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  1. Hello! First | The basic premise of what I am attempting to do is two-fold. A) respawn existing vehicles (of different types - i.e. some jets, some helicopters, some ground vehicles), with the same custom pylons - for the jets/helis - set by the pylon/dynamic loadout editor in 3den. This part works fine thus far (see below). And B) apply unlimited ammo on a delay (i.e. it takes 45 seconds for the ammo to restore) to both the original vehicle and its respawned clone. The main trouble I am having is getting unlimited ammo to work with the new, respawned vehicles. Second | A code dump and summary of what is where: The code below is my unlimited ammo expression in the existing F/A-181 (and other vehicles). Ideally, the missiles & bombs refresh on a delay, hence the {sleep 45} segment. This part works perfectly for my purposes. this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 45};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}}]; This code is present in the expression of a Game Logic and synced to all relevant air vehicles. It works perfectly for my purposes; no errors and functions as intended. [this] call { if (!isServer) exitWith {}; params ["_thisObject"]; _vehs = synchronizedObjects _thisObject; _initScript = { params ["_vehicle", ["_pylons", "none"]]; if (typeName _pylons == typeName []) then { private _pylonPaths = (configProperties [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent" >> "Pylons", "isClass _x"]) apply { getArray (_x >> "turret") }; { _vehicle removeWeaponGlobal getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "pylonWeapon") } forEach getPylonMagazines _vehicle; { _vehicle setPylonLoadout [_forEachIndex + 1, _x, true, _pylonPaths select _forEachIndex] } forEach _pylons; }; }; { [_x] call _initScript; } forEach _vehs; [_vehs, _initScript] spawn { params ["_vehs", "_initScript"]; sleep 1; _respawnlist = []; { _respawnlist = _respawnlist + [[_x, position _x, [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x], getPylonMagazines _x]] } forEach _vehs; while { true } do { sleep 1; { _veh = _x # 0; _respawnpos = _x # 1; _playerdistance = 200; { if (_veh distance _x < _playerdistance) then { _playerdistance = _veh distance _x }; } forEach allPlayers; if (!alive _veh || (_veh distance _respawnpos > 20 && _playerdistance > 20)) then { _vehType = typeOf _veh; [_veh, _respawnlist] spawn { params ["_veh", "_respawnlist"]; deleteVehicleCrew _veh; _veh lock true; _inSpawn = false; waitUntil { sleep 0.5; _inSpawn = false; { _respawnpos = _x # 1; if ((_veh distance _respawnpos) < 30) exitWith { _inSpawn = true; }; } forEach _respawnlist; _inSpawn || ((speed _veh == 0) && (isTouchingGround _veh)); }; if (!_inSpawn) then { sleep 30 }; deleteVehicle _veh; }; sleep 10; _newveh = _vehType createVehicle _respawnpos; _newveh setPos _respawnpos; _newveh setVectorDirAndUp (_x # 2);[_newveh, _x # 3] call _initScript; _respawnlist set [_forEachIndex, [_newveh, _respawnpos, _x # 2, _x # 3]]; }; } forEach _respawnlist; }; }; }; This is the current code present in the "System Specific - Vehicle Respawn" Module expression (not its Init). It does not work at all. params ["_newVeh", "_oldVeh"]; [_newVeh addEventHandler ["Fired", { [_newVeh select 0, getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_newVeh select 4)/"explosive")] spawn { if (_newVeh select 1 >= 0) then { sleep 5 }; _newVeh select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1 } }]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; The Vehicle Respawn Module: It throws the no errors upon mission launch and no errors upon vehicle respawn. My friends and I suspect it is not even executing properly. Here are a few screencaps of the 3den editor of the scene in question if it helps you: // Overview of the whole airfield. The Vehicle Respawn Module on the Right by the center of the airfiled is exlusively linked to ground vehicles. It respawns the vehicles fine but without the unlimited ammo. // The test F/A-181. // The Game Logic. // My two primary test subjects (Left is experimental; Right is the control). As you can see, the left F/A-181 is the primary test subject for the Vehicle Respawn Module, as it is synced to both the Vehicle Respawn and the Game Logic. The right F/A-181 (and all other air vehicles) is synced only to the Game Logic. Both jets initially spawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts and unlimited ammo, as expected vis-a-vis the 3den editor settings. Both jets respawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts. Neither jet respawns with unlimited ammo, currently. I feel close to solving this, but I am blind to what I am missing/adding unnecessarily. I have tried numerous other variations with even less luck. I am sure there is some redundancy between the Vehicle Respawn Module and the game logic, and I would appreciate any simplifications there. However, that is a secondary concern. Thanks for reading this far! Hopefully, you can help me and anyone else who wants to do this.
