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  1. Friends, I come to you again, great sages of Arma 3 codes to perhaps solve my current problem... This problem is as follows, I want a static object in my scenario to be destroyed if it takes any instance of damage. The object in question is "Land_PortableServer_01_olive_F". In the init field I tried to put a code that works perfectly on the units: this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{ _this spawn { if (_this select 2 > 0) then { _this select 0 setDamage 1; }; }}]; As I said, in units this code works. If I shoot the unit in the foot that has this code in its init, it will be immediate death. But as in the current case the code is in a static object, it doesn't work. I've already tried shooting all the bullets from my gun on this portable server, hand grenades, RPG, tank artillery... nothing happens xD I did a test to see if it is possible for this object to be destroyed by activating a trigger with the code: hard setDamage 1; Oh, the name of the object is "hard" by the way, because of hardware. And another trigger with the condition: !alive hard; Upon activation: hint "It worked"; And it worked... my test. But I wanted this object to be destroyed if it was hit by something, like the code there that works with the units as I explained. If that were possible, I could create a bad ending for the sci-fi mission I'm creating. Thank you in advance for your time!
  2. Hello there! I'm trying to pass a vehicle Object to a button action. On vehicles with variable names my current version works perfectly fine, but on vehicles without variable name it isn't... So do you guys have any ideas on how to pass the _vehicle variable to the button? // My current Version buttonSetAction [_idc, format ["player moveInDriver %1;", _vehicle]];
  3. Hey guys, I am trying myself on a remoteExec. The idea is, that on the execution of the remoteExec (which can only be triggered by the Game Master) every player gets teleported to their starting position by evaluating in which truck they are sitting. I was hoping that I could get the player object in the remoteExec but nothing happens. Is there a way to get the Player in a remoteExec that i completely missed? Thanks for your help. _vehicle = (vehicle player); switch (_vehicle) do { case "truck_alpha": { player setPos (getMarkerPos "mrk_start_alpha"); }; case "truck_bravo": { player setPos (getMarkerPos "mrk_start_bravo"); }; case "truck_charlie": { player setPos (getMarkerPos "mrk_start_charlie"); }; case "truck_delta": { player setPos (getMarkerPos "mrk_start_delta"); }; case "truck_echo": { player setPos (getMarkerPos "mrk_start_echo"); }; case "truck_sierra": { player setPos (getMarkerPos "mrk_start_sierra"); }; };
  4. Hi guys, I am trying to do a script, which allow me to spawn a "fuel smuggler" (trader) who buys fuel crates only and gives the player 500 cash for every fuel barrel he buys. After 10 min he will disappear only to show 20 minutes later on another place. Monetary system is Grad Money Menu. while {true} do { sleep 1200; _pos1 = [1323.44,7742.14,0]; _pos2 = [11845.7,7733.76,0]; _pos3 = [2177.42,10840.1,0]; _pos4 = [2936.97,3438.3,0]; _rpos = [_pos1,_pos2,_pos3,_pos4] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _smugveh = "C_Truck_02_fuel_F" createVehicle _rpos; _smugveh setFuel 0; _spos = [_rpos, 3, 15, 3, 0, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; private _grp = createGroup [civilian,true]; _smuggler = _grp createUnit ["CUP_C_TK_Man_02",_spos]; _smuggler enableAI "PATH"; _smugtrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_spos]; _smugtrig setTriggerArea [5,5,0,false]; _smugtrig setTriggerActivation ["STATIC","PRESENT",true]; _smugtrig setTriggerStatements ["{_x isKindOf "CargoNet_01_barrels_F"} count thisList == 1", "_delete = nearestObjects [_smuggler, ["CargoNet_01_barrels_F"],50]; {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _delete; [player, 500] call grad_moneymenu_fnc_addFunds;",""]; _marker = createMarker ["Smuggler present!", _rpos]; _marker setMarkerType "loc_LetterS"; _marker setMarkerColor "colorCivilian"; sleep 600; deleteMarker "Smuggler present!" deleteVehicle _smugtrig; deleteVehicle _smugveh; deleteVehicle _smuggler; }; No luck so far, nothing spawns. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I wonder where my mistake is ...
  5. Some of objects in Arma are undestructable. I tried to fix it by writing patch but no luck: class CfgPatches { class sandbag_fix { name = "sandbag_fix"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land_BagFence_Long_F { destrType = "DestructDefault"; armor = 150; }; }; In config viewer I see these parameters applied, but sandbag still undestructable, fired to it from tank a lot. Any help?
