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  1. Good Day fellow Gamers, My name is Super Jerome and at some point I was heavy into modding Exile mod. A few years back I made a guide to help players with setting up and modding their server. It was mainly geared toward hosted servers and changing your pbo files. It appears that the original link that I used all those years back is now no longer available. Recently I have been receiving request to view the guide although I have no idea where people are finding the old link from. In any case below is a link for a guide on various different facets of setting up and changing a ARMA 3 Exile server. I'm currently digging up all of my old content and will list more useful things in the future. The guide is a bit dated, however, still very useful. Exile Server Owners Guide
  2. I'mMagicalGirlLoliLoliHentaiChan

    Mk41 VLS dedicated server problem

    _laser= laserTarget vehicle cameraOn; _vls= VLS; call{[west, [_laser,3600]] remoteExec ["reportRemoteTarget", [_vls]]; _laser confirmSensorTarget [west,true]; _vls doWatch _laser; waitUntil {_vls aimedAtTarget [_laser] > 0}; _vls fireAtTarget [_laser, "weapon_vls_01"]}; in Editor is working but in multiplayer on a dedicated server have problem first straight up while 2 hit their target, where is my code wrong?. sorry for my bad English
  3. Hello, there are many ways to create an IED script but many things involve public or external variables, triggers and many stuff that makes it complex. This is a simple script that you also can use as function for multiple objects and triggers the IED automatically with just one script line inside the object you'd like to blow up. Does this work in multiplayer? Yes, it works in MultiPlayer and SinglePlayer How does this script work? As soon as AI or a player walks near it, it just explodes, leaving scripted debriefs and craters based on explosion intensity. Parameters It accept 3 parameters: - currentObject → it is the object in the editor that you trigger to explode; - iedIntensity → It used 3 level of intensity (how big is the blast), obviously you can put 1, 2 or 3. - isCar → boolean value (true, false) if is a car, if true keeps wreck of the vehicle. How do I call the script? Just open the object you'd like to have an IED and put the following line: [this, 1, true] execVM "iedBlast.sqf"; iedBlast.sqf //Uncomment following if used as function //params["_currentObject","_iedIntensity","_isCar"]; //Uncomment following if used as script _currentObject = _this select 0; _iedIntensity = _this select 1; _isCar = _this select 2; _positionCrater = getPosATL(_currentObject); _debriesCount = 0; _exploded = false; while { !_exploded } do { //Check if players are around { if((_x distance _currentObject) < 5) then { _exploded = true; }; } forEach allUnits; if(_exploded) then { switch(_iedIntensity) do { case 1: { _bombType = "M_Titan_AT" createVehicle (getPos _currentObject); soilCrater = "Land_ShellCrater_01_F" createVehicle ([0,0,0]); _debriesCount = 3; }; case 2: { _bombType = "Bo_Mk82" createVehicle (getPos _currentObject); soilCrater = "Land_ShellCrater_02_small_F" createVehicle ([0,0,0]); _debriesCount = 10; }; case 3: { _bombType = "IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle (getPos _currentObject); soilCrater = "Land_ShellCrater_02_large_F" createVehicle ([0,0,0]); _debriesCount = 15; }; }; soilCrater setPos _positionCrater; //---Keep Car Wreck--- if(!_isCar) then { deletevehicle _currentObject; } else { _currentObject setDammage 1; }; //---Spawning debries--- //Land_ShellCrater_02_debris_F for "_i" from 1 to _debriesCount do { _distance = [2, _debriesCount] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _direction = [0,359] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _randomPos = [_positionCrater, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; "Land_ShellCrater_02_debris_F" createVehicle _randomPos; }; }; };
  4. Hi everyone, I've created this script to create a random weather and random forecasts each time you start a mission. It automatically passes all weather data to clients. The script is able to filter different kinds of weather based on supported terrain position: - Mediterranean islands; - Europe; - Middle east; Just put the script in the mission directory with the name you prefer and call it from the init.sqf file with the following. init.sqf if (isServer) then { [] execVM "nameYouPrefer.sqf"; }; Hope you enjoy. randomWeather.sqf /* Sets random weather and forecasts based on "real" world positioning. It supports add-ons maps. * Ombra 12/06/2020 * latest update 18/02/2022 */ CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL = 0.6; //To avoid fps issues CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL = 0.6; //To prevent annoying fog _currentMap = worldName; _probabilityFog = random[0,0.5,1]; _probabilityRain = random[0,0.5,1]; //Declaring variables _currentOvercastCoef = 0; _forecastOvercastCoef = 0; _currentRainCoef = 0; _forecastRainCoef = 0; _currentFogCoef = 0; _forecastFogCoef = 0; _windSpeedN = 0; _windSpeedE = 0; _windDirection = 0; switch (_currentMap) do { //Calculating weather for desert terrains case "MCN_Aliabad"; case "takistan"; case "zargabad"; case "Mountains_ACR"; case "fallujah"; case "kunduz"; case "Shapur_BAF": { //Probability of 30% for deserts to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.7) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; //Current rain only if overcast > 0.6 if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.6) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; _currentFogCoef = 0; _forecastFogCoef = 0; //Some wind like sandstorms _windSpeedN = random[0,10,30]; _windSpeedE = random[0,10,30]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; //Calculating weather for european terrains (Vanilla and CUP) case "Bootcamp_ACR"; case "Woodland_ACR"; case "chernarus"; case "chernarus_summer"; case "Chernarus_Winter"; case "ProvingGrounds_PMC"; case "Enoch": { //Probability of 60% for northern EU to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.4) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.6) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; //Probability of 30% for northern EU to encounter fog if (_probabilityFog > 0.7) then { _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; } else { _currentFogCoef = 0; }; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; //Not much wind in continental land _windSpeedN = random[0,10,20]; _windSpeedE = random[0,10,20]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; //Calculating weather for mediterranean terrains case "Stratis"; case "Altis"; case "Malden": { //Probability of 50% for northern EU to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.5) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.6) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; //Islands are windy _windSpeedN = random[0,20,40]; _windSpeedE = random[0,20,40]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; case "Tanoa": { //Probability of 80% for jungle areas to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.2) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.5) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; //Probability of 20% for jungle areas to encounter fog if (_probabilityFog > 0.8) then { _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; } else { _currentFogCoef = 0; }; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; //Islands are windy _windSpeedN = random[0,20,40]; _windSpeedE = random[0,20,40]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; default { //Probability of 50% as default if (_probabilityRain > 0.5) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.5) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; //Probability of 30% to encounter fog if (_probabilityFog > 0.7) then { _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; } else { _currentFogCoef = 0; }; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; _windSpeedN = random[0,10,20]; _windSpeedE = random[0,10,20]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; }; //Setting weather 0 setOvercast _currentOvercastCoef; 0 setRain _currentRainCoef; 0 setFog _currentFogCoef; setWind [_windSpeedN, _windSpeedE, false]; 0 setWindDir _windDirection; forceWeatherChange; //Setting forecast 3600 setOvercast _forecastOvercastCoef; 3600 setRain _forecastRainCoef; 3600 setFog _forecastFogCoef; Up here it is posted as script but it can also be used as function: [] spawn YourTAG_fnc_randomWeather; Call the script file fn_randomWeather.sqf and place it in a scenario subfolder names functions. Then edit the description.ext file by putting standard function declaring: description.ext class CfgFunctions { class YourTAG { tag = "YourTAG"; class functions { file = "functions"; class randomWeather {}; }; }; }; If you use it in a function way you MUST call it from init.sqf in this way: if (isServer) then { [] spawn OFF_fnc_randomWeather; };
  5. I´m playing Arma since more than 15 Years, and in all the time a lot of my friends were saying, "yeah the games great and all, but we dont want to buy an gaming pc just for that, we stay on console". Well, i know it sounds stupid to suggest that, but it would be awesome to play arma on all Plattforms, so Playstation 5, Xbox and so on. I know the controller is not a possible alternative to the keyboard, but for me it could be a possibility to create scenarios on my PC, and when i want to play with some friends on Console, they can join in, but only got simple movements, so they can't go through all the stances or so. A little less complexisity but more of an "casual" shooter for non-pc gamers.