  2. Ankara3105


    We serious need a rework in the respawn system of the antennas. Its insane how 5 seconds after you kill a enemy while raiding a enemy base, he spawns again behind you, the same person you just killed and kill you. Theres no how you cap any major enemy base with less than 4 people playing together, i really apreciate teamwork but not every match we jump in aways has communicative teammates that are necessary to cap the bases.
  3. I am trying to move respawn marker (called "respawn_east") on random position on the map. It does not move anywhere no matter what I try. private _rpos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _rpos = _rpos resize 1; "respawn_east" setMarkerPos _rpos; This does not work at all, no errors ...
  4. I'm basically looking for a way to make members of a squad respawn at a specific respawn position when there is more than 1 respawn point for the team. Let's say I have 3 respawn points or respawn modules for the BLUFOR team and I want my 1st and 2nd AI squads to only respawn at "respawn_west" (so at the first respawn point). How do I make this possible? I tried to sinc the AI squads to a respawn module, but it didn't work as intended. So I thought that there might be a script that makes the AI squad do that, but I have no idea how I can implement that. I'm fearly new to scripting and I know very little on how to make scripts. Does anyone have an idea on what I can do?
  5. Hello there, as the title says, when I am adding a Spawn on Custom Position to my mission, an error shows up that I have never encountered before and I have done a lot of mission making in this game. I have done this so many times without any issue, so I am a bit confused why this happens all of a sudden and have not managed to find any solutions on the web yet. I get stuck on the spawn/map screen without any interface to choose spawns, and this error keeps spamming; [_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error position: <_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _list 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuPosition.sqf..., line 41 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression < _maxRespawnTickets ]; } else { _ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrltickets 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 75 10:24:45 Error in expression < ["%1/%2",_livingCount,_playersCount]; _ctrlTeam ctrlSetText _playersText; Any tip or feedback greatly appreciated
  6. Hey Ho, I am creating a pvp mission where you can capture different bases. In those Bases are some AAF Statics which will join either BLUFOR or OPFOR once you activated a trigger. Let´s say BLUEFOR captured the Base and all AAF-statics joined BLUEFOR, when CSAT now attackes the Base and destroies those statics they will respawn as INDEPENDENT again, but I want them to spawn as BLUEFOR since the Base is captured by BLUEFOR. Sorry for this complicated and very confusing explanation ^^ To break it down to one Question: Is there a command to enter in the respawn module to let the vehicle respawn with the same side (BLUEFOR, OPFOR, INDEPENDED) which it had at the moment of destruction? :)
  7. Good day, I am having trouble with getUnitLoadout and setUnitLoadout functions. I want to make it so that when players respawn, they have the same loadout like they did before they died/respawned. But in some cases it removes the primary and secondary weapons. I am using the code below: //In onPlayerKilled.sqf I have: player setVariable ["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout player]; //In onPlayerRespawn.sqf I have: player setUnitLoadout (player getVariable ["Saved_Loadout",[]]); It works when players respawn through the menu. But the problem is when they are shot and go into the incapacitated animation (I have revive enabled). I assume that when you go into the incapacitated state you lose your weapons, and then it saves your loadout when you "Hold space" to respawn. So technically you did not have a weapon when the script saved your loadout. I was thinking that the "getUnitLoadout" function should be triggered just before you go into the incapacitated state, but I am not sure how to do that. Maybe check if the player's health is below 10%? Any help would be appreciated. -MrSydney
