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  1. Will players be able to use HOTAS systems to fly aircraft when they are added to base game? This would be very easy to implement considering there are systems made specifically for Xbox that work with PC as well so both would be included. I figure you wouldn't even need to make a preset setting in the menu, but just allow for them to be binded to in game controls once base game helis are added.
  2. How can I make a fighter plane attack the ground by order with AI? With the find and destroy method, it just dives and takes off. How can I attack soldiers or buildings at the same time?
  3. Hello, I am trying to keep this simple. In my mission, I want one or two fighter jets to simply enter fly overhead and out of sight. This I can already do. I set the jets up far away, have them fly over the AO and when they are far enough away I simply delete them upon reaching the waypoint. Now my question is however; is there a way I can set this up to repeat after a certain amount of time? Instead of creating many multiple instances and triggers, I just want this one event to passively repeat itself after so many minutes. Is this possible? I've been finding a lot of information on waypoint cycles, but that isn't exactly what I am looking for. Thank you.
  4. Hi all, I decided to give some time on existing Navy assets in community, even if Arma is much more a Land force milsim,... with few air assets. First of all, BI has produced: - the CVN Freedom, an object not really dynamic, but stated as a "dynamic airport" with some added components as radar or AA defenses from BI, but also cats and arresting wires. - the FA 18 Black Wasp II , the only aircraft with a tail hook (mandatory if you want to stay aboard 😉) On the other hand, the community produced, at least: - the USS Nimitz, unfortunately also a "static dynamic airport", but with much more possibilities (moving excepted) than the USS Freedom, - many outstanding mods, with plenty of aircraft, but for Navy, so planes with tail hook, the award is for Unsung one. In fact, I'm not sure you will find any other mod with Navy jets and planes able to land on deck of a carrier. After that... some mods are worth the trial, sometimes with better aerodynamics and realism: RHS, IFA3, CUP... Why all aircraft carrier are static? Probably make them sailing and able to recover some played (or AI) aircraft is far too complex.(We are not on DCS). The Vehicle In Vehicle possibility (since Apex) is for transportation but doesn't really meet the requirement for deck handling. Can we make them move (for a scenery or an attack by enemy)? Yes, at least for CVN USS Freedom. Here is a little code I wrote for a pattern. The CVN start a leg of x seconds, turns left or right, and so on. The position is at the first leg start, choose the orientation of the pattern (no matter the orientation of the object (Land_Carrier_01_base_F) in editor, the leg duration (in sec.) , and the direction of the turn (right = true). This pattern is optimized for 60FPS which make it U-turn in 5 minutes (fast but realistic) and move the CVN at 60 km/h (roughly). I'd rather write 32 knots. CVN PATTERN (CVN1 is the name of the BI aircraft carrier) MGI_CVN_PATTERN = { params [["_CVN",objNull],["_firstDir",0],["_leg",300],["_rightTurn",TRUE]]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _CVN setdir ((_firstDir + 180) mod 360); _CVN setVariable ["CVNPattern",[_firstDir, getDir _CVN]]; _CVN setVariable ["CVNTrueDir",_firstDir]; _CVN setVariable ["CVNTimer",0.1 - diag_tickTime]; ["movingCarrier","onEachFrame", { private _CVN = _this param [0,objNull]; private _leg = _this param [1,300]; private _rightTurn = _this param [2,TRUE]; private _dir = _CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir"; private _t = _CVN getVariable "CVNTimer"; _CVN setdir ((_dir + 180) mod 360); _CVN setPosWorld ASLToATL (_CVN getpos [0.3,_dir]); [_CVN] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; if (((diag_tickTime + (_CVN getVariable "CVNTimer")) mod _leg) < 0.1) then { _CVN setVariable ["CVNTimer", - diag_tickTime]; _CVN setVariable ["CVNTrueDir",_dir + ([-0.01,0.01] select _rightTurn)]; if (abs((360 +(_CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir") mod 360) mod 360 - (_CVN getVariable "CVNPattern")#1) < 0.5) then { _CVN setVariable ["CVNTrueDir",(_CVN getVariable "CVNPattern")#1]; reverse (_CVN getVariable "CVNPattern"); _CVN setVariable ["CVNTimer",0.1 - diag_tickTime]; }; }; }, [_CVN,_leg,_rightTurn] ] call bis_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; }; [CVN1,45,120,FALSE] call MGI_CVN_PATTERN; So, the dynamic airport starts to be dynamic. I added also the rescue helicopter "pedro" , following the CVN. You can take control on it, or let it do his job. It takes few seconds to be on station, at start. PEDRO RESCUE: MGI_rescuePedro = { params [["_helo",objNull],["_CVN",objNull]]; if (!isServer or [_helo,_CVN] findIf {isNull _x} > -1) exitWith {}; currentPilot _helo disableAI "radioProtocol"; _helo setdir (getdir _CVN +180); _helo setpos (_CVN modelToWorld [200,0,35]); _helo flyInHeight 30; _helo flyInHeightASL [50,50,50]; [_helo,_CVN] spawn { params ["_helo","_CVN"]; waitUntil {!isNil{_CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir"} or !alive _helo}; while {alive _helo} do { _dir = _CVN getVariable "CVNTrueDir"; _helo move (_CVN modelToWorld [200,-400,35]); _helo limitSpeed (diag_fps * (1+ (0.005 * ((_helo distance2D (expectedDestination _helo #0))-500)))); sleep 5 } } }; [this,CVN1] call MGI_rescuePedro; What about deck landing? You can test an approach, even a touch, but you can't stay aboard as for any other moving objects. Now, for the fun you can attach the jet on deck. I did a little trigger, itself attached to the CVN, but that is not really sexy. What about USS Nimitz (mod)? Unfortunately, I didn't succeed in making it sail properly... The result is a full flush deck, as the bridge dives... No time for workaround relative positions of all the parts. So, we are still far from a realistic Navy ambiance. For example, the main tool for a deck landing: the Optical Landing System (OLS) is missing. In a second step, I will comment the airplane simulation. I'm not a modder but there are some tips which could improve the game playability and immersion. That's not incompatible. Have fun. All comments and remarks welcome as usual. Pierre
  5. Two things I love? Single Player games and the Hind D. As great as those missiles are, the nose mounted cannon is completely off limits to a single player like me 😞 Do you fine people think it's possible for me to write a script that enables the mouse to control the gun and camera while the player character sits in the pilot seat and flies with WASD? I can actually fire the gun as the pilot using BIS_fnc_fire: [assignedVehicle player, "GI-2"] call BIS_fnc_fire; It's just a matter of getting the gun track the mouse! How do I do this? Basically I want to bring the way a single player and AI crew control a tank to helicopters such as the hind D. Is this possible? Can we change the helicopters roles so the gunner seat is classed as a commander seat maybe? (left right foward stop forward 😉)
  6. CUP CAS Modules mod for Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2151978106 - Instant brutal and intense Airstrikes !! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Modules for CUP Mod fixed wing aircraft !! 🙂 - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Thanks to CUP Team.Especially Alwarren for the instant support!! - Support module capable!! - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your @CUP CAS Modules ANZACSAS Mod folder! - Enjoy. Required Addons - Napalm Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 CUP Vehicles https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=541888371 - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - See below for a more in depth how to use guide by Phronk from BI Forums. Phronk says, Here's how to place a CAS module in the editor and edit it: Click the Modules button on the right (Or press F5) Click the category, "Effects" (It's the third one down) Click the "Close Air Support (CAS)" item in the list Place the module on the map Double-click on it to open the module and edit it Very bottom category in edit box lets you change type of attack and CAS plane used Here's how to sync it to a trigger: Place your Blufor player unit Place a trigger and set the Activation to "BLUFOR" Right-click your Blufor player unit, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your unit to the trigger Right-click the placed CAS module, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your CAS module to the trigger Also, the azimuth you set the CAS module to will be the direction the CAS plane will ingress from. If the azimuth is 0, then the plane will come in from the north and egress south. Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  7. ANZACSAS Steven

    F-15 Eagle CAS Module

    F-15E Strike Eagle CAS Module For Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111546134 - Instant brutal and intense Airstrikes !! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Module for Firewills F-15E Strike Eagle Mod !! 🙂 - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Enjoy. Required Addons - Napalm Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 Firewills F-15E Strike Eagle Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=582478120 - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - See below for a more in depth how to use guide by Phronk from BI Forums. Phronk says, Here's how to place a CAS module in the editor and edit it: Click the Modules button on the right (Or press F5) Click the category, "Effects" (It's the third one down) Click the "Close Air Support (CAS)" item in the list Place the module on the map Double-click on it to open the module and edit it Very bottom category in edit box lets you change type of attack and CAS plane used Here's how to sync it to a trigger: Place your Blufor player unit Place a trigger and set the Activation to "BLUFOR" Right-click your Blufor player unit, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your unit to the trigger Right-click the placed CAS module, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your CAS module to the trigger Results. Also, the azimuth you set the CAS module to will be the direction the CAS plane will ingress from. If the azimuth is 0, then the plane will come in from the north and egress south Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111460425 F-16 Falcon CAS Module For Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Instant brutal and intense Airstrikes !! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Module for Firewills F-16 Falcon Mod !! 🙂 - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Support module capable. - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your @ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets Mod folder! - Enjoy. Required Addons - Napalm Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 Firewills F-16 Falcon Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=366423278 - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - See below for a more in depth how to use guide by Phronk from BI Forums. Phronk says, Here's how to place a CAS module in the editor and edit it: Click the Modules button on the right (Or press F5) Click the category, "Effects" (It's the third one down) Click the "Close Air Support (CAS)" item in the list Place the module on the map Double-click on it to open the module and edit it Very bottom category in edit box lets you change type of attack and CAS plane used Here's how to sync it to a trigger: Place your Blufor player unit Place a trigger and set the Activation to "BLUFOR" Right-click your Blufor player unit, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your unit to the trigger Right-click the placed CAS module, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your CAS module to the trigger Results. Also, the azimuth you set the CAS module to will be the direction the CAS plane will ingress from. If the azimuth is 0, then the plane will come in from the north and egress south Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  9. DESCRIPTION The Livonian People's Army (Ludowe Wojsko Inflanty, LWI) constituted the Livonian Armed Forces from 1946–1989. The armed forces of the Livonian communist state ruled by the Livonian Workers' Party. The communist-led Livonian armed forces, allowed and facilitated by Joseph Stalin, were the result of efforts made in the mid 1940s in the Soviet Union by Tomasz Sroczycka. From 1955 Livonia was part of the Warsaw pact. Strange activities were noticed in the Livonian territories however all reports thereof remained a state secret untill the collapse in 1990. FEATURES Branches: Army infantry, Paratroopers, Airforce, Borderguards and Worker's Militia Vehicles: T-55, T-72, PT-76A, OT-64A, BMP-1, ZSU-23, BTR-60, UAZ, Ural, BRDM, 2s3 and others Aircraft: Mig-29, L-39, Mi-8 and Mi-24 And more DOWNLOAD Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973667851 RELEASE DATE: 01-Feb-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES None known at the moment. REQUIREMENTS Arma 3 Global Mobilization DLC RHSAFRF RHSGREF CREDITS: BIS - Arma 3 game Vertexmacht - Global Mobilization DLC RHS Lennard Basher Xacino - Pilotka Lakarak - SSH-40 Per Jeppsson - SKS Artem Goyko - PPSH-41 Alex Kirby - Sa Vz. 26 Alexander Burov - Mosin M91/30 Elinor Quittner - Leather backpack Eprdox - Soviet 6x30 Binoculars Tounoushi - Camo patterns Fingolfin - Amoben tarn M62 helmet covers (bonus content) EULA By downloading this content you agree with the following: - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author. - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon. - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have fun!
  10. A little bit about us... We are 160 Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) and 75th Fighter Squadron "Tiger Sharks". We are a tight, close-knit unit who are currently looking for rotary, fixed wing pilots, pararescue (PJ), and people to operate logistics.We are a new unit and currently have 11 members, but we are looking for anyone who's interested in joining. We work with The Princess of Wales Royal Regiment (PWRR) closely as we are their air assets group. We perform CASEVACs, MEDEVACs, CAS, CAP, and transportation. We are a separate unit. However, we do share the same TeamSpeak server and Arma server. We work closely with them during OPs. 160 SOAR and 75th FS is a milsim unit. We have regular company and battalion training. Our OPs has a Zeus and on top of that, are a one-life event every mission... meaning that if you die in the one mission, you're done until the next mission. However, that doesn't mean you're eliminated from the campaign. We have campaigns that last a few months and we are heading into our 3rd campaign with PWRR! What do we do? As I said above, we train and operate with anything that's aviation related. 160 SOAR and 75th FS operates helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts. We have Apaches, Blackhawks, Chinooks, Little Birds, A-10s, and F-15s. We transport PWRR to their deployment zone, perform MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, CAS, CAP and transportation for them to get in and out of the area of operations. Are you interested? Here are some references if you would like to know more about us... Discord: https://discord.gg/cJMdvh TeamSpeak 3: Feel free to add me on Steam and message me. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119774197/ You can also add the CO of 160th SOAR: Col. C Prater https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198305133357/ We'll see you on the battlefield, over and out.
