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Found 657 results

  1. L_ambiDrive by LAxemann (Formerly L_Civs. For AI Civilian population, check out L_ambiCivs) A lightweight script suite that allows multiplayer-compatible civil traffic. Civilians will drive around on the map and de-spawn again if the closest player exceeds a specified distance. Features blacklisting areas and players. The script runs COMPLETELY SERVER-SIDE. Quick Start 1. Drop the "L_ambiDrive" folder as well as the "initServer.sqf" into your mission folder. That's it. 1.1 If you already got an initServer.sqf, paste the following anywhere into the file: #include "L_ambiDrive\init.sqf" Quick configuration 1. Navigate into the L_ambiDrive folder within your mission folder. You may want to look into three files: "config.sqf","classes.sqf" and "blacklists.sqf" 2. Config.sqf: Basic settings like spawn distance and speed limits. (Tip: Lower the city speed limit if the map features sharp turns within cities) 3. Classes.sqf: Vehicle and civilian classes that will be spawned. 4. Blacklist.sqf: Blacklisting areas vehicles shouldn't spawn in and players that should be ignored by the script. !! All parameters can be changed on the fly during a mission !! Requirements CBA_A3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=german&id=450814997 Known issues - ArmA will be ArmA. Vehicles might crash into each other and/or the terrain. The script detects stuck vehicles but can only do so much to un-stuck them. License You are free to modify the script to your liking within your mission, but please mention the modification. Uploading a modification of the script as a "standalone" version is not permitted. Download: https://github.com/LAxemann/L_ambiDrive (1.05)
  2. a simple script to change faction allegiance retaining their waypoints here it changes AAF to fight for opfor faction if you want them to fight the LDF INDG = allgroups select {faction leader _x == "IND_F"}; { _groupold = _x; _groupnew = createGroup east; (units _groupold) join _groupnew; _groupnew copyWaypoints _groupold; } foreach INDG; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* null = [] execVM "INDtoOPFOR.sqf"; */; drones work fine, helicopter behaviour issues - transports don't unload troops as per waypoint
  3. I need either a script or in trigger action that will kill AI units that leave the area. I want to also separate the types, example: I have an inner radius lets say 250 by 250 that AI infantry units must stay in. If they leave this area then they will die. Then I have an outer radius, 500 by 500, that allows AI Land vehicles to operate through, they are also allowed in the inner radius but if they leave the outer radius then they will be destroyed. The land vehicles include all land vehicles, not just tracked and tanks. I have thought of using multiple triggers to compare what is in the larger circle which is not in the smaller circle at which the trigger will kill the AI that is not within both triggers but I am not sure how to do that or if there is an easier way.
  4. I need a easier way to spawn random units instead of individually pulling all classes from the in game editor and pasting it while adding quotations and commas like this: ["B_mas_med_Army_ENG_F", "B_mas_med_Army_EXP_F", "B_mas_med_Army_GL_F",]. I want to use a script that when called it will pull a random unit from a given side of a given type (infantry, land, air) and spawn them in a group. The group will be filled with random units. I also want it to pull units from mods that I download. I dont want to have to keep updating the script every time I download another unit mod. The mod MMC sandbox has no problem in doing this but I dont know how they did it.