  8. Intro: HazardZone is a 16vs16 game mode where opposing forces have to face each other during a biological threat from space. There are several crashed objects on Livonia from which samples need to be secured, and the side with most secured samples wins the day. The samples are located in the so-called Hazard Zones, and anyone without CBRN gear will not survive there. Each side has a team of 4 CBRN specialists (only 1 team per side) which will need to secure the samples, to support the limited number of CBRN units, 3 other teams of standard combat units are deployed. These support units need to fend off enemy forces and provide secure passage to the crash site for the CBRN units, but CBRN units need to deal with any enemy forces inside the Hazard Zones on their own. To further aid the mission, artillery & transport troops are deployed, but a radio tower needs to be secured to amplify the signal for communication of ground troops with HQ, since the strong EMF of the crashed objects is interfering with the communication and makes it impossible. Features: CBRN Gas Mask overlay & sounds Custom Game Mode Custom scoring logic Virtual Arsenal crate Player & Vehicle Respawns Hazard Zones in which only players with proper gear are safe. 5 km. of playable area Changes in V2 of HazardZone: Objectives are no longer completed by simply interacting with the objective: Players will receive a container (attached to the torso of the player) when a sample is collected. As a final step to complete the objective, players have to extract the sample/s by securing them inside a special storage box located inside base's decontamination tent. Upon completion of these steps the side of the player will be awarded with points Players will be able to pick up the sample containers from their buddies or dead soldiers A player may carry multiple sample containers To make the gamemode more interesting, tasks will now be updated with the location of the player which is holding the sample until it is extracted. This will allow opposite force to recapture the objective from the enemy. Task descriptions are updated according to the player and side who have captured a sample. i.e. "Attack" or "Defend" depending on which side you are and which side captured the sample. Task icons are updated when sample is collected according to the player and side who captured a sample, i.e. "Attack" or "Defend" depending on which side you are and which side captured the sample. Message are now displayed to screen updating players who captured the sample. Tons of small changes to accommodate the new gamemode logic Notes: Raw mission included so you can edit/modify according to your needs (If you give me credit it will be appreciated) No additional content is required (mods or otherwise) except ARMA 3 - Contact Platform Credits: Credits to bohemia forums and ARMA community for all the awesome script examples and tutorials. Credits to Chuc for the script used for the radiation/hazard areas: Credits to RCA3, the gamemode at its current form wouldn't be possible without their help! Download: steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2781568799 gdrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10YpgBVIl64OJL2mIy7T1kAsPnn_d_yi2/view?usp=sharing ^ Password for the archive is "original"
  9. Greetings Community, I needed a gas mask overlay script for a MP mission I'm making. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that works across respawns... so I modified the overlay part of the script made by ALIAS - "Radiation - DEMO", after heavy modification the overlay is now MP compatible. There are currently some issues, which I hope I can resolve in near future: * Gas mask overlay will remain after respawn until the player equips and then unequips the "Gas mask" * For some reason the script doesn't work with the "Contact DLC" gas masks. It actually works. It appears the unit (cbrn_specialist) spawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_nofilter_F" and later respawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F", keep that in mind. Feel free to contribute, I'm stuck as it is. I'll provide further updates in the github repository Enjoy! Modified multiplayer compatible overlay script. https://github.com/SubXi/arma3-2d-mask-overlay Original script: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=909790601
