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  1. I am pretty new to doing any sort of SQF/init scripting that isnt just frankensteining code together so I would appreciate any help! Simply put, I want to make a fun little roleplay mission where for that mission, a phrase comprised of multiple randomly selected arrays is generated. The Indfor act as captives that are all assigned ONE word from the phrase at random to keep secret. (This is where multiple arrays work better since you can just call the arrays by "word1", "word2", "word3". (I intend to have 4 words, 1 array for each.) And ontop of that I want the entire code phrase to be displayed in its entirety to the Blufor. For this to work, the result of the generation needs to only be prompted once and then have. TLDR: Server generates a code phrase from several arrays. I cant figure out the init code and they usually return as null no matter what I attempt. And to be exact, I dont want people to generate a phrase/array results every time they call; I simply want it generated, stored, and have players access the results. I dont know how efficiently this could be done whatsoever outside of theory crafting nonsensical code. If there is a better alternative please help me out. Please help, Working backwards I am trying to: I inserted the code into initServer.sqf for simplicity; Can execute it as a script later on? Or is a dedicated SQF necessary? This code is almost certainly full of wrong or incorrect syntax/formatting. This is just an outliner of what I am trying. If my method is wrong then please help me goal wise. 2. Have a way to display either a SINGLE result of that array on individual units, preferably just adding a action into their init boxes to get the array/codephrase. I want 2 UserActions I can insert into unit inits; One that displays the codephrase, and one that displays a single array's result- as hints.
  2. Hi im triying to setup a waypoint "on-activation"-script for the task to liberate 3 villages. I want it to check when triggered if there is still enemy units in the trigger area. When there are none left its liberated : which means it should add +1 to liberated villages (3 villages in total). But my script doesnt seem to work. Please i need help. Happy New Year btw ! Screenshots : file:///C:/Users/taras/Downloads/script%20help/problem.PNG Condition : !((count (units group thisList) > 0) && {(side _x == east) || (side _x == resistance)} count (units group thisList) > 0) On activation : _taskName = "Liberate Villages"; _villageName = "Pavlokhov"; if (!(taskState [_taskName, _villageName])) then { taskSetState [_taskName, _villageName, true]; _liberatedVillages = 0; { if (taskState [_taskName, _x]) then { _liberatedVillages = _liberatedVillages + 1; }; } forEach ["Pavlokhov", "Novoshny", "Solnevny"]; hint format ["%1 Villages Liberated! Move on.", _liberatedVillages]; };
  3. Hey I want to make the C-RAM bullets explode if they fly past the target. I know how I'll do the Code but I don't know how to get the object that the C-RAM is currently shooting at. Any help is appreciated!
  4. I don't understand how the rotation works. Specifically I made Airburst Mortar rounds and want to increase the kill zone by rotating the claymores: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; nul = [_drone,_unit,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile,_vehicle] spawn { params ["_drone","_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; waitUntil { sleep 1; getPos _projectile select 2 > 50 }; while { alive _projectile } do { waitUntil { getPos _projectile select 2 < 30 }; for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { _tungsten_fragments = createVehicle ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo", [0,0,1000], [], 0]; _tungsten_fragments attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _random =round (random 10) / 10; _tungsten_fragments setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,_random], [0,0,_random]]; _tungsten_fragments setDamage 1; }; deleteVehicle _projectile; sleep 1; }; }; }]; I don't understand which numbers in the setVectorDirAndUp Array I need to change to rotate the claymores and what each number even does .