  6. 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment Branch: Milsim Main Language: English (We have members from all over the world) Timezone: Zulu Time (UTC/GMT) Operation Times: Usually weekends from 1800z (1100) - 2300z (1600) (Operations are posted at least 7 days in advance) Operation Type: All Required Mods: https://wiki.7cav.us/wiki/7th_Cavalry_Arma_3_Mod_Set Other essential info: The 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment, often referred to as "7Cav", is a long-standing Military Realism (MILSIM) unit that primarily plays first-person military shooter/simulation games. The Regiment was founded in October 2002, making it one of the oldest clans in the areas the Regiment covers. Joining 7Cav is a unique experience, with over 450 members across ARMA 3, Hell Let Loose (PC & Console), Escape from Tarkov and Battlefield 2042 we offer a community that provides realistic training, dedicated operations, and a simulated CAREER. Soldiers start as a recruit, but quickly advance through the ranks, earning medals and ribbons, and progressing through leadership development in a community dedicated to realism and in this case, historical authenticity. Arma 3 Career Pathway: https://7cav.us/threads/401/ Teamspeak information: https://wiki.7cav.us/wiki/Teamspeak Discord: https://discord.7cav.us/ Website: https://7cav.us/ Feel free to reach out to me with any questions either on these forums or through Discord. -2LT.Hess.J- A highlight of training from Charlie Company : Opportunities within 7th Cav include: Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, is the air asset of the 7th Cavalry. The mission of Alpha Company is to find, fix, and destroy the enemy through fire and maneuver; and to provide combat, combat support and combat service support in coordinated operations as an integral member of the combined arms team. Bravo Troop, 1st Battalion is an Armor & Cavalry sub-unit of the 7th Cavalry's First Battalion. The purpose of Bravo Troop is to find, fix, and destroy the enemy through direct and indirect fire; as well as providing reconnaissance and surveillance and Health Service Support to the Combined Arms Battalion. The mission of the Charlie Company is to close with and destroy the enemy with direct fires. Because of the Airborne capability, Charlie Company can conduct disruption operations in the enemy's rear area.
  7. About Us: (Semi-Serious, US EST, Multi-Era, Main Operation Attendance Encouraged) We are Trident Defense and Research OUR OPERATION TYPES: Ops range from HVT, Search and Destroy, to high tension Stealth Insertion and data retrieval. The era's we operate in constantly change and can range from time periods in WW2 to futuristic depending on what the unit votes. Branches: OPSCOM: Callsign "MERLIN" is high command (ZEUS) UNIT COMMANDER : Eagle GROUND COMBAT ELEMENT: Callsign "SCYTHE" is our backbone and the primary boots on the ground within the unit, their tasking can range from infiltration to full on assaults. Our ground forces are led by Team Leaders and NCO's, these positions grant people the ability to team lead and overall instruct what goes on with the ground forces during operations. As an operator your kit is based mostly on your choice aside from era restrictions. If you want to run an MG one day and a rifle another, you can. The only restrictions are medical roles since verification of skill in that field is required. SPECIALISTS: Callsign "OUTCAST" is our recon force, their primary goal is to join in on ops early to gain intel and take photos of key enemy installations and post it to our battle information channel. (ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED) SUPPORT ELEMENT: Anything that isn’t boots on ground or close to it. Support can be considered as our Armored elements, Air power or Logistics, Support, and Artillery. If you value the use of vehicles over small arms, this is the branch for you. Both elements work in tandem together during operations. AS STATED THERE ARE TWO ELEMENTS IN OUR SUPPORT SECTION: - AIR/ARMOR/UAV: Callsign “SABER” is our multipurpose support group that handles both Planes and Tanks. CAS, CASEVAC, Airstrikes, UAV support, etc. Anything that needs a crew is under their domain. - LOGISTICS AND SUPPORT: Callsign “WARHAMMER” are combat engineers and artillery men that can be sent out to build and construct FOBS, fortify key positions, resupply the ground combat element, or destroy targets with their fire support. OPERATION TIMES (OPS CAN BE REQUESTED MON-FRI AT ANY TIME IF ZEUS IS AVAILABLE AND YOU HAVE 3 OTHER MEMBERS TO ATTEND THE