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Found 657 results

  1. Hey guys! I'm trying to make a trigger-box that repairs my vehicles when i park in it. My code so far looks like this: hint "Repairing, Refueling, and Rearming. Standby 2 minutes"; [] spawn { sleep 120; {_x Setdamage 0} Foreach thislist; {_x Setfuel 1} Foreach thislist; {_x setVehicleAmmo 1} Foreach thislist; }; Returns this error: Error Undefined Variable in expression thislist The code is a collection of stuff i have found on the internet, as i have no real knowledge of coding in ARMA3. How can i fix it? Thanks in advance! :)
  2. I'm not good at using forums sorry for that, Here is the problem; I downloaded two different scripts but they both have the same named files..... I think they called "demo mission/script" can someone please explain to me that how can I get this work? Thank you! :^)
  3. Greetings, fellow Comrades! I need some advise from you - some time ago I started to think about making a mission in Arma 3's editor, where CSAT forces are trying to conquer Neochori and kill all AAF defenders (alt. history, long time before "Eastwind" operation). The mission is planned to have 5 or 6 stages: 1st - To-199 strike on city, 2nd - approach of two CSAT gunboats, covering three (or more) pontoons with infantry, 3rd - three Marid's crossing the bay and transporting another load of troops, (optional between 3 and 4 - parachute drop from Orca's), 4th - armored strike of two Varsuk's and two Tigrises, 5th - artillery fire. Now, back to my beg for advise - how can I delay order for artillery to start firing at Neochori? I tried to do so with "Artillery Fire" waypoint and timer set between 5-6 mins, but arty started firing at very beginning of mission's preview and didn't stopped. Is there any command, script or unit/waypoint option to delay this? (Also, I'm not searching for option to fire or not to fire, assuming to mission status - CSAT have to lose in this battle and it's gonna be forced to call artillery). I'd be very appreciated of your help :) Ah, BTW - how can I make a parachute drop? Thanks for advices to that!
  4. Hello there Guys ! I am wondering if anyone knows , how to show actual real life Time in game , ex : with a bis_fnc_dynamicText by opening the map I 'm trying but can't find how. Thanks!
  5. HI All, I have a quick question. Everyone (players and AI) in Chernarus knows that there is going to be a big fight but ALiVE mod only gives AI units one bandage and one morphine each. So, I want to add a loadout.sqf to my mission file. The purpose of the loadout is to add 4x basic bandages and 4x morphine syringes to all units spawning (ALIVE mod) all factions only at the beginning of the scenario. My loadout.sqf looks like this: forEach allUnits; {_x for "_i" from 1 to 4 do addItemToUniform "ACE_fieldDressing";}; {_x for "_i" from 1 to 4 do addItemToUniform "ACE_morphine";}; Added: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "loadout.sqf"; to init.sqf I could be barking up the wrong tree but I have not written a script before and perhaps could use some help for this one. I am using latest version of ACE3 and ALiVE mods among others. Please help with this loadout.sqf script. Thanks
  6. I'm trying to make a map mission and need a helicopter loop to make it seem that the base is very active. My goal is for it to 1. take off 2 Fly away 3 Fly back 4 Land. Then for it all to repeat repeat What ever help I get I am very thankful
  7. anotherrandomguy