  5. So I want to make Cuise Missile that can be shot down. So far I've made the following code: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; _drone = "O_T_UAV_04_CAS_F" createVehicle (getPosATL _projectile); _drone attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _drone setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, ""]; createVehicleCrew _drone; nul = [_drone, _projectile] spawn { params ["_drone","_projectile"]; waitUntil {!alive _drone}; _bomb = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle getPos _projectile; _bomb setDamage 1; deleteVehicle _projectile; deleteVehicle _drone; }; }]; I works great (beside that the drones pylons stay visible, which I haven't found a fix for) and you can manually destroy the cruise missile with an autocannon. But you cant lock it for some reason. Even if you turn the engine on the spawned drone on you just get the rectangel but not the sound/diamond with dot in the middle. Anyone know why? (Code is copied from the MK 41 Init Field)
  6. So, I used the following code to add cruise misssles to aircraft: this addWeaponTurret ["weapon_VLS_01",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["magazine_Missiles_Cruise_01_x18",[-1]]; If the Code is added to like a rhino MGS or something it works fine, but if added to eg. the Gryphon when trying to lock on to the laser it just has the 4 corners around the laser but doesnt actually lock it.
  7. Arma 3 script / tool that removes objects that share the same coordinates (3 decimal precision) no matter the scale or height. Sometimes you have objects randomly scaled on the map and they share the same point which causes all sorts of issues, mainly bad FPS drops. "Run object diagnostics" from Terrain Builder usually *does the trick*, but does not detect objects that have different size (scale) or height (even couple of centimeters). This is where this tool shines, it ignores height and scale and only looks for exact same x,y location of dupe objects and eliminates all but one instance. Install/Use: 1. Create new folder P:\RealDuper 2. Export problematic layer from the TB to duper.txt and save it in the same folder 3. Run python realduper.py and file output.txt will be created with all the dupes that share the same coordinates x,y (up to 3 decimal precision) while completely ignoring scale and height of the object. WARNING/NOTE: Be careful not to stack any walls or other objects on top of each other, use different layer name for 2nd, 3rd "floor" of objects as that is recommended anyway when you need to fix something later on. 4. Clear/delete old layer (make backup of course first) and import output.txt in the same empty layer to have cleaned up stuff ready. 5. Enjoy optimised Arma3 project 😉 Download: https://github.com/IceBreakr-SBP/realduper Script was kindly made for Arma3 Community by Origin/Wolk from our SBP Team /salute IceBreakr
  8. For a small multiplayer mission I want the players to destroy 4 pumps via hold action. When its done there should be smoke emerging from the trigger which i moved into the pump. smoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle (getPos this); I tried this command in the "on activation" box but it doesn't work. I'm not big on scripting so if someone knows a way to overcome this issue i'd be thankful for answers.
  9. What is this? In simplest terms: A vehicle repair/refuel/rearm script. What makes this different is the procedural 'weight' of vehicles. Calculated on a variety of conditions, each vehicle type has specific hull, fuel, & ammo costs that will determine the length of service for each category. Some conditions include: Hull: Vehicle type, armor, whether its a repair or medical vehicle Fuel: Fuel capacity and if its a refuel vehicle Ammo: Count & importance of ammo, if its a rearm vehicle This means that a tank will take longer to repair than a truck, because the tank is armored. A plane will take longer to rearm than an MRAP because it has more & bigger ammo. Setup: 0: Object: The thing you want the repair action added to (repair depot) 1: Number (optional): speed modifier. (example: 2 will make the rearm twice as fast. 0.5 will make it half as fast. 0 will make it instant----if you wanna get rid of the whole reason script this is here) [0,1]call J_fnc_WVSS; Vehicle Weighting: To see what weights the script is giving a vehicle you can run the following code in the debug console in the editor: vehicle call J_fnc_getVehicleWeight; If you feel like a particular vehicle isn't being weighted properly you can set custom values with "J_WVSS_VehList" in the missionNamespace _list = [ // //[vehicle classname,[Hull Cost, Fuel Cost, Weapon Cost]] OR //[vehicle classname,total cost] ----------- in this syntax the 'total cost' will be divided by 3 to yield the separate costs // ["C_Offroad_01_comms_F",[5,5,0]], //Total cost auto-calculated as 10 ["C_Offroad_01_F",3]; //Total cost of 3, each Hull/Fuel/Weapon cost will return 1 ]; missionNamespace setVariable ["J_WVSS_VehList",_list]; Notes: - The vehicle's engine must be off for the service action to appear - Any service time longer than 10 seconds will prompt the player to continue - works for nested turrets & pylon weapons - Currently untested in MP - Currently untested with community addons - (I plan on testing with both, but unknown for now) I hope you all get some good use out of this! Please let me know any issues or questions you have! DOWNLOAD
  10. Okay so im currently building a mission which involves an oil rig. There are some things the players have to destroy which trigger some smoke. But everytime the action is complete the smoke is under the rig on the surface of the sea. I dont know what to do. I'm not outside the map and they are placed on a solid surface but still get forced onto the water.
