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Found 42 results

  1. Hi, I discovered recently a weird behavior, with addAction on a crate (or any object), while you're leader of a group. With any of your AI team mate (so local to your PC), you can order him the addAction on the crate (if conditions are met), with the action menu (6). That means the code will run locally even if you are away from the object. Just test: write an addAction for a crate: myCrate addAction ["Arsenal", { ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal },nil,10,false,true,"","vehicle _this == _this"]; Here is for arsenal opening, but any code will run a well. Place the crate or any object named myCrate. Place a squad with leader as player. Run the preview. You can see your added action when closing the crate (within 15m as hard coded). Move away then order an AI o close the crate on his turn. Now, you have an added line in commanding action menu (6) for this unit! You can even ask him to open arsenal. The unit will start an animation to come closer to the crate but at arrival, you will open arsenal for yourself. So, the conclusion is that the hard coded condition is checking the distance from object, not only for player but for all subordinates (not tested with several players in same group). The working filter seems to be: vehicle _this == player but this remains a waste of code and performance, imho, because the hard coded distance condition should check only for player's distance. As you can see, with no filter on player, you can open arsenal on crate, even if on the other side of the map. This occurred for me while an AI respawn point was too close from the crate.
  2. I have a menu I am working on for a version of AW Invade and Annex, it allows the player to select various options when the right Windows key is pressed, but I cannot work out how to add more than one option. co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_85C_fnc_Earplugs = { if (soundVolume == 1) then { 1 fadeSound 0.2; } else { 1 fadeSound 1; }; }; test_flex = { [ ["Testing", "Action", "CBA_flexiMenu_rscRose"], [ ["Earplugs", { _this call co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_85C_fnc_Earplugs; true }, "", "", [], 0x12, true, true] ] ]; }; ["Test Mod", "Open Menu", ["player", [], -100, "_this call test_flex"], [0xDC, false, false, false] ] call CBA_fnc_registerKeybindToFleximenu; There is not much documentation on this feature, but it would be very good, as instead of having a few obscure keybinds, I can have this instead. Has anyone else tried this and got it to work? The one option I added works, but some others are needed. Thanks for any help you can offer.
  3. What I'm trying to do is show current load out/gear information like guns/equipment ect though dialogs on respawn, so people can make a informed choice. I already have a system in place but I feel there is a better way that's cleaner or more modular or a way to refine it? Would be cool if you could customise from a pool of items and each of those items has a value attached to them to balance them out. I think that's out of my reach, but if you have something I could look at to learn, that is very appreciated. Any ideas? I'm all ears. These are all listboxes and the items change based on the class selection, also when you click the uniform/vest/backpack the Capacity value ect will show. Thanks.
  4. Hi, I'm currently working on converting a series of tools I made as script into a mod. I'd like to create a configure addon menu that would allow the user to select some options. (as well as server owners/ mission makers). I'd also like to give the user the option to change the keybinds for the mod. ACE3 and ACRE2 have such implementations for example, I have had a look at their files but I'm not sure how to do this, I guess they are using CBA to do this but have no idea how. Could anyone here point me in the right direction?
  5. Hello, Scripting question here. I've done several Googling sessions and haven't found anything. In a mission framework I am creating, I have added a button to the escape menu using the onPauseScript setting in my description.ext to run this code to add a button: _menu = _this select 0; _adminButton = _menu ctrlCreate ["RscButton",9998]; // Move it to the position _adminButton ctrlSetPosition [0,0]; // Set the text _adminButton ctrlSetText "Console"; // Add the event handler to execute the console script. TODO: Close the escape menu before opening _adminButton ctrlAddEventHandler ["buttonClick", {_menu closeDisplay 0; player spawn wmc_fnc_openConsole}]; This works, as far as it creates the dialog, but it leaves the escape menu open, which in turn causes problems with VCOM's menu, plus it's just annoying. I have tried several things in place of "_menu closeDisplay 0;" including closeDialog. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but I haven't been able to find much documentation on this. Is there a way to close the escape menu through scripting, or even just simulate the key press of the ESC key to close it? Thanks, Nightwolf
  6. hi guys! i've been plagued for many months now, by a really strange problem, that happens just sometimes, apparently at random times. here is what happens usually: i start the game, join a server, and when it should show the respawn menu, where you can select respawn position, the whole menu is not there! even tapping ESC key does nothing (usually it should show the game menu), and only way to exit from that situation is to ALT+F4 or if server close (being my dedicated, i tried shut it down, at that point i got an error aabout "connection lost" and from there i could open menu again). now after many months, for the first time, i got an error while in editor MP test, and the same symptoms as the ones usually happening on dedicated! i cant understand what that mean, but maybe someone can cast some light on this! thanks ! here is the error: https://ibb.co/fCh1XF
  7. Toni's Barrier Menu v1.0 Alpha Q: What is it? A: It is a Small script contained within an Addon that allows users to spawn barriers. Its good for anything from Milsim to Roleplay to just messing around in the Editor. Q: Didn't Someone Already Make a Script Similar to this? A: Yes, Warnerm14 did for Altis Life Framework but his was based on AddActions. Mine is A full GUI based solution and its modular (Can be used as a standalone addon or ported into a mission framework) Features: Inventory button for easy access, Simple to use GUI, Fully customizable, Portable to a mission file if the addon is not what you need. Download/View Source Code From Github Download From Google Drive Lemme know what you all think and feel free to leave a reply with opinions. Please Report issues on Github! :)
  8. Howdy, as described in the topic title, within the editor a drop-down menu is malfunctioning in my marker attributes menu. It is persistent between fresh and loaded missions, and while it wasn't affecting markers I had placed for other missions (I could still change their color despite not being able to do so for new markers), as of writing this post it is now universally not functioning. I recorded a bit of video so you could see the issue exactly: It sounds as though this chap is having similar issues with a different drop down too?
