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  1. #updated 1.05, added a sound, bug fix and the script version is included - like the title says, attach explosives anywhere, requested by my lil bro for placing satchels in the walls of his military compositions that he makes out of hobby - Note (important): this mod uses inGameUISetEventHandler command to detect when the player uses action menu to attach explosives and to show the indicator explosive object, currently Arma 3 doesn't have a feature to stack these event handlers, so if another mod (which I don't think there is much) uses the same method, it might cause conflicts. - more about "inGameUISetEventHandler": https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/inGameUISetEventHandler - by default "Explosive Satchel" & "Explosive Charge" is attachable, but you can place down the settings module and add your modded classes to make it work with the modded explosives - mp tested - (script version or if you want to modify the mod): https://github.com/Shaanig03/Arma-3-Attach-Explosive-Anywhere-Script-Mod- Modules: - "Attach Explosive Anywhere Settings" module allows changing some variables in the config file, module isn't required to attach explosives, only to change some settings Insert other media Functions: - disables/cancels the attach mode for a player in (attach mode): { [] call EAA_fnc_disableAttachMode; } remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", targetPlayer];
  2. Survival Pack ---------------------------------------------------------------- this mod allows you to create scenarios with hunger & thirst through a module, and adds some functionality to food items and canister fuel, and that's pretty much it ^_^ Features: - makes basic in game existing items such as foods and a fuel canister usable with animations and sounds, though all items are mostly in game existing there is a new MRE (military ration) throwed in after an update - after an update, item functionality is there without the needing of any modules, you can refill water bottles or refuel canisters, you can have items working without activating Hunger & Thirst - mod items has compatibility or support with other mods or scripts that has a different hunger and water system, but this works if the custom mod/mission uses getVariable to store player's hunger and water, which I'm pretty sure it will be 90% mostly getVariable Modules (Survival): - "Hunger & Thirst" module activates player hunger & thirst (very obvious, why am I typing this? xD) - "Item Properties" module sets item properties food nutrition value, water value and consuming duration - "Settings" module defines the variable names for 'hunger' and 'thirst' to store in player, and sets max hunger & thirst value - "Strings" module for changing texts, action texts, messages and icons of this mod Functions: - eg: retrieves a player's hunger & thirst value: _firstPlayer = allPlayers select 0; [_firstPlayer] call survivalpack_fnc_getHungerWater; waitUntil {!isNil "sp_recievedpacketvar_player"}; waitUntil {_firstPlayer == sp_recievedpacketvar_player}; systemChat format ["player '%1' actual food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, sp_recievedpacketvar_food, sp_recievedpacketvar_water, "%"]; systemChat format ["player '%1' displayed food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, round(sp_recievedpacketvar_food * 100), round(sp_recievedpacketvar_water * 100), "%"] - eg: set hunger & water for player, sets the first player's hunger to 50% and thirst to %20, -1 to ignore [allPlayers select 0, 0.5, 0.2] call survivalpack_fnc_setHungerWater ClassList: - adding items to player inventory: player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuel"; player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_TacticalBacon"; player addItem "SPItem_CanSpirit"; player addItem "SPItem_CanFranta"; player addItem "SPItem_CanRedGull"; player addItem "SPItem_Waterbottle"; player addItem "SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Canteen"; player addItem "SPItem_CanteenEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Cerealbox"; player addItem "SPItem_PowderedMilk"; player addItem "SPItem_RiceBox"; player addItem "SPItem_Pumpkin"; player addItem "SPItem_Orange"; player addItem "SPItem_BakedBeans"; player addItem "SPItem_MRE"; - adding items to container: this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuel", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_TacticalBacon", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanSpirit", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanFranta", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanRedGull", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Waterbottle", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Canteen", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanteenEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Cerealbox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_PowderedMilk", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_RiceBox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Pumpkin", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Orange", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_BakedBeans", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_MRE", 10]; - animation classes: sp_anim_start_eating sp_anim_eating sp_anim_end_eating sp_anim_start_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_end_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_start_canister_fuel sp_anim_canister_fuel sp_anim_end_canister_fuel