  10. Hello there, I am facing some challenges to implement the findEmptyPosition and avoid collision among vehicles those spawn in the same spot. Some help to fix it will be very much appreciated. Here below is my code working pretty fine, except for the collisions in some rounds. If you prefer, here is for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NIdU2pLEjl41M3Vlc0dVANRvuK3PFCqd/view?usp=sharing // SIDE SPAWNS // Spawnpoints for each faction. Only the specific faction can spawn. _bluAllSpawns = ["bluSpawn01","bluSpawn02","bluSpawn03","bluSpawn04","bluSpawn05","bluSpawn06"]; _opAllSpawns = ["opSpawn01","opSpawn02","opSpawn03","opSpawn04","opSpawn05","opSpawn06"]; _indAllSpawns = ["indSpawn01","indSpawn02","indSpawn03","indSpawn04","indSpawn05","indSpawn06"]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // SHARED DESTINY // Waypoints where any faction can go. _goToSharedDestiny = ["destinoComum01","destinoComum02","destinoComum03","destinoComum04"]; // SIDE DESTINY // Waypoints where only the specific faction can go. _goToDestinyBlu = ["destinoBlu01","destinoBlu02"]; _goToDestinyOp = ["destinoOp01","destinoOp02"]; _goToDestinyInd = ["destinoInd01","destinoInd02"]; // ANY DESTINY // Use _goToAnywhere for the group to consider going to both shared destinations and those of all factions. _goToAnywhere = _goToSharedDestiny + _goToDestinyBlu + _goToDestinyOp + _goToDestinyInd; // ................................................................................................................................................ // BLUFOR GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _bluSquadLight = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluSquadRegular = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluSquadHeavy = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluVehLight = ["B_Quadbike_01_F"]; _bluVehRegular = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"]; _bluVehHeavy = ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F"]; // OPFOR GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _opSquadLight = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opSquadRegular = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opSquadHeavy = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opVehLight = ["O_Quadbike_01_F"]; _opVehRegular = ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"]; _opVehHeavy = ["O_MBT_02_cannon_F"]; // INDEPENDENT GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _indSquadLight = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indSquadRegular = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indSquadHeavy = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indVehLight = ["I_Quadbike_01_F"]; _indVehRegular = ["I_MRAP_03_hmg_F"]; _indVehHeavy = ["I_MBT_03_cannon_F"]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // BLUFOR STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _bluGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _bluGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 0]; _bluGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _bluGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 1]; _bluGroup04 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToAnywhere), 0]; _bluGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToAnywhere), 1]; _bluGroup05 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //This one will hold position (no waypoint). _bluGroup06 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup06 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 0]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // OPFOR STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _opGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _opGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _opGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyOp), 1]; _opGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyOp), 0]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // INDEPENDENT STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _indGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _indGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 1]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 2]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 3]; _indGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 0]; _indGroup04 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 0];
  11. Does anybody know the IDD to close the respawnmenu? Or the Dialog if it is one? (Its the "MenuPosition" Template for Base Respawn). So i can close it and open it later? https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2S9lOz4k52hllbsOCzE8e_Q5hj
  12. Is it possible that a dead player can spectate his body in 3rdperson and after one minute or the respawn delay time the respawn template "Menu Position" is activated? At the moment the menu position template is activated at the moment the player dies.