  5. I'm interested in writing a script that would allow a trader/s, for example Black Market Trader to be the only available sell point for certain items. Excluding or blacklisting the selected traders from being able to sell a (item_x) for a player if not listed. Ive searched online for all the information i could but nothing really defines this function/script I'm trying to create plus being a noob doesn't help either, lol. If someone out there has the knowledge on how i would go about this could you please help me out. As of now i have a Black Market Trader and Farming on my server but the items from farming i would like them only to be sold at the Black Market Trader. As of now your able to sell them at all traders, how can i fix this or can someone direct me into the right path to writing a script for this to add into the server to prevent those items from being sold at the other available traders UNLESS its a Black Market. How would i go about getting this added? List of items ``` "DDR_Item_Mushrooms", "DDR_Item_Drugs_Weed", "DDR_Item_Silver_Ore", "DDR_Item_Gold_Ore", "DDR_Item_Crystal_Purple", "DDR_Item_Crystal_Green" ```
  6. Working with Altis life 5.0.0 I have a marker being created and working as intended but the Text does not show up. I am wondering how to set the text color also. The Text was fine until i changed the marker color. Heres the original that works - i want a red ellipse as i would like it to be a Kill On Sight zone - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; }; I adapted it to this and it shows the ellipse but no text - if(_Create_Markers) then { _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [625,625]; Thank you Tried this - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "STR_Airdrop_Items"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; AND _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "AIRDROP"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; Did not work I went back to the original and only changed the marker shape to an ELLIPSE - this seems to be the problem of the text disappearing - _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [600,600];
  7. The latest version of the Simple Radar Warning System, Functions, Vehicle init (for automatic system arm), Player manual system switch, Configurable function call, Fly safely and... Have fun! File Download (Drive) *Original Post*
  8. Hey all, I am trying to find a way to restrain the movement of the mouse. The aim is to restrain the movement of the weapon to lie inside the aiming deadzone so that the player won't be able to steer the unit with the mouse. So far I have used vectorDir, weaponDirection and some vector manipulation commands in order to find what the angle between the facing-direction of the unit is and the direction the weapon is facing. Seems to work OK (unless I am missing something), but regardless of the functionality of this part of the script I can't find any way to restrain the mouse movement. If you have any idea (or a source to point me to) please let me know. Thanks in advance, Achilles.
  9. Greetings to all. I usually use this script to spawn (on trigger position) hunters to hunt the players (on foot) in my multiplayer mission (dedi) and its works perfect. But updating the mission and adding vehicles for the players I realized that when a player is inside a vehicle and activates the trigger and then gets off the vehicle and continues on foot, the hunters reach the position of the abandoned vehicle and stop there, do not continue chasing the player on foot. Any help or advice is welcome. Thank You! Trigger size: 390 x 390 Activation: Any Player ActType: Present Server Only: yes Cond: this OnAct: null = [thistrigger,thislist] execvm "4hunters.sqf"; 4hunters.sqf _PosTrigger = _this select 0; _objetives = _this select 1; _objetive = _objetives select 0; if (isserver) then { private ["_hunters", "_leaderhunters"]; _CountEnemies = {alive _x && side _x == independent} count allUnits; //Spawn hunters if less than 100 enemies on the map if (_CountEnemies < 100) then { _SpawnPos = position _PosTrigger ; _hunters = createGroup independent; _hunters = [_SpawnPos, independent, ["I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F"],[],[],[],[],[],260] call BIS_fnc_SpawnGroup; //Move to player position _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; _leaderhunters move (position _objetive); _hunters setCombatMode "RED"; _hunters setBehaviour "AWARE"; _hunters allowFleeing 0; 0 = [_hunters,_objetive] spawn { while {true} do { params ["_hunters","_objetive"]; sleep 3; //If the player who activates the trigger moves more than 400 meters away, the hunters are deleted if ((_objetive distance (leader _hunters)) > 400) exitWith { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _hunters; }; }; }; //When the hunters reach the position where the trigger is activated (and the player is not there) wait 3 sec and update the player's new position. while {true} do { // _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; if ((unitReady _leaderhunters) && {(alive _leaderhunters)}) then { sleep 3; if (({ alive _x} count (units _hunters)) != 0) then { _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; _leaderhunters move (position _objetive); _hunters setCombatMode "RED"; _hunters setBehaviour "AWARE"; _hunters allowFleeing 0;};};}; }; };
  10. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 I am trying to lock multiple doors - e.g. in the Police station building - this building has 15 doors. I would like only the Police to be able to open and close them. I have got this working in the init of the building, but it only works on one door - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", 1, false];} I am unsure what the format is to add the rest of the doors, I have tried the following with no success - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", && "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", && "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot" || "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2" || "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} Thank you