  3. Hey! I would like to talk about new "big thing" that came to experimental version (for now) of the Arma Reforger which is: helicopters. I think we all can agree that air support (generaly) will change a lot about in game experience and that's why I think we should take this topic very seriously. All of this to make sure that flying in Arma Reforger (we only know about helicopters) and especially in Arma 4 (propably helis and planes) is going to be as satisfying and realistic as possible. I want to talk about helicopters and yes it's because I love using them in Arma games. I know that ther's a lot of people like me and they love becoming heli pilots in game. I'm also sure that using this machines is going to be a very important aspect of the gameplay even more than planes because on smaller maps close air support, transporting troops to direct locations, CSAR makes them much more reasonable to use. I'm 22. I dont have any true experience, I'm not a pilot. I work as a beginner aircraftsman on helicopters and aviation is my greatest interest. After some time testing and flying around in Arma Reforger experimental I just want to present my thoughts and start conversation about changes, fixes and future development of helicopters in Arma games. I. Smaller things: 1. Animations - Fixing mi-8 rudder pedals animation (they don't move). 2. Lights and lighting - Helipad lights and NAV lights are not casting any light on nearby objects (small thing but small visual are making much greater image); - Anti colision lights are too strong in the dark conditions and in case of huey they are creating weird red mist effect inside the helicopter; - Adding more diversity in dome ligts (green and red) for night stalker operations; - In the future possibility to set controls for steering search light. 3. Doors - Adding possibility to open and close the aft cabin sliding doors and gunner doors/window, during flight; - In the future armed passengers could shoot throuh them if needed; - If opened, aft cabin doors would provide faster get in and out animations for troops (very helpful with hot landing zone scenarios); - Doors and gunner windows openable only from passengers seats (If as a lonely pilot you want to use faster in/out you need to think about it earlier 🙂 ); - In case of helicopters like mi-8, removable (only on the ground) back cargo doors like in real life. It would provide aditional slot for faster get in/out and of course rapeling; - Possibility to lean out from gunner window/doors to have a better view around and in some cases help pilots seeying threat or obstacles. 4. Rapeling - Option available for passengers only when doors/cargo doors are opened and in certain height range above the ground. 5. Main rotor effects on foliage - Adding noticeable main rotor effect on grass, bushes and trees (dust and leaves effect looks super cool but hovering above the trees and grass makes them going wild). It would for example help another aircraft pilot spot helicopter hovering above the trees. 6. Helicopter variants - Adding medevac variants of helicopters (they would work like car ambulance but flying) 7. Transorting vehicles and supplies - Inside big transport helicopters or using ropes like in Arma 3. 8. Controllers support - Joystick, pedals, etc... II. Bigger things: 1. Helicopter crashing and survivability This topic is very wide and difficult to cover but it is one of the most important in case of helis. We all remember how junky it was in Arma 3. Clipping through, sudden explosions, hypersesitivity to just scratching trees or lanterns during flight. As soon as I checked basic things about Arma Reforger helicopters I started... crashing. At first i was impressed how it looks and in deed it is much better than it was in Arma 3 but longer I was trying different scenerios more and more problems started showing up. This is what I observed and what I (personally) think it should look like: - PROBLEM: Main and tail rotor are strong but a little too much. At first I was impressed when i hovered next to a trees and started slowly immerse main or tail rotor in them. It was staying in a good shape as in real life when you touch leaves with spinning blades just a little but going deeper and deeper changed nothing. I could hover with rotor hiting tree trunk for so long and still... nothing. After some time helicopter just started bouncing through the trees and finally blades snapped. At first I thought that it works like this only with vegetation but same is for "hard objects" like buildings and metal poles. You can touch them with spinning main and tail rotor during hover and it won't screw them up, same for water, immersing rotor in water is perfectly safe. My next idea was to start hiting all of this objects with some momentum (speed) and it was the case. If you hit trees, buildings or poles only with certain speed with your blades it will brake them. BUT that's not how it works in real life. SOLUTION: Divide objects to "soft" and "hard". Soft for trees and hard for buildings, poles, ground, vehicles, etc... During hover you can touch trees with tip of your blades for 20 seconds, with half of main rotor radius for 5 seconds and helicopter starts shaking, more than half of main rotor radius makes it snap after 2 seconds. Same for tail rotor but 5 seconds for the tip and instant if more than that because tail rotor is much more sensitive. When touching, directional leaves emitter and hitting sound. During hover if you touch hard objecst like buildings, poles, rocks and ground main rotor brakes after 2 seconds, tail rotor instantly. Sparks or dirt directional emitter and hitting sound. During flight, mechanics should be the same in case of trees and vegetation (soft objects) because blades are hiting with almost the same momentum (reatreating blades are even slower during flight than during hover). That's why best solution is to leave it the same remebering that in both cases (hovering and flying) time adds up. It means that if you touch tree with your blade tips for 5 seconds, you now have only 15 seconds left because it is damaged. It would be cool if it would also affect the flight model (shaking) forcing you to land and fix helicopter. POWER LINES TAKE EQUVIVALENT OF 5 SECONDS TIP DAMAGE FOR EACH CABLE (If you fly through one slightly dameged rotor, if four, you lose it). During flight, hiting hard objects with your main and tail rotor, like buildings, poles, rocks means instant rotor fall of. Slightly touching water with rotor blades breaks it after 2 seconds (tail rotor immediately) Water driectional splash effect and klapping sound. PROBLEM: If you hit an object with your main rotor during flight it stops helicopter to 0 and makes it free fall. SOLUTION: When fying, helicoper fuselage depending on speed and mass has some momentum. Hiting objects with blades and destroying them shouldn't make it stop but fly further and hit the ground. PROBLEM: Leading helicopter to explosion is too random. I strarted droping helicopters from castle tower and make them free fall. At the same time I was observing each one's health bar. Ther's a big