    So I'm trying to put in a new backpack and I'm running into 2 large issues. The first issue is that my backpack is not located correctly on the characters back. it is located down by the characters feet. How do I go about moving this to get it in the correct position? Gyazo picture for reference: https://gyazo.com/4a8dfe6e26d54b30bc15f686c2858157 FIXED THIS PORTION The second issue is that the model is somehow "flipped" where the left side is on the right side, and the right side is on the left. With that, the textures are actually on the inside of the model and not on the outside making it to where you can see through the model. Look closely, you will notice the texture you do see, is what is supposed to be against the back of the character. Gyazo picture for reference: If anyone has any ideas that can help me figure this out would be absolutely appreciated. I'm very new to the modding community, so anything will help.
  8. Hey guys, Im having a strange problem with a mod im working on, see for yourself.... Thats the car without any damage Right here with some of the declared damage But instead of the windows disappearing they turn into this black mess.... dunno what to do, alredy searched through the whole model.cfg with 2 friends of mine, hope you guys may can help me
  9. So, I'm trying to build a script that will display the dimensions of a certain object. It seems simple enough, however the catch here is that the object in question will not be declared into the mission and will be NULL. So I implemented the following script for the given purpose but I am not getting the correct results. I'm getting 0 s' no matter what object I form reference to. _objname = "I_MRAP_03_F"; _box = missionNamespace getVariable[_objname, objNull] ; _box_dim = boundingBoxReal _box ; _p1 = _box_dim select 0; _p2 = _box_dim select 1; //systemChat format["%1,%2,%3", _p1 select 0, _p1 select 1, _p1 select 2]; _maxW = abs ((_p2 select 0)- (_p1 select 0)); _maxL = abs ((_p2 select 1)- (_p1 select 1)); _maxH = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2)); systemChat format["width: %1", _maxW]; systemChat format["length: %1", _maxL]; systemChat format["Hidth: %1", _maxH]; I'm guessing that because the object in question (in this case a HEMPT truck) is not declared into the mission itself, its dimensions will return all zeroes? Any suggestion on how to fix?
  10. I want to make a mission where the player passes trough a city destroyed by artillery fire, of course I don't want to create a thousand mortars that need to shoot at different positions so I was wondering if there is a script that can break all buildings and trees in a given radius
  11. Hi Guys, I am trying to make a small mod based on sqf files. I understood that I need to use config.cpp with class CfgFunctions to call the first script. My problem is the first script which initializes everything need to be executed on each machine at mission start including server but later on also if someone joins with JIP it should be executed for him on his machine too. How can I achieve this ? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi. I want to make an addon with this script: ["unit", {(_this select 0) setVariable ["ace_movement_loadCoef", 1]}, true] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler; I ve tried following instructions from here: here http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=35205.0 and here But it still doesn t work. Any ideas? Thanks
  13. I'm looking for an Anti "VDM", to 'disable' damage when vehicle collides with AI or players. Many Thanks! I've tried the following; but with no luck. My file name is fn_handleDamage.sqf. I am hosting this on a private server via the Eden editor (I am only making this for small fun missions for me and my friends). With the script, no error shows up, and the damage is still there Any help please?
