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  1. Hi, I have a MP PvP system where I display a Timer at the top left of the screen. Problem : When the mission ends, and outro is launched, Timer is not at 00:00:00 for everyone. some are 15s early, some are late etc ... all players are not synced ! Here is how it works : What it looks like ingame (Video example) : When the players exits the Weapon Menu : Null = [] execVM "timer.sqf"; Timer script be like : description.ext in my Mission, outro.sqf is activated by a trigger : Many thanks for all the help I can get ! Best regards.
  2. Hey guys. I'm having an urgent issue. I'm planning to make an Altis total map overhaul with edited locations all over the map. Now I've hosted a local server (like we always do) and my friend tried to join. It gave him the downloadable content missing "CST_R_Tower" when he tried to connect. We tried to find it for over an hour, and I ain't too fond of editing shit with text editors as most likely I will screw it up. (Like I just did......) I removed "CST_R_Tower" three times, or how ever you call it. (I'm a total noob in scripting and stuff.) If I hit CTRL F "CST_R_Tower" showed up three times, and removed those three... In notepad, the mission.sqm looks like this: https://gyazo.com/b5582cd347ca2026c9a7b89b99ce418e While on Wordpad it looks like this: https://gyazo.com/a84d3b43d40725b4b2464942e872cec9 Both screenshots were after I've edited it, but if I search on the web how to edit a mission.sqm file, they all look different than mine??? Now what happened, after I removed those lines, the entire mission didn't show up in the editor anymore, and in-game, when I tried to launch it, instead of green text, it was light blue text. And when I hit "Play" simply nothing happens. I've put weeks of work into this mission, and just because I wanted to remove some mod that I can't even remember what it is, or can't even find it, it screwed my mission... D:< Any help is greatly appreciated as I can't get myself to re-do ALL this work I've put into it... :( Thanks in advance. ~ Sirion.
  3. Hello again. Today I'm in a situation where I want the player to move to a certain spot/trigger location where an enemy patrol (2 units, variable name patrol1) will spawn down the road a ways and follow a set of waypoints. How would I go about doing this? Again new to all of this, please be understanding!
  4. I searched the forum and found nothing. How do you script to spawn in 1500m up with a parachute and the selected load out? I've used this addBackpack "B_Parachute"; this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 1500]; this script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30532 and this script and i dont understand what im doing wrong. I still appear on the ground not in the air. With none of the items i put in the script. I also tried to use the name i give the unit with still no success.
  5. Hello As I near the completion of my first mission, I wanted to add in a slow black fade in screen, followed by 5 lines of text in the lower right corner at the start of the mission. the timing for that would be default for both. How would I go about making this happen? Now I've obtained the script and watched a guide on What it does (down below) but I haven't found one that shows how to set it up setp by step. I've been having an extremely hard time editing it fit my needs, let alone inserting into the mission. Please go easy on me, I'm brand new to mission making and scripting is completely foreign to me. I'm here to learn!
