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Found 91 results

  1. I would like to present my compilation of various improvements for ArmA: CWA made by different authors. It is conceived as a complex universal compilation of works by various authors, which do not introduce drastic changes into the game, but make it more modern and increase the replayability of old missions and campaigns, as well as allowing you to complement other mods. The compilation includes not only long-known releases, but also their improved versions, a selection of game elements from various addons and mods adapted for the base version of the game, as well as rare and some new additions. Among other things, here you can find a large selection of various retextures of standard models of vehicles, weather, roads, effects and other things, Nogova with Berghoff's vegetation, high-quality Kolgujev retexture from Marcomio and, probably, the most interesting - standalone-pack of detailed models from ArmA, replacing their standard counterparts. All these works are collected together, classified, illustrated, adapted to each other and ready for an easy and convenient installation. For this purpose, the assembly is released in three versions: two ready-made (full and optimal) and one that allows you to manually assemble it to your taste and needs (for experienced players and developers). It is recommended to pay attention to the accompanying files - they often contain useful information, as well as not to neglect the video and sound settings - they can significantly affect the final result. I will be glad to feedback, criticism, bug reports, suggestions for expanding the compilation. I have no doubt that I missed some work that could be included in it, and definitely did not notice any bugs, so feedback is welcome. Link for screenshots and download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O10-c-Kb83sTjWGTVXWFcYmtZa6GTlkM?usp=share_link
  2. Hey folks, probably a pretty newbie question. I am trying to retexture the Kamaz Medical Transporter and can't seem to get rid of the Red Crystal symbols all over the truck. They don't seem to belong to any of the hiddenselectiontextures so I thought they maybe get added afterwards. Is there a way to get rid of these in the config.cpp? Thanks for your help. Cheers, Jan
  3. I need help retexuring the weapon pylons for the Gryphon from the Jets DLC. I am making the whole underside of the jet a bit darker, and it has worked great. However the pylons doesn't seem to change colour when i use my costom skin, even if it seem like the pylons textures are in the same texturefile as the fuselage of the jet. To make everything clear, The fuselage itself is working correctly, but the pylons holding the missiles aren't changing textures. Does anyone have any experience with retexturing and know why the pylons aren't changing colour? While testing the costom paa files i am using the Extended Debug console to place them on the aircraft.
  4. This will be the intial release. Its sat on my harddrive long enough. This retexture is designed for post apocalyptic game play and was designed specifically for the Ravage mod. They could work for a few things depending on your needs but do not necessarily fit a full Milsim scenario. The vanilla guns look out of place as a common firearm in the post apocalyptic setting and I started with just an idea of how to get them looking more worn and rusted. Keep in mind I own guns and I realize that in some cases the rust displayed could render a real firearm inoperable so please suspend belief and enjoy the textures for how they were intended. Also please realize I am not an artist, a texture artist, or artsy at all so I am working from the bottom here. (LOL) The real goal was to allow the vanilla guns to become the rare or military quality guns and the Rusted ones to be the default that bandits and others would spawn with. The vanilla guns seem out of place and this would provide some value to the vanilla gun textures and hopefully make it so that when you found one, you would get a great loot moment and dump the rusted gun for the sweet brand new one... I had a few moments where it felt odd to be working on crappy stuff people would want to throw away but I digress... Whether I accomplished that is arguable as some of the early textures were fairly basic and some like EO's favorite Kir look good while others look a tad homogenous and washed out. Since I have come back, some of the textures have improved and I think the latest batch of patchwork guns like the Mar 10 are quite decent. I have included all of the early patchwork tests in an effort to round out the package a bit and provide as much variation as possible for the gear arrays from Ravage. There are about 45-50 guns in the package (I have since added a bunch more patchwork as pictured in the Ravage thread that are not included in initial release.) Hopefully Armaholic will host them and from there we may see a steam release but I make