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  1. Hello, I primarily do scripting and map work but recently wanted to try to make a vehicle. I have a vehicle in game and working, only problem is the vehicle will only go 42 km/h on all maps except the VR map. I know that it has something to do with the ground material but i'm not sure what to change since this is not my area. I tried to look up the problem but found a bunch of unrelated problems. Thanks for any help I can get. EDIT: I'm a idiot I knew that terrainCoef would change its interaction with the ground but for some reason I didn't think to edit it.
  2. Hey guys, I am currently making a map and I run into trouble. Whatever I am trying to do in my cfgSurface.hpp and my cfgClutter.hpp doesnt work. I could really use some help here! Layers.cfg: class Layers { class texture_grass { texture="Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa"; material="Map1_Saves\data\texture_grass.rvmat"; }; class texture_gravel { texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa"; material="Map1_Saves\data\texture_gravel.rvmat"; }; class texture_rock { texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa"; material="Map1_Saves\data\texture_rock.rvmat"; }; class texture_forest { texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa"; material="Map1_Saves\data\texture_forest.rvmat"; }; class texture_sand { texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa"; material="Map1_Saves\data\texture_desert.rvmat"; }; class texture_field { texture = "Map1_Saves\data\middle_mco.paa"; material="Map1_Saves\data\texture_field.rvmat"; }; }; class Legend { picture="Map1_Saves\source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { texture_grass[]={{0,255,0}}; texture_gravel[]={{0,0,0}}; texture_rock[]={{255,255,0}}; texture_forest[]={{255,0,255}}; texture_sand[]={{0,0,255}}; texture_field[]={{255,0,0}}; } }; cfgSurface.hpp: class CfgSurfaces { class Default{}; class Water{}; class texture_grass_Surface : Default { access = 2; files = "texture_grass*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.35; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "texture_grass_Character"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; maxSpeedCoef = 0.9; }; class texture_gravel_Surface : Default { access = 2; files = "texture_gravel*"; rough = 0.05; dust = 0.45; soundEnviron = "gravel"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; maxSpeedCoef = 1; }; class texture_rock_Surface : Default { access = 2; files = "texture_rock*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.05; soundEnviron = "rock"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "hard_ground"; maxSpeedCoef = 1; }; class texture_forest_Surface : Default { access = 2; files = "texture_forest*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.25; soundEnviron = "grass"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; maxSpeedCoef = 0.8 }; class texture_desert_Surface : Default { access = 2; files = "texture_desert*"; rough = 0.15; dust = 0.75; soundEnviron = "sand"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; maxSpeedCoef = 0.5 }; class texture_field_Surface : Default { access = 2; files = "texture_field*"; rough = 0.15; dust = 0.45; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "Empty"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; maxSpeedCoef = 0.8 }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class texture_grass_Character { probability[]={0.99}; names[]={"texture_grass_clutter"}; }; }; cfgClutter.hpp class Clutter { class texture_grass_clutter: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; }; config.cpp: #define _ARMA_ class CfgPatches { class Map1_Saves { units[] = {"Map1_Saves"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; version = "21/04/2017"; fileName = "Map1_Saves.pbo"; author = "Jannis"; }; }; class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; class Altis: CAWorld { class Grid; class DefaultClutter; }; class Map1_Saves: Altis { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "Map1_Saves"; worldName = "Map1_Saves\Map1_Saves.wrp"; startTime = "11:00"; startDate = "05/03/2001"; startWeather = 0.2; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.6; forecastFog = 0.0; centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,500}; seagullPos[] = {2560,2560,500}; longitude = 65; latitude = -34; elevationOffset = 2000; envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga"; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; newRoadsShape = "\Map1_Saves\data\roads\roads.shp"; ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024}; ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = 0; class SecondaryAirports {}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 2.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 5120; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030.0; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; #include "cfgClutter.hpp" class Names { #include "Map1_Saves.hpp" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class Map1_Saves{}; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { }; }; #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" Thanks for your help
  3. Hey, I tried to make a building with a working door, but whatever I do, it doesn't work. I used the Arma 3 Samples and a tutorial on YouTube, but I'm doing something wrong. The action is there, but nothing happens when i "press" it. Here is my config.cpp I included the model.cfg into the config.cpp because then i don't have to binarize the addon. And of course i have the door_1_trigger/door_2_trigger/door_1_axis/door_2_axis in my memory lod
  4. So I decided to make my own custom vest. So far...it's not showing in the game. The mod file (@The Krypt Gear) contains the addons folder. Then inside that is krypt_vest.pbo. Inside the data folder of the PBO is the texture for the vest (The_Krypt_Vest_co.paa). So it must be the config right? This is what's on the config - class Krypt_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { author = "Tom"; scope = 0; scopeArsenal = 0; displayName = "The Krypt Black-Digi Vest"; picture = ""; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; DLC = "SSQN"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\krypt_vest\Data\The_Krypt_Vest_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: ItemInfo { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02"; containerClass = "Supply140"; mass = 80; armor = 30; passThrough = 0.25; }; }; Could someone please help or suggest why this won't even show in the game. Much appreciated.
