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  1. I am in a bit of struggle. I am making a mission where I want an assault boat unit to respawn if it is killed, the problem is you can't simply use the AI spawn module because it does not support naval vehicles for some insanely stupid reason. I want the boat crew to follow a waypoint (Guard waypoint) again when they respawn, but how?? PS: I have tried using JEBUS but they do not respawn or follow waypoints so... I have also tried different things with the "Object: Event Scripting - On killed" field, but nothing works. Hope you guys can help
  2. Hello. I'm trying to create different spawn points for different groups. The mission is going to have 3 different forces, the Pilots, the SOF guys and normal Army guys. I want each to have their own respawn point. Tried searching for something similar and came up with: OnPlayerRespawn.sqf player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { if (group player == "B Alpha 1-1") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "PilotRespawn"); } else { if (group player == "B Alpha 1-2") then {player setpos (getmarkerpos "SOFRespawn"); }]; Tried using Respawn and MPrespawn EH, both didn't work. Respawn is set as Custom Location and there are 3 markers (respawn_west, PilotRespawn and SOFRespawn and also tried on Position of Death but the code doesn't do anything and also doesn't work.
  3. Hello i would like to know how to sync a playable/respawnable unit to a module in MP environement. I try to make playable unit displayed with the HC ui after respawn but thats not work, i search on the web but its like its not possible to make it work without issue. So i have try with zeus + "ModuleCuratorAddEditableObjects" but same issue the unit wont show up after respawn. I have tried different way with this command without success. I want to add a commander feature inside a custom warlord similar to liberation, where the zeus commander can only see blufor unit, same with opfor commander. Somebody know how to transfer new blufor unit to zeus interface ?
  4. Hi, I'm trying to prevent players from force respawning when waiting for a revive (using the vanilla revive). To do this I'm trying to stop them from using the enter key or middle mouse button. I can stop the enter button, but the middle mouse button is eluding me. This is the code I'm using: _idKey = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == 28) then {true}"]; _idMouse = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown","if ((_this select 1) == 2) then {true}"]; Now, in testing I got a return (_this select 1) of 28 and 2 for "KeyDown" and "MouseButtonDown" respectively, but when I apply that to the EH as I have done above, only the enter key is stopped. How do I stop a player using their middle mouse button (without disabling user input)? Edit: Worked it out, relevant post/s are below but here is the solution (big credit to Larrow for a step in the right direction): #include "\a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\defines.inc" nul = [player] spawn { params ["_unit"]; while {true} do { private ["_actionID"]; waitUntil {lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED"}; _actionID = _unit getVariable [VAR_ACTION_ID_RESPAWN,-1]; [_unit,_actionID] call bis_fnc_holdActionRemove; {SET_FORCING_RESPAWN(_unit,false)}; }; }; Add this to the initPlayerLocal.sqf and the option to force respawn will not be present for an incapacitated player. Or, better yet, use this updated code from Larrow: player addEventHandler["Dammaged",{ params ["_unit", "", "_damage","","_hitPoint","_source"]; if ( alive _unit && { _damage >= 1 && { _unit getVariable ["#rev_enabled", false] && { _hitPoint == "Incapacitated" && { _unit getVariable ["#rev_state", 0] isEqualTo 2 } } } } ) then { if ( vehicle _unit isEqualTo _unit ) then { _nul = [ _unit ] spawn { params[ "_unit" ]; waitUntil{ !( _unit getVariable [ "#rev_actionID_respawn", -1 ] isEqualTo -1 ) }; _actionID = _unit getVariable [ "#rev_actionID_respawn", -1 ]; [ _unit, _actionID ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove; ["",false,_unit] call BIS_fnc_reviveOnForcingRespawn; _unit setVariable ["#revF", false, true]; waitUntil{ !( lifeState _unit == "Incapacitated" ) }; _unit setVariable [ "#rev_actionID_respawn", -1 ]; }; }; }; }];
  5. hi, I want the player to be teleported to a MHQ. I'm hereby doing this: if (!isEngineOn westmhq1) then { player moveInCargo westmhq1; }else{ player setPos (westmhq1 getPos [10,10]); }; if (!isEngineOn westmhq1) then { player moveInCargo westmhq1; }else{ player setPos (westmhq1 getPos [10,10]); }; that works too. If the MHQ named westmhq1 is destroyed, spawns it again: _vehicle = _this select 0; _respawntime = _this select 1; _facingofvehicle = getDir _vehicle; _positionofvehicle = getPosATL _vehicle; _vehicletype = typeOf _vehicle; _name = vehicleVarName _vehicle; .... _vehicle = _vehicletype createVehicle _positionofvehicle; _vehicle setVehicleVarName _name; _vehicle setPosATL _positionofvehicle; _vehicle setDir _facingofvehicle; ... that works too. After respawning from westmhq1, the player is no longer teleported. No error message appears. Unfortunately, I do not understand why that is. Maybe someone can explain why the player is no longer teleported after respawn westmhq1. thanks..
