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  1. alky_lee

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    NOTE: As of 19 August 2019, I will no longer be updating this forum. This is due to the forum becoming locked every time I update it. It is just untenable. Feel free to continue posting in the comments. The excellent single player mission by Rydygier was originally set on Altis. Official ports were provided for Chernarus, Lingor and Bornholm and links to those missions can be found on the Pilgrimage topic. Rydygier is currently busy with real life but has given permission for players to port the mission to other maps. The purpose of this page is to provide links to the unofficial ports of the mission that have been kept up to date. Some early ports have not been updated and may no longer work, so will not be featured here. When porting some players will add their own preferences into the mission, so they may vary slightly from the official missions and have extra features. Some maps, especially landlocked terrains, will require different mechanics to end the mission. The following missions have been updated to the latest version of Pilgrimage (1.95) Common Links - CUP Terrains - Core, CBA_A3 **** IMPORTANT NOTE - On landlocked terrains, where you start with a vehicle, you NEED that VEHICLE to finish the mission **** Al Rayak (Requirements CUP Core, G.O.S Al Rayak) - Al Rayak by Alky Lee Altis (Requirements - Cessna 185 Skywagon, Real World Weather, Advanced Rappelling ) - Altis by Pvt Partz (Notes) Anizay (Requirements - Anizay, CUP Core) - Anizay by Major Stiffy Australia (Requirements - Australia) Australia by Alky Lee Beketov (requires CUP Core, Beketov) Beketov by Major Stiffy Cambodia Real (Requirements - Apex, Prei Khmaoch Luong , Unsung Vietnam War Mod 3.2 , CUP Units 1.9.1, CUP Weapons 1.9.1, CUP Vehicles 1.9.1 , CBA , Asian Factions for CUP , Advanced Repelling ) - Cambodia REAL by Pvt Partz (Notes) Chernarus Redux (requires CUP Core, Chernarus Redux) Chernarus Redux by Major Stiffy *** New *** CLA Clafghan (Requires CUP Core, CLA Clafghan) CLA Clafghan by Major Stiffy Dingor (Requires CUP Core, Lingor + Dingor Island) Dingor by Alky Lee Isla Duala (Requires CUP Core, Isla Duala) Isla Duala by Alky Lee Kujari (Requires CUP Core, Kujari) Kujari by Vafana Kujari by Major Stiffy Lingor (Requires CUP Core, Lingor + Dingor Island) Lingor by Major Stiffy Lythium (requires Lythium, JBad Buildings) - Lythium by Major Stiffy Livonia (Requires Contact DLC) - Livonia by Vafana Malden - Malden by Alky Lee Namalsk ( Requirements - Namalsk , Namalsk CUP Replace (Rail Patch), Namalsk Light Patch V2 ) - Namalsk by Pvt Partz (Notes) Napf - (Requires CUP Core , Napf) - Napf by Alky Lee Panthera - (Requires CUP Core, Island Panthera) - Panthera by Alky Lee Rosche - (Requires Rosche, MBG Buildings, CUP Core) - Rosche by Major Stiffy Staszów - (Requires CUP Core, CBA_A3, IFA3_AIO_Lite) - Staszów by Pvt Partz (Notes) Summa - (Requires CUP Core, Summa) - Summa by Major Stiffy Tanoa - Tanoa by Vafana Taunus - (Requirements - Taunus, Arma's Nature, CUP Terrains Complete, Eden Editor Objects) - Taunus by Pvt Partz (Notes) Vidda - (Requirement - Vidda ) - Vidda by Pvt Partz (Notes) The following missions still use an earlier version of Pilgrimage (1.95 beta 1) Altis - Altis by Major Stiffy Cambodia (Requires Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង ) - Cambodia by Major Stiffy Chernarus (Requires CUP Core) - Chernarus by Major Stiffy (Requires Open Chernarus) Chernarus Winter (Requires CUP Core, Chernarus Winter) - Chernarus Winter by Major Stiffy (Requires Open Chernarus), Chernarus Winter by Alky Lee Kerama Islands (Requires Kerama Islands & CUP Core) - Kerama Islands by Major Stiffy Kobbvatn (Requires Kobbvatn, CUP Core, CUP Terrains - CWA, CUP Terrains - Maps, Xin_Ponds, ) - Kobbvatn by Major Stiffy Malden - Malden by A2012V, Malden by Major Stiffy Sahrani (Requires CUP Terrains - Core, CUP Terrains - Maps) -- Sahrani by Major Stiffy,, Sahrani port by Vafana Stratis - Stratis by Major Stiffy Tanoa - Tanoa by rsoftokz, Tanoa by Major Stiffy Tembelan (Requires Tembelan) - Tembelan by Major Stiffy Vidda (Requires Vidda) - Vidda by Major Stiffy CO-OP Altis by Major Stiffy (wip 10) Cambodia by Major Stiffy Chernarus by Major Stiffy Chernarus Redux by Major Stiffy Lingor by Major Stiffy Lythium by Major Stiffy & Pvt Partz Malden by Major Stiffy Stratis by Major Stiffy Tanoa by Major Stiffy Other BI Forum Topics Pilgrimage, Silent---Unseen by Pvt Partz Pilgrimage Ported Variations by rsoftokz SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition by rsoftokz Update Log
  2. CSWR is an Arma 3 script that allows you to spawn AI groups and vehicles how and wherever you want, making them automatically move through the easily defined map regions without the need for scripting knowledge. CSWR almost doesn't change original AI behaviors, saving server performance and Arma 3 integrity. CSWR Steps for the Basic Editors: Download and open the documentation; Install the script (10 seconds); Turn "TRUE" which side(s) CSWR takes care; Define how many groups and vehicles should be spawned; On the map, drag and drop the markers for spawns and destinations; Play. CSWR Extra steps for the Advanced Editors: Which language and ethnicity does the side belong to; Define when each group/vehicle should spawn; Customize the loadout of infantry, marines, snipers, and heavy crew; Define the list of forbidden items that AI cannot have; And more. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Controlled-Spawn-And-Waypoints-Randomizr-Script/blob/main/_CSWR_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect: No dependencies from other mods or scripts; Run flawlessly for multiplayer and single-player missions; Manually set which markers the side can use as spawn-points; Create unlimited and different types of spawn-points: Infantry Spawn-points; Marines Spawn-points; NEW!!! Ground vehicle spawn-points; Nautical and amphibious spawn-points; NEW!!! Helicopter spawn-points; Air Paradrop for vehicle spawn-points; Air Paradrop for people spawn-points; Spawn-points can be triggered by: Mission starts; Trigger activation; Timer; Target status; By scripting (boolean); (SOON) There is no re-spawn. Death is death for units and vehicles spawned by CSWR; Create unlimited and different types of destinations: Move Restrict; Move Public; Move Any; Nautical Move Restrict; NEW!!! Nautical Move Public; NEW!!! Nautical Move Any; NEW!!! Special > Move Watch; Special > Move Hold; Special > Move Occupy; Set which vehicles a side will use (including helicopters and boats); Set which units a side will use (regardless of the original faction or side); Set how large is each group-type of a side; Customize the loadout of: Infantry; Snipers; Paratroops; Crewmen; Marines; NEW!!! Set those segments of a side can use Night-Vision-Goggles: Only Infantry; Only Snipers; Only Paratroops; Only Marines; NEW!!! All of them; No one; Set if a side has Flashlights as an alternative to Night-visions absence; Deeper customization: Side ethnicity; NEW!!! Automatic faces selection; Automatic language selection; Language customization; NEW!!! Set what behavior each group and vehicle start the game: Safe; Aware; Combat; Stealth; Chaos; Set if all vehicles and units spawned by CSWR are editable by Zeus; Set if the CSWR should wait for another script load first on the server; Debugging: Friendly error handling; Hint monitor to control some numbers; Full documentation is available (including videos). Video demo: Check the file above on GitHub. Check the file above on GitHub. Link on this post header. Link on this post footer. (Above) Editor set if all one side can use night vision goggles (or just parachuters, or only sniper teams), or only flashlights, or both gears or none. If flashlights are available they need to be on all the mission long or just when each AI decides. (Above) WATCH destination (specific for sniper groups) is working much better with high natural terrains, regardless of whether the map is an official one. (Above) Group executing OCCUPY destinations can get in high towers with better distribution positions inside. (Above) Group executing OCCUPY, if they select an acceptable ruin/destroyed building, the group will always get in a crouch in this kind of position. (Above) Even heavy ground vehicles