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  1. I have created a simple menu. I want every player to be able to bring it up and use it with a scroll wheel when they enter the server. I put addAction into initPlayerLocal.sqf and added a hint as a run marker. But when I enter the server I get the message but no option to add. I ran my addAction code in the debug console and it proved that it works. How do I get the option to be added automatically for each player entering the server?
  2. Context: on Dedicated Server / not tested in hosted server Hello again, This is my first script with function structure and I'm facing a hard time learning the syntaxes and the logic needed to make this work properly when with more than one player in-game. My mistakes are potentially in fn_VO_globalFunctions.sqf file and how I am calling that in fn_VO_coreGround.sqf file. Btw, this mission is not using any init file. Bad behaviors: Only repairing is working for everyone. Refueling and rearming are not working at all. Nobody can't see the systemChat feedback messages. description.ext class cfgFunctions { // VEHICLE OVERHAULING: REPAIR, REARM, REFUEL #include "vehiclesOverhauling\THY_functions.hpp" }; THY_functions.hpp class THY_functions { tag = "THY"; class vehiclesOverhauling { file = "vehiclesOverhauling"; class VO_parameters { preInit = 1 }; class VO_globalFunctions { preInit = 1 }; class VO_coreGround { preInit = 1 }; //class VO_coreAir { preInit = 1 }; //class VO_coreNautic { preInit = 1 }; }; }; fn_VO_parameters.sqf // EDITOR'S OPTIONS: VO_debugMonitor = false; // true = turn on the editor hints / false = turn it off. VO_feedbackMsgs = true; // true = the station shows service messages in-game for the player (highly recommended) / false = turn it off. // GROUND SERVICES groundVehiclesOverhauling = true; // true = the station accepts ground vehicles / false = doesn't accept. VO_groundServRepair = true; // true = repairing for ground veh is available / false = not available / highly recommended turn it on if you want also to refueling. VO_groundServRefuel = true; // true = refueling for ground veh is available / false = not available. VO_groundServRearm = true; // true = rearming for ground veh is available / false = not available. VO_grdActRange = 10; // in meters, the area around the station that identifies the ground vehicle to be serviced. Default 10. VO_grdCooldown = 10; // in seconds, time among each available ground services. Default 10. VO_grdStationAssets = // which assets (classnames) will be automatically ground stations on mission. [ "Land_RepairDepot_01_green_F", "Land_RepairDepot_01_tan_F" ]; // AIR SERVICES airVehiclesOverhauling = true; // true = the station accepts air vehicles / false = doesn't accept. VO_airServRepair = true; // true = repairing for air veh is available / false = not available / highly recommended turn it on if you want also to refueling. VO_airServRefuel = true; // true = refueling for air veh is available / false = not available. VO_airServRearm = true; // true = rearming for air veh is available / false = not available. VO_airActRange = 20; // in meters, the area around the station that identifies the air vehicle to be serviced. Default 10. VO_airCooldown = 10; // in seconds, time among each available air services. Default 10. VO_airStationAssets = // which assets (classnames) will be automatically air stations on mission. [ "Land_HelipadRescue_F", "Land_HelipadSquare_F", "Land_HelipadCircle_F", "Land_HelipadCivil_F" ]; // NAUTIC SERVICES nauticVehiclesOverhauling = true; // true = the station accepts nautic vehicles / false = doesn't accept. VO_nauticServRepair = true; // true = repairing for nautic veh is available / false = not available / highly recommended turn it on if you want also to refueling. VO_nauticServRefuel = true; // true = refueling for nautic veh is available / false = not available. VO_nauticServRearm = true; // true = rearming for nautic veh is available / false = not available. VO_nauActRange = 25; // in meters, the area around the station that identifies the nautic vehicle to be serviced. Default 10. VO_nauCooldown = 10; // in seconds, time among each available nautic services. Default 