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  1. G'day guys, There has been a lot of new threads by newcomers that ask the same/similar questions, found in many other threads. If you are new to ArmA or want to get into scripting, welcome to the forums! :) As you know, there is a search box at the top of the page, it can be used to search throughout every thread what you are after. Bear in mind that it may sometimes not provide you with the proper answer. This, however, doesn't mean that another thread should be opened. In fact, there is a huge library of scripts you probably never heard of. Check it out, there is an abundant of examples provided in each script command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 It is constantly being updated with new facts, info and scripts by many of our users such as KK. (Killzone Kid) Lastly, here are some basic info and tips on scripting. To create your own scripts, navigate to "My Documents\Arma 3\missions\your_saved_mission". Then, create a text document and rename the extension ".txt" to ".sqf". Once done, open it with Notepad or Notepad++. To run your script in the game, navigate to your mission folder and create a "init.sqf". Open it and put this in: [] execVM "myscript.sqf"; If you want to get a specific unit to do some action (e.g. setDamage or setFuel), give your unit a name but without spaces. Then in a trigger, put this in: myguy setDamage 1; The symbol ";" used after each command, is to separate the command from another. (Think of it as a period symbol)Also, if you are thinking that Steam Workshop is the only place for mods, addons, scripts, etc. Armaholic is the official site for releasing such. You can find it here, they also have a FAQ as well: http://www.armaholic.com If you want to convert a string to code, you can use call compile STRING. This is very handy (and sometimes a smart trick) when passing code around such as lbData. ;) This wraps up the introduction for those new to scripting. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas that may improve this thread, feel free to post here. ^_^ Happy Scripting, ;) Rawner135 ArmA 3 Tutorial Links: Arma 3 Scripting Tutorial For Noobs - forums.bistudio.com [Tutorial] Server Side Scripting - forums.bistudio.com Camera Scripting - www.armaholic.com KK's blog - ArmA Scripting Videos: Modding Tutorials by GameDev Byrne: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqRU_EL4pwOHOJ6L2P5XlpfmNoWqulZqf Other Tutorial Links: http://www.kylania.com/ex/ Conversation System Mission Editor ArmA 2 Mission Editor Triggers OFPEC ArmA 2 Scripting Commands ArmA2 COMREF Forums Post - Classnames ArmA2 Library ArmAholic ArmA2 Moves ArmA2 Modules Description.ext Scripting Topics (Check All Links) Startup Parameters Crash Files Tasks ARMA 2 Functions PostProcess Effects
  2. There's a stackoverflow post with this same question if you want better readability, here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74280551/error-on-activation-select-type-nothing-expected-array-string-config-entry But anyway, whenever I try to run this code from a trigger private _all_freedom_units = ["B_FRD_Freedomer_Patrolman_01","B_FRD_Freedomer_Sniper_01", "B_FRD_Freedomer_Exo_1", "B_FRD_Freedomer_Warrior_01", "B_FRD_Freedomer_SEVA_01", "B_FRD_Freedomer_Gaurdian_01", "B_FRD_Freedomer_Seva_II_01"]; private _final_pos = [0,0,0]; private _position_player = [0, 0, 0]; _direction = getDir player; if (_direction > 0 and _direction < 90) then {cardinal_direction = "North";}; if (_direction > 90 and _direction < 180) then {cardinal_direction = "South";}; if (_direction > 180 and _direction < 250) then{cardinal_direction = "South";}; if (_direction > 250 and _direction < 359) then{cardinal_direction = "North";}; _position_player = getPos player; _position_player_x = _position_player select 0; _position_player_y = _position_player select 1; if (cardinal_direction == "North") then{ _random_x = [250, 500] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _random_y = [250, 500] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _final_pos set [0 , _position_player_x + 200 + _random_x]; _final_pos set [1 , _position_player_y + 200 + _random_y]; }; if (cardinal_direction == "South") then{ _random_x = [-250, -500] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _random_y = [-250, -500] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _final_pos set [0 , _position_player_x + _random_x]; _final_pos set [1 , _position_player_y + _random_y]; }; _position = _final_pos; _group_freedom_patrol = createGroup [west, true]; hint str _final_pos select 0; _random_number = floor random 5; The trigger throws an error: On Activation: Select: Type Nothing, expected Array,String,Config entry and I suspect the affected code piece is _position_player = getPos player; _position_player_x = _position_player select 0; _position_player_y = _position_player select 1; since it says select in the error, but I don't know. Any help is good, thank you!
