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  1. GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod , Set your Custom Loadout to AI and Players. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: To install GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded. Please visit the Arma 3 Mod install instructions page for more information about using custom mods and addons in Arma 3. Place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually: "C:\Program Files (x64)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3". You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons and/or mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: This mod , is including a userconfig folder. The userconfig folder , must be in the main arma 3 game folder. Inside the userconfig folder , are the settings. There are 4 different %Settings.sqf To make changes in the userconfig , you need to close the game. It is posible to run only one script , or all , if you filter the sides. It is possible to set the loadout also for the spawned units. There is an exclude list available or add in the init of a unit: this setVariable ["Var_GF_SCL_Mod", true]; More information inside the %Settings.sqf It is also posible to unpack and edit. Added classnames arrays for : Vanilla , ACE3 , Ravage , CUP , RHS and Unsung mod . Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40246 Armaholic GF Set Custom Loadout with userconfig Mod Informations about exlude or spawn : There is also a script available for mission makers :
  2. Squad name: 7th Cavalry Regiment Timezone/location : All US/EU Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop/PVP/PVE, Mil-Sim Contact email: My 7th Cavalry Profile Website address: 7th Cavalry Website Short description: The 7th Cavalry Regiment is a military simulation clan primarily focused on Arma 3. The Regiment was founded October 15th, 2002 and remains committed to military simulation today. This means that when you enlist, you will earn your place as a trooper in one of the oldest gaming regiments online. For the majority of people in the CAV, this unit isn't just somewhere to play, it truly is a brotherhood in which all are respected and supported by their brethren. We have over 220+ Active Arma 3 members spread across 1st Batallion. We have three Company's: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Alpha contains Fixed & Rotary Wing for Transport and Attack. Bravo consists of Mechanized Infantry, Armor, Cavalry Scouts (Ground Recon) and our Medics. Charlie Company, the tip of the spear, is the main Infantry element, with Airborne Infantry & Heavy Weapons. The 7th Cavalry is best known for their in-depth training schools & courses (over 34 different classes!!!) and our high-attendance, detailed, immersive Operations. Want to learn more? Start your 7th Cav Career today! Click the link and choose your Career path ---> 7th Cavalry's Arma 3 Career Pathway For more info, visit Detailed 7th Cavalry Recruitment Post Language: English Signed, =7Cav=Lucius.M
  3. Hey whats up, my team and i are currently looking for a scripter to help us work on a racing mod project. Most stuff is already done, the Script stands, the original scripter has got stuff to do irl so he cant work on it right now. Mainly needs some tweaks and stuff changed, so very little made from scratch. Cant say much about the project here since its not public yet, all i can say is that its something that hasn't been done before and is revloved around cars and racing. If you're interested feel free to dm me here, on discord Spekx#9186 or on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chrisisaboringnamebutwhatcanyado/ Teaser
  4. I'm trying to start mission on server of our clan but every time I get CAData error in log: Warning Message: 15:02:10 Warning Message: Addon 'A3_Map_dingor' requires addon 'CAData' So... can you help me solve this? What should I reinstall or download on server? SOLVED: Lingor+Dingor addon wasn't up to date.
  5. Hi guys, I searched on every site and internet for download this yacht but I don't find the Big Luxury Yacht in this video : Please really help me for find this ship because I don't find it in the workshop or harmaholic, i don't how I can dl this beautiful boat. A screen of the ship : Thanks you very much for help me.