10. VO_nauStationAssets = // which assets (classnames) will be automatically nautic stations on mission. [ "Land_TBox_F" ]; true fn_VO_globalFunctions.sqf THY_fnc_VO_humanPlayersAlive = { private ["_headlessClients"]; _headlessClients = entities "HeadlessClient_F"; VO_humanPlayersAlive = (allPlayers - _headlessClients) select {alive _x}; true }; THY_fnc_VO_debugMonitor = { //WIP true }; fn_VO_coreGround.sqf //if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_arrayGroundStations","_groundVehicles","_serviceInProgress","_eachGroundStation",/*"_grdRepairNeeded","_grdRefuelNeeded","_grdRearmNeeded",*/"_eachHumamPlayer"]; [] spawn { // arrays that will be populated only with the objects classnames listed by VO_grdStationAssets. _arrayGroundStations = []; // initial services condition _serviceInProgress = false; // if ground services is allowed... finding out only the objects of classnames listed in VO_grdStationAssets through the allMissionsObjects. if ( groundVehiclesOverhauling == true ) then { { _arrayGroundStations = _arrayGroundStations + allMissionObjects _x } forEach VO_grdStationAssets }; // check whether or not run this while-looping / if some or all services are on, bota pra foder... while { groundVehiclesOverhauling == true } do { // check who's human here: call THY_fnc_VO_humanPlayersAlive; { // VO_humanPlayersAlive forEach starts... _eachHumamPlayer = _x; if ( VO_debugMonitor == true ) then { call THY_fnc_VO_debugMonitor }; // defining the ground veh of _eachHumamPlayer (_x) into XXm radius: _groundVehicles = _x nearEntities [["Car", "Motorcycle", "Tank", "WheeledAPC", "TrackedAPC"], 10]; { // forEach of _arrayGroundStations starts... _eachGroundStation = _x; { // forEach of _groundVehicles starts... if ( (_x distance _eachGroundStation) < VO_grdActRange ) then { sleep 3; // a breath before the any ground service. // GROUND REPAIR if (VO_groundServRepair == true) then { if ( (alive _x) AND (damage _x > 0.1) AND (isEngineOn _x == false) AND (speed _x < 2) AND (_serviceInProgress == false) ) then { _serviceInProgress = true; sleep 3; if (VO_feedbackMsgs == true) then { systemChat "Checking the damages..."; }; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\characters\cutscenes\dirt_acts_carfixingwheel.wss", _eachGroundStation]; sleep 3; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\sfx\ui\vehicles\vehicle_repair.wss", _x]; // if player inside the vehicle: if (!isNull objectParent _eachHumamPlayer) then { addCamShake [1, 5, 5]; // [power, duration, frequency]. }; _x setDammage 0; sleep 3; if (VO_feedbackMsgs == true) then { systemChat "Ground vehicle has been repaired!"; sleep 2; if ( ( (VO_groundServRefuel == true) OR (VO_groundServRearm == true) ) AND ( (fuel _x < 0.8) OR ( ({getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x select 0 >> "count") != _x select 1} count (magazinesAmmo _x)) > 0 ) ) ) then { systemChat "Preparing to the next service..."; }; }; sleep VO_grdCooldown; _serviceInProgress = false; // station is free for the next service! }; }; // GROUND REFUEL if (VO_groundServRefuel == true) then { if ( (alive _x) AND (fuel _x < 0.8) AND (isEngineOn _x == false) AND (speed _x < 2) AND (_serviceInProgress == false) ) then { _serviceInProgress = true; sleep 3; if (VO_feedbackMsgs == true) then { systemChat "Checking the fuel..."; }; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\characters\cutscenes\concrete_acts_walkingchecking.wss", _eachGroundStation]; sleep 3; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\sfx\ui\vehicles\vehicle_refuel.wss", _x]; if (!isNull objectParent _eachHumamPlayer) then { addCamShake [0.3, 5, 2]; }; _x setFuel 1; sleep 3; if (VO_feedbackMsgs == true) then { systemChat "Ground vehicle has been refueled!"; sleep 2; if ( ( (VO_groundServRepair == true) OR (VO_groundServRearm == true) ) AND ( (damage _x > 0.1) OR ( ({getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x select 0 >> "count") != _x select 1} count (magazinesAmmo _x)) > 0 ) ) ) then { systemChat "Preparing to the next service..."; }; }; sleep VO_grdCooldown; _serviceInProgress = false; }; }; // GROUND REARM if (VO_groundServRearm == true) then { if ( (alive _x) AND ( ({getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x