can be paradropped. (Above) All groups paradropped, when touched the ground, they will focus on regrouping with their squad leader before starting their missions. (Above) Helicopters automatically identify where all safe and not busy helipads are to land if they need to rearm, repair, refuel, or heal their wounded crew. Dependencies: None 😉 Download: - On GitHub: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Controlled-Spawn-And-Waypoints-Randomizr-Script - On Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2740912514 Missions using it: Basically all my missions on Steam Workshop. - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Dec, 29th 2024 | v7.0: news, fixes and notes. Known issues: Arma 3 issue > Amphibious vehicles don't start their engines when spawned in water if their waypoint is over 3.2km long [reported!]; Arma 3 issue > Diver uniforms are bugged if the unit is created by scripting, and it asks the unit to leave the water (it gets stuck in swimming animation even on dry land) [reported!]; - Watch > Sniper groups still not considering buildings when there are no natural highlands to take a position for overwatching; - Occupy > If you hide a building and the building can be occupied, the groups will consider that hidden building as a regular place to occupy; Paradrop > When parachuters are civilians, they're crouched right after landing and stay like this forever. - Move Hold > Sometimes tracked vehicles are not facing exactly the marker direction configured by the editor; - - - - - - - - - - - Video tutorials (playlist):
  3. Download | Repository | Issue Tracker | Wiki | Steam Workshop What is DCG? Dynamic Combat Generator is an Arma 3 mod designed to help mission makers quickly enhance their cooperative scenarios by supplying a collection of easy to use, modular addons. DCG's addons are highly customizable and allow creators to populate their missions with ease. What's Included in DCG? Modularity Save/load functionality Occupied cities with patrolling and garrisoned enemies Scaling enemy strength Dynamically spawned patrols Enemy static emplacements and sniper teams Populated cities Civilian interaction Roadside IEDs Dynamically spawned civilian traffic Hostile civilians Terrain based animal spawns Approval system FOB construction system Transportation system Dynamic weather Unit caching Headless client support ACE3 support ACRE2 support TFAR support Coop mission template How Do I Use DCG? The latest version of Community Based Addons is required on the server and client. Server Setup Extract the DCG and CBA zip files to the server's Arma 3 folder After extracting the files, @dcg and @cba_a3 should exist in the server's Arma 3 directory To configure a mission for DCG, take a quick look at Setting up a DCG compatible mission If you wish to customize DCG's settings, check out the Settings Framework Can I Contribute to DCG? Dynamic Combat Generator is open source and hosted on Github. Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Teamwork makes the dream work!
  4. Dynamic: Fight in a quick skirmish, decisive battle or grand campaign. Composition of formations varies from mission to mission. Persistent: Conquered areas are saved to next mission. Map control affects formation morale and supply situation. Customizable: Play with vanilla, mod or DLC factions. Command or be commanded by HIVE AI, with adjustable difficulty. Notes: Scale is 1000m, 1500m or 2000m of area radius with 6 (+3), 10 (+5) or 14 (+7) groups per side. Faction must have an cfgGroups configuration. Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3381596698 HIVE AI Script:
  5. GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout V1.35 by Grumpy Old Man Features: Change serial (tail) number on compatible aircraft (currently supported: Gryphon, Shikra and Black Wasp) Change pylon priority (makes multiple pylons act as a single weapon if they have the same priority) Works with all addon aircrafts with properly configured pylons Preset function to save presets and load them, mission/server independent deleting a preset works only when holding down CTRL to prevent mishaps Option to set pylon ownership to either gunner or pilot, also works with presets Change the livery of the aircraft if it's configured for one Allows certain players to modify aircraft loadouts, as well as rearm the pylons and repair/refuel the aircraft Can be restricted to work only if fuel/ammo/repair sources are within 50m of the object holding the menu You can simultaneously only refuel as many aircraft as you have fuel sources Can sort for compatible weapons or allow to mount all weapons on all pylons Ability to set reporting, receiving of remote targets and own position One click to clear all pylons if you changed your mind Can be operated by a lone pilot or a designated logistics crew Multiple players can install multiple pylons on the same plane, one pylon at a time Pylon installation will take some time, depending on mag size (twin cannons or gatlings will install faster than a 12 missile dagr pod) Rearming with engines on How to use this script: Unpack the downloaded .rar and check out the demo mission. Copy the file structure besides init.sqf and mission.sqm into your own mission. Don't forget to back up before overwriting any files! Functions for mission makers: List of commands used by remoteExec (changed in 1.33😞 Read: The addAction on objects will only show up if the players weapon is lowered. Make sure you have aircraft placed that are dynamic loadout compatible (especially for missions made pre 1.70!). The script now by default needs to have at least one ammo source, repair source or fuel source within 50m of the object that is holding the loadout menu. The respective options will be greyed out otherwise. This can be changed however. Simply adjust the variables in the of GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadoutParameters.sqf to your liking, the comments tell you what each variable does. (!) Check out the included mission file on how to add this menu to objects, players or triggers, dedicated server and local hosted server compatible. Aircraft Loadout V1.35 Download Known issues: If you encounter any errors please send me a PM containing details (screenshots,.rpt,error messages etc). If you encounter vehicle resources not working with ACE3 check out the functions for mission makers section above. Changelog: V1.35 Fixed: Players are no longer able to load presets created with a different pylon restriction setting, thanks @magicsrp Due to this change all presets needed to be reset V1.342 (Most likely) Fixed: Error with CUP Aircraft not returning getAllHitPointsDamage V1.341 Fixed: "Unknown attribute t" .rpt spam, thanks @magicsrp Previous changes: 10.07.2021: Added the file to google drive, so it should be permanent. Also removed the armaholic link. RIP. Enjoy
  6. Dynamic Composition of formations varies from mission to mission. Various group types including aerial and artillery units. Persistent Conquered areas are saved to next mission. Map control affects formation morale and supply situation. Customizable Fight in a quick skirmish, decisive battle or grand campaign with different factions. Command or be commanded by HIVE AI, with adjustable difficulty. Notes *Scale is 1000m, 2000m or 3000m of area radius with 15, 30 or 45 groups per side. *Faction must have an cfgGroups configuration. *Terrain needs to have location data, terrain can be changed by changing file name. Eg: .Takistan > .Zargabad Installation Place unpacked folder in missions directory. Download https://www.moddb.com/games/arma-2-combined-operations/addons/sp-hive-battle-generators HIVE AI Script https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/290822-hive_ai/
