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  1. im unable to connect to my server useing tadst and im given this error. any help is awsome many thanks, ultra <21:50:35> "Pte. H. Bowker": 21:50:22 mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item82/Entities/Item0.type: Vehicle class CUP_B_BAF_Crew_MTP no longer exists 21:50:22 Mission OP_20Saracen_20StormV3.Takistan read from bank. 21:50:22 Player Pte. H. Bowker disconnected.
  2. So hello there, after the 64 bit update and the mods getting updates I got a problem with shacktac mod, I got the shacktack ui and inside the collection there is shacktak name tag It's a great one and cool but, the overlay is on top of everything else if u are in a group and u are facing some1 and tried to chec inv or open ur ctab you will still see the shacktak interface, So, How to fix that I saw some1 posted that on the shacktac developer that u can disable the nt from cba settings
  3. PAYMENT [$50] you will be payed half of the job up front, then once i have the files over dropbox/google drive, you will get the other half. i need 3 vehicles retextured, 1 emblem. [3 vehicles need to be stand alone] turn all 3 vehicles gray colored with this emblem on the sides https://i.imgur.com/PRbFo8d.png, turn the triangled emblem your putting on the vehicles as a patch too. vehicles i need are [CUP] SUV, SUV Armored Tgb 16 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RG-32_Scout the Tgb 16 is in the Swedish mod id like the armored one (M2) version or lower IMAGE REFERENCES: this image will give you a really good idea what i want, its a simple job Make sure everything is Zeus/eden/virtual arsenal compatible and has armor count as well. Also have everything under BLUFOR. Name of them should be like: GIDF-truck1,2,3 GIDF-helmet
  4. Me and my friend is playing DUWS in a private server (just me and him), we are using simple single player cheat menu which works fine in online. But i would like to get this mod working also: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25866 But when I'm ingame, the button to activate the super soldier mode won't appear. does anyone know if there is something i could change to get this working on my server? Thanks!! Update: I found this in a file called scriptInit.sqf /init script only run once //check if is server if(!isServer) exitWith{ player sideChat "YQ_MOD can only activate on server"; }; //load all fnc [] call compile preprocessFile "@YQ_MOD\data\fnc\fnc__loader.sqf"; I tried to remove the "servercheck", but the button to activate the mod still didn't appear.
  5. Hi, I am working on my first mod which is supposed to add a new support module for zeus that works like the mortar or howitzer one but drop a huge smoke for cover purpose. My idea was to pop a first particle effect above the module placed (40 or 20 meters above) to simulate the shell detonating and the smoke falling to the ground. Then pop up a second particle effect on the ground to simulate the smoke coming back up and creating an effective cover (a wall of smoke). I used this mission and this wiki to test the different particles effects and then writing the correct "ParticleArray" in my script : I have the first part ready, I can place the module with zeus and the script is executed without any error but no smoke is displayed at all and I can't figure out why. Can anybody please take a look at my code? Config.cpp class CfgPatches { class rcdc_SmokeBarrage { name = "Smoke Barrage"; author = "Redleouf"; url = "https://github.com/boulayb/"; // author[] = { "Redleouf" }; // authorUrl = "https://github.com/boulayb/"; // version = 1.0.0; // versionStr = "1.0.0"; // versionAr[] = {1,0,0}; requiredVersion = 1.60; requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Modules_F", "A3_Modules_F_Curator" }; weapons[] = {}; units[] = { "rcdc_Module_SmokeBarrage" }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F : Logic { class ModuleDescription { class Anything; class EmptyDetector; }; }; class rcdc_Module_SmokeBarrage : Module_F { scope = 1; scopeCurator = 2; category = "Supports"; displayName = "Smoke Barrage"; // icon = "\rcdc_SmokeBarrage\data\iconBarrage.paa"; function = "rcdc_fnc_moduleSmokeBarrage"; functionPriority = 1; isGlobal = 1; isTriggerActivated = 1; isDisposable = 1; is3DEN = 0; side = 7; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description = "Smoke Barrage"; }; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class rcdc { class Supports { tag = "rcdc"; file = "\rcdc_SmokeBarrage\functions"; class moduleSmokeBarrage {}; }; }; }; fn_moduleSmokeBarrage.sqf _logic = param[0, objNull, [objNull]]; _activated = param[2, true, [true]]; if (_activated) then { hint "smoke dropped"; _pos = [position _logic select 0, position _logic select 1, 40]; _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; _source setParticleCircle [ 0, // circle radius [0, 0, 0] // x y z velocity ]; _source setParticleRandom [ 0, // lifetime 0 for no random [0.25, 0.25, 0], // x y z position [0.175, 0.175, 0], // x y z velocity 0, // rotation velocity 0.5, // scale [0, 0, 0, 0], // r g b a color 0, // direction period 0, // direction intensity 0 // angle ]; _source setParticleParams [ ["\A3\data_f\cl_basic.p3d", 1, 0, 1, 1], // sprite, scale, anim start, nb of frames to play, loop "", // deprecated anim name "Billboard", // particle type 1, // timer period for onTimer script 5, // particle lifetime _pos, // x y z position [0, 0, 0], // x y z velocity 0, // rotation velocity 1, // weight -1, // volume (-1 makes the smoke go down without velocity) 0.1, // rubbing (bigger value makes the smoke move more) [2, 10, 4], // scale [[1, 1, 1, 1]], // r g b a color changing along the lifetime [0.08], // animation speed for each anim state 1, // random direction period 0, // random direction intensity "", // onTimerScript "", // DestroyScript _logic, // follow 0, // angle true, // on surface -1, // bounce on surface (disabled to save performance) [[0, 0, 0, 0]] // emissive color ]; _source setDropInterval 0.05; _source attachto [_logic, [0,0,0]]; hint "done"; }; true
  6. Hey I have played a decent amount of Arma 3 with my friends (mostly fucking around) and I recently gained interest in making a comprehensive Finnish Defense Forces Mod because I couldn't find anything that included weapons, uniforms, vehicles, names, voices, etc. I was wondering what would be the best way to go about this. Tools, resources, assets, tutorials you would recommend would be gladly accepted.
  7. Hello my name is Duck and i have a problem. I have made a cool drone that inherits from the Darter drone which works fine but i need to animate the rotors and i have tried everything... i need help getting these rotors animated on engine start!
  8. Hey there! I was wondering if there was a way to pack scripts into a mod and initialize them whenever the player beginns a mission in single or multiplayer. If tried it with this: class CfgVehicles { class Land; class Man : Land { class UserActions { class acms { displayName="acms"; position="player"; onlyforplayer=1; radius=1.0; condition="this == player"; statement="[] execVM ""ACMS\init.sqf"""; }; }; }; class All {}; class Static: All {}; class Building: Static {}; class NonStrategic: Building {}; class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {}; class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {}; }; and also with this: class cfgvehicles { class Logic; class ACMS_Name : Logic { displayName = "ACMS"; icon = "\ca\ui\data\icon_functions_ca.paa"; picture = "\ca\ui\data\icon_functions_ca.paa"; vehicleClass = "Modules"; class Eventhandlers { init = "(_this select 0) execvm ""init.sqf"" "; }; }; }; which is a part of this forum topic: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=35205.0 It would be okay if the player would have to Press a button like F7 or smth like that but not have to change anything in the mission. I don't know any other way to do this. I am new in the modding scene altough i know the basics and more of scripting. I really do hope that someone can help me with my prolem. :)