difference betwen mi-8 and huey explosion resistance. I know that mi-8 is heavier but I think the disprity is too big. Sometimes when I let helicopter free fall from tower it exploded immediately but next time falling the same way didn't take even 1% of health. Same during flight. I flew in trees with huey, rotor snaped and that's all. Did the same thing (same speed) with mi-8 instant explosion and death. Sometimes you hit the ground so hard and everything is fine but in other scenario you hit "soft" object and it means blowing up. SOLUTION: Divide helicopter to 4 parts (main fuselage, tail, main rotor, tail rotor) survavibility of main and tail rotors is already described. Main fuselage and whole tail have separate health bar. Tail is much more sensitive Hiting objects with them takes some health and it depends on: - What object each part hit (soft for trees and vegetation and hard for everything else) Hiting soft takes much less damage; - How strong each part hit (speed/momentum) - At what angle each part hit but using ranges, for example form 0° to 30°, 30° to 90° and 90° to 180° (it doesn't matter with trees because it's to hard to define). ALL OF THIS VALUES ARE MEASURED FROM FIRST POINT OF TOUCH. If you hit with your tail and it loses health first it falls off If main fuselage loses health it explodes. Bigger helicopters are losing a little more health because of their mass but only a little (almost unnoticeable). Depending on what weapons you use ageinst helicopter they are damaging each part too. At the end we should get more predictable crashing model where certain speed, angle and object type determines how much damage we get. It means flying with high speeds in to the trees means bouncing from 4 to 5 and explosion, flying with low speeds in buildings makes you lose your rotor but helicopter bounces a few times and you can survive. It would be also awesome to get smoke effect if helicopter is more and more damaged and some damage model (scratches or bullet holes). I also love the new idea of getting killed, unconscious or deafened just because of hard hit (not explosion) and i think devs should develop it further. In the future it would be nice to see better, more advanced flight model addons like in Arma 3 (doing it in a cooperation with DCS World devs is wet dream) and possibility to set it on servers if someone wants. Many of this things can be used later with planes and take the flying experience in our beloved milsim game series to the next level. It would give us, maniacs, ground to crate unforgettable moments in the best large scale warfare simulator. I know that it is simple to talk what "I want" but I hope many of you will approve my ideas. This (too long 😀) text is primarily guided to devs, I don't know if this is the right place to do it, and of course to all players. BI workers did already so much for us but unfortunatelly we want more 😀 Hope we all can discuss here the future of flying in Arma 4. Greetings from Poland! Wojciech
  4. Transfer nearby items from bodies and the ground to your vehicle's inventory. Features Adds an action to the player's scrollmenu when they are in a vehicle''s driving seat. Use the Loot to vehicle action to transfer nearby items to the vehicle. Customizable loot range. Decide if the vehicle's inventory can be filled beyond it's normal capacity (by the mod only). Looting behaviour Loots every single item from bodies and the ground. Bodies inside vehicles are also looted. Uniforms, vests, and backpacks are emptied into the vehicle. Their contents will no longer be inside of them. Only affects anything looted by the mod. If you manually add a backpack to your vehicle it will not get emptied. Weapons keep their attachments and magazines on them. The inventory of vehicles and other containers are not looted. Dependencies CBA_A3 Links Steam Workshop GitHub MIT License - feel free to copy, modify, and more. Read this for more information. Since this is my first time modding Arma use any code at your own risk 😉 Images
  5. Platoon Commander on Steam Workshop [TEST] Script Platoon Commander Version: Platoon Commander beta 211011 Download Virtual Reality template for your own missions here. The Platoon Commander addon gives the player the ability to command a reconnaissance platoon, consisting of a player's squad and four AI squads (two sabotage and reconnaissance, mortar support and a transport group). With this script, a regular SP mission with a linear storyline turns into complete freedom of actions up to multi-stage planning from landing to evacuation. New Player Group Tactics: Offensive (from the flanks, fire and move, stalk, etc.) Retreat (back, left, right, flee) Defense (occupation of a building, all-round defense, taking cover) Ambushes (linear, V-shaped, L-shaped, customized by your own) Recon patrol Search of the bodies Rearmament and etc. New Sapper Actions (AI and Player): Mining doors Mining roads Mining bodies Mining hide covers Mining vehicles New Player Actions: Detonation of embedded explosives by choice (not only all at once) Ability to swap with units of the group with weapons and etc. New Tactics for AI Squads: Shoot at the enemy and flee Search of the bodies Undermining objects Mining roads Retreat Occupation of buildings Waiting for signal and etc. New Fire Modes: Fire on player signal (for the player's group and AI groups) Suppress when attacked Firing single, short and long bursts for riflemen. New Strategy: Command the entire platoon in real time. Wide range of actions and tactics for every AI squad. Ability to plan actions at your own, not limited to linear plots. Direct orders and planned actions Synchronized actions, support with mortar and armored vehicles. Settings: Complete freedom in customizing the platoon through the settings in the script About 50 customizable gameplay and visualization parameters Visualization: Radio messages between platoon squads Anamated radio calls Control via command menu similar to vanilla menu Script can be translated into other languages (Stringtable) Optimization: Loops in scripts are made in such a way that they have almost no effect on the frame rate Triggers are not used A special function that automatically corrects the bugged behavior/stucking of the units. A special function that partially corrects the behavior of vehicles while driving in a convoy.