no promises on when that may be... NOTE, There is no key right now. I may add them if needed but I am assuming that most people are playing private cooperative games in which they would not be needing keys. Change my mind. lol 😉 Edit- v0.2 has a key and is signed. Let me know if it doesn't work right. Thanks EO! There will temporarily be a doubling up of about 6 rusty guns until those are removed from Ravage. Haleks will remove those in the next update and this will be the only PBO for the rusted weapons There is some discussion on how to add these to the gear pool arraysby a script or module but at this point the best way is through the gear pool arrays in the ravage module. Edit-This is now the updated situation. Classname list will be updated to remove Ravage "exclusives" and RR only classes. Ravage will natively support the 8 Ravage weapons and RR guns can be pushed into the arrays via the gear pool. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now v0.2/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// v1.4/ Released as Rusty Retexture v0.2 (07/13/19), Removed 8 guns that will remain in Ravage Reset to/ REmoved Ravage weapons[] = {"Rusty_LMG_Zafir_F","rusty_MMG_02_black_F","Rusty_MMG_01_tan_F","Rusty_srifle_EBR_F", v0.2/ "Rusty_DMR_05_base_F","Rusty_srifle_DMR_04_F","Rusty_srifle_DMR_03_F","Rusty_srifle_DMR_02_F"}; This version contains all current projects including latest PW guns Total count in this release is 46 now due to 8 removed to stay in Ravage and addition of patchwork Variants. 54 combined between both mods. 38 rifles,1 Launcher, 7 pistols in RR = 46 Total. 8 Rifles in Ravage - for a combined total of 54 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RR v0.1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// was v1.3//// Released As Rusty Retexture (07/12/19), This was first public release and it also contained 8 guns that will remain in Ravage. So Update required. weapons[] = {"Rusty_LMG_Zafir_F","rusty_MMG_02_black_F","Rusty_MMG_01_tan_F","Rusty_srifle_EBR_F", "Rusty_DMR_05_base_F","Rusty_srifle_DMR_04_F","Rusty_srifle_DMR_03_F","Rusty_srifle_DMR_02_F"}; This version had 45 Total Rifles, Pistols and the 1 launcher. Pictures of some of the guns. Picture of WIP patchwork that are not included in this version but may follow in an update NOTE - These are included in v0.2 Possible work that may happen, no promises Download - link may be swapped out if Dropbox has a fit Classnames for Rusty Retexture (also updated in the addon file as the changelog.sqf), add these to the appropriate gear pool arrays that you wish. I have included Patchwork tests prefaced by the PWT tag so if you dont like those pull out the ones that start with that Classname. Special Thanks to Haleks - for the glory that is Ravage EO, Tourist, Bad Benson, Roadkill- for the great fun in our MP sessions and all the help in scripting and mission making as well as their respective mods that have helped flush out the Arma world Kodabar - for his dedication to the Ravage Wiki And everyone in the Ravage thread Thanks to everyone who contributes to the Armaverse as well. You all are to be commended and it makes this one of the greatest games of all time imo. Cheers! Thanks to BI for the Lego pile they give me and let me learn to my hearts content!
  5. OK. SO. its been maybe 4 years since i done arma 3 graphic design work. Back when i done it textures were downloadable such as ifrits etc. Im working on doing them again all cars etc but i cant seem to find out what is where all videos seem out dated now adays all downloads are expired and the addons file is non-sense can anyone point me in the right direction please Cheers
  6. This addon includes Chernarussian National Party guerillas. "Nationalist guerillas of the National Party is an underground movement lacking sophisticated weapons, but their knowledge of the country, military expertise from civil war and underground network make them serious opponents to both communist guerillas and government forces." This is retexture mod made of both RHS and vanilla units. I tried to make them as similar as possible to the units from ARMA 2.The same camouflage, equipment, weapons, etc. Also required RDS Civilians addon for the presence of civil guerillas. Features: - Set of NAPA units like in original A2 - RHS and vanilla vehicles, static weapons - Civilian guerillas armed with WW2 weapons, hunting rifles, etc. And few more civilians retextures - Added different groups like in A2 Known issues: - Automatic Rifleman armed AK-74 with 45rnd mags instead of RPK-74 (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) - Chikom vest replaced by another chestrig. - Wooden SVD replaced by plastic one (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) Thanks RHS for their great mod, Reyhard for his Civilian pack. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507820054