  3. Making a mission for a few of the lads. Anyone have a script or a way to have a squadleader place an outpost for other players to spawn at like in Hell Let Loose or Squad? currently we are using triggers with setMarkerPos, but we'd love to use an actual point that can be added and removed. Hope this isn't too complex, cheers in advance
  4. Hi all \o/ I would like to know how to create the ModuleTracers_F module from a script. I tried various things with createVehicle and setVariable functions in order to create the module then set its parameters Min/Max/Side... but with no success at this time. Not even sure if it's possible (I guess it is ^^), I should be missing something... My goal is to create some tracers at a given position to give the feeling of a war zone. As all these AOs will be dynamically created, I can't put them by hand from 3den... so, scripts! Any help or direction will be greatly appreciated as I'm out of ideas and can't find any solution on the internet.
  5. I have an initServer sqf counting enemy kills. I would like call a separate sqf that plays a sound each time an enemy is killed. How do I correctly format the call to the sound sqf in my code shown here: if (isServer) then { _enemies = allUnits select {!isPlayer _x && side _x == WEST}; political_will = 100; (format ["British Political Will: %1", political_will]) remoteExec ["hint",0,false]; _onKilled = { political_will = political_will - 1; (format ["British Political Will: %1-", political_will]) remoteExec ["hint",0,false]; }; {_x addEventhandler ["killed",_onKilled]; false} count _enemies; }; my sound playing sqf is called killsounds.sqf Do I just need a line of code in the _onKilled brackets?
  6. as the title says, i'm very new to scripting and i'm looking for any tips on how to spawn an explosion on a prop if it gets destroyed. I'm trying to get a fuel pump to blow up when it gets destroyed and i'm looking for any help i can get 🙂
  7. Increasing the number of items within an ENUM is as simple as modded enum PresetsList { myNewPreset }
  8. Hi there! I need a non-damaging repeating mortar or artillery fire for a beach assault. I currently am using on a repeatable trigger: bomb="M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG" createVehicle (getPos ied1); deletevehicle ied1; That is just my basic idea for an explosion. Either will work for me. But if there is a way to just spawn the shell dropping in WITHOUT damage, I would like that too. Just need the special effect. And without a .sqf file preferably. Just using triggers on repeat. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  9. I have a script for spawning ammo boxes during the mission but id like to change the contents of the boxes spawned but have no idea where to start this is the script im using to spawn the boxes ammo_spawn is the spawners variable this is just something i found on the forums i dont really know how to script ammo_spawn addAction [ "Spawn Ammobox", { createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F",position ammo_spawn, [],10,"NONE"]; } ]
  10. Im very new to scripting i was wondering if anyone can help i need to load different ace default loadouts to specific rolls when they spawn in because using ace arsenal when i change it in the eden editor the items gear and weapons are all right just the items are not in the right places ie bandages in the vest instead of uniform which is where i placed them ive tried reading the ace wiki on default loadouts but its lost on me any help would be appreciated.
