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  1. Welcome to Vandeanson’s Apocalypse All info is kept up to date below: Workshop Vandeanson's Apocalypse DISCORD
  2. Vandeanson's Apocalypse - the Mod: A "plug and play" mod that will spawn various sites and AI, fully randomly placed that will be dynamically de and respawning for ongoing survival action! NOTE: This is not a MISSION. This is a dynamic site and event spawner, that runs on top of any mission that you start while the mod is active. It spawns in sites based on player position, terrain and your settings (to change settings, you must edit your mission in Eden Editor - > Settings - > Addon Options). Never again will it be pointless, dull and boring to run around in armas beautiful forrests, just because all the loot and action is stuck in cities and other remains of civilisation! My mod will spawn in bandit camps to raid, small survivor hideouts to find and loot in the deepest forest, crashed helicopters that should definitely be searched before other survivors get there, ferocious packs of wild dogs that will jump you in the dark or animals to hunt for survival. Find a tame horse as a compagnion and tie it up next to your homebase while setting up barricades and boobie traps to fend off attacks against your newly claimed home. Zombies just got deadlier with the infection feature. When getting hit, you might catch a deadly infection that will drain your stamina and lifeforce over time. Stack up on anti virus pills to cure yourself! You will never rest easy, knowing that your steps may be watched from far and the moment you get too comfortable at a place, bandits pick up your trace and hunt you down! VANDEANSONS APOCALYPSE (STEAM DOWNLOAD) INSTALLATION: 1. Subscribe to the mod and activate it and CBA_A3 in the A3 launcher Whenever you start any mission (self made or from steam) , the mod will start to spawn in sites according to the default settings. 2. to adjust VA settings, open the mission you want to edit, or create a new one in Eden Editor, go to Settings -> Addon Options -> select the "VDA" options to see what you can change (there are a lot of options for customisation) 3. NOTE: the plane spawner requires you to place the following markers by default, else the planes spawn in the debug zone: "VD_PlaneMrkr_1,VD_PlaneMrkr_2,VD_PlaneMrkr_3,VD_PlaneMrkr_4". You may add or remove markers. 4. if you play on maps like chernarus, cover the empty terrain with large area markers and name them. enter the area markers name into the field under "VDA -1- General Settings" to blacklist that area from landsite spawns. 5. similar for shipwrecks and boats (cover inland lakes with additional area markers) so the shipwrecks and boats wont spawn in lakes inland. 6. Place your player and play. (Place the gamemaster module to check if the mod is working as ZEUS) FEATURES : - random and automatic position finder for all features. No marker placement needed (see INSTALLATION gor exceptions) - sites de and respawn after a adjustable time and while no player is close - Bandit Camps - Hideouts - Shipwrecks - Crashsites - Tradercamp (custom weapon attachment trader, custom trader for ravage respawn tent backpacks, all ravage traders) - AI Patrols - Animal Spawner (Goats & Sheep, can be gutted and eaten with the Ravage mod) - Spawners for Boats, Planes, Helicopters - Medical Sites - Zombie Infection Script for the RAVAGE mod (change the zombie parent if you want this to apply to other zombie mods) - JBDOG feral dog spawner - DBO Horses spawner (you need to subscribe to this mod separately, if you wish to use the spawn feature) - No Rest! spawner (checks if player stays at a place for too long, if so, might spawn AI hunters ) - loot spawns at all sites - Max Joiners melee weapon mod is automatically included in the loot economy and player equipper. AIs wont spawn with melee weapons however. This requires the max_melee weapons mod. No dependency is created. GENERAL: - dynamic simulation is enabled for all spawned AI and structures. Simulation is enabled based on your view distance settings minus fog, plus scoped view distance to save FPS - automated loot arrays based on active mods (e.g. CUP, RHS,... will be integrated into the features) - option to blacklist items from loot arrays - option to exclude Arma 3 Vanilla and DLC items from loot table - option to exclude various mod sub content (e. g. CUP Uniforms, or IFA3 Backpacks...) - adjustable AI equipper (or option to use Ravage Equipper) - adjustable player equipper (or option to use Ravage Equipper) - CBA_A3 Settings to tune features in Editor while making a mission - possibility to add blacklist area markers for land sites (e.g. Bandit Camps) and coastal sites (e.g. shipwreck and boats) - adjustable spawn ranges and despawn timers - MP compatible