  7. Dynamically Generated Horror Missions Join the Paranormal Operations Group (POG) and deal with spooks, anomalies, and paranormal disturbances across the world... NOTE - THIS IS A BETA RELEASE. BUGS MAY PERSIST. PLEASE REPORT IN REPLIES SO I CAN FIX THEM Storyline: The Paranormal Operations Group, a secret multi-national organization, has served under various names since World War 2 to keep the world safe from (and unaware of) the cosmic horrors that threaten our existence. From zombie contagion outbreaks to anomalous beings from beyond the veil, POG stands ready to deploy, contain, and destroy the weird, the paranormal, and the horrifying, no matter where they crop up. - A Horror Mission Generator by UselessFodder Features: - Completely dynamic horror missions generated across the entire map - Every mission is completely unique - Generates based on the server's loaded horror/monster mods (see below) - Variety of mission objectives (purge zone, recover artifact, destroy object, etc) - 1-4 objectives per operation - Single Player or Multiplayer coop up to 16 - Ground or helicopter insertions into the AO - Mission Difficulty and "Vibe" parameters available - Custom 'horror events' and sounds to keep the spooks up while in the AO - Zeus capability for hosts & logged in admins - Mission "Themes" (Undead, Fantasy, Sci Fi, etc) to increase immersion - Fine-tuned control of the enemy factions - Extremely Easy to Port to new Maps - [Coming Soon] Custom POG Patches created by UselessFodder Steam Collection of all Maps Available here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3064136265 Supported Maps: - Malden: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064130063 - Altis: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064103977 - Stratis: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064149451 - Chernarus - Autumn: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064063985 - Takistan: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064683012 - Bystrica: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3065545236 - Livonia: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3355373008 - Yulakia: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3354821631 - Esseker: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3355963831 - (Soon) Namalsk - (Soon) Others as Suggested Supported Mods: NOTE: You MUST have at least one of the supported mods loaded or the mission will not spawn enemies! - Devourerking's Necroplague Mutants - Drongos Spooks and Anomalies - WebKnight's Zombies and Creatures - Empires of Old - Ryan's Zombies & Demons - Foes & Allies Aliens - Alienz Zetaborn - The Corporation DVK - Ravage - Max's Alien - Max's Werewolf - Cytech Assets (WIP) - Horror Mod (WIP) - (Soon)Diwako's STALKER-like anomalies - (Soon)EpochZ Spearhead Zombies - (Soon)Atmospheric Horror & Emotional Music Pack - (Soon)BG21 Slaughter Assets - (Soon)Alias Night FX Modules - (Soon)SCP Foundation - (Soon)WH Fantasy Skeleton Faction NOTE: This dynamic mission was inspired by the Dynamic Recon Ops, but diverges from that scenario in significant ways and does not utilize a single line of their code. The focus here is on the tension of clearing a dark, lamp-lit village on foot by flashlight, waiting to hear the footsteps of the infected just around the next turn... No one is coming to save your team: You are the saviors. I hope you enjoy the experience... If you encounter any bugs, please post them here, on the Steam Workshop page or in our Discord at https://discord.gg/UselessFodder . Thanks for playing! All Released DHO Collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3064136265 GitHub with most up to date version: https://github.com/UselessFodder/FS-DynamicHorrorOp Credits: - Horror Mod collection: Liru the Lcpl., Icebreakr, Nillers, GameCam, John, Scarecrow1625, Hippcelt, EpochZ, JamesH97, Maddog088, Spectakil, Jones.S, lemonstone92, SMuRG_Teh_WuRGG, Sir_Potoo, robofireman - Testers: GameCam, Flame, Poly, John, Sytx, Waksu, Axagoras, Element, uty206, slugfox - Bugfixes: Drongo, Devourerking, Webknight - See more in-game Highlighted by BIS in Community Spotlight #144: No kidding screenshots captured during DHO missions:
  8. Random (I) Tactical Zone, RITZ! Dynamic missions orchestrated by HETMAN artificial leader. You will be leading your assigned squad throughout pitched battles. Comes in two flavors on different maps and factions: Battle Generator - Take role on either side and fight over central point. Campaign mode - Progress throughout the map in multiple part scenario. Units can be recruited with action > "Recruit". If you "Recruit" the commander unit at flag marker, YOU become the commander! Access High Command module with "ctrl + spacebar". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Place .pbo in missions folder. Requires Combined Operations. No addons required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifying Battle generator can be played on different map by changing .pbo name e.g SP_RITZ.Zargabad.pbo -> SP_RITZ.Takistan.pbo Campaign mode works on trigger locations in editor. Arrays for units can be changed in UnitSpawning.sqf ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Google drive moddb ------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits: HETMAN ARTIFICIAL COMMANDER by Rydygier BI wiki for information and various script snippets from bi forum posts, thanks a ton everyone! ^^
  9. I always found interesting the usage of dynamic ambient soundtracks in games with a more or less open environment (e.g, Fallout, TES...). In my opinion, dynamic music change based on combat/calm state always gives players more immersion and brings the overall joy of the gaming process higher. Unfortunately, Arma doesn't have anything similar in terms of dynamic music so I decided to do it myself. The base concept of this script was made in late 2019 and was used mainly for SP/private MP scenarios being constantly polished throughout these years. I'm not a very experienced scripter, but I tried to make this performance-friendly as much as possible so all suggestions are more than welcome. The script is very customizable, so you can even come up with your own music. Installation for SP: init.sqf → https://pastebin.com/raw/4qvFQExk Scripts\DynamicAmbient.sqf → Vanilla — https://pastebin.com/raw/m1ikVp2A SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/4KkvMGq7 CUP (A2) — https://pastebin.com/raw/dxyRVPS3 Scripts\onLoadEH.sqf → Anything that is not SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/MwMqsaVj SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/50ktvUpD Installation for MP: initPlayerLocal.sqf → https://pastebin.com/raw/DT0Btx4S Scripts\DynamicAmbient.sqf → Vanilla — https://pastebin.com/raw/m1ikVp2A SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/4KkvMGq7 CUP (A2) — https://pastebin.com/raw/dxyRVPS3 Steam guide (fore more thorough explanation) Showcase missions: Vanilla CUP SOG PF Showcase videos: Credits: Bohemia interactive for such an amazing game. Savage Game Design for beautiful CDLC CUP Team for an astonishing addons Official Arma 3 discord (especially Lou Montana) for various hints Tinker, modify, and use as you wish, just don't forget to give a credit to the author 🙂
  10. Hey there guys, I am looking around and wondering if anyone knows how to set up Dynamic Simulation, for ALL non-player units in the session, at all times. .. maybe a sleep or check timer where it applies it in periods for all non player units. Both from the start of the session and when you spawn them in mid session, through script or by Zeus Micro managing activating dynamic simulation on any and all units is a bit tedious for me as Zeus
  11. Hi, I just wanted to present a mission I've been working on for quite a while now but never got around to posting it here. Basic description Random infantry skirmish on a random place on the map, you can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicle and just start fighting. The battles are fast, fierce and fun. The mission purpose is to have some quick arcade fun with whatever faction mod you have. Main features Fast-paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compatible with any mod that has proper units definitions Fully customizable, set your own rules, select your gear, pick a location, pick factions 3 game modes: Push, King of the Hill and Team Deathmatch Supports Singleplayer and COOP (up to 8 players) Supports 30 worlds! Game modes Push - attack and capture sequence of points, one after another while defenders put fierce resistance King of the Hill - team that has more units in a specified area gets points over time, the team that reaches the point limit first wins Team Deathmatch - get points for killing enemy units, the team that reaches the point limit first wins Workshop collection link (contains missions for all 30 worlds) The mission is fully open source, you can find the sources on GitHub: https://github.com/SkaceKamen/random-infantry-skirmish/ (feel free to use any code found there for any purpose)
