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  1. Hello, community! 🙂 I have tried to create a mod with units using Drongo's Config Generator. I know how it works and I have created some mods already. What I want to share is an issue when I made my last mod. I have used this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124966491 for the uniforms and also Contact's Spetsnaz units, as my units should be Russians. I have tried the mod afterwards and only the uniforms are the CSAT vanilla (default) ones instead of the Russian variants. I have tried several times and I have got the same error every time, no matter if you units are from the F1 faction menu or the F2 groups menu. What could cause this problem? Thank you in advance! 🙂 🍻
  2. Hi. How can I add requiredAddons to a mod? I know it should be added to the config.bin (or .cpp) and I know the structure should be something like this: class CfgPatches { class My_Mod { units[] = { }; weapons[] = { }; requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers"}; version = "0.993"; versionStr = "0.993"; versionDesc= "My Mod"; versionAr[] = {1,0,0}; author[] = {"Me"}; }; }; But I don't know where you get the name of the required mod from. For example, in the above code I don't know where the name "CBA_Extended_EventHandlers" comes from. (I know what it is though!) Can someone please explain it to me?
  3. Hey guys, I've created a faction here, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023072593, but the BDRM and most vehicles have no gunner. I've check the config files and it has the Main turret crewed, but it does not have a gunner turret. IDK if that's how its suppose to look or.. if you check the faction, all the vehicles that are suppose to have gunner seats do not. Please help, Thanks.
  4. Hello everyone To begin, I want to apologize in advance for my English, I am French with a small level of vocabulary, helped by Google Translate. I request your help for the French server that I am finalizing. I got the Invade & Annex mission from Ahoy World and I am facing a small texture problem. Indeed, I created my own textures in a mod but as the server will be public and therefore accessible without mod I apply the standard textures of the game and the rgb colors. So I entered the textures to apply with and without mods in the Functions \ Vehicle \ fn_vsetup02.sqf file and when I connect with the mods, the standard textures are applied. When I launch the server side mod, the moded texture appears as it should but when I reconnect without the mod, the standard textures are not loaded and therefore the vehicles no longer have bodywork. Extract of the code: private _vehicle = _this select 0; if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {}; private _vehicleType = typeOf _vehicle; [_vehicle] spawn AW_fnc_vehicleInventory; _vehicle lock 0; //=============vehicle specific FBCTexture = isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "RETEXTURE_CE"); if (FBCTexture) then { switch (_vehicleType) do { case "B_Truck_01_flatbed_F": { //HMTT Plateau _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "\RETEXTURE_CE\Data\HEMTT\truck_01_ext_01_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "\RETEXTURE_CE\Data\HEMTT\truck_01_ext_02_co.paa"]; }; }; } else { switch (_vehicleType) do { case "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F": { //Gorgon _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext2_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\rcws30_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [3, "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\APC_Wheeled_03\Data\apc_wheeled_03_ext_alpha_co.paa"]; }; }; }; What I would therefore like is that when I connect with my mod, the moded textures appear but when someone connects without the mods, it is the standard textures that apply. In addition, when the vehicle is destroyed and must reappear, the texture must be correctly reapplied to the vehicle depending on whether the player has the mods or not. I know it works locally but I can't seem to find the solution. I have attached the Invade & Annex file to you as an attachment Thank you in advance for your help !
  5. Hello everyone! I am from China and I will show you an item and I am using a translator!😥 Cruise missile module. This module allows you to create a controllable cruise missile. It can enable radar and thermal imaging, and only requires simple settings to launch. Even if this module is not loaded by some players, but the user loads it, players who have not loaded the module can still see the missile! image: https://imgur.com/QxgHcWa https://imgur.com/ui6RdlW https://imgur.com/bCPmb8F https://imgur.com/6JZAewo https://imgur.com/aRgRsT7 https://imgur.com/2LwOc68 https://imgur.com/lVRPzqI https://imgur.com/lXckkhW Instructions: Create a cruise missile call DESTINY_fnc_createMenu; Create a cruise missile directly from the fixed wing [0] call DESTINY_fnc_Launch; Create a cruise missile directly [1] call DESTINY_fnc_Launch; Bind VLS silo Launch from silo Object addEventHandler ["Fired", { [2,_this # 6] call DESTINY_fnc_Launch; }]; YouTube: YouTube video download: STEAM missions example Google Drive download Google hard drive
  6. GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod , will spawn explosive objects , mainly indoors. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod , will spawn explosive objects , mainly indoors. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players , to prevent the spawn. The objects will spawn also , at the spawned or placed in editor Buildings. There is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40411 Armaholic GF Explosive Objects Script - Mod
  7. NoSirIamNotaLobster

    Problem with taking off

    So i got this problem taking off where the plane would 'bump' (like hitting an invisible rock or something) on the runway when reaching certain speed making it impossible to takeoff. It occurs on RHS's Tu-95, TeTeTe3's Su-35 and PAK FA (forgot the author's name) , some Sabs' aircraft, HAFM but vanilla aircrafts doesn't seem to be affected including Jets DLC planes. I dont think its because of the runway terrain because i tried it on altis, stratis,and virtual garage all with the same result. Does anybody have the same issue or.. is it just me? Original https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/212258-problem-taking-off/ Decided to move it here from troubleshooting thanks to suggestions and how it affects only modded planes and i'm a noob in forums Thanks guys, appreciate every help.
