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Found 161 results

  1. Hi! I want to make 2 west respawn modules with one infantry group to respawn at each location. How do I tie 1 group to 1 respawn marker so that group will always respawn at that marker? Like module/marker: "respawn_west", "respawn_west_1" and group: "aiGroup", "aiGroup_1" Thanks!
  2. Hello everyone, im new on this website! I need help on a problem, that I spent hours trying to fix it, but still no idea... So I'm making a stealth-kinda mission, with guards, alarms and stuff. I already made a Sentry to move into a house, and activate an alarm, when activated, making the nearby guards search for an intruder. I kinda got used to using triggers, but there is something I can't figure. It's the following; So in the base, I want a vehicle crew just chilling with a Sentry waypoint, and a Get In waypoint, so when they see an intruder, they'll use the nearby BMP. So it works well, but i want them to get in the BMP when they see enemy OR when the alarm is triggered. So I can only make them get in the BMP ONLY when the alarm is on, or ONLY when they see enemy... How can a make it both? I dunno if there is still people playing with this game, but I hope someone will find this thread. :) (I'm not from an English speaking country, I hope I was understandable :) )
  3. I need to limit the number of mags to 6, for example.Because people take more than 15, which is unrealistic.I would either limit the number of how much vest can carry.Or limit how much each player can take from Ace Arsenal or Normal. When I use whitelist and player on spawn have gun and 6 mags, he can take more. I need make anything like antistazi Arsenal but for each player. Or limit how much mags can he carry. Thank you for your advice
  4. Hellow, I found an intersting function BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF in Eden editor. (link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF). I cant figure out how to use black list units or layers. Can someone help with it ? For example I have mission with layers witn names BASE and MISSION. How I can convert to sqf only MISSION layer and not convert BASE layer. Code: [ true, true, [0,0,0], true ] call BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF;. Thanks.
  5. Hello there! I've made a remake of the Arma 3 Prologue campaign with the BWMod recently. I've tested everything and it works fine. Then I've uploaded the campaign to Steam with the Publisher tool from the Arma 3 Tools. Now here's the problem: When I start the game with my campaign loaded in, it won't show up the campaign menu. What am I doing wrong? It's propably really easy but I don't know what to do! I'll attach some images of the PBO file and the campaign directory. Thanks in advance! PBO File: https://ibb.co/Zx5rS3s Campaign Root: https://ibb.co/nD7StqX Addons Folder: https://ibb.co/Np5xWQW
  6. Why does this spawn under water? (map: malden 2035) veh = "FIR_F16D" createVehicle ([8800,10200,300]); grp = createVehicleCrew veh; unit = grp createUnit [typeOf driver veh, grp, [], 0, "CARGO"]; bomber = grp addWaypoint [getPos spawny2, 0,0,"Bomb"]; veh setVelocity [(sin 270 * 200), (cos 270 * 200), 0];
  7. Greetings everyone, could you help me pls with that build. I'm a rookie in Arma 3 Editing. I'm just want to do dynamic AI take off from STRATIS AirBase and after take off they moved to Trigger who delete them, and repeat this every time in Scenario. Could you steer me in the right way to build this. Thanks. What i did. First: MultiPlayer ModuleRespawnVehicle_F - connect to My Vehicle names FBH - AI unit get in - MovePoint to Trigger {deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew; deleteVehicle FBH;}, and they don't respawn, bacause Trigger delete them forever. And i'cant find any replacement to this function for my build. And second : i dont know how to respawn units. Please treat with understanding.
  8. Hello so im creating a mission with a song that triggers when I start the mission. So in my description.ext file i've got this class CfgMusic { tracks[] = {}; class MyIntro { // display name name = "intro"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = { "\music\sound1.ogg", db + 0, 1.0 }; }; class MyOutro { name = "outro"; sound[] = { "\music\sound2.ogg", db + 10, 1.0 }; }; }; Copy and pasted from Bohemia's website on how to import the music/make it play and in my init.sqf file i've got the following execVM "description.ext"; playMusic "MyIntro"; vehicle player switchCamera "EXTERNAL"; Now everything works, the mission loads up, it forces you to 3rd person and even starts playing the music however no matter who's code I use I always am getting presented with this error '...s\Sniper.Stratis\description.ext" class |#|CfgMusic {tracks[] = {}; class MyIntro ...' File C:\Users\Brandon\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\Sniper.Stratis\desc..., line 1 Error Missing ; This above error pops up in black box on the screen the moment the mission loads. It's missing a semi colon but I have no idea where and i keep adding one and nothing, works. Any Ideas?