  5. class textureSources { class LOGISTIC { displayName="LOGISTIC"; author="BSherb"; textures[]= { "LogisticChinook\skins\Heli_Transport_03_VSS.paa", "LogisticChinook\skins\Heli_Transport2_03_VSS.paa", "LogisticChinook\skins\Heli_Transport3_03_VSS_Glass.paa" }; factions[]= { "BLU_F" }; }; }; So, in this case, I'm trying to replace the glass with a specific texture I have devised. However, nothing changes at all. Not even a different texture that I didn't mean to change. Instead, it seems to ignore the glass and only do the regular exterior of the Huron. Am I putting my textures in the wrong order, am I missing something crucial that prevents certain changes? (If there is a specific order things need to be in where can I find said order?)
  6. I'm trying to make the superhornet plane into a VTOL by reading this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/A3_CfgVehicles_Plane_class_config_reference#VTOLPitchInfluence So i have added VTOL=3 in the config and it works fine, but the plane is turning really slow in hover mode so i tried: VTOLPitchInfluence=500.0; VTOLRollInfluence=500.0; VTOLYawInfluence=500.0; That should in theory make the plane turn like CRAZY. but nothing happens once I'm ingame.. I tried changing the same parameters on the Apex VTOL and it works on that one (it turns like crazy) Can someone give me some pointers on why this is? Cheers!
  7. I'm a bit confused about the benefits of using missionConfigFile. On the one hand it is a nice place to define constants and paths to resources, but on the other config lookups are relatively slow compared to a global variable already in memory. If I have a bunch of constants that are being referenced (say on fired handler/hit handler/onEachFrame) does it make sense to even use missionConfig for this purpose?
  8. Hi, can somebody point me to right config file that include Mk-1 EMR magazine settings (bullet amount e.t.c.) i tried to search in "weapons_f.pbo" , "weapons_f_beta.pbo" and "weapons_f_mark.pbo" but still cannot find proper config file :( Thanks for help!
  9. Hello, I'm trying to do a mission compatible with ACE, my ACE options (in Loby) are not working, where did I go wrong? How can I change the system when the revival of an ACE? PS: Sorry for my english, i use google translator. descriptions.ext dev = "dimaS1k"; //--- Дебаг enableDebugConsole = 1; allowFunctionsRecompile = 1; allowFunctionsLog = 0; //--- Шапка class header { gametype = Coop; minplayers = 1; maxplayers = 10; playerCountMultipleOf = 1; }; //--- Атрибуты миссии author = $STR_DMSK_MIS_AUTHOR; briefingName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME; onLoadName = $STR_DMSK_MIS_NAME; onLoadMission = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW; overviewText = $STR_DMSK_MIS_OVERVIEW; overviewPicture = "paa\dmsk_ls.paa"; //--- Ключи миссии doneKeys[] = {"DMSK_Key1337_done"}; //---- Респавн respawn = 3; respawnButton = 0; respawnDelay = 45; respawnVehicleDelay = 120; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "MenuInventory", "Revive", "Tickets", "Spectator", "EndMission"}; //--- Медицина (BIS) ReviveMode = 1; ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0; ReviveRequiredTrait = 0; ReviveRequiredItems = 0; ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 0; ReviveDelay = 6; ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2; ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; ReviveBleedOutDelay = 180; //--- Менеджер очистки карты corpseManagerMode = 1; corpseLimit = 10; corpseRemovalMinTime = 120; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 180; wreckManagerMode = 1; wreckLimit = 5; wreckRemovalMinTime = 120; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360; minPlayerDistance = 50; //--- Общие настройки aiKills = 0; briefing = 1; debriefing = 1; disabledAI = 1; showHUD[] = {true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true}; showUAVFeed = 1; showSquadRadar = 1; joinUnassigned = 0; skipLobby = 0; forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; //--- Звуки class CfgSounds { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgSounds.hpp" }; //--- Функции class CfgFunctions { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgFunctions.hpp" }; //--- Параметры миссии #include "hpp\DMSK_ace_settings.hpp" class Params { #include "hpp\DMSK_Params.hpp" }; //--- Дебрифинг class CfgDebriefing { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgDebriefing.hpp" }; //--- Уведомления class CfgNotifications { #include "hpp\DMSK_cfgNotifications.hpp" }; //---- Экипировка #include "hpp\DMSK_loadout.hpp" DMSK_ace_settings.hpp class ACE_Settings { class ace_common_forceAllSettings { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_common_checkPBOsAction { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist { value = "[]"; typeName = "STRING"; force = 1; }; class ace_finger_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_finger_maxRange { value = 7; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_Enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_SpallEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_maxTrack { value = 250; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_MaxTrackPerFrame { value = 50; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_EnableDebugTrace { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger { value = 0.1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_interaction_EnableTeamManagement { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_laserpointer_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerAmmo { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerMagazine { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerBeltLink { value = 8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_Interval { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_Enabled { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapIllumination { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapGlow { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapShake { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapLimitZoom { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_maptools_EveryoneCanDrawOnBriefing { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_level { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableFor { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableOverdosing { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient { value = 0.75; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_painCoefficient { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableAirway { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableFractures { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableScreams { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold { value = 1.2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold { value = 0.9; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_remoteControlledAI { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_preventInstaDeath { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableRevive { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_maxReviveTime { value = 3600; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives { value = -1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowLitterCreation { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay { value = 300; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK { value = 3; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_menu_allow { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_microdagr_MapDataAvailable { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance { value = 8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha { value = 0.8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Repair { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_engineerSetting_Wheel { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold { value = 0.6; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_Engineer { value = 0.4; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_consumeItem_ToolKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_fullRepairLocation { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_addSpareParts { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_SavePreDeathGear { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_BodyRemoveTimer { value = 60; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_sitting_enable { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_filterUnits { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_filterSides { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_restrictModes { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_spectator_restrictVisions { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_EnableSwitchUnits { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToWest { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToEast { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToIndependent { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToCivilian { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_EnableSafeZone { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SafeZoneRadius { value = 100; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_DefaultLockpickStrength { value = 10; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_LockVehicleInventory { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_VehicleStartingLockState { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_viewdistance_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance { value = 3500; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_enableServerController { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_useACEWeather { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncRain { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncWind { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncMisc { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_serverUpdateInterval { value = 240; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval { value = 0.05; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_simulationRadius { value = 3000; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_zeusAscension { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_zeusBird { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_remoteWind { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_radioOrdnance { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_revealMines { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_zeus_autoAddObjects { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_captives_requireSurrender { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_captives_allowSurrender { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_cargo_enable { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_RequireSpecialist { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_PunishNonSpecialists { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_ExplodeOnDefuse { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_EnableCombatDeafness { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_EarplugsVolume { value = 0.6; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_UnconsciousnessVolume { value = 0.3; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForSnipers { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForGroupMembers { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForEveryone { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_disabledInFullAutoMode { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval { value = 0.05; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationRadius { value = 3000; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; }; DMSK_Params.hpp class spacer0 { // paramsArray[0] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_MIS_SET; values[] = {1}; texts[] = {""}; default = 1; }; class Tickets { // paramsArray[1] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_TICKETS_NAME; values[] = {-1,2,4,8,16,24,0}; texts[] = {"0","2","4","8","16","24",$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_UNLIMITED}; default = 8; }; class aiSkillLevel { // paramsArray[2] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_NAME; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; texts[] = {$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_VERY_LOW,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_LOW,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_MEDIUM,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_HIGH,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_ELITE,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_AISKILL_DEF}; default = 2; }; class vrArsenal { // paramsArray[3] title = $STR_DMSK_ADDACTION_ARSENAL; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_NO,$STR_DMSK_PARAMS_YES}; default = 0; }; /* ===================== ACE ===================== */ class spacer1 { // paramsArray[4] title = $STR_DMSK_PARAMS_ACE_SET; values[] = {1}; texts[] = {""}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_level { // paramsArray[5] title = "Medical Level"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {1, 2}; texts[] = {"Basic", "Advanced"}; default = 2; }; class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold { // paramsArray[6] title = "Player Damage Threshold"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0.8, 1.2, 1.6}; texts[] = {"Low","Medium","High"}; default = 1.2; }; class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds { // paramsArray[7] title = "Advanced Wounds"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0, 1}; texts[] = {"Off", "On"}; default = 0; }; class ace_medical_maxReviveTime { // paramsArray[8] title = "Max Revive Time (minutes)"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {60, 300, 600, 900}; texts[] = {"1", "5", "10", "15"}; default = 300; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK { // paramsArray[9] title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Anyone","Medic Only","Doctor Only"}; default = 2; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK { // paramsArray[10] title = "Consume Personal Aid Kit"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"No","Yes"}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK { // paramsArray[11] title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage Location"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Anywhere","Medical Vehicles","Medical Facilities","Medical Vehicles and Facilities","Disabled"}; default = 0; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_PAK { // paramsArray[12] title = "Personal Aid Kit Usage Condition"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Usable Any Time","Usable on Stable Patient"}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[13] title = "Surgical Kit Usage"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2}; texts[] = {"Anyone","Medic Only","Doctor Only"}; default = 2; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[14] title = "Consume Surgical Kit"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"No","Yes"}; default = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[15] title = "Surgical Kit Usage Location"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Anywhere","Medical Vehicles","Medical Facilities","Medical Vehicles and Facilities","Disabled"}; default = 3; }; class ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit { // paramsArray[16] title = "Surgical Kit Usage Condition"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Usable Any Time","Usable on Stable Patient"}; default = 1; }; class ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance { // paramsArray[17] title = "Max View Distance (meters)"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {3000,6000,9000}; texts[] = {"3000","6000","9000"}; default = 6000; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled { // paramsArray[18] title = "Advanced Ballistics"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Off","On"}; default = 1; }; class ace_map_BFT_Enabled { // paramsArray[19] title = "Track Friendly Forces"; ACE_setting = 1; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Off","On"}; default = 0; };
  10. Hello my name is Duck and i have a problem. I have made a cool drone that inherits from the Darter drone which works fine but i need to animate the rotors and i have tried everything... i need help getting these rotors animated on engine start!