  11. FuRixX Lamborghini

    Code question

    Any one can help my with this code that is a name filtering. script example: _letrasFuRixX = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","ñ","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","Ñ","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]; jugadorFu = name player; { checkeoFuRixX = [_x, jugadorFu, false] call BIS_fnc_inString; if (!checkeoFuRixX) exitWith { sleep 2; hint "You name is not valid in this server"; endMission "END1"; }; } count _letrasFuRixX; The problem is that I need to sparete the name player letter to letter like a string or anything: ["P","e","t","e","r"];
  12. Have you ever felt like AI is too accurate? With this script, you can confirm your feelings. This script was developed to test if suppression was working on AI. This script uses ACE3 to display some status messages and copy it to the clipboard. You can remove the status messages and use the Arma 3 copyToClipboard function to achieve a vanilla variant. In the following configuration rhs units are used. This can be changed to vanilla units. The first 6 lines defines some settings you can change. distances: distances are all distances that should be tested suppressions: suppression are all suppression levels that should be checked shooterclass,targetclass: The classes used as shooter and target magazine: magazines are refilled to keep AI shooting at full speed shotsuntil: shoots for each round. The result are copied in an Excel format into you clipboard. (Testet with Google Sheets) This should be used in a VR-Map. The units are spawned near 0,0. distances = [50]; suppressions = [0]; shooterclass = "rhs_msv_emr_rifleman"; targetclass = "B_Survivor_F"; magazine = "rhs_30Rnd_545x39_7N10_AK"; shotsuntil = 300; fnc_startRound = { params["_distance"]; shot = 0; hit = 0; _grp = createGroup east; shooter = _grp createUnit [shooterclass, [0,0,0], [], 0, "FORM"]; _grp = createGroup west; target = _grp createUnit [targetclass, [_distance,0,0], [], 0, "FORM"]; shooter addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"]; shot = shot + 1; }]; target removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; target addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; 0; }]; shooter removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; shooter addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; 0; }]; target addEventHandler ["Hit", { params ["_unit", "_source", "_damage", "_instigator"]; hit = hit +1; }]; shooter disableAI "PATH"; target disableAI "PATH"; shooter reveal target; target reveal shooter; }; fnc_saveToClipboard = { "ace_clipboard" callExtension _this; "ace_clipboard" callExtension "--COMPLETE--"; }; fnc_saveResults = { tab = toString [9]; output = ""; { { output = [output, (_x # 0) , tab , (_x # 1) , tab , (_x # 2) , tab , (_x # 3) , endl] joinString ""; } forEach _x; } forEach results; output call fnc_saveToClipboard; }; fnc_init = { call fnc_reset; ["Accuracy", {if (shot==0) exitwith{0}; (hit/shot);}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; ["Suppression auf shooter", {getSuppression shooter}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; ["shot", {}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; ["hit", {}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; ["distancebetween", {}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; ["suppression", {}, [false]] call ace_common_fnc_watchVariable; }; fnc_reset = { shot = 0; hit = 0; results=[]; }; fnc_start = { { distancebetween = _x; resultForDistance = []; { suppression = _x; [distancebetween] call fnc_startRound; waitUntil {shooter setSuppression suppression; shooter addMagazine magazine; uiSleep 0.3; (shot>=shotsuntil);}; resultForDistance pushBack [distancebetween, suppression, hit, shot]; deleteVehicle target; deleteVehicle shooter; uiSleep 1; } forEach suppressions; results pushBack resultForDistance; } forEach distances; call fnc_saveResults; systemChat "Finished"; }; call fnc_init; run = [] spawn fnc_start;
  13. Test Lab Workshop for ARMA III, ver. BETA 0001 (2019) This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Drive Link Download: Test Lab New Live readMe file This download includes mission editor files. When my mission folder began to overflow with script test scenarios and VR compositions, I decided to create a master workshop file to use in the future. I considered what features should be built in. Hopefully this tool will be helpful for you, too. INSTALLATION Install the folder 0_testLAB.VR to your ArmA 3 mission folder (usually in Documents). Examples included: Images: Video: THANKS to everybody at: Bohemia Forums Check out our Patreon page Ascina Illustration & Design Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)