OP. OPERATIONS ARE PINGED IN OPS TAB OF DISCORD. PLEASE STATE YOUR ATTENDANCE IF POSSIBLE!) SUN: Free Day/Server Maintenance MON: 6-9 PM EST TUES: 11 AM-2 PM / EST 6-9 PM EST WED: 6-9 PM EST THURS: 11 AM-2 PM / 6-9 PM EST FRI: 6-9 EST SAT: MAIN OPERATION CAN START AT 18:00 PM OR 20:00 PM EST Note: IF YOU CANNOT MAKE MAIN OPS, PLEASE PUT IN A LOA IN THE LOA TAB! REQ: Age requirement of at least fifteen or older, and can speak English. This is a US East server. Side operations are optional, but Main operation attendance is encouraged. A working microphone, joining our discord,teamspeak 3, and modlist is required. RULES Be respectful of the other individuals in the server (Jokes are Jokes but do not openly harass staff or other members with malicious intent) If you have an issue let someone know, do not send unwanted private messages to people on the same level as you with an issue. Bring it up with someone in Operations for it to be solved. We are here to have fun, things are light outside of ops but in ops try to keep yourself focused on the op and with it at the center. Don't take items or weapons that do not exist in the era we are in (IE don't use WW2 gear in a future op) Contribute to what is done in ops, don't just lone wolf or specifically go out of your way to use equipment that will screw over a team instead of finding stuff that'll work with everyone else. Application process Just join the discord (https://discord.gg/JdbHsmetfp) and speak to one of our recruiters to get rolled and slotted. Currently in need of experienced or aspiring zeuses. Combat teams and medical personnel are in high demand as well. We hope to see you there o7
  8. INTRODUCTION The Operational Detachment Alphas 555, 2nd Battalion 5th Special Forces Group, commonly known as ODA 555 "Tripple Nickle" are a highly skilled and trained unit inside Joint Special Forces. We stand for having realistic and immersive experiences where teamwork and cohesion are key. In our operations, you will encounter every aspect of modern warfare. From the reconnaissance to logistics every part is important down to the last man. We are a newer unit that was recently attached to the Joint Force. ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ABOUT US Our view is to create a unique unit where there is focus lays on creating realistic and immersive operations where all aspects of modern warfare will be encountered. From the reconnaissance to logistics to communicating with civilians and obtaining intel/maintaining relations every part is important and will be seen within the unit's operations. We are working hard to make it a fun environment for our team members as well as making sure things are done right when we are in operations. ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ We are looking for individuals that are willing to do the following: 18Z- Operations Sergeant 18F- Intelligence Sergeant 18B- Weapons Sergeant 18C- Engineer Sergeant 18D- Medical Sergeant 18E -Communications Sergeant ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ OPERATIONS The Unit is currently in a deployment phase to Finland for a conflict. We are still working to grow our numbers and get people trained before the next operation date. ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ Monday: Team Trainings 8 PM EST Thursday: Unit Wide Training 8 PM EST Sunday: Main Unit Operation 8 PM EST ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ JOIN US! If you think you have it in you to become a Green Beret then join us! Discord
  9. BreadTruck96

    Arma 3 OPTRE: 89th JTF

    The 89th Joint Task Force is a MILSIM-Lite OPTRE unit. With a good handful of our members and leadership either active military or prior-military, a lot of what we do is very streamlined and informative. It also allows us to appease the more serious Mil-Sim members while still keeping our more casual members happy. We are also new player friendly; whether you are new to Arma or an Arma Veteran, our trainers will be happy to teach you everything you need to know to join the fight. We are primarily a Marine unit, however we are supported and supplemented by an aviation detachment as well as an ODST team. Roles available for training and use in operation vary from a number of ground combat MOS's, such as grenadier, auto rifleman, anti tank gunner, and more. https://discord.gg/SfBbMXMv6S
  10. Hello, I am looking for a few people to join my community Derbyshire RP Altis Life, I have little experience with Arma 3 editing however I am willing to work alongside any potential candidates and learn how to do things myself also.