  6. Introducing the mod you never knew you needed. Cards! by Endarz This is a 2.5" by 3.5" card object with a homebrewed Ace of Spades texture by default. A collection of textures is NOT provided. A .PSD file with a UV map is provided in the mod's folder. The result of me being fed up over Bohemia Interactive not allowing players to change the textures of the ID Card (CSAT) and Bank Card tools added sometime after Old Man, Cards! is my ArmA III equivalent of the tarot card collectibles in Red Dead Online. I have been messing around with Eden Editor, being a Zeus, and making scenarios for my friends for a while now, and I really enjoy putting a lot of detail into what I do. Previously I was using photos and books (items that had hiddenSelections enabled) as collectibles, but they were too much. Too bulky. Unbelievable even. Fast forward to now, and here I am with this mod. It's my first time making a mod for a video game, and I couldn't be happier with the result. If you do use it, please lemme know your thoughts and criticisms, even ideas. Credits for those who helped me are at the bottom of the Workshop page. Without them, I truly wouldn't have been able to decode the Pandora's Box called ArmA III configs. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2374150189 Made the model and texture myself. ArmA III logo was borrowed from BI's Press Kit. Modeled in Blender, texture was made in Adobe Photoshop 2020.
  7. Hello everyone. As you may have noticed, some objects (which are typically part of the terrain itself, such as most rocks on Stratis and Altis) do not have a type (typeOf _x == ""), which means you can't read their config properties. I was wondering if it's possible to somehow read their config properties (such as 'cfgVehicles' properties, e.g. "epeImpulseDamageCoef")
  8. _variable = _group createUnit ["B_recon_JTAC_F", _position, [], 0, "NONE"]; // _variable = 1; _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", format ["[%1] spawn _script;", _variable], ""]; Hi, if _variable is an object I get an error message for this code (when setting trigger statements, not when activating the trigger) telling me there is a ] missing. If _variable is a not an object (a number f.e.) everything works fine. What is the matter with this weird behaviour?
  9. Hi everyone. Does anyone know if there's a command or config value that tells you whether an object can be knocked down by vehicles (basically tells you it's a wall)? Apparently, the "epeImpulseDamageCoef" value tells you that an object can take damage from collisions, but I didn't find anything that tells you whether it gets knocked down when it's dead.
  10. Is there a way by scripting or by making a cfgvehicles patch to make an object's boundaries be ignored by AI? I want the AI to go through the object as it didn't exist. Disabling simulation or creating it as a simple object doesn't work. The object is there just for visual purposes like a curtain.
  11. Hi, I am making a mission and want to set images on Briefing Room Screens, Laptops, basically any screens that are available in game. I searched online for and what I got is this setObjectTexture [0, "YOURPICTURENAME.jpg"]; and ["init", [this, "image.jpg", "text"]] cal BIS_fnc_initLeaflet I put the image in ThisPC > Documents > Arma3-Other Profiles > USER > missions > Stratismission.Stratis but when i tried to play the scenario it says picture: image not found did i put my image in the wrong file or used the wrong code? Pls help me, thanks in advance : )
  12. Hey everyone. As you know, due to certain limits in Arma, when you want to create a large object (such as carriers, e.g. USS Freedom) you'll have to break it into several small objects. Is there any vanilla command to get the sub-objects once you have spawned the parent object? (as in returning all of them in an array, and I don't mean the "near(est)Object(s)" command) I already know one way to find the objects connected to each other using lineIntersectsSurfaces but the thing is I'm not sure if this sub-object actually belongs to the parent object. P.S: Note that the USS Freedom is just an example. I need a general solution.