  11. PVT. james_u7qobv7

    Place-able Aircraft Carrier

    Just a place-able carrier that we can do Carrier-Ops off of would be wonderful. I have always wanted to do carrier-ops in Zeus, doing things like CAS requests, transport, amphibious assault, ETC. So if any Bohemia staff/developers look at this forum thread keep this in the back of your head.
  12. The latest version of the Simple Radar Warning System, Functions, Vehicle init (for automatic system arm), Player manual system switch, Configurable function call, Fly safely and... Have fun! File Download (Drive) *Original Post*
  13. Captain Mason-e0927844420c6c6e

    [WIP] Pilatus PC-12

    Hello everyone! I was looking around and found the lack of civilian fixed wing aircraft. One of my favourite airplanes is the Pilatus PC-12. I found this free model and I was thinking about making it a functional aircraft in Arma and I am just looking for feedback to see if this would be something people would like :)
  14. Fly Tanoa Air is a flight SIM-u-LITE scenario with dynamic missions and aircraft features. What's new: (changelog) Steam Workshop Flying aircraft in ArmA III is difficult. It takes a lot of practice. Right when you think you've got it, you realize how much more there is to learn. Just dropping an aircraft into an empty scenario is fine to start but that gets boring and, as a pilot in training, you need something more compelling to keep logging more hours. Fly Tanoa Air provides a fun and re-playable scenario in which to practice your skills. This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Drive Link Download : Fly Tanoa Air 0050 Check out the new mission maker designed with the FTA framework New Live readMe file Check out the [FTA] guidebook, FTA Dev Topic Challenges Features Control Description Images: Videos (new): THANKS to everybody at: Bohemia Forums Check out our Patreon page Ascina Illustration & Design ArmA 3 Nexus mirror Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)
  15. This addon will add Cold War era aircraft reskins to your A3 for several NATO and Warsaw pact armies. It is intended for use together with the GM DLC to give the some air mobility. It also adds pilot gear for both sides. RELEASE DATE: 28-Apr-19 UPDATE V 1.03: 16-December-19 AUTHOR: Lennard (Steam name: Thunderstreak) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSNAMES: BW UH-1D - "len_uh1d_bw" CSLA Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_cs" LWP Mi-8 - "len_mi8amt_lwp" LWP Mi-24D (AT) - "len_mi24d_AT_lwp" LWP Mi-24P (AT) - "len_mi24p_AT_lwp" LWP Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_lwp" NVA Aero L-39 - "len_l39_nva" NVA Mi-8 - "len_mi8amt_nva" NVA Mi-24D (AT) - "len_mi24d_AT_nva" NVA Mi-24P (AT) - "len_mi24p_AT_nva" NVA Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_nva" SCREENSHOTS: REQUIREMENTS: Arma 3 RHSAFRF RHSUSAF RHSGREF KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES: None known at the moment. CREDITS: BIS - Arma 3 game RHS - A2 Ports da12thMonkey - Config help EULA: By downloading this content you agree with the following: - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author. - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon. - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES: V 1.01 - Added ZEUS compatibility - Added pilots for BW and NVA V1.02 - Added NVA Mi-24D and Mi-24P variants - Added NVA L-39 - Added NVA pilot gear - Updated NVA pilot uniform V1.03 - Added LWP Mi-24D and Mi-24P variants - Added LWP Mi-8 variant - Added CSLA, LWP, NVA Mig-29A - Added LWP pilot uniform Download direct Steam workshop Mirrors are welcome! Have fun!
