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  1. Been fighting trying to edit the 2.6 version of c030 ACE Domination Takistan for awhile now but cant seem to get it to work..can edit the non ACE version version bnut the mission sqm's are different in each wich is why I think its not showing up in the mpeditor..I can depbo it just fine but it doesnt show up..just shows the map with nothing on it..here are both of the mission sqm files: Non ACE version of 2.6..just a portion of it..its pretty big but you get the idea: version=11; class Mission { addOns[]= { "CA_Modules_ARTY", "camisc3", "takistan", "cacharacters_e", "CAAir_E_UH60M", "caair_e_ch_47f", "CAWheeled_E_stryker", "CAWheeled_E", "camisc_e_wf", "camisc_e", "CAAir_E_AH6J", "CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1", "ca_modules_functions" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "cacharacters_e", "CA_Modules_ARTY", "ca_modules_functions", "caair_e_ch_47f", "CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1", "CAAir_E_UH60M", "CAWheeled_E_stryker", "camisc_e", "CAWheeled_E", "camisc_e_wf", "camisc3", "CAAir_E_AH6J", "takistan" }; randomSeed=6464821; class Intel { briefingName="co30 DomiOA! West [2.60]"; briefingDescription="by Xeno"; startWeather=0; forecastWeather=0; year=2007; month=6; day=6; hour=0; minute=0; }; class Groups { items=29; class Item0 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles ACE Version example: raP -‘ version Mission Z Intro 5 OutroWin àOutroLoose … -‘ addOns CA_Modules_ARTY camisc3 takistan cacharacters_e CAAir_E_UH60M caair_e_ch_47f CAWheeled_E_stryker CAWheeled_E camisc_e_wf camisc_e CAAir_E_AH6J CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 ca_modules_functions ace_sys_air_refuel ace_sys_repair ace_sys_easa ace_main acex_veh_brdm CATracked_E cawheeled_e_brdm2 acex_veh_btr70 addOnsAuto cacharacters_e CA_Modules_ARTY ca_modules_functions ace_main caair_e_ch_47f CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 CAAir_E_UH60M CAWheeled_E_stryker camisc_e ace_sys_repair CAWheeled_E camisc_e_wf camisc3 CAAir_E_AH6J ace_sys_air_refuel acex_veh_brdm CATracked_E cawheeled_e_brdm2 acex_veh_btr70 takistan randomSeed 5Â¥b Intel 2 Groups í Vehicles X5 Markers çZ Sensors ‡ 5 briefingName co@30 Domination OA! ACE West [2.60n] briefingDescription by Xeno startWeather forecastWeather year × month day hour minute í items Item0 ] Item1  Item2 ! Item3 ² Item4 l Item5 ' Item6 i# Item7 V$ Item8 /% Item9 ê% Item10 Â¥& Item11 `' Item12 ( Item13 Ö( Item14 ‘) Item15 L* Item16 + Item17 Â+ Item18 }, Item19 9- Item20 õ- Item21 ±. Item22 m/ Item23 )0 Item24 Ã¥0 Item25 ¡1 Item26 ]2 Item27 3 Item28 Õ3 Item29 ‘4 X5 side WEST Vehicles }  items Item0 Å¡ I open both with notepad but ACE version looks all jumbled up... My goal for editing is simply add vehicles, barracks,ammo boxes,support vehicles etc to the base...I play this version with just a couple friends and we do mainly sidemissions and I'd like to have the base fully equipped the way I want it...just having a tough time getting it to work..any help would be great..Ive done everything that was replied to in older posts but still have issues with the ACE 2.6 version....want to get this edited because playing without ACE just isnt the same..lol Thanks! JC
  2. HyperU2

    Gun politics

    Unless it's a rap song.
  3. I've had Arma 2 (and operation arrowhead) for a few months now. They both worked perfectly from moment I installed them, and Arma 2 still does; but everytime I try to start Operation Arrowhead (or either of it's expansions now that I've bought them), a window comes up reading: File C:\Documents and Settings\carter\MyDocuments\ArmA 2\carter.ArmA2AOProfile, line 0: '.raP': '[]' encountered instead of '=' I found the file "carter.ArmA2AOProfile" in My Documents, but I can't edit (or even open it) in any way. Does anyone know if this problem is fix-able? I've been itching to play BAF and PMC for the first time....
  4. jblackrupert

    England 'Riots'