  9. Okay so I have broken a script while trying to change the mod dependencies because I opened it in in notepad and I did not unbinarize it first. The good thing is I made a backup of the file but the backup is a txt document. How do I fix this? I have downloaded arma tools and I have some of mikero's tools such as derap but I don't know what i'm doing from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated! When I try to load mission I am receiving a message that says mission.sqm, line 0: '.raP': " encountered instead of '='
  10. Hello, when we play a mission on the server, some black dots appear on the map, they correspond to the positions where the elements appear, according to the 3d positioning of each script. In the image you can clearly see an example of what is happening. Can anyone tell me, please, how to remove those blackheads? LINK IMAGE: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jy4MYNFHjZl2YpYtYswieYEkpLy9ShXH Thanks
  11. hi guys! Sorry, if I'm wrong, but it seems to me very time consuming to develop an island or territory (NOT from real world map) in TerraBuilder! Me and my team works in game dev. in Unity 3d and we have lot of tools like Gaia with we can generate a lot of assets into the surface, so that would be awesome to know, how to convert (if it is neccessary) to create a workable map into ARMA 3. If everything is ok, we can upload the ready made Terrains into the Armaholic, so everybody can benefits it. Any idea is welcomed 🙂 Thanks, David
  12. Hi, As from the title of this post, I am looking at how I set-up a new respawn position in a mission after completing a Task. I'm expecting to set up a trigger, and not wanting to make any external folders/files in the file location.
  13. Hi guys this is my project i recreating the Call of duty 4 missions on Arma 3 from the " Crew Expendable" operation to the "hunted" mission playable in multiplayer with the help of an excellent zeus i tried to recreate the settings in the greatest detail that Arma can offer But as you will know, for many things it sins I'm looking for a good guy who knows how to recreate various objects for this MP campaign (ex cargo ship) to then publish it on the workshop to make everyone participate in this fabulous campaign Because you also know that when we talk about the MW campaign, a small part of us gets excited once again For now I leave you only the screens of the environments but in the future I will provide you with a nice video dedicated to all this Please comment and have your say and why not if you want to join the project 😎 MORE SCREEN AND VIDEO INCOMING
  14. Hey everyone. In hope of finding someone who can help me with my problem, here's what I did/want to do: I set up a race track for some kart racing, for my friends. But even though the karts are a tough nut to crack, and can survive a few crashes, it happens that they are breaking down. Some drive better, some drive worse, which of course changes the durability of the vehicle on the track. Therefore I need to hang out in Zeus mode, while the others are racing, to regularly apply "ACE Heal" (NOT Full Heal, just Heal) to the kart. This will repair it fully, even with the player inside, and while driving. Even though it does not heal the player inside the kart. Still, I would very much like to get that process automated by placing triggers around the track, which apply said ACE Heal as soon as the player enters the area with the kart. Maybe even get a trigger set up seperately which players can enter and leave their kart to get healed themself. But for the life of me, I can't get it done, and every search I did just lead me to a dead end. I tried some things I could find on YT/Forums but they don't work, no matter what I do. I was able to set up a test trigger to activate when a person enters it, but not with a vehicle. Which, of course, is also a problem. Furthermore I was never able to apply any kind of healing/repair to anything inside the trigger, no matter what. I need help with this, if possible. Be advised though, that I never did anything with a trigger before, and don't know much about scripts. If someone could give me a solution to all this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  15. Hello there, How can I give AI a custom death animation. (from an addon) It's for my "cinematic movie" I tried to combine "IF statement" and "switchmove" for example " if _soldier1 alive false switchmove ....; But it didn't work properly. If anybody could help, I would appreciate. Thanks :)
  16. I am in a bit of struggle. I am making a mission where I want an assault boat unit to respawn if it is killed, the problem is you can't simply use the AI spawn module because it does not support naval vehicles for some insanely stupid reason. I want the boat crew to follow a waypoint (Guard waypoint) again when they respawn, but how?? PS: I have tried using JEBUS but they do not respawn or follow waypoints so... I have also tried different things with the "Object: Event Scripting - On killed" field, but nothing works. Hope you guys can help
