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  1. CH View Distance (Exile-Updated) CHVD Viewdistance script Updated and tweaked for Exile. This is repository for saving the old CHVD View Distance Script (Arma 3) Scripted version. I updated and tweaked it slightly (added configurable min & max values etc) and fixed some bugs. Download and more details: https://github.com/ELRabito/CHVD-Exile-Updated/tree/main Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  2. Hi After many mod updates, my server no longer works, and I have to rename the class again, so I made easy-to-prepare files to add any mod. Addons Name: Import Any Mod Name Script To Exile Trader And LootTables Custom Point Of The Script: The files are easy to modify to add the class name to any mod Install: Install For [Trader] In [AnyModName_Trader_Exile] Install For [Loot] In [AnyModName_Loot_Exile] Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/87r88liq4n8gria/AnyModNameScriptToExileTraderAndLootTablesCustom.zip/file Author Me Thank you all
  3. On button press the character will use a appropriate medicine depending on the severity of the damage. Makes it a bit easier, fluid and less immersion breaking to consume healing items in Exile. To balance it a bit the system only detects medicine items in Uniform or Vest. If no appropriate medicine was found the script will use any available med the player has. If the player is bleeding it will use a medicine from the allowed LightMeds array. So it's better to add only items that stop the bleeding (bandages, dressing etc) to the LightMeds array. Checks for basic exploits/bugs already in place (Animation skipping, using it while swimming etc). Sound effect to mimic the sound of searching for a appropriate medicine, error toast with information and sound clue if no medicine was found in the vest or uniform. Code examples for putting it on a normal number row key like 8 or custom user action are included (Optional or use them both). Download & Installation (GitHub) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  4. Stops that annoying moaning when the player is only slightly injured. Small tweak but damn it's needed 🙃 Settings * Change the value of _ExileClient_MinInjured_MoanThreshold to determine when the player character should start moaning when injured (default: < 80% health). Installation Make a Customcode override for the following Exile function in your missionfile or merge the code if it already exists! * ExileClient_object_player_event_hook For merging * The code part is marked with //StopMoaning Startc and //StopMoaning End. Download: GithHub Support Me: buymeacoffee.com
  5. # ExileMod-CruiseMode Cruise Control for ground vehicles and boats (Bind a button to Custom User Action 8). - While having cruise control active the vehicle keeps the speed it had when the player had activated the cruise control. - The vehicle accelerates by itself and manually accelerating is possible. - Accelerating above set speed limit is possible - Applying brakes disables Cruise Control. # Installation Make a Customcode override for the following Exile function in your missionfile or merge the code if it already exists! * ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp # For merging * The code part is marked with /* ExileMod Cruise Mode Start / and / ExileMod Cruise Mode End */ (Line 47-59) Download: Github Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  6. ExileMod-Holster+ * Keeps the firemode on weapon switch/holstering instead of resetting every time. * Also works for under-barrel modes or sidearms with full auto mode. Installation Make a Customcode override for the following three Exile functions in your missionfile or merge the code if they already exist! 1. ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown 2. ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp 3. ExileClient_object_player_stats_reset Merging existing overrides 1. The code parts are commented with /* Holster+ Start*/ & /* Holster+ End*/ ! 2. ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp contains multiple code blocks for the buttons 1,2,3,4. 3. ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown is for the binocular related stuff. Download: Github Support Me: buymeacoffee.com Preview Video
  7. It's useful to discuss updates to the Steam Experimental build in one centralized place. The changelog thread can be found here. This thread mainly serves for our team to rapidly see if a daily update is very broken or very epic. Actual issue reporting should still happen via the Feedback Tracker. Thank you!
  8. In this thread, we'll try to describe updates happening in the Experimental build of Arma Reforger. The Experimental build does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with the main release build if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread.