  9. Hi AmrA 3 community. I am pretty new to this stuff and have to apologize in advance if I post this in the wrong place. I am trying to create a mission for my friends. I have completely fallen in love with mods, but as it seems these might cause somewhat of a problem for me. This is what I am trying to accomplish: 5 units from the Norwegian Units mod with customized loadout. ---------------- My first problem is that even though I configure something like this in the backpacks, going out of loadout editor and back in just completely changes everything: 5 x 5.56 ammo 10 tourniquet (ACE3) 5 Packing Bandages (ACE3) This gets changed to not new items, but more of the already chosen ones until it is full: 16 x 5.56 ammo 20 tourniquet (ACE3) 18 Packing Bandages (ACE3) This problem I was able to fix by saving a loadout with the Norwegian Units items I wanted, then loadout to a normal NATO unit. My unit is no longer a Norwegian Unit, but this doesn't really matter to me as I have the same gear. ---------------- My second and unresolved problem though is that random items seems to appear in my loadout even though it doesn't appear in loadout editor. If I remove all items in uniform, vest and backpack (loadout editor) this is what is left: Uniform2 x Rangefinder 10 x Basic Bandage (ACE3) 10 x Tourniquet (ACE3) 5 x Morphine (ACE3) Vest1 x Rangefinder Backpack1 x Rangefinder 6 x Morphine The uniform is full even though no items is added in loadout editor. How is it possible to remove these items? I have tried this in the units init: this removeItemFromUniform "Rangefinder"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_fieldDressing"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_tourniquet"; this removeItemFromUniform "ACE_morphine"; This leaves me with this in the uniform: 22x Basic Bandage 16 x Morphine So I'm back to square. The rangefinder and tourniquet dissapeared, but ArmA somehow just added more of the other items to still utilize 100% of the space in my uniform. ---------------- I am literally pulling my hair. How can I get rid of this issue. Please please someone help me out. I'm frustrated out of my mind. I am aware there is something called random "optional no randomisitation" in the "Norwegian Units" mod folder, however this doesn't fix my problem These are the mods I am using https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28809866/mods.html
  10. An addon that returns ArmA zoom feature to Veteran mod. Serverkey included. No file replacement needed. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kwj0turbctxabpt/%40veteranus.rar?dl=0 Steam Workshop page: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757779650
  11. Hi all, I'm trying to improve my Life pack.... This is my new 3D model of Cop.. What do You think about it?
  12. Hello, from some time I really wanted to create public mod with custom compositions for Zeus and Eden Editor. I know how to save custom compositions using editor which then saves here : C:\Users\*******\Documents\Arma 3\compositions. Question is how to put the compositions file into a mod that can be loaded and used my editor and zeus. I tried using this this tutorial: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/2b2cef/creating_custom_zeus_compositions_in_arma_3_x39/ I'd like to create something like this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642912021&searchtext=composition What i Did: mod.cpp name = "Konkel's"; picture = "icon.paa"; actionName = "Website"; action = "http://armann.eu.org/"; tooltip = "Konkel's 0.9.0"; overview = "Public custom Composition/Templates for Zeus and Eden Editor, Enjoy"; author = "Konkel"; config.cpp (after conversion its KONKEL_COMP.pbo) I Get this error :
  13. http://i.imgur.com/VRZ07q1.png?1 (183 kB) Gorgona v1.51 by Major Desync Description: Gorgona is a small island located in the Ligurian Sea, 37 km off the west coast of Italy and 35 km north of the island of Capraia. Inhabited and fortified since ancient times, it is now home to an agricultural penal colony, housing 50 prisoners, including those convicted of murder and other violent crimes, as well as Mafiosi. The prisoners work the island's farms, moving freely around the island by day tending crops and livestock, returning to the prison buildings before the evening curfew. In the history of the prison, only one prisoner has escaped, though it is not known if he survived the long swim to the mainland. (Source: Wikipedia) Though based on the real island of Gorgona, this