  11. FYI: Yes, I have googled and researched a lot about the issue I am having. Arma Discord, Enfusion Discord, ChatGPT, Bard, Forums and so much more and it appears that the coverage about my issue is either very hard to find or there isn't much on it. What have I done so far? Reinstalled the server. Restarted multiple times. Changed scenarios multiple times. What issues was I having before? My previous issue was that my server couldn't be connected too, Arma Reforger Server application was not listening on the correct port, I am unaware at this current time whether this is an issue with my hosting company (OVH), as we did research that they were using a switch. (Yes, I have opened the ports fully through the windows firewall for UDP port 2001, 17777, 50000-65000, 5678; however, this did not seem to work, it's as if the application itself is refusing to listen on that port). I am unaware of whether this issue is fixed yet or not as we cannot even get the server to appear online. What issue am I having now? I am receiving A LOT of script errors (logs attached below), these errors are now appearing to stop the server from fully becoming online and causing the server to crash upon start-up. What type of environment am I working on? Windows Server 2019 OVH Bare Metal Cloud Dedicated Server (AMD Ryzen 9 5900X - 12c/24t - 3.7 GHz/4.8 GHz, 64 GB ECC 3200 MHz, 2×1.92 TB SSD NVMe (Soft RAID), 500mbps up/down public bandwidth, 100mbps up/down private bandwidth) No mods installed or in my configuration. Latest version on both client and server. StartArmaReforgerServer.bat file attached. https://pastebin.com/UA0CJULZ UpdateArmaReforgerServer.bat file attached. https://pastebin.com/v3Xw9BUB config.json file attached. https://pastebin.com/De6pEbMH console.log file attached (server). https://pastebin.com/VriF7APR error.log file attached (server). https://pastebin.com/KGv8VBkJ script.log file attached (server). https://pastebin.com/ix9Bq5zp Arma Reforger Server folder structure. https://imgur.com/a/3sFImFE Any and all help would be appreciated, I have been at this for straight hours over days now.
  12. So what I want to do is when a player walks into a trigger the window of the building breaks
  13. making my own server and looking for someone to create a mission cycle/ building a home base for a vietnam server i already have a map that i want to use for the server if anyone can do this please contact me on here or steam WalmartFleshlight need to see your steam account to see what you have created already and we can go from there or if you know someone who can do this please send them a message to contact me as well all other stuff will be discussed when in a call
  14. One more basic script for your PvP or TvT missions. 🙃 SD is an Arma 3 script that's a smart protection against damage for players, vehicles, and AI units when they are within pre-defined zones. The protected zones have automatic removal of wrecks and rolled-over vehicles, in addition to small automation relating to the protected zone's integrity. Super-Dome script works both at the server layer and on each player's machine, allowing the editor to turn resources ON and OFF. Creation concept: turn specific game zones into safe places for players, areas proof against their enemies and themselves. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Super-Dome-Script/blob/main/_SD_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from SD script: No dependencies from mods or other scripts; SD works with two layers: player protection is managed by client-side, meanwhile vehicles and AI units by server-side; NEW! No need to set variables on Eden or anywhere else; Set up to 10 protected zones easily with drag-and-drop Eden markers; Turn ON/OFF the protected zones to cover all vehicles and static-weapons (turrets) inside; Turn ON/OFF the protected zones to cover all AI units inside; Turn ON/OFF the protected zones to cover all players by side; NEW! Support to Eden Respawn Vehicle Module; Auto-removal for wrecks and rolled over vehicles in the zone; IMPROVED! Smart speed limit (to disable the protection and accept hard collisions) and wreck delete when inside the zone; IMPROVED! Debugging: friendly feedback messages; Debugging: automatic errors handling; IMPROVED! Full documentation available. Check the file above on GitHub. Dependencies: None. Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Super-Dome-Script From Steam Workshop (missions with no respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3068011817 From Steam Workshop (missions with respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3078633743 Missions running it: Tanks & Helicopters Light; - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Nov, 11th 2023, v1.5.1: changelog. Known issues: Bug > At dedicated-servers running maps with Eden Vehicle Respawn module working sometimes protected vehicles are not really protected. (WIP) Bug > when Eden Vehicle Respawn Module is working with lot of vehicles, Super-Dome nor that module works fine; Not support vehicle respawn: after the original vehicle blows up, the new copy won't be protected anymore; When a vehicle rolls over 2 or more times inside the protected zone, the anti-rollover system stops working properly (Hot fix soon).