select 0 >> "count") != _x select 1} count (magazinesAmmo _x)) > 0 ) AND (speed _x < 2) AND (_serviceInProgress == false) ) then { _serviceInProgress = true; sleep 3; if (VO_feedbackMsgs == true) then { systemChat "Checking the ammunition..."; }; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\characters\cutscenes\concrete_acts_walkingchecking.wss", _eachGroundStation]; sleep 3; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\sfx\ui\vehicles\vehicle_rearm.wss", _x]; if (!isNull objectParent _eachHumamPlayer) then { addCamShake [1, 5, 3]; }; _x setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 3; if (VO_feedbackMsgs == true) then { systemChat "Ground vehicle has been rearmed!"; sleep 2; if ( ( (VO_groundServRepair == true) OR (VO_groundServRefuel == true) ) AND ( (damage _x > 0.1) OR (fuel _x < 0.8) ) ) then { if (isEngineOn _x == false) then { systemChat "Preparing to the next service..."; } else { systemChat "For the next service, turn off the engine!"; }; }; }; sleep VO_grdCooldown; _serviceInProgress = false; }; }; }; } forEach _groundVehicles; } forEach _arrayGroundStations; } forEach VO_humanPlayersAlive; sleep 5; }; }; // spawn ends. Editable mission download: https://github.com/aldolammel/arma-3-vehicles-overhauling
  3. I'm trying to spawn a while loop on each player in a multiplayer mission to monitor what equipment they have but can't figure out how this works. Right now I'm just trying to hint the name of units' helmets. In initPlayerLocal.sqf: [[player], "player_scripts\01_integrated_armor.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM", 0, true]; The code in 01_integrated_armor.sqf: _rc = _this select 0; [_rc] spawn { _rc = _this select 0; while {true} do { //%1 = name of unit //%2 = helmet unit is wearing //%3 = check if helmet matches unit's helmet variable hint format ["%1,\n%2,\n%3", _rc, headgear _rc, (headgear _rc == _rc getVariable "rc_helmet")]; sleep 1; }; }; The hint is coming through, and seems like it should be working, but the part that shows which helmet the unit is wearing won't change when I swap helmets. I checked the helmet with the debug console (i.e. "headgear player") and that shows the currently worn helmet properly, and the variable name of the player is displaying correctly in the hint, so I'm not sure why this is not working. What am I missing?
  4. Sup all. I've have another question, this time, related to map markers. I'm running missions that slipts into two events: one day for recon, and the other for the mission itself. On recon day, a small group of players inserts into the map and makes a survelliance run, gathering the intel for the second day, that is, "the mission" itself. I want to save all the players markers on recon event (wich I can do via scripting), and then export them to the "mission map". The thing is that on single player, I can grab the map markers array data and export it as a string using "copyToClipboard", but according to Bohemia wiki, it's a server side only function. On a dedicated server, I'm running into problems to get that data from a client. What I achieved so far: Server side script: grab all the players markers into an array, then "send" that data to a zeus enabled player (client). On client side, I've got the markers data. Missing: how can I do to "export" that data. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  5. As you can see by the title, I'm trying to make a custom support CAS menu by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu. The script that activates after u call in support would make the player say something with apex subtitles and send in chopper support. Problem is, that it seems like the script only activates to whoever calls in the support. What I mean is that the player who called in chopper support would see the apex subtitles and the chopper incoming for CAS. But to the other players, they won't see the apex subtitles and only see the chopper incoming. Is there any way to make the script activates for all players by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu? I'm still considered a rookie when it comes to scripting, so expect me to be a little dumb. And this is one of my first posts on the forums.