terrain differs somewhat from the actual island. Firstly, the terrain is larger - measuring 3.7 km from north to south, and 2.6 km from east to west (compared to 2.1 km and 1.6 km respectively for the real island). Secondly, the terrain is a lot less steep than the real island. Finally, while the terrain's buildings and roads are based on the real thing, I've taken a lot of liberties to produce some interesting locations for Arma3. Gorgona's size, topography, ground cover, and locations make it perfect for small-unit infantry actions and stealth missions with an emphasis on close-quarter combat. Features: Terrain dimensions: 4.1 km x 4.1km Terrain area: 16.2 sq. km Island dimensions: approx 3.7 km x approx 2.6 km Land area: approx. 6.5 sq km. Heightmap resolution: 4 m/pixel Elevation range: -50 m to 230 m Approx 112,000 objects Hilly, heavily forested terrain, with large olive plantations, and rocky shorelines. 1 main village, with several surrounding farms and compounds. Locations: Prison, junk yard, port, helipad, cemetery, castle, radome installation, military camp, research station. Screengrabs. by 12reviewman. Changelog: Beta v1.0: Released. Beta v1.1: Released. Changelog: Fixed: Keypoint text colour more legible Added: Seabed texture, clutter, rock outcroppings (and a surprise or two). Added: Several small ruins and a small comm compound to wooded areas Added: Secondary entrance to Military camp, plus several new lights to camp and radome. Added: Security fence, gates, new lights to Helipad. Beta v1.2: Released Changelog: Fixed: Smoothed and widened several lethal gullies around the coastline (some are now good clandestine landing spots!). Fixed: Several misplaced objects (tree bin by prison wall, street lamp in town building and others) Fixed: Ground clipping through floor of several buildings. Added: Randomisation of orientation of most trees and bushes to give a more natural look (Thank you to Jakerod and his excellent Atlas terrain tutorial for the pro-tip!) Added: Box pier to harbour area. Added: Pier ladders to square water tanks to allow entry and escape. Added: Break in fence around Helipad. Thanks to Granis, Zonker3210, TokyoIndia, Gav and Jakerod for their feedback for improving the map in this version Beta v1.3 Released Changelog: FIXED: Buildings and markers not appearing on editor and in-game map. FIXED: Crash on exiting Arma 3 after previewing Gorgona in the editor. FIXED: Intermittent issue with activation of environmental lights on first load in to editor or missions. (It seems these issues were due to incompatibilities between new type 60 p3ds introduced in recent Arma 3 updates and BIS Binarize. Beta v1.3 uses type 58 p3ds, which apparently fixes these bugs, but may cause other unforeseen issues.) Thanks to Mikero for his latest Tools update for making this fix possible (and to Twelvecaliber for the tip). Beta v1.4 Released Changelog: ADDED: A few minor cosmetic tweaks to road paths (near Gorgona Scalo) and to the pier at the harbour in Gorgona Scalo. ADDED : Short road segments to gated compounds to allow AI to path through gates better (hopefully). ADDED: any changes to objects introduced in the latest (post-Nexus) version of Mikero's Arma3p. Beta v1.41 (Hotfix for 1.60) Released. Changelog: TWEAKED: Config and surface textures updated to 1.60 standards. This fixes the 1.60 Black Sky bug. ADDED: Some clutter objects around the helipad. REMOVED: Target range objects from the military base. Unfortunately these were crashing MakePbo for some reason. Thanks to james2464 and Makhno for the necessary know-how. v1.50 Released Changelog: Visual optimisation - Making Gorgona Splendid Again. ADDED: Green grass texture plus clutter. ADDED: Three large olive groves on the previously bare slopes on the east side of the island. ADDED: Miscellaneous trees and bushes to blend better with new, darker sat image. ADDED: Functioning or new lights to various locations, inc Gorgona Scalo, the prison and the military base. TWEAKED: Config lighting settings. TWEAKED: Sat image and mask image - there are some changes to the distribution and extent of the different surface textures. TWEAKED: Texture PAAs - to better match updated sat