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  1. NOTE: 2.16. PROF/PERF up! you don't need a new client on the PERF/PROF server! there is a branch on steam you may use, but beware that sometimes data on Dropbox are newer due to manual build e.g. on weekend: Servers (down, up only if needed): PERF = STABLE branch compatible, no debug layer, no #captureFrame nor diag_captureFrame PROF = STABLE branch compatible, with debug layer, with #captureFrame / diag_captureFrame possible server fps increases and clients may experience higher fps too downloads
  2. Matija Buljan

    FSR 3 support?

    Hi, Will this game fet FSR 3? It would certainly and drastically improve experience for many of us with mid confugurations. And judging by the fact that we have outdated ans vastly inferior FSR 1 some thought was given to this issue.
  3. Please add DLSS and FSR2. The current type of smoothing takes a lot of resources and does nothing, the edges of the foliage are always flickering, it is very shaking. I would also like to have a motion blur option to compensate for the low frame rate. Thanks!
  4. d3d8to9 I have done some testing to find out if there is any performance boost using D3D8TO9. For this purpose I used OFPMark 2 by @toadlife (DIRECT LINK) which is the most reliable benchmark in terms of performance. The tests were repeated a number of times to make sure the results are reliable. To maximize the outcome of the test, the benchmark was launched with V-sync (vertical synchronization) disabled. Tested on ACWA (1.99) with no add-ons or mods and with no change in any of the game settings. VANILLA | D3D8TO9 V-sync: OFF (5152.36) : (7641.14) The performance boost is noticeable. Performance was boosted at approximately 48%! Worth noting the difference in Test Four and Test Five which are the most demanding. Keep in mind the results may differ depending on machine and its settings. I would like to ask you to do the tests on your machines and share your results here in this thread to find out if d3d8to9 is the ultimate performance booster.
  5. How do I enable multithreading? ArmA isn't using anywhere close to all of my resources, how can I make it to where it uses more? I am tired of 20 FPS. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
  6. Hey guys, another really Nooby question but I would like to know a bit more about the Performance Impact that ambient Animations have on Multiplayer Servers. I was told to not use / rarely use ambient Animations because the Animation creates an Instance on the Server for every player logged in but no one could elaborate more on the topic so I am trying my luck here. For instance, is that true for Idle Animations as well. For example, I would place units with "doStop this;" which switches Units into an idle Animation until they are in Battle. Would they also be instantiated for every player until they switch to combat? If not, why don't these animations effect the server in the same kind. Is there another command / way to setup animations that is more performant? Or does it depend on the kind of animation one would choose? So you see, that is not an actual problem, but more a desire to understand more about the whole topic. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge. Cheers, Jan
  7. Ok heres the deal, i bought a brand new gaming pc (worth a fair bit) and thought i would like to see what it can do so buy arma 2 with it. I take them home and install Arma 2 and it was soo laggy i mean it was stupidly laggy (fps lagg not ping) i cant even get it to run smooth unless i drop settings to very low and have the lowest 3d resolution but the it just looks blurry and teared. Normally i try to run very low settings with 100% 3d resolution and still laggy. my pc specs are: Quad 2.4ghz amd phenom 4gb ram Radeon HD 4850 512mb windows vista home premium 64 bit wtf is going is there any know issues with my card or is my pc a waste of money i know this is a very demanding game but to get major lag on low?! is there any performace fixes? BTW i got all patched to 1.03
  8. Hello,Friends, This year is my seventeenth year as a player of Operation Flashpoint. Operation Flashpoint will accompany me throughout my life. Operation Flashpoint has a unique problem, that is, starting from the DX9 graphics card, the night image effect in the game will become black and white. https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/help-me-on-rivatuner-2-24-about-changing-nvidia-driver-directxs-pixel-shader-version.440029/ [check that link as you see,the second in game night time picture was amost black and grey] The rendering on the DX8 graphics card is all normal. I have checked the official technical information and player forums. They mentioned that the night rendering of the game performed abnormally on the DX9 graphics card, such as 6800GT, 7950GT and later graphics cards, but everything is normal on the FX5200 graphics card, because FX5200 is a DX8 graphics card, FX5200 The DX9 function is not complete. What's more peculiar is that, among all the computer games in the world, Operation Flashpoint is the only game that has abnormal rendering problems with it's night images due to the upgrade of graphics card technology. There are two ideas to solve this problem There were two American (seem to be) players who have developed D3d8.dll for Operation Flashpoint, and matched it with Configurator.exe. In Configurator.exe, there is such a setting: Remove night pixelshader effect, after turning ON(not OFF) this option, the night image in the game can be rendered normally. But this D3d8.dll does not make any optimizations to the frame rate and performance. Those two authors had lost contact , their E-mailboxes wasn't existing anymore -------------------------- Then on PCgamingwiki, there is another D3D8.DLL, https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/releases PCgamingwiki provides a solution to improve the performance of the game. This D3D8.DLL is really useful for improving the frame rate, but it does not support repairing the abnormal rendering of the game night image. ------------------------------ Then there is antoher solution, the old version of RivaTuner 2.24, which can provide the opportunity to modify the NVIDIA graphics card driver, and support users to independently select the Pixel shader version of the graphics card, pixel shader v1.0, V2.0, V3.0, etc., just choose V2 .0, restart the computer, the game screen will be normal. However, RivaTuner 2.24 seems to only support 9800GT and previous graphics cards. Graphics cards after GTX200 and GTX400 are no longer supported. Moreover, it has become RivaTuner Statistics Server, which only provides functions like MSI afterburner. there were another tools like nVhardPage SE and nHancer ,they were failed to running with GTX970M and GTX280 (both on windows 7) So please help me: Does any friend have the ability to integrate two versions of D3D8.DLL? Is there a tool like RivaTuner 2.24 that can modify the pixel shader version of the driver? Is there a friend who has the ability to modify the pixel shader version in the driver for modern graphics cards? (this come to a bad end:Rundll