  8. oOKexOo


    Achilles Deprecation Notice Achilles is no longer under active development by the core dev team. Please check out Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) instead. Note that you can still create pull requests, which will be bundled and released as updates if accepted. Description Achilles is a gameplay modification for Arma 3. It expands the Zeus real-time editor with many new additions as well as provides bug fixes. Achilles started as an expansion to Ares mod, which was created by Anton Struyk. Achilles became the de facto successor to Ares at the point the latter was no longer updated. Achilles has already grown into a splendid project, but new additions are still to come! Table of Contents Features Language Localization Getting Started Installing Required Addons Incompatible Addons Optional Addons Other Zeus Addons Documentation Reporting Issues, Requesting Features and Changes How to Contribute Basic Steps Setting up Your Local Development Environment Add a New Module Add a Translation Authors Contact License Features Visual changes to the Zeus interface Tons of new modules: ACE Medical (e.g. heal, injury; also work in vanilla!) AI Behaviour (e.g. animations, garrison buildings, surrender) Arsenal (e.g. add/modify) Buildings (e.g. destruction, breachable doors) Development Tools (e.g. execute code, config/function viewer) Environment (e.g. advanced weather, earthquakes) Equipment (e.g. toggle tac light) Fire Support (e.g. artillery, suppressive fire) Objects (e.g. attach to, toggle simulation, IEDs) Reinforcements (e.g. spawn reinforcements on the fly) Scenario Flow (e.g. advanced intel, side relations) Spawn (e.g. custom compositions, smoke pillar, USS Freedom) Zeus (e.g. add/remove objects) Extended attribute window: Groups (e.g. careless, hold fire) Vehicles (e.g. cargo, pylons, garage, damage wheels) etc. New waypoint types: e.g. seek and destroy, paradrop, sling load Hotkeys: Copy/past units including the full loadouts Remote control etc. Customizations: Settings (e.g. faction filter) Language Localization Achilles is available for the following languages: English French German Japanese Russian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese If your language is not on the list, the English localization will be used. We welcome any new translations (check out How to Contribute). Getting Started Below is what you need to know to get Achilles up and running: Installing Required Addons Incompatible Addons Optional Addons Other Zeus Addons Installing You can download Achilles from: GitHub Steam Workshop Armaholic If you are not familiar with installing ArmA 3 addons, check out the Armaholic installation guide. Required Addons Achilles requires: Arma 3 Community Based Addons A3 (CBA_A3) Incompatible Addons Addons that you should not run when you use Achilles: Ares Optional Addons These mods below are required for certain features (e.g. fast-roping): Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) Advanced Rappeling (AR) Task Force Arrowhead Radio (TFAR) Other Zeus Addons A list of other Zeus mods that are not required, but nice additions: Zeus/Eden Compositions (ZEC) Zeus/Eden Compositions for CUP (ZECCUP) Zeus/Eden Interiors (ZEI) Documentation Check out the Achilles Wiki and the Achilles Tutorial Series on YouTube. The documentation is rather limited at the time and thus, you will certainly have questions. We will gladly answer them on our Discord server. Reporting Issues, Requesting Features and Changes Please use our Issue Tracker for these kinds of purposes. In the case of a bug report, please only use a minimal set of mods (i.e. only use other mods than the required ones if they are clearly related to the issue). How to Contribute We always welcome contribution to the repository and thank you for your work! We will update the list of contributors. What you need to know: Basic Steps Setting up Your Local Development Environment Add a New Module Add a Translation Basic Steps Fork the Achilles repository Set up your local development environment Do your stuff Create your pull request And then we will have a look at your work! Setting up Your Local Development Environment Clone your forked repository Set up your addon builder (either get Hephaestus or use the AchillesAddonBuilder.bat in the repository) Add a New Module A good starting point for your new module is the custom module framework. We will gladly help you to port your custom module to Achilles (message us on our Discord server). Add a Translation You have to edit the stringtable.xml. The basics about string tables can be found on the Bohemia Interactive Wiki. If you don't want to edit the file with a text editor, you can use a dedicated tool such as Tabler. Authors Check out the list of contributors. Contact Find us on our Discord server. License Achilles is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