  9. mathiasstahle

    Fast Attack: Mekong Rockets

    Mission summary: Find the enemy's hidden artillery positions in the Mekong delta. Pack your best boots because you will explore the delta in mist, darkness and pouring rain. Mekong Rockets is the third mission I've built with the Fast Attack framework. It's a stand-alone mission. The mission relies on @johnnyboy's excellent boat script (credited of course) for AI boat movement in shallow waters. Mekong Rockets may be enjoyed in single player or as a multi player coop scenario for up to 10 players. STEAM LINK: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2859496127
  10. mathiasstahle

    FAST ATTACK: The Agitator

    Track down and eliminate an NVA recruiter operating in the Binh Long Province near South Vietnam's border towards Cambodia. A manhunt that may result in two very different scenarios will follow. This Fast Attack mission may be enjoyed as single player or as a multi player coop scenario for up to 10 players. It's voice acted with cinematic intros in both versions. The mission requires the S.O.G Prairie Fire DLC. Steam Link FA01: The Agitator – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854166626
  11. Hello, been a while. Anyway, I am back with a new script, starting off small as I try to get back into the swing of arma scripting. This is just for helicopters, although I think it would work for airplanes. Actually, the majority of helicopters don't have retractable landing gear, so it's really just for the ghost hawk, huron, and mohawk. There might be others, but I got bored of checking. Anyway, if it has retractable landing gears, this will work, and not to toot my own horn or anything but the effect is damn cool So without further delay, here's the code (github): This should be put in a code block and run via spawn due to the use of sleep. As always, this script is meant for noobs to learn from; by showing something pretty cool you can do with scripting, and as a bonus the effect is actually semi-usable Have fun, DE
  12. ANIMA - Arma NSGA Interface for Milsim Applications ANIMA is a collection of functions and scripts for providing AI groups with terrain/position analysis capabilities that can be used, for example, to dynamically create waypoints with tactical advantage (by criteria that can be programmatically defined), automatically land helicopters at suitably flat/clear locations, or find places to spawn units or objects with specific visibility requirements. This release is essentially an open-ended set of scripts for getting units to do things in abstract terms like "land a helicopter nearby", find an overlook position with cover and concealment", "ambush nearby roads or intersections", "seek tactical advantage and engage targets", or "find a nearby place to unload troops". It does not affect unit AI in any way, but uses a genetic position-finding algorithm in various ways, many of which involve assigning different kinds of waypoints. Sorry, but for now, ANIMA does not have the required conditions for multiplayer, but if you're an experienced multiplayer developer and want to take a crack at it then I'd welcome your pull request! I've included a User Manual, which is essential for understanding ANIMA. There are also some example missions to accompany the manual which will hopefully elucidate some concepts. One of these (see below) comes with an additional guide that explains some of the development choices and basics of using the included applications. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I'll try to release some more examples and explanatory content as time allows. EXAMPLE MISSIONS (separate from release) VehicleTargets tank battle/ambush demo: https://github.com/dwringer/ANIMA/releases/tag/EXM-220409-A (added 9 Apr 2022) VehicleTargets application demo: https://github.com/dwringer/ANIMA/releases/tag/EXM-220407-A Vybor Airbase, w/development guide: https://github.com/dwringer/ANIMA/releases/tag/WIP-220322-A (Full mission here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/238060-sp-vybor-airbase-stop-the-invasion/) RELEASE (includes basic examples): https://github.com/dwringer/ANIMA/releases/download/REL-220316-A/ANIMA-220316-A.zip MANUAL: https://github.com/dwringer/ANIMA/blob/main/ANIMA.pdf GITHUB (Updated regularly, may contain bugfixes as well as new featuresbugs): https://github.com/dwringer/ANIMA Known Issues: - Pausing the game while the algorithm is running sometimes causes it to fail. It will either choose a wildly incorrect position or fail to do anything at all. - Default landing zone search radius works best with only one helicopter. If you want to land more than one at a time, try bumping up the radius, step count, and population parameters of the land_helicopters/land_transport methods [55/3/13 is a possible start]. - Headquarters attack/dispatch methods occasionally assign an extra waypoint to a group - the logic needs to be refined. CHANGELOG (Latest) REL-220316-A (Updated 16 March 2022): - Added sort behavior to fnc_find_positions which can sort the final results by a given function (by default, uses the average across all objective scores) - Added a setting to allow fnc_find_positions to work faster, but less accurately, by allowing undifferentiated results after the target number of generations (a single bin after the nondominated sort, no dominance ranks in the result set) - The behavior of optional parameters for attack_targets and approach_targets methods of Headquarters was fixed - Fixed behavior of wp_config parameter of internal Headquarters method dispatch_transports - Added an optional start_offset parameter for approach/attack_targets which moves the search start location relative to the targets by [x, y, z] - Revised and expanded user manual with section on fnc_find_positions and some classes - New (WIP) example mission with all (non-airplane) waypoints generated from ANIMA positions (requires CUP addons) REL-220311-A (Updated 12 March 2022): - Added two parameters to fnc_find_positions: one is a sort-function (or "false") to sort the resulting positions (default sorts by average score). - There are now two example missions. The first one just follows the basic example in the manual, while the second employs a number of functions. - Added a User Manual chapter on fnc_find_positions. Combined with the chapter on LocationFinder, added in the last release, there should be enough information to customize the algorithm with new objective functions. REL-220310-A: - Fixed a bug with the LocationFinder method for finding helicopter landing positions, which was causing the parameter for enemies to avoid to be ignored. - Updated the example mission so that when OPFOR and BLUFOR units detect one another, their waypoints are removed and new ones are assigned using attack_targets with respect to the detected troops.