error:nvcpl.dll not win32 ....... maybe GTX970M too new to this old tools) ================================================ Some other information with DXDLL for OFP : To install, extract this archive to your Operation Flashpoint directory. Run dxdll/configurator.exe to configure, or edit the dxdll/config.cfg file with a text editor. Note! Do NOT copy the d3d8.dll into your windows system directory, doing so will break Direct3D from your system! Dxdll adds various effects to OFP, including postprocessing effects, reflective water and other enhancements. Postprocessing effects include hard light effect, desaturation effect and glare effect. For more information run the configu- rator. All postprocessing effects require a video card with at least pixel shader v1.1 support. Water reflections require environmental bumpmampping and render to texture support. Most effects and settings can also be changed with various in-game shortcuts, press the application key and'H' while playing for more information. When changing settings in-game, they are not saved into the configuration so if you want to do permanent changes you need to edit the configuration. Note that due to the way the DLL works, it is likely that there are compatibility problems with some video cards. If you encounter problems, try these procedures: -Disable some effects from the DXDLL configuration -Make sure HW T&L is enabled from OFP Preferences -Make sure multitexturing is enabled from video options -Try increasing the texture size settings from OFP Preferences -Try changing to 16bit or 32bit color -Decrease the hardware acceleration setting from windows display properties -Make sure you have the latest drivers installed for you video card To uninstall dxdll, remove the d3d8.dll file from OFP directory. -------------------------------------------------- ------- Known bugs -------------------------------------------------- ------- -Changing screen resolution will crash the game -Reflected objects appear "laggy" since they come from the last rendered frame -Glare fade effect often "burns" shapes into the image which do not disappear until bright objects come to view -Reflected objects are counted from farthest to nearest so when the reflected objects count limit is hit, objects near player will not be visible in the reflection -Reflected objects distance is relative to player's position, not the camera position, so when using 3rd person view or other external camera, reflected objects can appear wrong -Changes to OFP default textures, like changing the water texture, causes the dll not to recognise them and can cause some effect to not work properly. Credits -------------------------------------------------- ------- DXDLL is made by Kegetys <kegetys@dnainternet.net> and Feersum Endjinn <feersum@dnainternet.net> Includes code from the zlib library, Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Mark Adler Help me about changing NVIDIA Driver/DirectX's Pixel Shader version to repair OFP night-time graphic -------------------------------------------------- -------
  9. Hello,Friends, This year is my seventeenth year as a player of Operation Flashpoint. Operation Flashpoint will accompany me throughout my life. Operation Flashpoint has a unique problem, that is, starting from the DX9 graphics card, the night image effect in the game will become black and white. https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/help-me-on-rivatuner-2-24-about-changing-nvidia-driver-directxs-pixel-shader-version.440029/ [check that link as you see,the second in game night time picture was amost black and grey] The rendering on the DX8 graphics card is all normal. I have checked the official technical information and player forums. They mentioned that the night rendering of the game performed abnormally on the DX9 graphics card, such as 6800GT, 7950GT and later graphics cards, but everything is normal on the FX5200 graphics card, because FX5200 is a DX8 graphics card, FX5200 The DX9 function is not complete. What's more peculiar is that, among all the computer games in the world, Operation Flashpoint is the only game that has abnormal rendering problems with it's night images due to the upgrade of graphics card technology. There are two ideas to solve this problem There were two American (seem to be) players who have developed D3d8.dll for Operation Flashpoint, and matched it with Configurator.exe. In Configurator.exe, there is such a setting: Remove night pixelshader effect, after turning ON(not OFF) this option, the night image in the game can be rendered normally. But this D3d8.dll does not make any optimizations to the frame rate and performance. Those two authors had lost contact , their E-mailboxes wasn't existing anymore -------------------------- Then on PCgamingwiki, there is another D3D8.DLL, https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/releases PCgamingwiki provides a solution to improve the performance of the game. This D3D8.DLL is really useful for improving the frame rate, but it does not support repairing the abnormal rendering of the game night image. ------------------------------ Then there is antoher solution, the old version of RivaTuner 2.24, which can provide the opportunity to modify the NVIDIA graphics card driver, and support users to independently select the Pixel shader version of the graphics card, pixel shader v1.0, V2.0, V3.0, etc., just choose V2 .0, restart the computer, the game screen will be normal. However, RivaTuner 2.24 seems to only support 9800GT and previous graphics cards. Graphics cards after GTX200 and GTX400 are no longer supported. Moreover, it has become RivaTuner Statistics Server, which only provides functions like MSI afterburner. there were another tools like nVhardPage SE and nHancer ,they were failed to running with GTX970M and GTX280 (both on windows 7) So please help me: Does any friend have the ability to integrate two versions of D3D8.DLL? Is there a tool like RivaTuner 2.24 that can modify the pixel shader version of the driver? Is there a friend who has the ability to modify the pixel shader version in the driver for modern graphics cards? (this come to a bad end:Rundll error:nvcpl.dll not win32 ....... maybe GTX970M too new to this old tools) ================================================ Some other information with DXDLL for OFP : To install, extract this archive to your Operation Flashpoint directory. Run dxdll/configurator.exe to configure, or edit the dxdll/config.cfg file with a text editor. Note! Do NOT copy the d3d8.dll into your windows system directory, doing so will break Direct3D from your system! Dxdll adds various effects to OFP, including postprocessing effects, reflective water and other enhancements. Postprocessing effects include hard light effect, desaturation effect and glare effect. For more information run the configu- rator. All postprocessing effects require a video card with at least pixel shader v1.1 support. Water reflections require environmental bumpmampping and render to texture support. Most effects and settings can also be changed with various in-game shortcuts, press the application key and'H' while playing for more