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Found 189 results

  1. Hello all, I'm trying to put together a little Taru training mission for myself and need a repair facility. I'm using ACE and was hoping you could help me with an issue. I put down a helipad prop and tried linking that to the repair facility module for ACE. I set the damage on the Taru to about 25% and placed it on the helipad. When I ran the scenario, the Taru remains damaged. I then included a trigger and, instead, linked that to my repair facility module, with the same negative outcome. I'm sorry if I come across as noob in the extreme, but I'm not mission maker, but I thought I'd have a go, as I want to improve my Taru experience. Also, I'd like to post my screen grabs from Steam, but can't seem to get them to work, so if there is something I'm failing to include in my description, please let me know. I feel the screen shot will go a long way to clarifying my issues. Thanks in advance.
  2. I'm not sure if this is where this goes but Iv been searching for the past two days and I cannot seem to find an answer. Is there a way to make weapons respawn on the position they were placed after they have been picked up? Either with a timer or event or something, anything at all? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello, so my goal is for when the player enters the trigger area a waypoint is set on the Helicopter for the player to move to the helicopter. I'm wondering if I have to set a waypoint and disable it and when the player enters the trigger it enables it. If so how do I do that? Thanks!
  4. Hi, I'm fairly new to creating missions in Arma. I am in the process of creating a zombies scenario which takes up a large majority of the map and include several missions (hostages, supply runs, rescue missions, etc.) However a problem that I am encountering when creating this mission is that when I place down large amounts of zombies or zombie spawners the game begins to lag. Personally on my potato computer I hit 8-10 fps. (I'm aware of deletion settings) however the zombies never seem to delete where or when I want them to. So I am hoping that someone could give a simple way of creating triggers to spawn zombies when a player comes close a certain area.
  5. Ok so i'm creating a mission on Tanoa where i need to have players load 2 prowlers into a blackfish, once the vehicles are loaded i need that to signal the pilot to take off and air drop at designated location. Now taking off and air dropping i've got working but how do i make it signal the AI pilot to waitUntil the 2 prowlers are loaded. For the waypoint i have this doMove (getMarkerPos "DropPoint");
  6. Hello,I want to trigger when the player insert a marker on his map in a specific area, like in the prologue mission, where you have to find AAF position (youtube link : ).If you have any link or answer which can help me, please post it!Thanks.
  7. Hello, since the latest update, my trigger wont fire anymore in mp environment and i can't figure out why, maybe someone can help me here. _cond = "{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x && ((getPosATL _x) select 2) < 15} count playableunits > 0"; _trg1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos helotarget2, true]; sleep 1; _trg1 setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", false]; _trg1 setTriggerArea [300,300, 0, false]; _trg1 setTriggerType "NONE"; _trg1 setTriggerStatements [_cond,"nul = [helotarget2] execVM ""scripts\Paras.sqf""; ",""]; Any help is appreciated
  8. I have been making a mission involving the Nimitz and a squad that is tasked to take a boat to this island (Map is Kerama Islands for those curious) and blow up AA defenses so F18s can do the rest. I have 3 objectives for the 9 man squad (Each member's Variable Name is F1-F9). The objectives are A.) Get in the boat B.) Unload at the shore/Rearm if needed C.) Take down AA I have C.) finished but I am having an issue with A.) For the objective I have set down the "Create Task" module titled "Get in the ship" and its state is "Assigned" with an always visible marker on the boat. Synced to the "Create Task" module I have a Trigger that has a timer for the Objective to be assigned (Like 2 seconds just so the notification pops up). next I have the "Set Task State" module in the state of completed. There is a trigger synced to the "Set Task State" module. The Trigger has Activation set to "Any Player" and Activation Type "Present" the Condition Script box has the following code: allInTheVehicle = false; while {(not allInTheVehicle)} do {allInTheVehicle = true}; {if (!alive f1 && f2 && f3 && f4 && f5 && f6 && f7 && f8 && f9 || vehicle truck1 != myVehicle) then {allInTheVehicle = false;}} forEach playableUnits; globalAllInTheVehicle = true; My friend supplied me with this script but we couldn't figure out why the objective will not render as completed when all playable units take a position within the boat (Driver, Navigator, Gunners, Etc). Any help with this would be grateful since I am still new to scripting.