  9. I've just begun modding in Arma 3, after someone approached me and asked me to help him with modding in a beret that didn't exist anywhere on the workshop yet, I did everything as he asked me to and followed closely Arma 3's limitations (10k triangles at most, no smooth shading, all triangles, taken from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Modding_Characters). I used Blender to model the beret and managed to export it into a P3D file, then I exported its texture in a PAA file, then I created its icon and saved it as a PAA file, too. The problems began with the config file. I used a tutorial for a steel tube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxiwU94zwjg&) first, and actually spawned it in the game, it appeared in my inventory, but it didn't exist once I dropped it onto the ground, I thought that's just because I didn't add a line to the config, I don't think it's important so I ignored it Then I found an actual config file for a headgear (from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide#Headgear_configuration) and I thought if I just changed up some things it'd work good enough. After I was done modifying that config file and got the mod working the game wouldn't let me spawn the beret in. I didn't get any debug messages, nothing. The beret just wouldn't spawn in my inventory, as if it didn't exist in the first place. Now I know this is a long post, but I feel like I needed explained my whole "adventure", so that maybe someone gets an idea of what the problem might be. Here's the mod file if you want to check it out https://github.com/Kalimedes/Mod
  10. Hello, I've been thinking about a possible MOD for Arma 3 that could really produce some butt-clenching, heart pounding, gameplay moments. It's heavily inspired on the Battle Royale mod which is dying out sadly, and there's some MMO elements in them too. Anyways, I've made a small presentation that explains the idea better: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LYfntb3MyRWQUp3Eyju9cyEopTPzSF_dRzpS99TxcvE/edit?usp=sharing I'm no developer, my goal with this post is to just 'test the water' and see if there is some interest in a game mod like this. Secondly if someone can enlighten me on how much work creating a minimal viable prototype of this MOD would take, or point me in the general direction of someone that can help me get this going, that would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you! best regards
  11. Anyone looking for a potential fix, simply remove the MCC mod (if you're running it). This removes the following 2 errors: [BIS_fnc_activateAddons] The function can be activated only through the mission init [BIS_fnc_moduleCurator] Curator owner not defined, player used instead in single player See below for further details: https://github.com/shaygman/MCC_sandbox_modDev/issues/60
  12. UPDATE! v4 - current version * I added a new inbetween animation for crouched movement with weapon up, in order to fix the massive jerking you experience when going from side to side. * edited the weapon up running (not tactical pace) so it still shows the crosshairs, just something I found annoying. Now that stance has a reason to exist. * added an OPTIONAL XEH script that increases the animation speed by 12.5% The addon is in the Optional folder. REQUIRES CBA! v2.3 * NOW WORKING! edition. Thanks to the help of good folks at the arma discord I managed to fix all the bugs and errors. Hopefully it all works fine now. v2.2 * fixed yet another fuckup with caused to you to ice skate around when you wanted to sprint. Sorry for the spotty release folks, it was hard to fish out all the stuff from that massive config and some stuff got broken in the process. v2.1 * fixed massive fuckup I made, with pretty much prevented previous version from working at all v2 The mod was completely redone from the ground up. Now it only edits the animations in places that needed the changes and no longer overwrites all of the vanilla animations. This means it should be compatible with any updates or changes BIS makes. I know its how it supposed to be from the start, but it was really time consuming and difficult to fish out the animations from the massive config file. ------ Hello! I have been trying to make the arma animations feel a bit less rough and more in line with standard FPS feeling. I was partially successful, I changed the minimal play time requirement to 0 and enabled step blending for pretty much all movement animations. This resulted in much smoother feeling, especially when changing movement direction very quickly. For the most part the feeling of lost control for a moment is greatly reduced. However one of the biggest issues remains. For some reason when changing movement direction from left to right, or similar, Arma goes like this: left > stopped > stopped player idle > right Its fast, but it still results in some pretty janky movement. I tried removing interpolation from left and right to stopped. It worked surprisingly well, but side movement interpolled into forward and back resulting with player character inching forward or back when stopping during side movement. If anyone knows how to deal with that I would welcome any help. DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ln87i6d8fonf8ms/@Smoother Animations v4.zip Good news everyone! After some hackjob animation editing I have managed to inject a custom transition animation that prevents that massive jerk when going from side to side. Currently testing out the settings to reduce any unwanted behavior, but it all looks very promising. I even made a quick preview/comparison video: 00:00 - 00:43 Vanilla Arma 3 00:44 - 01:24 Smoother animations mod testing Massive shoutout and thanks to HorribleGoat and Torndeco from discord for helping me out with this.