    Mark Duggan known gang member pulled a gun on a cop. Chances are he had a rap sheet as long as my arm. According to report his last message on his phone was "The feds are following me" There is also an interview with the parents that has them saying he had a gun in a sock and then trying to use the excuse that there is no possible way he could have been able to use it because bullets can't go through socks. PF35okWtmEs Pay attention at 1:26 Just like the L.A Riots. Rodney King a convicted felon high on PCP was used as an excuse to do this. I'm not condoning the beatdown he got but given he was flying high on PCP he likely was not complying with the police. ---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ---------- You might want to have a word with the black people saying otherwise. [see video above] Wisconson state fair. 2 days of attacks on whites Dozens of "Flash mob" attacks on stores across the US and now spreading to the UK R_R1_afLRNo This is not some isolated incident. If I were in Toronto right now I'd pop by the Canadian National Exhibition on the closing day and shoot some video there. The looting, assualts, muggings there have been a yearly event since the early 80's. It's labour day here in Canada on that day but the Carnies call it Black Monday for a reason.
  5. As said, readability is no problem because you can let tools like Squint preProcess the files (and hopefully your IDE too).Same you do with configs -> rap -> unrap -> readable, or dump the ingame memory config to AllInOneConfig. Admittedly, the macros are more intended to improve development than readability (for those unfamilair with the macros). TBH I have often considered 'binarizing' script files (preprocessing in this case) when pbo-ing for release, but never got around to it. Defines/Ifdefs/etc and macros are IMO rather related and both introduce a level of obscurity unless preProcessed. Perhaps macros have been more widely accepted for configs, but I personally see little difference, especially with the 'preProcess' capabilities available for both configs and scripts. Putting everything in functions can also be seen as a sort of obscurity, yet clearly more acceptable. Descriptive naming goes a long way in all cases. If the scripting engine / config definitions would get to the level of languages like Python or Ruby (both don't even have possibilities for defines/macros afaik), which has a lot more syntactic sugar and meta programming etc, then the arguments IMO make sense against Macros etc. Namespaces. They count just as well for scripting as they do for configs.Surely less for missions than for addons (which we primarily make), but if I'd design a mission it would be with the same namespace rules anyway. #define PREFIX ACE #define COMPONENT sys_wounds GVAR(enabled) = false; // ACE_sys_wounds_enabled = false;
  6. Sgt. Jones

    Man killed by teen video gamers

    Actually they are marketing them to teenagers. They make a game that appeals to 13 - 20 year olds and then slap a label on it that says you have to be 17 to buy it. They do so knowing that their target audience will find a way around the age requirement. There aren't any substantial punishments for the merchants or parents who purchase them for people who purchase them for people under 17. I have seen GTA Vice City, and it's predecessors, and can definately say that those games were not written for adults. I do agree that media culture has had a major influence on our lives. Some movies, some television, some video games, and the whole rap/gangsta culture thing haven't been doing us a whole lot of good as humans. I wanted to add a little bit to this post. My hobbies include, and have included over the years: PnP rolepalying games (Runequest being the best) Video Games Paintballing Shooting Boxing and Martial Arts Between that and my job I have had more than an average exposure to violence and violent culture. I don't believe that violent games, genres, etc. will cause a well adjusted person to commit violence. But I don't think we're talking about well adjusted individuals in this case. We're talking about amoral children that are in the age range where they feel ten feet tall and bulletproof and also don't exactly have a thought process that recognizes