to my best knowledge, please report any issues - the default currency is the ravage money, fyi. Without ravage mod active, it will just not spawn without error - adjust the amount of sites/features that at spawn to your needs or disable specific features if you dont like it - plane spawner: the only feature that requires you to place markers, check the CBA3 settings for it. 4 markers are pre defined, you may add as many as you want and place such markers at airfields. All placed markers will be a potential spawn position for planes - This mod creates NO dependency! UPCOMING/PLANNED FEATURES: I have quite a bunch of ideas for new features and plan to improve and extend the mod going forward, no ETA gor such features however. AI Spawner: - AIscavengers that move from house to house in a city and then return to a hideout z nearby to drop off loot, then go back to scavenging - AI spawner in case players spend a lot of time at the e same place (e.g. Looting a city) - chance for AI groups in any feature to be military grade geared, rather than random low quality survivor gear - some sort of simple basebuilding, crafting and ressource gathering feature - a mission generator - optional loot economy (to fill buildings with loot) - option to include heroes survive - option to include zombies & demons (e.g. A ambient Z spawner) - fake underground sites such as bunkers or caves TO DO'S: - not all arrays are automated (automated means, items or structures of active mods are put into category for use in my script) - automate heli, plane, heliwreck, boat arrays based on active mods - automate inventory items REQUIREMENTS : Note that this mod requires CBA3. CUP Terrain Core is also recommended, as some structures from it are used. There is no dependency however. Ravage has been the inspiration for the mod and this mod is made with Ravage in mind. There is however no dependency, you can use the mod with our without Ravage. THANKS: Thanks to all the great guys on the BI forum for their help and advise. With special thanks to George Floros GR, Johnnyboy, Mr H., HazJ, Larrow, pierremgi, Haleks, Grumpyoldman, Gunter Severloh, the Ravage folks, all followers of my topic thread and anyone i might have forgotten right now. HELP TO IMPROVE: Please subscribe, rate and let me know any issue that might occur, I would appreciate receiving any feedback that helps me improve the mod. Cheers VD
  3. Arma 3 Survival "A3S" (Zombie Survival) A3S Developer Team Hungry? - Project Lead (Scripting, Guis, Config editing, Encryption, Mapping) Marshmallow - Developer (Modeling, Config editing, Animation) Falke - Developer (Texturing, Concept Artist) Tycho - Developer (Programming) Cybeija - Developer (Graphics) luwi77 - Developer (Mapping) Story (W.I.P) -Chernarus- am 26. April 1986 versuchte ein Forschungslabor ein Mittel gegen Krebs zu erschaffen, das Verfahren war neu und wurde zum ersten Mal an diesem Tag getestet. Während der Zellteilung im Labor, kam es gleichzeitig im Block 4 des Kernkraftwerks Tschernobyl zu einer nuklearen Katastrophe. Durch die Erschütterungen gab es gravierende Probleme im Labor für Monokulare Prozesse und musste daher sofort geräumt werden. Niemand konnte ahnen, dass die Zellen sich durch die Strahlung veränderten. Die Bewohner der Insel Chernarus erkrankten und weisten unterschiedlichsten Symptome auf, aber am schlimmsten war das Fieber. Aus diesem Grund wurde auch der Notstand ausgerufen und die Organisation T.E.R.A übernahm das Evakuieren von Chernarus. Bis heute kämpft T.E.R.A noch immer gegen die Ursache. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features: -Chernarus with two climates (Winter/Sommer) -Custom Map -Custom Zombies -Melee System (Fists,Axt,Baseball Bat) -Basebuilding -Fishing System -Farming System -Territory System -Contaminated Zones (With Ai/Withoit Ai) -Custom Damage/Health System -Custom Inventory -Dynamic Helicrash/Air Drop System -Crafting System -6 Custom Vehicles -Vehicle Upgrade System -80+ Weapons -Interaction Menu (Objects,Players,Vehicles) -Custom Weapon Attachments Animation -Wildlife -100 Custom Items (Molotov Cocktail,Flare,Medicine Items etc.) Upcoming Features: -Quest System -Hero Bandit System -Underground Labor -... [Steam Workshop] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1278609853 [Discord] https://discord.gg/47yf3HY