  13. HptFw. MoinxDGamer

    Boat sits on top of the water

    I can't get the hull of my boat to be in the water. It just sits above the surface. Can you help me?
  14. GF Auto Loot with userconfig by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Auto Loot with userconfig , will detect the enable Mods , without editing lists. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: To install GF Auto Loot with userconfig , you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded. Please visit the Arma 3 Mod install instructions page for more information about using custom mods and addons in Arma 3. Place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually: "C:\Program Files (x64)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3". You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons and/or mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: This mod , is including a userconfig folder. The userconfig folder , must be in the main arma 3 game folder. Inside the userconfig folder , are the settings. To make changes in the userconfig , you need to close the game. GF Auto Loot with userconfig , will detect the enabled Mods , without editing lists. There are 4 options available : 1 = Load every Mod + Bohemia Items , 2 = Load every Mod - No Bohemia Items , 3 = Load Bohemia Items Only , 4 = Custom items only There is a Possibility option available. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players , to prevent the loot from spawn. The loot will spawn also , at the spawned or placed in editor Buildings. More information inside the Settings.sqf It is also posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v3.1 Fixed , working now also on Dedicated , with auto init.  v3.0 A lot of the previous code is reedited. Added option for the spawned items number. Code optimization. v2.0 It is possible to add your custom item list. There are 4 options available : 1 = Load every Mod + Bohemia Items , 2 = Load every Mod - No Bohemia Items , 3 = Load Bohemia Items Only , 4 = Custom items only Changed the codes for the search of the configs. Minor Fixes. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40300 Armaholic GF Auto Loot with userconfig
  15. Hi Community ! I'm happy (and a bit proud) to present my work : Macaco's mod… A mod everyday ""work in progress"... for now 9 modules... - AI Reaction (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) With this module you can activate the "hearing" of the AI, which will hear you when you speak with TASK FORCE RADIO - Timer (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module you can activate a timer, based on the DAYTIME variable (totally rewritten) - FollowMe (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to enable an ACE interaction menu that allows the player to have some AI commands run: *follow me *stop *lying *stand up * go up to the nearest vehicle * wears protective clothing (helmet + harness) * handcuffing (use a band) *to free - "Logistic Vehicle" module. (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module (can be synchronized with just one faction vehicle) it is possible to create a logistic vehicle for refueling / resetting and vehicle repair ... Also you can use an AI that "simulates" the repair of the vehicle but that if killed will make subsequent repairs impossible ... - "Earthquake" (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows to create earthquakes with destructive areas; the intensity of the earthquake is adjustable ... - Module "HQ" (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) The module allows you to create an HQ vehicle with different features: * Equip the vehicle with aeronautical radio with 40km range (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle (in the inventory) with UAV backpack (Darter), batteries and terminal (depending on faction) * Equip the vehicle with an omnidirectional radio disturbance antenna (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle with a directive antenna (movable) to increase the range / power of the radio (Task Force Radio) -"Sounds Of War" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to create areas with war sound effects and possibly (real) explosions and light flares, useful for example to delimit areas game recreating a more realistic situation ... -"Supplies" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to request a supply case, with a virtual arsenal set by the editor. The module is equipped with various options for operating dynamics. -"Watch" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to activate a clock (with graphic interface) that creates two alarms, publishes useful variables for triggers and executes sqf files at the end of alarms .... - "Advanced Stamina" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) (feat. Hollywood) This module manages advanced stamina, adding the possibility of drinking, eating, etc ... Note for those who used the previous mod "Advanced Stamina Mod": Edit the missions with the old mod and then re-insert the modules with Macaco's Mod ON STEAM WORKSHOP: Macaco's mod ON YOU TUBE: Macaco's Channel (Tutorials) SECONDO REGGIMENTO INCURSORI ( 2RGT ) : http://www.secondoreggimento.it/