  9. Hello, I am having trouble wrapping my mind around this today. Help would be awesome. I would like to disable and option use for 300 seconds. I want a condition for active, but not quite sure what to use or if I have been looking at it the whole time. My idea was on use set 0 sleep for 300 sec then set it back to 1 (Example: Heli Insertion). Is this even possible if not I can disable the entire addaction did not want to? dub aka Travis //support menu _onUseCondition = ""; MENU_support = [ ["610 Options",true], ["Infantry Supplies", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 1 spawn dub_fnc_Support610; "]], "1", "1"], ["Vehicle Ammo", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 1 spawn dub_fnc_VDropVehAmmo;"]], "1", "1"], ["Vehicle Drop", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 1 spawn dub_fnc_VDrop; "]], "1", "1"], ["Heli Insertion", [5], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 1 spawn dub_fnc_heliinsertion; "]], "1", _onUseCondition] ]; //Open menu action player addAction [("<t color=""#00ff1d"">" + ("610 Support") + "</t>"), {showCommandingMenu "#USER:MENU_support";}, [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", { player addAction [("<t color=""#00ff1d"">" + ("610 Support")+ "</t>"), {showCommandingMenu "#USER:MENU_support";}, [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; }];
  10. Hi all, I experienced recently, playing on an Exile server, and choosing an action (added by a mod), the result was something totally different. Say, as example, trying to "open" a door, and obtaining a "GPS on" (toggling action in addon). It seems to me all addAction can be melt in many loaded mods, with a weird result. And i guess some reason is to be found in the way actions are handled. Let me try to explain. Please, consider this as a "feeling" more than a demonstration. Some mods like Exile, or other ones, are deeply managing the scrolling menus. Arma allows a lot of loaded mods at a time, some of them obviously using the same commands like addAction... The problem seems to me that, if each addon is consistent for its own purpose, the mix of them can be weird due to the ordinal handle (number, global variable) easy to override with another ordinal handle coming from another called addon. So, you could have the action menu "open door" ending by an "ejection" or any available action in the "alternate" context. Once again, it's just an example. (The winner is the last loaded?). One sure thing, BI improved recently the rsc Displays for their "layer". I guess these layers, as they were also ordinal handled, were too often overridden by the last similar ordinal one. Now, the layers can return strings, far more easy two differentiate when multiplying them. Perhaps, a same improvement could be done for other ordinal handles (addAction, addEvenHandler..) Not too critical for EHs as they are "stackable",... but actions aren't.
  11. Hi, I tried the new key binding in one of my Arma (laptop). Just to compare the 2 versions. Finally I prefer my old version (before 1.66). Is there any way to have my action menu back, at least for weapons toggle? I don't like the key 1,2,3 instead of scrolling menu. Thanks
  12. Before buying it, I used to play Arma 3 (pirate version) and it was all fine. Then I bought it on Steam and I can't play it, I launch it, get in the menu, set all settings as usual but when I begin a match (single or multiplayer) all I can see is a grey screen, however I can hear all the sounds. My specs are these (I set details to the minimum) Windows 10 Ram 8 gb Processor i3-4000M 2.4 GHz Video Intel HD Graphics 4600 I know the video card is very low, but I used to play Arma 3 smoothly with very low details, no now I wonder why I can't see anything. I tried many things such as edit the cfg file and other settings in the launcher but nothing so far was good.
  13. I'm trying to make an arma 3 Life admin scroll menu and i'm stuck at trying to spawn in the virtual items. Instead of having 128 block of code to spawn in 64 items I would rather cut that down if there is a way to edit variables with addActions. This is the layout of the admin menu: AdminMenu_19 = player addAction["<t size=""1.1"" font=""TahomaB"" color=""#FFFFFF"">500k Cash</t>", AdminMenu_LifeCash500k, nil,1.5, true, false]; ^ that will call the function AdminMenu_LifeCash500k AdminMenu_LifeCash500k = { _code = { if (!isNil "life_no_injection") then { life_no_injection = true; }; life_cash = life_cash + 542940; if (!isNil "life_no_injection") then { life_no_injection = false; }; }; call _code; hint "$500,000 given"; }; command to add virtual items: [true,"ITEM",AMOUNT OF ITEM] call life_fnc_handleInv; If this could also be done with the amount of item as well that will really help, I have that done now with: AdminMenu_23 = player addAction["<t size=""1.1"" font=""TahomaB"" color=""#FFFFFF"">1</t>",AdminMenu_amount1,nil,1.5, true, false]; AdminMenu_amount1 = { _code = { amount = 1; }; call _code; hint format["%1 has been selected",amount]; }; I need 2 variables called in the addAction, amount and Item.