things like consequences. Through my employment, I deal with 18-25 year olds on a regular basis and don't see much of an emphasis on personal responsibility for much of.... anything. Now I will qualify that last statement by saying that the majority of those people have elected to get into trouble to one level or another. But many of the same juvenile thought processes are still going on in the 20+ year olds. Such as the "pack mentality" i.e. if others are doing it, or with me, then I can really act out and we never rat anyone out no matter what they do. So when I see GTA (and it's glorification of random violence), or hear a rap song where someone's talking about shooting someone, I don't see anything but garbage.
  7. Its possible to edit mission.sqf in domi 2.60 ? i see only: raP ąz version Mission Z Intro —x OutroWin My OutroLoose z ąz addOns cacharacters2 chernarus CAAir CAWheeled2_LAV25 camisc3 CABuildings
  8. not when i was kid, not "in socialist society" we had in TV cult of science i enjoyed with friends playing footbal, glue models, construct furniture or looking how Tom is making his loudspeakers etc. in college (secondary school in PL) or his first amplifier for guitar i live in Praga, it is "Polish Brooklyn" and i see how big is difference in growing of youth comparing to me growing in socialism time they play violent games, they listen to rap and they are very rude, agressive, self confident instead of shy, noone teaches them savoir-vivre, they can kick or spit on older woman on street and such like they not play football as we, they sit on bodybuilding taking amfetamine , they train martial arts and rob in schools in socialism we had "klub młodzieżowy, klub modelarski" - model social club for teenagers... they were gone in begin of 90s :/ state officers took care that kids won't be gangsters but modellers, constructors , engineers , i was going on painting lessons to "pałac młodzieży" - lessons in pencil drawing in Pałac Kultury(palace of culture and science) i see the difference between generations - my generation and my friends who grown on tv shows like "Laboratorium, Sonda, Rambit" (scientific shows about math, laboratory, science, physics) and young that play games, watch MTV and watch all day "gangsta movies" and i think it should be cut and back to time when in tv all looked like Discovery Channel but when you say about age 16-20 and games... man, i meant KIDS, they are 8-10-14 i don't mean teenagers or nearly grown people i mean kids who are 8 or 12 and due to addiction to games are very agressive in home (which i know from my friends from work who have children in such age)
  9. ^- Made lot's of models myself, it's a great hobby, sadly I lack the space for them now. I know what you mean, but you never played "police and robbers" on the schoolyard? nothing like that? I don't want to step on anyones toes, just saying that thinking that violent games will make kids agressive is BS. Through there is the school shootings and other stuff taking it as a "primary" reason is BS. There are far deeper layers of the psyche at work there. It's pretty much like saying that listening to rap will make kids smoke weed and become gangsters, doing drive-by's. Now, everyone can speak of personal experience, and mine isn't the nicest, I've seen some rather disturbing stuff as a child, played violent games, seen some in-family BS, been training Judo for 9 years, and other Martial Arts my whole life, AND YET no matter which one of my friends, ex-girlfriends you ask, they'll tell you that I'm a nice person. I don't endorse violence, no matter how much I'm used to it. I agree that today's youth is...well...broken for the most part, but dropping this on games is not the right way, closing up the aggressive kids somewhere is not the right way, as most psychologists will tell you that the aggression is just an outcry of far deeper problems. Yeah I know what it sounds like, but trust me, as a kid one of the most important things you can get is respect, love and time from parents, and if this three things are not given, then a kid may go awry on you. In my view, games are not the issue, parents are. Unrelated: I LOVED constructor! We did have this in school, never could find it again later... :D
  10. ArmAriffic