information. When changing settings in-game, they are not saved into the configuration so if you want to do permanent changes you need to edit the configuration. Note that due to the way the DLL works, it is likely that there are compatibility problems with some video cards. If you encounter problems, try these procedures: -Disable some effects from the DXDLL configuration -Make sure HW T&L is enabled from OFP Preferences -Make sure multitexturing is enabled from video options -Try increasing the texture size settings from OFP Preferences -Try changing to 16bit or 32bit color -Decrease the hardware acceleration setting from windows display properties -Make sure you have the latest drivers installed for you video card To uninstall dxdll, remove the d3d8.dll file from OFP directory. -------------------------------------------------- ------- Known bugs -------------------------------------------------- ------- -Changing screen resolution will crash the game -Reflected objects appear "laggy" since they come from the last rendered frame -Glare fade effect often "burns" shapes into the image which do not disappear until bright objects come to view -Reflected objects are counted from farthest to nearest so when the reflected objects count limit is hit, objects near player will not be visible in the reflection -Reflected objects distance is relative to player's position, not the camera position, so when using 3rd person view or other external camera, reflected objects can appear wrong -Changes to OFP default textures, like changing the water texture, causes the dll not to recognise them and can cause some effect to not work properly. Help me about changing NVIDIA Driver/DirectX's Pixel Shader version to repair OFP night-time graphic -------------------------------------------------- ------- Credits -------------------------------------------------- ------- DXDLL is made by Kegetys <kegetys@dnainternet.net> and Feersum Endjinn <feersum@dnainternet.net> Includes code from the zlib library, Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Mark Adler
  10. Hi all, You'll not find too much topics about hashmap (see Halek's post) and I thought that could be useful to open this specific topic on this command group. Hashmap is a very powerful tool, not so difficult to script. You have full explanation on links but roughly, you're creating a table (hashmap) in which any call (get) for entry (key) is almost immediate and doesn't depend on the rank of what you're searching. The hashmap creation can take some times in process, as any other table creation. There is an added value if once in game you need to grab lines repetitively. I give you a little example: Let's say you want to grab compatibles mags for some primary weapons. There are different way for that. The first good question is to determine if you need these info repeatedly (for multiple units, events... as example): So, as practical example, for Arma vanilla (there are 376* primary weapons): 1st method (no need to create anything) use BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines (or similar ones): Let's test some primary Weapons in debug console performance button: "srifle_DMR_01_F" call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines; // found in 0,0243 ms: ["10rnd_762x54_mag"] "sgun_HunterShotgun_01_sawedoff_F" call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines; // found in 0,0316 ms: ["2rnd_12gauge_pellets","2rnd_12gauge_slug"] "arifle_MXM_Hamr_LP_BI_F" call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines // found in 0.0716ms: ["30rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","30rnd_65x39_caseless_khaki_mag","30rnd_65x39_caseless_black_mag","30rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_tracer","30rnd_65x39_caseless_khaki_mag_tracer","30rnd_65x39_caseless_black_mag_tracer","100rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","100rnd_65x39_caseless_khaki_mag","100rnd_65x39_caseless_black_mag","100rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_tracer","100rnd_65x39_caseless_khaki_mag_tracer","100rnd_65x39_caseless_black_mag_tracer"] So, each time you need these mags, you must call the function then wait for the result. The delay depends on multiple factors: rank in cfgWeapons, muzzles, mags... I guess Now, let's "prepare tables": First of all, primary weapons: primWpns = ("getNumber (_x/'type') == 1 && {getNumber (_x/'scope') == 2}" configClasses (configfile /"cfgWeapons")) apply {configName _x}; Note*: some weapons don't have picture in gear (inventory) but are playable. Scope =1. You can add them if needed. then: CompatibleMagsTable = primWpns apply {[_x, _x call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines]}; As result, you'll obtain something like: [["srifle_DMR_01_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]], ["srifle_DMR_01_ACO_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]], ["srifle_DMR_01_MRCO_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]], ["srifle_DMR_01_SOS_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]], ["srifle_DMR_01_DMS_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]], ["srifle_DMR_01_DMS_snds_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]], ["srifle_DMR_01_ARCO_F",["10rnd_762x54_mag"]],...and so on] Of course, it takes a long time (27 ms without any mod) to draw this table but you need to do that once, at mission start. So, that doesn't really matter in game. Then, during game: 2nd method - use the ready table finding the elements for the entry (weapon): CompatibleMagsTable select ( primWpns find "srifle_DMR_01_F") select 1 // found in 0.0009 ms CompatibleMagsTable select ( primWpns find "arifle_MXM_Hamr_LP_BI_F") select 1 // found in 0.038 ms CompatibleMagsTable select ( primWpns find "sgun_HunterShotgun_01_sawedoff_F") select 1 // found in 0.059 ms Truly, the result depends on the rank of the tested primary weapon inside the result for configClasses (primWpns). The code exits as soon as the weapon is found and there is no difficulty for grabbing the mags. BUT, if you compare the results for 1st and 2nd methods, is there a great added value in term of average performance ? Probably yes if your table is more complex, (with multiple things to grab for an entry)... Anyway, forget this 2nd method. Now, the core of the topic. Hashmaps are introduced since Arma 2.01. 3rd method - Let's create a hashMap, as we created a table above: Starting with the primary weapon classes as reference: primWpns = ("getNumber (_x/'type') == 1 && {getNumber (_x/'scope') == 2}" configClasses (configfile /"cfgWeapons")) apply {configName _x}; Now the hashmap where all these classes will be keys of entry: MGI_Hash_Mags = primWpns createHashMapFromArray (primWpns apply {_x call BIS_fnc_compatibleMagazines}); It's very similar to the former table and it takes also 27 ms for preparing it. But... Now you have a hashmap and you can call what you need like this: MGI_Hash_Mags get "srifle_DMR_01_F" // found in 0.0007 ms MGI_Hash_Mags get "arifle_MXM_Hamr_LP_BI_F" // found in 0.0007 ms MGI_Hash_Mags get "sgun_HunterShotgun_01_sawedoff_F" // found in 0.0011 ms Performance friendly isn't it? Have fun.