  6. I am trying to get to the bottom of why not all assets from some mods are made available for a zeus curator when initiated through an in-game script. Note that this is not related to needing to adjust the module to read "all addons including unofficial ones" in the editor. I have a script which creates a curator module and assigns it to the designated player (usually me), and is supposed to add all addons to it. This works fine with almost everything; all vanilla factions are added without fault and almost all downloaded mods. However, for a couple of faction mods, some assets are not being added even when some of them are. While it is usually quite consistent which fail to add, it is not always completely. At first I assumed it was a case of some assets in the mod having scopeCurator set such that this was intended, but even having been into the configs and successfully changed it, it still fails most the time. It also wouldn't explain why on some occasions these assets do get added. Here is the script I have been using to add the curator and configure it in singleplayer: _unit = player; // Exit if unit is already curator if (!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic _unit)) exitWith { systemChat format["[Zeus] Logic already assigned to %1, remove it first",name _unit]; }; private _curator = missionNamespace getVariable [format["f_zeusCurator_%1",getPlayerUID _unit],objNull]; // Check curator exists, if not create it if !(isNull _curator) then { format["[Zeus] Curator variable already assigned to %1, reassigning", name _unit] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit]; unassignCurator _curator; deleteVehicle _curator; sleep 1; } else { //format["No Curator.", _curator] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit]; unassignCurator _curator; f_var_sideCenter = createCenter sideLogic; format["Creating....", _curator] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit] }; _var = missionNameSpace getVariable ["l_var_sideLogic","Fail"]; // Create a new curator logic _curator = (createGroup f_var_sideCenter) createUnit ["ModuleCurator_F",[0,0,0],[],0,""]; _curator setVariable ["owner",format["%1",getPlayerUID _unit],true]; _curator setVariable ["showNotification",false,true]; _curator setVariable ["Addons",3,true]; //Set Zeus Vision Modes [_curator, [-1, -2, 0]] call bis_fnc_setcuratorvisionmodes; // Assign the passed unit as curator //_unit assignCurator _curator; _unit assignCurator _curator; private _curator = getAssignedCuratorLogic _unit; systemChat format["Curator: %1", _curator];; if (isNull _curator) then { _curator = _unit; }; // If curator is null or not the correct logic exit with an error message. if (isNull _curator || typeOf _curator != "ModuleCurator_F") exitWith { systemChat format["Failed to resolve curator for %1", _unit]; }; // Decide which addons to add based on passed mode _mode = True; _addons = []; switch (typeName _mode) do { case "ARRAY"; case "STRING": { if (_mode isEqualType "") then { if (_mode == "basic") then { // Load predefined basic modules _mode = ["A3_Data_F","A3_Data_F_Curator","A3_Functions_F_Curator","A3_Misc_F","A3_Modules_F_EPB","A3_Ui_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Curator_Misc","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Chemlights","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Environment","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Flares","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Ordnance","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Smokeshells","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp_Misc"]; } else { // Convert to array _mode = [_mode]; }; }; { if (isClass (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >> _x)) then { _addons pushBack (configName (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >>_x)); }; } forEach _mode; }; case "BOOL": { if (_mode) then { // If true was passed, add all available addons to curator list _cfgPatches = configFile >> "cfgPatches"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgPatches - 1) do { _class = _cfgPatches select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _addons pushBack (configName _class); }; }; } else { removeAllCuratorAddons _curator; }; }; }; // Nothing to add! if (count _addons == 0) exitWith {}; // Remove existing addons removeAllCuratorAddons _curator; _curator addCuratorAddons _addons; systemChat format["[Zeus] Added %1 addons",count _addons]; // Reduce costs for all actions _curator setCuratorWaypointCost 0; { _curator setCuratorCoef [_x,0]; } forEach ["place","edit","delete","destroy","group","synchronize"]; systemChat format["[Zeus] Curator set-up complete for %1.",name _unit]; _unit assignCurator _curator; I have checked my patch file that is supposed to be fixing this to ensure that the vehicles are listed in cfgPatches, and that the assets I am looking for have scopeCurator = 2. I am not getting any error messages other than: This confuses me because I read on a biki page that addons can be added "on the fly" for a curator, and it works despite this error message for most addons. So I'm not entirely sure what to be looking for from here. Pointers appreciated. Cheers, Law
  7. After Installing the mod and launching the game it pop up this error: TPW_MODS.hpp not found".I look it up the TPW_MODS.hpp is in userconfig/TPW_MODS of the mod folder....any fixes? https://imgur.com/baXHtQJ https://imgur.com/Re7b3Va
