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  1. Hi everyone, this is my issue. Im trying to force the game to display a specific asset on respawn . This is the export code from the virtual garage : _veh = createVehicle ["amf_pvp_01_mag_DA_f",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["DA",1], ["showeod",1,"turretshieldhide",1,"showCamonetHull",1] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; So basically, i call my vehicle p1 and write this on the init of the vanilla respawn module : this setVehicleVarName "p1"; [p1,["showeod",1,"turretshieldhide",1,"showCamonetHull",1]]call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; BUT ... did nothing, the vehicle respawn with basic camo texture, no error message on preview during the script exec. BTW there is a mod than a user sent me but it dont work. If you saw an error on my script pls explain to me because i dont understand ..
  2. Friends, I come to you again, great sages of Arma 3 codes to perhaps solve my current problem... This problem is as follows, I want a static object in my scenario to be destroyed if it takes any instance of damage. The object in question is "Land_PortableServer_01_olive_F". In the init field I tried to put a code that works perfectly on the units: this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{ _this spawn { if (_this select 2 > 0) then { _this select 0 setDamage 1; }; }}]; As I said, in units this code works. If I shoot the unit in the foot that has this code in its init, it will be immediate death. But as in the current case the code is in a static object, it doesn't work. I've already tried shooting all the bullets from my gun on this portable server, hand grenades, RPG, tank artillery... nothing happens xD I did a test to see if it is possible for this object to be destroyed by activating a trigger with the code: hard setDamage 1; Oh, the name of the object is "hard" by the way, because of hardware. And another trigger with the condition: !alive hard; Upon activation: hint "It worked"; And it worked... my test. But I wanted this object to be destroyed if it was hit by something, like the code there that works with the units as I explained. If that were possible, I could create a bad ending for the sci-fi mission I'm creating. Thank you in advance for your time!
  3. Hello again, As I continue with my recreation of the MW2 Humvee run, I am faced with another challenge. In the current setup, AI units board the desired vehicle, in which an AI driver is already waiting for them, the convoy then moves to a location designated by a MOVE waypoint, where I wish for the combat units only to disembark. Simply linking the desired units to a GET OUT waypoint yields no results, as they refuse to leave the vehicle. I have followed a tutorial from YT on how to make AI units move, get out and back in, but unfortunately this only works for the entire crew of the vehicle. It would be extremely practical for the solution to be achieved through waypoints, as I still very much struggle with scripting lol. If any more information is necessary I shall be happy to provide it. Thanks in advance
  4. Hey there, I am looking for a simple way to stop the player (in the gunner's position) from giving orders to an AI driver when pressing the WASD keys (the good old "forward", "left" etc.) I have created a simple convoy mission, everything works fine (the vehicles follow each other, stay where they are meant to stay, stop at the correct place etc.), but pressing one of the aforementioned keys immediately switches the control of the vehicle to the player in the gunner position, the AI driver completely stops following the vehicle in front and the whole mission is thrown off. I have tried googling it but the solutions either did not work (like giving the AI a higher rank than the player) or were completely incomprehensible for a newbie like me. Unfortunately, just not pressing the WASD keys is not a solution as I play with people who think it is hilarious to always ram other vehicles like it's top gear. Any help would be appreciated. TL;DR : need help stopping the player in the gunner position from commandeering a vehicle driven by an AI
  5. AreJayEm