  13. # Exile-Serverside-Player-Wages What it does: Serverside player wages with safezone/territory check and respect multiplier. # Installation 1. Add this line below to "\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf" ['ExileServer_system_PlayerWages_thread','exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_PlayerWages_thread.sqf',false], 2. Add ExileServer_system_PlayerWages_thread.sqf into "\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code\". - Adjust the poptab amount,respect multiplier and the toast message to your likings. 3. Add this line below to "\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf" - The number at the beginning is the time in seconds (How often it runs). [600, ExileServer_system_PlayerWages_thread, [], true] call ExileServer_system_thread_addTask; 4. Repack your server pbo and done. Download (GitHub) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  14. JBOY Mace Trap for Prairie Fire is released! The jungles of Nam just got a little more dangerous! This is not MP tested yet, but hopefully will work. Please report any bugs found in this thread. Fun release vid: Editor demonstration showing how to set up mace traps: Original pre-release teaser video: Get sample mission here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/erki8qb50f9his9/JBOY_MacePunjiTrapDemo.vn_khe_sanh.7z?dl=0 Credits: Savage Game Design for objects and voice files used in the script. Bohemia Interactive for voice files and sound fx. How to add Mace Traps to mission in the Editor: Copy the JBOY folder from sample mission into your mission folder. Include these two lines (copy from sample mission init.sqf) into you init.sqf file. // ********************************************************************** // Compile JBOY functions // ********************************************************************** _n = execVM "JBOY\JBOY_compileFuncs.sqf"; // Compile general JBOY functions call compile preprocessFile "JBOY\mace\compileMaceScripts.sqf"; // Compile all Mace functions Place a Whip Trap object in the editor. The direction you set the trap will be the direction the mace will swing. Note that AI may be inclined to walk around the trap, so you might want to place more objects on map to funnel the AI path into the trap. In the Whip Trap object's init field, put the following code: [this,'WEST'] spawn {sleep 3; _this spawn JBOY_maceTrapCreate;}; The second parameter above determines who can activate the trap. This script creates a trigger for the trap, so these are the values you canuse for this parameter: "EAST", "WEST", "GUER", "CIV", "LOGIC", "ANY", "ANYPLAYER" For a Prairie Fire mission you might want to set it to WEST so only West units activate the trap. This simulates the locals (VC and Civs) knowing to avoid the trap.