  16. Hello, I'd like to announce a project that my team has been hard at work with: Fields of Glory: 1861 - 1865. This is a historical conversion mod for Arma 3 that transforms the game into an American Civil War game, with muskets and cannons, line infantry and long-range cannon artillery. It's just three of us now working on this big undertaking, but we're always looking for new talent to help us with 3d modelling, terrain building, uniform designing, programming and scripting, etc. If you are interested in joining the team, please message me. Keep in mind that this mod is in early stages of development. Thank you! -J. Woody WIP images of Springfield musket:
  17. In short, I made a faction mod by using Drongo's Config Generator to create new units based on units from other mods and official platform updates. I took the faction mod config file into Notepad++ and edited it to add editor subcategories for my units to help improve organization and scenario compatibility. One problem remained: many of my units did not appear under the category of my faction in 3DEN or Zeus (though some arbitrarily did). Instead, they appear under the subcategory I assigned them, but under the faction category that the unit I had built them upon belonged to. This includes infantry, vehicles, turrets, and other such hardware. Squads and groups appear to function fine. In order to solve this, we went into the configs and added a class editorCategory under the same display name as the faction, then assigned this category to all the units in cfgVehicles. they all appeared, neat and organized, as desired. This for some reason broke compatibility with the Reinforcements Module of Achilles, and now my faction no longer appears under the Vehicle Faction selection dialogue, although it still appears under the squad selection dialogue for the same module. Since Achilles reinforcements only handles infantry in the form of groups, I think the issue at hand is not limited to only vehicles, but all units under cfgVehicles including infantry and others. Just as well, in cfgVehicles, all the units are assigned to my faction, and should be appearing under the appropriate category, but don't. There is no issue with selecting the faction as a playable faction in scenarios like Dynamic Recon Ops, and if the classname for the faction were somehow wrong in the config files, I would be getting all kinds of errors. This leads me to believe that, somehow, there is an issue with my units inheriting the faction editor categories of the factions their base units originated from. This is strange, because unless a unit can somehow belong to more than one faction simultaneously, they should not be inheriting these classes and the original faction category should be completely overriden by the new one. I am ready to provide photographic examples as necessary for clarification, and my config as well.
  18. EDIT: this description is waaayyy outdated, I ,alas, have been very lazy with documenting all it can do... Best way to know everything it has to offer is to read the changelog of releases which I DO keep up to date and documented. One day I promise I will document everything....😉 MRH Milsim Tools is a mod aimed at expanding the possibilities of scenarios for milsim units, as well as adding permanent features to missions. It is first and foremost meant to be used in milsim scenarios in multiplayer. Though some features will still work in SP, a lot of them will not behave properly in a single player environment. Please also note that a lot of the mod's features are built around the premise that most milsim units send dead players to a 'respawn bunker' from which they cannot escape until the end of the mission. So when killed a player will be considered 'dead' by the mod. An admin, or the use of the JIP menu can reset that status but if you use a different respawn scheme some things might not work properly. While some parts of the mod are plug and play, most features will require to be added to the mission by the mission maker, and as such require some basic scripting knowledge. A lot of tweaking options are available from CBA options menu. This mod is in constant WIP, the idea being that each time I develop something for a mission for my unit I will include it here. Current version: 1.17.6 Full guide, frameworks and features here: https://mrhmilsimtools-arma3-mod.wikia.com/wiki/MRHMilsimTools_ARMA3_Mod_Wiki Git hub issues here: https://github.com/MisterHLunaticwraith/MRHMilsimTools/issues Source code here: GitHub repository And download here: Download on steam workshop. localization: French and English Requirement: CBA_A3 ACE3 Features: **Core features:** Fully configurable team roster. You can change team roster color theme, decide if you want to display AIs and AI groups, even show all sides in the roster. Tracking of dead, alive, disconnected, reconnected players. Players will be flagged 'dead' by the mod if they are killed and respawn, allowing you to know they are dead even if the 'alive _x' scripting command returns TRUE. The mod keeps a registry of dead and disconnected players, you can decide to kill players that where flagged dead upon disconnecting when they reconnect (optional). Player intel data: Role, rank with NATO code, customizable rank insignia, radio frequency. Alongside CBA's option to change group name in the lobby, you can set a radio frequency for each group. In the team roster,and on the soldier's tablet the name you defined for the group will be shown instead of default Arma group naming (Alpha 1-1 etc.). Radio frequency is optional, can