  6. Hello BI Forums, I've done some experimenting and I've come to the conclusion that BIS has done *something* wrong in terms of identifying the position of the throttle and converting that into the analogue thrust percentage. The reason that this is so baffling is that in single player it works flawlessly, on a local hosted mission it works without issue, however as soon as I join a multiplayer dedicated server the whole system goes kaput. Best case scenario is that it only accepts half of my possible travel potential on my throttle (All the way back would be -1, centered would be 0 and all the way forwards would be 1, ArmA appears to only accept 0-1 or -1 to 0 depending on if you bind the + or - axis.) Worst case scenario is that as soon as I move my throttle it automatically jumps to 100% throttle and only goes back to 0% exactly if I put my throttle in a very specific spot. This is strange behaviour. Was wondering if anyone could help me out and provide a bit of assistance, will post the same thing on the ArmA reddit too. Edit: Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/6br5hm/arma_issues_with_thrustmaster_throttle/
  7. Hi there everyone so here is what i'm trying to create i want three Tanks to spawn with crew and then move to waypoints after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This is what i have so far.. major disclaimer here I've been experimenting with a lot of this just seeing how certain things work and trying to get the basic understanding of the language so Arma 3 coding veterans prepare the defibrillators because you might need to restart your hearts after seeing this. On a side note if anyone has any tips on learning how to code SQF, SQS etc in arma please let me know as im hungry to learn this language but can't find any good material anywhere. //if (isServer) then { _type = _this select 0; _mark = _this select 1; _time = _this select 2; _slaGrp = createGroup INDEPENDENT; //Sherman #1 _vehicleObject = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn1", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; _S1vehicleName = "sherman1"; missionNamespace setVariable [_S1vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; publicVariable _S1vehicleName; //Sherman #1 Crew _s1Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable _s1Inf; publicVariable _s1Inf; _s1Inf moveInDriver "sherman1"; //Sherman #2 Crew _s2Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable [_s2Inf]; publicVariable _s2Inf; _s2Inf moveInGunner "sherman1"; //Sherman #3 Crew _s3Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable [_s3Inf]; publicVariable _s3Inf; _s3Inf moveInCommander "sherman1"; //createVehicleCrew (sherman1 select 0); //Sherman #2 //_vehicleObject = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn2", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; //_S2vehicleName = "sherman2"; //missionNamespace setVariable [_S2vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; //publicVariable _S2vehicleName; //createVehicleCrew (sherman2 select 0); //Sherman #3 // = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn3", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; //_S3vehicleName = "sherman3"; //missionNamespace setVariable [_S3vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; // _S3vehicleName; //createVehicleCrew (sherman3 select 0); //};
  8. Dustin Talbot

    game freees/crashes

    so when i try to play my game no matter what i play kingofhill or exile it happends and when i try to open it up from steam it does the same thing so if u can help i would appreciate it
  9. I'm not sure how to implement a waitUntil crew == o but with a sleep of 5 min (300 seconds) . I would like to add this to this script. Please help Cheers private _price = 50; if([_price] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then { if (!player_boatcooldown) then { //Take $50 From Player [50,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; // Start cooldown player_boatcooldown = true; // Create Jet Ski _veh = createVehicle ["C_Scooter_Transport_01_F",getpos player,[], 0, ""]; _veh setpos (player modelToWorld [0,6,0]); _veh setDir ([_veh, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); // Move Player Into Jet Ski player moveInDriver _veh; // Start cooldown timer sleep 5; hint format ["%1 \nJet ski cooldown is 5min!",name player]; sleep 300; player_boatcooldown = false; // Player Still On Cooldown } else {hint format ["%1 \nYou are still on cooldown!",name player];}; }; Also can someone tell me why this is not working? Its creating it facing North (0). I want it creating facing the players Dir on call. I guess I need getDir player; ? _veh setDir ([_veh, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); I got that part from a armaholic forum. Thank you in advance
  10. I have a problem and can not go on and if I want to pack with Pboprojekt the PBO I always get this error. The source or terrain builder is closed and everything else is not used.
  11. I want to use isKindof in a action condition like _unit addAction ["Call Boat Airdrop", "scripts\BoatSpawner.sqf", [], 1, TRUE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this == _target && surfaceIsWater getPos _target && _target isKindof _man && _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2"]; So I want (player isKindof "man";) as 1 condition. What should the _man variable look like ? Just this addAddiction is activated when flying over open water witch is the problem. Thank you in advance
  12. I've been "searching far and wide" but I've yet to find any useful information about this. I'm looking for a way to preserve userconfigs of an addon between Arma launches. From what I've seen sometimes addons rely on the userconfig folder but those mods seem to rely on users manually copying the config file to such folder before the addon even work at all. I was looking for a way to have initial default settings but allow user to change them to his likings, without the need to hand copy such userconfig files. I haven't yet tried reverse engineer ACE or RHS to see how they do with their options menus, but the information I found often refers to missionConfigs not userConfig in the sense of a mod, for example the biki page for userconfig is a user contribution quite incomplete. This topic doesn't seem helpful for my needs either. This one warns about dangerous userconfig structures but not how they are actually made. Thus I was looking for some tips or a guide on how to implement such feature on my addon.