image. Stony PAA swapped for soil PAA. TWEAKED: Clutter on dry grass textures. TWEAKED: All non-concrete roads changed to dirt trails. Thanks to t800a and Cype_Revenge for visual optimisation hints and tips. v1.51 released Changelog: FIXED: Ingame map grid is no longer divided into two large-scale grid squares. Thanks to Makhno for the pro-tip. Known Issues: None currently. Licence: This addon is released under the Arma Public Licence Share Alike (APL-SA) licence Credits & Thanks: CAPTNCAPS (teamproskill) and FSF for their incredibly helpful tutorials. Bushlurker, M!lkman, Jakerod and the many others who offer help and advice in the Arma 3 Terrain forums. Mikero for his invaluable and amazing tools Gav, Sam, and Geks for alpha testing. Contributors to this thread for posting issues and feedback. BIS for making the Arma series in the first place Download: Armaholic Play with Six Steam Workshop
  14. Hello, I've recently started to try and learn how to create my own things for Arma (so it could be something realliy stupid :P), but I'm now running into a problem where it gives an error saying "Cannot Open Object" followed by the path to the .p3d file In the config.cpp when I try to spawn it in in the editor in arma 3. I'll try to give as much info as I can. When trying to find out what's causing this I've eventually tried just getting a box in game and it still gives the same error. In my rpt it also says: 13:51:57 Warning Message: Cannot open object jsd_test\jsd_test_box.p3d 13:51:57 jsd_test\jsd_test_box.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 13:51:57 jsd_test\jsd_test_box.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape Which I don't understand as the box does have a visual LOD and a geometry LOD, and the object does show properly in object builder and bulldozer. my config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class JSD_Test_Box { units[] = { "JSD_Test_Box" }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Static; class JSD_Test_Box : Static { scope = 2; model = "\JSD_Test\JSD_Test_Box.p3d"; displayName = "JSD Box"; editorCategory = "EdCat_Things"; editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Default"; }; }; I've uploaded the .p3d as well: https://mega.nz/#!q9hzXJoA the .pbo: https://mega.nz/#!GgJh2Qzb My addon builder settings, unsure if it'd help: http://imgur.com/IDN5e7v The way I've created the box is in blender (with that blender toolbox thing), set it to the custom LOD and export as a .p3d. Then open it in object builder, copy the box into a geometry LOD, use Structure > Topology > Find Components. I hope I've given enough information to be able to work this out, as said earlier I am very new to this so it might be an extremely stupid thing. Thanks in advance for any help.
  15. Selod's Gaming Network Selod's Gaming Network is a community of like-minded gamers regardless of platform or location. We’re looking for people who enjoy gaming and love to share their thoughts and experiences in those games. Our environment and atmosphere is casual with a roleplay mindset when in game, we believe in playing Arma 3 Life the right way with out bias. We have a close-knit community that everyone gets along with one another, we don't allow any negative gamers into our Network. We are looking for Seroius players, to play A3L the Right Way . We are currently looking for players to fill the following billets: EMS, LSO, and Civilian. If you have any questions come ask us, Here is our TS3 IP: or click here to submit a application [www.selodsgaming.com] Hope you all will come play with us on Lakeside. Best Regards, SGN Staff
  16. Hi, With previous version (1.60) the mod storage allowed to path another HDD than the Arma one. I used to have Arma on (small) C\: SSD and a bunch of addons on E:\ HDD. Since Apex, all Steam mods are considered as "corrupted" with 0 Kbyte. I succeeded to reload local mods (non-steam) from E: in the watched folder, but Steam loaded remained corrupted even if i deleted them, unsubscribed the subscribed again. The solution was to "restore default" the mod storage. Addons remained in the c:\..\steamApps\workshop\content\107410... folders of addons. So my 2 cent question: - why always modifying something working for a weird solution, probably untested in every config? - how transfer the addons (several Gbytes) to the HDD and keep clean the SSD for Arma engine? Thanks :rolleyes:
  17. beama2005

    New mod idea "The 100"

    hi guys have been thinking about this for while now and wondered what people think? ive been watching the tv series The 100 and i think it might be a cool idea for a mod. it will be similar to dayz/exile but will not have zombies. Plot: 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth, humankind is living in space, residing in twelve space stations. The space stations banded together to form a single massive station named "The Ark", where about 2,400 people live. Resources are scarce and all crimes no matter their nature or severity are punishable by death ("floating") unless the perpetrator is under 18 years of age. After the Ark's life support systems are found to be critically failing, one hundred juvenile prisoners are declared "expendable" and sent to the surface in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth is habitable again. The teens arrive on a beautiful planet they've only seen from space. Confronting the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. However they discover that not all humanity was wiped out. There are people on Earth who survived the war, called "grounders" by the 100. The teens quickly discover they are not welcome by the hostile grounders and must band together in order to survive. here is what i had in mind: "the 100" are playable and sole mission is to survive/scavange/kill there will be ai clans (the grounders,mount weather troops) high radiation zones around the map that need gas masks to enter survival system like dayz. food, drink and radiation levels base building? crafting missions? its a very loose idea but i think it would be so much fun to build and play. is there any pro that will help me get this project going? or anyone with cool ideas that want to help? everyone is welcome what do you think? thanks beama2005
  18. The famous Battlefield bad company 2 RUSH mod for Arma 3 FIA side needs to destroy AAF mcom's to win. Feel free to use to make your own RUSH game mission on Altis or Stratis This mission is inspired from the famous map Valparaiso of battlefield bad company 2 This mod was created after i could not find a similar mod like Battlefield bad company 2 rush game mod in the community of Arma 3. I decided to begin to create this mod back in 2015, but it was only finished in march 2016. This mod is for Multiplayer Dedicated server only with 60 player slots. No addons required. Latest Version: v4.6 (June 4th) Thanks to: Bohemia Interactive Forums Members for their help. All the beta testers for their feedback and bug reports. All third party community scripts (gear select, zlt fastrope, jts squad, jwc casfs, btc) And especially thank you Barbolani for some of the functions. Download from Github
  19. Hello ArmA 3 Community. For the last 4 months i've been working on a terrain called "Finland". It's a fictional terrain based off Finland, the country with the 1000 lakes (and a few more). This is not a release but an inside look at what it will turn into when it's finished. Finland is a winter terrain at the size of 10 x 10 km, all of which is playable. Features: (so far) Custom Trees (A2) 1 Big city 2 Airfields, 1 military and 1 civillian Few military outposts and bases scattered across the map. Couple of small and medium sized villages all across the map. Lots of lakes (It's finland after all) Lots of mountains. A big easter egg (physicly big) https://gyazo.com/0249191e61b5cbf357b78846d2c863d1 https://gyazo.com/c77d388d13640de5ab3ae4631ed67068 https://gyazo.com/198fc7a43c1ca300984df17db51049e6 https://gyazo.com/d1740f7c859a897f70cb0bfeac15b699 https://gyazo.com/2c5da9ef2cc25fa8f37cc3d42e8b3032 https://gyazo.com/5c242f4eed67279c1d6f93cb20512368 https://gyazo.com/c15876b640c9985dbd899d1f6f2d8d66 https://gyazo.com/b3528ce3ce716b86e3e68dffbd7fd934 https://gyazo.com/09493ee068d2d42cca6abd874a57fece https://gyazo.com/40824d0d3f10360ac4542824b584145b Planned Features: 1 more big city Few more villages Complete second airfiled Flatter roads and much more. I am happy for any feedback that i can get, positive or negative :) Thanks for reading //Cookies