  8. EDIT: this description is waaayyy outdated, I ,alas, have been very lazy with documenting all it can do... Best way to know everything it has to offer is to read the changelog of releases which I DO keep up to date and documented. One day I promise I will document everything....😉 MRH Milsim Tools is a mod aimed at expanding the possibilities of scenarios for milsim units, as well as adding permanent features to missions. It is first and foremost meant to be used in milsim scenarios in multiplayer. Though some features will still work in SP, a lot of them will not behave properly in a single player environment. Please also note that a lot of the mod's features are built around the premise that most milsim units send dead players to a 'respawn bunker' from which they cannot escape until the end of the mission. So when killed a player will be considered 'dead' by the mod. An admin, or the use of the JIP menu can reset that status but if you use a different respawn scheme some things might not work properly. While some parts of the mod are plug and play, most features will require to be added to the mission by the mission maker, and as such require some basic scripting knowledge. A lot of tweaking options are available from CBA options menu. This mod is in constant WIP, the idea being that each time I develop something for a mission for my unit I will include it here. Current version: 1.17.6 Full guide, frameworks and features here: https://mrhmilsimtools-arma3-mod.wikia.com/wiki/MRHMilsimTools_ARMA3_Mod_Wiki Git hub issues here: https://github.com/MisterHLunaticwraith/MRHMilsimTools/issues Source code here: GitHub repository And download here: Download on steam workshop. localization: French and English Requirement: CBA_A3 ACE3 Features: **Core features:** Fully configurable team roster. You can change team roster color theme, decide if you want to display AIs and AI groups, even show all sides in the roster. Tracking of dead, alive, disconnected, reconnected players. Players will be flagged 'dead' by the mod if they are killed and respawn, allowing you to know they are dead even if the 'alive _x' scripting command returns TRUE. The mod keeps a registry of dead and disconnected players, you can decide to kill players that where flagged dead upon disconnecting when they reconnect (optional). Player intel data: Role, rank with NATO code, customizable rank insignia, radio frequency. Alongside CBA's option to change group name in the lobby, you can set a radio frequency for each group. In the team roster,and on the soldier's tablet the name you defined for the group will be shown instead of default Arma group naming (Alpha 1-1 etc.). Radio frequency is optional, can be set and will be shown in the lobby and on the player's PDA but does not affect either ACRE2 or TFAR radio frequencies. Admin warnings for current death toll. Whenever a player dies, admin is prompted a hint (this feature can be disabled). You can set a percentage of acceptable death ratio upon which the admin menu will automatically open allowing you to end the mission or allow players to respawn. Setting to remove map for players that are not formation leaders AFTER the briefing screen. Players with a map in their inventory will keep it during the briefing stage, useful if you do your briefings before launching the mission, but if you enable this option, only group leaders will keep the map once in game. Short automated cut scene when players join in. A small cutscene where the camera moves from above the player to first person view will play (locally of course) when the player joins the game (optional, can be disabled). Removal of disconnected players bodies. Bodies of disconnected players will automatically be deleted thus preventing looting by other players! (optional, can be disabled). Enhanced and configurable JIP menu. Whenever a player Joins In Progress the JIP menu will open allowing them to rejoin their group (optional, can be disabled). You can decide to show all sides in the menu (useful for PVP missions) and include AI groups with playable units. The player can join any other player they select, if the selected player is in a vehicle and the vehicle has free cargo place the player will be moved inside the vehicle. Players cannot join other players if their vehicle is full. Players inside a vehicle are marked with an icon, the icon is red if the vehicle is full. The mod includes a function to turn any object into a JIP menu access point. When the JIP menu is used, a small cut scene plays for the teleported player and if they where flagged as 'dead' the mod flags them as 'alive' so you can use it to allow dead players back in the game. Powerful admin menu. The admin menu can only be opened by a logged in admin and therefore doesn't work in SP, it includes a lot of features, mission statistics, dead players, etc. From the admin menu you can end the mission with a default ending or with any ending defined in the mission's cfgDebriefings. You can reset a player's status if they have been flagged 'dead'. You can heal all players (ACE damages) or just the selected player. You can remotely open the JIP menu for a selected player or for all dead players. You can see the selected's player location on the map and apply some preset punishment for a given player (chicken on head, push ups etc.). Punishments can be customized from the mission's description.ext. Last but not least you can remotely edit any player's equipment (opens ACE arsenal). PLEASE NOTE: As of now, limitations to ace arsenal only allow you to change uniform, vest and helmet and