  15. JBOY Ambient AI Interaction Framework This script framework makes it super easy for mission maker to make bases, villages, market places come alive with ambient AI activity. The video is long so feel free to play it at 2x speed to get the gist. I think this is the most useful thing I've created for ARMA... Download sample missions: Prairie Fire example mission (has Prairie Fire DLC object dependencies) Vanilla ARMA example mission (no Prairie Fire DLC object dependencies) Highly Recommended you use Polpox mods to see more fun animations and mimic expressions (but not required) - Polpox Artwork Supporter and Polpox Base Functions Features: Create new activity areas by copying sample market center, trigger and destination objects and pasting them into your mission (in Editor). Copy and paste as many "seller" units as you want. Sellers will stay in place and wait for "shopper" units to arrive and interact with. Copy and past as many "shopper" units as you want. Shoppers will randomly move from destination to destination and perform activity specific to the destination. Destination activities supported so far: Go to destination and chat with nearby unit(s) Sit in chairs and chat BBQ merchant interaction Gun merchant interaction Take a shower (Prairie Fire specific) Use latrine Pee outside Target practice at shooting range Bayonet and melee practice on hanging meat Exercise (kneed bends and pushups) Marital arts kata Repair vehicle tire Repair under vehicle Use modern outhouse/portalets Toss garbage in barrel Ambient conversation occurs using in-game voice files, and language specific (i.e., english, french, chinese, etc.) Units' simulation is enabled/disabled by player presence in trigger area. So FPS only affected when player near. Very extensible: its fairly easy for a scripter to create new activities and add to the framework. How to populate your own area with ambient activity. How to code new activities and add to framework: Credits: @M1ke_SK for super cool Leak script. Savage Game Design for awesome Prairie Fire DLC (I'm using their objects, melee gestures, voice files, and waterfall script for the shower). If you haven't bought Prairie Fire, you should! @POLPOX for his brilliant Gestures and Mimics
  16. JBOY Punji and Willy Pete Victim FX Here's some fun visual effects to make your awesome Prairie Fire missions a little more visceral: Download the sample mission here Issues: Untested in Multiplayer. If one of you guys wants to test that out for me and give me feedback, that would be great. To implement in your missions, copy the JBOY folder from the sample mission into your mission folder, and copy the lines from the init.sqf into your init.sqf. Credit: Thanks to @HallyG for the blood spray particle fx.
  17. What it does: Extended Anti Wallpeek script that also triggers outside of territories and your own territory. If you try to glitch through objects with freelook it will fade the screen to black and forces first person for 60 seconds. It will cover most of the buildings but sadly not objects like map fences since they have no "object type", but better than nothing. # Installation - Copy the Exile_Client_EAWP_thread.sqf to your missionfile and add the code from the initplayerlocal.sqf Download: Github Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  18. Saros Tweak For Higher FPS On Maps Singleplayer / Multiplayer / Eden-Editor compatible. CBA required. Server and clients need the mod. Addon deletes (by hideing) terrain objects to boost fps on maps. Its fully customizable through CBA-Settings. YOU HAVE TO ADJUST ADDON-SETTINGS IN OPTIONS MENU or the mod does nothing! See notes below for usage. It can be used by server admins to get better fps on clients. Server settings will force the client to the same settings. You are able to configure deletion percentages of rocks, trees, bushes, walls, fences and hides. Those objects are not transferred through network. Every machine executes the hiding local for itsself but the algorithm ensures that every machine deletes the same objects. This addon tries to solve fps problems in Singleplayer and Multiplayer environments caused by a heavy terrain-object count on maps. On some maps there are so many rocks, trees, bushes, walls, fences and hides that some CPUs/GPUs get to their limits and the player is forced to limit the viewdistance by far to get an acceptable framerate. Also on some maps these objects are not well optimized and fps drops occur therefore. For Serveradmins it is recommended to use a cba settings file in userconfig folder and to enable filePatching. cba settings file and user config folder is described here: CBA - Settings - Documentation This mod is on your side 🙂 Steam Workshop Singleplayer/Editor usage: 1. Open your Singleplayer/Editor mission. 2. After it is started press Escape key. 3. Then click on "Options"->"Addon Options". 4. Choose "Saro Tweak Map FPS" from the drop down menu named "ADDON". 5. Choose your prefered deletion rates. 6. Press "OK". 7. Pause Menu is disabled now until new settings are processed completely. If you have questions or suggestion just ask and/or tell! The idea for this mod was born in this thread. versions archive: version 0.4 (latest) version 0.3 version 0.21 version 0.2 (partially broken, see here) version 0.1 Full Changelog:
  19. These coop missions will be form an SP campaign in the near future. But until then, you can play with them separately in MP cooperative. All of them require S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC, but nothing else. Hold Alamo Short (40 min) mission to defend an F.O.B. on the hill from the multiple waves of Vietnamese assault. Boots for walking It's a regular patrol routine in Vietnam: eliminate VC, destroy caches, collect intel... Secure transport SF team are working on a Hearts and minds mission, so they need supply serve to the villagers. Your task is to clear the road for the truck convoy. (Mission inspirited by Radio Commander game.) Search and Rescue Your team was sent for patrol the area and gather intel about shot down pilots. This mission is use Johnnyboy's passable rice paddle script. Ride of the Valkyries Mission based on Apocalypse Now movie: the Air Cavalry charge against a VC stronghold village full of civilians too. Wagner is included. Hammer and Anvil Classic Hammer and Anvil operation: your task is to push the NVA troops toward the mechanized infantry "anvil". In this mission you don't just command your squad, but a whole ARVN platoon (3 squads + yours) by High Command module (or if you play in MP any player can command the squad leaders of the ARVN squads). You have mortar support and intel from a pre-flight of Navy recon plane (he marks interesting sport in the AO). Frontline [W.I.P.] Well known Bravo 2 squad get an order to support other Bravos at a hill on the Frontline South of Hanoi.The main objective is to bleed out the enemy and capture their position to get visual sight on the weapon factory, so you can drive a massive artillery strike on it.