  20. Royal Thai Armed Forces - Unit pack Unit and Uniform (ในนี้เป็นภาษาอังà¸à¸¤à¸©à¸¥à¹‰à¸§à¸™ หาà¸à¸•à¹‰à¸­à¸‡à¸à¸²à¸£à¸ าษาไทยโปรดเข้าใปดูในหน้า Workshop) Download from Steam Workshop (32.8 MB) Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/HKkOs Status: Still working in progress more content coming soon Content Unit (More unit types in future) RTAF Rifleman (Army) - RTAF_Soldier_a_f RTA Rifleman (Air Force) - RTAF_Soldier_af_f Uniform RTAF Combat Fatigues (Army) - RTAF_CombatUniform_a RTAF Combat Fatigues (Air Force) - RTAF_CombatUniform_af Vest RTAF Carrier Lite (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier1_a RTAF Carrier Lite (Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrier1_af RTAF Carrier Rig (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier2_a RTAF Carrier Rig (Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrier2_af RTAF GA Carrier Lite (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_a RTAF GA Carrier Lite (Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_af Headgear RTAF Modular Helmet (Army) - RTAF_Helmet_a RTAF Modular Helmet (Air Force) - RTAF_Helmet_af RTAF Military Cap (Army) - RTAF_MilCap_a RTAF Military Cap (Air Force) - RTAF_MilCap_af Backpack (More backpack in future) RTAF Assault Pack (Army) - RTAF_AssaultPack_a RTAF Assault Pack (Air Force) - RTAF_AssaultPack_af RTAF Kit Bag (Army) - RTAF_KitBag_a RTAF Kit Bag (Air Force) - RTAF_KitBag_af RTAF Carryall Backpack (Army) - RTAF_Carryall_a RTAF Carryall Backpack (Air Force) - RTAF_Carryall_af Content Working in Progress (Include in this mod) Royal Thai Navy Uniform Royal Thai Air Force Uniform Unit types Rifleman (RTAF_Soldier_a_f, RTAF_Soldier_af_f, RTAF_Soldier_n_f) TRG-21 5.56 (ARCO) P07 9mm RTAF Combat Fatigues RTAF Carrier Lite RTAF Modular Helmet Notes: Classnames in Italic means they are not currently available in current version Uniform / Vest / Headgear of unit will different depend on faction they are on (Army, Navy, Air Force) Changelog (See full changelog here) 11/05/16 00:02 GMT+7 + Add RTAF Rifleman (Army) (Tee) - RTAF_Soldier_a_tee_f + Add RTAF Combat Fatigues (Army) (Tee) - RTAF_CombatUniform_tshirt_a 10/05/16 18:01 GMT+7 - Fix mission hydration pack texture on RTAF Carrier Rig (Army) + Add RTAF GA Carrier Lite (Army / Air Force) - RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_a / RTAF_PlateCarrierIA_af + Add RTAF Kit Bag (Army/Air Force) - RTAF_KitBag_a / RTAF_KitBag_af + Add RTAF Carryall Backpack (Army/Air Force) - RTAF_Carryall_a / RTAF_Carryall_af 08/05/16 16:35 GMT+7 - Added Air Force uniform / unit - Classname Change RTAF Combat Fatigues (Army) RTAF_CombatUniform_a RTAF Carrier Lite (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier1_a RTAF Carrier Rig (Army) - RTAF_PlateCarrier2_a 08/05/16 00:49 GMT+7 - Release
  21. I reskinned Carrier Rig (Green) V_PlateCarrier2_rgr but I do need to define picture / model and armor value myself I want to use all the base value of the Carrier Rig I used just changing the texture I have tried changed Vest_Camo_Base on line 20 to V_PlateCarrier2_rgr and got an error "Undefined base class" how do I fix it? config.cpp #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class RTAF_Vest { units[] = {RTAF_Vest}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class RTAF_PlateCarrier_wdl: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Splendid Modder"; scope = 2; displayName = "RTAF Carrier Rig (Digital Woodland)"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_2_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\RTAF\data\RTAF_PlateCarrier_digiwdl_f.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; containerClass = Supply80; mass = 15; armor = 0; passThrough = 1; }; }; }; config.cpp I use as template https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide#Vest_configuration class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore { class ItemInfo; }; class V_vest_new: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Splendid Modder"; scope = 2; displayName = "New Vest"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_BandollierB_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_bandolier"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\vests_khk_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_bandolier"; containerClass = Supply80; mass = 15; armor = 0; passThrough = 1; }; }; };