  4. The world as we know it is gone. Within days, Red Venus spreads like The Plague, infecting millions. Those who are infected later die and come back and feast on the living. Fast forward to 2 years after the outbreak, (2 A.Z) The People's Survivor Army, an advanced military organization on Altis took up arms to restore order and beat back the infection once and for all. The year is now (3 A.Z), the PSA have failed to stop the infection. They pulled back to their last operational base, Fort Huxley, and turned it into a safezone for survivors. It is currently the last known functioning PSA facility on the island. Will you join the ranks of the PSA? Become another survivor? Take up arms against the PSA? Or flee far away and establish your own faction/tribe/community? It's all up to you in this harsh Roleplaying world! What Exactly Is Red Venus? Red Venus is an Apocalyptic Life sim where you RP one of three modes (You can swap between them). Military, survivor/civilian, and mercenary. Military personnel have to enforce laws, ensure safety in safezones, and attempt to take Altis back from the dead and rebuild civilization. Civilians are basic survivors who must choose between a safe life within the safezones, or a hard life of banditry away from the safezones. Finally, Mercenaries are basically survivors who do not trust the military anymore, and decided to take matter into their own hands, where safety of civilians is their number one priority. Red Venus is the first ever gamemode meant to immerse the players into a heavy Roleplay environment based in the zombie apocalypse. Rather than throwing the players into an open world with the basic survival mechanics with no real idea of who you are or what you're supposed to do, instead Red Venus puts the players into one of three factions, fighting the undead and struggling for survival. Red Venus relies heavily on Roleplay. It puts the players into a post-apocalyptic world, but also prohibits RDM and pointless killing; "Forcing" players to roleplay. What Makes This Different? So first of all, this allows you to play as someone we barely ever see in zombie games: The government. They will have to coordinate and execute side missions and large military objectives to eliminate the undead threat. While also having to worry about Civil-control, settlement management (Think State of Decay-Style), and even combating the local resistance based on the player's moral choices. For mission makers and server owners: Red Venus RPG is fully customizable. With an easy-to-use system, you can remove and add the features you would like to use in your server. Feel free to completely customize it and host it on your server for others to play. Experimental release for editors and players ------ Click To Download As of 5/7/2016, you can now distribute and/or upload your edited scenario to the workshop. However "Red Venus RPG" has to be somewhere in the name. What Features are in the current experimental release? (As of today) - Three playable factions. - Safezones. - Fast-roping from choppers for a quick and safe insertion of military personnel. - Random air drops and helicopter crashes. - Situational ambient music system. - Custom character classes (Doctor, Hunter, Mechanic, etc...). - Day/Night cycle. - Dynamic weather. - Money system. (You currently start with $500, and get $200 every few minutes). - Fully lootable world. - Zombies spawn all over Altis. There are currently 3 different zombie types. - Horde mechanic. - Shops system. - Interaction menu system (ACE). - Advanced medical system (ACE). And a lot more... What Mods/Addons do I need to play/edit this? http://steamcommunit...s/?id=679223128 Available on this page up there!
  5. A deadly rage virus has transformed the population of Altis into bloodthirsty creatures! Do what you can to survive this onslaught! 28 Weeks Later is a FULLY VANILLA survival sandbox aimed at replacing the deceased Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mod as the owner ceased working on it. It's basically like DayZ, as in open world, zombies around the map, loot, eat, drink, etc.... However I've personally added some twists to spice up the gameplay such as setting up small camps during the night, or taking on Bandit camps and their leaders. Why Should I Play This? Well, for starters it doesn't require any mods, so you can just jump in and play at anytime. It will also be updated a lot and I will be getting a server for it soon, so what do you have to lose? You no longer have to download 4 GB + mods for a legit zombie survival experience. What does this have that other mods don't? 28 Weeks Later is aimed at providing a user-friendly Roleplay environment for all those Altis Life players, as well as a unique survival experience to those who are new to Arma and/or DayZ. I plan on making this work on any map simply by modifying to ".Altis" extension in the near future. I built this from the ground up, and it is still in development. So expect A LOT of updates EVERYDAY! :) If you have any questions, or if you have any suggestions you want me to add in, leave them down below. Have fun and good luck! P.S: If you would like to play with us, message me and I'll send you the IP for our TeamSpeak Server :) Steam Workshop (Recommended for instant updates)