  6. So here's the problem. I have AI guys with a custom loadout at the beginning of a mission. Then they respawn, and they go back to their default loadout. I want them to respawn with the loadout they started with. I'm currently using the following script for players, which works fine. I just don't know how to make it work with the AI. if (hasInterface) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {alive player}; player setVariable ["loadout",getUnitLoadout player,false]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player setUnitLoadout (player getVariable "loadout"); }]; }; };
  7. I'm a bit stuck with with a spawn point problem. I've set up triggers to activate markers as spawn points and they are working okay for me but none of my team mates in a coop game would spawn at the markers - they just spawn where they died. I can't find any setting to make spawning different for individuals, only ones that affect the markers or the triggers or the whole game so I'm not sure where to look now. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. An e.g. of the activation string I'm using is : respawn_west setPos (markerPos "base01"); So I think this should trigger marker 'base01' to become the spawn point for everyone in my team when the conditions are met. It works... but only for me!?
  8. I've created a custom endgame-mission. On it I have custom selectable loadouts. I use Ace3. I have both selectable medic and engineer class. Problem is, when they respawn they aren't defined as medic or engineer by ace anymore. Is it possible to link a setvariable in to a specific item (e.g. If a player has the toolkit, he get ace engineer asset) or uniform/vest (e.g. If the medic class has a unique vest, the vest 'trigger' activation of the ace medic asset). How do I fix this?
  9. Hi!, sry for my bad english, i am looking for a script to do : A training camp, with a Addaction start the training, then spawn "X" IA unit in random location inside, also a addaction where you can restart training or delete training,. I have the training camp , and the random location with marks, but idk how to spawn unit inside and how delete. anyone know a script or something for this pls?, Thanks you very muchS!!
  10. !!! THIS PROJECT HAS NOW BEEN ABANDONED !!! !!! SUPPORT WILL BE LIMITED AND NO NEW VERSIONS WILL BE RELEASED FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE !!! Hi, I'm releasing the first part of the respawn selection menu. The loadout part will be released when it is done. createDialog "dlg_respawnSelectionMenu"; Add respawn position later on in the mission: [ /* NOTE: ARRAY must be a 3D position _target - OBJECT/ARRAY/SIDE (required) _respawnPointName - STRING (required) _respawnPointIcon - STRING (optional) _respawnPointPosition - OBJECT/ARRAY/STRING (optional) _respawnPointRadius - SCALAR (optional) */ ] call Haz_fnc_addRespawnPosition; Remove respawn position later on in the mission: [ /* _target - OBJECT/ARRAY/SIDE (required) _respawnPointName - STRING (required) */ ] call Haz_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; Examples: [player, "Somewhere"] call Haz_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [player, (format ["%1's Magical Mystery Bunker", name player]), "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\flag_CA.paa", (getPosATL player)] call Haz_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [player, "MHQ", "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\UK_ca.paa", (getPos MHQ), 75] call Haz_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [player, "Somewhere"] call Haz_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; [player, (format ["%1's Magical Mystery Bunker", name player])] call Haz_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; [player, "MHQ"] call Haz_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; Any questions or problems, just ask! If you want to translate it into any of the supported languages, open the stringtable.xml file. Feel free to submit them to me to be released with later versions. Example: <Key ID="STR_dialogTitle"> <English>Respawn Selection</English> <Spanish>Translation here</Spanish> <!-- Like this --> </Key> config_respawnPoints.hpp: class config_respawnPoints { respawnPoints[] = { "bluforRespawnPoint", "docksRespawnPoint", "supplyBaseRespawnPoint", "sea" }; class bluforRespawnPoint { name = "BLUFOR Base"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\flag_CA.paa"; position = "respawn_west"; radius = 5; condition = ""; // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET }; class docksRespawnPoint { name = "Docks"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\groupicons\selector_selectedMission_ca.paa"; position = "docks"; radius = 15; condition = ""; // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET }; class supplyBaseRespawnPoint { name = "Supply Base"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\respawn_inf_ca.paa"; // position[] = {0, 0, 0}; position = "supplyBase"; radius = 75; condition = ""; // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET }; class sea { name = "The Sea"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\flag_CA.paa"; position[] = {0, 0, 0}; radius = 125; condition = ""; // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET }; }; Download link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArYSs9w5RSIDhD9xEOqPGFy4MciH DO NOT MIRROR OR RE-UPLOAD @foxhound - you can 🙂
  11. I've been building a mission for the better part of a week now and I have everything working the way I want it, triggers are firing spawning AI, scripts are executing blowing players up its quite lovely. However with everything kicking off and running well (or at least running) I cannot get my spawn system to work properly, mission specifics in spoilers. My description.ext My init Some example scripts Any help is greatly appreciated, I'm kind of swimming in it right now and I haven't a clue what to try next... This mission is running on a dedicated server.