  11. I'm currently editing my trainings mission with some spawning and admin management stuff and i noticed a new error that pops up when the mission is started. params["_player"]; if (!(isNull (findDisplay 999))) exitWith { closeDisplay 2; }; createDialog "adminMenu"; The code is from my openMenu function and the above mentioned error is thrown at line 3. Can't really tell where the issue lies, i already tried to remove the semicolon at "closeDisplay 2" but the result is the same!
  12. Task Force Apache, commonly referred to as TF Apache or TFA, is a MILSIM/realism ArmA 3 unit that prides itself on maintaining a professional atmosphere while having tons of fun. We utilize US Army rank structure, concepts, and stratagems that are more common and recognizable to military enthusiasts. With a little bit of training by some of our active and/or retired military personnel, any gamer can receive an insight into the workings of a modern military. As a community, we stand for mutual trust, teamwork, and accountability. We started the unit with 3 members in June 2021 and have nearly 50 trained members already on our roster. We work hard to keep our commitment to our members to deliver the best MILSIM experience possible. Schedule: OPs & Training Trainings - Wednesday 19:30 EST & Friday 13:00 EST Operations- Saturday 19:30 EST & Sunday 12:00 EST WHAT WE OFFER AT {TASK FORCE APACHE} -Welcoming environment for new and experienced players -Dedicated Training & Public OP server live 24/7 -Experienced & Professional Staff -Immersive Gameplay for all elements -Multiple Campaigns for operations -Custom made missions by dedicated Zeus Operators (Requirements) -Working Microphone -Must be over the age of 16 (Exceptions may be made) -Must have a copy of ArmA 3 Enlistment: 1. Join Discord: https://www.armamilsim.com/ 2. Submit application with template provided 3. Schedule Interview with any 79r recruiter Website: http://www.ArmaMilsim.com Discord: https://discord.gg/k5sMqHF5en
  13. Bingo-66d21d294c551e45

    Help with car noise

    I'm trying to make a good intro to my mission but you can't hear the voices of the people in the car, you can only hear the car. The issue is that the car is too loud. Would there be a way to lower the volume of the car for an amount of time? Cheers
  14. Who we are? Hell Bois is a group of players seeking to ultimately have fun, we are a fairly new group but our member list is ever so growing we're looking to meet new people and have a good time all around. We are based in Australia but anyone is welcome (English is a must) What we do? Every week we host a Milsim campaign, during the week/on our off days we host mini games, side operations and more! Why join? Put simply we want you to come have fun! Whilst we're serious in our milsim we're taking a more relaxed approach to the community as a whole and are putting an emphases on fun. How to join? Click on the link provided: DISCORD Requirements ► Must have a legal copy of Arma 3 ► Must speak proficient English ► Must have a working Microphone ► Willing/Able to play during Australian time zone (AEDT/AEST)
  15. Bingo-66d21d294c551e45

    Help with sleep command

    Hello I'm trying to create a battle royal zone type thing. I've been trying to use the sleep command and it does not seem to be working, Any pointers? the error is '...= [1,2,3,4] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; sleep 1; if (_random == 1) then {...' Error Generic error in expression. Thanks
  16. Screenshots of what is happening: https://imgur.com/gallery/Cu1YUHX I cannot figure out how to get regular units to appear in the Respawn > Loadouts tab of the Zeus menu, on community maps. They appear just fine on Bohemia's default Zeus missions, but on any Zeus mission made by myself or the community the loadout screen stays blank. This is very annoying when wanting to play scenarios in Total Conversion mods, where I'd like my players to be able to respawn as various units from the mod's available roster. (Space Marines in There Is Only War, Stormtroopers in SW: Opposition, etc). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Good morning, I would like to know if it is possible to put a video in a workshop mod and then show it on a server to all players. Currently I know how to create a mod in the workshop to put custom music but I would like to know if it is possible and how to put a video in the mod to subsequently put a command on a server to be played to all players. I have tried to search but I have not found a way, if anyone knows how to do it I would be very grateful.