  11. I write this post cause i noticed JEmalloc was still avaible for year 2021, so read few post about Malloc and found ton of **** about it, like "i got a 50 fps boost...", or some result with YAAB, i didn't wrote this to put a bad review on YABB, (useful for graphical settings), but I think relying on YABB (vanilla) is not really the best solution to test allocators, especially since most players spend their time on Arma with various modes, heavy scripts.... and they are generally not playing for 2 minutes session. First here my result with YAAB : huge page 64bit.exe System Malloc = 31.2 Tbb Malloc = 31.3 JEmalloc = 31 NO huge page 64bit.exe System = 30.9 tbb Malloc = 31.2 JEmalloc = 30.7 32bit.exe System = 31 tbb Malloc = 32.2 JEmalloc = 30.6 So we cannot say that the results are conclusive because is simply impossible to notice any difference. So i made a test for more than 2 week by playing the same scenario, +/- 2hour session, we used this scenario "LIBERATION", ported to Tanoa with custom faction and added few custom user scripts... (Ai, TAW View distance...) So the mission by itslef is heavy scripted and we added more, the mission run on a dedicated server and we were 3 players, note : the perf server side was great. I make 2 session with each Malloc, i only used 64bit.exe/hugepage enabled, i have no idea if there a support for hugepage with system Malloc or JEMalloc, so maybe my test are not really accurate. TBB MALLOC : Everything goes well over a short time, the performances deteriorate over time, after 2h of games if I attack a big city (bigger objectives) the client FPS are abhorrent, I am forced to decrease the view distance under 300m. I didn't notice any stuttering or texture/object popping. Sytem MALLOC : FPS client side keep solid even after a long session, i always got this performance drop when triggering the big city, but its still playable at 500m viewdistance. Few micro stuttering when moving fast and sometimes texture popping. JEmalloc : FPS client side keep solid even after a long session, i always got this performance drop when triggering the big city, but its still playable at 500m viewdistance. No micro stuttering, but massive object popping when changing viewdistance. For exemple with TAW view distance script i can set up custom view distance on foot/car/air, my set up are 1200m on foot, 2000m in car, 4500 in air (object are sync with VD), so if i enter in a chopper and the VD switch from 1200 to 4500 i can see all the tree popping on the far away nude land, that only takes 1 or 2 sec. I’m not a very demanding person, and seeing trees gradually appear in the far away land when my viewing distance changes is not really a problem. After all this impression is purely personal, when I play a Arma its for a 2 or 3 hours session and I attach more importance to the general stability on long run than a short loading time of objects in the distance that takes les than 2 sec. So for my part the results with JEmalloc are pretty good. TBB is not bad at all, but it look like more perfect for a short session or a controled scenarion builded in eden editor. Conclusion TBB its an ugly woman with a ton of make-up that not last long 😉
  12. Hi, Originally I made this custom memory allocator as a fun project because I dreaded of slow A3 performance. Features 64-bit only custom memory allocator for Arma 3 Based on Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) 2018 Update 4 Large Page support Optimized for both AMD and Intel CPU with AVX/AVX2 Drop-in replacement for BI-provided TBB4 malloc How to install You can read the installation guide in the ZIP package. Notes Not BattlEye compatible. I only tested INTEL64 AVX2 binary on my own PC (i7-8750h with RTX 2070). I cant afford to test all binaries. As an unwanted side effect, some trainers/cheats will not working or crash if you use this custom memory allocator 😁 Performance could be better or worst. I am not responsible if something happens to your games or PC. I am not taking any profits or benefits from this. Virus-free: VirusTotal result (scanned with 60+ engines) . Only one false positive with one of the binaries, I already contacted the AV gave me false positive result. (fixed) Source code will be uploaded once I clean up the code (I built this long time ago and just recently dusting it up). If you have any question or report about this please contact me via this thread/forum or "spektykles" on official Arma 3 Discord server. I am all ears 😀 Download ZippyShare
  13. Sup! I want to ask what do you think about these two blocks of code, performance wise. It's a 'side process' on client that fires an event on a dedicated server. My first approach was using a spawn-while-loop, but after some research (https://ace3mod.com/wiki/development/arma-3-scheduler-and-our-practices.html) I want to try another approach. I'm using CBA_A3 by the way. Using spawn-while-loop: // from some other piece of code --> fwp_saveInterval = 30 [] spawn { while {true} do { ["FWP_EH_serverUnitSave", [player, getPlayerUID player]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; // skip interval sleep fwp_saveInterval; }; }; Using CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler: // from other piece of code --> fwp_saveInterval = 30 fwp_clientAutosavePFH = [ { ["FWP_EH_serverUnitSave", [player, getPlayerUID player]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; }, fwp_saveInterval, [] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; Thanks in advance 😄