  7. This addon represents Chernarussian "Red Star Movement" units retextures based on RHS mod. I've made set of units like in original A2 game, with different camo uniforms on them and another variants in full camo suits with insignia. Features: - Original A2 camos - Original A2 berets, beanies and alice pack. - CHDKZ Insignia - Added many groups - Added RHS CHDKZ vehicles with my crew in it Known issues - Automatic Rifleman armed AK-74 with 45rnd mags instead of RPK-74 (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) - Chikom vest replaced by 6sh92 - Wooden SVD replaced by plastic one (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) Requires: - RHS AFRF - RHS GREF - RHS USAF - YuEmod Thanks RHS for their great mod, Yura Esin for his vests and Denis Fomenko for straps model on Alice pack. Changelog: v 1.01 - Fixed some config errors v 1.0 Links: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216707909
  8. Hi, I've been trying to retexture some Contact DLC content, but whenever I reference a model from the DLC in my config file, I get an error mesage saying "Missing File Summary, config.cpp : \A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Vests\V_CarrierRigKBT_01_F.p3d" when creating PBO in Eliteness. I managed to work around that by making my custom vest inherit properties of a DLC vest and changing the hiddenSelections, but it doesn't work if I want to change some of the vest armor values, since I have to reference the base vest model in the ItemInfo class in order for it to work. When I use one of the vanilla models, everything works fine. So, is it a problem of Arma blocking acces to p3d files of the vest, or something else? Can somebody give me a hint on finding some way around this problem? Vest class that results in error: class V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_Olive_F; class V_VestWea_01_light : V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_Olive_F { author = "Wifi"; scope = 2; displayName = "WEA Vest"; model = "\A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Vests\V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_F.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = { "vumod\data\wea_vest.paa"}; }; CfgPatches: class CfgPatches { class my_config { units[] = { "VU_Unit_base","VU_rifleman","VU_AutomaticRifleman","VU_Grenadier","VU_SquadLeader","VU_ATSpecialist","WEA_Unit_base","WEA_Unit_Rifleman","WEA_Unit_MGGunner","WEA_Unit_SquadLeader","WEA_Unit_Marksman","WEA_Unit_AutomaticRifleman","WEA_Unit_Medic","WEA_Unit_RTO","WEA_Unit_ATSpecialist","WEA_Unit_Rifleman_NLAW","WEA_Unit_Crew","WEA_Unit_Ammobearer_MG","WEA_Unit_Ammobearer_AT","WEA_LAV","WEA_Strider","WEA_Dingo","WEA_Jackal" }; weapons[] ={ "WEA_arifle_standard","WEA_arifle_standard_reflex", "WEA_lmg", "WEA_dmr", "WEA_lmg_light" }; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Characters_F","A3_Characters_F_Enoch","A3_Functions_F","cba_main","ace_main","CUP_AirVehicles_AH6","CUP_AirVehciles_AW159","CUP_AirVehicles_CH47","CUP_AirVehicles_CH53E","CUP_AirVehicles_HC3","CUP_AirVehciles_KA60","CUP_AirVehicles_MH60S","CUP_AirVehicles_Mi8","CUP_AirVehciles_SA330","CUP_AirVehicles_UH1H","CUP_AirVehciles_UH1Y","CUP_AirVehicles_UH60","CUP_WheeledVehicles_MTVR","CUP_WheeledVehicles_T810","CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ural","CUP_WheeledVehicles_V3S","ace_interaction","cup_weapons_acr","cup_weapons_m16","kat_main","tfar_core"}; }; }; Eliteness error message: <adding entries:...> P:\vumod\CfgGroups.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\CfgInsignia.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\CfgMarkers.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\CfgPatches.hpp :excluded config.cpp:compiling... data\empty.paa:loading... data\helmet_camo.paa:loading... data\vu_backpack_light.paa:loading... data\vu_helmet.paa:loading... data\vu_kitbag.paa:loading... data\vuAFInsignia.paa:loading... data\vuAFInsignia_test.paa:loading... data\vuFlag.paa:loading... data\wea_backpack_light.paa:loading... data\wea_carryall.paa:loading... data\wea_helmet.paa:loading... data\wea_soldier_01_clothing_co.paa:loading... data\wea_vest.paa:loading... P:\vumod\factionsCfgs.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\vuAssets\vuEquipment.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\vuAssets\vuGroups.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\vuAssets\vuUnits.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\vuAssets\vuWeapons.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\weaAssets\weaEquipment.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\weaAssets\weaGroups.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\weaAssets\weaUnits.hpp :excluded P:\vumod\weaAssets\weaWeapons.hpp :excluded </end entries> Missing File Summary config.cpp : \A3\Characters_F_Enoch\Vests\V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_F.p3d missing file(s)
  9. As the title says I'm looking to hire/commission someone to make custom textures for my unit. If interested add me or comment below. This would be for several vehicles, flat black camo with an emblem nothing too complex. Discord: Cheeki Breeki#0001