  15. 🙂 PAC is a script for ARMA 3 that provides a full solution to control the map limits for players in multiplayer (Coop, PvP, TvT), preventing players from leaving the mission area. Creation concept: to be super easy to implement and customize, compatible with any mainstream mod, and functional for all types of servers: coop missions, PvP, and TvT. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script/blob/main/_PAC_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from PAC script: No dependencies from other mods or scripts; PAC functions are in server's side (run once), but the checking (looping) is on the client's side; Easy installation: the playable area is defined by one named trigger added on the Eden Editor; The editor has the option to allow or not air vehicles (including drones and parachuters) to be tolerated when outside the playable area and on air; The editor has the option to allow or not minimum speed restriction if there's air-tolerance out of the playable area; The editor has the option to allow or not to notify the player about rules if they break some; Full documentation available. Video demo (old): Check the file above on GitHub. Check this data frame. Dependencies: None 🙃 Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script From Steam Workshop (no respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835758829 From Steam Workshop (with respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835759780 Missions running it: All my missions - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Nov, 30th 2023, v1.7: changelog Known issues: None. Feel free to bring some.
  16. Sarogahtyps Simple Loot Spawner - SSLS V-1.2 Spawns weapons, items and bags in buildings near to alive players maybe inside a trigger area or marker area. Deletes stuff if players are not close enough anymore. The script doesnt care about any trigger preferences except the trigger area. Soft delayed item spawning to prevent performance impact. Script reads your missions config files and should spawn loot of your mods (e.g. CUP weapons, Etc.) as well DOWNLOAD V-1.2 DOWNLOAD V-1.1 Usage: initServer.sqf fnc_spawn_loot = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "SSLSv1-1.sqf"; _d = [] call fnc_spawn_loot; you are able to stop the loot spawning script at any time by SSLS_script_switch_off = true; If you set up high spawn chances (see top of script) and have a high player count on your server then I recommend to make trigger or marker areas for spawning to get the needed performance. But if you do not encounter performance issues then spawning loot everywhere near players should be okay. Tweakable features (can be found on top of the script): //***** EDIT BELOW TO ADJUST MAIN BEHAVIOR // (L) means lower values are better for performance - (H) means the opposite SSLS_script_switch_off = false; //if you want to stop spawning loot then set this to true at any time in your mission _trigger_array = []; // contains the names of triggers/markers in which area loot should spawn. _spawn_chance = 100; // (L) The chance to spawn loot inside of a specific house. _launcher_chance = 30; // chance to spawn a launcher as weapon instead of rifle, pistol or machine gun _item_chance = 70; // chance to spawn an item instead of a weapon _bag_chance = 50; // chance to spawn a backpack instead of an item _max_magazines = 7; // the maximum number of magazines spawned for a gun _max_magazines_launcher = 3; // maximum number of ammo to spawn for rocket launchers _max_magazines_gl = 5; // maximum number of ammo to spawn for grenade launchers _house_distance = 25; // (L) houses with that distance to players will spawn loot _player_exclude_distance = 15; //if 2 players or more are closer together than this then only 1 player is considered _exclude_loot = []; //classnames of items which should never spawn (blacklist) _exclusive_loot = []; //add classnames here and nothing else will be spawned (whitelist) _use_bohemia_classes = true; // for spawning bohemia created stuff set this to true _use_mod_classes = true; //// for spawning stuff from loaded mods set this to true _debug = false; //information about number of places where items were spawned or deleted // if you have performance issues then consider introducing spawning areas (_trigger_array) before changing following values! _spawn_interval = 1.5; // (H) desired runtime for the main loop. time which is not needed will be used for soft spawning or a break. //***** EDIT ABOVE TO ADJUST MAIN BEHAVIOR details: Changelog 1.1 (download) -fixed a major bug which showed an error message during spawning -added feature to enable/disable Mod/Bohemia classes spawning -huge performance optimizations (shorter arrays, better smooth spawning and other stuff) Changelog 1.0 (download) -added script