  14. I do like to introduce a mod created by me to improve the performance or to use unused resources. This has been combined with the render/view distance. The Ideo behind this is: What about having constantly 60 FPS and a good render/view distance? Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1516607781 Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14SoIsXYNSXmUt0ABsgh3-9FAUFt7NCuc Well, let's say this mod is what you are looking for because of... 1st great view distance in air, 2nd high fps in cities like Kavala, 3rd greater view distance on hills or mountains, 4th balanced object render distance, 5th easy transitions from ground to air, like get on a helicopter without changing view distance manually This mod is all about performance and efficiency !ATTENTION! Using Vsync may cause a lower render distance Server Key is included! If you like this mod pay tribute by leaving a comment and vote/rate! I would be very grateful for feedback to keep improvement high! How to use the "Normal Mode" and change settings: 1. Start Arma 3 with this mod loaded. 2. Open the Video Settings Main Menu. 3. Set View Distance as your minimum render distance. 4. Set your prefered fps into the shadow distance field (only active when in Max Performance Mode) Your render distance is: On foot = inserted value In Ground Vehicle = inserted value * 1.5 In Air = inserted value * 2 In addition to this, your altitude above sea level is taken into account. To enter Max Performance Mode: Set the Object Render Distance to 500 If your View Distance is set to 500, set View Distance to 501. Check that Object Render Distance is still at 500! What is the "Max Performance Mode"? It allows you to define a minimum view distance for phases, on Foot, in Vehicle or in Air. This mode removes the factors 1.5 for Ground vehicles and 2.0 for Air. To enter it look at "To enter Max Performance Mode". Here is a video that shows mission test with the mod running in Max Performance Mode. Note for the mission: This is a heavily ai based mission, that holds up to 64 human player slots. In this mission are 200 friendly additional units facing thousands of rebels (Opfor and Independent). In a range of 700 meters, each (1400 km in total) are 300 to 400 Units minimum. Change Log: Update 27.09.2018 13:35 CET + Added FPS Settings for Max Performance Mode (Instructions at "How to use" section in the description!) Update 19.09.2018 20:10 CET * Improved rendering + Added a Max Performance Mode + Added adjustment via Arma 3 Render Settings Menu
  15. I know everyone is comparing Arma 3's Real Virtuality 4 engine performance to that of DayZ's Enfusion Engine but that is NOT a fair comparison by any means because: - Arma 3 has a far more complex Ai Ecosystem than the barebones Ai framework that DayZ currently has. - Arma 3 has far more assets and objects to support all its diverse maps, factions and ecosystems. - DayZ has a far more complex Lightning system. - DayZ has a fairly different Server-Client infrastructure. Clients feel smoother in DayZ just because much of the load is handled by the Server while on Arma 3 the Server and Client load (when hosting) is handled under the same system/core. The weird thing is that on players only Arma 3 servers (no Ai) such as the ones on most Life Servers I get the basically the same very high FPS I get on similarly sized DayZ servers (amount of players) which leads me to believe that under similar conditions (No Ai) both Engines run at about the same FPS even thou Enfusion uses more cores but in the end how players measure performance is by their FPS and not the resource utilization, and also it makes no sense to optimize the engine to use more cores but get no FPS improvements in the process. So my question is: Where are the real performance improvements of the long Enfusion engine development cycle if under similar conditions it performs exactly or perhaps only slightly better than the old one?
  16. Hi, Many authors are in quest of performance for Arma3, and some tools are already useful for that: garbage collector, dynamic simulation, simple objects... I was asking myself is there could be a way to skip the code(s) scouting for achievements (104 of them at this time). I guess the global gameplay stats (useless imho), then the engine, is waiting for some "events" like: Safely ejected from any compatible jet using an ejection seat. I'm aware of the added value for some personal challenge and the interest for some players trying to improve their own stats. On the other hand, it's a waste of code, even at low level engine, event handlers or else, to say the truth, for most of the authors of scenarios. So, the 2 cent question is: why not a launch and/or server parameter skipping all that hundred+ stuffs if this could improve, even slightly, the global performance? Thanks
  17. Hello everyone, I am currently doing two addons for myself and I encountered some problem in field test after everything made sense in editor. The mission I used to test involves a virtual arsenal at some point of the mission so that the player can customize their loadouts. However it would just stuck at the loading screen when I try to open the arsenal with the script on. I tried to run the mission without any mods and everything works fine, and when I only enable one script, the arsenal became accessible only that it will take much longer. Therefore my theory is that the while do script runs on each frame even when the loading screen is displayed and somehow severely affect the efficiency of the loading process. The problem is whether this can be avoided. The code structure I used for both addons: [] spawn { _varA = 0.0; _varB = 0.0; ... while {alive player} do { <Some code here> }; }; I understand that there may be a performance issue since my PC is really an old one, but it is obviously more ideal if the addon is more friendly to low-end devices. Thanks for any advice and sorry for my poor English.