  10. This addon represents Chernarussian Defence Forces and other law enforcement structures units retextures based on RHS mod. As usually, you can see original A2 type CDF units. Also you can find in this addon Chernarussian airborne forces, national guard, Ministry of interior special force "Orel", KGB special force "Alpha" in different equipment. Features: - Original A2 CDF camo and some other camouflage patterns - CDF now wearing PASGT helmets instead of 6b27 - Added many groups - Added RHS CDF vehicles with my crew in it - Some new vehicles retextured to CDF camo - Added CDF airborne forces flag Known issues - Automatic Riflemans armed AK-74 with 45rnd mags instead of RPK-74 (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) - CDF Militia unit uses rhsgref_chicom class vest, that's not done yet (Hopefully new update will fix it :-) ) - Wooden SVD replaced by plastic one (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) Thanks RHS for their great mod, Zedderick for his CDF Kamaz textures, Soviet Armed Forces mod and Xacino for his RD-54 model. Steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1550624597
  11. Introduction 2035. As a result of past decisions by the member states, the establishment of a joint European armed force was carried out. The newly formed European Army is based on the standardisation of military equipment as the main factor for increasing efficiency. It incorporates all the military branches needed to defend itself against external interests. Content European Armed Forces 2035 is a standalone mod inspired by IndeedPete's EUROFORCE mod. The content will currently only contain retextures and custom layouts. European Armed Forces 2035 Editor name: EUEAF Side: Independent Tag: EUEAF AddOns required: Arma 3 Apex, Arma 3 Contact Roadmap / Table of content (everything still WIP and may change over time) EUEAF (Main Modul) EUEAF (Desert) EUEAF (Woodland) EUEAF (Snow) Screenshots FAQ Credits - IndeedPete (Camo´s and Texture templates) - black-light-studio Hexatal Camo Concept End User License Agreement
  12. I'm proud to announce that the mod is now live on the steam workshop Over the past few weeks, I have been dipping my feet into the pool that is modding ARMA III. I feel that I have enough completed to announce my project. What I have been working on is a Canadian faction designed to fIt in with the look of A3's NATO faction. As such I have reskinned the Uniforms and some of the Vehicles that are used by NATO, namely the Hunter, Hummingbird and Huron. I have also included a reskinned MBT-52 Kuma as the Canadian Main Battle Tank which I have dubbed the Leopard 2A8 Nexus. So far I have 14 soldiers implemented (I'm working on adding more), along with the vehicles. My Canadian faction uses a fictional successor to the current CADPAT Camouflage, simply called CADPAT 2. There are 4 different variants of CADPAT 2: Arctic, Arid/Brushland (the best for Altis), Desert, and Temperate Woodland. As such, for each unit there are 4 corresponding versions. As for the MX series, I have reskinned them as well - the Canadian MX rifles are manufactured by Colt Canada. The MX is designated the C21, the MXC is the C22, MXM is C23, and MXSW is C24. This is my very first mod, I hope it is welcomed by the community. Screenshots: RIFLEMEN CLOSEUP OF TEMPERATE WOODLAND RIFLEMAN HUNTERS LEOPARDS (CAMO) HUMMINGBIRDS HURONS TODO Add M2A1 Slammers and AMV-7 Marshalls Add Special Forces Add Jets
  13. Hello guys, I'm new to modding and i want to make a new uniform .paa texture (moroccan and algerian camo) based on an other mod .p3d model, can you please explain to me how to do the config file or a template that i would be grateful to use ? Thank you so much.
  14. Hey, Fairly new to the retexturing game here. I've done a pretty large texture pack for a group that I've been rolling with for some time now, and we're finding that the uniforms I've re-skinned do not generate a thermal signature when worn. This is all fine, except that for assets like the Kerry's customised uniform (Combat pants with a civilian/guerrilla shirt) we're getting thermal signature on the shirt but not the pants... kinda makes it hard when we're using thermal optics on gunships to ID friendly forces. The G3 (NATO Combat uniform) assets (long sleeve, rolled sleeve and the version with the undershirt) have modified normal maps due to different pocket and kneepad designs, and the .rvmat file has been modified to reflect that. However, the only change between that and the vanilla .rvmat is the line that calls upon the normal map (_nohq). Yet the thermals are still affected (as seen below). I've seen other mods much like mine where the normal is different to the vanilla, yet they can get their thermal signature working. This is driving me crazy. On a smaller note, I'm also trying to add wounding textures to the uniforms as well. But I figure that with those it's just a matter of adding a few more files and lines of code, right?
