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  1. Greetings! I wanted HMDs for the West German helicopters from Global Mobilization, so I've made a small compatibility patch for Kimi's HMDs Mod. I was going to keep this as an in-house mod for my group, but I figured there's more than a few people that might find this useful. Adds HMDs for the following GM helicopters: West Germany, - CH-53G - CH-53GS - VBH-1 - VBH-1A1 - VBH-1A1 Swooper - PAH-1 - PAH-1A1 I don't intend on adding the East German or Polish helicopters, but I may if it is requested. This is my first mod release for ArmA 3, so please if anything isn't working correctly (especially MP functionality, as I haven't been able to test that yet) let me know! Thanks to, - Kimi, HMDs Mod - Vertexmacht, Global Mobilization - Bohemia Interactive, for obvious reasons... Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2446018592
  2. Hello! I'm trying to make a script that will create a helicopter that will fly to the player, land and transport the player back to base when the player throws orange smoke. Most of the script is working fine, but if the player wants to extract a second time after getting back to base, two helicopters will spawn. If done one more time a third will spawn etc. Here is the code that I'm currently using: player addAction ["Request transport", {[] execVM "Scripts\extract.sqf"}, nil, 0.1, false]; // This is in another file to the rest of the script systemChat "Mark your position with orange smoke!"; player addItem "SmokeShellOrange"; player addEventHandler ["Fired", { if ((_this select 4) == "SmokeShellOrange") then { (_this select 6) spawn //spawn will create 1 extra helo every time smoke is thrown { waitUntil {sleep 1, (speed _this <= 0) || (!alive _this)}; _smoke = getPos _this; _pickup = createSimpleObject ["Headgear_H_WirelessEarpiece_F", _smoke]; hideObject _pickup; _marker = 1; waitUntil { sleep 1, _marker == 1}; _radius = getPos player; _helo = createVehicle ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", _radius, [], 2500, "FLY"]; createVehicleCrew _helo; systemChat "A helicopter is en-route to extract you!"; _zone = getPos _pickup; _helo move _zone; waitUntil {sleep 1, ((_helo distance _zone) < 150)}; doStop _helo; _helo land "GET IN"; {_helo animateDoor [_x, 1]} forEach ["door_back_L","door_back_R","door_L","door_R"]; waitUntil {sleep 1, player in _helo}; {_helo animateDoor [_x, 0]} forEach ["door_back_L","door_back_R","door_L","door_R"]; _helo move (getMarkerPos "start"); sleep 11; [0, "BLACK", 3] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; sleep 3; player setPos (getMarkerPos "service"); player setDamage 0; deleteVehicle _helo; skipTime 2; [1, "BLACK", 2] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; sleep 2; curobj allowDamage true; curobj enableSimulation true; deleteVehicle curobj; deleteVehicle veh; [] execVM "startupgui_fnc.sqf"; // Allows the player to set new mission parameters and usually only runs on mission start }; }; }]; Not only does this spawn two helicopters, it also broadcasts the chat message one time for every helicopter that spawns. This leads me to believe that the script is somehow running twice (?). Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?