  11. As tribute to Bushluker's legacy I want to give back once again some of more insights and experience about config modding. Therefore input from you guys what to focus on or what to explain would be most helpful. This can be broad or meta topics, or specific questions or what you can think of - it should just not be mod/project specific if possible. Pages you should check first: Config parameter types Config properties megalist Class inheritance Namespace/prefix Make sure to check out also BIKI: Addon Configuration (category) and BIKI: Arma 3 Editing for further documentation on config topics. A few related guides made earlier by me: Replacement config Quick camo selection definition Simplify testing (very outdated and incomplete) Development setup (very outdated and incomplete) LITE mod version creation Topics I would consider of potential interest: Good config design MergeConfig/ingame config tweaking Unpacked data setup/update files while ingame Regular expressions (search (and replace) with context pattern matching) Good code editors, functionality and setup Diff/compare tools Relation of MASK-ground texture-surface-character set-clutter Sharing is caring
  12. Hi, Does anyone know how to edit the "default" or a base cfgammo class to allow a new hit effect to be added to it. I'd like all bullets to inherit the new impact effect, as according the the WIKI the "impact" entry in cfgSurfaces reads it when its decides what bullet splash effect to spawn on the ground. I'd like to add the "hitSnow" entry to all bullets in the base game and any mod. class CfgAmmo { class Default { class HitEffects { hitSnow = "ImpactSnow"; }; }; }; It seems you are unable to edit the base classes in cfgAmmo in the same way you can with say CfgVehicles: class CfgVehicles { class All; class AllVehicles: All{}; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class car: LandVehicle {.... Thanks.
  13. Hey there! So no matter the number i put in for "armor=____" I cant seem to get it to translate to the game... Anyone have any ideas? heres my config section for the vests. class Custom_Vest: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Project Honor Platecarrier"; picture = "-"; model = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"Project_Honor\Data\moh_vest_template.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_Vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass=80; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough=0.3; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; };
  14. Hello All, I'm not the best with configs and I'm trying to learn but I have this error when packing my pbo: MakePbo: Building entries:... config.cpp In File CSQN_Equipment\config.cpp: Line 5 Expected Semicolon (or eol) Below Is my config.cpp Could someone help me with this as I see no missing; class CfgPatches { class CSQN_Insignia_Units { units = {}; weapons = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"}; }; }; class UniformSlotInfo { slotType = 0; linkProxy = "-"; }; class CfgUnitInsignia { class R10A { displayName = "C/S Patch R10A"; author = "C Squadron"; texture = "CSQN_Insignia\data\cs\N10R.paa"; }; }; Thanks In advance Tom
  15. Hi, I've some strange issue with my jet gear animation. It works fine when I preview it in buldozer, but in game when I switch raise/lower gear, I can only hear gear sound and animation doesn't work at all. Screenshots: Config: Model.cfg no rpt errors or in-game, any ideas how to fix it?
  16. for 1.58.135170 and newer builds is needed to support custom BattlEye's RCON port defined in BEserver.cfg as new settings next to "RConPassword" "RConPort" "RConIP" //optional everything else is same RconPort must avoid reserved ARMA3server port range default reserved ports (+0,+1,+2,+3) are 2302 - 2305 to clarify the reserved ports can't be used for BattlEye's RCON you also shall not need to add the RconIP entry as undefined equals to (all IPv4 local IP addresses) setting it to e.g. will prevent it to respond on external IP setting it to e.g. external IP will prevent it to respond on localhost
  17. I've heard before that you can edit a config to allow more flashlights to be visible at once. As standing in a group of 32 units, only a small handful have flashlights visible. Moving around changes which of these are active. My question is, where is the config and what do I edit to allow more lights/flashlights to be visible. I've searched this extensively and only found different flashlight related questions. Edit: The max I can seem to get on the default setting is 7 units flashlights, or 6 when I turn on my own. Which has always ruined the immersion in dark or night time missions I've made for myself.