  11. I have four compositions that I've been trying to place that all relate to one vehicle. The vehicle itself is a marshal without a turret that has several various objects attached to it via the BIS_fnc_attachToRelative script. Back view of marshal The first composition is the marshal itself with the various objects and can be placed without issue. The second is an invisible helipad that has the init field with a script containing a remote exec that adds actions that add functionality to parts of the marshal; this can be placed without a problem. The third, problem child composition, is another invisible helipad that has the following in the init field: [apcnoT,["To Gunner's Seat (Mortar)",{MoveOut (_this select 1);(_this select 1) action ["getingunner", apcnoTMor]}, [], 0, false, false, "", "_this in (crew _target) && (isNull gunner apcnoTMor)"]] remoteExec ["addaction",0,true]; deleteVehicle this This, as opposed to the others causes BattlEye to automatically kick me from the public zeus with the message "RemoteExec restriction #12" The other codes: Marshal (apcnoT) apcnoT removeWeaponTurret ["LMG_RCWS", [0]]; apcnoT lockturret [[0,0],true]; this lockturret [[0],true]; apcnoT animate ["HideTurret", 1] Mortar (apcnoTMor) [this, apcnoT] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; this removemagazines "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells"; this removemagazines "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Flare_white"; this removeMagazines "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white"; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addmagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_LG", 8]; this addMagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white",8]; this addMagazine ["8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white",8]; enableWeaponDisassembly false Tarp (apcnoTSurf) // Adds surface to the top of the marshal, otherwise players would be infinitely falling. Location is used to teleport player. [this, apcnoT] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative Equipment Box [NATO] (spbx1) // Action added to this to resupply mortar [this, apcnoT] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative Rugged Portable Cabinet Lid (Sand) (NOT_NAMED) // Used as a means to climb up on top of the marshal [this, apcnoT] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative;[this,["Climb<img size='1' image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\ladderup_ca'/>", {_this select 1 setpos getPos apcnoTSurf;;}, nil, 1, true, true, "", "true", 1.5, false, "", "" ]] remoteExec ["addAction",0]; Rugged IP Telephone (Sand) (apcnoTphone) // Arsenal after activation by helipad [this, apcnoT] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative Helipad (Invisible) (addPhoneFunc) // Adds Arsenal to phone and resupply action to spbx1 [spbx1,["Resuply Mortar <img size='1' image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\reammo_ca'/>", {apcnoTMor setVehicleAmmo 1}, nil, 1, true, true, "", "true", 2, false, "", "" ]] remoteExec ["addAction",0,true]; [apcnoTphone,["Arsenal <img size='1' image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\ico_on_ca'/>", {["Open", true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}, nil, 1, true, true, "", "true", 1.5, false, "", "" ]] remoteExec ["addAction",0,true]; deletevehicle this Helipad (Invisible) (addSeatFunc) // Adds ability to get into the mortar gunner seat while inside the marshal. This is the problem child of the bunch. [apcnoT,["To Gunner's Seat (Mortar)",{MoveOut (_this select 1);(_this select 1) action ["getingunner", apcnoTMor]}, [], 0, false, false, "", "_this in (crew _target) && (isNull gunner apcnoTMor)"]] remoteExec ["addaction",0,true]; deleteVehicle this Helipad (Invisible) (addSeatFunc2) // Adds ability to get out but on top of the marshal as well as ability to get into the marshal directly while on top of it. [apcnoTSurf,["Get In", {[_this select 1, apcnoT] remoteExec ["moveInCargo", 0];}, nil, 1, true, true, "", "true", 4, false, "", "" ]] remoteExec ["addAction",0,true]; [apcnoT,["Get Out (Topside)",{_this select 1 setpos getPos apcnoTSurf;}, [], 0, false, false, "", "_this in (crew _target)"]] remoteExec ["addaction",0,true]; deleteVehicle this I apologize for my archaic coding format as I'm used to the very old ways of scripting in the original Operation Flashpoint. I hope that extra eyes can slim down the coding or maybe combine it all into one composition that wont automatically kick me when placed. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi there, I'm attempting to unhide a layer that I have previously hidden using the following code in the mission init.sqf, with "layer_checkpointwest" being my layer: { _x hideObjectGlobal true; } forEach (getMissionLayerEntities "layer_checkpointwest" select 0); I want to unhide everything in this layer at some point later on in the mission. Originally I had it set up in an addAction for a Zeus player to trigger: zeus1 addAction ["4. Unhide Checkpoint Ambush Scene", {{_x hideObjectGlobal false;} forEach (getMissionLayerEntities "layer_checkpointwest" select 0);}, nil, 1.5, false, true, "", "true", 3]; For SP and locally hosted MP this works fine, however on a dedicated server nothing seems to happen. I am thinking it's something to do with the way hideObjectGlobal needs to be called on the server - but even using a trigger to remoteExec a script > "[] remoteExec ["unhidecheckpoint.sqf", 2, false];" with essentially the opposite of the init.sqf code doesn't seem to work either. I've been reading so much on this and I don't feel like I'm fully understanding what I'm missing! Any help or advice with this is much appreciated.