  3. This mod enhances the capabilities of ISR turrets on both vanilla and addon UAVs and Helicopters. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1623498241 Current features: -Configurable keybinds for adding markers (NEW 2019-02-03) -Options dialog via CBA to disable GUI elements (NEW 2019-02-03) -Measure distance (2D) & heading between two points (NEW 2019-01-30) -Slew turret to position on map via click (must be zommed in one level so the camera is geolocked) -Slew turret to typed coordinates (6, 8 or 10 digit grids) -Grid indicator for where turret is pointing (With 6, 8 or 10 digit grids as of 2019-02-04) -Add Black, Blue or Red numbered markers on the map where the turret is pointing -A North marker in the turret view for situational awareness -Server key included -Support for most vehicles with a turret that inherits the base UAV, Helicopter or Plane class within ARMA -Only needs to run client-side (thanks MGZoltan for testing!) -Turret azimuth, elevation and aircraft heading indicators (NEW 2019-11-30) -Change Altitude for UAVs (NEW 2020-08-26) -UAV Weapon Status Report (NEW 2020-08-30) -UAV VMS (Vehicle Management System) reset (i.e. a reset in case the UAV becomes bugged) (NEW 2020-08-30) -Change Loiter Radius for UAVs (NEW 2020-08-30) Planned Features: -Rangefinding between two points ala the Vector from ACE3 - Done -Support for 8 - 10 digit grid input - Done -Slew to typed coordinates - Done -Support for planes (e.g AC-130) - Done -Auto turret unlock once slew complete - Done Features under consideration: -10 Digit Grids for Grid Indicator - Done -3D Distance Measurement -Real-Time Distance Measurement Method -MTI (Moving Target Indicator) -More advanced markers -Language support -ACE-specific version -Locked/Unlocked status of turret (May be an engine limitation) -Eliminate the black "mask" on vanilla UAVs in the turret gunner's view - Need help, I can't figure this one out. I was hoping it was just a .paa reference. Known Issues: -The turret on the USAF MQ-9 needs to be zoomed in one level before slewing will work -The turret only seems to be accurate within a few meters Marker and slewing interactions are accessed through the vanilla scroll menu when actively looking through the turret of a UAV or helicopter. This addon started as an update to UAVs for my private gaming group. Along the way I realized that a small handful of UAVs in ARMA are actually defined as helicopters (BIS?) so the scope grew to include helicopters. My group has really been enjoying the additional functionality so I thought I'd share. Due to requests, I've also added this feature for planes. The intent of this mod is for it to work on ALL UAVs, Helicopters and Planes with a turret. I've tested this with the following assets successfully so far: -Vanilla AR-2 Darter -Vanilla MQ-4A Greyhawk -Vanilla A-164 Wipeout -Vanilla AH-99 Blackfoot -CUP MQ-9 Reaper -CUP MH-6 -USAF MQ-9 Reaper -RHS MH-6 -RHS A-10 -USAF AC-130 Spooky 2 -USAF RQ-4A Global Hawk -Firewill's F-22, F-16C & A-10 The addon does not work with the following: -None known. Please let me know I'd like to build a comprehensive listing of assets this mod does and does not work with. If you try this with other assets, please let me know. Default keybinds: Add Black Marker - Shift+1 Add Blue Marker - Shift +2 Add Red Marker - Shift +3 Please let me know if you have any issues. I'm specifically interested in assets this doesn't work on. If it's something I can fix, then I'll plan on getting it working. If the assets inherits its base class from something other than UAV, Helicopter or Plane then there may not be much I can do. Post up with feature requests. I may not get to them all, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks to the following folks for help with this: -Killzone Kid -AgentRev -GuyFauwx -ThreadAssessment -commy2 -DevTeam Paxton -Lasket & TrainOfThought6 for Distance Measure Feature idea -The CBA-A3 team for their awesome and easy to use settings system -SGT Fuller & the USAF team -JacobZeD for testing Firewill's Assets & bringing them to my attention -sync0s -kju2 for his notes on multiple display optics and the need to use the IDD layer -Ski for his technical input on the MQ-9 displays And, of course, thanks to BIS for ARMA 3!
  4. Sean Newberry

    First Armored Division

    Come join the First Armored Division, we currently have 12 people, but pull in the corp 30-40 in events and drills! We have many mos, everything from motorized rifleman to a helicopter gunner. We primarily focused on land fighting but will have the occasional apache in missions. There is no age limit, only requirement is to have arma 3 and speak ok english. https://discord.gg/NsUyQXjQ4z To join copy and paste this link into your browser and accept the invite.