  12. Overthrow is a dynamic [SP/CO16] revolution simulator campaign built for ARMA 3. Description: Overthrow simulates undertaking a grass-roots revolution against an oppressive NATO occupation of your home. Altis, Tanoa (Apex required of course), and Malden are currently supported. Start in a in a small town with nothing, and fight your way to remove the occupying NATO forces from the Island. There is no single way to Overthrow, which is what makes it exciting and unique. Head on combat, guerrilla tactics, or economic domination are all possible. ACE and CBA are required, and Advanced towing is integrated. Our overall focus is to ensure that all player actions matter, and that things behave generally as you would expect them to in the real world. It was inspired by the great times we had playing the original "Antistasi" dynamic campaign. We would love you to help us test our mod, and help guide future development. Updates (24 July 2017): APEX no longer required, and an Altis, Malden campaigns have been added. Get ready for more community-map additions soon! Current Version is, released 15th July 2017. Updates are coming out frequently as new features are added and fixes completed. To install: - Steam Link --> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=774201744 - GitHub (download full source) --> https://github.com/jabberzac/Overthrow To get in touch: - Facebook (general help and chat) --> https://www.facebook.com/armaoverthrow/ - Discord (keep Armazac company) --> https://discord.gg/QGQ5gf4 - GitHub (report issues / view wiki page) --> https://github.com/jabberzac/Overthrow/issues - Reddit --> http://reddit.com/r/armaoverthrow General features: - GTA-inspired wanted/stealth system - Dynamic political system with regional stability - Buy and sell just about in any-game item/vehicle/weapon for currency - Reverse engineer and build items and equipment for your revolution-machine - Complete jobs to gain faction reputation and access to blueprints for valuable equipment - Capture towns and military objectives - Dynamic economy/Regional pricing/Trade - Buy, sell and lease real estate with prices affected by regional politics - Fast travel to any owned real estate or camp (configurable with difficulty settings) - Manipulate the markets with guns or piles of cash - Recruit and arm civilians - Designed to work in both single player and multiplayer - Committed to creating a living and breathing landscape where anything can happen - Ongoing development and addition of features - Support for more maps planned This addon includes the following scripts: - VCOM AI - by Genesis92x - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25381 - Advanced Towing - by Duda - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30575 Warm Regards, Foofski and the Overthrow Dev Team
  13. Engima's Civilians v0.90.40 by Engima Description: Engima's Civilians is a script that adds dynamic civilians to an Arma 3 mission. Civilians spawn near player(s) and are removed again when they are far away. Works on maps with enterable buildings. You can customize how many civilians there will be, civilian units classes, the maximum number of groups to use, minimum spawn distance, maximum spawn distance, and blacklist markers to define areas where no civilians will be. You also add callbacks if you want to do something when units spawn or being removed. Script works in singleplayer, multiplayer, hosted, dedicated, for JIPs, and on any map with enterable buildings. Media: Youtube video - How to create a quick mission with civilians. https://youtu.be/OVirxev6wjw Download: Download Link at Armaholic. Also released as CPack Engima.Civilians for the TypeSqf Editor. Installation: Manually: 1. Copy folder "Engima" to root of your mission folder. 2. Create the file "init.sqf" in your mission folder (if you don't already have it). Add the following line to the top of the init.sqf: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Engima\Civilians\Init.sqf"; 3. Customize the script in the file "Engima\Civilians\ConfigAndStart.sqf". TypeSqf 1. Open the CPack console and run command "install Engima.Civilians". Usage: Here is the simplest example that starts the civilian script with all default parameters. This code is to be put in Engima\Civilians\ConfigAndStart.sqf. [] spawn ENGIMA_CIVILIANS_StartCivilians; Here is an example that uses all parameters and first saves them in a variable named "_parameters". The function call (or spawn) that starts the civilian script is beneath. This code are to be put in Engima\Civilians\ConfigAndStart.sqf. // Set civilian parameters. _parameters = [ ["UNIT_CLASSES", ["C_man_1", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F"]], ["UNITS_PER_BUILDING", 0.1], ["MAX_GROUPS_COUNT", 100], ["MIN_SPAWN_DISTANCE", 50], ["MAX_SPAWN_DISTANCE", 500], ["BLACKLIST_MARKERS", []], ["HIDE_BLACKLIST_MARKERS", true], ["ON_UNIT_SPAWNED_CALLBACK", {}], ["ON_UNIT_REMOVE_CALLBACK", { true }], ["DEBUG", true] ]; // Start the civilian script _parameters spawn ENGIMA_CIVILIANS_StartCivilians; Documentation and a complete reference of set up parameters can be found in file "Engima\Civilians\Documentation.txt". How to update from older version: Manually: 1. Back up your own customization file (Engima\Civilians\ConfigAndStart.sqf). 2. Replace the folder Engima\Civilians with the corresponding folder in the download package. 3. Replace the original ConfigAndStart.sqf with your own ConfigAndStart.sqf that was backed up in step 1. TypeSqf: 1. Open the CPack console and run command "update Engima.Civilians". Change log: v0.90.40 - First version. Requirements: Arma 3. Other releases Engima's Traffic Engima's Simple Tasks The ASCOM protocol
  14. First of all, this is a long, essay style question on how to use init fields in eden editor, if you are unfamiliar with it, you might not want to waste your time reading this. Disclaimer: I am an utter noob and know nothing about .sqf scripts (if you are to answer one of my questions, please consider me an idiot) Dear all, thank you for stopping by and I hope you can help me. I am planning to create a dynamic airport base with the following features: Four fixed wing aircraft taxing, taking off, loitering, landing and repeating their tasks indefinitely. The question is as follows – Having tried move waypoints with various limitations (e.g. flyinheight, forcespeed) and configurations, I was unable to make an aircraft piloted by an AI to taxi successfully to where I want it to. Please advise on the step by step how can I achieve this goal. Next Numerous groups of units moving around the base according to their respective waypoints and occasionally initializing BIS_fnc_ambientAnimation function (at various waypoints throughout the base. I have been able to initialize the ambientAnim command at a waypoint and cancel it with addaction on a player (trigger condition Playername_AddActionName and On Activation call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;). Ideally, I would like to have a trigger which, whenever a unit/units approach their respective waypoint, triggers the animation for a certain duration of time and then cancels it (so units can move onto the next waypoint). A convoy of 5 vehicles containing around 5 units each going in/out of the base. The problem here would be that I would like the convoy to look as a presidential convoy would. So, Convoy drives up to a building entrance, armed personnel get out of the vehicles (except for drivers) and only then, the civilian AI gets out and walks to the building. After about 5 minutes, I would like that civilian to come back, get into the vehicle and the convoy shall drive off (and repeat). The biggest issue I have is controlling how the armed personnel gets out. Shall I do it with triggers for presence? How do I make them get out before the civilian and wait? How can I then make the civilian get out? Lastly, I understand that this may be too much, I would like to have a constant tower defence going on in the background. For example, I have a well-guarded base which is being constantly harassed by the enemy. The units at the base have their animations toggled on and off (refer to question 2), if these units were impossible to kill, how would I let them engage combat, kill the enemy, and return to their respective waypoints and continue on their path?