  6. Static line paradrop using Vehicle-in-Vehicle for having jumpers stand up in the aircraft. GitHub Steam Workshop
  7. Ride Where You Look Pick your desired vehicle seat by looking, when: getting into a vehicle switching seats inside a vehicle hopping from one vehicle to another in Zeus telling an AI which seat to take ACE dragging/carrying/escorting (ACE not required) Steam Workshop GitHub Usage In CBA Keybinds > Ride Where You Look, set up the keys [Show Seats] (L Ctrl) and [Select Seat] (Ctrl + X). Press and hold [Show Seats] (L Ctrl) to see which seat you are selecting. Press [Select Seat] (X) to move to that seat. Client & Server This mod can be used client-side for player usage and Zeus controlling local AI. Zeus controlling remote AI will require all machines to load this mod. Requirements CBA_A3 Plans Add compartment check Known Issues Several issues can arise due to vehicle model inconsistencies: Some proxies appear where there is no available seat Some seats do not have proxies visible Some vehicles do not switch you to the seat you're looking at These issues need to be individually resolved with tweaks. Report issues here. License This work is licensed under a Arma Public License Share Alike.
  8. Combat Animations Speed Tweak version 1.8.2 Description: C.A.S.T. tweaks through config most infantry animations speed, and optionally adds some Arma 2 animations, removes idle animations and some other tweaks. Features: Rifle, pistol, launcher, binoculars and unarmed movement speeds customized Swimming without diving suit is x1.5 faster Swimming with diving suit left/right with proper speed Player and AI affected Auto lower rifle when running (optional) No idle animations for player and AI (optional) Still cargo animations (optional) Arma 2 animations for walking, running and sprinting. Requires cast_auto_lower_rifle.pbo (optional) Auto lower rifle when tactical kneeling (optional) No prone sprint (optional) Compatible with ACE3 Compatible with Ravage Compatible with Project Injury Reaction Compatible with ArmA3 Old Running Animation by MasterWolf Download: Google Drive Usage: Unzip to your mods folder. Notes: Untested in multiplayer. Known issues: none License: Non Military - You may not use the content of this addon as a whole or any part of this addon for military purposes. No Monetization - You may not use this addon as a whole or any part of this addon on monetized servers. Attribution - You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material). Noncommercial - You may not use this material for any commercial purposes. Arma Only - You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in other games than Arma. Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license. Credits: Bohemia Interactive Logo by cleanpng.com Thanks to: Foxhound and Armaholic.com. Mondkalb and the Global Mobilization CDLC team for copy/paste of their EULA from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1284731930 Everyone supporting me @BI Forums. Media: Changelog:
  9. http:// Enhanced Advanced Helicopter Flight Model mod for Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. - An enhanced flight model mod for helicopters with an emphasis on modelling torque and ground effect. - More challenging flight characteristics. - Sim level tolerances for RPM and rotor stress. - Take on Helicopters Sim level. - Works for the following helicopters - UH-80,MD500,CH-29. - May work for addons based off these units/classes. - Signed and has server key. - Works in SP/MP. - Can be used by client only. - Enjoy. 🙂 Link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1923464093
  10. The Dismount mod allows the player to exit the vehicle at the point closest to where they are looking. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1841553455 https://github.com/ampersand38/dismount-where-you-look/releases/latest
  11. KnoxHoots


    Add leaning mechanics
  12. A3 HARDCORE DAMAGE MODIFICATION mp compatible: not tested (should work theoratically, tell if it does please) compatibility with other mods: Works fine with mods like RHS. Wont work with ACE due to its own medical system. version: 1.0 github repo: https://github.com/the0utsider/A3-HC-Damage Download on Steam workshop Description: The way of arma handling damage is possible the most sophisticated in any engine out there; you get all sorts of calculation for ballistic protection vs bullet caliber, hit velocity, angles etc. But most of the time (especially with level 4-5 armor) you have to be really precise to get headshots. You need to hit 'in the face' and that is doable but what happens when you miss? This is the problem. If your shot falls close to neck area, that is a seperate body part which have 0 affect for what you want: headshot. Similar situation with chest and upper body. There are 3 body parts in arma damage system for upper-body: abdomen, diaphragm and chest. While game evaluates total damage, not all of this is added to overall health. This results as what you mostly experience: guy gets shot again and again, he moves his arms, twitches and nothing happens. He keeps running. When you modify bullet hit values, you lost logical ballistic originality of game. Yes it would work, there are many config altering mods out there as well but they just do more than they should and break the game. It is just not fun to shoot a guy from pixel (or pinky) of left foot and get a kill for that. It breaks everything. Short desription of problem is: arma treat humanoid models like frankenstein: Each body part should have some affect on overall health but some of them do not or relationship is really low. This mod uses arma's own damage model and improves it by binding damage of certain areas of body together, getting past frankenstein issue on homanoid characters: *Neck and face damages are added up and passes to 'head' damage. *Upper chest, diaphragm and abdomen area now affects overall health of body (which they should, it is the place of all vital organs) *Pelvis (or lower gut or balls) damage passes to legs. It's not ideal when you got wounded around pelvis and still be able to run like gazelle. These values are passed on with a "multiplier" inside code and it is available under CBA addon options for you to decide a ratio for your liking, default is 1.5. *As another option, you can change the effect of how upper body damage dealt with. It is multiplied to 'body' health as default which means death when reaches to 1 and this is default behavior of mod. The option is to pass damage to 'hands' which will not kill you no matter how high it is, it is not fatal but it will cause extreme weapon swing. These are all global settings; meaning they apply to everyone on server and you have to be logged as admin in a server to change them. Last one is development debugger setting which will hint you what multiplier applied, what was the damage and where etc. Local option. Should be used good for testing. Variables and their defaults: ["goko_damage_multiplier", 1.5]; ["goko_damage_fatalHeadWounds", true]; ["goko_damage_fatalChestWounds", 0]; ["goko_damage_affects_hands", true]; ["goko_damage_disableLegs", true]; ["goko_dev_debugger", false];
  13. XV Anarchist VX

    Actual Match Mechanics?