  18. Hey, I'm new to this so please bear with me. I am looking for front view images of 2035 UN Peacekeepers (Canadian Army, woodland camouflage pattern with blue UN helmet covers and blue vests). I currently do not have any access whatsoever to Arma 3, and I'm trying to get a good visual reference for my writing project that features the lore of Arma 3. here's what I found originally, however they are only the back view and side view: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/832512818119062953/5E7FE33B2D02C81A883B7BA1ACE39FDB7E63C94C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false and https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/832512818119062328/61B9BA541F45BE1FAB2808AE829F04D96AB72CD3/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false Preferrably with a MX rifle (RCO hybrid optic mounted) thanks for working with me, I hope you all are doing well!
  19. Old school Chernarus wasteland! We have reached the final stage of development. Now we need your help to stress test, find errors and most importnantly - make suggestions on the server. We re-launched last year aswell and the server population got up to 80 players in the evenings! This time we have made a lot of improvements so excpect us to last longer this time. 📷 The open beta test starts TONIGHT, September 19 at 5 PM CET or 18:00 MSK. The server itself launches later this month. More info on our Discord : https://discord.gg/xb5ejV2R Also check out our Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tcfwasteland
  20. Got a Vanilla Server Working great, but when I attempt to add mod files into the server and try to join through the launcher the server is reading it differently. (E.g. (The server has: CBA_A3 V1.23.4)( I Have: CBA_A3) ) I realise the issue is that the mods are different due to the file names, but how can I rectify this issue on the server.
  21. Hello dear people, this is my first forum topic and please dont kill me if I do everything wrong! I am a beginner server administrator and trying to get some things to work. I rented a A3Wasteland server and got it running with https://github.com/MayhemServers/MAYHEM_A3Wasteland.Altis mission. Now theres an addons folder and I try to get some of them working but nothing I tried was a success. For example the buryDeadBody addon can someone explain how to get it running? Im thankful for any help and tipps 😃 Also theres an AI_Spawner folder but I dont get it running too. We hoped to have a nice Wasteland server with occasionally spawning AI troops to support or attack. Im trying my best but its hard. Thank you guys in advance. Nils
  22. So i´ve been seraching for like an hour now but i can´t figure out where to set the startup parameters for a linux dedicated server i just want to enable autoinit so the mission starts when the server is started but where and how ?
  23. I have recently gotten myself into Arma 3 and I only fly helicopters, I am using the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick which is basically a T16000M but with Airbus stuff. I am using the integrated slider for the collective(analog). I noticed am only flying level like 150kmh with max throttle and if I push the nose down I will lose altitude. But when I am holding shift which is binded to the collective, I can fly a lot faster without losing the altitude. I do not want to hold shift when flying. Is there a work around?
  24. Hi, I'm relatively new to mapmaking and have been so far learning through trial and error (mostly error), but am currently rather stumped with a problem vastly outside my base of experience. I am trying to set a trigger to activate when players collect any 3 pieces of intel (of 6 available), regardless of the combination of intel collected. Only 3 pieces need to be found, and currently I am referencing their collection via a seperate trigger with 'thisNull objectName', as the intel is deleted on pickup, and then trying to get another trigger to check 'triggerActivated triggerName' (horribly inefficient, I know). Apologies if this doesn't make much sense, its 3am and mission making has fried my brain. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  25. I am learning a ton about the game but I cant seem to find the classname for a door in an addon vehicle. Help!