  5. Larger pic - http://www.mediafire.com/view/8b7eb2a2n1ww6hq/ANZACSAS_SouthAsiaPic1Largeb.jpg/file Massive 122x122klm South Asia terrain from "Take On Helicopters" ported to Arma 3 version 1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - No Errors!!! - Version 1.5 - Fully compatible with CUP Mod!! - Tinkered with the cloud lighting and clouds/weather. - Edited objects to be seen from further distance. - Tinkered a bit.:) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1571581816 - Changed some textures to better suit the Satmap. - Enhanced clutter,Insects,Dust Efx,Haze efx. - Enhanced "Take on Helicopters" Weather. - Uses A3 lighting and sky. -SATMAP texture for in cockpit view. - Now has call to prayer,Arabian radio music and Arabian market Sound SFX added from Takistan.They are found in the Sfx sounds in triggers. - There is quite a few objects added in the editor in the South Asia section that are in the data Pbo's from Take on Helicopters. - Vegetation objects have been added in the editor in the South Asia section for mission makers. - Objects in 3d editor are only partially supported.Feedback still welcome.:) - This terrain focuses on aircraft and large scale missions. - Roads are painted so AI dont follow them the same as in Arma terrains.Extra waypoints are required for ground vehicles. - Water areas are painted and are purely visual. - Concrete runway,taxiway and parking areas have been added in the 3d editor.Found in the South Asia Category. - Comes with an Airbase Template Mission that has concrete runways,taxiway,parking areas and lighting already laid out ready to use. Mission is unpbo'ed in the Missions folder in your South Asia v1.5 ANZACSAS mod directory. - Thanks to Bis and the Community. - Enjoy!! MP Mission's - Persistent Coop 1-30 Combat Air Assault (Ground forces mission) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1571693129 Persistent Coop 1-10 Anti-Aircraft Tank Hunt (Simple SEAD /training mission) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=157597646 Persistent Coop 1-12 Air War Over South Asia (Air Strategy mission) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1597976809 Larger Pics of terrain - http://www.mediafire.com/file/7685a7ed120caaz/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic10.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/ctgqtwg2x8by1ds/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic11.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/cec8kvv22pg5i21/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic3Large.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/l3sl31klmr3y5lf/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic12.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/lcczm59qbrn2272/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic13.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/jahc5czide4bn0y/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic2Large.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/riuenk9vga1g1t9/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic6.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/su89q1na2yq41ct/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic7.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/r4bbolr8z14io0f/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic8.jpg/file http://www.mediafire.com/file/6tdfjtft12dxtd9/ANZACSASSouthAsiapic9.jpg/file - There are nine pictures inside the south_Asia_h.pbo so that they can be used for overview pictures on a Server in Multiplayer missions. they are - overviewPicture = "HSim\South_Asia_H\data\images\SouthAsiamissionpic1.paa"; (1 to 9)
  6. Group: United Task Force (UNITAF) Branch: Flexible Schedule / Attendance - MILSIM just without the Yes Sir no Sir. Availability: Join on operations as often or as little as you like, including reserve roles if you want to join but aren't sure you'll make it. Language: English Time Zone: Central Europe (but we have plenty of people from the Americas and Pacific and wouldn't say no to more) Our Arma-integrated Website: United task force Discord: discord Operation Times: CEST/GMT/UTC - Flexible schedule (attend by choice from 1 to 20 ops a month) using our dynamic ORBAT deployment application. Operation Type: COOP (from 5-man Special Operations missions to 40-men+ beach assault we have it all) Mods: ACE / TFAR / RHS (Full list: mods) Roles available for:- Marksmen- Snipers- Leadership- Fixed Wing pilot- Rotary pilot and gunner- Tank crew- Autorifleman- Anti-tank/anti-air- Everything, seriously, any role is a potential option. Other Information: United Task Force is a one-of-a-kind session based cooperative MILSIM experience for the Arma series. A unique blend of realism, solid teamwork, just without the yes-sir-no-sir. Our Website: United task force FAQs and more information about UNITAF on the website. - 24/7 Public Server - Just search for UNITAF in the public server list. - Private session based MILSIM operations. - Numerous training sessions so you can become an expert in whatever roles you choose. - Our one-of-a-kind game integrated MILSIM website application. - Full of cool and friendly people from across the world. - Powerful and well maintained servers to reduce frame-drops and keep the game as immersive as possible. Email adress: hq@unitedtaskforce.net Website features: /- Order of Battle: Deploying on our missions looks something like this which makes it super easy to keep track of what team you're in and what your radio frequency is etc ORBAT Snapshot /- Operations Order [OPORD] are written in full for all official operations. To add immersion and let you know exactly what you should be doing on operation. OPORD Snapshot
  7. officialepicpatrickyolo

    Aircraft Banking Randomly

    I recently got into ArmA, and tried out my joystick (T.Flight HOTAS 4) to fly aircraft in this game. While flying the Yak-130, I noticed that my aircraft would randomly bank to the right without any input from me. I noticed the same with helicopters, but it stopped doing it after a couple hours. How do I prevent this from happening? It makes landing and bomb runs extremely difficult for me, and it frustrates me.