  9. I've managed to create tasks that are hidden at the start by changing their owner to bluefor instead of 'synchronized objects only'. The problem is that when I use the trigger to create these objects, if the 'create task' is set to created or assigned, then the task is always instantly completed, but if its set to failed it will do the right thing and set it to failed. The chain of synced items goes: groupLeader > createTask1-Assigned > setTaskState-Suceeded > Trigger > setTaskState-Assigned > createTask2 If I link every createTask to the groupLeader and set everything to 'synchronized objects only' it will not hide the tasks at the start, but when I have everything in one single chain the missions are instantly completed for some reason. Could anyone please tell me what could be causing this? Thanks.
  10. Hello, I am trying to build a mission in arma 3 but i want to have cutscene's in this mission. After some googeling i found this page: I followed that instructions and it does work but every time a trigger with video is activated i get this error: Picture t\effect_ca.paa not found. what i want is just to play a video I saved in the mission file when a trigger is activated. I don't understand how scripting works yet so for now I am copy pasting video's most of the time. Is there anyone who knows how this works and can tell me how to fix this error?
  11. Hello evveryone. I'm creating a mission where you are tasked to intercept bomber flights before they bomb a specific target. However to keep things reasonable, I only want the next bomber to spawn after the first one is destoryed. Using the variable name bomber2 what would the trigger code look like for making this happen?
  12. Hello, Im extremely new to the trigger side of the editor, hope I can still post here.. I want a squad to hold until a helicopter arrives, at which point they load into it, after thats done the helicopter proceeds to a waypoint. How do I do that? Please keep it as simple as possible... no scripts.... PS. any simple tutorials you recommend?
  13. Hi! I am making a mission where after you walk through an area (trigger) it tells a tank to start moving to a position... But how do I make the tank not wander around before the trigger is activated?? I tried using the hold waypoint but it asks for an amount of time to hold and I don't know if there is a way to make it stop holding and start moving once the trigger is activated. Thanks!
  14. Hi everyone, I've tried, by many ways, to make a protection zone. It means a zone where players don't take damage and the projectiles, like bullets and grenades, disappears. I want to make it activated by a trigger. Do you have a suggestions ? Or maybe a code completly prepared. :) Thanks a lot.
  15. Hello everyone. I am trying to make a small minigames to play with my friends. The gamemode is pretty much the same as battle royal. A FFA arena where you have to kill everyone, and stay in the zone that is shrinking constantly. I got everything working now except for the triggers. My script is creating 2 triggers at the same place. The first trigger is getting activated when "ANY PLAYER" is "NOT PRESENT". It will then give you a hint that you should return to the zone in 10 seconds. The second trigger is getting activated when "ANY PLAYER" is "NOT PRESENT". It will then kill the player if he is out the zone and the "TIMEOUT" has reached 10 seconds. When testing this with my friend I found out that it is working correctly for me, but not for my friend. The triggers doesn't affect him. Could anyone please help me out? trg1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "Marker1"]; trg1 setTriggerArea [500, 500, 0, false]; trg1 setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "NOT PRESENT", true]; trg1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'You have 10 seconds to get back in the zone!'", "hint ''"]; trg1kill = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "Marker1"]; trg1kill setTriggerArea [500, 500, 0, false]; trg1kill setTriggerTimeout [10, 10, 10, true]; trg1kill setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "NOT PRESENT", true]; trg1kill setTriggerStatements ["this", "player setDamage 1", ""];
  16. Hi. Im new to Arma 3 and of course to eden. I want to do a simple script. I have one unit who is patrolling, and i want him to run to specific place, when he is in "combat" or "aware" mode (or when any unit in specific area detects enemy). I can easily make him go when he is standing still (target1 doMove position box1), but when i have waypoints, or have to detect his behaviour... i dont know how to do it. im using arma wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/behaviour , but i dont know exactly how to execute it. English is not my first language, so i have hard time to understand scripting from english sites. Thanks for any help :)