  18. Greetings dear Arma 3 community! I'm looking for a good CPU for Arma 3 and I was thinking about getting the i5 7500... *****! My money won't allow me to buy that expensive CPU. Very very sad... So, maybe I'll just need to buy a cheaper one, maybe a very good i3? :) What do you think? i3 7100, i3 7300 or is it going to be i5 7400 if I can steal some money from the K-Market (just a joke) ? This is also my very first PC that I've build myself. I'm desperate... I will buy the ASUS nVidia GTX 1050 ti 2GB Expedition graphics card. Is i3 7300 better than the i3 7300? Please help me. Thanks in advance! :)
  19. Hello everyone. Currently I'm working on a mission which uses lots of "setVariables" for AI, and if a unit dies, it is deleted and a new unit is spawned instead (I have to use setVariable because it's hard to track all these variables using an array or something). That makes me wonder if these variables are now deleted or not. Basically a single unit could spawn a dozen times, and there could be as many as 50+ AI at any time in the game, which means lots of variables are constantly created, and thus slowing down the mission and consuming unnecessary RAM. If that's the case and the variables keep piling up, does setting them to nil (_unit setVariable ["SomeVar", nil]) help circumvent the issue? P.S: The variables are relatively large in size, and most of them are arrays.
  20. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T130564 Already posted on feedback, post on reddit and forum for visibility. I found a way to reproduce this bug with low fps, even if literally nothing is happening and map is empty. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124746 One of the biggest reason why its happen is bug with “ssAdv”. Even after I delete everything from map, I still have low fps (40 from 120 at start) and everyone on the server, until they restart their clients or just randomly fps goes instantly to normal. I think that everyone encounter it, because it happened after every firefight. Fps suddenly drops, and goes down with every minute. Sometimes after some time it goes back to normal fps, or “just enough”. EDIT: WORKS ONLY ON SERVER! Probably cause is sounds are not cleared on clients. steps to reproduce: 1. Download mission file from first link (works fine with mods/ vanilla, same results) 2. Play scenario in eden / on dedicated server. Bots will spawn after 15 seconds. 3. Wait until bot counter reaches 1000-2000 (best way to force it to happen early, it could take some time. Just leave game with camera pointing at every bot. No worries, only spawn max 40 bots at same time. I think this could be skipped to just 100-200 bots and fps should go to lower values too.) 4. Watch your fps goes from 120 at start, 60 from spawning bots to 20-40 after couple of minutes 5. Stop spawning script when you see 20-30 fps (in my case, depends on PC), delete every bot from map with this command (exec it on server): testing = false; {deleteVehicle _x}forEach allDeadMen; {deleteVehicle _x}forEach vehicles; {deleteVehicle _x}forEach allUnits; 6. Watch your fps stay at similar fps that was with bots, and goes to lower values with each minute. 7. If you have “profiling - Performance Profiling Build” enabled, use command: diag_captureFrame 24; and see what causes it. https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/8rdfag/arma_3_low_fps_and_degrade_over_time_because_of/
  21. A new system called Dynamic Simulation has been sitting on Dev-Branch for some time. In short: it's a tool that can be used to selectively control object and unit simulation based on player and enemy presence. Due to the nature of the system, it cannot be used everywhere on everything. Some scenarios might heavily profit from Dynamic Simulation, whereas some might not be able to use it at all. The Dynamic Simulation is still in the testing and tuning stage. Its core functionality is done, along with the Eden Editor implementation. It is now being tested and tuned in real scenarios. To get more information about the system, how it works, how to set it up and how to properly use it, please refer to the documentation: HERE We would gladly welcome constructive feedback, so please read the documentation, give it a try, and share your notes. If you can provide real use-cases of Dynamic Simulation (i.e. attaching a mission where you are trying to use it), it will greatly increase the overall feedback value. Thanks, Bohemia Interactive, Team Mike
  22. Hi guys. I want to create a healing script using Hold Actions. I was wondering which method is best performance-wise. 1. Adding the hold actions to all individual units, with a straightforward conditionShow (see the Hold actions description): "alive _target && _target distance _this < 5 && getDammage _target > 0" in the above code, _target is the unit the action is attached to and _this is the caller (i.e player). Also, the action is removed every time it's added, so it might be applied to each unit multiple times during a game session. This code is simple if added to just one unit. However, there will be too many of these if there are lots of units (I'm aiming for +60!). 2. Adding only one action and to the player, but modifying the conditionShow as follows: "call {_units = applicableUnits select {alive _x && _x distance _target < 5 && ([visiblePosition _target, getDir _target, 60, visiblePosition _x] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector) && (getDammage _x > 0)}; if (count _units > 0) then {_unit = _units select 0; _target setVariable ['target', _unit]; true} else {false}}" in the above code, _target is the same as the caller (i.e player), and applicableUnits is an array of applicable units! The reason for adding the "target" variable is here: This code is obviously more demanding, especially if it's run on each frame (which I'm assuming it is).