  13. We've created 27 maps that are of the Attack & Defend type on Apex/Altis lanscapes with the RHS mods. There are (2) Red and (2) Blue bases with a neutral base in the center. Each base has vehicle and player respawn points with armories (except the neutral). Each base has a "sector" with attributes set for who captures it. The uniforms and weapons are also loaded and saved (we will create an option to alter weapons once we get some of these questions resolved) On the below list are the areas we need help with. We've searched the internet but most of the answers are 3-5 years old and were having trouble sorting through them to find what we need. Thus, we're reaching out here to hopefully find the help and willing to pay for it. We have a Paypal account or can do something like purchase Amazon gift cards or if you have another way to collect your fee, it's ok with us. We're hoping to find one person that's knowledgeable with Arma scripting/triggers & modules who can answer all the questions as oppose to going through several people for them. If you'd like to get an idea of what our maps look like, there's (2) in the "Map Team" on our TeamSpeak (globalconflictA3.teamspeak3.com) These are the questions we need help with: 1. The KOTH maps all have a "rearm box" and players don't have to open it to rearm, they just click rearm. How can we get this option/script? 2. Currently, if we use any ammo, when we respawn the loadout doesn't replenish, it stays the same as when we died. Is there a script to reload all ammo automatically? Can this be applied to resupply vehicles as well? 3. How to set up the helo and tank "rearm" locations. 4. Each friendly base has a respawn with the possibility that the opposing army can take it. Can we make the respawns unavailable to the side that owned them when thier captured? 5. Currently the "tasks" show the neutral base along with the opposing army bases as "tasks" (all are visible) Can we set it so that the "tasks" start with the neutral base (with the other bases hidden) and then once the neutral base is captured, the next base appears as the next "task" and so on? (we know this is done with the triggers and modules, but can't figure out the exact process to link them) 5. We want to set the maps to play 1 hour each. Is this something that is done in Eden Editor or on a server? 6. We need help creating (3) "End Game" scenarious: a. Blue Team wins b. Red Team wins c. Draw 7. Can we make a setting that should one side take all opposing army bases, along with the neutral base, the game will end before the 1 hour timer ends? 8. How to put maps on a server? (or is this something the server support people could help me with) And lastly, there's a lot of servers out there. What options should we look for in choosing one? We dont want the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. We're anxious about getting these maps on a server soon. Your assistance will truly be appreciated.