  13. I got "Base" Respawn enabled with map selection. It works. I have two markers one named "respawn_west" and one is named "respawn_UNITNAME" The unit I want to have both respawns accessible is named UNITNAME. When I respawn i only can choose the point at respawn west. If i change the name from respawn_UNITNAME to respawn_west2 it works fine. but i want that one position only for that unit available. Can someone help me pls. http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-respawn-on-marker/
  14. Hi all, this is going to be fairly long-winded with no tldr and is an extremely large project, at least for me. There's a lot of "I would like" in this post, I'm not a supercilious person I'm just unsure how else to word things. I'm making a scenario to run with my mates whenever we feel like it, usually 8 hours or so every second night, I have a dedicated machine I run the server from but I don't like leaving it on 24/7. I have maybe 200 hours basic scenario creation experience and the scenario itself is a big passion project for me, the basic issues I run into are a nice thing to sort out, the scripting issues or more so lack of scripts are stopping my ideas. I have a few problems which naturally snowballed into more what-ifs and issues. I haven't delved into scripts at all, just basic commands in triggers and game logic, improving along the way. I have very minor coding experience, 2 University courses worth and a lot of this is way above my head so I'm reaching out for help, I'm hoping people will help out of the kindness of their heart but I know time is money and there are a lot of issues, so if it is allowed I'm willing to pay privately with details also discussed privately. I'd hire a private programmer but much of the arma3 context would be lost which is important. Persistent saving/loading: The scenario is essentially a campaign completing tasks as we see fit to retake land and reach an ultimate goal, which I'm undecided on. I'd like essentially all vehicles, player loadouts, player positions, gear in 'crates' and a virtual arsenal we can load with gear from missions, to save upon server shutdown and load upon server start-up. I've looked at a few mods that promise some of these things but they all require player intervention or won't work with custom scenarios, I want an automated system from the moment we first join the server to the moment the campaign finishes. The virtual arsenal is a problem on it's own as I have no clue how to create something that saves gear, much like the antistasi community have made. The other things I know exist because there are multiplayer servers with these features but I'd have no clue how to go about setting it up properly. Problems with the start of the mission: The mission starts with no respawn and 6 playable characters in a boat, spectator enabled, with respawnOnStart -1 and respawn as BASE. Once the first objective is complete the respawn enables (lore critical). Disabling spectator mode isn't an option as people just respawn on their dead bodies, plus I'd rather people have something to do after they die in the first section of the scenario. The mission plays out how I want it to with AI disabled and all players connected when I launch the mission (not using autoinit) however there are other issues. With AI Disabled, players that hotjoin once the mission has started spawn where the playable characters are placed, rather than as a spectator until the respawn is enabled, which I want to fix. Furthermore if players die and rejoin they spawn in the initial playable character spot, out in the ocean, 2km from land, even if they have already died as that character. In my experience not using respawnOnStart -1 results in everyone being a spectator when the mission starts, so I assume 'running the respawn script' once the mission has started would fix this since players that join would be spectators due to being forced to respawn on joining, but I'm not sure how to do that. I also suspect this would cause more issues with further questions about persistent saving and loading. With AI Enabled, players that hotjoin once the mission has started replace the AI, which is fine for something temporary, but the issue is I don't want to run the mission with AI Enabled on the playable characters. Again much like with AI Disabled with an added bonus, upon leaving the server an AI spawns on the playable characters initial position and then once the player joins they take control of it, even if they have already died. I haven't tested with autoinit but I presume they would spawn in the boat if taking control of an AI with AI enabled, otherwise in the water underneath the boat with AI disabled. The same issues with leaving and rejoining would likely occur in either case. I realise this is a complex issue once taking into account persistent saving and loading and will involve a custom respawn script, but I'm not even sure where i'd begin myself. What I would like to work up to: I would like to have the initial 5 minutes of server start to be the editor placed player positions from the roles selected, even if the boat has moved (which i'm not sure is possible and open to alternatives) as people may take longer to load. Further respawns and hotjoins should be spectator up until the point the respawn is enabled, spectator should then disable, then a custom loadout be the default respawn loadout and the respawn point be a selectable spawn after death, it must be selectable since we'll have more respawns enabled as the campaign continues. After the initial respawn is enabled any players positions and gear are saved and loaded on player disconnect and reconnect respectively, along with their gear. When the server is shutdown I would like the mission file to save and overwrite (completing missions triggers deletion of clutter not needed anymore), vehicles to save where they are, in their current health/fuel state with current 'gear', containers with 'gear' to do the same. I would also like to have a virtual arsenal as mentioned before that takes in gear and saves it much like antistasi does only with no 'unlock' feature, just what is put in. On server startup I would like all of this to load in and continue from where it was saved. If you're interested in helping me out please send me a message, any comments that can help are welcome.