  14. well, i have been trawling about trying to find this particular problem for a while so i'll ask here: i'm trying to create a script that will spawn and despawn specific objects when player moves in/out of trigger area. originally i did this using separate spawn/despawn scripts but i'm trying to put both scripts in one SQF and select between the two parts using if/then and a variable in the script call. so i created an object "desk1" (which spawned objects attach to) and then created trigger with the following conditions trigger is working fine (i get ping pong) the script "officedesk.sqf" is below. The problem is i keep getting undefined variable errors for the "_stage" (line 7) even though it is defined in the call? i'm pretty confused as to whats going on here, changing _stage to be global doesn't seem to help and i'm.... pretty sure the script call in the trigger is ok? can anybody see what (probably blindingly obvious) thing is going wrong here? EDIT: SOLVED it was NOTHING to do with the error message's which confused me for ages the problem was that if i defined deskArray at the start of the script (before if/then code) 'pushback' didn't work and i was trying to delete and empty array of objects. I just moved it into the if/then code and it works fine with no errors. thing is... 'deskArray' is global so how come i can't define it at code start and then add items in the if/then code? Here's the working script in case anyones bored enough to check it out: p.s. sorry mods, having solved the problem i think the thread title is... inaccurate :D
  15. Hello guys! Not long ago I had posted a topic with a problem in my loadout. I have tried long ago to fix it, but I forgot all of the scripting I have learned so there wasn't much to do... Unit today I had tried again as I am currently in a vacation from my military services (got injured). Well, I figured out that the loadout script and everything is ok, but the problem is much more small than I thought it is. I am using Mission Parameters to choose between Night or Day loadout, Add or Remove NVG according to mission time, as well as Silencer and Map Nav Aids. As the updates started to come the code was outdated, But I have tried couple of time to fix it with no luck.. If someone done it or Know how to fix it, Please reply here, As I want to regroup my old friends to start play again in this awesome MilSim. Loadout Description RPT Log fn_processParamsArray Huge Thanks Guys!!!
  16. Hey, so basically I'm looking for creating a marker on the map at the location of all plane wrecks on Tanoa. I have taken this script and changed the class name of the building to match with the plane wreck but this didn't work... Can you help me please? Thank's! _middle = worldSize/2; _spawnCenter = [_middle,_middle,0]; _maxDistance = _middle; _buildingTypes = ["Land_HistoricalPlaneWreck_02_front_F"]; { _buildingType = _x; _building = _spawnCenter nearObjects [_buildingType, _maxDistance]; { _foundBuilding = _x; _pos = _foundBuilding buildingPos 0; _location = getPosATL _foundBuilding; _marker = createMarker [format ["%1", _foundBuilding],_pos]; _marker setMarkerShape "Icon"; _marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _marker setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText format["%1", _foundBuilding]; }forEach _building; }forEach _buildingTypes;
  17. Hello i am current building a firing range for a unit, there are 12 individual shooting positions i.e 10 lanes. I have 5 popup targets per 100 meters with the popup targets start at 300 meters out and continue to 700 meters so all together 25 popup targets per 1 lane, with all 12 lanes i have 300 popup targets in total. I am looking for a script or some way to have the popup targets stay down at the start then when a certain range is chosen on a laptop i.e " i choose 300 meters all the popup targets for 300 meters popup and the ppl will be able to shoot them, they will fall, and go back up again. Untill i choose an option to make them go back down again" After this i would like to choose a second range i.e 400 Meters and do the same thing. Can anyone help ive been trying to get this to work for a long time, Thanks
  18. Pvt. Sparkleshoes