  13. hello , i have run a test (about showing a target scene what there an ai must start fire 3 round of mortart to my target via mortar) on single player and multiplayer on my pc in both of ways it work successfully, camera start moving and show mortar and the ai start fire fine, but when i up the mission to server for test the ai wont fire and just camera show he and he still not fire, i test this codes on server : _camera = "camera" camcreate position h2; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; _camera camPrepareTarget g2; _camera camCommitPrepared 5; g2 commandArtilleryFire [position han2, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells",3]; _camera camPreparePos position h2_1; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 6; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; for sure i test another command as : _camera = "camera" camcreate position h1; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; _camera camPrepareTarget g1; _camera camCommitPrepared 5; g1 doArtilleryFire [position han1,"8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells",3]; _camera camPreparePos position h1_1; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 6; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; both kind of codes work just in single and mp mod in my pc, and not work on server. any help have my regards.
  14. Hello, Here is a request for more hints about work drive, very poorly documented. I didn't find a complete topic or tutorial about P drive, or more recently what BI call a work drive. I read a lot of posts about issues when trying to mount this drive, but, no line about the interest for that. As I'm not fond of unexplained tools, I never mounted this work drive til yet, and my addons were fine so far. But I recently discover ( @Larrow point me the right direction) that such (working) drive could avoid unwanted error, especially for path references like: #include "\a3\3DEN\UI\macros.inc" Such line works in due work environment (so P:), but there is no chance to pbo an addon, with such reference to absolute path, if you are working from some folders in one of your disks. In other words, such path must be consistent where you are working and P drive seems to be your friend... if correctly mounted! So, IMHO, there is a need for a tuto browsing these different points: - why mounting a work drive? (and what is it exactly?) - does it cost a large space on my disk? (does it duplicates numerous files?) - How to do that? Really, the Arma 3 tools is not fair with explanation! You can click on "Mount the project drive".. and you get an empty P drive... or click on "Project drive Management"... for roughly the same thing! And good luck - So what? I have an empty P drive (with more or less 80 Go used!, by what?) - I'm not on buldozer, just because I don't want to mod an object or a map, just an addon for example, So what is the next step with my empty drive?? (I placed my completed addon inside P: and there is no difference between P: and my former folder on E:) So, the consistency for pboing an addon, with absolute paths like I wrote, stays hypothetical at this stage. - and last question, btw, how to dismount a P drive? There are not so much explanation once again. The is no real "dismount" tool, just some hints about: WorkDrive.exe /Dismount ... Good luck if you don't have any clue for running that. If I'm right, you can run that on windows power shell or a "command line"... if you know how to reach this executable of course! (under program files (x86)\Steam\... did you succeed in pointing at such path?) Have fun with Arma (even wasting time with tools)
  15. i need help with making a deliver supplies task and have a counter that keeps track of how many supplies have been delivered Wat im trying to do is have the description update and tell you how much supplies were delivered, so it goes as "1/3 supplies delivered" then 2/3 etc heres wat i have right now _radioObjects = ["Object1", "Object2","Object3"]; sd = {_radioObjects inArea "trig1"} count _radioObjects; [ "del", [ format ["Cargo %1 /3",sd], "Deliver the supplies", " " ] ] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDescription; 😞 its not working
  16. FIXED: First I stripped back a few larger & unnecessary mods & verified the game files through Steam. With Game Logic in mind, I investigated the timings of the errors to what I was doing and deduced: Turns out I had 4 certain persistent scripts running using Game Logic Modules when they didn't need to be. I also had scripts running which made map markers of 'locations' appear and disappear on arrival & when the location is cleared (ect ect) on a Repeatable basis, meaning the engine was attempting to create the already deleted & already created map markers over and over again when leaving and re-entering the vicinity. I've migrated the functions described above to pre-existing triggers (which now delete themselves after use) & almost instantly the issue is gone, no error in RPT logs anymore. I assume it was the map markers causing the issue predominantly and the scenario has gone from gradual degradation right back to 40-60fps with everything still present and working as it should. I also added a task cleanup system where when all of a 'locations' tasks have been finished, the Create Task Modules are deleted upon the final trigger, along with the trigger itself constantly freeing memory. Still a long way to go correcting all mission triggers & Task Modules with this technique but immediately the difference is day & night with only a fraction done so... result. Thanks for the assistance with this all. Also, if you'd like to test the next available version early September, message me over on Reddit ( proj_drk ) where I'll be sharing any news about this scenario. - I am almost finished creating a single player open world operation & in the last few sessions I have been getting the error... 'Tried to create group when group limit reached side Game Logic' The error doesn't specify the script(s) which are causing it. It will trigger after around 25 minutes of gameplay & will continue to do so a dozen times within a second every 45-70 seconds, each time dropping FPS more & more until it becomes unplayable. I am aware that it is perhaps tied to a certain script repeatedly trying to spawn a group. Anyone else had to deal with this / find a fix? I am willing and able to dig deep into the scripts to find & fix or even fully remove the error but right now, I'm not too sure where to start apart from group spawns. I am also open to the idea a script which will perhaps 'kill' this looping error when it first starts if at all possible?
