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Found 38 results

  1. With the interior update that we got on the dev it added PiP displays for the targeting cameras. My question is, is that something that could be adapted for use on let’s say a live feed type system? Specifically displaying a drone camera or designator camera to a separate object (monitor). I know the R2T script way to do it, but I feel it’s clunky and doesn’t work as well as intended. I.e. zooming doesn’t work, doesn’t allow for active WHOT->Normal switching & with the higher altitudes it has view distance limitations.
  2. eisenmaik

    Intro Camera Sound Bug

    I am working on a little Mission with an Intro. After some hrs of Editing a sound Bug apeared when i launch the Intro. It is like my Camera is making the AR2 Drone Engine noise, very loud and annoying. I try many things but the Sound appears directly when the Camera is created. My Camera Script _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraEffect ["Internal","BACK"]; //we created a camera in the middle of nothing; _camera camPrepareTarget [90329.63,71810.31,185.18]; _camera camPreparePos [12850.97,8587.50,1.80]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; sleep 12; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camPrepareTarget bobcam_medic; _camera camPreparePos [12853.50,8584.91,2.81]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 2; sleep 4; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camPrepareTarget bobcam_medic; _camera camPreparePos [12868.13,8589.99,1.47]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 1; sleep 4; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camPrepareTarget bobcam_medic; _camera camPreparePos [12884.71,8578.38,3.12]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; sleep 2; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camPrepareTarget bobcam_medic; _camera camPreparePos [12896.10,8531.54,32.11]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; sleep 2; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camPrepareTarget cam_2; _camera camPreparePos [12917.74,8529.25,58.01]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 1; sleep 3; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camPrepareTarget cam_2; _camera camPreparePos [12979.86,8418.11,5.84]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 1; sleep 2; waituntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera attachTo [huso_9, [0, 20, 0]]; _camera setDir 360; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.750; _camera camCommitPrepared 1; sleep 10; titlecut ["","BLACK OUT",3]; _camera cameraEffect ["Terminate","back"]; EndIntro = true; Greatings
  3. Hi, i love to make missions in Eden Editor and recently i discovered that exist a module called "KeyFrame Animation Camera" wich is very cool, but i have a question. If i want to make a little cutscene at the start of the mission, how i can remove the camera and back to the fps view when cutscene is finished?
  4. OK so new to Zeus....have watched numerous videos and read the manuals online. Everything seems to work fine in Eden/Zeus. However, when I try to run it with my LAN group I end up getting either 2 variations. 1) Stuck with no GPS symbol 2) Stuck on the Splendid camera Are there any ideas you might have? Is it hard to share with another person to review? Thanks so much....
  5. pnn