their contents. Backpacks and equipped weapons cannot be changed. I will work on a workaround solution in the next update. **Soldier PDA and framework** The mod includes a PDA item that can be accessed through ace self interactions >> equipment if the player has the pda in their inventory. Access to personal data, map and team roster Default tabs in the PDA include player self intel,a map (can be disabled) and a team roster. Stopwatch, alarm and timer functionalities The PDA has an alarm app that allows players to set an alarm or a countdown timer and includes a stopwatch feature. Possibility to send, receive and collect data and pictures. From your mission description.ext you can predefine data and pictures that can be added to the tab's gallery app or to the tab's data app. Each data or picture can be given separately and therefore discovered mid game. (2 functions are included that do just that). Data can be shared and transferred between players if they are within a ten meters radius of each other. **Fiberscope** Fiberscope Item The mod includes a fiberscope item that allows equipped player to look under doors (ACE self interaction >> equipment). It only works if you are next to a door or a window. **Vehicle spawner module** Vehicle spawner The mod includes a function to turn any object into a vehicle spawner, you can select what type of vehicles (see, land, air, all of them) the spawner will allow you to spawn. Mission makers and admins can decide which mods/ dlcs and factions are available from the spawner. The spawner works fine with vanilla assets, RHS, CUP and PROJECT OPFOR vehicles, some vehicles from other mod might not be listed properly depending on the mod's config files. **Radio chatter module** Play ambient radio chatter from a radio prop The mod includes a function to turn any object (but preferably a radio prop) into a random radio chatter player. The radio can be turned on and off (ACE interaction) effects are global and the same chatter is played on every machine. By default I have included a US military radio chatter channel (with samples taken from the excellent TV show Generation Kill) but you can create your own channel with custom sounds either from the mission's description or by packing them into a custom addon (if you do so, please share!). **Map markers** Customized map markers I have also included a shit ton of customized map markers all of them are available to mission makers, and some of them (not all, so has not to overcrowd the icons tab) to the players. **Hacking and downloading tool** A hacking tool object is included, you can still disable a CBA option if you want to allow players to perform hacks and data download without the item in their inventory. Hacking and downloading tool item Two functions are included to make objects hackable, while hacking or downloading content players can still move but they have to stay within range of the objects. **Miscellaneous functions for mission makers** In addition the mod includes several functions designed to make mission maker's life easier: Elevator simulation Timer Check when all alive players are on board a vehicle Automatically fill given ammo crate with ammo fitting the player's weapons Automatically refill ammo crate with infinite ammo/ items Remove unit's nvg (regardless of the mod they come from) Remove ACRE2 radios Search object/ person function ACE3 simple conversation interaction MP compatible sit unit on chair with release condition Splashscreen with customizable image Static line parachute jump Travel time ETA HVT capture and surrendering function **New features: v1.13** -Enhanced map object, replaces the vanilla one, can be put on the ground and shared, folded in the corner of the screen etc. - Heli taxi system -Support requester via grid coordinates input for: artillery strikes, CAS, supply drops. -Zeus invisibility toggle **New features v.1.15.0** *Added new functionality : Parachuting addon (Halo Gear) -Features: * 2 Masks and 2 Parachutes with auto opening possibilities (CYPRES II Auto Activation Device). *Special HUD for Halo Mask *Chances of mask breaking (Halo Mask With ESS only) *Emulation of Hypoxia effects *Configurable key to open parachute (default SPACE) instead of scrollwheel action menu. *Objects that are attached to the player with ace interaction (IR Strobes chemLights etc) will also appeared attached when the chute is deployed. *Fully configurable
  9. S4pph1r3Sam

    I need Help

    So, Yesterday I started a mod project without any 3d modeling experience nor arma 3 modding experience, I watched a lot of tutorials and I was understanding them, I think, but now I'm stuck at the addon builder because it says to me: Build failed. Result code=1. Can someone help me? The config.cpp is like this: class CfgVehicles { class SpikeStrip { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; scope = 2; model = "\Sam Sapphire Spike Strip\SpikeStrip.p3d"; mapSize = 5; displayName = "Spike Strip"; ace_cargo_size = 1 ; ace_cargo_canLoad = 1; ace_dragging_canDrag = 1; ace_dragging_dragPosition[] = {0, 1.2, 0}; ace_dragging_dragDirection = 0; ace_dragging_canCarry = 1; ace_dragging_carryPosition[] = {0, 1.2, 0}; ace_dragging_carryDirection = 0; cost = 0; armor = 5000; }; }; BTW, it is a spike strip that works with ace, can someone maybe tell me how to change the model (Like Open = SpikeStripOpen.p3d, and closed = SpikeStrip.p3d)? P.S: I need also a way for damaging wheels, I can do it in the config.cpp or I need to do it somewhere else?