  6. Hi, I'm working in a multiplayer mission were the server needs a custom module. I wrote the module in a small addon and everything works well. The module is used only by the server but clients cannot connect without the small addon with module info. I don't like that players need to get an addon just for this small bite of information (131 kb). Is there a way to make clients get module definition from the server when they download the mission? I hope I've been clear enought. Thank you
  7. Hello, After a long break from playing Arma 3 multiplayer, I fired it up and discovered Warlords. It's great and fun, and the best part is being able to play as a team...but it is not without it's flaws...which I think will eventually frustrate me too much... This threads intension is not to gripe, but to hopefully get the attention of the developers to sort these out. So view, reply, like (if that's possible) to get this up the top. Ultimately $MONEY$ pays the bills (and developers) so suggestions on how to pay for the updates are welcome. I suggest a DLC purchase or monthly subscription fee... OK, here goes Technical: 1. On entry to server, have a simple instruction list on how the game works, and how to fast travel! 2. On entry to server or something where you are not in the game, allow users to setup their arsenal/character - In game people doing that looks like they are not playing 3. Boot players not doing anything... Are they playing? Or collecting Command Points? - either way, these players can ruin and frustrate a team 4. Allow 2 text update boxes. 1: to see game kill updates 2nd: to see chat - It's hard to text communicate because a chat is quickly removed with kill updates 5. With player stats, only show current players, or have 2 boxes - with 200 legacy players, it's hard too see yourself or current players... Gameplay: 1. Can there be room for recon? - purely a person on the binoculars tracking the infantry and vehicles, so they are a constant view on the map when in sight... The rest I leave to replies because I'm still learning. But my intended focus is on enhanced team play (that allows players who don't know anyone to join in and player together), and balance between the 2 opposing side. cheers
  8. Hello, i have the problem that I lose connection to every server after 5-30 minutes. I then get the message "no message received for ... seconds" and after that "lost connection to host". I already tried to reinstall the game, restart my router, turn off firewall and antivirus and reinstall battleye manually. Now I'm out of ideas. Would be great if someone finds a solution or has a tipp. It makes the game unplayable for me.
  9. Climate change has brought famine and disease to Altis. The island republic stands on the brink of a devastating civil war, and NATO carrier group Freedom is deployed in the Mediterranean Sea to protect aid workers operating in the area. Your special forces team codenamed Alpha, stationed on the destroyer USS Liberty, must locate and apprehend an insurgent leader known as 'The Spartan'. G.R.U.N.T.S Mission Pack is a plot-driven cooperative multiplayer campaign for 1-4 players with a story that stretches over 8+ separate missions. All missions are designed to be used in hosted multiplayer without JIP. Finished (and playtested) missions: G.R.U.N.T.S 00: SITREP G.R.U.N.T.S 01: Casus Belli G.R.U.N.T.S 02: Si Vis Pacem G.R.U.N.T.S 03: Et Tu Brute G.R.U.N.T.S 04: Mare Nostrum To be continued ...
  10. Trying to call a sound file for players near an Object named Clone1 Clone1 say3D ["Incoming", 50, 1, false, 0]; from say3D [sound, maxDistance, pitch, isSpeech, offset] is the syntax used but I still cannot seem to get it to work. I know the pathing to the sound works because I can hear it with a simple trigger command.
  11. Generalmonimo

    [MP] Stuck in Vehicle

    I tried several multiplayer scenarios with a friend recently and on several occasions one of us couldn't get out of vehicles after entering. We would be able to choose 'Get out' from the action menu but nothing happens. All other actions like switching seats won't work either. Strange thing is: it happens with mods or without, on user made and BIS missions (IIRC in 'Escape from Altis' i was able to exit some cars but not able to drive them, though). It usually won't happen with every vehicle in the mission. And it always only happens to one of us and it doesn't matter who is hosting. Everything else works fine. We verified our game installation in steam.
  12. I want to create multiple team(like battleground's squad). That means each team can use independent radio frequency, respawn points/area. Are there any mods that support these function? I've been looking around the Workshop for hours, but I can't find it. Tks in advance!