  18. So I'm stuck with this dilemma, my terrain wont load on the map editor list, the icon of a jigsaw indicating that the addon is loaded is present. No error's occur when I pack the map using addon builder nor with PBO manager or when I launch the game, I've also check if the contents within the .pbo are there using pbomanager, I'm pretty sure that the reason why it's not working is due to the config. Every thing worked using Captn CAPS config, however I noticed that there was a black horrizon on the terrain to which I think is due to the config being out of date. So I had taken the one out a3\maps_altis and edited the config where necessary. I think the reason why I had the black horizon/sky/cloud thing was due to an recent arma update as I'm aware that the CUP and other terrains had this problem due to an update, so anyways that's why I changed the config. So yeah I'm pretty sure it has some thing to do with config, Id appreciate the help!, here is the paste bin. http://pastebin.com/w5XSj1yY Note there were errors when I first edited the new config out of a3/maps_altis and launched it, however an error poped up with some thing to do with "cfg worlds" and line 4733, it had stated that there was a missing "}", also that line had the line #include cfgSurfaces.h, just to let you know.
  19. Hi! I am currently working on a 8-wheeled truck and I'm experiencing some weird bugs when I get it in game. The first version had the 4 front wheels all the way at the top of the damper, whereas the rear 4 wheels were relaxed. You can see the different heights in this picture: When I was messing around trying to fix this issue, I tried changing the parent-classes in my model.cfg, so my class inherits from "Truck" instead of "Car", as I could suspect "Car" does not support 8 wheels. As I did so, the model animations stopped working completely, it now does nothing. I therefore need some assistance understanding which classes my class can inherit from in model.cfg. How come I can not inherit from "Truck"? I've attached my config.cpp and model.cfg, in case you need to see them. Config.cpp Model.cfg Update: I figured out how to get wheel dampers working, I forgot to define the rear 4 wheels in my class at the end of model.cfg. At this point I'm trying to get the dampers working the right way. When t should go up it goes down, and vice versa.
  20. Greetings everyone! As you read in the title, the issue I'm having is that my texture doesn't get applied to the custom model that I made unless I force my newly made character to have a specific texture. This is a problem as the model needs to be capable of having multiple textures and I think it's kind of silly to make a new character for every texture. Underneath I'll post some pictures/code that should give you a clear look on what I did and probably done wrong: Faulty config.cpp: http://pastebin.com/NtLUGfrw Config.cpp with fixed texture: http://pastebin.com/1AzLcWMz O2: Ingame result:
  21. I've tried retexturing the AAF officer uniform. It uses 2 hidden textures (i.e. 2 separate texture files for the same model) but I can't get the second texture to function correctly. Some pics; As you can see the lower body has some sort of..I don't know what going on. I thought just copying to original texture file (the .paa for the upper body), renaming it with "_trousers" at the end would give the lower portion of the uniform textures but it sort of...didn't! Here's my current texture file - Here's the config I'm using for this uniform. If anyone'e seen this before or knows a possible solution I'll be very grateful. I'll take anything I can get at this moment in time!