  15. Hello everybody, I wanted to share a small mission i did for the fun of it. Nothing spectacular, a coop mission for up to 4 players. story: A coalition including Russia just invaded Agia Marina surprising the blufor military presence. A Russian satellite made pictures of a blufor convoy moving to reinforce a position west of the stratis Air station. A team of four russian soldiers from the special forces are ordered to stop this convoy thanks to a blufor captured hummingbird: 1 Fly to the Air station and kill all blufor soldiers there 2 Plant bombs on the road nearby and destroy part of the convoy (the two tanks and the fuel truck) 3 Escape and extract by a waiting chopper north-east of the Air station. credits: BangaBob, JohnnyBoy, Genesis92x, Moerderhoschi, Feuerex, RueLight, White Raven, Pumpkin (jackfrench) and all persons who i forget sharing their time and passion Thanks to Flav for the music he made. (Thanks also to the armaholic site.) (Any review and advice would be helpful 😃, it's only my third mission) Revive & respawn (in the ai mates) no mod needed co04ElementOfSurprise V1 https://mega.nz/file/NRhkVKTQ#9C-T_b_IOM1pbJI7PLCUej0qcR4FcALN-Xej_DoqdIk https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564145256
  16. Hello We are currently developing an Sandbox Arma 3 Server. i want to make a Sniping spot where you can Snipe some AI´s the AI´s are set to: this disableai "ALL"; i got a simple Respawn script from a another forum post. which looks like this: the Problem is that when the ai Respawns the init isn´t there anymore so they run around and shoot at the players how can i fix that? thanks for you´re help Marvin Admin at German-Gamers.net
  17. Hello, we are currently developing a Arma 3 sandbox server where you can basically do anything, the problem is, that the vehicles only respawn when they are destroyed, when someone takes a plane and lands it somewhere like molos airfield it will remain there until someone picks it up. I want that the vehilces respawn when thy are left alone but the built in feature doesn´t work at all, so my idea was to trigger the respawn like every 60 seconds that all vehicles respawn but how can i trigger every 60 seconds for ever ?!? thanks for your help Marvin Letsche Admin at German-Gamers.net
  18. Hello everyone. I could use some help because I really don't know what might be the problem. I'm editing a MP-Mission with a respawn-module for Blufor and one for Opfor (Settings - Typ: Infantry, Side: Opfor/Blufor, Show to: Only the side). I've also placed a respawn-ticket-module set to five for Blufor and Opfor. At least I connected both respawn-modules with the ticket-module. So. What works fine is the ticket system. After more than five deaths the mission ends. But that's not the problem. In the multiplayer settings I set "Respawn on Custom Position" with the settings 'show respawn counter' and 'subtract tickets upon death'. I also activated the scoreboard, the manual respawn and a respawn delay of 10 seconds. So actually I expect the following to happen: After you get killed you see the scoreboard for ten seconds. After this countdown you will automatically spawn at your (Blufor or Opfor) respawn. What really happens: Opfor is spawning at his point of death while Bluefor is mostly spawning at the respawn point but not always. I was testing this with an Opfor and an Blufor Assault Rifleman playing on both sides but also with a friend who was playing the other side. What do I fail to see? I would really appreciate if someone could help you. Thank you!
  19. Hello, I try to create my own custom respawn template (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Respawn) and GUI with list of squads, roles and loadouts. Also I create test mission and set respawn = "BASE"; in description.ext. So, I write script (event handler) onPlayerKilled.sqf, which creates my dialog (GUI) where player can join/create squad, select role and respawn position. Then he click "Respawn" button. Summary steps\flow: Player died onPlayerKilled is invoked My GUI is being created Player choose his loadout and respawn position Player press respawn button My respawn script creates new unit (createUnit), wait 1 second for correct init, give selected loadout to unit and give control to player (selectPlayer) My GUI is closing Player spawned on selected position Now I have several problems with correct player respawn on dedicated server. Here are they: After respawn player loses all tasks If someone kills player again - there is no message in system chat (like somebody kills bot/unit) When a player is in a group led by another player - after respawning, the new unit is controlled by the AI, but the player can shoot and look around, but cannot move I read about last problem in comments for selectPlayer: but also I read about locality and multiplayer https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Scripting#Locality. In "Locality changes" topic It says: So, selectPlayer changes locality but it still have problem. Also I check locality by owner command, new unit is local. May be because I use createUnit on player machine. This is my short respawn script without extra code: Also default BIS respawn logic don't know about my respawn script and try to respawn player by pre-defined scripts for "BASE" respawn type. And I use terrible hack: setPlayerRespawnTime 900; otherwise BIS default logic spawn player in one of markers "respawn_*". Possible I can solve it by property in custom respawn config (CfgRespawnTemplates) I tried to find any BIS scripts with default respawn logic\functions but without success. Is it possible to create custom respawn template and use some BIS respawn functions, which can tell to engine that I spawned player already? It would solve problems with player group (remove old unit, join new) and new unit issues (control, tasks, etc.)