    AI Dismount problem

    If I've created a vehicle capable of carrying a squad/team (Ghost Hawk, Marid, etc.), and the player character is one of the vehicle crew, how do I command the mounted AI squad to dismount at a location I've driven/flown to? Do I have to do this with a waypoint and drop them at a pre-defined spot, or is there a way I can drop them off at any location on the map depending on the requirements of a developing situation? Thanks in advance.
  6. So I put this code in the initialization field of a trigger: private _posATL = player modelToWorld [0,10,0]; private _ps1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _posATL; _ps1 setParticleParams [ "\A3\Data_F\ParticleEffects\Pstone\Pstone", "", "SpaceObject", 1, 10, [0, 0, 30], [0, 0, -2], 1, 10, 1, 0.2, [2, 2], [[1, 1, 1 ,1]], [0, 1], 1, 0, "", "", _ps1]; _ps1 setParticleRandom [0, [10, 10, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0], 0, 1.5, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0]; _ps1 setDropInterval 0.04; And the particle effect works. I got this code from the BI website at this link https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Particles_Tutorial that talks about particles: More specifically, it's rock shower code. But here's the problem: I can't delete the effect, either the rock shower or any other effect. When the trigger activates, the effect starts, but I don't know how to stop it. I already tried deleting the trigger, and using the example that says on the site mentioned above deleteVehicle _ps1; But nothing.. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi guys, im trying to make a spawner for accessories (in this case its ACE_Wheel) with an action. So i made this : this addAction ["Take A Wheel",{"ACE_Wheel" createVehicule getMarkerPos "Marker10"}]; This dont work because it needs ";" and it give me headhache .... Can someone have a solution ? And the way "HideObjectGlobal" isnt a solution for me because i would like to made a spawner for wheels and tank tracks for players on my MP mission (ACE MOD) If possible even to put the object on my hand directly 🙂
  8. I spent the last two weeks making a Mission, ive probably spent well over a hundred Hours making it. Today i was about 99% done. When i wanted to test my recent changes (I Built a Trench and wanted to see if the player can go through it without issues) i pressed "Play in Multiplayer" like you would normally, however instead of the over 100 playable Units that i placed down, only the one that i specifically placed down to test showed up in the Role assignment. I went back into the editor and discovered that Literally EVERYTHING except that last playable Unit that i placed down was gone. If you press "Play" the Mission will autosave and therfore overwrite itself. Is there a way to recover the older Version of the "mission.sqm" ? Im willing to try just about anything at this point as recreating a mission with over 100 Playable Units that all have indevidual Loadouts, all the custom Vehicles and especially all the scripted Triggers will be a Pain to recreate and honestly my motivation to do so is also gone after this ordeal. (sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my native languidge.) Please Help 😕
  9. za0

    Timer on Items

    You know that round timer that appears when you revive an ally, repair a vehicle or defuse a bomb? How do I add it to any item I want, and trigger a trigger when the timer circle completes? And if possible, how can I change the time to my liking, like 30 seconds or 60 seconds?
  10. Hello, I am trying to start my mission with an init.sqf that is a black screen with text that then fades out. This works fine if I put my player on the ground and click play but when started in a helicopter seat, the init.sqf doesn't work. How would I use this and start in the helicopter seat? Thanks in advance, I'm somewhat new to all this so I'm assuming it's something small I'm just overlooking. my init.sqf - titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999]; [] Spawn { titleText ["This line here should take you about five seconds to read.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 7; sleep 5; titleText ["This line should take five seconds as well, if you read slowly.","PLAIN"]; titleFadeOut 7; sleep 5; titleText ["This line however is important. It should take you ten seconds to read it. That's how much time you have to read this line completely.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 12; sleep 10; titleText ["You don't have as much time with this line, but it is still quite lengthy and ever so informative.","PLAIN"]; titleFadeOut 9; sleep 7; titleText ["But this line.\n\nThis line will make you pause. This line will give you time to...\n\nthink.","PLAIN"]; titleFadeOut 12; sleep 10; // Info text [str ("Not so far away..."), str("Not so long ago..."), str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 0)] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; sleep 3; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [6]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 5; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; };
  11. za0

    DLC's Lightning

    Well... when Im testing my missions in multiplayer mode, some times some things strange happens: A lightning strikes the ground with a bang and several dlcs icons scatter around it. I've also seen an event where a cloud of flyers falls from the sky. What is this???? I didn't do anything for this to happen! :l This is very annoying because in addition to the lag that this causes, immersion is also greatly impaired. Note: I have the dlcs.
  12. Is there a way to move an object with trigger? For example, I want an object to change its coordinates when a trigger is activated. And in this trigger will be the coordinates where this object will be moved.
  13. So I’m new to coding in general and thought I’d try out scripting in arma 3, I have written code but it does not do as intended. And I don’t even know if I’m using the right commands, I’m done trying to rack my brain scouring BI script command list and random YouTube videos if anyone know how to achieve this please post it here or reference me to where I can get help. so here’s what I want to do: 1. Give variable name in Eden editor. 2. Get variable name given in Eden editor for reference in script as a “class”. 3. Use variable name “class” to run a specific script. plot example: Object (unit) variable name given in editor = Assault //in script code to get the variable name of “This” unit. code to check if the variable name is equal to a specific class name. code that executes another code if the check returns true. if you have any insight on how to achieve this or even close to it please reply
  14. How to use commands on group of units/objects? For example, I created group of units Alpha 1-5 and set his name "kafegr". Now I can add attribute for all units of this group, for example, hideObject this; But how to use commands on this group outside attributes of this group? I tried to type in trigger following command: hideObject kafegr; but it don't work, so please help me, what I need to type in trigger to hide all units of this group when some player activates this trigger? And second question: how to add boolean? I tried to type: boolean boolk=false; in initialization block, but it don't work. Sorry for my bad english.
  15. za0