    Missing Semicolon?

    I'm trying to run the command "END1" BIS_fnc_endnission; And it gives me the error "Missing ;". Anyone know what I can do? I'm not a very experienced scripter.
  19. Hi, I'm kinda new to the whole editing missions thing, so I've been using the RESPAWN ON DEATH option in all of my missions. I wish to improve that, so I wanna make it so SQUAD A could respawn on any of HIS squadmates, and SQUAD B could respawn on any of HIS squadmates, but SQUAD A can't respawn on SQUAD B. I found out how to let players respawn on other players but how can I restrict a player to respawn only at certain respawn positions? Thanks for any replies!
  20. All I need is to make this script repeatable so when it is done "Downloading" it'll reset and you can keep downloading it again and again. I assume it has something to do with the addactions and I know lines 85-90 have something to do with the addaction "Request Funds" disappearing after download but when I take those lines out It keeps the "Request Funds" but you can no longer download the files because it says "Funds approved" T8L_var_fileSize = 100000; // Filesize ... smaller files will take shorter time to download! T8L_var_TLine01 = "Funds Denied"; // download aborted T8L_var_TLine02 = "Standby"; // download already in progress by someone else T8L_var_TLine03 = "Requesting Funds"; // download started T8L_var_TLine04 = "Funds Approved"; // download finished T8L_var_TLine05 = "Request Funds"; // line for the addaction T8L_var_TLine06 = "Connecting ..."; T8L_var_TLine07 = "Connected:"; T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// T8L_fnc_abortActionLaptop = { if ( T8L_var_DialogSucce ) then { T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; } else { cutText [ T8L_var_TLine01, "PLAIN" ]; T8L_var_DialogAbort = true; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; }; }; T8L_fnc_addActionLaptop = { { if !( _x getVariable [ "T8L_pvar_dataDownloaded", false ] ) then { _x addAction [ T8L_var_TLine05, { call T8L_fnc_ActionLaptop; }, [], 10, false, false ]; }; } forEach _this; }; T8L_fnc_removeActionLaptop = { _laptop = _this select 0; _id = _this select 1; _laptop removeAction _id; }; T8L_fnc_ActionLaptop = { private [ "_laptop", "_caller", "_id" ]; _laptop = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; if ( _laptop getVariable [ "T8L_pvar_inUse", false ] ) exitWith { cutText [ T8L_var_TLine02, "PLAIN" ]; }; if ( _laptop getVariable [ "T8L_pvar_dataDownloaded", false ] ) exitWith { cutText [ T8L_var_TLine04, "PLAIN" ]; }; cutText [ T8L_var_TLine03, "PLAIN" ]; _laptop setVariable [ "T8L_pvar_inUse", true, true ]; [ _laptop, _id ] spawn { private [ "_laptop", "_id", "_newFile", "_dlRate", "_percent" ]; _laptop = _this select 0; _id = _this select 1; _newFile = 0; T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; T8L_var_DialogSucce = false; createDialog "T8L_DataDownloadDialog"; sleep 0.5; ctrlSetText [ 8001, T8L_var_TLine06 ]; sleep 0.5; ctrlSetText [ 8001, T8L_var_TLine07 ]; ctrlSetText [ 8003, format [ "%1 $", T8L_var_FileSize ] ]; ctrlSetText [ 8004, format [ "%1 $", _newFile ] ]; while { !T8L_var_DialogAbort } do { _dlRate = 200 + random 80; _newFile = _newFile + _dlRate; if ( _newFile > T8L_var_FileSize ) then { _dlRate = 0; _newFile = T8L_var_FileSize; ctrlSetText [ 8001, T8L_var_TLine04 ]; cutText [ T8L_var_TLine04, "PLAIN" ]; T8L_var_DialogAbort = true; T8L_var_DialogSucce = true; _laptop setVariable [ "T8L_pvar_dataDownloaded", true, true ]; [ [ _laptop, _id ], "T8L_fnc_removeActionLaptop", true, true ] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; // percentage part by cuel! ctrlSetText [ 8002, format [ "%1 $/t", _dlRate ] ]; _percent = ( _newFile / T8L_var_FileSize ); _percent = toArray str _percent; { _percent set [_x,-1] } forEach [ 0, 1 ]; _percent = _percent - [-1]; _percent resize 2; _percent = toString _percent; ctrlSetText [ 8004, format [ "%1 $ (%2%3)", _newFile, (if ( T8L_var_DialogAbort ) then { 100 } else { _percent }), "%" ]]; sleep 0.25; }; T8L_var_DialogAbort = false; _laptop setVariable [ "T8L_pvar_inUse", false, true ]; }; }; T8L_var_INITDONE = true;
  21. Hey Guys, First of all, Thank you for wasting time to read this issue, Im really appreciate your effort for trying to help me and to others. I am trying to create a template with a costume loadout, and I have encountered in issue. The loadout won't start, I have tried to fix it by myself, but I can't find the issue somewhy. I will Add to here the links for the Class define, Loadout Script, And RPT Log. (I know I can make it simple through EDEN. But I want to add some functions like Parameters to the Loadout.) RPT LogClass Define / Clients Loadout Script Thank You!
  22. Hi. How can I create high command modules via scripts? If I use this, the game will show an error: "HighCommand" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0]; I think it's because the module needs to be created prior to running the mission and be synced to the player. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  23. Following problem, I want to set a UAV that is flying arround a Location for Units on the Ground to use it as an Eye in the Sky. But I want them to only be able to Controll the Gunner/Camera so that they don't start messing arround with it. I allready searched for a solution but didn't find one, it would be nice if someone has a way to accomplish this.
  24. hydrobull3t

    Sorry, Wrong Forum

    Sorry, Wrong Forum
  25. MemesMostDank_

    Help with winch mod

    Hey guys, sorry to once again bore you with amateurish questions, but here I go again I guess :/ I'm looking to create a winch and stretcher, that can be lowered down on a rope, have the casualty loaded into it via ACE3, and then the basket raised up. I'm not worried about transferring the patient from the stretcher into the helo, but I'm entirely new to scripting, and all I really know how to do is create a menu action and use it to call a certain script. What I need help with Attaching the rope to the stretcher (and spawning it on the right place in the helo in the first place). Lowering the stretcher to the casualty (ropeUnwind, perhaps?) Raising the sretcher up to the Helo once the casualty is in it. Attaching the stretcher to the helo (I presume with this attachTo) so it doesn't flail about when the Helo flies.