    Take On Music

    I only really listen to Linkin Park and rap music so the in game user radio idea is nice for me
  11. Haha, for a more advanced version I am going to replicate the system (including colors and lay out) according to the TM. The gunner basically plays the gunner and assistant gunner, choosing the right round, charge, fuze, and fuze settings (including fuze time). Its essentially the same system I have implemented (though a bit more automated and less hands on) in ACE for the M119 105mm light gun. It is mostly for a combination of timing player controlled missions and introducing the possibility of crew error. There will be the ability to man only the AFCS and let AI do the rest though. 1) Traverse lock I think is planned to be animated, I know I am going to at least allow the stow function to work in the dialog either way. Spades would be really nice. Right now the thing rolls back like half a meter on super 8s or MACS 5 at anything under about 800 mills! :eek: So spades would probably be beneficial. 2) New shell configs, new damage values, etc. Effects will probably be new depending on help/time. 3) The initial release will have DPICM, ILLUM, SMOKE, and HE (M795, no M107), all using MOFA fuzes (expensive, but easy to simulate :p). RAP and Copperhead depend on a few technical things at the moment, the same for Excal. I'd also like to add in FASCAM and BONUS/SADARM type rounds as well eventually, but not in the initial release and possibly only for ACE depending on the technical nature (though making it really isn't that much work to implement them, and have already experimented with a BONUS like round). ---------- Post added at 04:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 AM ---------- Haha, if you check the AFCS in those pictures you will notice something very similar on the one in game. ;)
  12. I'm curious, what references did you use for those images? I've never seen the eye-bolt lifting plugs painted yellow before, they have always come in OD green (or rarely in black). It just looks...different...in yellow. Excellent work, the image is spot-on with the exception of the font color (units I've used have always been more yellow-ish). And honestly, the orange-ish color you use looks better, easier to read. I've pulled lanyards long enough to know that there is nothing really exciting about gunning a Paladin. And considering the fact that you aren't actually loading and ramming the shell/charge manually, hooking up, etc then what's the point of even having a human "gunner"? I fully understand the reasoning behind letting players only act as either driver or chief. I did have a few questions though that I didn't see asked/answered already: 1) Is the traverse lock animated, and able to function? Do you have any plans to give the spades the ability to be used? 2) The shells used are default BIS shells, or something new to the addon? Same with effects/specs? 3) As new shell effects are created, do you have plans to add them to the addon via future updates? I'm hoping to eventually see a combination of HE, DPICM, ILLUM, SMOKE, RAP, and even Copperhead. Note: My images are thumbnails, click on them for larger images.
  13. missing requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters2"}; dependency definition. + Line 25 Rap: duplicate classname (+ more of these) Check the log. It is likely said there too.
  14. That's a misrepresentation of what was said which was, ironically, a complaint about _inacuracies_ in the simulation - ie the inability to interrupt animations and lag in the feedback loop between expressing an intent to move via a control input and actually sensing that move occuring. Your implied argument that the current system is fine because it is 'fair' is specious - I don't suppose either of us would enjoy playing a game where the delay between input and response was 10 seconds, even if it was the same for everybody. Funny you should say that but that's NOT why we're all here (well, me at least). Frankly I couldn't care less that the uniform the avatars are wearing is exactly the right hue or that the MARPAT (whatever that is) is patterned accurately to the nearest millimeter. I hate to disappoint you but the reason I'm here is that ArmA 2 is fantastic fun when I play it in MP against other humans. Fortunately many of the reasons I think it's a fun _game_ align with why other people (rather pretentiously) think it's a _simulator_ - ie there is no dolphin-diving, bunny-hopping or instant-spin 360. Every shot counts, weapons are (kind of) realistically portrayed and it's not just a reflex-based twitch fest. ;) Of course, from BIS's perspective it's neither simulator nor game, but _business_ and so they have an interest in making changes that expand the player-base. Personally I'm all for that, even if it leads to changes I don't like but there is a small but vocal minority here who seem to think that BIS should the perfect game just for them. By all means continue arguing against a straw-man if you wish but you are completing missing the point. :D Fantastic - we agree on more than you think then :) And some of us have been playing for more than 10 years and remember how vibrant the community was for OFP both in Co-op and PvP. Now, there may be many reasons why the competitive MP scene is now just a shadow of what it was for OFP but certainly one common complaint from people who moved from OFP to ArmA was the 'clunkiness' of the animations. ArmA 2 improved those tremendously of course but there is still room for improvement. The poll has less than 200 votes in it. That's not a terribly high number and I think one has to be careful about drawing firm conclusions from results (fun fact: in contrast, squint has well over 1000 users and that's for an editing tool!). As I've said before, the people who are likely to participate in the beta program (and hence this poll) are skewed towards those who don't play MP and who (particularly recently) have an interest in AI changes. Even if you accept that there really are much fewer MP/PvP players around, the poll is a bit like asking patrons of the local opera theatre whether they should start scheduling rap concerts in order to bring in more business. The people who already attend are only likely to give one answer and those who might give a different answer aren't there to differ. Actually the poll says "Like the animation changes?" I voted yes because I see that as a choice between No: Never make make any more changes vs Yes: I don't like these in particuarly but please do keep improving the animations Others,no doubt, see it as a choice between No: These are wrong, but please do keep improving them vs Yes : Keep these new ones exactly and never make another change ;) Spot on - and funnily enough I think we all agree on that - just have a difference of opinion about how best to get there ! :)
  15. Mac.Arma is a collection of utility classes I've written over the years distributed in the form of a .net assembly. This may be useful to any C# programmers out there. This is very much WIP and I'll be adding more classes and as I clean them up and create documentation. Currently included * Mac.Arma.Files - classes that allow you to manipulate pbo files Coming soon(ish) * Rap/Unrap and classes to represent a config file as a tree of elements * Tokeniser, preprocessor and parser for sqf/sqm files * Instance class to allow querying of installed versions of arma There is doxygen documentation (sample) Here's a small snippet (looks much prettier in the link above)... You can read more and download mac.arma from my homepage.
  16. Eviscerator

    Awp sniper rifle by smith !

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Feb. 04 2003,22:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ Feb. 04 2003,21:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">edit: rap, it doesnt look like a reskin to me, looks like a brand new model<span id='postcolor'> You can download the cs model here, http://www.counterstrikecenter.com/ <span id='postcolor'> i wasnt denying it was a cs converted model, i meant it wasnt a reskin of the AWP, but rap has told me 'skin' in the cs world includes a model...which is just strange....
  17. mrcash2009

    ArmA2:OA Beta Patch Build 77706

    A nice set of updates, pretty much a rap-sheet of what was noted about by people in the previous beta :) Good work chaps, will try this out tonight.
  18. BadgerDK