  22. I try to import helicopter from arma 2 to arma 3,after fixing model i try to pack addon and i have error some input after end of file. Any ideas? My config.cpp class CfgPatches { class yup_US_Navy_hh60j { units = {"yup_HH60J"}; requiredAddons = {"CACharacters", "CACharacters2", "CAWeapons", "yup_uscg_pilots"}; }; }; class CfgMovesBasic { /*extern*/ class DefaultDie; /*extern*/ class Actions; class ManActions { UH60_Pilot = "UH60_Pilot"; UH60_Gunner = "UH60_Gunner"; UH60_Cargo01 = "UH60_Cargo01"; UH60_Cargo02 = "UH60_Cargo02"; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class USCoastGuard { displayName = "US Coast Guard"; priority = 1; side = 1; }; }; class CfgAmmo { /*extern*/ class MissileBase; class yup_JayhawkFueltankAmmo: MissileBase { hit = 1; indirectHit = 1; indirectHitRange = 1; typicalSpeed = 10; cost = 100; deflecting = 1; airLock = 0; model = "\hh60j\fueltank_j"; proxyShape = "\hh60j\fueltank_j"; }; class yup_EmptyAmmo: MissileBase { hit = 1; indirectHit = 1; indirectHitRange = 1; typicalSpeed = 10; cost = 100; deflecting = 1; airLock = 0; model = "\hh60j\empty"; proxyShape = "\hh60j\empty"; }; class yup_fakeAmmo: MissileBase { airLock = 0; hit = 1; indirectHit = 1; indirectHitRange = 1; typicalSpeed = 10; maxSpeed = 10; cost = 100; effectsMissile = "NoEffect"; muzzleEffect = "NoEffect"; CraterEffects = "NoEffect"; explosionEffects = "NoEffect"; explosive = 0; deflecting = 1; model = ""; proxyShape = ""; }; }; class CfgMagazines { /*extern*/ class Default; class CA_Magazine: Default { }; class VehicleMagazine: CA_Magazine { }; class yup_1Rnd_JayhawkFueltank: VehicleMagazine { scope = 2; displayName = "Fueltank"; ammo = "yup_JayhawkFueltankAmmo"; count = 1; }; class yup_2Rnd_JayhawkFueltank: yup_1Rnd_JayhawkFueltank { count = 2; }; class yup_3Rnd_JayhawkFueltank: yup_1Rnd_JayhawkFueltank { count = 3; }; class yup_1Rnd_Empty: VehicleMagazine { scope = 2; displayName = "Empty"; ammo = "yup_EmptyAmmo"; count = 1; }; class yup_2Rnd_Empty: yup_1Rnd_Empty { count = 2; }; class yup_3Rnd_Empty: yup_1Rnd_Empty { count = 3; }; class yup_fakeMagazine: VehicleMagazine { scope = 2; displayName = ""; ammo = "yup_fakeAmmo"; count = 1; }; }; class CfgWeapons { /*extern*/ class Default; /*extern*/ class CannonCore; /*extern*/ class HellfireLauncher; class yup_fakeWeapon: HellfireLauncher { cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty"; autoFire = 0; initSpeed = 1; displayName = ""; minRange = 300; minRangeProbab = 0.980000; midRange = 2000; midRangeProbab = 0.980000; maxRange = 4500; maxRangeProbab = 0.900000; sound = {"", 17.782801, 1}; magazines = {"yup_fakeMagazine"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class All; class AllVehicles: All { class NewTurret { }; }; class Air: AllVehicles { }; class Helicopter: Air { class Turrets { class MainTurret: NewTurret { /*extern*/ class viewOptics; }; }; /*extern*/ class AnimationSources; }; class yup_HH60J: Helicopter { scope = 2; vehicleclass = "Air"; model = "\hh60j\hh60j"; displayname = "HH-60J Jayhawk"; mapSize = 17; picture = "\hh60j\ico\HH_60J_CA.paa"; Icon = "\hh60j\ico\icomap_HH60J_CA.paa"; crew = "yup_uscg_Pilot"; side = 1; faction = "USCoastGuard"; nameSound = "blackhawk"; maxSpeed = 270; accuracy = 0.300000; armor = 30; damageResistance = 0.002420; cost = 10000000; class MarkerLights { class RedStill { name = "cerveny pozicni"; color = {0.200000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1}; ambient = {0.300000, 0.030000, 0.030000, 1}; brightness = 0.005000; blinking = 0; }; class BlueStill { name = "siniy pozicni"; color = {0.020000, 0.100000, 0.200000, 1}; ambient = {0.030000, 0.150000, 0.300000, 1}; brightness = 0.005000; blinking = 0; }; class WhiteStill { name = "bily pozicni"; color = {0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000, 1}; ambient = {0.030000, 0.030000, 0.030000, 1}; brightness = 0.005000; blinking = 0; }; class WhiteBlinking { name = "bily pozicni blik"; color = {1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1}; ambient = {0.200000, 0.200000, 0.200000, 1}; brightness = 0.010000; blinking = 1; }; class RedBlinking { name = "cerveny pozicni blik"; color = {1.000000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 1}; ambient = {0.200000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1}; brightness = 0.010000; blinking = 1; }; }; class HitPoints { class HitHull { armor = 1; material = 51; name = "NEtrup"; visual = "trup"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitEngine { armor = 0.250000; material = 51; name = "motor"; visual = "motor"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitAvionics { armor = 0.150000; material = 51; name = "elektronika"; visual = "elektronika"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitVRotor { armor = 0.300000; material = 51; name = "tail_blades"; visual = "mala vrtule staticka"; passThrough = 0; }; class HitHRotor { armor = 0.200000; material = 51; name = "velka vrtule"; visual = "velka vrtule staticka"; passThrough = 0; }; }; mainRotorSpeed = -1; memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1"; memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2"; soundGetIn = {"\ca\Sound\Air\Noises\heli_door_01", 0.316228, 1}; soundGetOut = {"\ca\Sound\Air\Noises\heli_door_01", 0.316228, 1, 30}; soundEnviron = {"", 0.031623, 1.000000}; soundDammage = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.001000, 1}; soundEngineOnInt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\int\int-start-final", 0.100000, 1.000000}; soundEngineOnExt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\ext\ext-motor-start", 1.000000, 1.000000, 800}; soundEngineOffInt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\int\int-stop-final", 0.100000, 1.000000}; soundEngineOffExt = {"ca\sounds\Air\UH1Y\ext\ext-motor-stop", 1.000000, 1.000000, 800}; class Sounds { class Engine { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\ext\ext-fly-mode2", 2.511886, 1.000000, 900}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)"; }; class RotorLowOut { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5b", 2.511886, 1.000000, 1400}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))"; cone = {1.600000, 3.140000, 2.000000, 0.500000}; }; class RotorHighOut { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5a", 2.511886, 1.000000, 1600}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))"; cone = {1.600000, 3.140000, 2.000000, 0.500000}; }; class EngineIn { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-fly-mode7", 3.162278, 1.000000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)"; }; class RotorLowIn { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5b", 3.162278, 1.000000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))"; }; class RotorHighIn { sound = {"ca\sounds\air\uh1y\int\int-rotor-single5a", 3.162278, 1.000000}; frequency = "rotorSpeed"; volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)"; }; }; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 8; driverCompartments = "Compartment1"; cargoCompartments = {"Compartment1"}; radarType = 4; LockDetectionSystem = 8; IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16; Driverhasflares = "True"; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; memoryPointCM = {"flare_launcher_1", "flare_launcher_2"}; memoryPointCMDir = {"flare_launcher_1_dir", "flare_launcher_2_dir"}; enableSweep = 0; supplyRadius = 2.500000; initCargoAngleY = 10; minCargoAngleY = -60; maxCargoAngleY = 120; type = 2; threat = {0.300000, 1, 0.400000}; typicalCargo = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWAT", "SoldierWAT"}; transportMaxMagazines = 150; transportMaxWeapons = 30; forceHideDriver = 1; castDriverShadow = 0; castCargoShadow = 0; dustEffect = "HeliDust"; waterEffect = "HeliWater"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_POPIS"; }; class Damage { tex = {}; mat = {"hh60j\t\glasses.rvmat", "hh60j\t\uh60_skla_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\uh60_skla_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j01.