be set and will be shown in the lobby and on the player's PDA but does not affect either ACRE2 or TFAR radio frequencies. Admin warnings for current death toll. Whenever a player dies, admin is prompted a hint (this feature can be disabled). You can set a percentage of acceptable death ratio upon which the admin menu will automatically open allowing you to end the mission or allow players to respawn. Setting to remove map for players that are not formation leaders AFTER the briefing screen. Players with a map in their inventory will keep it during the briefing stage, useful if you do your briefings before launching the mission, but if you enable this option, only group leaders will keep the map once in game. Short automated cut scene when players join in. A small cutscene where the camera moves from above the player to first person view will play (locally of course) when the player joins the game (optional, can be disabled). Removal of disconnected players bodies. Bodies of disconnected players will automatically be deleted thus preventing looting by other players! (optional, can be disabled). Enhanced and configurable JIP menu. Whenever a player Joins In Progress the JIP menu will open allowing them to rejoin their group (optional, can be disabled). You can decide to show all sides in the menu (useful for PVP missions) and include AI groups with playable units. The player can join any other player they select, if the selected player is in a vehicle and the vehicle has free cargo place the player will be moved inside the vehicle. Players cannot join other players if their vehicle is full. Players inside a vehicle are marked with an icon, the icon is red if the vehicle is full. The mod includes a function to turn any object into a JIP menu access point. When the JIP menu is used, a small cut scene plays for the teleported player and if they where flagged as 'dead' the mod flags them as 'alive' so you can use it to allow dead players back in the game. Powerful admin menu. The admin menu can only be opened by a logged in admin and therefore doesn't work in SP, it includes a lot of features, mission statistics, dead players, etc. From the admin menu you can end the mission with a default ending or with any ending defined in the mission's cfgDebriefings. You can reset a player's status if they have been flagged 'dead'. You can heal all players (ACE damages) or just the selected player. You can remotely open the JIP menu for a selected player or for all dead players. You can see the selected's player location on the map and apply some preset punishment for a given player (chicken on head, push ups etc.). Punishments can be customized from the mission's description.ext. Last but not least you can remotely edit any player's equipment (opens ACE arsenal). PLEASE NOTE: As of now, limitations to ace arsenal only allow you to change uniform, vest and helmet and their contents. Backpacks and equipped weapons cannot be changed. I will work on a workaround solution in the next update. **Soldier PDA and framework** The mod includes a PDA item that can be accessed through ace self interactions >> equipment if the player has the pda in their inventory. Access to personal data, map and team roster Default tabs in the PDA include player self intel,a map (can be disabled) and a team roster. Stopwatch, alarm and timer functionalities The PDA has an alarm app that allows players to set an alarm or a countdown timer and includes a stopwatch feature. Possibility to send, receive and collect data and pictures. From your mission description.ext you can predefine data and pictures that can be added to the tab's gallery app or to the tab's data app. Each data or picture can be given separately and therefore discovered mid game. (2 functions are included that do just that). Data can be shared and transferred between players if they are within a ten meters radius of each other. **Fiberscope** Fiberscope Item The mod includes a fiberscope item that allows equipped player to look under doors (ACE self interaction >> equipment). It only works if you are next to a door or a window. **Vehicle spawner module** Vehicle spawner The mod includes a function to turn any object into a vehicle spawner, you can select what type of vehicles (see, land, air, all of them) the spawner will allow you to spawn. Mission makers and admins can decide which mods/ dlcs and factions are available from the spawner. The spawner works fine with vanilla assets, RHS, CUP and PROJECT OPFOR vehicles, some vehicles from other mod might not be listed properly depending on the mod's config files. **Radio chatter module** Play ambient radio chatter from a radio prop The mod includes a function to turn any object (but preferably a radio prop) into a random radio chatter player. The radio can be turned on and off (ACE interaction) effects are global and the same chatter is played on every machine. By default I have included a US military radio chatter channel (with samples taken from the excellent TV show Generation Kill) but you can create your own channel with custom sounds either from the mission's description or by packing them into a custom addon (if you do so, please share!). **Map markers** Customized map markers I have also included a shit ton of customized map markers all of them are available to mission makers, and some of them (not all, so has not to overcrowd the icons