    I have 10 units. Their variable names are: s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10. I want to make all of them be in just one name. How do I set this variable?
  16. well, i'm trying to create a ww2 scenery with parachute jump. And for that I'm using the IFA3_LIB mod. The C-47s from there have the normal sitting position and also the standing up position which is when you are about to jump. I wanted to make the player not have to worry about clicking anything when jumping, so I got this script so that the jump could be done alone: Now an important detail, this script works perfectly when the plane's crew is seated (in game they appear as: crew) But before the jump takes place/the above script runs, I put in another script that makes the entire crew that was seated to stand up, and therefore be in the standing up position. In this case, when the plane reaches the trigger with the jump script, everyone standing inside the plane is still inside the plane... :l I believe maybe that's why: since when they are standing they are apparently no longer considered "crew". But I don't know, I don't know much about scripts, I was wondering if there is another variety to use in forEach other than "crew" that works for this case... An example of all units jumping out of the plane except the pilot would work but I don't know how to do it. Challenge launched! xD Thanks in advance guys!
  17. I'm using Ace mod and there is that plasma sack with the id as follow: ACE_plasmaIV_250 Well, I'm trying to remove it from my inventory when I reach the trigger area with the command : this removeItem ACE_plasmaIV_250; ...but nothing happens I've also tried use: this removeItemFromBackpack ACE_plasmaIV_250; with the item in my backpack but still nothing happens... :l Any idea? tks in advance!
  18. Well, how can I make a trigger be activated when a whole group is dead? I found this in another topic with the same question but it didn't work for me : {alive _x} count units (groupname) == 0 tks in advance!
  19. I have just created a pretty large airbase, I started placing grass cutters and it's lowering frames by 5-10, can I remove these and still keep the grass removed? Thanks.
  20. Well... I'm creating a mission using ACRE2 but I didn't let the characters have any radio at the beginning. So I edited their equipment and none of them have any radio. But when I test, everybody has an AN/PRC-343 in inventory. They automatically start with it. Is there a way to disable this automatic appearance of radio in the inventory? Tks in advance guys!
  21. Hi. I wanted to add by script through a trigger with area the parade uniform of dlc art of war whose id is U_O_ParadeUniform_01_CSAT_F I wrote the following in the trigger activation field: (unitname) addUniform "U_O_ParadeUniform_01_CSAT_F"; But when I go to the trigger area, nothing happens. I managed to add the cap by writing in the trigger's add field: (unitname) addheadgear "H_ParadeDressCap_01_CSAT_F"; I don't have the dlc art of war. If that's the problem, then why am I able to add the cap but not the uniform? tks in advance!
  22. Ok guys, my problem now is as follows: I want to set the number of rounds from an artillery support provider (virtual) to just one. And I also want to know if there's a way to enable only the mk6 mortar to be used, because there's other options there, and I just want the mk6, and that players only use it too... Someone can help me? Tks in advance!
  23. Hello everyone. I'm creating a mission on eden editor and when I put the support requester and the provider to be able to boom boom boom the enemies, when I test an error message appears... https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipNj5RLe8PA5816sVP5DhiNch5T8zEC-9shFZTAS despite this, the support works normally. But my will to be perfectionist do not allows me to move on. So I created a new scenario from zero and did the same settings and nothing showed up. I tried find the file mentioned but i couldn't... 😕
  24. Hi guys, my question is in the title. How can I make an AI salute the player just when the player salute first? and I also wanted that the AI stop saluting when the player stop too... Thanks in advance!
  25. Hello, I recently made my own Warlords scenario in Eden editor and everything worked fine, until I ran on a serious problem. After playing the scenario on a server I made and making some progress on the map, I saved the game and quit. The next day I loaded the saved game, still on the server I made, and then a problem occurred. I couldn't open the Warlords buying menu and the voting system stopped working. It seems like after I load the saved game, the Warlords Init just stops working / deactivates. I tried to change the soldier I was playing with but it didn't fix anything. Can anyone tell me how to fix that please? PS. I think it might be fixed by writing a code that tells the init to activate after the game is loaded, but I don't know how to do that (I cannot write scripts) and I'm not sure if it will work anyway.