    So what is the basic mechanics of a match? Is it always 8 players or up to? If a player is killed can another join? Does the zone get smaller? How does it work?
  14. This is designed to work where you have 'enableSentences False' either on server or mission, adding dynamic sounds to units (on death, reload, low ammo, friendly fire, being sniped, nearby teammate is killed, killing an enemy, being shot-wounded etc.) for German, US and Russian factions (POL units sharing US sounds for now). It is similar to my other VO mod, this one uses Day Of infamy and Rising Storm sound samples for factions, well done native Russian and German voice-overs. Still needs lot of work, some sounds are not at equal level, some sound too loud some are silent in firefight etc. nonetheless, I've tested this properly and it is working fine. NOTE: I've only tested with IFA3_LITE so I don't know its compatibility with other mods. Download/subscribe: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361160962
  15. Introduction ITC Land Systems is a mod that aims to adds depth and realism to arma’s aircraft, with the main focus being fixed wing aircraft in the ground attack role. Update V1.8 Update V1.7 - performance, usability, reliability Changes: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215419-itc-air-systems-v16-fcr-mavericks-new-mfd-system/?do=findComment&comment=3298124 Update V1.6 - Major overhaul Fully interactive MFDs Sensor slewing system(including HMCS) Realistically configurable JDAMs(programmable fuzes & impact angle) Selectable Nose/Tail fuzes Ripple release for bombs Air-Ground Fire Control Radar Realistic physx based autopilot Rover TGP video feed Realistic targeting for mavericks TGP Infrared marking laser Steerpoint system for navigation and targeting Expect new documentation on the github wiki soon https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=I7_3CVfOZKc Hotfix V1.51 Fixed a GBU-12 guidance problem Fixed a config inheritance issue Update V1.5 - Two seaters and Bomb rippling It has been a while, but here it is, v1.5 Changelog Two seater compatibility Bomb ripple releasing Known issues Waypoint autocycle sometimes may not work properly with paired releases, as the second bomb will release before the waypoint is cycled. Two seater system The two seater system comes in the form of a scripted system that lets the WSO and pilot share the pilot's TGP, and a system that synchronizes the steerpoints between the two users. The WSO camera can by default be opened with left shift + down. Bomb ripple release In V1.5 you will be able to ripple certain bombs, both guided and unguided. If your bomb can be rippled the settings for it will show up in the WPN page when it is selected. Ripple-able bombs include dumb bombs like the mk82, but also guided bombs like the JDAM. The ripple system will also let you automatically cycle waypoints every time a bomb is released. Future plans This update came a little slower than the previous ones, but worry not, my work itself has not slowed down. I have started shifting attention to a new project. For some sneak peeks feel free to join the discord. Update V1.4 - Pylon/Bombs Drag & Weight, SADL Datalink messaging, Fuel consumption indicator Hotfix V1.351 V1.35 Mini-update: Laser codes, GBU-12, APKWS, Laser Spot Search Laser Spot Search & Track The laser spot search feature has been overhauled. Previously it would just find the nearest laserTarget object and lock on to it. In its current form, when you enable Laser Spot Search, the pod will start scanning in its currently set direction and field of view for any laser with the desired code. While searching the TGP will say LSS on the right side. When it finds a laser, the TGP will start tracking it, and will say LST on the right side. Update v1.3 - TAD, SADL, TGP ITC_Air base-classes & Compatibility UPDATE V1.2 - MFDs, Compatibility, LJDAM Contents Here are some of the core features of the mod. To view the full contents of the mod, view the documentation. Rover Munitions WP Smoke Rockets GBU-38 JDAM Steerpoints ITC Aircraft comes with a steerpoint system to help users navigate, target, and communicate locations. Steerpoints are stored in the ACE Microdagr waypoint list, allowing players to easily create them from the microdagr. Alternatively steerpoints can be generated from the current TGP position with a hotkey, automatically saving them as a microdagr waypoint with the naming scheme “Mark n”(number). Targeting HMCS: Pilots can use a hotkey to lock the TGP to a position they are looking at with their HMD. Steerpoints: When switching steerpoints, the TGP will automatically lock to the position of the selected steerpoint. Radar: Pilots can use a hotkey to lock the TGP to the location of a vehicle currently locked by the radar. IR Marker HMD & TGP Compatibility Requirements CBA A3 ACE 3 Included Aircraft The mod’s features can be configured for any aircraft, but by default it works on 2 standard aircraft and 2 Jets DLC aircraft. All of our mod’s aircraft are custom versions to ensure the mod is always kept completely optional. All can be found under NATO > Airplanes. F/A-181 > F-181E A-164 -> A-10E A-149 -> Jas-39E A-143 -> A-159 Compatibility https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1501767670 Documentation Documentation can be found here Download The mod can be found on the steam workshop