  17. Hello everyone, Here is a small project that may be helpful to everyone that doesn't always have access to internet/the wiki, or to everyone needing the biki when it is down. With the support of peeps in the #community_wiki Arma 3 Discord channel, I managed to extract wiki data to make a COMREF (Operation Flashpoint flashbacks intensify) This is basically offline documentation for commands and functions in all Arma titles - note that some glitches are still present, but the data is pretty much usable. newest version: 2022-08-17 COMREF (before BIKI update - v2.08) old versions: - 2020-11-23 COMREF (update after 2.00) - 2020-06-12 COMREF (added messagebox colours and better parsing) - 2020-06-10 COMREF (first version) My little helpers: @Grezvany13, @Dedmen, @x39, @optix, @Heyoxe, @A3_Stickie
  18. Hello! I am having issues with the Animated Briefing function, specifically with how I am meant to implement it. I have finished my timeline (which is the code below), however my issues arise from the other bits of the code in the function _timeline = [ [0.0, {}], [1.5, {o1 say3D "briefmsg1"; titleText ["<t align = 'center' shadow = '2' color='#00ff00' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' >Officer</t><br /><t color='#ffffff' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' shadow = '2' >This is a test message for the Animated Briefing Test</t>", "PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true];}], [7.5, {o1 say3D "briefmsg2"; titleText ["<t align = 'center' shadow = '2' color='#00ff00' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' >Officer</t><br /><t color='#ffffff' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' shadow = '2' >Yesterday the enemey broke through the Northern front", "PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true]; ["binf1", getMarkerPos "bwp1", 4, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["binf2", getMarkerPos "bwp3", 4, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["bmec", getMarkerPos "bwp2", 4, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["enemy", getMarkerPos "wp1", 4, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["northline",3] spawn BIS_fnc_hideMarker;}], [12.5, {o1 say3D "briefmsg3"; titleText ["<t align = 'center' shadow = '2' color='#00ff00' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' >Officer</t><br /><t color='#ffffff' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' shadow = '2' >Elements of the 11th Infantry platoon captured the Refinary plant over here</t>", "PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true]; ["show", ["lat"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["lat", getMarkerPos "wp2", 5, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["show", ["refine"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["refine", 3, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_blinkMarker;}], [21.5, {o1 say3D "briefmsg4"; titleText ["<t align = 'center' shadow = '2' color='#00ff00' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' >Officer</t><br /><t color='#ffffff' size='1.5' font='PuristaMedium' shadow = '2' >Our forces tried to counter attack however suffered many casualties and retreated</t>", "PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true]; ["show", ["attack1"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["show", ["attack2"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["show", ["attack3"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["bmec",4] spawn BIS_fnc_hideMarker; ["binf1", getMarkerPos "bwp4", 4, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["binf2", getMarkerPos "bwp5", 4, 0] call BIS_fnc_moveMarker; ["hide", ["attack1"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["hide", ["attack2"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; ["hide", ["attack3"]] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers;}], [32.5, {}] ]; And so here are my issues are: 1. What code do I put in after the timeline? 2. What file do I even put this in? I'm not the best when it comes to scripting and this Animated Briefing has actually drove me insane as it is probably the hardest thing I have done so far
  19. Hello guys, thanks for taking the time. I am working hard on an experience for some people that I am going to entertain as Zeus and mission maker, but gotten to a point where I have not manage to find any module, mod or other script that meet my specific needs. My friends during their adventure through a map, will come and go to different locations, and return to the same ones again potentially. Each time they do, I want to be able to spawn in AI units, under specific classnames, in very specific location like a marker or trigger. Maybe one AI of one type of classname stands at a gatehouse, and another AI of another type of classname is standing outside in the rain. But each time they go there, they will spawn in into the same spot or markers. And if they leave, they will despawn again, in order to save on performance for the server. I have seen many population scripts out there, but they generally populate areas and houses, they do not place them into very specific manual locations, or i can choose which classname will be placed down to the detail. I am also looking for the option that if I spawn a third guy by the guard house, he starts to patrol in a small radius when he has appeared. I can easily create this by placing down NPCs, but it is going to tax the performance if I have so many different locations populated all at once. It would be better if they despawn on leaving, and respawn on approach. It would also be useful if there are specific enemy classnames in an area they can attack, they will respawn later in case they want to go back and do the same attack over again. Anyone has any ideas or suggestions? Much appreciated!