  10. Hi, I am fairly new to modding, so I don't understand too much yet. I searched the forums but not found much info about this. I made a script which adds a "HandleDamage" eventHandler and some code in it to a unit. I want to add this script to every man class unit created either on mission init or spawned later. Actually on mission start I can do it with a simple '{} forEach allUnits', but I have troubel with the spawned ones. I think it would be the best to add the code to every units init field. As I understand the eventHandler init should do the trick but I dont really understand how shold I set it up. Sofar I've tried to add this to my mods config.cpp class CfgVehicles { class EventHandlers { class Man; { init = "systemChat format ["Man created: %1", _this]"; }; }; }; Of course I would put run a 'fnc_somescript.sqf', but first I just tried to display a text for testing purposes. Could someone explain how this should work? Or show alterntive ways to run script for every man created. Thanks.
  11. Ok so here's what's up. I spend several hours making a scenario/mission. After a week or so I decide to change some things. I go inside the editor but I forget I have this one completely irrelevant mod active in my modlist. Now everyone needs to have this mod in order to play my mission. And my question is. Is there any file inside the mission folder that contains all the mod requirements for the mission that I can modify?
  12. Hi, I've just started to get in the modding scene for Arma 3. I'm starting off with the basics like config modifications. And I've made a lot of progress so far. However, I've been working on a new type of ammo that is roughly equivalent to artillery in power. Due to this I was hoping to have the same visual and sound effects of the 230 mm Rockets from the M5 Sandstorm MLRS play when the new round i'm working on impacts a surface/target. But I'm at a bit of loss of how to go about implementing that. Any advice or suggestions would greatly appreciated, thank you!
  13. Hello guys i am working in a map in central africa and i need some buildings that fit this scenery. here are some examples: https://imgur.com/a/4KWX4xr
  14. Hi, I want to take a current uniform or gear item, retexture it, and upload it as a standalone mod. I know how to overwrite current content, but I want to make it a custom standalone mod. How do I do this? I cannot find any videos on mod making start to finish with this concept. Please help, thank you.
  15. annamor1959


    Okay so this is the idea, why dont we create a total conversion of arma 3 and putting it in the Iran Iraq war? i've got so many good ideas for this future mod but sadly i dont know how to make such thing, otherwise i would of done it by now! im ready to share my ideas and to start a group of modders under one name. my aim is to create a mod that is as good as the RHS mods and CUP.
  16. Hello there! TL;DR: While trying to play on Lythium, I get this error: "no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgworlds.lythium'." and same in server log. Mod is running on server and even while connecting throught launcher server requests to load mod Lythium. Other mods work flawlessly. Now the long explanation... I have a linux server for a few months now, crisp clean Debian with nothing but arma and some other services, tho I keep it clear because of lacking power. We play on it with typical mods like RHS, Ace and so on, the "Must have" mods and everything works flawlessly. So flawlessly that we can actually maintain playable fps while Antistasi fucks up with too many AIs. Anyway, we have recently tried to play on lythium. Long story short, it doesnt work. It somehow acts as if the map wasnt on server even tho it is and launcher requests it to load. I am doing something wrong, and its propably stupidly easy but I am in the end with my head right now... Order of mods is okay, and even if it wasnt I tried to change my param so Lythium loads: First, last, before JBAD, after it, somewhere around CUPS (I know it has no connection but....better try) and no change. What it does: Basically, the map is not on the server. Exept it is. Map, mission and all of its stuf works on localhost, mine and my friends. Tried across more machines, works. With or without -mods=@lythium\;(other mods here) server shows the same error over and over again. no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgworlds.lythium'. Does anyone know what it might be or at least why does this happen? I know its this error because I tried to load the server with nothing but jbad and lyhium. Same results. It must be something with either jbad or lythium mod. Will try something more but any help is appreciated. EDIT: While loading server with NOTHING but lythium, it loads with no problems and doesnt request its dependency or crashes with error. It feels werid, as if the mod was just nothing but name...