  15. Welcome to Vandeanson’s Apocalypse All info is kept up to date below: Workshop Vandeanson's Apocalypse DISCORD
  16. UnfinishedBusiness is a dynamic and random survival multiplayer mission with PvP elements for 1-20 players. Well, wat? Let me explain 🙂 You are starting as one coop group and will try to accomplish the mission. This group will be the main story line for the entire mission. If the group will be eliminated, the mission will end immediately. Players who will end up being killed however are not just supposed to watch and wait. They will be assigned to a different fractions and will be helping or resisting the main group. The more players are involved in the mission -- the more fun you will get. Fractions (Sides) West: 4th Marine Regiment (4th MR): The Group is conducting peacekeeping operation. It is also has to scout AOC positions and keep eye on its military forces. This group is the main story line for this mission. The mission will ends as soon as the last member of this group will be killed. Rescue Squad: Rescue Squad will try to help main group if it will be forced to leave the island. It's primary mission to find and rescue any military survivors. Spec Ops: The Group is conducting seek and destroy mission. East: Army Corps of Cahri (AOC): Pro Russian military group from the Cahri islands. Is lead by odious leader named Puhlo Pu. They are trying to expand their military presence over the region. Despite to "peaceful measures" they are extremely invading the island with military force. To save it's influence West needs to stop or restrict AOC operations over the region. Independent: Pulau National Guard (PNG): The former leader of the Pulau islands had formed Pulau National Guard to defend and control the territory. After his death different military officers pronounced themselves as the leaders on Pulau Nation. Unfortunately this turns out into civil war. According to the latest reports NPG has been disbanded and turned into several bandit groups. Most noticed are lead by Marcio Moraz, Gonsales Capito and Solomon Maru. We do have information that some of this leaders are supported by AOC. Currently they are fighting over the island for the dominance. Note: As for now, Players will join other fraction in a random fashion after respawn only. Teaser Download Steam workshop: BREZBLOCK: UnfinishedBusiness Pulau 20 CooP Briefing Following the death of the former dictator, the Pulau National Guard (PNG) has broken up into several gangs, which are conducting situational battles over the cities and villages. Under the guise of a "peacekeeping operation", the Army of Sahri (AOC), led by General Puhlo Pu, started an military invasion. A ceasefire decision is currently in effect. West Special Task Force should ensure the security of civilians and to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Getting started Following MODs are required: * Pulau Following Game play MODs are optional: * CBA_A3 * ACE * ACEX Following Fractions MODs are optional: * CUP Units * CUP Vehicles * CUP Weapons * CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons * CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Vehicles Following Radio MODs are optional: (choose only one) * ACRE2 * task_force_radio Steam Collection (full pack): BrezBlock: UnfinishedBusiness (full pack) Contributing You can help out with the ongoing development by looking for potential bugs in our code base, or by contributing new features. We are always welcoming new pull requests containing bug fixes, refactors and new features. We have a list of tasks and bugs on our issue tracker on Github. Please comment on issues if you want to contribute with, to avoid duplicating effort. Source code location: https://github.com/brezerk/a3_missions/tree/master/mpmissions/UnfinishedBusiness.pulau
  17. Official thread of Patrol Operations for Arma 3 A mission Game mode developed for the RV engine, Patrol Operations is a dynamic, random mission generator that is great for both mass public play and clan tactical gaming. Missions are randomly dynamic, with enemy force strength scaled to match the number of players connected so as to challenge players appropriately. Version 3.1 03/2014 Download: roy86.com.au Supported Languages: Czech, German, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish Patrol Ops 3 is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Version 4.0 Nov 2017 Status: Beta Supported Languages: English Credits & Special thanks: Online Combat Battalion Australia (OCB.net.au), their support and testing has been vital to the success. Australian & New Zealand Tactical Community (ANZTAC.com Bohemia Interactive Studios for the Arma Series, code and functions BON_Inf for Code and Inspiration from his missions and scripts KillZoneKid for Code and Inspiration from his tutorials Shuko for Code and Inspiration from his awesome Task System and Position Scripts Kegety for his spectator scripting XENO for Code and Inspiration from Domination and setting such a high standard R3F for Inspiration from their Arma 2 Logistics Scripts Tonic for the Virtual Ammobox System Tajin for the Helmet Camera Scripting aeroson for his detailed loadout scripts cobra4v320 for his HALO scripting Kronzky for his string function library SaMatra for help with UI Resources Dslyecxi for his Paper doll giving insight on how to detect item types. Tankbuster for his code and Inspiration from Domination [TcB]-Psycho- for his adaptation of Bon_Inf Injury System IGI_PL for his IGILoad Logistics Scripts Language translations: EvroMalarkey, Senshi, GranolaBar, Ophelian, Rydgier, Caico1983, BIG (Armaholic) Any and All ArmA community members for support, inspiration and solutions that have helped build this
  18. Dynamic ISIS War System ATTENTION: - 01/22/2019: Mission is under development again! I will upload it to Steam, when I get something ready! Heavily modified version of the famous DUWS-M, originally developed by Kibot (DUWS), modified by Bigshot and rlex (DUWS-M) and enhanced by myself (DISWS). In this version player(s) have to fight the Islamic State as well as the Al-Nusra Front. On each restart you'll get a dynamic, procedurally generated campaign, playable on any map you like (not tested on all maps! Please report back!). It's all about asymetric warfare against an enemy who is sometimes difficult to find. Even when you cannot find any differences between the enemy and the civillian population! Face suicide bombers, ISIS supporters and a lot of new features which are making the famous and great DUWS even more enjoyable! NOTE: If you like this mission, please leave me a rating. Thx! ******** A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N ******** !!! This mission does NOT run on dedicated servers !!! I'm very sorry for this, but there are so many scripts and for now it's just too much work to change them all. I once started creating this mission for SP for myself. - Update 1.80 - See Changelog below --------------------------------------------------------- *** Check the LATEST required mods *** --------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES It's basically DUWS - but with a LOT of new stuff! I turned it into a Insurgency-style dynamic whole-map mission with a lot of atmosphere. All new elements are working seamless together with the DUWS mechanics. Commandpoints can be earned by shooting Al-Nusra fighters, disarming IEDs, get intel by locals, finish missions based on intel, and more. You can choose several winning conditions for your playthrough in the mission parameters (lobby). Additionally to taking over ISIS held zones you have to help the locals defending their villages against the Al-Nusra Front. If you help them, they will forgot about civilian casualties and there will be less suicuiders and other supporters. Also Al-Nusra and ISIS are hostile to each other. I.e. if you get intel from the locals about an ISIS weapons cache, that one might be placed on a location where Al-Nusra fighters are hiding - or attacking. They will fight each other and you can use this situation to your tactical advantage, just to name one example. The whole situation provides a nice "dynamic chaos" with unforseen situations happening. AL-Nusra also likes to ambush their enemies - for example they hide in buildings and shoot from windows. So you might need to kick in doors and search houses to get them out of the towns. There are so many possible things happening around a playthrough that I really cannot write it all down. For DETAILS about using new features please check the DISWS-Manual (map ingame diary)!! Reputation System: Civilians will whether like or hate you, or just being neutral. Depends on the amount of casualties and if you help them defending their towns against Al-Nusra. The occupied/attacked villages will change on each new playthrough. You will never know where they are, so you have to check the villages. A red marker will appear when you find a occupied/attacked village - and turns green when you defended it succesfully Al-Nusra is able to re-take villages in some rare cases. If you fail to defend a place against one of their attack waves, they will occupy it and you have to plan an attack to re-take it. The more civilians get killed, the more people will join the enemy = More suiciders and ISIS Supporters will operate against you! Civilians