  8. Hi, I recently wanted to continue to play to Arma 3, I play this game to pilot helicopters and I wanted to change the piloting mode to the simulation mode but I can't, when I click on settings and then Game, I can't click on the simulation mode, there is the option in the menu but there is no switch button, How can I fix this problem ? Thanks, By the way, I play on the last released MacBook Pro and I think the game is not really optimized for Mac OS.
  9. Hello, I am currently making a helicopter. I don't understand how i can change speed of my helicopter in config. I tried to change all the parameters which seemed to me to be able to modify the speed, without success. I can't find the solution maybe due to the fact that I don't speak perfect English. can someone who has the solution help me
  10. Hello there 😄 I'm DrDuckhill, and I'm new in this forum. I'd like to know how to make some working windshield wipers for helicopters, or if there already are scripts (?) for that. You need to know, I have NO CLUE about modding, writing scripts whatsoever. It's just that I want to bring some more realism into flying a helicopter. Working windshield wipers, working instruments (in the EuroCopter 135 / 635 mods the instruments don't work). I hope you guys can help me 🙂 See ya'll
  11. I created a mission where you are controlling a Blackfoot gunship. This mission can be played in mutiplayer as well. But there is an issue. After a few minutes (ca 5 - 10min) the Blackfoot gunner starts to experience extreme camera shaking. I did test the mission with a friend and he did send me this: and this: He was the host btw. I did test this again with my and my girlfriends PC and the problem was still there. Does anybody else encouter this Problem?
  12. We are USAF special operations unit "Cassowary Composite Squadron", and we're looking for both experienced and/or inexperienced players. ALSO LOOKING FOR HELO PILOTS and/or logistical support airmen.. Our play style is very laid back, however our forms of organization like ranks and structure are close to realistic. We have a very minimal mods list, so you won't be installing addons for hours. Be advised our group consists of younger ages including myself and our preferred age range is 14-18. Our group size is currently 10 people and we are a relatively new unit. A couple final notes, we do not address each other by rank because it's stupid for a game, and we honestly are just a group of friends looking to have some fun. For more details, comment or contact me at: a3cassowary@gmail.com or join our discord! -We have a dedicated server -North America (Central Daylight Time) -USAF structure -Relaxed -Minimal mods -Preferred ages 14-18
  13. hey guys, new to scripting. I'm using this in the init for all the waypoints I want the heli to escort the rest of the squad. "_veh setUnloadInCombat [false, false]; thisArray; [_soldier1, _soldier9] allowGetIn false;" but the gorram pilot still lands when the final hold waypoint comes up, wherever he is at the time. any ideas what I'm doing wrong? the mission runs with 6 spartans, 1 playable but not leader. they are in the main ruins on tanoa, they hold for radio, then the pelican overhead with gunner playable joins the squad and they (usually) make their way out of the jungle south without getting stuck, through the four PREDATORS. I cant get the pelican to hover gracefully over the squad providing fire support untill he gets radio to pickup and move on, most times it flies k's away, because of combat, even though I have set fleeing off, and lands to pick up the squad, despite receiving no order to do so.
  14. Legacy CH-46 Sea Knight release Based on an arma 2 model by sfc.itzhak and Snake Man we present the Legacy CH-46 Sea Knight. This is a development release, meaning that it is not polished and has many bugs. We want to share early on and release fast. At this stage we would like to ask you to stay away from bug reports and feature requests. Both will be tackled when the time has come. In testing the CH-46 we found that the helicopter provides some fun to fly, especially with ACE and their fast roping system, which we support initially. We hope by releasing that early you can share some of this fun. Do not let yourself down by looking at all the dysfunctional areas. The Legacy CH-46 Sea Knight team is: Odyseus Londo shadowviper TeTeT Thanks for consulting and helping from the start to Eggbeast and Chairborne. If you want to support us, feel free to use my donation link on armaholic, I will share any donations with the team (really ;). Downloads Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843698134 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=35434 Enjoy, TeTeT
  15. STEAM LINK: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1887444077&amp;searchtext= The long project that I have been working on for over six months now is in the testing phase. There is still much to do and would like you guys to help me out. I am welcome to all comments that improve this project for YOU! Please do not ask for other projects and keep it relevant to this topic. This project will be attached to the current USAF Mod project by SGT Fuller when ready. ENJOY!
