the modules with Macaco's Mod ON STEAM WORKSHOP: Macaco's mod ON YOU TUBE: Macaco's Channel (Tutorials) SECONDO REGGIMENTO INCURSORI ( 2RGT ) : http://www.secondoreggimento.it/
  21. i need some help whit this i want to (if player get Damage and that Damage are enough to kill player then spawn fnc_tazed )
  22. Good evening, community! I have found and used a couple of scripts that make enemy AI units surrender in singleplayer (SP). For example, when almost the entire enemy squad is dead and only 1 or 2 units are alive, they will surrender no matter other conditions. And I said "other conditions" because during the last 2 days I've read a lot of topics with information about their behavior and moral as a condition to make them give up. But this is not the case or the result I am looking for. I need a proper script for cooperative and multiplayer missions to give any enemy the possibility to surrender when forced to. If that with the moral is the right way to succeed, I am in! Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  23. Can anyone help me with this? tried making a zombie scenario. I would like a random generated missions that involves zombies thank you!
  24. L_ambiDrive by LAxemann (Formerly L_Civs. For AI Civilian population, check out L_ambiCivs) A lightweight script suite that allows multiplayer-compatible civil traffic. Civilians will drive around on the map and de-spawn again if the closest player exceeds a specified distance. Features blacklisting areas and players. The script runs COMPLETELY SERVER-SIDE. Quick Start 1. Drop the "L_ambiDrive" folder as well as the "initServer.sqf" into your mission folder. That's it. 1.1 If you already got an initServer.sqf, paste the following anywhere into the file: #include "L_ambiDrive\init.sqf" Quick configuration 1. Navigate into the L_ambiDrive folder within your mission folder. You may want to look into three files: "config.sqf","classes.sqf" and "blacklists.sqf" 2. Config.sqf: Basic settings like spawn distance and speed limits. (Tip: Lower the city speed limit if the map features sharp turns within cities) 3. Classes.sqf: Vehicle and civilian classes that will be spawned. 4. Blacklist.sqf: Blacklisting areas vehicles shouldn't spawn in and players that should be ignored by the script. !! All parameters can be changed on the fly during a mission !! Requirements CBA_A3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=german&id=450814997 Known issues - ArmA will be ArmA. Vehicles might crash into each other and/or the terrain. The script detects stuck vehicles but can only do so much to un-stuck them. License You are free to modify the script to your liking within your mission, but please mention the modification. Uploading a modification of the script as a "standalone" version is not permitted. Download: https://github.com/LAxemann/L_ambiDrive (1.05)
  25. a simple script to change faction allegiance retaining their waypoints here it changes AAF to fight for opfor faction if you want them to fight the LDF INDG = allgroups select {faction leader _x == "IND_F"}; { _groupold = _x; _groupnew = createGroup east; (units _groupold) join _groupnew; _groupnew copyWaypoints _groupold; } foreach INDG; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* null = [] execVM "INDtoOPFOR.sqf"; */; drones work fine, helicopter behaviour issues - transports don't unload troops as per waypoint