  17. Hello, i am writing a mission and I am hitting a hurdle that I can not get over. I have not been able to find any info on the web about what I am trying to do. I am making a mission that involves a hostage providing you with Intel. I want there to be a 50/50 chance that the Intel they provide is good or bad Intel. If good info is randomly generated I want to take the squad down the storyline if bad Intel is provided I want to send the squad into an ambush. Thank you
  18. Hey everyone, first time poster. How can I make an AI play an animation when he gets to a waypoint. Then, have him move to the next waypoint after a set amount of time and play a different animation. Scenario: A medic runs up to one dead body, plays the healing animation for 30 seconds, then moves to another body and plays another healing animation for 30 seconds, and so on. I haven't done mission editing in a loooong time and I never did much with scripting. Right now, I can get the AI to play the animation when the mission starts... and that's it, haha. Any help with this, or guidance in the right directions to tutorials (I've watched a ton that never hit this actual scenario), would be amazing. Thanks!
  19. Since the 64 bit update I can't access the dropdown-menu of triggers activation field. Anyone else experiencing this? Image showing what I'm referring to.
  20. does anyone have a list of all the mine trigger config types, and how they simulate? the ones I've been able to find so far are RangeTriggerBounding RangeTriggerShort WireTrigger RangeTrigger TankTriggerMagnetic RemoteTrigger IRTrigger I know there are also different simulation types, which just compounds this. but the full trigger list and a brief description would be a good start
  21. So, im making a mission in which 2 helicopters land on a certain spot but they do so using the following functions: rec = [unitname,180] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture; rec = [] spawn path1; But after the helicopters land and end the recording the immediatly take off, no time for the units inside to get out of it, so i was wondering if there was a way to make helicopters stay landed or if i needed to end the animation just a Little bit close to the ground and then issue an "Unload Vehicle" order. Thanks guys!
  22. So, i'm making a mission in which i used the Unit Capture and Unit Play functions so a pair of helicopters could land on a clearing in a dense forest, but i want it so that when they get off the chopper they head to an officer and the briefing starts, but i'm trying to setup a trigger that detects alive players but if i set it up to detect all 10 slots, then if mission is not full it wont start, so i want to know if you guys could help me, i remember it was something like: if !alive UnitName or _____ Any ideas? Thanks a lot! :)
  23. Hello, For my ambush mission start in a city with various group and units hidden arround, I would like start with all units in given area say "zone1" I want to get a gerenric trigger that I can use to change value of a large number of units (behaviour, combat mode, disable ai, unitpos...) I drop a trigger on the zone activated by East in activation in write: zone1=thislist; {_x setCaptive true} forEach thislist; this is working find. But when I want to cancel setCaptive , I put in an other trigger and write: {_x setCaptive false} forEach zone1 but it dosent work, I also tried {_x setCaptive false} forEach units zone1 I guess the zone1=thislist is maybe a wrong syntax Can anyone tell me the good syntax to call all unit of a given zone ? thank you in advance SKNAM
  24. Hi! I'm starting using the Eden editor to learn how to create a simple mission for multiplayer. Just to start learning about creating mission. I'm stuck with a trigger/condition situation. I have two teams, ALFA (5 units) and BRAVO (6 units) with their own objectives. What I want is that when ALFA completes its objective (kill a bad guy) a hint says "Good Job! Move to extraction point". Show it only to the units of ALFA team, not for BRAVO. I put in the init of the ALFA leader: ALFA = group this. In the trigger condition tried with ALFA in thisList, but nothing happened. Some charitable soul who can give me a hand.