  15. Hello, I'm currently trying to retexture one of the racing kart helmets from the DLC. This will be implemented into a game for uniforms on a modded server. I cant seem to understand how to import or implement the Visor and visor effect into my config file. Hat.hpp class Spitfire_base : H_RacingHelmet_1_F { author = "Ean Wolfe"; scope = 0; picture = "\@Spitfire\icon.paa"; displayName = "Spitfire Race Helmet base"; }; class Spitfire_Camo : Spitfire_base { scope = 2; displayName = "Spitfire Race Helmet"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\@Spitfire\Data\Spitfire_RacingHelmet.paa"}; }; This is what i currently have for the helmet its self. Anyway to add the visor + visor effect?
  16. Hello, my question is about original Arma III models and workshop addons. We are making workshop mods for Steam workshop. I read Arma III model licanse (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0), it says you can remix and share models. Can i remix original ArmA III models and share on workshop? That is can be violation? Thanks for now 😉
  17. I am currently working on a retexture mod for our group. I am trying to replace the Ghosthawk Crew (which works now) but I am getting the following error: Code for the Ghosthawk reskin is the following: class VLG_UH80_Tropic: VLG_UH80_Base { author="Tolph"; scopeCurator = 2; faction="VLG_Fac_Tropic"; crew="VLG_Heli_Pilot_Tropic"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\UH80\Data\UH801Tropic.paa", "\UH80\Data\UH802Tropic.paa" }; class Turrets: Turrets { class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret{}; class MainTurret:MainTurret { gunnerType="VLG_Heli_Crew_Tropic"; }; class RightDoorGun:RightDoorGun { gunnerType="VLG_Heli_Crew_Tropic"; }; }; I found a thread on the Taru but apparently it worked perfectly fine for them. As I am quite new to modding I don't really know where to look for the error... Any help is appreciated!
  18. Hi Everyone, here is the big list of my recent work, its all origonaly planned as retextures for my Cold War themed factions, but as I went along I realised much of the conent might be useful to have as modular standalone mods so people can just download what they need and things wont need to be duplicated over and over. So for that reason their are the Core mods, which all serve to feed into my regional faction mods and then there are the Extras mods which exsist to allow the use of the core mods as standalone items. I hope you all enjoy what I've made so far. Steam Workshop Collection for all the listed Mods Core Mods -Stl-Generic Retextures-A3 [Released] [WIP] Workshop Link Quite bare bones for now, but I plan to have a full set of generic vehicle and some uniforms and gear eventually, much in the same way the GM retexture mod does Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns Uniform Insignias and Flags for real world and Armaverse factions Olive and Tan textures for R-750 and S-750 More vehicle and gear textures will be added as I require them for my faction mods -Stl-Generic Retextures-GM [Released] Workshop Link The bulk of my work is found here, with retextures of most of GM's uniforms, gear and vehicles Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns: Khaki Olive Snow Black Blue Grey Orange (For civil defence / IDAP) UN Blue Tan Civilian Clothing - Police, Medics, Doctors, Forestry, Plaid Shirts Brushstroke Pakistan 1970 - In Type A, Type B and Fictional Jungle DPM 1960 - In Temperate 1960, Temperate 1984, Tropical, Desert and Vanuatu Jungle Egyptian Sand Italy M1929 - In M1929, 1950, Green and Fictional Winter Raindrops (Aka Strichmuster / Strichtarn) - In Green, Grey Green, Grey Blue and Tan Splinter Germany 1931 (Aka Heeres-Splittermuster 31) - In Green and Tan Splinter Bulgarian 1979 Spot M1942 (Aka Frogskin / Duck hunter) - In Arid and Jungle Sunrays (Aka Berezhka) - In White, Khaki and Red Dawn TAZ Leibermuster (Aka Alpenflage) - In 1957 Mixed Camo Rebel Uniforms -Stl-Generic Retextures-RHS [Released] Workshop Link Mostly contains Heagear and vehicle textures, designed to work with my GM retexture mod. Uniform textures can be found in RHSX Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns: Khaki Olive Black Blue Grey UN Blue DPM 1960 - In Temperate 1960, Temperate 1984, Tropical, Desert and Vanuatu Jungle Raindrops (Aka Strichmuster / Strichtarn) - In Green, Grey Green, Grey Blue and Tan Splinter Germany 1931 (Aka Heeres-Splittermuster 31) - In Green and Tan Splinter Bulgarian 1979 Spot M1942 (Aka Frogskin / Duck hunter) - In Arid and Jungle Sunrays (Aka Berezhka) - In White, Khaki and Red Dawn TAZ Leibermuster (Aka Alpenflage) - In 1957 -Stl-Weapons-A3 [Released] [WIP] Workshop Link Basic Weapon config stuff, nothing too fancy, later on will include some weapon textures and some