  14. whats wrong with this ? Its not working if (surfaceIsWater getPos player) then {player addAction ["Drop rubber boat", "BoatSpawer.sqf", [], 1, TRUE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this == _target && _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2"];};
  15. So first off here's my code that I would like to add: if (_rank >= 30) then { player spawn { _pilot = _this; private _price = 25000; if([_price] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then { [25000,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; _jet = createVehicle ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F", [4113.665,800.764,1200], [], 0, "FLY"]; _jet setDir 0; _jet setVelocityModelSpace [0,150,0]; _pilot moveInDriver _jet; removeUniform _pilot; removeBackpackGlobal _pilot; removeHeadgear _pilot; _pilot forceAddUniform "U_O_PilotCoveralls"; _pilot addBackpackGlobal "B_parachute"; _pilot addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O"; _jet addAction ["Re-Arm Jet", "scripts\Rearm_Jet.sqf"]; hint format ["%1 \nYou have brought A10 Good Luck!",name _pilot]; } else { hint format ["%1 \nYou don't have enough money!",name _pilot] }; }; I've tried a few ways with adding this but with fail. The code just wont run, even after changing my xp in the datebase to match rank 30 ( 45000). Heres the getRankInfo.sqf _xp = _this; _rank = 0; _nextrankxp = 0; if (_xp >= 250000) then { _rank = 50; _nextrankxp = 0; }else{ if (_xp >= 230000) then { _rank = 49; _nextrankxp = 250000; }else{ if (_xp >= 210000) then { _rank = 48; _nextrankxp = 230000; }else{ if (_xp >= 190000) then { _rank = 47; _nextrankxp = 210000; }else{ if (_xp >= 170000) then { _rank = 46; _nextrankxp = 180000; }else{ if (_xp >= 150000) then { _rank = 45; _nextrankxp = 170000; }else{ if (_xp >= 140000) then { _rank = 44; _nextrankxp = 150000; }else{ if (_xp >= 130000) then { _rank = 43; _nextrankxp = 140000; }else{ if (_xp >= 120000) then { _rank = 42; _nextrankxp = 130000; }else{ if (_xp >= 110000) then { _rank = 41; _nextrankxp = 120000; }else{ if (_xp >= 100000) then { _rank = 40; _nextrankxp = 110000; }else{ if (_xp >= 90000) then { _rank = 39; _nextrankxp = 100000; }else{ if (_xp >= 85000) then { _rank = 38; _nextrankxp = 90000; }else{ if (_xp >= 80000) then { _rank = 37; _nextrankxp = 85000; }else{ if (_xp >= 75000) then { _rank = 36; _nextrankxp = 80000; }else{ if (_xp >= 70000) then { _rank = 35; _nextrankxp = 75000; }else{ if (_xp >= 65000) then { _rank = 34; _nextrankxp = 70000; }else{ if (_xp >= 60000) then { _rank = 33; _nextrankxp = 65000; }else{ if (_xp >= 55000) then { _rank = 32; _nextrankxp = 60000; }else{ if (_xp >= 50000) then { _rank = 31; _nextrankxp = 55000; }else{ if (_xp >= 45000) then { _rank = 30; _nextrankxp = 50000; }else{ if (_xp >= 40000) then { _rank = 29; _nextrankxp = 45000; }else{ if (_xp >= 37000) then { _rank = 28; _nextrankxp = 40000; }else{ if (_xp >= 34000) then { _rank = 27; _nextrankxp = 37000; }else{ if (_xp >= 31000) then { _rank = 26; _nextrankxp = 34000; }else{ if (_xp >= 28000) then { _rank = 25; _nextrankxp = 31000; }else{ if (_xp >= 25000) then { _rank = 24; _nextrankxp = 28000; }else{ if (_xp >= 22000) then { _rank = 23; _nextrankxp = 25000; }else{ if (_xp >= 19000) then { _rank = 22; _nextrankxp = 22000; }else{ if (_xp >= 16000) then { _rank = 21; _nextrankxp = 19000; }else{ if (_xp >= 14000) then { _rank = 20; _nextrankxp = 16000; }else{ if (_xp >= 12000) then { _rank = 19; _nextrankxp = 14000; }else{ if (_xp >= 10000) then { _rank = 18; _nextrankxp = 12000; }else{ if (_xp >= 9000) then { _rank = 17; _nextrankxp = 10000; }else{ if (_xp >= 8000) then { _rank = 16; _nextrankxp = 9000; }else{ if (_xp >= 7000) then { _rank = 15; _nextrankxp = 8000; }else{ if (_xp >= 6200) then { _rank = 14; _nextrankxp = 7000; }else{ if (_xp >= 5400) then { _rank = 13; _nextrankxp = 6200; }else{ if (_xp >= 4800) then { _rank = 12; _nextrankxp = 5400; }else{ if (_xp >= 4200) then { _rank = 11; _nextrankxp = 4800; }else{ if (_xp >= 3600) then { _rank = 10; _nextrankxp = 4200; }else{ if (_xp >= 3100) then { _rank = 9; _nextrankxp = 3600; }else{ if (_xp >= 2600) then { _rank = 8; _nextrankxp = 3100; }else{ if (_xp >= 2100) then { _rank = 7; _nextrankxp = 2600; }else{ if (_xp >= 1700) then { _rank = 6; _nextrankxp = 2100; }else{ if (_xp >= 1300) then { _rank = 