  16. My old project never finished :) it was my learning modding project for ARMA. Now i have some drive to finish it but need feedback from community if it's worth the time. Dunno if ARMA need such a plane back in time i loved playing ARMA life servers. Please let me know if someone need this mod and i finish it. here are some videos: "love flying it it, it is so much fun" https://youtu.be/2HG9e2afRXE https://youtu.be/2i_3k0A9Xhw here you can view the model: https://skfb.ly/6JKHI !!!model is mine i modeled it in 3Ds max have proof all stages of modeling and texturing... :D armaholic guy was accusing me to stole it cant give him proof he banned me :)
  17. Hello. I would like to know how to have this menu for the plane in game ?
  18. Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets by ANZACSAS Steve v2.0. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steam Link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 - This is a port of my work from Arma 2 and Unsung but updated to Arma 3 specs and standards.:) - Napalm bomb and White Phosphorus Smoke marker rockets. - Napalm fire gives damage for full length of time for AI and players. - AI cannot see through smoke and fire efx. - AI Suppression effect added. - Support module compatible.See example mission. - Works on US and Independent faction fixed wing aircraft. - CUP and RHS aircraft compatible. - Secret weapons mod and SAB's military aviation pack compatible. - Firewills A-10, F-14,15,16,18 compatible. - F/A-18 Super Hornet compatible. - Unsung, NZDF and USAF mod and many more. - Works for addons that use default naming system for pylons/hardpoints. - Airborne napalm efx and damage will travel in the direction of the strike! - Comes with Enhanced,more brutal and intense CAS modules to add into your missions for instant light and heavy ,high and low napalm and bomb airstrikes! - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your @ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets Mod folder. - Comes with two MP Missions with the MK77 Napalm added to aircraft. Altis - Save the Platoon and Tanoa - Carrier Ops day3. - Anyone wanting to use this addon /code in their addon or mod just ask.:) - Optional but recommended to be used with my other Particle efx mods - here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1484261993 and here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1537745369 - Thanks to BI and the community. - Enjoy.:) - Credits - - Code,Particle Efx and Sounds by ANZACSAS Steve. - Model and Texture by Mondkalb.Big Thank you.:) - Model and Texture modified file paths and alignment to Arma 3 by Firewill. - Dual Rail bomb mount model and Texture by Firewill.Thanks bud,nice one.:) - Big thanks for the awesome showcase vid by Viper1Zero and also one by Haze. - Thanks to DustSabre for setting up the reflective surface efx.🙂
  19. ANZACSAS Steven

    COOP 1-6 Save The Platoon !!

    COOP 1-6 Save The Platoon !! Link - ://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1696372535 -See Steam page for Pic- Here is a port of my "Save The Platoon" Mp mission from Arma 2 to Arma 3. This is a Ground Defence/Close Air Support mission.Players have to Save The Platoon from being overrun. Designed to be easily edited and read. If clans/groups would like to edit the mission to use mods etc just add the clan or mod tag in name. - Overview - - U.S troops are in contact with a large force.Unable to extricate themselves,Close and intense Air Support is their only chance for survival. - Factions - - U.S Vs CSAT. - Features - - Dynamic load outs for aircraft. - Custom Weather and Time of day Params at start of mission. - Increase or Decrease your view distance and Terrain Detail During Mission. - Vehicles Respawn. - Assets Available - - A-164 Wipeout. - F/A-181 Blackwasp II. - Intel - - Estimated Enemy Strength is Strong.Approx Battalion strength. - Objective - - Support ground forces in contact and save the platoon!! If you like this mission please hit the rate button with a thumbs up.:) All feedback welcome. Have fun.:) Steve. - Mod Versions - - BWI Mod T-6/PC-6. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1921404732 - F/A-18 Super Hornet Mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1921958131 -Panavia Tornado GR4 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1928190945&amp;searchtext= - Credits - - Mission By ANZACSAS Steve. - GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout V1.341 made by Grumpy Old Man 17-5-20172. - Dynamic Gfx settings scripts by Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine.
  20. Iam porting my Napalm mod from Arma2 and require a model and texture guy or gal to handle a couple of small jobs to finish.