  16. Author: göko 'the0utsider', Spectre, 654Wak654 Website/Repo: https://github.com/the0utsider/unit-voiceovers Short description: Dynamic 3D-positional voiceovers MP compatible: Yes *Has to be loaded on both server and client Requirements: CBA Version: v1.46 "Imbroglio" Signed: Yes Description: This is not a regular replacement mod to patch/replace existing sound files. It is a unique experiment using NWI's iconic game "Insurgency" resources; this addon is created to improve overall experience and bring dynamism to increase situational awareness, to simulate better close quarters combat in Arma 3. Features Complete overhaul for default arma unit voice-overs Opfor, independent, and blufor sides use different sets of voices Randomized samples for each action Spot enemy / callout targets direction (Default key 'T') ACE3 Medical compatibility Custom Nationality system (@spectre) Almost 1000 different sound samples total Supports transferring unit locality Works independent from 'enableSentences false' setting For more information on features and customizability, please see github readme For defining custom nationalities and other functions, please see github wiki Special thanks: 654wak654 Thanks bud, none of it would exist without your imagination and experience. gebbet for support sergentKappa for help Spectre For giving proper test and feedback since I first created this, and becoming a part of development: implementing CBA methods like 'statemachine', solutions to add custom sounds/creating custom samples. Also providing a WIKI and taking a step to make this a true community mod, thanks. And thank you all the rest at the other end who enjoy and cherish this.
  17. Hi guys! Here's a small mod I made for A3 which adds a satellite to the game. Features: -Satellite backpack that can be put on the ground and used to deploy a satellite controle console. -Satellite interface with computer like interface and fullscreen view. -Pip view of what the satellite is viewing on any screen. -Ability to move the satellite live, on small distances through configurable keybinds. -Possibility to move the satellite on long distances by clicking on a built-in map. -Satellite is unavailable during long distances travel, unavailability time is calculated depending on speed/distance. -Normal and thermal view. Fullscreen mod offers extended actions: -Detection of heat sources (vehicles and units) within satellite viewrange. -Included inventory object: Blufor transponder, any unit having the transponder in its inventory will appear with a green square on the satellite. -Laser targeting -Tracking: after clicking on the tracking button double click on a unit and the satellite will follow it automatically. For mission makers: -Optional "satellite" module, you can define the satellite's initial position by placing the module where you want it on the map. -From the module you can also define the satellite's moving speed ( default is 100km per hour). This will only impact long distance movement. -You can make any object a satellite control console by putting "[this] call MRH_fnc_IsSatelliteConsole;" in its init box, if you do not want to give players access to the backpack. -You can make any screen object display the satellite feed by putting "[this] call MRH_fn_IsSatMonitor;" in its init box. Languages: The mod is available in both French and English, if you wish to offer help to translate it to another language please contact me. Multiplayer compatibility: Yes, server key is included. Pvp compatibility: No, as of yet all sides have access to the same satellite. ***New features *** The mod now includes two new objects: The Trivec Avant Satcom Antenna The Universal Tactical Display Both objects work together and allow for a lighter use without the need for the backpack, however when accessing the satellite from the UTD you won't have access to the fullscreen mode and its advanced options, those remain only available from a console deployed from the backpack or created from the editor. To use: If you have the antenna in your gear you will have the option to unfold the antenna, either from the scrollwheel menu, or if using ace from ace self interactions>>equipment. This will deploy the antenna in front of you. If you have ace3 enabled you can move and drag the antenna around. You need to connect the UTD to the antenna to receive a signal, to do so, with the utd in your inventory you will get a scrollwheel interaction when facing the antenna to connect it. Ace 3 users will have the interaction through the ace interaction menu. Once this is done you can bring up the UTD interface by pressing CTRL+U (default, can be changed in addon options), ace users can also do it from the self interaction menu>>equipment. Of course you need to have the UTD in your inventory. The signal will get weaker as you move further from the antenna, beyond a 100m you will lose connection from the antenna and will need to return to its position to reconnect the UTD. Also note that the further you are from the antenna the more statics you will get on your UTD screen, and the harder the image will be to read. The utd interface can be moved around on your screen by dragging it. Close it by pressing the on/off button or the escape key. You can fold and pick up the antenna at anytime(scrollwheel or ace interaction), once folded you will of course lose connection to the antenna (ACE users might get a small delay before the game detects that the antenna has been deleted and might still be able to access the sat for a short while) ******************* PIP MUST BE ENABLED on the clients graphics settings for the mod to work properly. Please report any bug you find, it always helps! Requirements: Requires ACE3 and CBA_A3 *EDIT* You no longer need Ace 3 as a requirement: -Added possibility to use without ace 3 . Ace 3 users will still get the awesome ace 3 interaction menu while ace3 non believers will get the bleak old arma 3 addaction. -Added possibility to disable features: full screen, lasering, detection and target tracking via cba settings. added in V1.3.06 Fixed: -PIP will resume when you exit directly from fullscreen mode. -Glitches which could happen when tracking targets. Added: -Compass and bearing display for the satellite view. (bearing readings might not be 100% accurate, will be fixed when my girlfriend fixes the maths for me **Oooh Maths!**) -Tracking a target will now display it's speed and bearing. -Name of units having a blufor transponder will be displayed next to their tracking icon. -Hovering said unit's tracking icon will display it's name, speed and bearing. Youtube video guide: DL: Download on steam workshop.