  20. SSAAPS - Sarogahtyps Simple Arena Active Protection System Full Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible. Arma 3 script which simulates the russian Arena system which is an Active Protection System (APS) for tanks. Basically the russian Arena system lifts an explosive charge upto some meters above the tank. There it explodes and directs a few hundred shrapnels in a cone to the ground. If the countermeasure is successfull then the incoming threat is hit by some shrapnels of the cone. The script spawns some bullets above the tank which create the shrapnel cone. Then the incoming threat gets (hopefully) directed to ground. GitHub - Branch GitHub - wiki GitHub - Issue Tracker GitHub - Download GitHub - Direct File Download Dropbox - Download (temporary disabled) Installation (short story) - copy "functions" folder in your missions root folder - integrate cfgFunctions from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you secured your missions remote execution then integrate CfgRemoteExec from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you don't have a description.ext then you can just copy the given one into your missions root folder - apply the script with this line to any vehicle: [tank_1] spawn saro_fnc_arena_start; to stop the script on that vehicle just do this on any part of your mission: tank_1 setVariable ["saro_arena_active", false, true]; to adjust the behavior of the sysem you should take a look into fn_arena_start.sqf I do not recommend to adjust more parameters than skill and reload time. Full installation documentation will follow within the next days/weeks/months 😉 The Download contains an Example mission as .pbo and as unpacked Folder. brand-new shiny trailer video: version 1.0 video: Please tell me all thoughts you have in this thread. Issues and wishes can also reported on GitHub - Issue Tracker Changelog v1.10 - added simulation of the charge container which lifts up, explodes and sends shrapnels to threat - added ability to get threats exploding mid-air instead of smashing to ground only - added parameter to adjust protection skill of the system v1.01 - hot fix - new vanilla example mission created. the old one was mod depended. v 1.0 - initial release
  21. What it does: Blocks connecting,connected,disconnected etc messages from systemchat. Finally easily done due to the latest Arma 3 update and it's fixes. ############## ### Installation ## ############## 1. Make a CfgExileCustomCode override for ExileClient_object_player_event_hook and add the code below. addMissionEventHandler ["HandleChatMessage", { params ["_channel", "", "", "_text"]; _ltxt = toLower _text; if(_channel == 16) then { { if(_ltxt find _x > -1)exitWith{true}; } forEach [ [localize "STR_MP_CONNECTION_LOOSING", " "] call BIS_fnc_splitString select 3, [localize "STR_MP_VALIDERROR_2", " "] call BIS_fnc_splitString select 2, [localize "str_mp_connect", " "] call BIS_fnc_splitString select 2, [localize "str_mp_connecting", " "] call BIS_fnc_splitString select 2, [localize "str_mp_disconnect", " "] call BIS_fnc_splitString select 2 ]; }; }]; 2. Save it, repack your missionfile and you are done. Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito
  22. What it does: This enables PIN code change on objects like doors/gates/hatches/drawbridges etc. So you don't have to remove and replace an object to change the PIN code. Download(Github) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito 1. Replace the code of @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_lock_network_setPin.sqf with the code from Github. 2. Add this to class Construction of the CfgInteractionMenus inside mission config.cpp class ChangePinCode : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Change PIN"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0) && (call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory)"; action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin"; };
  23. What it does: If you logout with a weapon in your backpack that has attached attachments/magazines they will now get saved instead of them just vanishing. (Only works for backpacks, couldn't be bothered to apply it for vests!) # Exile Weapon Attachment Save Fix v0.10 by El' Rabito Download (Github) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito #> Installation 1. Add this two functions below above line 43 of @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf ['ExileServer_util_getWeaponMagCargo','exile_server\code\ExileServer_util_getWeaponMagCargo.sqf'], ['ExileServer_util_getWeaponAttachementCargo','exile_server\code\ExileServer_util_getWeaponAttachementCargo.sqf'], 2. Put/replace the files from the code of the download folder into @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code and repack your exile_server.pbo 3. Done ! Nothing more needed.