  17. I am new to mission creation and a scripting approach and my progress at learning has been good but looking to streamline what I am sure is a sub optimal process for loading new scripts and then testing those on live server. I am working on an A3Wastelands mission, now becoming increasingly customised it has grown from 6MB to sitting at about 10MB. I will explain my current workflow and welcome suggestions about changes to that to improve cycle time from new script developed to tested on server. Workflow Generate/modify new script - using Visual Studio Code - managing a local git repository to stage and commit all changes. I like the editor and combined with the git process is great to understand what you have changed, setting up for good rollback processes when it all goes skew. Some changes like syntax requires one set of brackets, edited in seconds. Clone from git folder on local computer to new local location, but without the git entries folder - they add to much to a folder size for next step. (5 seconds give or take) Generate local .pbo using .pbo manager to zip up the "gitless clone" copy of the mission. Compiling quick (10 seconds give or take) Using Filezilla connect to my.gameservers (that is the host provider I am using). Get new .pbo into correct mpmissions location on server, ensure configs line up and restart server. (with variable ADSL internet speed can be 1-5 minutes to upload). Restart server. (usually about 30-60 seconds to initialize server for login access from Arma launcher). Reconnect to server with local ARMA launcher and start game. (usually 2-5 minutes to upload new mission files, establish client session) Run server for period. Previous provider had a streaming log viewer functionality, new one doesnt, so using periodic log file (RPT) download, to then open log using GamutLogViewerProfessional. The line parsing, filtering in the log viewer is great, and fast, its just the continual download and lack of live streaming that has become annoying. Fast but repetitive. Most testing involves cycling sub missions quickly, fast timings for new missions spawning and quick expiry, god mode to poke the missions for responses required, and attempting to use diag_log to set log messages for error/logic/expected response flaws. (time consuming and rpt file entry problems currently) Based on responses observed in game or in logs, change code and return to step 1. Opportunities Things I know I dont know about, but had no luck finding answers yet - reference articles/sites would be fantastic. I think I might need to get RCON skills - but again a little unclear if that helps me more as an administrator vs a code tester. The admin stuff isnt a big deal at present. Live log streaming - seen evidence but dont have a solution in place for that at Gamerservers yet. .pbo generation - previous host had an inbuilt capability to compile the .pbo on the server reducing the upload traffic and time considerably, is the best way to look at installing a .pbo generator on the server myself for this? Is that a big deal to implement? git publish - seems more like publishing back to a public repository, wonder of i should be pushing to a local folder ie the one that wont have the .git folder, or could i git push to the server folder just the changes. No luck finding git answers to this myself yet. I do not use the debug console within the editor or the server when running - i think i am missing something about the debug console concept it appears lined up to force only very simple issues. Again lacking reference sources to learn more on that. For a complex mission with many scripts, are these something that can be tested in mission editor, or outside editor. I use editor for waypoints, additional buildings, manually generating mission routes that are then codified into sqfs., i dont test the sqfs in there yet, should I. Server memory consumption appears to be an issue as restart intervals increase. Previous server could run for 24 hours and stay under 2GB memory allocation, at 48 hours be under 150% and then by 72 hours crash due to over commit. Rather than double subscription settled for 24 hour restarts. New host does not have this easy monitoring indicator so i think i need an additional piece of software to monitor. suggestions? Anything else that I dont know, that I dont know about, sure there is heaps. Finally, anyone who has had the patience to get his far through this monologue, i appreciate your time so far. Even if you only have a suggestion for 1 item in workflow or a comment on an opportunity I welcome your input. I did 6 months of pascal, fortran, basic programming, but i refuse to say how long ago that was..... So suggest i write up a new C# routine, that feels well beyond where I am at now. Server management is new to me, but sort of getting the idea of the Arma approach to server side, client side management. Thanks
  18. Hey there, I have an inquiry as to trying to find some music for a campaign I'm working on. I wanna find a song for the intro cut-scene that has a similar tone and feel as Anthropic Universe from the COD:IW OST. Does anyone know where I could find something like it?