new ammo types Features the following SGAW-150 (SACLOS Version of the PCML AT Launcher, with HE and HEAT ammo, inspired from the depiction of the SRAW in Battlefield 2) -Stl-Weapons-GM [Released] Workshop Link Just a basic weapon config Sa vz. 58LK (GM RPK with higher fire rate and accepts Vz. 58 Magazines) 30rnd Sa vz. 58 Magazines (Added to CBA Magwell) 75rnd Sa vz. 58 Drums (Only usable in my Sa vz. 58LK as the RHS Sa vz. 58 Rifles do not support mag proxies) -Stl-Weapons-RHS [Released] Workshop Link Just a small weapon config to make doing my faction loadouts easier to create. Hidden RPG-7 weapons with the full range of PGO7V optics attached to help with faction loadouts, as RHS only had the PGO7V3 version as a class Extras Mods -Stl-Generic Retextures-RHSX [Released] Workshop Link Contains the uniforms to match my other RHS retextures Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns for the M93 Uniform Khaki Olive Black Blue Grey DPM 1960 - In Temperate 1960, Temperate 1984, Tropical, Desert and Vanuatu Jungle Raindrops (Aka Strichmuster / Strichtarn) - In Green, Grey Green, Grey Blue and Tan Splinter Germany 1931 (Aka Heeres-Splittermuster 31) - In Green and Tan Splinter Bulgarian 1979 Spot M1942 (Aka Frogskin / Duck hunter) - In Arid and Jungle Sunrays (Aka Berezhka) - In White, Khaki and Red Dawn TAZ Leibermuster (Aka Alpenflage) - In 1957 -Stl-Generic Retextures-A3X [Unreleased] [WIP] Will feature extra uniform textures so that the A3 content can be used standalone from RHS and GM Faction Mods -Stl-Factions-Africa Central and Southern-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Sako United Front for Liberation and Labour - 1976 INDFOR Factions Sako Alliance for Popular Resistance- 1976 Lombakka BLUFOR Factions Sako Royal Army - 1976 National Union Forces - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Americas-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Sahrani Liberation Army - 1976 INDFOR Factions Sahrani Royal Army Corps- 1976 BLUFOR Factions -Stl-Factions-Asia Central and Southern-GM [Unreleased] [WIP] OPFOR Factions Ardistan Republican Army - 1976 Kyrat Peoples Front - 1976 INDFOR Factions Takistan Royal Army - 1976 Kyrat Royal Army - 1976 BLUFOR Factions Karzeghistan Royal Army - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Asia Pacific-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Horizon Islands Tanoan Liberation Army - 1976 INDFOR Factions BLUFOR Factions Horizon Islands Horizon Islands Defence Force - 1976 Horizon Islands Militia - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Europe Eastern-GM [Released] Workshop Link Eastern Europe factions based on GM, RHS and my own retextures of them both My aim is to be as authentic as possible with these factions, I've spent a great deal of time researching the relevent time periods for the equipment that was in common useage at the time, however there are some compromises I have had to make, and they are listed below Each faction comes with a full compliment of ranks, insignia and vehicle decals. OPFOR Factions Czechoslovakia [CSSR] -Peoples Army - 1976 Hungary People's Army - 1976 Soviet Union [USSR] Motor Rifles - 1976 Airborne - 1976 Naval Infantry - 1976 Pan-Baltic Socialist Republic [VBSSR] Motor Rifles - 1976 Airborne - 1976 Marines - 1976 Militsiya - 1976 INDFOR Factions Pan-Baltic Socialist Republic Baltic Partizan Army - 1976 BLUFOR Factions Historical Compronises in 1976 Factions: All - AGS-30 (1995) = Stand in for AGS-17 (1970) All - BRDM-2 9P148 (1974) = Stand in for BRDM-2 9P133 (1971) All - L-39C (1971) = In reality it was just used as a Trainer but I've used it as a stand in CAS aircraft, Its pylon loadouts are restricted to period correct munitions All - R750 CronusRadar = Stand in for period correct SAM systems All - S750 Rhea = Stand in for period correct SAM systems All - UAZ DShKM = Fictional but very useful for gameplay All - Groups - Coy HQ = Engineers replaced Senior Technician position for gameplay purposes All - Groups - Support Infantry Teams = Setup for gameplay purposes, not be true to reality All - Groups - Support Motorized Teams = Setup for gameplay purposes, not be true to reality All - Groups - Special Forces Teams = Setup for gameplay purposes, not be true to reality CSSR - PKM = Stand in for UK59 CSSR - URAL-4320 = Stand in for V3S Hungary - MPi KMS-72 = Stand in for AMD-65 Hungary - Groups, All groups are based off Soviet doctrine at the time, as I couldnt find much info on the ORBAT if the Hungarian Peoples Army USSR - 2S3M1 (1987) = Stand in for 2S3M (1975) / 2S3 (1970) USSR - RPG-26 (1985) = Stand in for RPG-18 (1972) USSR - RShG-2 (2003) = Stand in for RPO Rys (1975) USSR - Su-25 (1981) = Stand in for earlier CAS aircraft, However its pylon loadouts are restricted to