  16. I'm working on this event for a mission of mine where a ghost hawk flies into the AO, the player, and their squad board said ghost hawk, and the ghost hawk takes them out of the AO. I decided it would be best to use CaptureUnit for this, as the AI piloting can be unreliable at best. And because I wasn't sure how else to have it so that the player and squad would have a limited amount of time to board the helicopter, I decided I'd break the UnitCapture into two parts: Part one flying into the AO and landing, and Part two taking off and RTB. Part one works fine up until the moment the UnitPlay finishes, at that point the helicopter flies back up into the air and then lands again. And once the player and ai are in the helicopter it does lift off the ground, but then it just hovers, but it's giving me no indication that the script has any errors (and I'm very confident that it doesn't myself). Is there something I can do to fix this? Or should I go about getting the helicopter to pick up the player some other way?
  17. I am trying to figure out how to create a basic pickup/transport/drop off situation for either vehicles or aircraft. Here are the steps I'm looking for: 1. AI-controlled infantry waits at pickup location for transport (vehicle/helicopter) to arrive 2. Transport arrives at location and waits for troops to load 3. Troops load the transport 4. When loading is complete, transport moves to second location 5. When the transport has arrived, troops unload 6. Transport waits for unloading to complete, then leaves the location I've tried this using waypoints and triggers, but the problem is always in the timing and sequence, for instance, the transport leaving before the troops have boarded. I tried looking for other threads that address this, but they are usually asking about a particular situation that is not what I'm looking for. I tried to make this as broad and simple as possible so as to be applicable to more people, and to be as adaptable as possible. Any advice on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Hi Guys, my second project and this time for AI aircrafts. Helicopter Patrol Fixed Wing Patrol Features Developed for AI Aircraft (helicopters and fixed wings) Aircraft patrols between markers and adjusts the height based on setup Possiblity to limit speed In case enemy is noticed during patrol, aircraft engages Intel share from ground units in search distance. Which means if there is ongoing battle air unit will be aware of enemy positions if they are in search distance (adjustable) Adjustable communication delay for intel share Restarting the patrol after aircraft finds no more enemy after an engagement Possibility to have multiple aircraft patrols in a scenario Script can be called from triggers or init.sqf Detecting all enemies inside kill zone. From now on aircrafts will not ignore infantry which do not fire on them. Advanced optics will detect all inside kill zone (adjustable) Return to base (RTB) if fuel is low (20% considered as bingo fuel) RTB based on damage situation (less tolerance to damage during normal flight compared to being in combat) RTB based on ammo. The decision is made based on cannon ammo count. RTB if gunner dies. Refuel, repair and reload ammo at base Target priority rules. Enemy aircrafts are highest value targets. After that comes tanks, armored vehicles, static weapons and infantry. Dense enemy formations have value multiplier which means 10 infantry in close formation is more valuable target than a single Humwee Laser guidence is used if aircraft has any missiles/bombs which can benefit from laser lock. Future Plans Possibility to have multiple bases Known Issue(s) I didn't code anything to improve the aiming of AI pilots. So still vanilla skils and attack methods are in play which means helicopters are also doing fly by to attack and they cannot hit that accurate. Download Dropbox (version 2.1) Armaholic (version 2.1) Sample Mission Dropbox Usage Details are in readMe.txt inside the zip. Examples about how to add custom code or adjust patrol behaviour are inside AirPatrolEnd.sqf. Sample mission can be found above. Version History v.2.1 Fixed: Independent aircrafts were not using laser guidence. Fixed: Logic Objects on map can cause aircraft to stuck in combat mode over an area as such objects might be categorized as enemy. Added: After attack while waiting the restart countdown, aircrafts will do loiter over the area. Tweaked: Some code optimizations. v.2.0 Fixed: Workaround applied due to bug in BIS_fnc_EnemyTargets function which does not consider static weapons as enemy Added: Fixed wing support Added: RTB based on ammunition Added: RTB if gunner is dead Added: Aircraft uses laser for guided bombs Added: Target priority rules v.1.5 Fixed: Possiblity that aircraft stucks at a marker and starts turning around it Added: RTB based on damage Tweaked: Adjustable ServiceTime option removed from script call. Service time is now depending on how much fuel is missing or how much damage is taken Tweaked: AltitudeArray removed from script call. Multi-dimensional array will be used to hold markers and altitude together v.1.0 Initial version Enjoy!