  23. Does PhysX have a specific process or .exe in windows that can be set to execute on a specific core?
  24. Server spec: Xeon X5675 2 cores 8GB Ram 100Mbps connection Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Firewall is close Mission config: 45 players slots based on Malden map, add couple of stuff such like:helicopter, building, vehicle, jet craft. Mods: ACE CBA Red Hammer MCC 4 3CB Equipment TADST performance setting: Maxmsgsend 768 MaxSizeGuaranteed 800 MaxSizeNonguaranteed 400 Maxbandwidth: 100mbit/s Minbandwidth: 1280kbit/s MinErrorToSend=0.004; MinErrorToSendNear=0.04 Maximum Custom File Size=240KB maxPacketSize=2000 HT is Enalbed The first problem is about client connection, few users are stock at “ loading missiong data” screen, the loading bar is stop, even no one is in the server, they just can’t pass the loading progress. Some one can change the player slot to sovle it, but 2-3 guys are never success. Second is about lag, after learned this subject:https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/147591-tutorial-server-bandwidth-optimisation/, I figure out our server can carry at least 64 player above. But when the player number overtake 20, all players get serious lag in the server. I think it’s not about Mods part, We have another server has same Mods, it's have no connection issue, but that one has just only 20Mbps banwidth, so 20 players will cause to lag. I really have no idea for it, anyone can help for this?
  25. Dear Arma community, Previously i've shared all my knowledge and information on ACE3 Sniper Tutorial & Specifications of all Military Sniper Rifles in BI Offtopic forum (attached below): Now I'd like to share some reasearch i just made related to Arma 3 rifles performance. Yes i did some thorough analysis on the precision & accuracy of Arma 3 Rifles (vanilla & mods). I tried to measure their performance by analyzing their shot-group (bullet dispersion) just like real snipers determine the accuracy of their guns. I shot 40-shot group at their zero range (100 m) and 40-shot group at their maximum effective range. Then i calculated the analysis using a Gun Precision Calculator called "TARAN" to determine the in-game rifle's true precision & accuracy. Then I compared the in-game precision to real-life precision to see if the in-game rifles are overpowered or not. There are 5 Types of Rifles based on their Precision level: 1) Benchrest Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0 MoA – 0.09 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 0 MoA - 0.23 MoA (0.00 inch - 0.23 inch at 100 yard) 2) Precision Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0.1 MoA – 0.3 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 0.25 MoA - 0.76 MoA (0.25 inch - 0.76 inch at 100 yard) 3) Sniper Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0.4 MoA - 0.6 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 1.00 MoA - 1.53 MoA (1.00 inch - 1.53 inch at 100 yard) 4) Designated Marksman Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0.7 MoA – 0.9 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 1.78 MoA - 2.30 MoA (1.78 inch - 2.30 inch at 100 yard) 5) Assault/Battle Rifle --> Circular Error Probable ≥ 1 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is bigger than 2.54 MoA (2.54 inch at 100 yard) here's all the videos & their analysis. Sorry for not narrating the videos coz i don't got time :( Please check them all out & tell me if you think these rifles are overpowered or underpowered or spot on (in terms of Precision & Accuracy). Let's start the discussion, shall we? :D ==================================================================================================================== CheyTac M200 Intervention Precision & Accuracy of M200 Intervention in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIamtvMXlQRVZRVk0 Precision & Accuracy of M200 Intervention in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMkpsblJXLURuTVU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMFFKS0ZoWEN5c1U/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! CheyTac M200 Intervention (vanilla gun) with CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo --> ======================================================================================================================== AI AWM L115A3 Precision & Accuracy of AI AWM L115A3 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIU2dpZjc3Y0JFNzA Precision & Accuracy of AI AWM L115A3 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITGwybXB6dXdZWWM/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZUk5R0ZnRzVzZ3c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! AI AWM L115A3 (from Dagger mod) with Berger 300 gr Hybrid OTM ammo --> =========================================================================================================================== Remington M2010 ESR & MSR Precision & Accuracy of Remington MSR & M2010 ESR in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIY0lKVDAtLUx4UjQ Precision & Accuracy of Remington MSR & M2010 ESR in Reality --> MSR --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIczd5eWoxWlRzb0E/view ESR --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIQlpRX3FiV3RkazQ bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability: MSR --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQm5oMnJ3emhSd0k/view ESR --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxITlB6TVVhYlBTYU0 Conclusion --> VERY SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! Remington MSR & M2010 ESR (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M118LR ammo --> =============================================================================================================== Remington M24 SWS Precision & Accuracy of M24 SWS in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIYlZEWXdxYmhsZTQ Precision & Accuracy of M24 SWS in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIX1ZCWUJua0VLNnc/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITThKQ3BGUEZQa28/view Conclusion --> VERY SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Remington M24 SWS (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> ================================================================================================================ USMC M40A5 Precision & Accuracy of M40A5 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIUklqMWVITDVBTTA Precision & Accuracy of M40A5 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIYjF1SUVUM1JtNUE/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ0VhRWE4ZndQVXM/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED (when using Match ammo)! & OVERPOWERED (when using standard ammo)! USMC M40A5 (from Dagger mod) with M118LR ammo --> ============================================================================================================== PGM Hecate 2 Precision & Accuracy of PGM Hecate 2 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIQ1BRV3lHYU1sV2M Precision & Accuracy of PGM Hecate 2 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISHNyRGt0bHZ4MGM/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIamlaa0h4TFcxRVk/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! PGM Hecate 2 (from R3F mod) with Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo --> ================================================================================================================= Remington M24A2 Precision & Accuracy of M24A2 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIU1REXzRQZkp6STA Precision & Accuracy of M24A2 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRDExVDRnSjhiXzQ/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITUxRNXlhUnR4NlU/view Conclusion --> OVERPOWERED! Remington M24A2 (from Dagger mod) with MK248 mod 0 ammo --> =================================================================================================================== AK12 Precision & Accuracy of AK12 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIQnJqV1R5MDV3Z0U Precision & Accuracy of AK12 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRk8wUFVZMG1yR2M/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIckx1LTQ5VURxZW8/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! AK12 (from Massi mod) with 7N6M ammo --> ============================================================================================================== AK74M