  20. Hi Community, I plan to play a small highlight video for our Battlegroup at the end of an ingame campaign. This also works wonderfully on the Dedicated. As a screen, I chose the Land_Billboard_F, which works so far and is perfect for about 15 people viewing at the same time. But every time the video starts, the standard Texture with path "a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\data\billboard_metal_co.paa" is loaded with a metal and cracked effect, which makes the quality of the display very poor. I have now tried to set a white .paa in the texture field of the object editor, but this is also replaced when the video is starting. And the setting of foreground and background colors in white or black by BIS_fnc_playVideo does not come into play either. How do I get rid of the switch to the standard .paa when starting the video? Do I have to set or change configs there? I haven't gotten into that part yet. I am very grateful for every tip and help. Part of the belonging Script:
  21. minerminor79er2

    Drop Pod Script

    I'm trying to get a vehicle to act as a drop pod. When you get into a specific seat there is an addAction that will open your map and then when you click on a position on the map it will teleport the vehicle and all inhabitants to that location at 500m-1km above and remove the option to drop again. I already have a the action and part of the teleport working but I wanted suggestions on how to adjust height of the teleport and remove remove the action after its been done.
  22. Good morning! I was just wondering if there's a script to hide objects and make them reappear, using another object as an interactable? In this image, I'd like the green console on the right to have an interactable menu that will be able to "deactivate-" aka hide- the red bridge. How would I go about doing this? Any and all help will be appreciated, Thanks!
  23. When executed, this script will holster your weapon, or puts it on your back. You can draw your weapon again using 1 or 2 on your keyboard. player action ["SWITCHWEAPON",player,player,-1]; waitUntil {currentWeapon player == "" or {primaryWeapon player == "" && handgunWeapon player == ""}}; You can either use addaction or a keyhandler to execute the script. If you have any questions or need help with your mission feel free to ask! Cheers Puffin
  24. I'm trying to create a custom module, but when I place it nothing happens. I also don't know what I'm supposed to put for curatorInfoType, here's my config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class NAK_Modules { units[] = {"NAK_spawnUnit"}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_UI_F","A3_UI_F_Curator","A3_Functions_F","A3_Functions_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F","A3_Modules_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp_Misc"}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class NO_CATEGORY; class NAK: NO_CATEGORY { displayName = "NAK"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class AttributesBase { class Default; class Edit; // Default edit box (i.e., text input field) class Combo; // Default combo box (i.e., drop-down menu) class Checkbox; // Default checkbox (returned value is Boolean) class CheckboxNumber; // Default checkbox (returned value is Number) class ModuleDescription; // Module description class Units; // Selection of units on which the module is applied }; // Description base classes, for more information see below class ModuleDescription { class AnyPlayer; class AnyBrain; class EmptyDetector; }; }; class NAK_spawnUnit: Module_F { // Standard object definitions scope = 2; // Editor visibility; 2 will show it in the menu, 1 will hide it. scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Spawn Unit"; // Name displayed in the menu category = "NAK"; icon = "NAK_spawnUnit\media\naksquad.paa"; vehicleClass = "Modules"; side = 7; // Name of function triggered once conditions are met function = "NAK_fnc_spawnUnit"; // Execution priority, modules with lower number are executed first. 