  19. A little bit about us... We are 160 Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) and 75th Fighter Squadron "Tiger Sharks". We are a tight, close-knit unit who are currently looking for rotary, fixed wing pilots, pararescue (PJ), and people to operate logistics.We are a new unit and currently have 11 members, but we are looking for anyone who's interested in joining. We work with The Princess of Wales Royal Regiment (PWRR) closely as we are their air assets group. We perform CASEVACs, MEDEVACs, CAS, CAP, and transportation. We are a separate unit. However, we do share the same TeamSpeak server and Arma server. We work closely with them during OPs. 160 SOAR and 75th FS is a milsim unit. We have regular company and battalion training. Our OPs has a Zeus and on top of that, are a one-life event every mission... meaning that if you die in the one mission, you're done until the next mission. However, that doesn't mean you're eliminated from the campaign. We have campaigns that last a few months and we are heading into our 3rd campaign with PWRR! What do we do? As I said above, we train and operate with anything that's aviation related. 160 SOAR and 75th FS operates helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts. We have Apaches, Blackhawks, Chinooks, Little Birds, A-10s, and F-15s. We transport PWRR to their deployment zone, perform MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, CAS, CAP and transportation for them to get in and out of the area of operations. Are you interested? Here are some references if you would like to know more about us... Discord: https://discord.gg/cJMdvh TeamSpeak 3: Feel free to add me on Steam and message me. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119774197/ You can also add the CO of 160th SOAR: Col. C Prater https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198305133357/ We'll see you on the battlefield, over and out.
  20. I was looking for a fast-rope script to use in a mission. I found this thread. I used the script made by zealot111 as the base for my script. All credits should go to him for the basic idea. I just rewrote it to include a queue, and other small changes. The main goal, for me, was human player usage only, but the script will also rope down AI members of a group whose leader is human player. SHK_Fastrope.sqf Example mission Usage 1. Copy the script file into your mission folder 2. Open (or create) initPlayerLocal.sqf in your mission folder 3. Add this line into the file (no semi-colon at the end of the line): #include "SHK_Fastrope.sqf" Example using Ghost Hawk (chopper leaving after all units are on the ground is done by trigger, not by the script)
  21. Legacy CH-46 resurrected Odyseus, shadowviper and TeTeT have been working to get the CH-46 from Arma 2 into Arma 3. With help of Snake Man (VTE) we secured the mlods which were originally created by sfc.itzhak. Some work in the past weeks has been done to get the unarmed CH-46D version in game. In the future we want to create an armed CH-46E variant as well. Currently we hope to improve model and textures further for a first public alpha release. Unfortunately we cannot give any timelines for this, as this is a hobby project and time is a real constraint. So far we published two videos on the project on my tetet.nimitz channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S5WA3wzQCU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyBTFGzM3lc From the current readme.txt: CH-46 Sea Knight ================ Based on an arma 2 model from sfc.itzhak and Snake Man. Special thanks to Snake Man for sharing the model with us. Presented by the CH-46 mod team, consisting of Odyseus shadowviper TeTeT The mod is currently under development and not finished. We aim for early releases to capture some player feedback and improve the helicopter gradually over time. This project does not follow a strict timeline, so time of future updates are essentially unknown. Remember that we all have a real job and life and do this in our spare time. You can contact the mod team on discord or at tetet.nimitz@gmail.com From the current license.txt: This mod is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY NC SA From wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license CC = Creative Commons BY = Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits (attribution) in the manner specified by these. NC = Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only for non-commercial purposes. SA = Licensees may distribute derivative works only under a license identical ("not more restrictive") to the license that governs the original work. (See also copyleft.) Without share-alike, derivative works might be sublicensed with compatible but more restrictive license clauses, e.g. CC BY to CC BY-NC.) Please note that NC especially means monetized servers in the context of Arma 3 multiplayer servers. For full license texts on the above, visit https://creativecommons.org