  20. Yesterday I set up a mission for a friend so we can do stupid crap and I set up a working respawn system. Now I'm messing with that mission in the eden editor to add some more stuff to it and now respawns aren't working for the players. Vehicles still respawn like normal but now players can respawn
  21. Hey Guys. I have a big Problem with Respawns. I want to make a Teamdeadmatch Scenario with 4 Respawn Positions for each Team in Buildings. The Problem is, everytime when i use Buildings without floor like Tent-Hangars, Medical-Tents or Shets, Player spawns on Roof of the Building instead on Groud IN the Building. What can i do? I hope for some help......thx Tattoo
  22. How do you make a timer that only displays to the incapacitated players showing them how much time they have left until they bleed out? I tried using hints but ran in to too many problems
  23. I want to respawn on a specified position on the deck of the USS Freedom. It works fine when running multi-player from the the Eden editor (as a player server). i.e. I respawn at the respawn module position. However when I export the mission and run it on a dedicated server I just respawn were I died. Respawn Position module: Variable name: respawn_west Name: respawn_west Type: Invantry Side: BLUFOR Show to: Everyone Notification: Enabled Attributes > Multiplayer... Respawn: Respawn: Respawn on Custom Position Rulesets: Show respawn counter Respawn Delay: 3 Show Scoreboard: checked Allow Manual Respawn: checked Anyone else seen this behaviour or know what i am doing wrong? S My solution: The issue is associated with trying to use the 'respawn module' on the USS Freedom. It works fine on land. Doing the respawn the classic way using a respawn marker also does not work on the USS Freedom. This time you end up swimming in the water and maybe in the USS Freedom. I resolved this by creating a respawn event handler that placed the player just above their starting point. I used the following code in the init.sqf file, to only run on a client PC: if ( hasInterface ) then { // We are running on a player client. Stri_miss_playerPos = ( getPosASL _player ) vectorAdd [ 0, 0, 0.1 ]; Stri_miss_playerDir = getDir _player; _player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", { params[ "_player", "_corpse" ]; _player setVehiclePosition[ Stri_miss_playerPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; _player setDir Stri_miss_playerDir; } ]; };
  24. Hello all, Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere or if this is the wrong thread! I’m building some scenarios, and want to move the respawn position as the mission develops. I’ve been using the below activated by a trigger and with an appropriate marker: "respawn_west" setmarkerpos (getmarkerpos "new_respawn"); And, this has worked excellently for all players in the scenario except me (the host)! I always spawn back at the initial spawn point. Is there a reason why this would not be working for the host but would work for the rest of the players? Thanks, D.
  25. York215

    Respawn Trouble

    So i set up a respawn position logic device and titled the variable name repawn_west, set my multiplayer options to have respawn at custom positon and we are playing as blufor. All of my testing i do in the editor and trying the scenario in SP/MP work perfectly fine. I respawn on the token like i should. As soon as i opened up the server and tested it with a friend he wasn't spawning on the marker, he was spawning on position of death despite me making no changes to the scenario. I can't seem to figure out the problem Edit: it doesn't spawn them on their current death location but at their first death location