tab) to the players. **Hacking and downloading tool** A hacking tool object is included, you can still disable a CBA option if you want to allow players to perform hacks and data download without the item in their inventory. Hacking and downloading tool item Two functions are included to make objects hackable, while hacking or downloading content players can still move but they have to stay within range of the objects. **Miscellaneous functions for mission makers** In addition the mod includes several functions designed to make mission maker's life easier: Elevator simulation Timer Check when all alive players are on board a vehicle Automatically fill given ammo crate with ammo fitting the player's weapons Automatically refill ammo crate with infinite ammo/ items Remove unit's nvg (regardless of the mod they come from) Remove ACRE2 radios Search object/ person function ACE3 simple conversation interaction MP compatible sit unit on chair with release condition Splashscreen with customizable image Static line parachute jump Travel time ETA HVT capture and surrendering function **New features: v1.13** -Enhanced map object, replaces the vanilla one, can be put on the ground and shared, folded in the corner of the screen etc. - Heli taxi system -Support requester via grid coordinates input for: artillery strikes, CAS, supply drops. -Zeus invisibility toggle **New features v.1.15.0** *Added new functionality : Parachuting addon (Halo Gear) -Features: * 2 Masks and 2 Parachutes with auto opening possibilities (CYPRES II Auto Activation Device). *Special HUD for Halo Mask *Chances of mask breaking (Halo Mask With ESS only) *Emulation of Hypoxia effects *Configurable key to open parachute (default SPACE) instead of scrollwheel action menu. *Objects that are attached to the player with ace interaction (IR Strobes chemLights etc) will also appeared attached when the chute is deployed. *Fully configurable
  19. Hey folks, I am currently developing a Coast Guard Addon for Arma 3. I already modded a Coast Guard Faction and Uniforms as well as Boats and a Helicopter, and now I want to add some special Objects. A rescue basket and a life raft. I am pretty good at making 3d Models of technical objects so that was no challenge. However I am not really good at scripting configs for Arma 3 and working with the Object Builder. So I could use your help. Here is a model of the rescue basket I made https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1862964052 I was able to implement it into Arma but I need to add some features and solve some problems with your help. Features I have to add: -basket floats on water (implemented) -basket can be slingloaded to a helicopter (implemented) -basket has 2 passenger "seats" one for the survivor sitting in the basket and one for the rescue swimmer hanging on the side of the basket (implemented) -basket has strobelights for night operation (not really implemented) -lights can be toggled Problems: -basket is static, it won't fall down if placed in the air (fixed) -i dont know how to get textures on the basket (worked around) -basket doesnt move if a vehicle crashed into it (fixed) -crew view position is not where its supposed to be -sling loading behaves odd -light sources don't relly emit light to the environment Basically I want the basket to be a Boat which can't be driven because it has no motor. This is the current config of the basket class cfgPatches { class Rescue_Basket { units[] = {"Rescue_Basket"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1 requiredAddons[] = {}; }; class Life_Raft_8 { units[] = {"Life_Raft_8"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1 requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Boat_F; class Rescue_Basket : Boat_F { side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "Coast Guard"; model = "\Coast-Guard-Objects\Basket.p3d"; slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"}; displayName = "Rettungskorb"; }; class Life_Raft_8 : Boat_F { side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "Coast Guard"; model = "\Coast-Guard-Objects\LifeRaft8.p3d"; slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"}; displayName = "Rettungsinsel (8 Personen)"; }; };
  20. Hi folks, Thanks for taking the time to checkout this thread and provide support. I'm banging my head against the desk with regards to custom leaflets - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Leaflets#Custom_Leaflets I think my config is correct and it definitely works for customizing the existing West, East, Guer, and Civ leaflets, no problems there. My problem is with the Custom_01, Custom_02, Custom_03, etc. objects. I load up my mod, create a test scenario, put down a drone, configure the pylon settings to Custom_01, and then try to startup the drone and release the leaflets. I do see that the magazine is loaded but when I fire I get the following error message: If I go into config view I see that CfgLeaflets > Custom_01 is indeed defined with my PAA file. Any idea on what's going wrong here? Happy to provide additional info if needed. Your help is immensely appreciated 🙂
  21. when I rename the DUWS mission in order to be able to play on different maps like Tanoa, I still have aproblem: all the units are wearing arid camo and the vehicles have the wrong color as well. how to I fix this? Is there a way to replace the units or add additional ones?