  13. Hello, community. I am working on a Coop mission, where I have placed 3 playable units. I will perhaps add more later, depending on my later ideas. They all (including me - the player) need to be able to pick up an item (a specific bagpack - ace_gunbag_Tan). I have placed this object on the ground and I am the only one who can pick it up right now, but it is an important item, being also a protective gear. 😄 So, when I or the other players pick up the first object, the same object should respawn on its previous location after, let us say, 10-15 seconds. It should respawn exactly X times, according to the playable count of units. How do I achieve that? Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  14. Hello, everyone. Would you help me with the following idea I have in mind: I want a specific item or a custom object, that can be placed in the inventory (and via a script also checked if it's inside of it - to complete the task), to be spawned after a trigger is activated within a specific trigger's/marker's area, for example inside a building (where the trigger or the market is placed to make it appear there like a custom loot). So the player must find the item and collect it, but it should appear on different locations within this area, somewhere in the building. After the item is picked up, a task is finished successfully. What can I use to make it work? Another possible condition, instead of trigger's/marker's area, could be player distance _object < X, and when the player is close enough, the item shall spawn somewhere around... and in this case, I guess, it should be again within a specific area, marked by a trigger or a map marker... So I'd prefer the first option with another condition. Thank you in advance! 🙂
  15. Hey guys and gals, I'm trying to create a task where the player has to take an object on the ground (no matter which one, currently trying with a first aid kit). I don't know why I absolutely can't make it right. I create and configure the task, the task state and the trigger as always, and in the trigger I write "Item_FirstAidKit" in items player" And it won't work at all. Can you guys send help? I'm really stuck on this basic thing and I'm pretty frustrated about it, no matter what I do I can't make it work (Also asked on the steam forums)
  16. You can't see object geometry through vehicle geometry (z plane). ORIGINAL TOPIC==================================================================== Objects won't render inside vehicle cab in first-person camera. The tablet is attached to a helper (yellow thing). The helper is attached to the plane. It doesn't matter what technique is used to attach the tablet. The attachment works any which way, but no matter what in the first person view, the tablet is missing (it actually seems to clip outside of the cab to some relative position). In 3rd person camera it works as expected. Is there some kind of occluder in vehicle interiors that won't allow objects? The move happens during the half-second fade when entering/exiting vehicles. Is this a known issue? Is there a work-around? I really want a tablet on my lap whilst flying. To surmise: It doesn't matter how to attach. It just can't be seen in first-person (because it clips out of position). 3rd person works as expected but that's useless. Any ideas?
  17. GF Object Spawner Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Object Spawner Script - Mod , a simple object spawner. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Object Spawner Script - Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ BI Forum Ravage Club Owner : https://forums.bohemia.net/clubs/73-bi-forum-ravage-club/ Notes: GF Object Spawner Script - Mod , a simple object spawner. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players , to prevent the spawn. The objects will spawn also , at the spawned or placed in editor Buildings. 3 presets included ,vehicles , wrecks and structures. There is also , an autodetection mods script , for the classnames , instead of lists. There is an option for the spawned vehicles , to add the Ravage addactions. There is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&amp;q=40415 Armaholic GF Object Spawner Script - Mod
  18. GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod , will spawn explosive objects , mainly indoors. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod , will spawn explosive objects , mainly indoors. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players , to prevent the spawn. The objects will spawn also , at the spawned or placed in editor Buildings. There is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40411 Armaholic GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod
  19. Hello, I wonder if is there a way of getting out of a waitUntil loop in the case when a script is remoteExec on the server in the init.sqf with player passed as argument and when the player disconnect from the server? I see on my linux server'screen when i disconnect from the server the error " Client: Remote object 4:0 not found " and the diag_log message continuing emmiting each second so the script never end. //init.sqf if (hasInterface) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; [[player], "test.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 2]; }; // test.sqf params ["_player"]; while {!isNull _player} do { waitUntil { diag_log "!!!!In waitUntil loop!!!!"; sleep 1; /*(condition code)*/ or isNull _player }; if (isNull _player) exitWith {}; //code... // // };
  20. Hello, I ran into some small trouble with my upcoming horror mission: SILENT ABDERA | COMING SOON™... The problem is that I'm using objects/items in my mission that are interactive. And I simply want to have them as props. Here's two examples: I have tried to disable simulation as well as turning them into simple objects, but it doesn't help. This is not the only object action problems I have. In the mission I'm having quite a lot of these items what I call notes, but they work as leaflets. I wanted the leaflet to have a look of a document, so I used a intel document. I pasted the leaflet script into init, and it works and looks great. But, it also has the dreaded take intel action, and I don't want that. Thanks in advance! I hope the images give clear description of what I want to achieve. Enjoy your weekend soldiers!
  21. Hi! simple question : is there a way to return an object's init code (set in the editor in its init field, or later with createVehicle) in the form of a string?
  22. Currently using createVehicle to spawn an object under certain conditions. I'm wondering how to create a variable name once it has spawned.