5; _nextrankxp = 1700; }else{ if (_xp >= 900) then { _rank = 4; _nextrankxp = 1300; }else{ if (_xp >= 600) then { _rank = 3; _nextrankxp = 900; }else{ if (_xp >= 300) then { _rank = 2; _nextrankxp = 300; }else{ _rank = 1; _nextrankxp = 100; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _output = [_rank, _nextrankxp]; _output and this is the database getPlayerStats.sqf if (isServer) then { //check if player exists in db _unit = _this select 0; _uid = getPlayerUID _unit; _name = name _unit; _query = format ["SELECT id,uid FROM player WHERE uid = '%1'", _uid]; while{!isNil("serverRunningQuery") && serverRunningQuery} do { sleep 0.5;//busy wait }; serverRunningQuery = true; _get = nil; while {isNil("_get")} do { _get = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync ['MyDataBaseName', '%1']", _query]; if (_get == "") then { _get = nil; }; sleep 0.5; }; if ((count (toArray(_get))) < 6) then { //if user doesnt exist in database _query = "INSERT into player (uid, name, xp, kills, deaths, ammo, weapons, items, assignitems, headgear, goggles, vest, vestitems, uniform, uniformitems, backpack, packitems, handgunitems, primarywep, secondarywep) VALUES("; _query = _query + "'" + (_uid) + "'," + "'" + (_name) + "'" + ",0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)"; _return = nil; while {isNil("_return")} do { _return = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync ['MyDataBaseName', '%1']", _query]; if (_return == "") then { _return = nil; }; sleep 0.5; }; }; //get saved stats from server _query = format ["SELECT xp,kills,deaths FROM player WHERE uid = '%1'", _uid]; _get = nil; while {isNil("_get")} do { _get = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync ['MyDataBaseName', '%1']", _query]; if (_get == "") then { _get = nil; }; sleep 0.5; }; serverRunningQuery = false; //This converts the string to an array _get = call compile _get; //only select the inner array, throw away this outer array shell _get = _get select 0; _get = _get select 0; _string = _get select 0; _xp = parseNumber _string; _string = _get select 1; _kills = parseNumber _string; _string = _get select 2; _deaths = parseNumber _string; player_stats_add = [_xp,_kills,_deaths]; owner _unit publicVariableClient "player_stats_add"; player_stats_got = 1; owner _unit publicVariableClient "player_stats_got"; }; Any help would be great. Just spent 6hrs trying to add this with no luck. Please don't let me try sleep on a loss LOL
  16. Well I've been running few tests and reading a lot but everything is failing. Jet keeps facing ground and crashing with 150kmph when using _jet setdir 190; Also tried a bunch of other methods but with the same result. Also would like to to add a spawn height of 1200 meters. As you can set the x,y,z is not working as attended. x,y is fine but z is not working.I'm not sure what height its spawning but I can tell you its not 1200. Please help by adding to code for examples. _pilot = (_this select 0); private _price = 25000; if([_price] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then { //Jet price sub [25000,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; _jet = createVehicle ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F", [14359.506,26968.678,1200], [], 0, "FLY"]; _pilot moveInDriver _jet; removeUniform _pilot; removeBackpack _pilot; removeHeadgear _pilot; _pilot addUniform "U_O_PilotCoveralls"; _pilot addBackpack "B_parachute"; _pilot addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O"; _jet addAction ["Re-Arm Jet", "scripts\Rearm_Jet.sqf"]; hint format ["%1 \nYou have brought A10 Good Luck!",name _pilot]; } else { hint format ["%1 \nYou don't have enough mulah!",name _pilot]; };
  17. Dustin Talbot

    game freees/crashes

    if anyone can help me message me on steam monkayman1
  18. When i shoot in third person it sounds loud like its supposed to when i go first person the gun sound low like a toy gun shooting
  19. I was making a mission where a base in under attack and a group of about 20 men (all in hunters) are on there way to reinforse it. The enemies come in via air trasnport and when the ai see them they all stop and dismount. I tired making the AI careless but when I do that they just get out of the hunters at the start and barly even move. I have tried locking the hunters and that does not work either. Please help!