  14. I dug up some old script for a new mission and I'm having trouble finding where it's gone wrong. I have 2 laptops placed that are interact-able. One of them is a Vehicle Spawner and the other is a Heli Spawner. You scroll for whatever vehicle you want and hold middle mouse and it spawns the vehicle in the designated spawn zone. The problem is that on the Vehicle Spawner I can't spawn anything pass a MK19 CROWS Humvee. This also occurs on the Heli Spawner but for the UH60M. I've tried removing them from the option to spawn however that doesn't fix the problem. The game will still spawn them despite not being in the code. I have double checked the class names of all the vehicles already. I've posted the script below for both vehicle and heli spawner and their respective laptops with script. If anyone can help me figure out where I went wrong so I can prevent this it would be appreciated. Note: The Humvees come from Vurtuals Humvee mod, the MRAPs and APCs come from RHS. All Helis come from RHS. I made a single block of code for one vehicle and then copy/paste it and filled in the blanks for each different vehicle. VSscript.sqf ////////////////////////////////////////// //// BRIEF //// Created by T. Hammer //// 09/09/2018 ////////////////////////////////////////// waitUntil {!isNull player}; _vehicle = _this select 0; ////// INFO // This switch script spawns the selected vehicles on a designated location // The vehicles will be listed below in the correct order: ////// // HMMWV UNARMED // HMMWV MEDEVAC // HMMWV M2 // HMMWV M2 CROWS // HMMWV MK19 // HMMWV MK19 CROWS // HMMWV TOW // M1230 M2 // M1230 MK19 // M1230A1 MEDEVAC // M1238A1 ASV // M1238A1 ASV M2 CROWS // M1238A1 ASV MK19 CROWS // M1239 AUV // M1239 AUV M2 CROWS // M1239 AUV MK19 CROWS // M1239 AUV Deploy M2 CROWS // M1239 AUV Deploy MK19 CROWS // M1126 M2 STRYKER ////// ////////////// ////// switch (_vehicle) do { case 1: //HMMWV UNARMED { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m1151" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 2: //HMMWV MEDEVAC { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m997" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 3: //HMMWV M2 { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m1151_m2" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 4: //HMMWV M2 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m1151_crows_m2" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 5: //HMMWV MK19 { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m1151_mk19" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 6: //HMMWV MK19 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m1151_crows_mk19" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 7: //HMMWV TOW { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "vurtual_m1167_tow" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 8: //M1230 M2 { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 9: //M1230 MK19 { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1230_MK19_usarmy_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 10: //M1230A1 MEDEVAC { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1230a1_usarmy_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 11: //M1238A1 ASV { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1238A1_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 12: //M1238A1 ASV M2 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1238A1_M2_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 13: //M1238A1 ASV MK19 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1238A1_MK19_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 14: //M1238A1 AUV { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1239_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 15: //M1238A1 AUV M2 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1239_M2_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 16: //M1238A1 AUV MK19 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1239_MK19_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 17: //M1238A1 AUV Deploy M2 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1239_M2_Deploy_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 18: //M1238A1 AUV Deploy Mk19 CROWS { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_M1239_MK19_Deploy_socom_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; case 19: //M1126 M2 STRYKER { hint "VS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector1, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "VS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "rhsusf_stryker_m1126_m2_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn1"; _vehiclespawn setdir 45; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehiclespawn; }; default {hint "VS System: Issue with Loadout"}; }; Laptop 1 script [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV UNARMED","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV MEDEVAC","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [2, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV M2","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [3, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV M2 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [4, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV MK19","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [5, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV MK19 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: HMMWV TOW","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1230 M2","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1230 MK19","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1230A1 MEDEVAC","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1238A1 ASV","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1238A1 ASV M2 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1238A1 ASV MK19 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1239 AUV","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1239 AUV M2 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1239 AUV MK19 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1239 AUV Deploy M2 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1239 AUV Deploy MK19 CROWS","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop1,"VS Vehicle: M1126 M2 STRYKER","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\car_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "VS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "VS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [6, Player] execVM "Scripts\VSscript.sqf";},{hint "VS Status: Interrupted"},[],5,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; HSscript.sqf ////////////////////////////////////////// //// BRIEF //// Created by T. Hammer //// 09/09/2018 ////////////////////////////////////////// waitUntil {!isNull player}; _vehicle = _this select 0; ////// INFO // This switch script spawns the selected airframes on a designated location // The vehicles will be listed below in the correct order: ////// // UH-60M // UH-60 MEDEVAC // MH-47E // AH-64D Apache // AH-6M Little Bird // MH-6M Little Bird // OH-6M Little Bird ////// ////////////// switch (_vehicle) do { case 1: //UH-60M { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "RHS_UH60M_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 0; }; case 2: //UH-60 MEDEVAC { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "RHS_UH60M_MEV2" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 0; _vehiclespawn setVariable ["ace_medical_medicClass", 1]; //MEDICAL _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_elasticBandage", 50]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing", 50]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_quikclot", 50]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_packingBandage", 50]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine", 30]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine", 30]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bodyBag", 10]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250", 10]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_salineIV_250", 10]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_tourniquet", 30]; _vehicle addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_surgicalKit", 2]; }; case 3: //MH-47E { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "kyo_MH47E_HC" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 90; }; case 4: //AH-64D Apache { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "RHS_AH64D" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 90; }; case 5: //AH-6M Little Bird { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "RHS_MELB_AH6M" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 90; }; case 6: //MH-6M Little Bird { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "RHS_MELB_MH6M" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 90; }; case 7: //OH-6M Little Bird { hint "HS system: Processing"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [spawn_protector2, ["all"], 7]; sleep 1; hint "HS system: Vehicle Spawned"; _vehiclespawn = "RHS_MELB_H6M" createVehicle getMarkerPos "vehicle_spawn2"; _vehiclespawn setdir 90; }; default {hint "RS System: Issue with Loadout"}; }; Laptop 2 script [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: UH-60M","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: UH-60M MEDEVAC","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: MH-47E","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: AH-64D Apache","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: AH-6M Little Bird","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: MH-6M Little Bird","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; [Vehicle_Laptop2,"HS Vehicle: OH-6M Little Bird","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\heli_ca.paa","\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\use_ca.paa","true","true",{hint "HS Status: Loading..."},{},{hint "HS Status: Complete";_vehicle = [1, Player] execVM "Scripts\HSscript.sqf";},{hint "HS Status: Interrupted"},[],3,nil,false,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; Sorry if this is poorly formatted this is my first forum post. Any help and recommendations greatly appreciated. You are free to use these scripts as well if you like as they have worked well in the past. Thank you :)!
  15. Hi guys: With this script I have managed to form a convoy of 6 vehicles. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // CONVOY // _markerstr = createMarker ["convoy_1",[4480.02,14026.1]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "convoy_1"; _convoy_1 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F"],[],[],[],[],[],60] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x forceSpeed 4; _x forceFollowRoad true; _x setConvoySeparation 10; _x setDriveOnPath [getMarkerPos "wp2", getMarkerPos "wp3"]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "GREEN"} forEach units _convoy_1; _leader = leader _convoy_1; [_leader,"convoy_1"] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName",0,true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["convoy_1", _leader, true]; _wp1 = _convoy_1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_1A", 1]; _wp1 setWaypointTimeout [12, 12, 12]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _convoy_1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_2", 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _convoy_1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_3", 3]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 2; _markerstr = createMarker ["convoy_2",[4465.62,14018.3]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "convoy_2"; _convoy_2 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F"],[],[],[],[],[],60] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x forceSpeed 4; _x forceFollowRoad true; _x setConvoySeparation 10; _x setDriveOnPath [getMarkerPos "wp2", getMarkerPos "wp3"]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "GREEN"} forEach units _convoy_2; _leader = leader _convoy_2; [_leader,"convoy_2"] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName",0,true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["convoy_2", _leader, true]; _wp1 = _convoy_2 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_1B", 1]; _wp1 setWaypointTimeout [14, 14, 14]; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _convoy_2 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_2", 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _convoy_2 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_3", 3]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 2; _markerstr = createMarker ["convoy_3",[4453.86,14011.6]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "convoy_3"; _convoy_3 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F"],[],[],[],[],[],60] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x forceSpeed 4; _x forceFollowRoad true; _x setConvoySeparation 10; _x setDriveOnPath [getMarkerPos "wp2", getMarkerPos "wp3"]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "GREEN"} forEach units _convoy_3; _leader = leader _convoy_3; [_leader,"convoy_3"] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName",0,true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["convoy_3", _leader, true]; _wp1 = _convoy_3 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_1C", 1]; _wp1 setWaypointTimeout [16, 16, 16]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _convoy_3 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_2", 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _convoy_3 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_3", 3]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 2; _markerstr = createMarker ["convoy_4",[4441.19,14004.9]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "convoy_4"; _convoy_4 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F"],[],[],[],[],[],60] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x forceSpeed 4; _x forceFollowRoad true; _x setConvoySeparation 10; _x setDriveOnPath [getMarkerPos "wp2", getMarkerPos "wp3"]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "GREEN"} forEach units _convoy_4; _leader = leader _convoy_4; [_leader,"convoy_4"] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName",0,true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["convoy_4", _leader, true]; _wp1 = _convoy_4 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_1D", 1]; _wp1 setWaypointTimeout [21, 21, 21]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _convoy_4 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_2", 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _convoy_4 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_3", 3]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 2; _markerstr = createMarker ["convoy_5",[4428.7,13998.4]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "convoy_5"; _convoy_5 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F"],[],[],[],[],[],60] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x forceSpeed 4; _x forceFollowRoad true; _x setConvoySeparation 10; _x setDriveOnPath [getMarkerPos "wp2", getMarkerPos "wp3"]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "GREEN"} forEach units _convoy_5; _leader = leader _convoy_5; [_leader,"convoy_5"] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName",0,true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["convoy_5", _leader, true]; _wp1 = _convoy_5 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_1E", 1]; _wp1 setWaypointTimeout [24 , 24, 24]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _convoy_5 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_2", 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _convoy_5 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_3", 3]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; sleep 2; _markerstr = createMarker ["convoy_6",[4418.13,13992.8]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "convoy_6"; _convoy_6 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F"],[],[],[],[],[],60] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x forceSpeed 4; _x forceFollowRoad true; _x setConvoySeparation 10; _x setDriveOnPath [getMarkerPos "wp2", getMarkerPos "wp3"]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "GREEN"} forEach units _convoy_6; _leader = leader _convoy_6; [_leader,"convoy_6"] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName",0,true]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["convoy_6", _leader, true]; _wp1 = _convoy_6 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_1F", 1]; _wp1 setWaypointTimeout [32, 32, 32]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _convoy_6 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_2", 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _convoy_6 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp_3", 3]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; private _myArray = ["_convoy_1", "_convoy_2", "_convoy_3", "_convoy_4", "_convoy_5", "_convoy_6"]; private _myNewArray = _myArray; _myArray set [1, "_convoy_6"]; _myNewArray select 1; Units 1 and 6: armored vehicles. units 2, 3, 4 and 5: ammunition trucks. The convoy is approximately 150 meters long. The script works perfectly. Although it could be debugged using a WP block for all vehicles and reduce the length of the convoy, shortening the distance between vehicles. I have used "forceSpeed" because limitSpeed "does not respond. I pass a link with the image of the convoy underway and another with the demo mission. LINK: PHOTO CONVOY IN TRAINING https://drive.google.com/open?id=1P4Sb3s6H_tMFQismtDGaIzW0IW7BQ7CY LINK: DEMO MISSION (RAR FILE) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tD3ckxt-7Ekj8PuopLD-qSN9uabmzjwW Clarification: I have made several convoys in the editor, placing the vehicles on the map. But generating the units by script no. I am sure it can be improved. Thanks.