  21. Coop 1-10 Anti-Aircraft Hunt - South Asia New Upload + New Link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone,Here is a port of my "Anti-Aircraft Tank Hunt " Mp mission from Ofp,Arma 1 and Arma 2 to South Asia terrain Arma 3. This mission has been developed for dedicated Server use.Designed to be easily edited and read. If clans/groups would like to edit the mission to use mods etc just add the clan tag in name. Here's a Description - - Overview - - CSAT Forces are laying in wait now that US Forces have established a forward air base. Launch Air attacks to Destroy all enemy Anti-aircraft Tanks to make way for future Air-Assault missions in the AO. - Coop 1 to 10 players. - Link To Mission - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1611855601 - Addons Required - - South Asia v1.3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1571581816 - Factions - - U.S Vs CSAT. - Features - - Dynamic loadout scripts for aircraft. - Customisable Weather and Time of day Params at start of mission. - Recruit Ai Team Members. - Group Leaders In command of AI will use Group Respawn untill no AI are left then respawn reverts to Base. - Increase or Decrease your viewdistance and Terrain Detail During Mission. - Vehicles Respawn. - Assets Available - - V-44 X Blackfish. - AH-99 Blackfoot. - A-164 Wipeout. - F/A-181 Blackwasp II. - Intel - - Estimated Enemy Strength is Strong.Approx 30 AA Tanks in the area. - Objective - - Destroy all Anti-Aircraft tanks. - Credits - - Mission By ANZACSAS Steve. - Team Leader Group Respawn script (1.0) by Mongoose_84 for Arma 1,developed into Group respawn scripts by theOden Arma 2, Edited for Arma3 by ANZACSAS Steve with help from GEORGE FLOROS GR. - Recruit AI Scripts/UI by Bon_Inf*Redux -- by Moser. - GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout V1.341 made by Grumpy Old Man 17-5-20172. - Dynamic Gfx settings scripts by Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine. - Crate filler v2.12 script by KC Grimes. - Thanks to ANZACSAS Ron for MP/JIP testing. - Link To Missions with Mods/Addons - Tornado GR4 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1936313097&amp;searchtext= F/A-18 Super Hornet https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1936339542
  22. Coop 1-30 Combat Air Assault South Asia --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, Here is a port of my Combat Air-Assault Mp mission from Arma 2 to South Asia terrain Arma 3. A lot of effort has gone into making a straight forward mission based around realistic combat that emphasizes Cooperative Team play and that also runs Stable and Smooth on Servers. This mission has been Developed for Dedicated Server Use.Designed to be easily edited and read.If clans/groups would like to edit the mission to use mods etc just add the clan tag in name. Here's a Description - - Coop 1 to 30 players. - Overview - CSAT have moved into the region.Its our job to clear them out.Destroy all enemy Anti-aircraft units to allow ground forces with intergrated Air support to Combat Air-Assault into five Objective Areas. - Addons Required - - South Asia v1.3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1571581816 - Factions - - U.S Vs CSAT. - Features - - Dynamic loadout scripts for aircraft. - Custom Base /Group Respawn. - Recruit Ai Team Members. - Group Leaders In command of AI will use Group Respawn untill no AI are left then respawn reverts to Base. - Increase or Decrease your viewdistance and Terrain Detail During Mission. - Vehicles Respawn.. - Assets Available - - CH-67 Huron. - AH-99 Blackfoot. - A-164 Wipeout. - F/A-181 Blackwasp II. - Support Trucks. - Growler light vehicle. - Quadbike - Intel - - Estimated Enemy Strength is Strong.Heavy machine gun emplacements,AA Tanks and Infantry patrols. - Objectives - - 5 Objective Area's to Neutralize. - Destroy all Anti-Aircraft vehicles clearing the way for the Air Assault. - Credits - - Mission By ANZACSAS Steve. - Team Leader Group Respawn script (1.0) by Mongoose_84 for Arma 1,developed into Group respawn scripts by theOden Arma 2, edited for Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve with help from GEORGE FLOROS GR. - Recruit AI Scripts/UI by Bon_Inf*Redux -- by Moser. - GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout V1.341 made by Grumpy Old Man 17-5-20172. - Dynamic Gfx settings scripts by Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine. - Crate filler v2.12 script by KC Grimes. - Download from here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1571693129
  23. Hello guys, I just want to make an aircraft shot down by flak with triggers. And I want to make it blow in mid air and lit the aircraft so it will look terryfing. Thanks for helping me. example :
  24. Anti-Aircraft Tracer and Bullet Time to Live Mod For Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Increases the time to live for the big Anti-Aircraft rounds. - Enhanced Lighting for Tracer. - Works for 30mm_HE Base and B_35mm_AA Ammunition classes. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Enjoy :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1514439943 http://www.mediafire.com/file/la9sqjhqr54aha5/ANZACSAS_Anti_Aircraft_Tracer_and_Bullet_Mod.7z/file