  24. Multiplayer-compatible reincarnation of spectrum analyser from DLC Contact for use in normal Arma3 This is RU/ENG singleplayer showcase mission: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2214415193 Features: -automatic generation of UAV&terminals signals -custom signal source by missionmaker on any object (ACE cargo compatible) -realistic signal fade from terrain&distance -UAV&terminals jamming -UAV&terminals friendly-foe identification -multiplayer tested with 120+ players on server and 20+ devices working and nearly 20 signal sources. Thanks red-bear.ru players for it -no addons required Script developed and tested for MP, so some functions dont work proper with AI and in this showcase scenario are simulated with simple scripts (they still work fine in mp with non-ai clients) You can get the latest version of script on my google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11j-1GZAlLP5uWU0jrzp1A7_7tqdQjDr8?usp=sharing Quick "How to use in your mission": -place spectrum_device.sqf, sa_ewar.sqf, stringtable.xml (last for russian&other languages support) in your mission folder -call scripts in init.sqf of your mission like this: [] execVM "spectrum_device.sqf"; [] execVM "sa_ewar.sqf"; -give players device&antennas (in unit's init field or sqf file) like this (device&antennas are hidden in VR by default): this addWeapon "hgun_esd_01_F"; this addHandgunItem "muzzle_antenna_02_f"; this addItemToVest "muzzle_antenna_03_f"; -if you need to add a custom signal for any object in your mission by edinting spectrum_device.sqf //Mission settings sa_beacons=[[t1,-1],[t2,563.2]]; (t1, t2-variable name if object, second parametr-frequency of signal, -1 for random. 3rd parametr-base strength of signal. not used=defaul, -1 random, or some value in dBa)
  25. What it does: It spawns the traders and additional mapping server side. The advantage is people can't steal your mapping and the traders are created once on the server and not for every client which should help with FPS. # A3EX_CMAT - Arma 3 Exile Serverside Custom Mapping and Traders - v0.10 # 2020 - El Rabito # Thanks @ DB for the initial ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf ## Download (Github) Support Me: www.buymeacoffee.com/ElRabito ## #### INSTALLATION 1. Copy the ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf into @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code 2. Add the line below at the top of @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf ['ExileServer_object_trader_create', 'exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf', false], 3. Configure your map content and traders in A3EX_CMAT\content\ - Remember to add them in fn_load_mapContent.sqf like the examples. - TRADER.sqf is the trader configuration with additional information ! - Remember to remove your old trader NPC's from missionfiles initPlayerLocal.sqf! Example trader config with comments _trader_equip = [ "Exile_Trader_Equipment", // TRADER CLASS "Exile_Trader_Equipment", // TRADER CLASS "WhiteHead_04", // HEAD ["InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack1"], // ANIMATION [8204.36,14231.8,0.2], // POSITION 232.455, // ROTATION [["arifle_MX_GL_Black_F","","","",[],[],""],[],[],["U_BG_Guerrilla_6_1",[]],["V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F",[]],[],"H_Watchcap_khk","G_Combat",[],["","","","","",""]] // LOADOUT ]; 4. Add this below to missionfiles initServer.sqf (This is better for spawning the mapping since it's initialized earlier (imho)) [] execVM "A3EX_CMAT\content\fn_load_mapContent.sqf"; 5. Put the A3EX_CMAT.pbo into @ExileServer\addons\ 6. Done # License Info: If you server is named KFB (Kentucky Fried Bambi) you have no permission to use this. Any violation will result in a DMCA.