  17. Hello! Looking for someone to help me with texturing, scripting, creating and posting an patch/insignia to steam workshop. I have to original file at hand needed to be made into a mod. Contact me for future discussions about work and compensation. Best regards -DWhale
  18. Visit Gruppe Adler on our Website | YouTube | Twitter | Discord Description Gruppe Adler SlingHelmet (GRAD_slingHelmet) is a mod for Arma 3, which adds the functionality of slinging your helmet onto your belt to make space for other (decorative) headwear on your head. All information can be found on our GitHub Page. Features Sling your helmet to your belt. Implementation through ACE Self Interaction Menu Full multiplayer compatibility (incl. JIP) Zeus compatibility Set of functions for mission/script creators Function to add your own helmets to the whitelist (Docs) Supported Mods Vanilla Global Mobilization SOG Prairie Fire 3CB BAF Equipment 3CB Factions SMA (partially) ARC GER Project Opfor RHS R3F BW Mod IFA3 FoW WW2 SAM3 Operation FrenchPoint (partially) VSM (partially) NORSOF_LITE_mas (partially) Only viable Helmets are supported by default, although this can be changed via CBA settings. You can find a full list of supported helmets here. If you find any helmets which you think should be supported or want to add helmets from a completely different mod, feel free to open a pull request or contact us. Further information on all the ways to whitelist headgear can be found on the corresponding wiki page. Dependencies ACE3 License This project is licensed under GRAD APLv1.1. Downloads GitHub: Downloads can be found under Releases. Steam Workshop: Subscribe to GRAD SlingHelmet on Steam Workshop and automatically get the latest releases. Documentation You can check out the full documentation in our GitHub Wiki. Video More images
  19. Lets say I am making a scenario. I use some custom mod unit in it. I publish to workshop, and in the workshop I add the mods the scenario needs. That all fine, but if a user forgets to enable a mod when wanting to run the scenario, he just gets some errors. How do I get arma to prompt him with message saying something like: "This scenario requires mod X and Y please install/enable those before you can play this scenario" Is there not some build in function that does that?
  20. Compilation List of my GF Scripts - Mods by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Below are the links and the download button , for every of my available GF Scripts . This list , will always be up to date. For anything that you might want , feel free to ask , if it's possible to do something for this , after all the arma series generally , has a good and helpfull community! Thank you Guys , for the whole support ! and off course . . . have FUN !
  21. I would like to make a new game based around firing rpg's from hummingbirds. Can anyone help?
  22. Hi! I'm currently working on a few mod. Most of the planes within the mod has a radar, and I got that shit working just fine. My only problem is the fact that I can't figure out a way to set the zoom on the radar panel. The radar is set to a range of 15 km, but the display can't zoom further than 4km. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  23. Been playing with a group for a longer time now and noticed that people immediately know if players are dead or not just according to the way they go down when shot. I kind of wanted to add some uncertainty back to the gameplay when using ace medical. With this script players will not go into the ace death animation immediately when losing consciousness. Just like they are dying they ragdoll, but will snap to the ace death animation once the ragdolling is done, which pretty much means other players need to check the body to confirm death. This script only works for players, it can be expanded for AI as well if people want that. It works in SP and MP. Requirements: CBA ACE Known bugs: None right now, you tell me I guess. Media: Download: GitHub (Script version) Steam Workshop (Mod version)