are "divided" into religious groups who hate each other (Sunni and Shia muslims) You can gain your reputation by defending towns against the Al-Nusra Front. Conversations: You can ask civilians about their opinion and thoughts. Talk to them to monitor your progress about occupied and defended villages, as well as civilian casualties. Search civilians and dead bodies for intel and items - but take care. A suicider doesn't like to get interrogated! More sidemission from found intel! (Weapons caches, HVTs) Perform your own playstyle (missions from HQ, from Intel, or just clear villages or fight against ISIS) Command your team or command the whole army! It's up to you. Like in DUWS there's an AI commander, but you can of course add HC squads however you want Full RHS U.S. troops and equipment for WEST. ISIS and Al-Nusra Front troops and equipment for enemies (and some stolen vehicles from the Syrian Army) IEDs Arsenal Buy, recruit units, vehicles, weapons, support, AI squads, platoons, tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. Fire for Effect (Immersive Artillery System. See ingame description) Supply Drop includes Arsenal Logistics (transport any object with vehicles like trucks, helis, etc..) Respawn at homebase or any established FOB There's a chance for a dead man's switch triggering when shooting a suicider. So keep distance. Immersive Mine Detector for IEDs (it detects also materials used to construct IEDs which can lead to false alarm) Ambient soundscape (Prayer call, music, radio at houses and other places, ambient chatter - ONLY with TPW MODS) Support for Weapon Mods (Can be equiped via Arsenal) All progress is persistent and will be saved with your savegame All scripts and features written with performance in mind! But if you still get low FPS, try these: Ingame distance view setting (CH View. See ingame Manual) AI limiter (can be enabled via mission poarameters) ZBE Caching (can be enabled via mission parameters, if you're encountering low performance after trying other settings) All DUWS-M features are included and working - I won't name them here, they're too many Commandpoints will also be rewarded for disarming IEDs, shooting Al-Nusra Fighters and finishing tasks provided by intel Select the win conditions in mission parameters (lobby) DISWS-Manual can be found ingame (map). Check it for full features description and How-To Currently work in progress - So far everything is fixed now! I'll be working on future plans soon. SINGLEPLAYER: Use the server-browser and start a local host (LAN session). Save your progress using the custom save function (radio: 0-8-1 - Sitrep). - Default map is Takistan! But you can play it on any map you like. It might case trouble on real small maps. On some maps the random placement of zones/hq may not work properly - or placing zones out of the maps range. First try to decrease the distance from HQ, the zone radius or place them manually. To play on another map, just rename the PBO, i.e. to DISWS_1_66.Altis.pbo (Keep in mind that Windows maybe does not show file endings! Just make sure the file ends with ".pbo") DOWNLOAD PBO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B81rpxl19DuQQVRneW9iZHpjWGs/view?usp=sharing STEAM WORKSHOP: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159 CHANGELOG: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159462402 KNOWN BUGS: - If you loose the Request Menu and other action menu items after respawn or when resuming a save, just respawn again or use the Save/Rest action at HQ or FOBs. REQUIRED MODS - CBA_A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 - RHS_AFRF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 - RHS_USF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 - RHS GREF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 - RHS SAF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32203 - CUP Weapons: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Units: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Vehicles: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains CORE: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains MAPS: http://cup-arma3.org/download - Takistan Civillians for CUP: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32020 - Iraqi-Syrian Conflict: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28406 - Revos's Mine Detector: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29929 STEAM-USER click here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=908457911 *Thx, bcmaster Not needed, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - TPW Mods: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/154944-tpw-mods-v20170208-enhanced-realism-and-immersion-for-arma-3-sp/ - RYD Liability Insurance: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27485 A word on TPW Mods: Sometimes (dunno why) the mission fails to disable unnecessary features from TPW. Better disable those in TPW's userconfig file. Specially Civilians, Croud, Cars, Helis, Fall, Puddles, Fog and Animals. SUGGESTED MODS - JSRS-Soundmod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32317 - Unit_SFX: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28888 - Virtual Projectile Sounds Reality: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31799 I don't recommend ACE because the mission includes a lot of custom scripts. But when using ACE, you'll also need: - ACE3 RHS Compatibility files: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31281 When using ACE, the 'Special Forces Training' Feature (no fatigue) might be overwritten by ACE Advanced Fatigue! Download this mod in this case: - Remove Stamina ACE (main mod required): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31792 Weapon Mods are supported. You're able to use them via Arsenal. CREDITS - BIS: Arma 3 - Kibot, BigShot, rlex: DUWS-Unofficial - BangaBob, ReVo: Their great scripts! - GigaS: Some partial scripts and support! - [ToS]HadeS, [ToS]AUT_Cyclon, [ToS]Zauberbesen: Help and testing! - R3vo: Mine Detector - TPW: TPW Scripts and helping me! Thank you! - AuTigerGrad: Ambient Sound Pack - Rydigier- Fire for Effect - Community for all the great stuff!
  19. Find here one evergreen of Gruppe Adlers TvT Missions: Breaking Contact. Well suited for groups from 20 but living to its full potential with much higher player counts. Supports up to 112 players and many maps (CUP TP and more). Very high replayability value - free spawn selection. Best played in a roughly 2:1 attacker defender ratio. Dependencies CBA, ACE3, ACEX, RHS Escalation, TFAR, optionally RDS_CIV Mission Concept Russians have to protect their radio truck from destruction from US forces. At the same time they have to deploy antennas (send radio message) a preselected total amount of time to win. When deployed the radio truck is marked on the map for US. If US manages to neutralize the truck or kill all Russians, the game is over. At their start vehicle both factions can buy a limited range and number of vehicles with a preselected amount of credits. US forces have air superiority whereas Russians can field a little bit more raw fire power. Rules no respawn, no play area restrictions, ACE spectator, no scopes, basic medical, fixed loadout, quick start Parameters Time, Weather, US Spawn Distance, Money, Deploy time to win, Time Acceleration, Ingame Replay Accuracy, JIP time, BFT toggle, Civilian Traffic Toggle (needs RDS_CIV!) Setup Info * Doesnt work locally, you need a Dedicated Server * Opfor Commander Slot is mandatory, otherwise you are stuck in a waiting loop * For testing purposes with only one player you might fill up Blufor with AI Additional info * Admin slot is Zeus to help out teleporting JIP and fight bugs * Russians might redeploy, the sum of deployed time counts for winning - makes for very dynamic gameplay * Russians might buy a mobile radio box, which takes the radio truck as a relay. Sending on its own it only has half the power (or if the distance is above >500m from radio truck). This enables more static positions if necessary (destruction of radio truck does not lead to win anymore but only destruction of mobile box, if bought). * Its highly recommended to use the predefined amount of money * For every player there is a little bonus in money * Check the mouseover in the buy menu to get info about what you will purchase (Ammo Truck/Ammo M113 comes to mind) * You can eradicate the helipad in the buy menu when you are fully equipped to hide your spawn * Mission is localized in English and German * BIS dynamic group system can be used with <U> * US Camo automatically chosen (hardcoded for every map) * NVG are to be found in the start vehicles (HMMWV/radio truck) * Arrows above heads will disappear after 5mins ingame. They hint on Teamleads and SQLs to increase start time * There might be features I forgot to mention here 🙂 Known issues in this version * JIP players will spawn in strange places. Use Admin Zeus to teleport them Currently supported maps Altis, Beketov, Bornholm, Chernarus, Chernarus Summer, Clafghan, Esseker, FATA, Gorgona, Capraia, Kunduz, Namalsk, Panthera, N'Ziwasogo, United Sahrani, Stratis, Sugarlake, Takistan, Tanoa, Taviana, Thirsk, VT5, Bystrica, Zargabad Download (ZIP, rename PBO to any island suffix you need. supported suffixes in compatibleIslands.txt) https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis/releases/tag/2.9.0 Source https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis (conversion for other maps than stratis is done with build script) I will continue to tweak and balance the game mode and release stable versions when I see fit. Please report any issues or make proposals to github. Screenshots http://imgur.com/a/QNhju