  22. Here's list of error I got Config : some input after EndOfFile The exception unknown software exception (0x000dead) occurred in the application at location 0x000000007441DAD8 Exit code: 0x0000DEAD- .rpt file config.cpp #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class RTAF_plane_cas_01_f { units[] = {RTAF_plane_cas_01_f}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class B_Plane_CAS_01_F {}; //External Class Reference class RTAF_Plane_CAS_01_F : B_Plane_CAS_01_F { _generalMacro = "Plane_CAS_01_base_F"; scope = 0; displayName = "RTAF A-164 Wipeout (CAS)"; faction = "BLU_F"; author = "Unknown"; vehicleClass = "Air"; Side = 4; crew = "B_pilot_f"; typicalCargo[] = {"Soldier"}; hiddenSelections = {"Camo_1","Camo_2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures = {"\RTAF_10\data\RTAF_plane_cas_skin_00_f.paa","\RTAF_10\data\RTAF_plane_cas_skin_01_f.paa"}; class Library { libTextDesc = "RTAF_A164"; }; }; }; This code works well on wheeled vehicle but I cannot use it on Air vehicle I don't know how to fix this problem This is code I use as template (The one that I says it's works well) #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class B_MRAP_03_F { units[] = {B_MRAP_03_F}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class I_MRAP_03_F {}; //External Class Reference class B_MRAP_03_F : I_MRAP_03_F { scope = 2; displayName = "Strider"; faction = "OPF_F"; author = "Tactical Light"; vehicleClass = "Car"; Side = 0; crew = "O_soldier_F"; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"\csat_strider\mrap_03_csat_ext_co.paa"}; class Library { libTextDesc = "Strider"; }; }; };
  23. Alex150201

    Steam Workshop Addons

    Hello everyone I hope you are having a nice day unlike me. I have subscribed to a couple of mods on steam workshop for arma 3 and after they download they don't seem to show up. In the past when this would happen I would keep the launcher open for a couple hours and the addons would show up but that doesn't seem to work anymore. I subscribed to a couple mods last week and decided to leave my pc on with the launcher open throughout the weekend and nothing showed up. Any help is highly appreciated. PS: Mods that have already showed up do get updated if that helps at all :P PS No2: I have also tried resubscribing to the mods but no luck...
  24. Hi guys, I have searched the internet for a couple hours and i cant find any up-to-date documentation on creating a 3D model for ArmA 3 to use in-game. Does anyone have a link to some up-to-date documentation and/or can write some basics himself? For 3D models i use 3D Studio Max. Thanks in advance! ~ JohnDoe
  25. Hello there, im new here and i wanted to ask what ways there are to add police light bars to vehicles. I know there is that hidepolice 1,0 stuff. I tried that but yea just works for the offroad and doesnt look that nice to be honest. Thats why i wanted to add police lights to old arma 2 vehicles which i have retextured. This is how they look atm http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/548682046894741237/78F1BEFC860618782D8D282B0C64DD4BD5013005/ (this is how i wanted them to look like https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Police_car_from_Afghanistan.JPG ) Btw: if you want give me some feedback on those and maybe what to do even better since these are my first skins ever. Anyways. I want to add some sort of lightbars to them but google doesnt give me anything usefull.. All i need is like a tutorial on adding lightbars to vehicles and maybe how to make them actually work (light flashing and sound) Youtube doesnt show me anythin usefull aswell. Everybody is just showing off but nobody explanes.. If you guys could help me that would be amazing :) sorri for brad english im from england im not :D anyways have a nice day! Edit: why are the links not working? They did for me before i put them in here..