  13. Hello, currently on a server I have a problem, some players have communicated to us problems that they have encountered, when they die they have an image displayed. And sometimes flashes appear, do you know the origin of the problem? Thank you https://imgur.com/a/6VJdGSU https://youtu.be/gVbgMn0whUg
  14. BuckWilderness_

    Casual Group of Players

    I have a casual group of guys that play as more a structured chillsim, we focus on structure and execution without the playing army outside of the army. We are going to begin a Restrepo campaign and usually get together around 8:30 pm EST during the weekdays and are on most the time on weekends. If you cant join you cant join we are just a group of guys some with 1000+ hours in the game getting together to play and relax outside of our Milsim units. REQUIREMENTS Must be mature. Must have a working mic. We will take everyone no matter your game experience and will also help (if we know) with any aspect of the game you want to learn. If you're interested add me on steam and send me a message my steam is https://steamcommunity.com/id/Buck0523/
  15. Trigger Debugger This mod is a little extension to the zeus who with a button on the top right can toogle this tool that allow it to see all triggers on the map, and with right click on it being able to activate it, delete it or just see information about it. Core features See all triggers on the zeus map. See all modules sync to the trigger. See all things sync to the modules. Compatible with Zeus enhanced / Achilles. LOCAL MOD so no need to be installed on the server. How to use: On top right corner you will see this button: After that all triggers will appear on the map, with all syncornized things to the trigger, and modules syncronized to it With right click on the area of the trigger this menu will appear: Known issues Triggers with no area cant be interacted Plan to the future Make Triggers visible on zeus interface Edit Triggers Links Workshop GitHub
  16. This is on a multiplayer server. It must work there. I want to breach a door via Slug Ammo. I placed a wooden plank the size of the door in front of it. After two hits the plank gets destroyed and the door opens. I want to use this script multiple times during my mission. Therefore, I don't want n variables counterPlank0 - counterPlankN I want to save the counter locally. Called in init of plank: [this] execVM "scripts\eh_slugBreach.sqf" File: Working with global variable: Not working with setVariable: params ["_object"]; _counterplank = 0; _object setVariable ["counterPlank", _counterPlank]; DIFFERENCE _object addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", { params ["_unit", "_causedBy", "_damage", "_instigator"]; if (currentMagazine _instigator isEqualTo "rhsusf_5Rnd_Slug") then { _unit setVariable ["counterPlank", _counterPlank + 1]; DIFFERENCE }; if (_unit getVariable "counterPlank" > 1) then { DIFFERENCE deleteVehicle _unit; myBuilding animateSource ["Door_1_sound_source", 1]; }; }];
  17. Hello, I am trying to get a simple hostage script to work on a dedicated multiplayer server, but it does not seem to work properly. I can see the "Free Hostage" option on the "hostage" AI, but the AI does not do anything after I select the option. While testing in the editor, the hostage is able to go to his next waypoint, but on the dedicated server, he is still stuck in place as if the script did not execute. The code I have to setup the hostage in "hostageSetup.sqf": hostage disableAI "move"; hostage setcaptive true; removeallweapons hostage; removebackpack hostage; removeGoggles hostage; removeHeadgear hostage; hostage unassignitem "nvgoggles"; hostage removeitem "nvgoggles"; removeVest hostage; hostage setunitpos "middle"; The code in "hostageAction.sqf": hostage setcaptive false; hostage setunitpos "auto"; hostage enableAI "Move"; And then finally the code in "init.sqf": execVM "hostageSetup.sqf"; hostage addaction ["Free Hostage",{ execVM "hostageAction.sqf" },nil,6,true,true,"","true",2,false,"",""]; Is there something I should add?
  18. Hello Everyone! I am bothered the last weeks with an idea but missing the skills and capacities to form it into reality. I know you heard that a lot of times here and I am indeed searching for people who are willing to bring this project to reality because they would love it to be in the game! As you could read already in the title I would love to have DCS in Arma 3. What does that mean? Well, ArmA delivers a good balance between Sim and casual concerning flight mechanics and since the jet dlc there is quite some potential. Unfortunately most ArmA maps, although already large, lack the seize of an air to air combat map. My idea involves the following: 1. Build a map which is big enough with at least two airports at opposite ends. (This is possible also with way beyond reasonable fps looking at maps like "south east Asia"; the importance, I guess, is to keep the prop count low, textures minimal, amongst other stuff) 2. Build a simple MP ready mission where people can fight each other on this map in planes, nothing else than this map as a mod needed, but of course welcomed to build upon this with mods and stuff! 3. Integrate a mission system so there is always something to do and out of these missions dog fights and so evolve. 4. Bring scripts in as view distance, Driving planes backwards, and rearming pylons to your likings. I know that I might not be the first one having the idea and I also know that most people would just say "learn it and do it". Nevertheless I thought asking doesn't cost anything and perhaps there are some of you out there who already have the skills and like the idea and we could make it come to life together. I mean, we could build a solid alternative for DCS with lesser focus on the simulation but the action without getting to casual, because I think Arma delivers it! And it would be free for all those who already own Arma! No new flight game needed, we basically have it within the game, no one woke it really up, yet! Also it would close the gap to Arm4 coming out 2044 a bit, delivering a new way to enjoy and experience the game. I am open for any suggestions, help, information or critics. Perhaps something like this is already in development and I haven't found it (South East Asia doe lacks the two airports at the end of the map and I tried to build them in the editor afterwards, which was not really working...). At least I wanted his idea to be out there in this amazing community, even if no-one is at first answering or interested. Thank you all and have a nice day!