  20. Squad name: CPA-10 Timezone/location : HQ in France, Canada players (and others) welcome Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): in-house made dynamic & persistent campagne Contact email: booking@pyth3rex.com Website address: chttps://discord.gg/u6DJ332N8w Short description: CPA-10 is a french air force special forces unit specialised in RECON, CTLO, JTAC and more. We thrive to gie player the most autentic experience possible with our experience and know-how. Language: French
  21. I always found interesting the usage of dynamic ambient soundtracks in games with a more or less open environment (e.g, Fallout, TES...). In my opinion, dynamic music change based on combat/calm state always gives players more immersion and brings the overall joy of the gaming process higher. Unfortunately, Arma doesn't have anything similar in terms of dynamic music so I decided to do it myself. The base concept of this script was made in late 2019 and was used mainly for SP/private MP scenarios being constantly polished throughout these years. I'm not a very experienced scripter, but I tried to make this performance-friendly as much as possible so all suggestions are more than welcome. The script is very customizable, so you can even come up with your own music. Installation for SP: init.sqf → https://pastebin.com/raw/4qvFQExk Scripts\DynamicAmbient.sqf → Vanilla — https://pastebin.com/raw/m1ikVp2A SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/4KkvMGq7 CUP (A2) — https://pastebin.com/raw/dxyRVPS3 Scripts\onLoadEH.sqf → Anything that is not SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/MwMqsaVj SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/50ktvUpD Installation for MP: initPlayerLocal.sqf → https://pastebin.com/raw/DT0Btx4S Scripts\DynamicAmbient.sqf → Vanilla — https://pastebin.com/raw/m1ikVp2A SOG PF — https://pastebin.com/raw/4KkvMGq7 CUP (A2) — https://pastebin.com/raw/dxyRVPS3 Showcase missions: Vanilla CUP SOG PG Showcase videos: Steam guide (more thorough) Credits: Bohemia interactive for such an amazing game. Savage Game Design for beautiful CDLC CUP Team for an astonishing addons Official Arma 3 discord (especially Lou Montana) for various hints Tinker, modify, and use as you wish, just don't forget to give a credit to the author 🙂
  22. ottaviodp

    Combat Den

    Introduction Combat Den is a simple randomized mission for single and 8 player coop. A single mission file provides a number of re-playable scenarios, no two mission play throughs are the same. How can I play? It's simple. A randomized mission will be selected complete with a briefing. Just play. Features Single player support. 8 player coop support on a dedicated server or player hosted server. Zeus support. Virtual Arsenal for player and AI units. Configurable CBA mission settings. Multiple distinct mission types complete with briefing. Multi terrain support. See Combat Den Steam collection for full list. Optional ACE support. Optional factions from RHS, CUP, 3CB, and more. See the Wiki for a complete list. Optional Global Mobilization support. Optional IFA3 support Optional ACRE and TFR radios. Required Mods The only required mod is CBA. Mission files on non-vanilla terrains may require additional dependencies. GitHub The source code for this mission is available on GitHub. Feature requests and contributions are welcome. Links Steam Collection - collection of supported terrains GitHub Latest Release - pdo files for dedicated server use and non-Steamers License You can use, redistribute, and/or modify this work under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the License Summary section of the wiki for a brief description of what is and is not permitted.
  23. Blasting away the limitations of classic Group Respawn, taking mission dynamics and customization to the next level, I proudly present “Fight Back!” My goal was to create a dynamic mission that would completely surprise on every playthrough, and I got a little carried away. Fast forward 3 years... Well long story short, please try it out and let me know what you think! Major Features Battle a vicious & cunning enemy AI, hell bent on your destruction. Customize your playthrough with easy & flexible Start Menu. Locate and Enlist Fighters who join your group and give life to your cause. Strike Back and complete Major Objectives, awarding you essential Assets & Manpower. Build a small army (if you can), and marshal your forces in a desperate struggle against the odds. Command your newly acquired army via a simple & intuitive map-based system. Optimize your own personal squad with essential Voiced Commands (optional). Call in devastating Supports, including brutal WW2 style Bomb Runs. Win a stunning Total Victory or suffer a crippling Total Defeat. Wage the entire epic battle (playthrough) in one sitting (~50 min or less). Minor Features Play in SP and MP (works equally well in SP, Hosted Server, & Dedicated Server), all with a single mission file. Defend your hidden base. Lose your base, and all is lost! Activate the Home Guard, which will defend your base to the last man. Engage in Asymmetric War. The players and the AI enemy have surprisingly different objectives, creating a dynamic and deadly battlespace bursting with possibilities. Survive (if you can) with Limited Lives using my custom flexible Group Linked Respawn system. Engage a fully integrated and voiced Custom Supports system. Importantly, your supports persist upon your death and takeover as a new unit (even if you were killed mid-way through calling them!) Track, locate, and dispatch a quick and wily collaborator who will run like hell. Free civilian captives & rescue vulnerable colonists, who will gift you important vehicles. Steal enemy supplies, and transport them home for base defense. Experience a dynamic & fluid enemy AI with direction and purpose. Fight Back and defeat the blitz (or die trying). This mission is similar to CTI (on a smaller scale), only you “build” by winning. Please read through the briefing 1st time before playing, as the respawn system is pretty ground-breaking (in a positive way) and probably quite different from anything you’ve played before. This mission plays better with content mods! It’s geared for CUP, RHS, IFA3, FOW (supplemental to IFA3), Unsung (including Unsung’s DSAI), and OPTRE. Update: Global Mobilization fully supported! When playing with GM, please see notes below on how to properly select support faction, to ensure your air assets are as “era appropriate” as possible. All of these mods & DLCs are optional of course. It should work with any unit and vehicle mods (as it scans the configs for unit and vehicle types), but if you’re having an issue with a particular mod, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Also, it might have issues with mods that use the custom radio script commands (mere speculation based on my use of those commands). ATTENTION – Please do NOT run with AI mods installed. I love AI mods too! But this mission relies on completely fluid AI and every AI mod I’ve tried has caused big problems. If you’re not convinced, please read this: Once johnnyboy finishes his “JBOY AI Scripted CQB Path” and we have most of the buildings in the game mapped out, I definitely hope to include the combined system here in this mission (maintaining AI’s fluidity, etc). Porting to New Terrains Again, this mission relies on completely fluid AI. It takes thorough playtesting and knowhow to set this mission up for particular terrains. It works beautifully on certain terrains (once set up), while on other terrains it simply does not work at all. I have a very good handle on which are which, and have this mission working on 50+ terrains so far (certainly more than I have released), and can always release more. Also, some were quick to set up (~3 minutes), while some took forever. For instance, latest Lingor took me 10+ hours to set up and is bat-shit crazy to look at in the editor, but it sure works great now! If you’re curious on whether this mission will work on a terrain or not, simply ask and I’ll do my best to let you know. Anyhow enough talk, please try it out! Have fun and if you have feedback, I’m very interested in hearing! Gameplay Screenshots "Choose Your Adventure"  "Catching Some Air on the way to First Objective" "Say Hello to my Little Friend" "Nazis, I hate these guys..." "Truck?!? What truck?" "On the Move" "Here Come the Bombers" "Knockout" "Lone Survivor" "Quick, he's getting away!" "You can run..." "But you can't hide." "Ambush" "All Quiet on the Western Front" "Hold the Line" "Let's get these civilians to safety" "Did someone order Napalm?" "War is Hell" "Inside Dante's Inferno" "The Bitter End"  The Briefing Required Addons 1. Community Based Addons – Don't forget this one! 2. MRU Mission Assets – Contains all the sound effects (plus small ammo type the bombs need to work properly) Highly Recommended Addons (Optional) 1. Flashpoint Music Pack – Gotta love that old OFP music! Don’t know about you, but every time I listen it speaks to my very soul. When this addon is detected, a random track will automatically play on mission startup (customizable in Start Menu) 2. MRU IFA3 Revert Soldier FOVs – Re-adjusts IFA3 soldier FOVs back to vanilla levels. This mission was created and adjusted for difficulty prior to IFA3 introducing limited soldier FOVs, and this addon helps restore mission difficulty to intended levels. 