  22. Repo's Custom Textures V0.3RC A retexture mod of MLO. Currently still being developed and worked on. Everything is WIP unless otherwise stated. Current patterns: Uniforms: Helmets: Please join the development discord for better support and requests: https://discord.gg/SVUAk8E Any Requests, please put them in the discord above, or in the comments below. You are more likely to be acknowledged if you post in the discord however. Plenty more is planned for this project, and things will change quite often currently. Credits: VanSchmoozin - Creating in my opinion the best looking gear textures in ArmA. Task Force Raven - Putting up with my gear addiction. DOWNLOADS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849718114
  23. GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Spawn Random Crash sites , will detect the enabled Mods , without editing lists,for loot and vehicles. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Spawn Random Crash sites , will detect the enabled Mods , without editing lists,for loot and vehicles. There are 4 options available : 1 = Load every Mod + Bohemia Loot , 2 = Load every Mod - No Bohemia Loot , 3 = Load Bohemia Loot Only , 4 = Custom items only. Custom arrays can be used as well. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players . This is the new reedited version of the previous GF Crashsites script , so there are a lot of changes and options. More information inside the GF_Auto_Loot_Crashsites.sqf There is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.2 It is possible to spawn normal alive vehicles , with crew or not or just wrecks. NOTE : The normal vehicles , might also not spawn loot at all , due to the vehicle destuction. Fixes about spawning. Minor Fixes. Added more options. v1.1 Minor Fixes. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40312 Armaholic GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script - Mod
  24. So quick presentation this mod add Saudi armed forces for Arma 3. 2 other faction National Guards (IND_F) & Shia insurgent (OPF_F) will come later to complete the mods, but the Saudi Royal Land Forces is complete, fully fonctional with Zeus, Alive or any script... You can find it under Blufor/Saudi Arabian Army Faction class name : "B_SaudiArabian_Army" Steamworkshop : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849699977
  25. Work in Progress (v0.8) What is CoopR? The abbreviation CoopR resolves into Coop Roleplay. These two keywords are leading the whole idea of this modification. CoopR Mod is a gameplay overhaul. Combining coop gameplay with interesting yet not immersion-killing roleplay game elements. CoopR will come in two different release systems. The first to be published is the CoopR Light coop gameplay enhancement. It can be described as a subset of features that passed quality assurance by bringing proper gameplay enhancements that do not have any dependency to other addons of the CoopR Mod ecosystem. The other release is the CMF (CoopR Mission Framework). This framework will provide a library of editor modules and scenario attributes to create multiplayer missions that redefine ArmA3 gameplay by a large package of new immersive features. Additionally the integration of popular modifications like ALiVE and ACE3 will push the feature list even further. The CMF will be officially implemented by CoopR and is planned to run on multiple game servers. The collection of those servers is defined under the CoopR Combat Theatre term. A “theatre” defines the lore multiple servers are running under. Technically players can transfer their characters and squads only between servers where the threatre is the same. There is no way of transfering a World War 2 threatre character into a NATO war theatre. CoopR Light CoopR Light’s primary goal is to extend the gameplay of coop multiplayer squads. It is a small subset of the whole CoopR mod idea. When the development of CoopR Mod started it was clear that this modification will take at least two years to implement all planned features. As time went by the amount of feature ideas grew and therefore the release date was pushed back further into the unknown future. To this date the CoopR team managed to develop a working base with a good amount of core features. We realized that there is a basic feature set ready to be released. We call this set the “CoopR Light” release. The reason to release this light version to the community is to start testing the early state of the modification. We expect to receive hands-on feedback and suggestions that help adjusting the development process. Reported bugs will be brought into the development of CoopR and fixed in future releases. The following conditions need to be met so an CoopR addon is a candidate to be released in the CoopR Light release: No dependencies to other Non-Light addons Adds striking enhancement of coop gameplay Will not require a wipe of any persistence data CoopR Mission Framework The CMF (CoopR Mission Framework) will provide a vast variety of editor placed modules, scenario attribute configurations mission configurations. The CMF will also offer a library of script functions to publish an API for other addons or mods. This is what the framework will bring to the customization point of view. With CMF you can build a completly new type of coop missions. One core feature is the RPG addon. It allows players to create characters with perks and role specifications. These characters are persisted and accessible between different mission created by the CMF. This bring another gameplay addition to coop missions - progress. Characters can increase their skills and “farm” their equipment. Incapacitation is not a trivial thing anymore. You can lose access to your character for a long time or even lose him completely due to permadeath situations. But the RPG system is not at all the only thing coming with the CMF. To shorten it up here is a short list of features that are either nearly completed or work in progress: Character RPG System "Deployment Life" Simulation System Local Persistence & Web Persistence (CoopR HQ) Perk System Role Skill System Temporary Camp / Shelter System Supply Request System Personal Storage / Barrack System Recon Mission System CoopR Webapp / Mobile-App Character Management Extended Squad System many more in concept... Recruitment! The CoopR Mod team is looking for some fresh meat/veggie. Here are some positions we are in need for: SQF Developer (All Skill Levels) ArmA3 Extension Developer Game Concept Designer Vue.js Developer (All Skill Levels) 2D Artist Feature Roadmap Wiki WIP Find us CoopR Youtube Channel @cooprmod Instagram Support us on Patreon! Contribute on Github! Have a chat with us on Discord