  24. Hi, have a problem I've been trying to solve for several days but I do not know what to do anymore. I state that I have already created other modules and all working both locally and sever but this drives me crazy. In local it works perfectly but on the server NO. The script called by the module has also been tested on the server and it works great. (spawn civilians to x distance modules in map) Then I connected the script to the module (see config) and tested on the server and it works but when I added the first arguments with its variable _logic it does not work anymore on the server. No error, as if the config did not start the fn_ModuleCiv.sqf script. Sorry for my english. Illuminate me, Thanks Config class CfgPatches { class Gren_ModuleCiv { units[]={"Gren_ModuleCiv"}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Modules_F"}; version="2.0"; author="Grenadier"; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class NO_CATEGORY; class GRENADIER: NO_CATEGORY { displayName="GRENADIER"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class ArgumentsBaseUnits { class Units; }; class ModuleDescription; }; class Gren_ModuleCiv: Module_F // riga per singolo modulo { scope=2; author="Grenadier"; displayName="Modulo spawn civili"; dlc="Gren_Module_Civ"; icon="\Gren_ModuleCiv\icons\civilian.paa"; category="GRENADIER"; function="Gren_fnc_ModuleCiv"; isGlobal=0; isDisposable = 0; isTriggerActivated = 0; functionPriority = 1; class Arguments: ArgumentsBaseUnits { class Attiva_avv_civ { displayName="Distanza attivazione"; description="Decidi a quale distanza, in metri, il giocatore attiva il modulo"; typeName="Number"; defaultValue=500; }; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description="$STR_Last_Service_description"; }; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class Gren { class GRENADIER { file="\Gren_ModuleCiv\RSTAIx_G"; class ModuleCiv{}; }; }; }; Script //==== added this part the script on the server does not work private ["_logic", "_units", "_activated"]; private ["_Radius_activation"]; _logic = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _units = [_this,1,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _activated = [_this,2,true,[true]] call BIS_fnc_param; missionNamespace setVariable ["Gren_ModuleCiv", _logic]; if (_activated) then { _Radius_activation = _logic getVariable ["Attiva_avv_civ",500]; }; //================== private ["_fulcro","_Radius_activation"]; _fulcro=_this select 0; _Origine = 0; _limit = 1; _ActiveFH = false; _Use_Mezzo = true; _Radius_Patrol = [50,75,100]; _limit_vehicle = [_limit+5,0] call BIS_fnc_cutDecimals; waituntil {((player distance _fulcro)<=_Radius_activation)}; _pos = getpos _fulcro; While {_Origine<_limit} do { _Raggio = floor random _Radius_Patrol; _DecMezzo = floor random _limit_vehicle; _DecEdifici = floor random 3; _Stanza = floor random 5; _NonMuovere = floor random 8; _myGroup = createGroup civilian; { _soldierName = _x select 0; _soldierRank = _x select 1; _soldato = ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_polo_2_F","C_man_polo_6_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _tempSoldier = _myGroup createUnit [ _soldato, _pos, [], 0, "FORM" ]; _tempSoldier setRank _soldierRank; _tempSoldier setVehicleVarName _soldierName; missionNamespace setVariable [ _soldierName, _tempSoldier ]; publicVariable _soldierName; }forEach [ [ "civ1", "SERGEANT" ], [ "civ2", "PRIVATE" ] ]; if (_DecMezzo ==0 && _Use_Mezzo) then { _veicolo = ["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Truck_02_transport_F","C_Van_01_transport_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _Raggio =_Raggio *5; _truck = _veicolo createVehicle getPos civ1; civ1 moveInDriver _truck; civ2 moveInCargo _truck; }; if ((_ActiveFH) AND (_DecEdifici==0) AND !(_DecMezzo ==0)) then { doStop [civ1, civ2]; civ1 setpos (nearestBuilding civ1 buildingPos _Stanza); civ2 setpos (nearestBuilding civ2 buildingPos _Stanza+2); } else{ if (_NonMuovere ==1) then {} else { if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main")) then{ [_mygroup, _mygroup, _Raggio, 5, "MOVE", "CARELESS", "WHITE", "LIMITED", "STAG COLUMN", "civ1 spawn CBA_fnc_searchNearby", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol; } else { [_mygroup, getPos _fulcro, _Raggio] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; }; }; }; _Origine=_Origine+1; }; deletevehicle _fulcro;
  25. https://gyazo.com/27e4f556f11939bc7afbabde05b9e5e1 I'm fairly new to modding and I'm trying to create a replacement pack for the current NATO which changes their equipment to gear already existing in the game. I'm trying to make them look more like they were in the Alpha/Beta and first release of the game. But some of my mod config isn't working and I'm not sure why? My rifleman class works fine but when trying to create the grenadier class, I'm having some issues, the uniform, vest and helmet I want (which is identical to the rifleman just for testing purposes) isn't appearing and instead is just left with the vanilla gear, but I know some of the config is working somewhat because it has the addon image next to it in the editor and the backpack I placed on him works. Any help towards tidying my config up (as most of it is a copy and paste of sample configs which I've edited) and making it work would be massively appreciated.