  16. If a custom GUI is opened when player is driver of an air vehicle with engine on, the vehicle behaves as though the landing auto-pilot (or some other phantom) has taken control. After researching the issue for some time now I have found exactly zero information about it. It's not too bad while flying but it's game breaking on the ground. I tried using, playerJET action ["cancelLand", playerJET]; each time the menu opens but that's doesn't seem to do much or anything. There was a forum topic I can't find again where GOM suggested the above as a EachFrame EH but that seems heavy for a function that should just completely go away. Where does this controller exist and how can it be modified? Help me exorcise this phantom pilot! Testing... Test module: drive link
  17. I want to get into making SP Campaigns but I'm pretty incompetent when it comes to scripting. I'm looking for a project with people who are willing to teach me the basics so I can get some experience.
  18. Plant and harvest your health plants. Due to request of script author . Link was removed.
  19. this script relieves all playable units, saves them to a variable and sorts by faction (cfgfactionclass >>displayName). my question is about navigating configfiles, most notably navigating and filtering configs. example say you want to filter out all of the unwanted "man" units like "range master", and "survivor" est. is there a more logical approach to this instead of saying is _unit in [array]? also saving units to variables to be used later. my approach looks weird anybody with the knowhow to guide me in the right direction _cfg = "getnumber( _x >> 'scope' ) isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configFile >> "Cfgvehicles"); for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfg)-1) do { if (isClass ((_cfg select _i) )) then { _cfgNam = configName (_cfg select _i); _getside = getnumber (configfile >> "Cfgvehicles" >> _cfgNam>> "side"); _getfaction = gettext (configfile >> "Cfgvehicles" >> _cfgNam >> "faction"); _getfac = gettext (configfile >> "cfgfactionclasses" >> _getfaction>> "displayName"); _getSolClas = gettext (configfile >> "Cfgvehicles" >> _cfgNam>> "displayName"); _getvehcat = gettext (configfile >> "Cfgvehicles" >> _cfgNam>> "editorSubcategory"); hint str _getvehcat; if !(_getSolClas in ["Crewman","Officer","Competitor","Pilot","Helicopter Crew","UAV Operator","Survivor","Rifleman (Unarmed)","Assault Diver","Diver Team Leader","Diver Explosive Specialist"]) then { switch _getvehcat do { case ("EdSubcat_Personnel"): {call compile format["missionNamespace setvariable ['man_%1', (missionNamespace getVariable ['man_%1',[]]) + [_cfgNam]];", toupper _getfac];}; case ("EdSubcat_Cars"): {call compile format["missionNamespace setvariable ['car_%1', (missionNamespace getVariable ['car_%1',[]]) + [_cfgNam]];", toupper _getfac];}; case ("EdSubcat_APCs"): {call compile format["missionNamespace setvariable ['apc_%1', (missionNamespace getVariable ['apc_%1',[]]) + [_cfgNam]];", toupper _getfac];}; case ("EdSubcat_Tanks"): {call compile format["missionNamespace setvariable ['tank_%1', (missionNamespace getVariable ['tank_%1',[]]) + [_cfgNam]];", toupper _getfac];};}; }; };}; missionNamespace getVariable "man_NATO";
  20. Yes I know this post has been made before and there’s countless different ways to resolve this but I’m attempting using a largely different formula with no variable names. Without using a script or external file I’ve created signs with a init to spawn aircraft on to a trigger using the code [this, “Deploy A-10A”, ”\A3\Air_F_Jets\Plane_Fighter_01\Data\UI\Fighter01_icon_ca.paa”, “\A3\Air_F_Jets\Plane_Fighter_01\Data\UI\Fighter01_icon_ca.paa”, ”player distance _target < 6”, ”player distance _target < 6”, { }, { }, {createVehicle [“rhs_a10”, getPos aircraftpad, [ ], 0, “NONE”] setDir 270}, { }, [[0,0,0]], 3, 0, false, false ] remoteExec [“BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd”, 0, this]; the code here works works beautifully and creates the vehicle desired and is copied and pasted on to different signs with different vehicles inserted instead and scrolling on the sign prompts a option to spawn the vehicle on the trigger after holding space for 3 seconds now I’m trying to make a sign that uses the same code above but in the command to run clears the objects inside of it being anything currently blocking the pad preventing a new vehicle to be spawned on the trigger. I’ve tried almost everything but when it does let me save it in Arma with no errors it doesn’t work or the code provided no longer works for example I’ve done. [this, “Clear Pad”, ” “, ” “, ”player distance _target < 6”, ”player distance _target < 6”, { }, { }, {{deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [[aircraftpad], ["all"], 5]}, { }, [[0,0,0]], 3, 0, false, false ] remoteExec [“BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd”, 0, this]; This ended up not removing the vehicle from the pad, I’ve been working on this with google for the past two days so figured I’d ask you brilliant people.