  20. Hi all, I have a something of a predicament before me. I find it very enjoyable making simple scenarios for myself to replay as short, fun showcases of squad-level infantry tactics, armored warfare, and combined arms using the fairly realistic assets afforded by RHS and the various Bundeswehr gear mods. I feel I Have a fairly decent grasp of mission structure and what makes a mission fun while still incorporating the somewhat realistic objectives, circumstances, and jargon I've picked up through my service. Unfortunately, I don't have an expert grasp on the Eden Editor. I can use waypoints and triggers effectively to create a fairly simple and effective version of a real mission, and can use simple ambientAnim scripts to provide a fairly varied environment, but I lack the intimate knowledge with the Editor to use more advanced scripting, and creating actual tasks. My request is this. Is it possible that any advanced mission or scenario makers on here would have the patience or interest in taking the basework missions I have provided, and creating a more well-rounded and improved experience from them? I can provide the links to the missions I've made so far on the Workshop, and if anyone is interested, I would greatly appreciate it. I would absolutely love it if the simple missions I enjoy making could somehow be elevated by a more experienced hand with the interest in pursuing this LINKS: - Bundeswehr: Armored Warfare http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=912514095 -Bundeswehr: Infantry http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=908530453 -RHS US Combined Arms Showcase - Takistan http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=914002496
  21. Hello, For some reason, my Healing system is not working when the player's legs are hit .......... Can someone help ? While {True} Do { WaitUntil {Alive Player;}; Sleep 1; While {(damage player) < 0.1} Do { Sleep 1; }; Heal_Act = Player AddAction ["<img size='1.0' color='#FFFFFF' image='Images\heal_ca.paa'/>","Heal_System\Action.sqf",[],-100,False,True,"",""]; Player SetDamage 0.26; While {(Damage Player != 0.25) And Alive Player} Do { Sleep 0.1; }; Player SetDamage 0; Player RemoveAction Heal_Act; };
  22. This is working but if a new player connects and spawns its giving players on the other team their loadout addWeapon etc. Each side has a specific unit I.e: west = "B_engineer_F", east= "O_engineer_F" and res = I_engineer_F then each units class has its own loadout.sqf private "_this"; _this = _this select 0; { if (typeof _this == "B_engineer_F") then { [_this] execVM "loadouts\Blu_gear.sqf"}; } forEach units group _this; { if (typeof _this == "O_engineer_F") then { [_this] execVM "loadouts\Op_gear.sqf"}; } forEach units group _this; { if (typeof _this == "I_engineer_F") then { [_this] execVM "loadouts\Ind_gear.sqf"}; } forEach units group _this; then if its B_engineer_F it call this Blu_gear.sqf waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {alive player}; ["UsaSZ",800,"You have now entered the USA safe zone!","You are now vulnerable! Good luck!",1] exec "scripts\NoKillZone.Sqs"; removeAllWeapons player; removeBackpack player; player addweapon "arifle_Katiba_C_F"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"; player addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"; player addweapon "hgun_P07_F"; player addmagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; player addmagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; player addmagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; player additem "FirstAidKit"; Its call via init.sqf call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "playerSpawned.sqf"; player addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this execVM "playerSpawned.sqf"}]; units init. null = [this] execVM "loadouts\Blu_gear.sqf"; Respawning is working without the issue. It only takes effect when new players connect ? Do I need the code in units init? If you know the fix please post and explain why its doing it if possible. Thank you in advance !