  17. I would really like to know how to develop a script/addon/texture/interface for a retina and fingerprint scanner. The idea is contextualized in the attached video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCvQxbfGHvw
  18. GF Set AISkill Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Set AISkill Script , Set your desired AI Skills settings. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Set AISkill Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf and in the Description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Copy in the descripion.ext : #include "Mission_Parameters.hpp" and add the Mission_Parameters.hpp in your mission files. Or copy , in your descripion.ext : class Params { class GF_Set_AISkill { title = "GF_Set_AISkill"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; default = 1; texts[] = {"Novice","Rookie","Recruit","Veteran","Expert","Random"}; }; }; Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40229 Armaholic download GF Set AISkill Script
  19. Hello everyone, I made a little script to simulate a missile POV while in flight for a cutscene. Basically i move an invisible target via keyframe animation to have a smooth trajectory, while a script creates the camera that follows the invisible target with a while cycle, and it works perfectly. Now, i would like to add a shakyness effect in the moments right after launch for more realism, however when i try to add the addCamShake command in the launch keyframe my custom camera doesn't shake at all. The player camera shakes just fine, so the command is working, but not on the camera i want it to. I think it has something to do with the addCamShake not taking the camera variable name, like other camera manipulation commands (camSetTarget, camSetPos etc.), however i'm also using the setCamUseTi command and it works fine. Is there any way to add shake to a custom camera? Thanks
  20. Hi there, you did a great job on the Mac port. I use it on an M1 MacBook Air. It's very smooth. I can't find the files and folders for my missions and scenarios I'm working on in the editor. Where are the folders? I can export the missions to the missions folder. But then of course I can't edit them anymore. Any ideas? The "show scenario folder" option in the editor doesn't do anything either. Therefore it's not possible to add scripts to the missions... hmmpff
  21. Arma 3 Linux server and mod updater (workshop) A python script that updates your server and mods. Just edit the variables in the "Configuration" region to your liking and run the script. :-) Features: Update Linux server binaries Download mods from the Steam Workshop Update mods from the Steam Workshop Converts all mod files and folders to lowercase Creates symbolic links with human readable names (e.g. 620260972 becomes @alive) Non-features (for now): Setting up the basic dedicated server Manage keys Requirements: Python 3 steamcmd Steam account with an Arma 3 license (only required for downloading mods from the workshop) License: MIT Download: Arma 3 Linux server and mod updater (workshop)
  22. Hi everyone, I am trying to make a script that makes a helicopter with a squad arrive to disembark and defend the area. Everything works except that the helicopter is not going away, it stays where it landed!!! The scripts uses other custom functions which names are pretty straightforward, so I guess you'll be able to help anyways. It automatically defines side, faction, helicopter type, infantry, what I am struggling with are the waypoints. Everything looks correct to me. Thanks in advance. FWK_fnc_enemyQrfAir: //Helicopter QRF of _side from random far start position to _destination params["_destination"]; //Spawning transport _startPos = [_destination, 3000, 5000] call FWK_fnc_getRandomAOLocation; _landingPos = [_destination, 25, 75] call FWK_fnc_getRandomAOLocation; _heloType = selectRandom FWK_EnemyHeloArray; _helipad = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _landingPos; _spawnHelo = [_startPos, random 360, _heloType, FWK_EnemySide] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _heloObj = _spawnHelo select 0; _heloGrp = _spawnHelo select 2; //Spawning units in transport based on free seats _cargoSize = _heloObj emptyPositions "cargo"; _groupUnitsArray = + FWK_EnemyInfantryArray; _groupUnitsArray resize _cargoSize; _qrfGrp = [_startPos, FWK_EnemySide, _groupUnitsArray] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { _x moveInCargo _heloObj } forEach units _qrfGrp; //Helo waypoint and unload _landWp = group _heloObj addWaypoint [_helipad, 0]; _landWp setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _landWp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _landWp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _landWp setWaypointStatements["true", "(vehicle this) land 'GET OUT';"]; //Go away waypoint for helo _awayWp = _heloGrp addWaypoint [[0,0,0], 0]; _awayWp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _awayWp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _awayWp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _awayWp setWaypointStatements["true", "[vehicle this] spawn FWK_fnc_deleteVehicle;"]; _heloGrp setCurrentWaypoint _landWp; //Waiting for all troops to disembark waitUntil { {_x in _heloObj} count (units _qrfGrp) == 0; }; hint "sbloccato"; _heloGrp setCurrentWaypoint _awayWp; //Defend waypoint for QRF _defendWp = _qrfGrp addWaypoint [_destination, 20]; _defendWp setWaypointType "SENTRY"; _defendWp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _defendWp setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _defendWp setWaypointStatements["true", ""]; _qrfGrp setCurrentWaypoint _defendWp;
  23. My script for ORBAT is right, the unit symbols appear on the map, but when I click on them it only shows the highest unit and does not show the command branch. How do I solve this? Is it a Arma bug? Error that shows in the bottom left corner of the screen, inside ORBAT: My description.ext: The "text" names may be strange, but that's because I use Arma in another language.
  24. I have a problem when I try to place an "ORBAT" on my map. However, I've already tried several things and nothing worked, what could it be? (My EXT document): class CfgORBAT { class 2ndDivision { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Baller"; commanderRank = "Major"; text = "%1 %2 %3"; textShort = "%1 %3"; color[] = {0,0,1,1}; assets[] = {"B_officer_F, 1"}; } class 1stSquad { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Squad"; type = "Infantry"; commander = "Caos"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "%1 %2 %3"; textShort = "%1 %3"; color[] = {0,0,1,1}; assets[] = {"B_officer_F, 1"}; }; }; }; ------------------------------------------------- (My ORBAT GROUP looked like this): CfgORBAT Path: [missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "2ndDivision" >> "1stSquad"] call BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams; CfgORBAT Ceiling: [missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "2ndDivision"] call BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams; (First error:): '...) then {_tiers = -1;}; _class =, _class [*]param [0, configfile, [configfile]]; _stop...' Error type Strings, waiting Config entry File A3\modules_f\StrategicMap\Functions\fn_moduleStrategicMapORBAT.sqf..., line 16. ---------------------- (Second error, bottom left): [BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams] class not found.
  25. GF Object Spawner Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Object Spawner Script - Mod , a simple object spawner. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Object Spawner Script - Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ BI Forum Ravage Club Owner : https://forums.bohemia.net/clubs/73-bi-forum-ravage-club/ Notes: GF Object Spawner Script - Mod , a simple object spawner. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players , to prevent the spawn. The objects will spawn also , at the spawned or placed in editor Buildings. 3 presets included ,vehicles , wrecks and structures. There is also , an autodetection mods script , for the classnames , instead of lists. There is an option for the spawned vehicles , to add the Ravage addactions. There is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&amp;q=40415 Armaholic GF Object Spawner Script - Mod