  21. Hello: With this small script, activated by trigger, a helicopter with its crew must appear on the ground, on a certain 3D position. When the script is activated, the helicopter itself is generated, but static and at a certain height, not perched on the ground. If the code indicates that the height must be 0 (_height = 0;), why does not it work? What am I doing wrong? Please, can you help me? Thank you. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _markerstr = createMarker ["MI8_C1", [9908.08,19424.5]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _height = 0; _pos = getMarkerPos "MI8_C1"; _MI8_C1 = [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _height], EAST, ["CUP_O_Mi8_RU"],[],[],[],[],[],270] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  22. Hey all, I have a question I haven't managed to find a solution for... Is there a way to get the aiming deadzone somehow via script? If not, do any of you guys have any idea how I could "approximate" it, or an alternative way to get the "offset" which the gun has relative to the unit's (mostly interested in players, not AI though) looking direction (the "hard thing for me here is to exclude a unit's looking direction). Thanks in advance.
  23. I use this to add an IFF light to units, IRLight= "NVG_TargetC" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _unit removeMagazine "B_IR_Grenade"; IRLight attachTo [_unit, [0,-0.03,0.07], "LeftShoulder"]; Which is great because removeMagazine deletes the IR light object (the grenade) but not the light effect. I also use, light = "Land_PortableLight_single_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; light attachTo [cockpit, [0,2,-1.35], "vez"]; To create a cabin light for vehicles. This is a hilarious solution though because it's like duct-taping a construction lamp to the vehicle. How can I delete the world model for the lamp but leave the light source, like removeMagazine does for the IR grenade? note: I know how to make lots of different kinds of lights but only lights attached to models seem to be able to keep up with attachTo on a vehicle (especially a jet). This is the whole block, cockpit = playerJET; CPlight = "Land_PortableLight_single_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; CPlight attachTo [cockpit, [0,2,-1.35], "vez"]; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { CPlight setVectorDirAndUp [ (cockpit selectionPosition "pohon") vectorFromTo (cockpit selectionPosition "vez"),[0,0,0] ];
  24. The script I'm working on calls for random sqf selection. I found this, here, and I want to make sure I understand the function. Please advise if my comments to the script are correct. _script = [1,3] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; //defines a range for cases, actually says 1-3 or 1, 2, 3. Selects one randomly. switch (_script) do { // -- I think it says if "_script" is defined, do case 1 : { [] execVM "1.sqf"; }; //put script names here case 2 : { [] execVM "2.sqf"; }; case 3 : { [] execVM "3.sqf"; }; }; SwitchDo So I could, EMERGENCY = [1,3] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; switch (EMERGENCY) do { case 1 : { [] execVM "searchZONE.sqf"; }; case 2: { [] execVM "searchZONE2.sqf"; }; case 3 : { [] execVM "noEMERG.sqf"; }; }; Can I increase the probability of a script by using it for multiple cases? Or would I use something like selectRandomWeighted?
  25. I want to make a ring course to fly through. The ring course will be defined by several markers (ringMARK1_1) and the ring itself has a trigger attached. Each time a ring is cleared I want it to snap to the next position. There is only one ring which moves from marker to marker. ringCHALLENGE.sqf ringChallenge = [] spawn { waitUntil { ring1==1 }; hint "Ring Challenge Activated"; currentRING= [ringMARK1_1,ringMARK1_2,ringMARK1_3] select 0; sleep 1; ["task1",[currentRING,true]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; ringGOAL setpos (getpos currentRING); }; What's the best way to update the ring position in a sequence? Can "select 0;" in the array be called something like "select next"? Is it better to use IF/WAIT for the next ring? Am I starting this all wrong?