  18. Idea was to create a feature where you get 'something' for headshots. A side reward for accurate shot, mostly for CQB. Kill-feed is not the ideal option for arma or popping text with sound ..so I came up with this. Description: Headgear should have some protection, but what about goggles and NVG's? They shouldn't be that durable, especially if a unit gets killed with headshot. Helmets seems to be all static which are not. If you put a .50 cal round to the head, It's simply not possible for helmet to stay one piece. So I made them destroyable as well. Weapons with different caliber will act different on headgear, according to armor level. For example you won't be destroying armor level 3 headgear with a MX rifle although you might destroy level 2 helmet. For armor level4 headgear, you need high caliber weapon. There are different particle effects including coughing blood, big spray (of blood) going off mid air etc etc. For the helmet damage, powerful enough weapon caliber (like asp kir, gm6 or .50 cal) will not only destoy helmet; it will cause helmet parts to catch fire briefly. Brand new visual effects for head wounds, fatal or not. particle effects: friction sparks, glass shards, blood, fire dust, electric parts failure smoke, headgear parts and hat / helmet fly-off Randomized particle effects according to gear present on unit Each effect is randomized within itself for authentic simulation HMD / Helmet destruction by a head wound mainly depends on chance which is currently at %77 HMDs can be broken with a non fatal shot. This depends on used weapon type and damage value. Helmets can only be destroyed with weapon calibers equal to and/or higher than 7.62 Other factors such as helmet's armor level taken into account with weapon caliber for a better simulation 5 different sound samples for HMD destruction played random each time 8 different sound samples for helmet taking heavy damage Damage from a very high caliber weapon such as .50cal mounted on offroad, GM6 Lynx can cause parts to catch fire briefly In order to make 'catch fire briefly' fx visible you have to have particles 'high' in video options Performance demand of this add-on is minimal as It uses no loops and nothing is added to Arma scheduler Version: v1.14 Workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273833677 Github: https://github.com/the0utsider/ballistic-impact
  19. An unofficial extension Workshop GitHub "War is expensive: from laser-guided missiles to large-yield bombs, getting things done can be hard on your pocket. When funds start going low and budget cuts roll in, that's when warfare becomes about improvising and being creative. Sometimes, that means dropping barrels loaded with TNT and shrapnel on refugee camps." - The Guy Who Invented Barrel Bombs (probably) Description So both in celebration of the Laws of War DLC, and Al-Assad's birthday, I've decided to give myself the challenge to make a mod which in my opinion was long over-due: the ability to deploy Barrel Bombs in ArmA 3. After about three days of intense development, it's finally ready to ship: Customize the payload according to your strategic needs, load it into a helicopter, and drop away! How to use In the editor, search for and place Barrel Bomb Dispenser (Large) in your mission. ACE Interact with the dispenser, and Prepare a Barrel Bomb. You may now select between the types of fuse (Air-burst or Impact detonation), and the strength of the payload, or how many cluster munitions will be included in the barrel. If your dispenser has enough materials remaining, hit CONFIRM. As soon as you're done, a new barrel will appear, ready to be loaded. You may also inspect any barrels and read their label in order to confirm their properties. Carry the barrel to the desired Helicopter, then Prime and load it. Keep in mind that vehicles only have a limited amount of barrels that can be loaded - all barrels take up the same space. From the Helicopter - as either the pilot, copilot, or turret-gunners - ACE Interact with the vehicle and Check Barrel Bombs. Select the desired barrel and simply hit the confirmation button. F.A.Q. Yup. Should work with all Helicopters, I reckon. You bet. Both for self-hosted servers and Dedicated, works all the same. Use this function. Start an issue on GitHub. If you don't have an account there, use the Steam Workshop discussions. If none of these methods is accessible to you, then you can reach me on Steam and yell until things are fixed. Kind of. Regardless, be careful whenever deploying over a populated urban environment, as the paramedic/journalist/child-seeking shrapnel module is currently active, and it never misses. Sorry, not at this time. Shout-outs BromA, for being the coolest group of badasses autistic losers out there. McGabe and Wronglets, for helping me test this thing. The ACE3 Team, for keeping their mod the way all mods should be: open-source and extendable by the community. Cheers, fellas. And of course, Bashar Al-Assad, for re-popularizing this absolutely reprehensible, but still very amusing type of ordinance. Happy belated birthday! License This mod has absolutely no license whatsoever. Steal