  12. Problem is that even though players can select the respawn position (using Respawn Position module) upon entering the server, they are are spawning on map edge instead. I've used this method successfully in other ops and cannot see what could be causing this. Respawn Position settings Type: Infantry Side: Blufor Show to: Only the side Notification: Disabled //Description.ext respawn = "BASE"; respawnButton = 1; respawnDelay = 5; disabledAI = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Spectator"};
  13. Hello everyone, and thank you for taking the time. I have now spent quite a lot of time going through the forums and have a lot of experience with mission making and server management myself, however I have a query to anyone who might know more than me on this particular matter. Running a dedicated server and i am trying to make respawning work on the server in a particular behavior; Been looking for the following: - Respawn inside a particular vehicle on dedicated server, not on the ground. - Respawn countdown/timer. - Something like a spectator camera when you are waiting for the countdown/timer (watching a black screen or a map screen is not that fun, more fun to watch other players you play with in the same team/side). I have been trying to tackle this forever, but the respawn system in the editor seem to only work with respawning on the ground not in a vehicle. It works in the editor, but when I run it in the dedicated server everything glitches and blows up, and the respawn vehicle falls deep below the map you can't interact with it only as zeus. I understand a dedicated server needs external files such as a Description file for this. Does anyone know any scripts or how I can make this work? Cheers. --------------- EDIT: I managed to set up a file called OnPlayerRespawn with the following code and it works: player assignAsCargo heli1; player moveInCargo heli1; However, I can't figure out how to make a respawn timer for it or make a spectator camera for the code. Right now the second a player die they instantly respawn inside the vehicle. Any suggestions? --------------- EDIT 2: After hearing I can syncronize the respawn module simply with an empty vehicle, I am having a persistent issue that I have not managed to solve as of yet on my own. But the respawn window is empty, it says disabled and I get no options to choose from. An error that says at the bottom left too. https://i.gyazo.com/f6de357a48cb5f545a12ca521ca4bc01.png
  14. Hi folks, the following three lines in the middle are part of a function and the function is set to {preInit = 1}. //begin true spawn { waitUntil{!isNull player}; .... systemChat "I am here"; // is shown on the map at briefing screen. player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", {systemChat "respawn"}]; // this code is completly ignored, no EH is added, no text shown on respawn??? player addEventHandler [ "Killed", {systemChat "killed"}]; // is shown when player dies. ... }; //end if i put the second line in debug console and press local, it works fine after respawn!! My first question is, where is the difference between "respawn" and "killed" EH? (except the known funktionality from the wiki) My second question is, is there a proper way to find out, if an EH was added and is not firing, or if it just was not added? thanks a lot
  15. Ok so im making a deathmatch but i have a problem. Every time i make a respawn position it shows up twice with a different name. The name i give it and some generated one and they show on top of each other. Im not sure if im doing something wrong but no matter what i try nothing is working to get rid of those duplicates. Does anyone know whats going on?
  16. Hi there, I'm having some issues finding a solution to my problem, basically when a player [re]spawns in from selecting any of the predefined or sleeping bag/camp respawn markers they have placed down, I would like script to have access to which spawn point was used, is this possible? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Hi, I just remarked that a EAST playable unit can respawn on the WEST module position. And, aftermath of that, you can see endless respawn/ fight on this position between opposite units. Steps to reproduce in 3DEN: Place a player, civilian or captive or invincible... but this may impact on the respawn behavior! (see below) Place one unit BLUFOR and one unit OPFOR, at least, in sight of each other(s), let's say distance 50m between the sides. Place a module: respawn Position, variable name: respawn_west, parameters: Infantry, BLUFOR, everyone, enabled. Between the 2 sides. optional?: place 2 logic entities: sideBlufor_F and a sideOPFOR_F . That doesn' seem to change anything here. Now, there are at least 2 possibilities to play this scenario, but weird things start here: 1- let the scenario in mission folder (not the MP folder) or just play that directly from 3DEN, but in MP session of course: 1.1 - if you are a "true side" civilian (faction CIV_F) , you will see BLUFOR and OPFOR respawning at their respective positions; 1.2 - if you are a BLUFOR captive (so civilian sided), you will see BLUFOR and OPFOR respawning at the module position. 1.3 - if you add a respawn_east module, nobody cares of it! Now, let's save this mission in MP folder, exit 3DEN, start multiplayer session, choose the mission (in green text normally): 2 - respawn feature is broken for everyone. I don't know what I missed but all these behaviors are repeatable and.. at least very strange. No mod added. Description.ext // not optimized, it was just for a test, some lines are useless here //________________________________________________ respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 3; respawnDialog = 1; enableDebugConsole = 2; respawnTemplates[]= {"Counter","Menuposition","revive"}; respawnonstart = -1; taskManagement_markers2D = 1; taskManagement_propagate = 1; disableRandomization[] = {"All"}; corpseManagerMode = 1; corpseLimit = 20; corpseRemovalMinTime = 360; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 900; wreckManagerMode = 1; wreckLimit = 5; wreckRemovalMinTime = 360; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 900; //______________________________________________ You can speed up the process with respawnDelay to 0
  18. Hello, I would like one of the players to carry a backpack, that when placed down acts as a respawn point for the rest of the team. But only when placed down, so people cant respawn while the backpack is on the move. How would I go on about doing that? Have scripts like that been made already? Which commands should I start researching? I know a bit of C++ , but I am completely new to Arma 3 scripting.