Precision & Accuracy of AK74M in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIRkhCSUFmR18wZWM Precision & Accuracy of AK74M in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIVF9fcWdhX2JacUU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIcVJaenFWT1BqMnM/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! AK74M (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with 7N6M ammo --> ============================================================================================================= M4A1 Precision & Accuracy of M4A1 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxISEFZSHRKSzVvaWM Precision & Accuracy of M4A1 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIbVlNN3U2RGliVjQ/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIajRNQVdlQV91OGM/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! Colt M4A1 (from Massi mod) with M855 ammo --> ============================================================================================================= M16A4 Precision & Accuracy of M16A4 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIMFpYMXcwc3czOWM Precision & Accuracy of M16A4 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIbHNwYVNuWmM5ZkU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIR2h3OTVNM3RXRUk/view Conclusion --> VERY OVERPOWERED! Colt M16A4 (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M855 ammo --> =============================================================================================================== Dragunov SVDS Precision & Accuracy of Dragunov SVDS in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIZzRhNl92cFBXZmM Precision & Accuracy of Dragunov SVDS in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIS09BNU5sc3B1Uzg/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUlVVa29ZQ0x6SzQ/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! Dragunov SVDS (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with 7N1 ammo --> =============================================================================================================== Lee Enfield No.4 Precision & Accuracy of Lee Enfield in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIaEo0ak9fbkxuQ2M Precision & Accuracy of Lee Enfield in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZVBjcDhnWkp2d2s/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIX0J3M2dzWWVXZ0E/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Lee Enfield No.4 (from Massi mod) with Mark VII ammo --> =============================================================================================================== KAC SR25 Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxINV92REFfTWlPREU Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIbTI1djJXTlY0dFE/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! KAC SR-25 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> =============================================================================================================== USMC SAM-R Precision & Accuracy of SAM-R in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIVmlacnV5bHBXYzA Precision & Accuracy of SAM-R in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQkp0eEpfU29RSkk/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIaDRmcENBckNzZVE/view Conclusion --> OVERPOWERED! USMC SAM-R (from Robert Hammer mod) with MK262 mod 1 ammo --> =============================================================================================================== KAC SR25 Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIVlpmcXc0UFlwZUU Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIOWlTV29BRF9RR28/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! KAC SR-25 (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M118LR ammo --> ================================================================================================================== KAC M110 Precision & Accuracy of M110 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIb05JdGl1blZYdFk Precision & Accuracy of M110 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIeGNwWUc5S0FHNXM/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUHFsTWpKQ2JDMEk/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! KAC M110 (from Robert Hammer mod) with M118LR ammo --> =================================================================================================================== Remington 700 Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIZFVTME5MWEtnQjg Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIYWR4WUhpX2owRlk/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISGE5LVktMk5KakU/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Custom Remington 700 in 7 mm Rem Mag (from Dagger mod) with Berger 180 gr VLD ammo --> =================================================================================================================== Remington 700 Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIZE5EalpiWVVVbW8 Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQkdIVWhRTWx4Z1E/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIS0dMdl9sM0dOX2c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Custom Remington 700 in 5.56x45 mm NATO (from Dagger mod) with Berger 90 gr VLD ammo --> ==================================================================================================================== NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR Precision & Accuracy of MK12 mod 1 SPR in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIOTVCTklFajY3Zms Precision & Accuracy of MK12 mod 1 SPR in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINGV2Z2k5X3UzSkU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINjhiZjhEdkZZbkE/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR (from Robert Hammer mod) with MK262 mod 1 ammo --> ==================================================================================================================== KAC SR25 Precision & Accuracy of KAC SR-25 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxINVVXZzRYSGIzR0U Precision & Accuracy of KAC SR-25 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUl9STHltUTFXSm8/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! KAC SR-25 (from Robert Hammer mod) with M118LR ammo --> =================================================================================================================== Barrett M107 Precision & Accuracy of M107 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIM1FLQ2hycUNrWDg Precision & Accuracy of M107 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISkZjQWwtbjJoWHc/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ3NDa3FRRXBIMG8/view Conclusion --> VERY OVERPOWERED! Barrett M107 (from Massi mod) with MK211 mod 0 Raufoss ammo --> ================================================================================================================= KAC M110 Precision & Accuracy of KAC M110 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIYm96ZnhlUEVUSkk Precision & Accuracy of KAC M110 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIVDV3bEQwbGgtR0k/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUHFsTWpKQ2JDMEk/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! KAC M110 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> =========================================================================================================== H&K HK417 Precision & Accuracy of H&K HK417 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIb2xSQlpCUFNEcEU Precision & Accuracy of H&K HK417 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRFFUdDdpdUo4Tkk/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIWEtrc2llbXFaeDg/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! H&K HK417 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> ======================================================================================================= Here's all my "Arma 3 Rifles Precision & Accuracy Analysis" --> Here's my video channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZpuRmlNlAhAgha9zthbw it's a non-commercial channel exclusively all about Arma 3 ACE3 Sniper videos. i always put all the complete weapon specification & ballistics analysis in the video description. i hope you all can learn long range precision shooting from that channel. Please share all the knowledge with other!!! coz knowing is half the battle ;)