it, repack it, rename it, stretch it, twist it, lick it or suck it, it's your problem, I really, really don't care. Just to be real clear, you ARE free to: Unpack this mod and edit the everliving shit out of it. Rename it into something else and claim credits for yourself. Sell it or commercialize it, which in that case you've found someone stupid enough to buy it so my personal congratulations. Re-upload or re-repack it on any other website or re-distribution service, just don't blame me if your version is out-dated. Using it for real-life military purposes of any kind. Actually, if this mod ends up being used by actual armed forces for training, someone please let me know so I can tell all my friends and family about it. However, If you do plan on improving it it, this mod is stringtabled and can be translated - so that and any other contributions are better off done at Github so everyone else may benefit from it. AND REMEMBER KIDS:
  20. I'd like to announce to the community the release of my bullet-time/slow-motion mod. This mod is a spinoff of a slow-mo feature that I included in my "The Dude's Fantastic Paintball Adventure" mission; my friends and I enjoyed the feature it so much that I figured others would too. This mod features the following: When in bullet-time, the player gets a temporary health boost. Damage taken while in bullet-time does not impact the player when the effect ends (unless player killed in bullet-time). Player moves faster (relative to all other AI, players, objects) in bullet-time. Bullet-time ability regulated by "recharge delay". "Tracer-vision" feature (optional): Friendlies and enemies fire tracer rounds while in slow-motion (tracer colours are team-specific). AI bullets also travel slower for increased immersion and reaction time. Auto-react feature (optional): Player automatically "reacts" and enter bullet-time when caught unaware by enemy fire. Link to the mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930993237 Latest version (with "tracer-vision"): Previous version (still demonstrates the slow-mo feature nicely): I hope you folks enjoy! Bandpass
  21. BohemiaBeck

    Idea for a DLC

    This post moved to the addon request thread at: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139977-arma-3-addon-request-thread/page-118
  22. Z E R O D A R K Z E R O by Richard Von Quest VERSION: v0.6.5 Beta UPDATED: 17 APR 2021 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION : This is a mega-pack of various projects for Black-Ops, Spec-Ops, You-Were-Never-Here Ops... A Full Package of everything you need for a Map Population System, Mission Generator, Infil and Exfil Options, and everything between. ArmA Dark-Ops Systems, Units, Modules, Scripts, Equipment, etc. SpookWarCom has been changed to Zero Dark Zero, which is the larger umbrella name for this collection. Zero Dark Zero, has now been broken down into numerous sub-projects on Steam. Subscribe there to get the most current releases. Zero Dark Zero is the mega-project of currently 11 addons/mods, SpookWarCom is the GameMode we play on the weekends. // GAMEMODE : SpookWarCom (Spooks + SPECWARCOM). Its also a GameMode! You start each game in an Ops Center, where you must decipher the SITREP, and decide HOW to conduct your Mission, working towards the larger goal of winning the Map. SpookWarCom was designed to be an complex game-mode, that stages NATO vs CSAT in a global chess game of geopolitical combat. Players must navigate through a labyrinth of dynamic scenarios and missions that have direct cause-and-effect consequences from the Battlefield all the way up to the Global Theatre. As an Operative, you have been activated by JSOC to conduct Special Reconnaissance, Direct Action, Intelligence, and Unconventional Warfare. You will analyze all Intelligence available, review the assigned Mission, then manage both your Infil and Exfil. After each game, you will adjust the "Game Board" and Modules, to reflect the previous game until you win or lose that Map. The games are random and dynamic. The Battle for a single map can last up to 6 months. 1-6 Maps per Front. Whoever wins the Front, frees or captures that Country. // THE PROJECT : This is both a GameMode, and a large collection of project Addons. Obviously most people will just play as they want, but if you want to follow along and play in an Open-World Black-Ops Sandbox, you can follow this thread and/or subscribe to the Steam Workshop. Use as many, or as few addons as you wish. I offer both stand-alone Downloads, and the full collection if you Subscribe on Steam. // ADDONS / MODULES : FROGS, LEAP, SCAR, FUSE, SCOUT, CORE, SOCOM Check each page for more information and specific details. "Tip of The Spear, You Were Never Here" // FEATURES : TBA // DOCUMENTATION : (See Example Below) // NOTES : Walkthrough & Example Setup Mission: Altis, Greece Quick & Dirty Notes --- Read Briefings // KEYBINDING : SHIFT + D // REQUIRED : 1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3 2. Eden Objects - TOC2 - Advanced Ops Center (optional) 3. RHS and CUP - Units, Gear, Maps, etc. (recommended) // DONATE : Von Quest Industries // LICENSE :