    Arma 3 Cameraview

    Camera should track an object on the ground and give the top view ( eg: looking at a vehicle on the ground from a UAV (top view)) How do I modify the script? Thanks, -P _cam = "camera" camCreate (myobj modelToWorld [0,10,10] _cam camSetTarget myobj; _cam camSetRelPos [10, 0, 1.5]; _cam cameraEffect [ "internal", "right"]; showCinemaBorder false; _cam camCommit 1;
  6. Hi, Im gonna apologies in advance if this is the wrong board but I used my common knowledge and thought that maybe someone created a mod that does what I am looking for. Anyways, what I am wondering/looking for is a mod, or a way to record game play. Now, I dont mean this as just recording like using fraps and obs. I mean it as in recording everything that goes on in a game. More like replays from CSGO. Where I get to view the game from other players perspective or just have a free roaming camera all together? I wonder this since I see Dslyecxi's videos and his 3rd person footage looks like it would be impossible to get an AI to complete and/or it would be too hard to shoot while also controlling that character. So I was wondering if I could, run a mod or something that would record every players variable and would then later execute them separately to let me explore and get cool footage? Thank you
  7. Hey guys, I'm trying to add motion blur to 3rd person view. In this case the rotation blur in ARMA III. It exists for First Person view but does not effect 3rd Person. The initial idea was to find the camera settings for post processing and copy/paste over to the 3rd person camera settings, but it clearly isn't that simple, as there does not seem to be separate camera files or configs to change or script for. [exp: 3rdPersonCamera.cfg] Looking for any help with scripting rotational blur into the 3rd person camera. Of course players can turn it off if they turn rotational blur to 0 in the video settings. Side Note: I realise motion blur can be annoying and distracting in first person, but a lot of newer games are adding it for 3rd person, as if its a sign of a nex-gen game or modern engine *rolls eyes*
  8. Hello. I currently developing a coop mission with cutscenes and have 1 problem here. If camera change position, I want that all textures of objects were already loaded (houses, roads and etc..). I used this: preloadCamera. But looks like it doesn't work. Anybody know the solution how to preload the textures, before the camera change it's position..? This command, preloadCamera, there is no detailed description how it works. I don't know for how long it preloads textures and if they stay loaded even after camera change again it's position..? -_-
  9. Hello folks. Two questions: 1. Is there a function call that returns a boolean when a curator is actively using the camera? something along the lines of: "inCamera curator" => returns true when actively using the birds-eye view camera and false when controlling their normal physical character. Pretty much some way to recognize a trigger for when the player enters and exits zeus. my current awful solution is detecting the "Using Inventory" animation for standing, crouching, and prone. This, however, doesn't work if the player is in an advanced stance or in a vehicle. 2. Is there a way to disable unit markers on the zeus map for zeus. I don't mean the difficulty setting for all player maps (that's already disabled) nor do I mean removing units from the curator editable objects (that's also already disabled). Despite the magic map being off and the units not in the curator's editable objects, they still show up on zeus player's map. Anyway to disable this? Thanks for the read.
  10. Hey boys, i've got a real big problem (the perfect start for a scripting noob ;) ). I started creating a multiplayermission in the eden editor, and i got an AI with an addaction on it. So when all mods are synced, all the player will go to the AI and all can choose the addaction. But if one of them was clicking on it, the script should run for all players at the same time. But in my case, it is not just a script like healing or teleporting. This will be a camerascript. I tried a lot of things, and they worked for me, while testing in the editor, but they are not working in multiplayer on the server. They were running just for each player, and the helis are not flying, just standing there in spawnposition. And one more importend thing, before i post my scripts: When i add a .sqf file, i will get this error: "Preprocess failed with error - Invalid file name(empty filename)" Just when i change to .sqs the script will run in editor. Init's of my AI called Opa_1: (all examples worked in Editor, but not in MP) example 1: if (isServer) then { intro = this addAction ["Legen wir los.", {Opa_1 exec "script\opaintro.sqf";}, nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 6"];} example 2: if (isserver) then {[[Opa_1, ["Legen wir los ...","script\opaintro.sqs"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;} example 3: {Opa_1 addAction ["Legen wir los ...","script\opaintro.sqs"];} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", 0]; opaintro.sqs/.sqf (i just changed the filename for example 1): ? ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) : goto "del" _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] showcinemaborder true; opa_1 switchmove "Acts_B_out2_briefing"; opa_1 removeaction intro; ;comment "20:01:58"; _camera camPrepareTarget [-75303.13,29256.81,5625.25]; _camera camPreparePos [23691.55,16276.09,2.44]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.324; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ;comment "20:02:27"; _camera camPrepareTarget [84408.05,-62884.46,-6862.32]; _camera camPreparePos [23692.37,16276.17,2.65]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.195; _camera camCommitPrepared 10 ~10 aheli1 hideobjectglobal false; aheli1 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli2 hideobjectglobal false; aheli2 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli3 hideobjectglobal false; aheli3 enablesimulationglobal true; playmusic "introbg_1"; ;comment "20:19:05"; _camera camPrepareTarget [122550.25,31165.10,2120.64]; _camera camPreparePos [23688.01,16272.10,3.95]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.696; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ;comment "20:19:56"; _camera camPrepareTarget aheli2; _camera camPreparePos [23686.90,16279.11,5.23]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.033; _camera camCommitPrepared 10 ~10 titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 1] ~ 4 player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera ? ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) : goto "end" titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5] #end exit So the srcipt will execute for the player who hits the addaction, but not for all at the other players (but thats what i want). And the helicopters just will show up for the player which hits addaction. This opaintro-script is the short one for testing. I've got a bigger one, just with more camera positions an more switchmoves an playmusic. If needed, i am able to create a link for the missionto download, but i am using mods on this. I hope they are not important for the solution. So please tell me, it's just a simple thing. And please explain your solution. This trial an error took about 8 hour's right now, and i am going crazy on that, because it is not working on the server.
  11. Hello, maybe someone know? How to link the camera to the turret of tank? And when turret rotates, camera also rotates. Like this:
  12. So the basic premise is this. I have a camera that I create and attach to a vehicle in order to create a cinematic. The cam.sqf file I have made is triggered from a addaction attached to a unit. The problem I am having is that when I trigger the camera and my view moves to where it is set I have no way of undoing the movement except for opening the BIS camera and the closing it thus resetting my view. I'm hoping there is an easier way of switching back to my player so I can trigger the next camera when I want to. Below is the code for the camera and the trigger. player addaction ["Air1 - Cam1", "cam1.sqf"]; //cam1.sqf camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; camera attachTo [aircraft1, [0, 0, 0]]; camera setDir 0; camera camPrepareFOV 0.750; camera camCommit 0; showCinemaBorder false;
  13. To support the lensmen among us, our Senior Designer Karel Moricky wrote a handy guide about the new tools for screenshot-taking in Arma 3! [ATTACH=CONFIG]191[/ATTACH] "] [ATTACH=CONFIG]191[/ATTACH] Introducing the Splendid Cam, alongside some of the other Debug Console features he implemented, Karel walks us by a few of the basic settings and shares a couple of tips on how to make the ultimate screenshot. We're also grabbing the opportunity to launch our '2013 World Arma Photo' contest, where the 3 best virtual photographers will be awarded with honor and Bohemia Interactive games![/center]