3. MRU IFA3 Reduce Soldier Armor – Same thing as IFA3 “Revert Soldier FOVs”, but with soldier armor protections. Imo, makes this mission more enjoyable & fair. Of course, to each his own! 4. MRU Animation Fix – If you have your ArmA3 keybinds setup like mine and try to go from stopped and kneeling with rifle directly to sprint with rifle, you’ll see a broken animation transition. This addon fixes that! (CUP used to fix this broken animation transition, but not anymore due to one of their recent updates, so I created this little fix addon.) Mission Downloads Subscribe on Steam, with 52 terrains now and counting! Note - For the best initial experience, consider playing first on a BIS terrain or the excellent Isla Duala. These terrains have towns & buildings mostly spread out evenly and always make for a great run. Note - I developed this mission on Chernarus (Summer). Here are all the mission links (by terrain): Altis Chernarus (Summer) Chernarus (Winter) Malden Takistan Tanoa United Sahrani Zargabad Aachen Outskirts Afghan Villiage Aliabad Anizay Bariga Beketov Caribou Frontier Crossroads Bocage Fallujah Fata Hazar Kot Hellanmaa Helvantis Ihantala Ihantala (Winter) Isla Abramia Isla Duala Kranorus Kujari Kunduz Leskovets Lingor Lingor (Desert) Lythium Napf Napf (Winter) Neaville Neaville (Winter) Palau Panthera Panthera (Winter) Pecher Porquerolles Roche Ruha Saint Kapaulio Summa Summa (Winter) Thirsk Thirsk (Winter) Trava Vidda VT5 Zarzibash
  24. How to spawn AI via module with a patrol route? (with no script docs) (video link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if5Rkoqe30w&feature=emb_title
  25. THIS IS A SINGLEPLAYER MISSION THAT MUST BE PLAYED IN MULTIPLAYER SO THE USER CAN SELECT VARIOUS MISSION PARAMETERS AT STARTUP (Go to Quick Play > Host Server > Choose Tanoa > Choose Mission > Choose Parameters > Choose Units) Steam Workshop [Link] SP_10_CYPHER_SYNDIKAT.zip [Zip] CHANGELOG V 0.1 - uploaded to Steam Workshop V 0.1b - removed GC_FSNV dependency error SUMMARY Cypher is a dynamic mission generator based on and inspired by Cipher , which was a custom user mission for Arma 2 created by Wiper. The original mission was based in Chernarus - you started with a 10-man Blufor task group that had to take on a small Opfor squadron randomly staked out in a random building on the map. Your goal was to obtain information from the enemy leader and then do a chopper extract. Although the goal of each mission was the same, each mission had a unique start and often played out epicly, win or lose. This was, in large part, due to Wiper's excellent scripting. Hopefully this version captures some of that feel. PARAMETERS Mission Modes: [Squad w/Recon, Squad (No Recon), Solo] - Squad size is 7 units, Recon adds 3 units, Solo is just you Starting Vehicles: [None, Wheeled (Unarmed), Wheeled (Armed), Wheeled and Little Bird, Helicopter (Heavy), Armored, Random] - Choose what vehicles will spawn at your rendezvous point Insertion Type: [Chopper, Airborne, FUBAR, Random] - Choose your insertion option, more details below Recon Type: [Land Units, Diver Units, Random] - If you choose Squad w/Recon above, then you can choose what types of Recon units here Time of Day: [Dawn, Early Morning, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Dusk, Evening [Full Moon], Late Night [New Moon], Random] - Choose time of day Starting Weather: [Clear, Cloudy, Foggy, Raining, Stormy, Random] - Choose weather Enemy Force Size: [Low, Normal, High, Random] - Choose enemy force size Reveal Suitcase: [Never, 15 Minutes in Red Zone, Within 75 Feet of Suitcase] - Choose end game reveal options Civilian Presence: [Yes/No] - Turn civilian presence on or off Blind Overwrite: [Yes/No] -Blindly overwrites all of the above options randomly, except for civs Debug On/Off: [On/Off] - Turns debugging on or off BRIEFING Increasing unrest in the region has given Syndikat an opportunity to strike on Tanoa! A week ago, farm laborers protesting the curfew imposed by US forces, seized and blocked the main national highway on Tanoa in La Rochelle. The Gendarmerie were told to immediately restore order. They began firing at the unarmed demonstrators, who fled into the fields and took cover. For 25 minutes the police fired volley after volley of shots into the fields where unarmed families were hugging the earth. Two laborers were killed and others wounded. The State is sending a clear message. Now Syndikat will send our own. Let this mark the beginning of effective cooperation between Syndikat and the other independent movements on the Islands. Armed revolution for the masses! INSERTION TYPES Chopper - Standard chopper insertion. If you chose the squad option then you will automatically be team-switched to the team leader to order the units to disembark once the chopper sets down - the chopper will fly off to wait for the extraction call. If the insertion chopper does not touch down (due to AI issues) then the mission scripting will be broken - restart. If you chose the squad option then ordering your units to disembark will sometimes get the AI to force land. Airborne - Drop in with parachutes to the insertion point - chutes are scripted and will automatically deploy at around 200 meters. This option should be more covert than the others. F.U.B.A.R. - This option finds your chopper shot down and your squad scattered around the crash site (if they survived at all). Equipment loadouts are random and minimal. A few items may be found near the crash site. Once you have a radio in your possession the other units in your task force that also have a radio will join your group. Units with no radio but that have a map or GPS will head towards the rendezvous point. Units with no radio or nav gear will set off any IR/Chemlight/Smoke Nades they have and hunker down. If you can locate these lost units (and you are the leader) then they will have an addAction that you can select to have them join the group. The crash site is dangerous (watch out for explosions around the wreck itself) but it may be worth checking out to see if anything (or anyone) survived. Don't take too much time looking, any nearby enemy sentries will focus in on the site. Also, if the enemy helicopter spawned it will soon be on it's way. The FUBAR option is a challenge and you'll probably spend a bit of time getting your group together before you can even go for the main objective. EXECUTION Our contacts in Tanoa have sparked the uprising known as Black Saturday. The local government, bought and paid for by the US, have reacted harshly to a farmer's strike in La Rochelle, and have ensured that they have little to no allies left on the islands. In the wake of the unrest, the US battalion stationed on Tanoa has been ordered to evacuate and only a small remnant remains. Even more importantly, VIPER has revealed that a CIA task force is still within the area and that they are using a new piece of technology that can decrypt all known radio traffic. Your main objective is to obtain the code from this module, then extract from the island before the US can counter-attack. We will have to maintain radio silence until you have the module in your hands. Turn on Comms once you've retrieved the data and we can coordinate your extraction. Phase 1 - Approach. Enter the hostile area carefully. Watch for patrols. Search and destroy. There may be armed independent units in urban areas. They are allies and will attack US troops on sight. Phase 2 - Locate. The CIA team are located in a building somewhere inside the Red Zone. Find them and the suitcase to retrieve the decryption module. Note that this task has priority over everything else, although you are free to use your discretion on how to achieve it. Phase 3 - Extraction. Once the module is in our hands use Radio Channel Alpha on your radio to call the extraction chopper to your location. You will want to make sure you are far away from any enemy AA. Again, we have total support from the civilian population. CREDITS Thanks to these coders for their scripts used: Shuko (SHK_pos Positioning Scripts) Kronzky (Urban Patrol Script) Highhead, Wolffy, ARJay (ALiVE Functions) Bangabob (Civilian Occupation System) Beerkan (Simple Paradrop Script) Tophe (Random House Patrol Script) And, of course, Wiper, for the original Cipher mission and inspiration for this one. HINTS HOSTILE FORCES COS ERRORS: I was able to make the Civilian Occupation System script more stable but not error-free when running on Tanoa. If you see an error during the game it is most likely tied to COS. Some of the errors will only cause the patrol script in COS to fail but continue to run while others will cause it to error out completely. Overall, this only means that civilian spawns will stop occuring and has no impact on the mission scripting as far as I've tested. There is a parameter option to turn COS on or off as you like.