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j01_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j01_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j02.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j02_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j02_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j03.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j03_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j03_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j04.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j04_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j04_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j05.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j05_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j05_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j06.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j06_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\hh60j06_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\rotorJ.rvmat", "hh60j\t\rotorJ_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\rotorJ_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_1.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_1.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_1_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_2.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_2.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_2_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_3.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_3.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_3_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_6.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_6.rvmat", "hh60j\t\intJ_6_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\bkabine.rvmat", "hh60j\t\bkabine_damage.rvmat", "hh60j\t\bkabine_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel2F.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel2F.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel2F_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel3B.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel3B.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panel3B_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_low.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_low.rvmat", "hh60j\t\panelF_low_destruct.rvmat", "hh60j\t\navy_seat.rvmat", "hh60j\t\navy_seat.rvmat", "hh60j\t\navy_seat_destruct.rvmat"}; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { body = "flir_turret"; gun = "flir"; minElev = -60; maxElev = 110; initElev = -60; minTurn = -180; maxTurn = 180; initTurn = 0; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; gunBeg = "gun"; gunEnd = "gunnerview"; weapons = {"yup_fakeWeapon"}; magazines = {"yup_2Rnd_JayhawkFueltank"}; gunnerName = "copilot"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 0; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 0; gunnerAction = "UH60_Pilot"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; gunnerCanSee = 31; radarType = 4; primaryGunner = 1; commanding = -1; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesBoth"; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.420000; minFov = 0.022000; maxFov = 0.940000; }; outGunnerMayFire = 1; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir"; memoryPointGun = "gun"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview"; castGunnerShadow = 1; viewGunnerShadow = 0; gunnerForceOptics = 0; lockWhenDriverOut = 0; }; }; class AnimationSources { class HoistHide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 0; }; class MovePilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCopilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCargoDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class Move2nd_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class Move1st_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveLeftElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveRightElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade1 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade2 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade3 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade4 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveTail { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class mainRotorFold { source = "user"; animPeriod = 3; }; class spread_incomplete { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 1; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1.000000}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 0.300000; brightness = 0.300000; }; class Right { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 1.000000}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 0.300000; brightness = 0.300000; }; class Left2 { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "svetlo"; direction = "konec svetla"; hitpoint = "svetlo"; selection = "svetlo"; size = 0.300000; brightness = 0.200000; }; class Left3 { color = {0.800000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000}; ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000}; position = "Cabine_lgt"; direction = "Cabine_lgt_dir"; hitpoint = "Cabine_lgr"; selection = "Cabine_lgt"; size = 0; brightness = 0.100000; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenCargoDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos cargo"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCargoDoor: OpenCargoDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",0]"; }; class OpenCargoDoors { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "((this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" < 0.5) ) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCargoDoors { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "((this animationPhase "MoveCargoDoor" > 0.5)) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCargoDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenPilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenPilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == driver this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class ClosePilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == gunner this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5) and (player == gunner this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindows { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindows { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindowsIn { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindowsIn { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class FoldTail { displayName = "Fold blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "rotor_brake" < 0.1) and (this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" < 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60fold.