period correct munitions USSR - UAZ = Stand in for LUAZ in VDV Faction Known Bugs: CSSR - Ranks need replacing with subdued versions Hungary - Officer Ranks are from the outdated 1951-1957 period Some Vehciles have regular crewman as commanders. Binoculars and radio placed in cargo to compensate (BRDM-2 (9P148) / BMP-1 / BMP-1K / PRP-3 / BRM-1K / BMD-1 / BMD-1K) -Stl-Factions-Europe Northern-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions INDFOR Factions Finland BLUFOR Factions -Stl-Factions-Europe Southern-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Altis Red Dawn Militia Bulgaria People's Army - 1976 INDFOR Factions Altis National Guard - 1976 National Militia - 1976 BLUFOR Factions Atida Malden A3 Defence Force - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Europe Western-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions INDFOR Factions Malden Islands Defence Force - 1976 FIA - 1976 BLUFOR Factions -Stl-Factions-Middle East & North Africa-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Iraq Republican Guard - 1985 Republican Army - 1985 INDFOR Factions Iran Iranian Revalutionary Guard - 1985 Army - 1985 Middle Eastern Coalition BLUFOR Factions Credits GM Developers for their brilliant work and help with making their content easy to retexture RHS Developers for their excelent mods, on which much of my work depends and would not be possible without Rak1445 - Help with Czechoslovak People's Army Research Po - Help with Lithuanian Translations for VBSSR Factions Everyone over at Cold War Warriors discord for all their help, encouragement and feedback on my work
  19. Hi, It came to me that the vanilla arma 3 parachute has a color that is way to light to be effectively deployed in stealth PvP missions at night. I was therefore wondering how to create a little retexture mod. I found the vanilla (color) textures to be at the path Addons\air_f_beta\Parachute_01\Data\ Parachute_01_CO and Parachute_01_OPFOR_CO. They are however obviously related to the parachute object itself. As a complete newbie of the technical aspects of arma, could you please give me any suggestions on what to do (and how to do it XD)? Thank you all in advance.
  20. So, I'm looking for a some help with a mod idea I've wanted to do for a long while now. So a while ago, I made an admittedly pretty crappy orbat composition mod for the One Year War factions from Mobile Suit Gundam. It’s up on the workshop if you want to find it, it's here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2382628806 Anyways, since then, I’ve been wanting to make it more then what it is. Like, with actual uniforms and gear (retextured GM assets are the goal). Unfortunately, despite my best attempts, I have made no progress on my own. I have zero skill in actual modding. So I come here to see if there’s anybody who would be willing to help. I know this is probably pretty lame to be asking for help like this, but I couldn’t think of any other way to find help. And after my attempts to learn how to mod, I don’t want to risk anymore of my hair line. I'm not going to out right offer to pay you, as my monetary situation is pretty shaky, but I might be able to throw something your way for your help. You can contect me in the replies or on Discord at Flying_Lorgar#6605 or email me at ackermancormac@gmail.com
  21. Looking to get skins for the Blackhawk, Chinook, Little Bird, and MI-8 done. Will gladly arrange payment for work provided as our community has pooled a good amount of funds for our unit to have their own vehicle skins. Would also like to get ground vics done but air assets are the priority here.
  22. So long story short i made a mod which retextures the NATO vanilla vehicles problem is, and ill try my best to explain it. If for example i just hop into editor play as a character but have not spawned ANY of the retextured vehicles in the map as soon as i log into zeus i simply just cant see the category made for those vehicles neither can i find them but if i go back to the EDEN editor and spawn a single vehicle from the category and then log in as zeus my retextures are suddenly available, i have no idea why and i have a slight suspicion my code is possessed. class CfgEditorCategories { class baseCat { displayName = "NATO Digital woodland"; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class B_MBT_01_cannon_F; class Digital_MBT : B_MBT_01_cannon_F { author = "Psyco"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; side = 1; editorCategory = "baseCat"; faction = "BLU_F"; displayName = "Digital Merkava"; crew = "B_crew_F"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\digital_retex_NATO_Armor\data\Merkava\body_CO.paa","\digital_retex_NATO_Armor\data\Merkava\MBT_Turret.paa"}; }; }; Heres a snip of my code Any ideas?