    Arma2 Languages

    Sometimes it sounds like Takistani rap, it's a very rhythmical affair. And an annoying one, I always end up on Bluefor because of it :/
  19. and you have 6 posts, wow good bye too :P --- there comes a day when rambo cod kids came to army and said to corporal : - hi, i want black vest to look badass, i don't want green vest, cause it doesn't look special forces, and i want HK 416 SCAR in digital camo, not M4 cause it is odd, and he said i want bandana on my head and they get kick from corporal if you dont accept that Arma is aiming to be mil-sim, go away with all your "suggestions" Arma is "cheap VBS for public, continuation of unique OFP" if for you DR, CoD is better, than don't spoil our fun and love it reminds me situation : there are 99 disco in town playing disco music there is one small club and metal is played there there comes kid "turn off that noise, play some love songs from Britney and Madonna" you have 99 clubs where they play Madonna, go to hell, cause we love to hear Metallica and we do not want our "only one unique" club to turn into mainstream shit, i dont want "all to be the same" cause i am hardcore OFP/Arma fan and i dont even touch other games , i have installed ONLY Arma now , nothing more i would need i hate such attitute like in 2000s cause some years ago we had for example "only disco music at 30 radio stations" and people who listen to rap, classic, metal, blues had only MP3 and CD cause it was not present in single radio station from 78 to 108 MGHz FM , it was horror that no mater how you turn scale on your radio, you hear only disco, those time ended for god sake , but from time to time i read appeals on internet to rock-radio that they should play other music this is not a love song
  20. Baff1

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    There is always a lure towards gansta. Gangster movies... Gangsta rap. The fashionable role models are ever present. Or a real life lure. Easy money. Guns can get you power and respect if you use them that way, like you see on the TV daily. But if you are a lisenced gun owner you are scared of using them that way or they will be taken from you. So in my mind a good parent teaches his children about guns and gets them all lisenced up at the earliest possibilty so that they have an entirely different model to base their attitudes on. So that the same connection is only made under the heading of "entertainment". An idle fantasy rather than a practical method for achieving what you want. That said, that feeling of power/security is always there. Keeping it in check is the responsability part. Being conscious of the fear it can provoke in others or the physical danger it presents. So we teach our children not to point guns at people. Where they can use them safely etc. What happens to people who do not. Many of the people in my neighbourhood have guns. Most of the families here that I know. Country life. I can here gunfire outside my window right now for example. It's not in anyway alarming for me. I hear it every day. But we don't associate them with crime because we aren't criminals. That's not what legally lisenced guns get used for. (As a rule that is, lets not forget that massacres and murders do still occour). I just feel that if left prohibited in totality, the only role models children are left with are the bad ones.
  21. Unless I really missed something, there's nothing really "new." After de-pbo'ing tracked_e and un-rap'ing the Bradley's config.bin there's a bunch of new hiddenselection params that all seem to add up to the same tan texture we already had. Oh well, just got my hopes up. The other changes in the patch are much appreciated. :D
  22. FYI, urban legend that you need to copy all configs to your project/working folder. If you de-pbo all PBO's including the BIN, CORE, DTA etc etc as well as all the buildings and plants etc into P drive/CA, then UN-RAP all the config.bin files in CA, you should find (like I did) that ladders and doors will work fine.
  23. geeze.. how about a link? http://www.kegetys.net/arma/ KEG TOOLS Contains the following ArmA tools: - cpbo v2.12 - PBO extractor/repacker - unRap v1.06 - For decoding raP encoded files (such as config.bin), sample output - PAAplug v1.2 - PAA format plugin for Adobe Photoshop - UE SQF Highlight - SQF/SQS Syntax highlighting for UltraEdit, screenshot - cpbo now has an optional GUI for selecting files to extract: right click a PBO and select 'Extract PBO...' to show the dialog. (run the cpbo.exe first to create the registry association) - PAAplug support for loading ArmA 2 LZO compressed PAA files - PAAPlug fix for FLAG tag saving (mipmap filtering) Updates in 30.3.2007 release: - unRap class fix - UE syntax highlight fixes & updates happy learning!
  24. USMC Sniper

    What sort of music do you listen to?

    I listen to classic rock mainly, such as Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Styx. Two things I really hate: rap and reggae. I dont know why so many teens here like rap, its just crappy songs with a single beat, and sung by people who cant sing. Last year, one kid brought some reggae, and man, that was terrible!
  25. Jester983

    What sort of music do you listen to?

    Kids always give me this wierd look when i say that i like oldies over punk and hip hop. Ive never really been into music. if theres some song thats on that i like ill listein too it. I hate Rap! Rap is crap.