  23. Hey guys I'm in the finishing faze of setting up the Ravage server. But I'm in deep need of people who know how take missions and have a better undertaking of Arma servers. I would love to welcome good people into my developing community as you would make a great place. And a happy friend. Contacting me Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/AION1414/ Or come into my discord when I'm in there by connecting here. https://discord.gg/D3MsFd5 I hope to see you soon Ps I won't be at my desk untell. 12:15 mountain standard time.
  24. ARGION

    Ravage server

    Hey guys I'm in the finishing faze of setting up the Ravage server. But I'm in deep need of people who know how take missions and have a better undertaking of Arma servers.I would love to welcome good people into my developing community as you would make a great place. And a happy friend. Contacting me Add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/AION1414/Or come into my discord when I'm in there by connecting here. https://discord.gg/D3MsFd5I hope to see you soon Ps I won't be at my desk untell. 12:15 mountain standard time.
  25. I have been having this error pop up upon trying to generate layers for a terrain that I am building for the entirety of the day and I've had no clue why or how it is happening, help or a push in the right direction would be much appreciated. the Layers.cfg file class Layers { { class SirB_Rangmore_forest_pine { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_forest_pine.rvmat"; }; class SirB_Rangmore_snow { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_snow.rvmat"; }; class SirB_Rangmore_rock { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_rock.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_stony { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_stony.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_beach { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_beach.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_desert { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_desert.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_wild_grass { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_wild_grass.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_wildfield { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_wildfield.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_marsh { texture="" material="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_marsh.rvmat" }; class SirB_Rangmore_strseabed { texture="SirB\Rangmore\data\SirB_Rangmore_strseabed.rvmat" }; }; class Legend { { picture="SirB\Rangmore\source\mapLegend.png" class Colors { SirB_Rangmore_forest_pine[]={{170,190,80}}; SirB_Rangmore_snow[]={{255,255,255}}; SirB_Rangmore_stony[]={{120,120,120}}: SirB_Rangmore_rock[]={{80,80,80}}; SirB_Rangmore_beach[]={{175,160,130}}; SirB_Rangmore_desert[]={{255,190,0}}; SirB_Rangmore_wild_grass[]={{140,195,80}}; SirB_Rangmore_wildfield[]={{170,180,70}}; SirB_Rangmore_marsh[]={{158,198,90}}; SirB_Rangmore_strseabed[]={{230,230,120}}; }; }; and just in case it was an issue with an .rvmat file here is an .rvmat file ambient[]={1.5,1.5,1.5,1}; diffuse[]={0.5,0.5,0.5,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0,0,0,0}; specularPower=1; PixelShaderID="NormalMapDiffuse"; VertexShaderID="NormalMapDiffuseAlpha"; class Stage1 { texture="SirB\data\SirB_Rangmore_beach_nopx.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={10,0,0}; up[]={0,10,0}; dir[]={0,0,10}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; class Stage2 { texture="SirB\data\SirB_Rangmore_beach_co.paa"; uvSource="tex"; class uvTransform { aside[]={10,0,0}; up[]={0,10,0}; dir[]={0,0,10}; pos[]={0,0,0}; }; }; what I have tried already got rid of duplicate references inside the cfg file retype the Layers.cfg file by hand take another Layers.cfg file renamed everthing made a Layers.cfg file with only four textures retype Layers.cfg file again restart the project At the moment the only other thing I can think of is that the mask_Ico is a .bmp and has slightly different RGB codes (like 1-2 in any of the R,G or B) for some pixel than what is there for the colors class, but I think that would generate a different error code and using the magic wand w/ the fill tool would be a nightmare. So once again, help me out please.