  22. Hey guys, I am in need of a clever explanation of what I'm seeing and a helpful hand with fixing it. I have created an action that calls for a chopper from a nearby location and makes it move and land in a different location. The script works locally without issues. The script works in multiplayer when called using the Zeus code module option. The script does not work when called by addAction (either attached to a player or a static object). By "does not work" I mean the helicopter does receive the cargo (which means it is recognised) but the chopper just sits there forever. ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; ["Land_PaperBox_01_small_closed_brown_IDAP_F", helicopter1] call ace_cargo_fnc_addCargoItem; hint "Friendly chopper incoming"; helicopter1 move (getPos heli_landing_pad); sleep 15; while { ( (alive helicopter1) && !(unitReady helicopter1) ) } do { sleep 1; }; if (alive helicopter1) then { helicopter1 land "LAND"; while { ( (alive helicopter1) && !(unitReady helicopter1) ) } do { helicopter1 engineOn false; }; }; For the love of me, I cannot understand why it keeps happening. I even called the helicopter1 move part individually from the zeus interface and it did work. Thanks a lot, Adam
  23. 1st Battalion, 4th Marines "Whatever it takes" We are an experienced group of Milsim players that have been running Milsim games for about 4 years now. We have an amazing Zeus that will provide you with an epic experience and will provide you with a realistic environment. We are a modern U.S. Marine unit that operates in multiple different kinds of environments using modern day tactics that we introduce into Arma 3! All levels of experience welcome and we are more than willing to teach you anything you need to know to be an important asset and teammate in our Milsim! Positions Available [*]Rifleman [*]Grenadier [*]Engineer [*]Auto Rifleman [*]Machine Gunner [*]JTAC [*]Corpsman [*]Ammo Bearer [*]Sniper [*]Spotter [*]Fixed Wing Pilot [*]Rotary Wing Pilot [*]Helicopter Crew Member [/list] Rules: Must be 13+ Must have a working mic. Must have Teamspeak Installed. Must be willing to show up to weekend operations and training. Follow all rules and orders given in game. Be respectful to everyone. Operation Times and Info: Operations are always at 7:30 PM EST. Operation days are Saturday. Some Sundays are trainings. Content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe6evss9YCA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHJEnHkkXRo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh8JJyky3d4&t= Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1535084174 [DON’T LOAD DEPENDENCIES] Application Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zgHA9Xf4x5hC9JxCP9gIbnWXXHg-GW5HM4DSoHWg8hI/edit?ts=5c675f88 Teamspeak IP: (POKE US)
  24. Hello awesome BI community! This is the first time I'm posting an issue here so any help would be much appreciated, and thank you in advance for the use of your time. 🙂 END GOAL: helicopter spawns (via triggers listening to boolean variable in game) helicopter goes to object (defined in script) helicopter goes to player (defined in script) helicopter returns to base helicopter disappears (via triggers listening to boolean variable in game) and: the addAction has an initial menu that just states "SUPPORTS" then upon selecting deletes that action and adds a subset of supports for the player to use. INTENTION: What I'm trying to do is have ONE .sqf script and pass variables to that script via execVM from a trigger in game. I have created this script using 3 .sqf script files using public and predefined variables in game, and it works. But I want this to work more like a function than a script. So this is my first script which uses private variables. I would like this to remain as ONE .sqf so I can copy this to a new mission and create/define the objects/groups in the game, then pass those using execVM. PROBLEM: Everything works, except addAction transfers the code to a scheduled task and the private variables are undefined there, at least that's how I understand it. CODE THAT WORKS WITH PUBLIC VARIABLES: CODE IM TRYING TO GET WORKING WITH PRIVATE VARIABELS: HOW I'M CALLING THE CODE: *EDIT In the game it errors at: slingloadmain = _player addAction [ "SUPPORTS", { _player removeaction slingloadmain; _activate = false; Is this even possible?