  19. Hi guys, i m working on making a gendarmerie insignia with "Arma 3 Unit Insignia" but i have a little texture bug : ingame my insignia got a little withe round circle (that i dont want) but in photoshop and texview2 it dosent have it so i dont know what to do, i already put some black paint on the contour (photoshop) but it dosent change anything. I done everthing explain in this video but it still buged. So If anyone could help me I would really appreciate. ty Original 128x128 pixel PNG insignia :
  20. Good guys, I would like you to help me with this script: It turns out that I made this script with the purpose that when a unit is eliminated depending on the side it is, it does an action, but I do not know what it would be doing wrong. this script if it worked as it wanted in dedicated server: FAM_DeadCivilianCount = 0; publicVariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; { if (side _x == Civilian && _x iskindof "Man") then { _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["Civil", ["Han Matado un Civil. Penzalización -2 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadCivilianCount = FAM_DeadCivilianCount + 2; publicvariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; }]; }; } foreach allunits; But when I combine it in this way for the other side: FAM_DeadCivilianCount = 0; FAM_DeadPlayerCount = 0; FAM_DeadPEnemyCount = 0; publicVariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; publicVariable "FAM_DeadPlayerCount"; publicVariable "FAM_DeadPEnemyCount"; { if (side _x == Civilian && _x iskindof "Man") then { _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["Civil", ["Han Matado un Civil. Penzalización -2 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadCivilianCount = FAM_DeadCivilianCount + 2; publicvariable "FAM_DeadCivilianCount"; }]; } else { if (side player == WEST && player iskindof "Man") then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { ["JugadorDead", ["Miembro de equipo Muerto. Penzalización -1 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadPlayerCount = FAM_DeadPlayerCount + 1; publicvariable "FAM_DeadPlayerCount"; }]; }; } else { if (side _x == EAST && _x iskindof "Man") then { if (FAM_DeadPEnemyCount == 20) then { publicVariable "FAM_DeadPEnemyCount"; objetivoTareaTres = objetivoTareaTres + 2; publicVariable "objetivoTareaTres"; ["tareaTres", ["20 Enemigos Muertos. Reciben 2 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; //hint str cash; }; _x addEventHandler ["killed", { ["JugadorDead", ["Miembro de equipo Muerto. Penzalización -1 Puntos!"]] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_showNotification"]; FAM_DeadPEnemyCount = FAM_DeadPEnemyCount + 1; publicVariable "FAM_DeadPEnemyCount"; }]; }; }; } foreach allunits; It throws me an error and I would like to know how they help me in Server to work correctly. thanks and regards.
  21. Evening people So I'm currently in the process of making a missions which is coming along rather well but I've now ran into a problem (which I was aware would happen), and I'm unsure how to go about it. Context: Upon spawning there two sides "west" & "civilian" When the CivPop players spawn I wish for one of them at random to be selected to have a certain option and also be hinted they are the chosen player. The option I wish for them to have is an "AddAction" which when activated will execute a script.In that script I wish for it to force that unit to switch Side to "east", change their loadout, play a sound file, hint to "west", and then remove action. Currently I have a onPlayerRespawn.sqf file with the following (Var shooter is currently on "east" side) sleep 5; shooteraction = shooter addAction [ "<t color='#C00000'>BEGIN CARNAGE</t>", "shooter.sqf" ]; Within the shooter.sqf is the following shooter say3d ["pumped", 25, 1]; shooter removeAction shooteraction; All of the above code works fine, it's quite simple, I've got the sound file to play fine and the action to be removed; but now how would I go about the rest. Upon spawning: Choosing random CivPop player to have said option and hint informing them upon spawning When activated: Forcing chosen player to side "east" Forcing chosen player to change loadout to what I list To play the above sound file and finally remove action Any help would be great. I'm still quite Amature to development for Arma but I have a passion to learn. Sadly I'm stumped .
  22. Hi all, I have a problem that does not allow me to live in peace, I try to make an event that when a vehicle receives an amount of damage a variable is TRUE and I mark a specific action, but every time I enter the map to try the script something It goes wrong and I do not know what it would be. Someone help me? here the script that I have made. //initDamageVeh.sqf _granDamage = false; dispo1 addEventHandler ["Hit", { params ["_unit", "_source", "_damage", "_instigator"]; dispo1 setdamage 0.10; veh = getDammage dispo1; if (veh => 0.30) then { _granDamage = true; }; }];
  23. How can I do to buy if BIS_fnc_endMissionServer has been executed with conditionals? try doing the following: if (typeName BIS_fnc_endMissionServer == 1 ) exitWith { while {true} do { ["<t font = 'PuristaMedium'><t size = '1'><t color = '#00ffd8'>" + timedisplay + "</t>",-1,0.10,10,0,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 10; }; }; but without success, can someone tell me how to compare this so that, for example, are stopped the chronometer all players ?
  24. Hi guys, Today I come to a query to know if I could make my first Script correctly, //init.sqf bluNums = west countSide allPlayers; while {true} do { { if (!alive player) then { bluNums = bluNums - 1; if (bluNums <= 6 && _downAllies) exitWith { detenerTiempo = true; "EVERYONELOST" remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_endMissionServer", 0, true]; _downAllies = false; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; This script was written to indicate to the system that when they have killed a number of blufor soldiers the game ends as lost, since there are 16 blufor but I wanted the counter to subtract to the global variable -1 and to reach 6 finish the mission, because I put a player counter. The script is fine? or do you see any failure or improvement? thank you very much
  25. Hi all Sorry if this question has been asked previously. I am brand new to ARMA3 and i particularly like the user created WW2 scenarios. Is it possible to change the parameters of a user created scenario? In particular the revive and re-spawn settings? if so how? cheers