0 is used when the attribute is undefined functionPriority = 1; // 0 for server only execution, 1 for global execution, 2 for persistent global execution isGlobal = 1; // 1 for module waiting until all synced triggers are activated isTriggerActivated = 1; // 1 if modules is to be disabled once it is activated (i.e., repeated trigger activation won't work) isDisposable = 0; // 1 to run init function in Eden Editor as well is3DEN = 0; // Menu displayed when the module is placed or double-clicked on by Zeus curatorInfoType = "RscDisplayAttributeModuleNuke"; // Module attributes, uses https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Attributes#Entity_Specific class Attributes: AttributesBase { // Arguments shared by specific module type (have to be mentioned in order to be present) class Units: Units { property = "NAK_spawnUnit_Units"; }; // Module specific arguments class UnitType: Edit { property = "NAK_spawnUnit_UnitType"; displayName = "Unit Type"; tooltip = "Put unit class here"; defaultValue = "B_Soldier_F"; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription{}; // Module description should be shown last }; // Module description. Must inherit from base class, otherwise pre-defined entities won't be available class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description[] = { "Use this module to spawn a unit." }; // Short description, will be formatted as structured text sync[] = {}; // Array of synced entities (can contain base classes) }; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class NAK { class NAK { file = "\NAK_spawnUnit\functions"; class spawnUnit{}; }; }; }; And here's my function: // Argument 0 is module logic. _logic = param [0,objNull,[objNull]]; // Argument 1 is list of affected units (affected by value selected in the 'class Units' argument)) _units = param [1,[],[[]]]; // True when the module was activated, false when it is deactivated (i.e., synced triggers are no longer active) _activated = param [2,true,[true]]; // Module specific behavior. Function can extract arguments from logic and use them. if (_activated) then { // Attribute values are saved in module's object space under their class names hint "Hello"; }; hint "Hello"; // Module function is executed by spawn command, so returned value is not necessary, but it is good practice. true For now, I'm just trying to get it to hint Hello. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Here's my file structure: NAK_Modules (folder) @NAK_Modules (folder) addons (folder) NAK_spawnUnit (folder) config.cpp (file) functions (folder) media (folder) fn_spawn.sqf (file) naksquad.paa (file)
  25. BettIR - IR Improvement for ARMA (Alpha Release) Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260572637 Also, if you liked my work and would like to see more - feel free to support me on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vestarr Arma is a great game, but there's one thing it could never do - IR illumination. There's a lot of great things that only work in IR Spectrum, but ESPECIALLY in ACE mod, if it's dark - you're doomed. In real life, you would normally use IR illuminators for that purpose. They emit a bit of IR light to help you see stuff around you. A lot of known Night Vision Goggles have them built in; you can also find these lights in AN/PEQ-15 boxes and other weapon-mounted light combos. Unfortunately, Arma doesn't natively support such thing. However, with a bit of scripting (and magic) we can make anything work right? The mod currently only involves: - NVG-mounted IR lights (compatible with particular NVGs only) - Weapon-mounted IR lights (e.g. vanilla IR laser pointer is enough to use this functionality) - Compatible with Vanilla NVG's and IR pointers - Compatible with most RHS NVG's and IR pointers - Compatible with most CUP NVG's and IR pointers - Compatible with most USP NVG's - Allows you to use your laser along with the IR illuminator - Multiplayer Compatible! - Configurable keybinds to toggle the both lights (Ctrl + Alt + L and Ctrl + Alt + N by default) - Adjustable viewdistance - Tested with 66 AI actors with their illuminators on with minor FPS impact - Easily Extendible - see "For Developers" section below To be added soon: - Weapon-specific offsets for better approximation of the position of the light source - IR Patches - IR-only textures - Weapon-mounted illuminators - AI using it and reacting to it - Reorganizing the code architecture Known bugs: - Laggy in vehicles, potential fix in the pipeline - Position of the lights is approximated and might not be perfectly lined up to the actual position of the light source; will not fix (unless there's a method to fix it) Credits Ulfgaar - for giving me the idea to do the IR patches, which then spiraled out of control and became much more than that; for exchanging a lot of information about the real life technology and helping me understand it much more Dslyecxi - for feedback and Nightvision-related consultation OneLittleSociopath - for helping me figure out some of the optimalization concerns TheVache & Somedudechen - for helping me test this mod Disclaimer This mod doesn't change the color of the NVG's as the screenshots suggest! I used a wonderful NVG mod by Apricot to take nicer preview screenshots. You can find it here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1908374667 Licensing information can be found in the steam workshop link, to be updated soon. Contributions/suggestions welcome!