  19. Chicken55

    Proximity Chat?

    Not sure whether this has been suggested before but I'll throw my coin in the well and say this would be a brilliant addition to the game especially with the big maps (possibly bigger maps in future?) however i do think an option to toggle it in settings would be a good idea but have a clear indicator that it exists so newbies can either use it or not
  20. Hello everyone! I haven't been active for a very long time. Now I am back and I need your help. I have downloaded a ready MP/Coop Mission - Rush Redux on Tanoa by OPTiX. Since we are a small community on a private server, I need to make this mission better playable and it needs to be agains AI soldiers, so my friends and I can fight them and still finsih the main mission by completing the objectives. This is possible by destroying the MCOM's when playing on the OPFOR side because if you spawn as a BLUFOR player, the enemies will simply show up, fire upon you and your squad mates and not attack the objective. So the gameplay would be pretty boring. That's why I am going to remove the BLUFOR playable units. I have tried using THIS example with the script in the description, including my own config lines of the enemy soldiers, but it didn't work, showing me that ")" was missing on a line in the main script: { if (_Spawntarget distance _x˃_Deletedistance) then {deleteVehicle _x;}; } forEach units _EditGroup; } foreach (allGroups select {side _x == _Spawnside && (_x getVariable ["spawned",true])}); And because it didn't work I tried with A.E.S (Ambient Enemy Spawner), but the enemy soldiers spawn around me very rare and too late, and it's always laggy as hell. I have tried different options in the main module, but I wasn't satisfied with the results. Other than that, I would like to use a simple script, may be like the first one above, in order to place down custom AI units, not only Vanilla, so I can put enemies from any mod I would like to use, and I need to make a stable version without any lagg while playing. What would you recommend me to do? May be put some units around the map and automatically spawn them on me when I start playing, but the thing is that the player always starts on a different random location and can spawn in the HQ or in a vehicle. If I want to use custom enemy units I guess I will have to use a config line to get them working. Please, give me some advices, scripts or suggestions how to accomplish this task. I want the enemies to hunt down the players. Thank you in advance!
  21. How would I turn this short script global. Basically, I need these mines, when placed by any Curator on the map, to lose the ability to be edited by the Curator who placed it. Currently, I have this short piece of code located in my "initPlayerLocal.sqf", however, when I test my multiplayer map using the "arma3server_x64.exe", it doesn't remove the ability for me to edit the mines after they are placed. Please help!
  22. I have some boxes (Weapon's Cache) scattered across my map. They can be "retrieved" by any BLUFOR player (BLUFOR player has to use the hold action), which removes the box, adds CuratorPoints to all BLUFOR Curators and removes the question mark from the map (where the box is located). They can also be "destroyed" by any Independent unit (Independent player and AI has to use the hold action), which removes the box and removes the question mark from the map (stopping the BLUFOR Curators from gaining CuratorPoints). I currently have this in the init of all the boxes scattered across the map. When used by any player, the trigger just removes the question mark from the map and nothing else. I think I need to use remoteExec for the deleteVehicle part and the addCuratorPoints, but I do not know how to use that function. Please help!