  19. When a (backpack) respawn tent have been assembled and then disassembled, it seems that the respawn map-marker will not be removed. Further, trying to re-assemble the tent does not move the map-marker, and only the previous respawn-position is available in the respawn menu. Anyone know if this is an engine bug, or deliberate? PS! I'm using latest dev. build.
  20. Hello far more experienced scriptwriters, I have a problem I am making an MP mission where I want the INSTANT respawn to be disabled via an addAction. The respawn I use is the in-game one. The one you add via the Multiplayer middle top section. The reason why I want this is so as not to have 2 separate missions with respawn enabled in the one and disabled in the other. So is this possible?
  21. I'm trying to create a deathmatch like mission. But i want the players to stay in spectator mode until a new round starts. After the rounds over all dead players should respawn automatically . Any idea how i could do this?
  22. Hello all, I'm doing a survival mission where OPFOR are 'on the run' and are being chased by BLUFOR players. The setup I want is that BLUFOR have respawn and respawn at their base. I currently have this setup as a BASE respawn with a respawn_west marker. This works fine. However, OPFOR once dead I don't want to respawn. There are only at most two players on OPFOR. So, desired outcome for OPFOR is; - If another OPFOR player is alive, launch spectator mode and spectate that player. Disable chat/von for those who have died. - If all OPFOR are dead, then mission end is triggered as both have been killed (of course, if there was only one player this would trigger on the players death too) Currently, I have a piece of code in onPlayerRespawn.sqf. The west one just relaunches the marker script I have and no issues here. It's the east case that's my issue. switch (playerSide) do { case west: { [_this select 0] execVM "police.sqf"; }; case east: { if((!alive s1) && (!alive s2)) then { killersDead = true; publicVariable "killersDead"; } else { 1 enableChannel [false, false]; 2 enableChannel [false, false]; 4 enableChannel [false, false]; 5 enableChannel [false, false]; ["Initialize", [player, [east], true]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; }; }; }; Now the issue I have is because the two OPFOR players (s1 and s2) respawn, ultimately the check if both have been killed won't work so I've been trying to think this but I wonder if there is a better way to manage the respawn? Additionally, the spectate script lets you spectate your respawned player and see them on the map. So perhaps I'm going the wrong way about it. All players will be human controlled. None are played by AI. If anyone can suggest a different way to manage the respawns in this situation that would be great. Not necessarily asking for someone to write the code but I suspect that since I done any proper development in ARMA (as in the first one) things like respawns have improved. I've had a look at the biki but nothing stands out as being better? Regards, Jason
  23. I have been tearing up the internet now for two days trying to find out how you would go about this. I have a prison facility within my main base. I want to disable a players ability to manually respawn while on the prison grounds and inside the building. I have haggled with a few older examples but have had no progress in getting them to work. I currently have no functional code to share but am looking for help and examples in order to meet my task.
  24. Hello ive been trying to get my account details to report this bug, however the CAPTCHA robot verify thingy says a problem about a key.. however, can someone please report this issue please. [BUG] - respawn module does not work on carrier(s) [Description] - When respawning, you end up in the water below the carrier(s), ive tried placing a platform on the deck but still start in the water. [Repo steps] - place USS freedom in water place multiplayer respawn module on the deck set up respawning in multiplayer options i.e. "select respawn position" place playable unit preview in MP or LAN you will start under the carrier this also is happening with all the other modded carriers i.e. Nimitz Ive tried teleporting script but no joy. if someone could post a ticket for me as i cant recover my account.
  25. Oconnell144

    Respawn Problem.

    Hi everyone ! Few days ago i've come accros a little problem while editing a mission, respawn are working if I host the mission on my pc, but if i upload this missions on my server and try it, respawn are not working anymore, i've tried one or two thing, but nothing seems to work. More info : I'm using eden editor, i put a respawn marker via the F5 menu," mupltiplayer > respawn position " when this is done, i go the Attributes section on the top left then multiplayer, and i set up everything ( custom respawn position, the revive thingy ). I Should add that i'm new the editor things, i know the basics thats all.