  14. Ever since patch Hotfix 1.58 i can no longer open the AI menus. This happens in singleplayer and multiplayer. I do it the way i've always done it. 1: Press F2/F3/Whatever unit i want to select. 2: Press one of the number keys on the keyboard to open the corresponding sub menus, such as stance or fire modes. However, since patch 1.58 pressing one of the number keys simply deselects my AI. It does nothing at all apart from that. Weirdly though, pressing the number keys WITHOUT an AI selected does open the menu. This is of course useless since no AI are selected. Already done: Check all key settings in the "controls" menu. Reinstalled the game, removed all mods and removed all player files. I regularly play on a BECTI server, and i've heard from others there that they have the same issue. Help would be appreciated.
  15. Hi, I have been developing a mission now and i have come to do the spawn menu. I have set up the rscbuttons but i have no idea how to get the button on clicked to teleport someone to a part if the map. Where would i set this up and what would the code look like Thanks Harry P.S i am pretty new to scripting so please dumb it down as much as possibe.
  16. Backstory (will be expanded): Year 2018: After 3 years of economical crisis, with the Ruble at its historical minimum, riots start spreading throughout the whole Russian Federation. Citizens start uprising demanding better economic conditions and extremists groups are seen as the only viable alternative to accomplish a brighter future. The protest quickly turn deadly, with the security forces getting more and more violent. Year 2020: Terrorist group named "Bering Star", in an attempt to take advantage of the civil unrest, attacks a classified biological warfare facility in ÄŒukotka, stealing many biological agents. Russian Federation government keeps this attack hidden, fearing a further increase of the riots violence. August 3rd, 2023: Bering Star hits, releasing an artificial virus in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Government is weakened after years of unrest, and the emergency response is not effective enough. During the following months, the virus spreads in Europe and Asia, with some cases in the USA. While the International Community joins forces to develop a vaccine, it gets clear that the rate of infection is extremely high. March, 2024: 9 months after patient zero, the infection is now spread worldwide. There is no known cure yet. April, 2030: 7 years later, an estimate of 90% of the global population was infected with peaks of 95% in the whole Russian sub-continent. Only 0.04% of survival chance. Big areas in the United States become unhabited, including the San Juan Islands in the Puget Sound. Terrain Features: Size: 20480 x 20480 meters (4096 px * 5m) 1:1 copy of Lopez, Blakely, Decatur, Shaw (cropped), Cypress, Burrows, Allan and Fidalgo (cropped) Islands Elevation data from Real-world 1/9th arc-second DEMs Real roads network Dense forests and realistic vegetation placement - 1.3 million trees General overgrown and decaying feeling, making the terrain perfect for warfare or post-apocalyptic mods Current Status (last update: Dec 18th, 2014): Heightmap: 90% done, needs refinish and roads smoothing Sat Map: 99% done Sat Mask: 95% done Configs: 99% done Roads: 20% done Custom models: 0% done Vegetation placement: 90% done Articial objects placement: 1% done Internal testing: 10% done Public Beta Testing: TBA Screenshots: Videos: Live Development: I usually stream my development on my Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/schultzit Help Needed!!: I am looking for 3d artists to help me create assets for this map. If you like the project and feel like helping me, drop me a line on Skype or reply to this post License: This terrain will be released under ARMA PUBLIC LICENSE SHARE ALIKE (APL-SA)
  17. Hi there, I have an opportunity to take a fresh look at the Expansions menu (Configure > Expansions). The purpose of the menu was to list mods from various locations such as the -mod parameter, registry path and auto-included mods from the player's Documents & Settings folder, and to allow the player to enable / disable mods and adjust the load order. The current goal is shifting to provide easy orientation and additional details about used official (DLC) and community mods. After the initial design, it occurred to me that mod management might not be a necessary part of this. One of the options is therefore to remove the functionality to manage mods, specifically the ability to adjust the load order (Up and Down buttons) and the Enable / Disable mod button. This would mean the removal of functionality some of you might be using, so I came here to ask you what you think about it and to discuss the matter. Additional info: Launching the game with -mod overrides and disables the management buttons in the Expansions menu anyway. Managing mods here requires an additional restart. The official Launcher with local mods support and custom community launchers are handling mod management more comfortably. Launchers do not require an additional restart. Changes made in the menu do not carry over to launchers. Syncing the game state between launcher states could be complicated with various presets in mind. Let me ask you in a brief and structured way how are you using the Expansions menu: [A very short] Survey Thank you :)