  23. Heroic slovniacs An Arma 3 CO-OP scenario. Heroic slovniacs trailer: What's this? Takistanian milita has taken a Takistanian army airport, the Takistanian army has requested the help of the Russian army to retrieve that airport. Three soldiers and a Su-25 were sent in order to assist (or more likely do all the job by themselves) retrieving that airport, but are met with a strong resistance due to the fact that the Takistanian milita acquired a huge amount of equipment from the same airport. The mission theme is Close air support (Su-25) that is guided by the help of the three soldiers on the ground, so 4 players. Download from Steam Workshop: Normal version or ACE version. Player slots: Squad leader. Marksman\Enginner. AT soldier. Pilot. I also have an ACE version, which replaces the Marksman with a medic. Pros: I have spent 350 hours on this mission, I hope it will be great enough! Cinematics! (they suck because Arma 3 cinematics suck). Voice acting! (for the commander, it will give you PTSD). Random events (that will kill you, such as a minefield). Long mission (depends if you keep bullshiting or not). Unlock ground vehicles as you progress, making you stronger. Thanks to LAMBS mod, the AI can actually outsmart you by miles, so be careful. Multiple respawn points to save traveling times. Music player (that randomly plays music every 10 mins). The commander welcomes players who connect, and whines when a player disconnects (who the ♥♥♥♥ cares remove this point idiot). There is no acting in this mission, you play however you want and unlock vehicles (ground vehicles) as you play through the mission, as long as your play-style is not about you being a complete idiot, you will pass. At least you can feel that the world is a bit more "alive" than other missions. Cons: The Intro is quite long (7 mins) but that's because I wanted to lay out information in a better way (btw the intro is not boring). Since I wanted the performance to be good (and this mission is so large that I pushed Arma 3 to its boundaries) I had to make it so that the hosting computer (whether it's a player or a dedicated server) take the weight of the scripts and units, so only the host will suffer from a poor performance (if his PC is older than 2018) while the rest of the players will have no problems in performance :), so not a huge con really. Last part of the mission might be heavy on the hosting PC, but you can always quit, since that part makes %10 of the mission anyway. 13 mods (19 if ACE) (most are light weight) so that you can experience the full experience without AI being dumb etc etc. Other stuff: I have became a no life making these missions, and thank to all the people who helped me (even slightly) who are mentioned in the end of the mission, I hope you will give this mission a try, since it doesn't require a huge number of players (3 players are acceptable, 2 players will cause the guy on the ground to eat huge metric tons of organic ♥♥♥♥). Also, I hope Digger won't traumatize you for life. Download from Steam Workshop: Normal version or ACE version. Report any glitch in the comments (below) or I will call out targets for the pilot to annihilate.
  24. I've been trying my best to get a script to work which allows a server to detect players within a specific vehicle. Here are the versions I've tested. They do not work on a dedicated server though. 1: {_x in object} count (playableUnits) == {alive _x} count (playableUnits); 2: _allPlayers = call BIS_fnc_listPlayers; {_x in object} count (_allPlayers) == {alive _x} count (_allPlayers); 3: {_x in object} count (allPlayers) == {alive _x} count (allPlayers); 4: ( {alive _x && !(_x in object)} count allPlayers ) == 0 I'm terrible at scripting but I try my best to understand. If you have a fix that is great, though I'd love to know how I messed up and how to improve for the future. :)
  25. Warfare missions under WASP edition Warfare missions are based on CTI principles where players have to fight for control of certain terrain. Current edition makes focus on RTS part where team commanders receive access to infantry, vehicle squads. Having till 10 groups under control a commander can give them orders via map view. Remote control is available for each group and even each soldier of group. Features: - 3 playable sides: opfor, blufor, resistance - reworked all UIs - new AI commander - integrated high command module - optimized for large scale battles - added chemical arsenal - wide variety of capturable locations with unique perks and features - destructible towns that influence team economy - advanced base management - new upgrade list - reworked AI behavior in towns - secondary missions - CRAM arty shell intercept mechanic - updated artillery computer Required Addons: - Wasp Server mod - Wasp HC mod - CBA_A3 - CUP Terrains - Core - CUP Terrains - Maps - CUP Weapons - CUP Units - CUP Vehicles - AdWaspLite - Advanced Rappelling - Cold War Rearmed III Current State - v60 RC9: Missions are ready for playing in most aspects of gameplay. However additional development is in progress still. Few builds will be done in nearest future to add last part of features. How To Run: Missions are designed to be run on a dedicated server. It allows to get more performance while matches can have dozens of AIs and other related objects. Please check links section to get more info about required mods. Related links contain detailed instructions how to prepare server side infrastructure. Links: Server-side mod (Required for server running) Server-side mod for headless client (Required for server running) Steam Workshop Discord Server