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's Hunting Mod

    Hunting Mod by krzychuzokecia A pack of hunting-themed equipment retextures. Most of the items feature details covered in a high-visibility blaze orange colour. Content: hunting clothes in several variations (red, green and blue shirts with coyote, olive and camo pants), hunting vest in three types (coyote, olive and camo), LDF Forest Ranger summer clothes, blaze orange beanie, baseball caps in blaze orange and camo, two bavarian-style hats, brown safari/cowboy hat. More to come later. Credits: Bohemia Interactive Studios - original models and textures, krzychuzokecia - retexturing, EO aka Evil_Organ - inspiration and hunting camo. Downloads: Steam Workshop (current, v. 0.50), ModDB (outdated). Addon is signed, key included.
  24. After teasing people with promo shots in the combat photography thread for quite some time, I decided to open a separate thread for my upcoming AAF add-on. The idea behind this was to have a AAF faction for contemporary missions on Altis and Stratis using RHS assets and having only the RHS mods as a dependency. Over time I got permission to add some more models to this add-on and, so you’ll get a bit more than just RHS retextures… To provide mission makers with a possible storyline, I wrote a small history of Altis, which ends in a republic being on the brink of civil war in 2017 and with interventions of both Russia and NATO as a real possibility: Some screenshots: More: The content so far: • AAF infantry in pixelated camo • AAF reservists in greek lizard camo • Altian Police units • BMP-3s, GAZ Tigrs, HMMWVs and Urals for the AAF • Ka-60 and L-159 for the Altian Air Wing • pro-western Rebels Links: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yxn32iV400uCdolzrKmTl5ftJq5jZnGr http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1298282761 (More mirrors are always welcome!)
  25. Hi All, The Goal of this Retexture Mod is to add more Winter Stuff as already did IndeedPete (Thanks for your job) with his Snow Tigers CSAT Mod. This is a beginning but I hope to add more particular Units and dedicated vehicles soon. Actually WInter Vipers can be found under "Winter Viper" faction in OPFOR Side. There are one Infantry Squad and three Infantry Teams (AA, AT, Demo) available. I also added a tactical vest to each unit as it's cold in Winter and I retextured weapons, bags, uniforms and helmets (but indeed I am not a specialist in Texturing) which are all available in Arsenal. To Bohemia, I hope not to break rule as I used your content and if yes let me know how to correct my mistakes. Changelog V0.0.1: - Added : Winter Weapons and Equipments (ARX, Uniform, Tactical Vest, Helmet, Titan AT, Titan AA). - Added : Winter Viper units (WH Viper Rifleman, WH Viper Team Leader, WH Viper Explosive, WH Viper Medic, WH Viper Marksman, WH Viper AT, WH Viper AA, WH Viper JTAC). - Added : Winter Viper Faction (OPFOR / WInter Viper). - Added : Winter Viper Groups (Winter Viper Team, Winter Viper AA Team, Winter Viper AT Team, Winter Viper Demo Team). Below some Screenshots: Thanks in advance for your feedbacks, questions, support and to Bohemia Interactive for the only game I have in my Computer. Update 1st of January 2019 (Happy New Year to All) Changelog V0.0.2: - Added : Winter Viper unit WH Viper Repair Specialist. - Added : Winter Viper Squad (7 units). - Tweaked : Winter Viper Team (WH Viper Team Leader, WH Viper JTAC, WH Viper Medic, WH Viper Marksman). - Added : Winter Motorized Infantry Squads (Winter Viper Motorized Squad, Winter Viper Motorized(Armed) Squad, Winter Viper Motorized(AT) Squad). - Added : WH Qilins (included WH Qilin unarmored, WH Qilin armored, WH Qilin AT). - Added : WH Viper Zamak MRL. - Added : WH Viper Y-32 Xi'an (Infantry Transport) and WH Viper Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport). - Added : WH Winter Viper Pilot. - Added : Winter Viper Diver Team Leader, Winter Viper Diver Explosive Specialist, Winter Viper Diver Medic and Winter Viper Diver (AT). - Added : Winter Viper Diver Team, Winter Viper Guards, Winter Viper Motorized Artillery. Donwload Links: Steam Link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2250835534 Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34705 Yanou