  23. I'm making a plane and trying to mimic the sample model plane as much as possible. It has proxies for bombs on the pylons so I'm currently trying to do proxies for my plane and struggling due to almost zero documentation online for how to actually create a proxy in Object Builder. -In Blender, in the resolution LOD, I built a triangle on each pylon marking the location and made them a vertex group named "ProxyPylon1", "ProxyPylon2", etc. and export with the Arma Toolbox for Blender -In Oxygen, I right-click that selection and click "Move Selection to Proxy (All LODS)". -Then I direct it to "P:\a3\weapons_f\dynamicloadout\pylonmissile_1x_bomb_02_f.p3d" and click OK. -It pops up a window that says "Proxy object P:/[etc.] already exists, overwrite?" -I click "Yes" and it does two things: 1) renames my selection to "proxy:...\pylonmissile_1x_b..." (much is truncated by the window) and 2) moves the triangle to 0,0,0, i.e. not on the pylon. -If I now start Bulldozer, there is no apparent change and no bomb shows on the pylon or anywhere I can see. I can't find anything online actually describing how to set up a proxy. I'm betting what I'm doing above is wrong, somehow. I've tried a few variations on the above with no success. So, how do you actually do it?
  24. Hey folks, i have some problems and i guess that it have to do something with my config or maybe the addon builder. I was working on little objects to understand how I get it in the game. Im always getting it working into the Bulldozer but ingame I get everytime problems. I made two barrelbombs, they worked fine as a static object ingame. After a few weeks I came back to it and modelled an Improvised Hellcannon and added it raw without any textures applied. I want to try another workflow for the bigger objects. First configure them and make changes to the object and the config and when this work I would texture them. Problem: When I added the new object in the config and the p3d, it showed me ingame that a texture of one of the working objects could not be found. So all three objects does not show up ingame. Even if I remove the new object with the configurations. Cannot load texture Error: Dragged the objects and there is only the text: Config: My folder Structure: Bulldozer is working: Addon builder list: *.pac;*.paa;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.wrp;*.bisurf;*.xml;*.hqf;*.rtm;*.rvmat;*.shp;*p3d Hopefully its only a tiny problem... Something I forgot. regards JeckZeRippa
  25. I want to have a backpack initialized with an action to build up a campsite. For now I have the working script to add the action to the backpack and run the script as the action is triggered/used. Now I want the backpack to disappear after the campsite has been built up. I tried to call deleteVehicle but failed. I think it is because the script is bound to the object that I want to remove and therefore does not work. What I am looking for is like a custom event I might create? Like publishing an event called campFinished and registering and event handler to my object which will kill it in the callback function. Is something like this possible? If not - what is the common approach to achieve a similar result? Complete code is open here: https://github.com/xetra11/ReconMod If anybody wants to reproduce it on it's own. fn_backpackInit.sqf params ["_backpackItem"]; format['init backpack: %1', typeOf _backpackItem] call ReconMod_fnc_log; _backpackItem addAction ["Build Recon Camp", ReconMod_fnc_buildCampsite]; fn_buildCampsite.sqf (last line is my try to delete the backpack - does not work) params ["_target", "_caller"]; private ["_message", "_campComposition"]; _message = format['%1 is building up a campsite', name _caller]; hint _message; 'playing build up animation' call ReconMod_fnc_log; _caller playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medicUp3"; _campComposition = [ ["Land_FirePlace_F",[0.407715,-0.0605469,0.00431442],0,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_WoodenLog_F",[1.30078,-1.04712,4.19617e-005],0,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ground_sheet_folded_khaki_F",[-0.0664063,1.74048,8.01086e-005],260.778,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Laptop_02_unfolded_F",[1.31445,-1.0542,0.5],136.964,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_F",[-1.36768,-0.928467,-0.00595856],37.9681,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_brown_folded_F",[2.34326,-0.0712891,-3.8147e-006],245.926,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_F",[-0.641113,1.8584,-0.0278778],174.749,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_F",[2.49707,0.719482,0.0018959],266.758,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ground_sheet_khaki_F",[3.14111,-0.101318,3.8147e-006],96.0028,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_CanisterFuel_F",[-2.85938,1.72168,0.000972748],191.718,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ammobox_rounds_F",[3.03857,1.61816,0.00495911],218.802,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_TentDome_F",[-4.22217,-0.0065918,0.00314331],181.884,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ammobox_rounds_F",[3.88281,1.70947,9.53674e-005],143.886,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_TentDome_F",[-2.9668,3.74658,0.0138435],215.286,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_TentDome_F",[3.51807,3.35718,0.00638962],320.122,1,0,[],"","",true,false] ]; 'constructing camp...' call ReconMod_fnc_log; [position _caller, 0, _campComposition] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper; 'camp build!' call ReconMod_fnc_log; hint 'recon camp has been built up'; _message = format['deleting campsite building item: %1', _target]; _message call ReconMod_fnc_log; deleteVehicle _target;