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class SpreadTail { displayName = "Spread blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" > 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60spread.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; }; }; class yup_MH60J: yup_HH60J { model = "\hh60j\mh60j"; displayname = "MH-60J Jayhawk"; cargoAction = {"UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Gunner", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02"}; transportSoldier = 7; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { weapons = {"yup_fakeWeapon"}; magazines = {"yup_2Rnd_JayhawkFueltank"}; primaryGunner = 0; }; class RightTurret: MainTurret { body = "otocvez"; gun = "otochlaven"; proxyIndex = 2; minElev = -88; maxElev = 10; initElev = -88; minTurn = -165; maxTurn = -15; initTurn = -90; animationSourceBody = "otocvez"; animationSourceGun = "otochlaven"; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos cargo"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos cargo dir"; animationSourceHatch = ""; memoryPointGun = "mgun_1"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunneroptic_1"; soundServo = {"", 0.010000, 1.000000}; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone"; gunBeg = "mgun_beg_1"; gunEnd = "mgun_end_1"; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; weapons = {"M240_veh"}; magazines = {"100Rnd_762x51_M240", "100Rnd_762x51_M240", "100Rnd_762x51_M240"}; gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_DOORGUNNER"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1; gunnerAction = "MH60_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "MH60_Gunner"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; gunnerForceOptics = 0; primaryGunner = 1; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.700000; minFov = 0.250000; maxFov = 1.100000; }; }; }; class AnimationSources { class HoistHide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 0; }; class MovePilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCopilotDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveCargoDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 1; }; class Move2nd_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class Move1st_windowDoor { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveLeftElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveRightElevator { source = "user"; animPeriod = 4; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade1 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade2 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade3 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveBlade4 { source = "user"; animPeriod = 5; initPhase = 0; }; class MoveTail { source = "user"; animPeriod = 15; initPhase = 0; }; class mainRotorFold { source = "user"; animPeriod = 3; }; class spread_incomplete { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0; initPhase = 1; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenPilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenPilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == driver this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 0; showWindow = 0; }; class ClosePilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MovePilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MovePilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoor { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and not (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" < 0.5) and (player == gunner this) and ((speed this)<=10)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoor { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos gunner"; radius = 2; condition = "this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseCopilotDoorIn { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveCopilotDoor" > 0.5) and (player == gunner this)"; statement = "this animate["MoveCopilotDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindows { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindows { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "window_pos"; radius = 3; condition = "this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class OpenWindowsIn { displayName = "Open Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" < 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",1];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",1]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class CloseWindowsIn { displayName = "Close Windows"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 3; condition = "(this animationPhase "Move1st_windowDoor" > 0.5) and not (player == driver this) and not (player == gunner this) and (player in this)"; statement = "this animate["Move1st_windowDoor",0];this animate["Move2nd_windowDoor",0]"; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class FoldTail { displayName = "Fold blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "rotor_brake" < 0.1) and (this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" < 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60fold.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; class SpreadTail { displayName = "Spread blades and tail"; position = "pos driver"; radius = 2; condition = "(this animationPhase "MoveLeftElevator" > 0.5) and (!isEngineOn this) and (speed this < 1) and (player == driver this)"; statement = "this exec "\hh60j\scripts\SH60spread.sqs""; onlyforplayer = 1; showWindow = 0; }; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { /*extern*/ class ProxyWeapon; class Proxyfueltank_j: ProxyWeapon { model = "\hh60j\fueltank_j"; simulation = "maverickweapon"; }; };
  23. SOLVED: Got it working with this config: http://pastebin.com/B4i1TfjA Hi, I'm trying to create an upgunned version of the Slammer BLUFOR tank, while I was able to get it working through editing ACE, I cannot do so with a standalone version. When I try this config the changes to the weapons simply do not take effect. I'm running only this mod for testing.
  24. Hey, since the 1.60 update some of my addons dont work anymore, i patched the laptop for use with ace3. Cant find the failure in my config. It worked before, i hope someone has a solution or can give me a hint for fixing. Thx Phil ------- rpt: config viewer: half of the configs are missing although i patch the base config. config.cpp:
  25. Ok i have a ten key-less keyboard and i wanted to know if anyone had a keybind set that was easy to use besides "Arma 3 alternative" or something close please and thank you